Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 15, 1936, Page Four, Image 4

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    Eric W. Allen
Gets $1500
Travel Award
Dean to Spend Summer
Jn Germany, Austria
Studying Aspects
Of Teutonic Life
Trustees of the Oberlaender
Trust of the Carl Schurz Memorial
Foundation notified Dean Eric W.
Allen of the school of journalism
yesterday that he had been award
ed a grant of $1,500 for travel and
study in the German speaking
countries of Europe.
Dean Allen will spend the sum
mer in Germany and Austria,
studying those aspects of German
life and organization that may
throw light on state and local
problems of Oregon. He will be
accompanied by Mrs. Allen and by
their youngest son, Bill.
Outlines Plans
“My plan includes only incident
al attention to international poli
tics, military tension, and that
sort of thing," said Dean Allen
last night. “1 shall try to find out
what is being done in housing, city
and regional planning, liquor con
trol, power distribution, recrea
tional facilities, relief, economic
reconstruction, local administra
tion and in various cultural fields.
Of course, I shall study the news
papers, other forms of journalism,
and the new German schools of
Leaves in June
Dean Allen will probably leave
immediately after the examinations
in June. “I should like to go ear
lier or stay longer," he said, “and
I have a leave of absence already
voted by the state board several
years ago and postponed for fu
ture use. But enrollment is very
heavy this year, and problems
seem numerous. It will be neces
sary to go over the situation with
President Boyer. I am not very
optimistic about arrangements for
a longer stay. Perhaps Mrs. Allen
will go over earlier and meet me
Smith’s Classes Study
Oregon Geography
The advanced students of War
ren D. Smith’s geography classes
are continuing their work this
term on Oregon geography. The
class meets on Tuesday. Students
carry on individual research out
side of class to receive credit for
the course.
Geography classes arc at present
studying Italy and the Italian sit
uation in Ethiopia. This requires
a knowledge of northern Africa, so
projects on this subject are also
being carried out.
Srt of Gootho
Offer«*<l as Prize
A set of Goethe’s books consist
ing of six volumes printed by the
Insel-Verlag will be given as a
prize to some ambitious German
student who has had a minimum
of two years of German, Prof. F.
G. G. Schmidt announced yester
Goethe’s works will be given as
a prize for distinctive work in the
field of Germanics or cultural re
lations. For more detailed infor
mation students are asked to see
Professor Schmidt.
America’s Greatest Financier
A camera study that brings out with striking faithfulness every
facial feature of America’s greatest financier is this latest exclusive
picture of J. I*. Morgan, who recently testified that insults, not loans,
caused the United States to enter the World War.
Records Show Government
Leaders Prefer Collegians
(Editor's note: The following is
an article by Arnold Senvor, who
writes an “Around Washington”
column for the Associated Collegi
ate I'ress.)
In the third year of the New
Deal most division chiefs in Wash
ington are found to be of the opin
ion that tlie day of the old style
government clerk and government
official is over, that the college
trained man and woman will
eventually replace them in all pos
itions of any importance.
The emphasis is not so much on
youth as it is on the possession of
a broad background to supplement
training or information in a partic
ular field. And it is felt by bureau
heads that such a background is
most frequently found among col
lege trained applicants for govern
ments jobs.
One reason for this may be that
in Washington today bureaus often
change overnight, take on new
names and new functions in order
to meet special emergencies. En
tirely new staffs to do the new
work are not advisable. What gov
ernment officials usually think i;i
preferable is to have people on
their staffs whose equipment is
equal to making lightning changes
from one type of work to another,
as their sections take on new
Another reason is that the wider
the field of knowledge of an em
ployee, the more likely he will be
to get inspirations for the solution
of difficult problems and tough as
signments. It may sound a bit far
fetched but there have been some
hard nuts cracked, some seemingly
hopeles tangles unraveled because
someone remembered something
Plato wrote or Johnson said that
strangely enough contained in it
the kernel of an idea from which
the solution of an official problem
or departmental dilemma was
evolved. And bits of college-taught
psychology, sociology, and econo
mies have raised their welcome
heads in strange corners in many
bureaus and saved the day time
and time again.
For these and other reasons gov
ernment chiefs, especially in the
new bureaus, are showing an in
creasing preference for college
people. However, they want college
graduates with both feet on the
ground. They’re strong for burning
enthusiasm and glowing idealism
but not beyond the point where it
becomes entirely divorced from
realities and probabilities. There
are mountains, they point out to
new young college people they hire,
Rough Going for Holiday Travelers at Sea
Broadway, which lately has la-en made a Kaleidoscope of co.nr as theater business booms, again lived
up to its designation of pre-neon sign days, “The Great White Way," when the first heavy snowstorm of
the season d aped it in an ermine mantle, against which the glowing lights shone like a grande dame's
jewels. That's Broadway at left, looking north from With Street across l.ongaere Square.
Beaux Arts
Ball Will Be
Saturday Night
Costumes Required
At Winter Term
Masquerade Danee;
Ethiopia Is Motif
The Beaux Arts ball, annual
winter informal dance, will be
given Saturday evening in Ger
linger hall, sponsored by the art
school. Costumes are required but
they need not be elaborate. It is
the only masquerade dance of the
year on the campus. It is not re
quired that masks be worn but
they help get the dancers into the
spirit of the evening.
Throughout the dance the motif
of Ethiopia will be carried out with
mural paintings and wall decora
tions made by students of the art
school. The complete decorations
are in charge of Sam Fort.
Dance Is Campus Affair
Up until recent years the Beaux
Arts ball was given only for art
students, but since then it has been
open to everyone on the campus.
The charge will be 75 cents a
The committee chairmen for the
ball are as follows: general chair
man, Kermit Paulson; tickets,
Harvey Johnson; programs, Stew
art Mockfort; advertising, Don
Parks; music, Leland Terry;
patrons and patronesses, Ebba
The patrons and patronesses will
be Mr. and Mrs. Deal Lawerence,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. B. Willcox,
Mr. Jiro Harada, Mr. and Mrs. S.
S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. P. Adams,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Vincent, Mr. and
Mrs. Lance Hart, Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Hayden, Mr. and Mrs.
Eyler Brown, and Mr. and Mrs.
David McCosh.
Buck McGowan's orchestra will
supply the music for the evening.
that cannot be moved in a day, nor
by the most direct method.
The WPA, the NR A, the AAA,
the new Social Security Board and
the National Labor Relations
Board being formed, can be
counted on to show a strong pre
dilection for college people, when
ever adding personnel. In the old
line departments the Children’s
Bureau and the Bureau of Labor
Statistics, the Department of j
Agriculture and the Department!
of the Interior are outstanding for
the emphasis placed on, college
training in considering applicants
for jobs.
Of course, whenever out and out
technicians and professional people
are required, such as physicists
and chemists for the Bureau of
Standards, engineers for the PWA,
etc., college trained people have al
most complete preference, even
where it is possible to pick up the
required training in industry.
One type of college person that
comes to grief here however is the
young man or woman who projects
classroom data into the office too
obviously. Division officials prefer
academic theory checked against
day by day observation. They do
not, by the way, have any objec
tion to anyone making an academic
theory out of experience gained
through government work. It hap
pens constantly. It is not an exag
geration to say that a whole series
of new postulates about prices
could be worked out at a result
of the data accumulated by young
people associated with AAA price
maneuvering. And the contribu
tions to sociological research of
FERA field people, all of them col
lege trained, is comparable to the
best research being done in that
field by academic bodies.
There may be a shift in the;
trend, a shift away from the grow
ing emphasis toward employing
college graduates. If there is the
result will be a slowing down of
governmental machinery. It will
become fumbling and certainly will
be less capable of meeting emer
gencies or creating precedents. But
bureau heads scarcely think this
kvill happen. On the contrary, they
think the time is rapidly approach
ing when we shall do as the Eng
lish do, specifically train college
people interested in doing govern
ment work for government service
PETITE SHOP for dressmaking.
573 E. 13th St. Phone 3208.
BOARD AND ROOM for college
student. $1S a month. Splendid
meals. Comfortably lodging. Call
297S-R. 1635 Ferry St.
LOST—Black Parker fountain pen
with gold band and name, Ed
Welch, on it. Finder please re- j
turn to Phi Gamma Delta.
Haile’s Advisor
With Emperor Haile Selassie’s
departure from Addis Ababa for
the front, great power is entrust
ed to the ruler’s financial advisor,
Everett A. Coulson, above, Ironton,
O., economist. Coulson has played
a large part in shaping the for
eign policy of Ethiopia that has
enlisted the aid of the League of
Nations. He has been at his pres
ent post since 1930.
Bureau Sends
City Bulletins
Municipal Research
Body Compiles Facts
Bulletins on “Auditing Policies
and Practices of Oregon Cities,”
and "The Operation of a City
Owned Machine Shop by 'Small
Cities” have been sent out by the
bureau of municipal research, an
nounces Betty Anne Macduff,
The latter bulletin was done in
cooperation w'ith the League of
California Cities. This material is
compiled from questionnaires sent
out to various cities throughout
the state, results being tabulated
in bulletin forms.
Tonight Charles V. Galloway,
chairman of the state tax com
mission, will speak over KOAC on
“Opportunities for Paying Delin
quent Taxes.” A series of broad
casts on municipal government is
sponsored by the League of Ore
gon Cities and the Bureau of Mu
nicipal Research of the University
of Oregon every Wednesday from
7:45 to 8:05 p. m. During five
minutes in these broadcasts, which
have been sponsored for two years,
news notes on city and state gov
ernment are given.
Next Wednesday, Fred Merry
field, assistant professor of civil
engineering at Oregon State col
lege, will talk on “Engineering
Problems in Securing an Adequate
Municipal Water Supply.”
Send the Emerald to your friend3.
Subscription rates $2.50 a year.
Commercial Printing
6ti East Broadway
1122 Olive Street
Phone 812
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register all week on this
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for Deeea Record No. 578.
39 East 10th Street
News From Other Schools
No Stiffs at University
Of West Virginia
Medical students at the Univer
sity of West Virginia refer to
their cadavers as “hicks” not, as
is the almost universal custom, as
“stiffs,” and therein lies a tale.
It seems that in the old days
the cadavers were entrusted upon
arrival to the one and only uni
versity janitor, a campus charac
ter who spent much of his time
loitering in the class rooms. One
day he heard a professor of Latin,
who was discussing the Aeneid,
use the phrase “Hie jacet” (here
he lies.)
Thereafter, upon the arrival of
each new cadaver, the janitor
would discourse as follows: “Hick
jacket, this man has come to an
untimely death. The vox populi
cuticorpal cutaneous pressed down
on his advelorum and caused his
Wisconsin Co-eds List
‘Ideal Man’ Qualities
Specifications for yet another in
the endless list of model college
youths have been drawn up by
University of Wisconsin coeds, and
here they are:
The No. 1 gentleman friend
smokes a pipe, uses no conscious
line, dances well, drinks only in
moderation, doesn't try to get a
date at the last minute, and re
strains his rampant emotions.
Most frowned on were two rare
species: the collegiate type and
the cigar-smoker.
Ohio Officials Say
Youth Can ‘Take It’
Modern youth can “take it.”
At least that’s the verdict of
prominent Ohio State officials who
were asked to comment on pub
lished statements of Dr. William
P. Tolley, president of Allegheny
college, to the effect that young
people “can’t take it because they
have never been trained to do it.”
The colleges and universities are
full of students who are proving
their ability to weather tough go
ing, the Ohio State educators said.
They cited examples: a boy who
works from six to midnight every
night in an out-of-town industrial j
plant; a student with no income
whatever, entirely dependant on a
board-and-room job (there are lots
of these, and they don't all have
jobs for both board and room)
and student members of police and
fire departments.
Pen Lays Plans
To Raise $10,000,000
Plans to raise $10,000,000 for
the University of Pennsylvania
have been announced, the drive to
begin next fall and to be conclud
ed in 1940, the university’s 200th
anniversary year.
Three general objectives have
been outlined by Presidnt Thomas
S. Gates:
“First, to raise endowment funds
for maintaining a distinguished
faculty at the university.
“Second, to obtain funds essen
tial for library and laboratory fa
cilities and research in order that
these scholars and scientists may
be assured of the equipment essen
tial to the accomplishment of the
best results.
“Third, to make adequate pro
vision for attracting and main
taining a student body of the
highest quality by means of schol
arship funds and by improving the
physical environment for student
extracurricular activities.”
Columbia Lecturer Hits
‘Learn to Write’ Ads
“Insidious advertisements”
which claim to teach people to
write constitute “one of the worst
rackets of the present day,” Mary
Ellen Chase, novelist, recently told
a class of Columbia university ex
tension students. Thousands of
people, a high percentage of them
young men and women, are being
mulcted by the “racket,” Miss
Chase declared.
Considerable ability, plenty of
time and patience and an inde
pendent income were classified by
the author of “Mary Peters” as
important prerequisites for a lit
erary career.
Twenty per cent of the popula
tion of the United States use eye
Pro Charges Hurled al
NYA by Temple Man
A new angle on the perennial
charges of professionalism brought
against college football players
was dug up recently by Milton
Prensky, a senior in Teachers col
lege, Temple university, when he
declared in a speech before the
city community council that "cer
tain college football teams were
being subsidized by the govern
ment through National Youth Ad
ministration funds,”
“Members of football teams seem
to get the preference for this stu
dent aid rather than others who
need the money more,” he de
clared. “There is also the prob
lem of state senators telephoning
the administration officials to be
sure and fix a job for their partic
ular student friends.”
Prensky’s charges were denied
by NYA officials.
Yale Changes Mind
And Accepts NYA Aid
Yale has reversed its attitude of
last year and will accept federal
aid for its needy graduate and pro
fessional students, with 102 stu
dents slated for NYA jobs pay
ing up to $40 a month, it was an
nounced there recently.
The work will consist chiefly of
research investigations in special
ized fields. The reason for refusal
of aid last year was said to be the
fact that at that time the maxi
mum amount offered was $15 a
month. This prevented the student
from seeking other employment.
German Honorary
Chapter to Form
Under the supervision of Dr. A.
M. Williams, Delta Phi Alpha, na
tional German honorary, is organ
izing a chapter on the Oregon
campus. The University’s invita
tion to join the honorary was re
ceived shortly before Christmas.
Dr. Williams announced yesterday
the appointment of the following
students to a committee designed
to help organize the local chapter:
Helen Bartrum, Margaret Cass,
Walter Engle, Beverly Caverhill,
and Worth Chaney.
What makes a pipe chummy? Half & Half . . . and
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Not a bit of bite In the tobacco or the Telescope Tin, which gets smaller and smaller
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