Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 09, 1936, Page Two, Image 2

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University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
EDITORIAL OFFICES: Journalism building. Phone 3300—
Editor. Local 354; News Room and Managing Editor, 353.
BUSINESS OFFICE: McArthur Court. Phone 3300—Local 214.
Represented by A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New
York City; 123 W. Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Ave.,
Beattie; 1031 S. Broadway, Los Angeles; Call Building, San
Francisco. !,M
Robert W* Lucas, editor Eldon Haberman, manager
Clair Johnson, managing editor
The Oregon Daily Emerald will not be responsible for
returning unsolicited manuscripts. Public letters should not be
more than 300 words in length and should be accompanied by
the writer's signature and address which will be withheld if
requested. All communications are subject to the discretion of
the editors. Anonymous letters will be disregarded.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the
college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination
periods, all of December except the first seven days, all of
March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class matter
at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year.
All advertising matter is to be sent to the Emerald Business
office, McArthur Court.
A Reasoned Approach
To Fee Controversy
WHATEVER happens this term in the stu
dent affairs of the University of Oregon,
one thing is certain: there is no necessity for
the usual brick-bat tossing campaign that has
always characterized the optional-compulsory fee
The problem of financing an adequate extra
curricular program for this year and for the
future is more acute right now for two reasons:
first, because under the present optional fee plan
there is about a 60 percent membership in the
student body, and second, because the bill,
authorizing the levying and collecting of student
fees is on the ballot for the January 31 election,
and is the subject for passionate argument
among the laymen of the state. They, isolated
from the schools of higher education, find it dif
ficult to reach a complete and reasoned convic
tion as to the advisability of an extra-curricular
Now what to do about it.
■* « *
The main point of controversy is athletics,
and what appears to be an abnormal emphasis
by schools of higher education on athletics.
Because of the demands of alumni, students,
and TAXPAYERS for athletic teams at Oregon’s
schools of higher education which will meet the
competition of other more financially and geo
graphically favored coast schools, amateur
athletics have become commercialized.
Hugh Rosson has not welcomed it. The faculty
has not welcomed it. But the pocketbooks—the
fans—have demanded it.
Yet the linking of higher education with com
mercialized athletics has caused a wave of indig
nation to sweep the country. Now, what is the
result of this paradoxical situation?
* m
Under the present setup, when people refuse
to sanction the compulsory payment of extra
curricular fees, they strike not only at their pet
peeve, commercialized college athletics, but also
at activities such as concerts, student publica
tions, and unsubsidized activities of a directly
cultural and educational nature.
In the attempt to alleviate the burden of sup
porting athletics that is carried by students who
are not interested in such features, the lay people
would quash all activities. This point is not de
batable. Extra-curricular activities do not func
tion adequately on air, but demand money that
is paid through student extra-curricular fees.
Much of this difficulty has been brought on
by graduate managers themselves—quite inad
vertently. They have had to cater to the con
servatism of people who believe athletics at the
University are primarily amateur and not the
big business they are.
The failure to openly recognize the growing
animosity to commercialized college athletics -
brought on by a tendency to associate them too
closely with education for education’s sake has
led to charges of subterfuge. And the failure to
isolate the financial support of athletics from the
financial support of primarily cultural and prac
tical activities has caused the entire extra
curricular fee to approach dangerously close to
the guillotine of a bewildered and disgusted lay
Who is to change this situation ? The people
who vote arbitrarily to make all extra-curricular
activity optional without considering the advice
of specialists who are the state board of higher
education? Or the state board, who when given
control of the levying and collection of student
fees can eliminate inconsistencies and harmonize
the program as a feature of the “best possible
education for the young people of the state.”
Before the board can remedy this awkward
situation, they must have the power to do this.
The bill on the January ballot gives them this
power. It should be passed.
| The Safety Valve |
Letters published in this column should not be construed
as expressing the editorial opinion of the Emerald. Anony
mous contributions will be disregarded. The names of ocm
municants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon
request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserv
ing the right to condense all letters of over 1100 words and to
accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Editor, the Emerald:
During ^he past few months there have been
a few cases of scarlet fever in Eugene and one
among the students. The student who had scarlet
fever at the infirmary during the Christmas holi
days is now recovered but is still in quarantine.
However she has been moved from the infirmary
to a private residence. Although no epidemic is
anticipated it is recognized that there may be
more cases in this community. Not everyone is
susceptible but a large number of adults are.
Students who do not know if they have had scar
let fever and who should like to know if they
are susceptible to this disease may come to the
dispensary on Friday, January 10, between 10 and
12, or 3 and 5, for the Dick test which indicates
who are susceptible to this disease. This test
will be given without charge, and students are
urged to avail themselves of this oportunity.
Anyone found susceptible can be given scarlet
fever toxin to produce immunity to the disease
and the health service will be glad to discuss this
with interested students. Scarlet fever -is a ser
ious disease and the health service is very anxious
to prevent unnecessary disease.
There are a number of cases of measles in
the community too, but unfortunately we have
no serum or vaccine to prevent measles. Early
reporting of all sickness to the health service will
help control this disease, as the diagnosis some
times can be made before the rash appears.
Dr. Fred N. Miller,
Director Health Service,
University of Oregon.
The Marsh of Time
By Bill Marsh
Ah, yess, Heeves, and a very
merry Christmas it was, was it
not ?
No IIitnt ini'
This is the absolute truth, so
help me. laiok it up in the Los
\ngelcs eity hull it you want to.
There is, at the present time, in
the eity of Los Angeles, an ordi
nance forbidding passengers to
shoot juckrubbits from the rear
platform or windows of Los All
Holes railway streetcars.
It seems that twenty or so years
ago, Los Angeles didn’t have any
chamber of commerce. There real
ly wasn't any city. And people rid
ing on streetcars from Los Angeles
to the suburbs, Westwood, Holly
wood, Santa Monica, or any others,
passed through long stretches of
vacant fields. So the passengers
would beguile the time by taking
along a shooting iron and plug
ging away at jackrabblts that
were scared up by the rumble of
the streetcar.
They would make wagers and
everything. Many were the excit
ing times they had. Those were
the good old days! But then the
great immigration from Iowa com-!
lncnecd, and the darn place began
to grow up. 11 wasn’t long before
shooting from passing streetcars
began to menace the safety of cit
izens who were settling in the
nearby fields. So the ordinance in
question was enacted, and finis
passed from the American scene
one of the old West’s most thrill
ing characters—the trolley ear
* » •
The world, according to Bill
Barker, is divided into two classes
of people: Those who wash their
hair, and those who have sham
poos. With till line deference to
said Barker, and bearing in mind
his writer’s privilege of eccentric
ity, may I u.ik what in the name
of Hell lie does with his hair since
he got most of it cut off? He
looks liko he might have just
emerged from a long, stubborn and
bloody contest with a liay-chopper.
IIlisted Hones
And now, what should happen
hut Peggy Chessman gels together
with a body slum in such a fash
ion as to fracture an ankle. She’s
wandering around on crutches,
looking like a sorrowful chipmunk.
I know. The Military Bawl,
Scabbard and Blade shindig, is in
the offing, and even Chessman
can't dance on crutches. You
might go the way you are, though,
Peggy, and say you were wounded
in action. Maybe they'll give you
a eroix de guerre or something.
:i« » til
.1/ i I lit oast
The Bible tells us that “Blessed
are they who are meek, for they
shall inherit the Earth.’’
Yeah. And l wonder liow long
It will take I he un-mcck to get it
back away from the meek?
Comes it in a gentleman saying
have you heard about A1 Davis
and Craig Finley?
No, wo plead!
Shucks, he gurgles, it is quite
amusing. These two hoys have
moved across the street from the
Kappa house, so what does Mar
garet Jean Cooper do but sway
to her feet one lunch und warn
the lassies of their danger, telling
them that they must please vo
member to pull down their shades
very carefully in the future.
This is in all probability a re
flection on the characters of Black
face and the Finley flash, but tne
Kappas are serious about it.
Have you ever pAndered on the
philosophy that lies behind the ad
ministration's belief that events
can happen after 10:30 that can
not happen before? It is a fascin
ating problem in the morality of
Bellows B. Coan in the midst of
a three a.m. bull session some re
mark anent Geo. Callas' “faith.”
“Faith,” snorts Callas irrelig
iously, “I have none. No faith at
“You must have.” jeers Coan, “or
else you'd have committed suicide
years ago.”
:{t »}! «
Well, it was very funny at the
* * «
But for the fact that we can’t
print the situation that goes with
it, Helen Ijihbe’s outraged scream
of, “Don't cull that ‘It’,” would
have been t Ills week’s prize-winner.
We will treasure it though.
• * •
Despite Peggy; “Seine Living”
Chessman's proclivity for awkward
remarks, the injury to her ankle
diil NOT come from putting hot
foot in her mouth!
* * K*
Terse Verse
“Though your (J.l’.A. is far from
I'll love you ‘til the day you die.
if you’ll refrain from making uj
About musk- going ’round and
* * *
“Have you been kidding me or
are we really married?’’
O'Conncl Visited in Idaho
K. J. O’Connell, law professor,
is back in his office hard at work
after spending the holiday vacation
visiting Itis brother in Idaho.
Send the Emerald to your friends.
Subscription rates $2.50 a year.
Air Y’ •:
❖ Listenin’
By James Morrison
Emerald of the Air
Radio Editor Woody Truax re
ports the first Emerald of the air
broadcast of the term will he the
Sportcast, with genial Tom (Mush
mouth) McCall at the microphone,
rom has been promoted to asso
ciate Emerald editor this term,
but will continue writing his sports
column and the Sportscast.
Local Bands
With the advent of the new year
:he number of swing musicians on
the campus has grown to almost
enormous propensities. In fact the
campus is lousy with them. Need
less <jo say, some of them are
Oregon will have plenty of
chance to uphold the reputation it
has built up as outstanding social
school on the coast as soon as
the winter formats begin. Right
now, of course, the campus bands
are almost all in an embryonic
state, but their promoters are rap
idly completing arrangements to
whip them into shape for a busy
Slim Martin and his band, hav
ing recently filled an engagement
at the Club Victor in Seattle, will
appear at Willamette Park tomor
row (Friday) night. He has a
fairly large orchestra, including
entertainers, and if you can take
the words of the swing boys here
who’ve heard him, it is very good.
Saturday night Bucky McGow
an moves into the park lor a one
night stand.
Tonight at 8:30 the O'Keefe boys
will embark on a Caribbean cruise
around the Lower Bay with Alice
Frost, Louis Sorin, and Jack
O'Keefe as a group of romantic
passengers. There will I5e moon
light, a bit of genteel murder, and
something called music from the
Pierre Dupree O'Keefe string quar
tet, direct from Deauville (Ne
braska.) On the return trip Deane
PETITE SHOP for dressmaking.
573 E. 13th St. Phone 3208.
Foreign Service
Special Preparations
Washington, D. C.
Courses start December 21.
Branch Now Located At
Hollingsworth Building
Los Angeles, California
Phor.c Michigan 3111
■ miimMiiiMiTiw—na
Janlfj will sing “With a Song In
My Heart,” Pee Wee Hunt will of
fer “Meet the President,” and
Kenny Sargent will sing “When
April Comes Again.” The Casa
Loma lads will play “Let's Do It”
and “Imagination.”
NBC-CBS Programs Today
9:00 a.m.—You Name It. KPO.
3:00 p.m.—Women’s Magazine of
the Air. KGW.
4:45 —• Langendorf Pictorial—
Rush Hughes. KFI, K&o.
5:00 — Fleischmann v a r i e t y i
Hour. NBC from NOW York to
6:00 — Show Boat. Kp0 and
7:00 — Kraft program w;!^ Bing
Crosby. KGW.
•8:15 — Standard Symp^ony
Hour. KPO, KGW.
8:30 — Camel Caravan, hoiN,
S The New Name For 1
I ^ Cottage I
if Will Be Announced Soon. 1
1 The New Service Is Going Now! 1
I] We recommend our club breakfasts, our tasty loo g
g and 25c luncheons, and our 25c dinners. S
[a Ralph Gray. @
Back of a Medal
FIRE was raging through a Virginia village at midnight. A
telephone workman sped there from his home.. .found the
central office in danger.
Relieving the girl operator, he handled all calls... sum
moned help from nearby towns ... ’til buildings on both
sides collapsed and the telephone building caught fire.
Quickly he disconnected the small switchboard... moved
it to safety...improvised a telephone station in a field.
In 20 minutes he re-established communication. Next
morning, the rescued switchboard was installed in new
quarters ... telephone service was resumed as usual.
That telephoue man received the Vail Medal... one of
several awarded each year to Bell System employees for
outstanding public service. Devotion to duty ... day by
day as well as in emergencies ... has given
NSi America the world’s liuest telephoue system.
bell teeeimioxe system
Contract Bridge
^Weekly Awards and Grand Prizes
To High Scorers
Ben Jour, nies johes fem
mes!! Comment allez-vous??
After this supreme effort it
is hard to remember just
what I did have to tell you
all about today—anyhoooo—
POLLY has done a goodly
bit of snooping around in
1 your Eugene shops since she.
returned and so she had just
lots of bright (?) ideas—of
course the brightest is this—
January is THE month of
BARGAINS—so take advan
tage of the marvelous offers
now . . .
Saturday night will
be the first opportunity
this year for all you
clashing dames to come
out in your newest and
most flattering formals
•—Competition will be
stiff—so take a hint
from POLLY and look
at this new display of
gowns at THE
You can’t miss with
one of these . . .
FOLLY found two dresses m one with her purchase at
BARNHART’S. This is a plaid green, orange, and brown
skirt with a brown velveteen .jacket and saucy plaid scarf.
She can wear the skirt and jacket separately too and
have an entirely different costume, so her school dress
problem is no longer in a quandry.
Frederic's Vitron process and in just a few minutes he:*
hair was molded into the most charming soft waves and
tight little curls that are easily adapted into any coiffure.
Just to shed a little LIGHT ou the
subject \vc would like to tell you
about the absolutely, most adorable
LAMPS—tall delicate pairs in soft
coloring for ycur dresser—a whole
dresser set in pink and white Czech
' oslavakian CHINA which includes
two lamps, two perfume bottles and
the powder jar ... If your tastes
run to something a little less feminine
you will like the little MEXICAN
lamp or the SPINNING WHEEL
variety . . . The place to find them
is in THE GIFT SHOP . . .
Here’s your chance—At last
the campus need has been
satisfied . . . TAYLOR'S is
starting- a BRIDGE TOURN
AMENT with prizes n’every
thing-—Three will be given
each week—2 for high score
and 1 for low score (this ap
peals to me) . . Among the <c
prizes this week will be )
chromium ash trays on a
spindle—cheese and cracker
board—hors d’oeuvres dish—
Of course the GRAND prizes will be even nicer—so get
into the tournament right away—I'll be seein’ ya!M
t liinese iron pictures are the new thing for room
decorations, and POLLY bought an attractive raised pic
ture the other day when she was sauntering through the
ever intriguing ORIENTAL ART SHOP. The small sizes
are $.'<> a pair. There are also larger ones in round and
oblong shapes—some in flat work and raised work to suit
every wall . . .
POLLY is looking chic on the campus these crisp
days with one of GORDON’S casual coats. Hers is a
brown, yellow-, and tan plaid with huge attractive buttons
and jaunty patch pockets. The plaid is so arranged to
create a dashing efefct and the three quarter length is
ultra smart.
POLLY discovered a smart two piece wool dress for
classroom wear at C. J. BREIEU CO. It’s dashing and
bright to perk up these dreary mid-winter days.
A new dress will start the term out with a bane- and
especially if you get one of the new dresses BEARD’S
aie featuring. POLLY just bought a tailored dress in
a-Paca> with the new pleats, trimmings, and
the latest colors. Ba the first among your friends to have
one of these smart creations.
' STARS WEAK::: Hose personally en
dorsed by Hollywood stars are being'
featured at SPAUGH’S, INC.!! — Tie
that with a blue ribbon—Thought you’d
like to know that this famous hosiery
is $1.25 MA I l l>, now only *;) eents—the
same atoekings Rl'BY KEELER wore
in “Go Into Your Dance.” We also saw
to complete that fetching picture you’ll
make Saturday night, the very finest 2
thread PARIS MAID hose—$2.00 stock
ings at $1.25—Truly a real bargain . . .