Phi Delta Phi Hears Maguire Suggestions Given To Advance Careers Practical suggestions for thei: career and a clear picture of the purpose and working organizatior of the Oregon state bar association were given the law school students when Robert F. Maguire, promi nent Portland attorney and presi dent of the Oregon bar, talked tc them last Saturday in the law school assembly. This lecture was the first of a series sponsored throughout the year by Phi Delta Phi, law honorary, and the law school student body. Seating himself comfortably be fore the desk at the front of the room after being introduced by Dean Wayne L. Morse, the speaker began his informal talk by a brief discussion of the Oregon state bar association. The group, he said, is a disciplinary organization to which every active lawyer belongs. Its governing body, the board of governors, is a group of nine elected members—three from each congressional district. Each dis trict also has a trial committee of three. Warns of Difficulties Mr. Maguire warned the stu dents not to “slide” through school and depend on their dynamic per sonality and the gift of oratory to land them a job when they gradu ate. More and more, he said, firms are inquiring into the scholastic rating and the activities of the men they take into their organiza tion. He told of his own difficulty in getting into an office, adding that “the first eight months I earned $5 at my law practice. And then, because I was doing so well, I got married!” Mr. Maguire stressed strongly the need for honesty in the profes sion. "Be fair,” he said. “It pays. You can’t sell your wares if you are otherwise.” Adovcating the not too deep but very practical philosophy of Amer ica’s first big “success” man, Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Maguire told the student, after these sug gestions, that they would then “not only have the pleasure of being virtuous, but it pays you to be as well.” Marsh of Time (Continued from Page Two) a ninth floor room to the street below. Question: But wasn’t that dan gerous? Answer: Not a bit. There was n't a soul in the street except the police riot squad which had been sent there to prevent any disorder. Highlight: Craig Finley am bling around the hulls of the Ed mond Mean hostelry and being stopped a dozen times by hotel of ficials. It seems that somebody got careless and threw a chair out of a window, and Finley looked just exactly like the sort of chap pie who might be Inclined to do something like that. * * * Stoplight: The brothers Reed in a sport coupe, accompanied by charming Theresa Grossmayer, covering the thirty miles between Tacoma and Seattle in 25 minutes. Oh lead kindly light! SMITH TO TALK IN SALEM Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of the geology department, will speak on the subject of earthquakes Wednesday noon, December 4, at the Salem Rotary club. HHFFAKEK IN SALEM Dr. C. L. Huffaker, of the school of education, left for Salem on business Monday afternoon, No vember 25. MIRRORS -A Practical Christmas Gift Innocent (Continued from Pnrjr Turn) I across the floor after it, dodging i hither and there like the univer | sity of Washington backfield mak j ing a thirty yard run. the bottle ' slithered under a table and so did | reum, pretty soon the janitor i came to turn off art holman and j there you are. where are we ? i don’t know, what’s more i don’t give a damn, i should be sitting here listening to old brass face lu ! cas when i could be out at 3 trees, i think i’ll be a chi psi. don’t like ! lowbrows anyway. I certainly he went to Seattle, | don’t you see the circles under his | eyes ? i # * * ! spring | fragrant, warm | stars clear low enough to touch her hair fragrant her smile sweet dimpling. winter cold wet rain no stars puddles they splash up your pant leg her smile gone red rouge that leers her hair stringy romance flown, gone south with the spring. my, my, what large muscles you have, what are you, a stevedore or a phi delt? * * * thank gawd this is over for an other day. i’s getting so i dread getting up in the mornings, a have to read my own stuff before break fast. it’s hard enough on you six silly readers, but it’s doubly hard on me. i not only have to read it but i have to write it too. Top University Musicians Play at Phi Mu Alpha Concert By FULTON H. TRAVIS i Phi Mu Alpha, musical honor j ary, presented its fall concert at 8:15 last night in the music build ing. The major criticism was not of the musicians hut of the lack of attendance at a concert which pre sended the cream of the Univer sity’s musical talent. Harold Ayers, pianist, gave a brilliant performance. Vogrich’s “Staccato Caprice” was the better of his selections. His expression and technique were unimpeachable. Charles Fahey, tenior, offered “O Del Amato Ben,” Donaudy, and “Falling Snow,” Fox. The former was beautifully sung. Fahey has a rare combination of power, vital ity, smooth rounded tone and an expressiveness which is superb. Byrle Ramp, pianist, presented Beethoven’s “German Dance, No. 3,” and “Chant D'Amour',” Sto jowski. Both numbers had great appeal and preference for one or the other must depend upon per sonal feeling. In “Chant D’ Armour,” Ramp had the better op portunity of expressing emotional changes from the heaviest of chords to the most delicate and intricate passages. He also ac companied all the soloists and should be highly complimented up on his ability in this capacity. An unusual duet was presented by Robert Collins, clarinet, and William Gresham, trumpet. The combination of these two instru ments calls for the highest musi cal skill for satisfactory results. Their rendition of “Valse Caprice,” Smith and Holmes, was beautifully done and well received. Their uni son cadenzas were played with per fect coordination and harmony. Grayson Ross, baritone, sang "The Jolly Roger,” a well known composition, and Schubert’s “Sere nade,” also an old favorite. Ross’ personality and platform presence are excellent. Freed Bales, also baritone, reached stirring heights in the final chorus of “In the Garden of My Heart.” His voice is clear, powerful and sensitive. Anti as a fitting climax to a fine program, presented by the top notch performers of the campus, George Hopkins, pianist, presented a series of three numbers: “C Sharp Minor Noctrune,” Chopin; “Tango,” Albeniz - Hopkins; and “Rush Hour in Hong Kong,” Chasins. The latter probably re ceived the most enthusiastic ac claim. Hopkins played two encores before the crowd would let him go— and then, only reluctantly. Your critic’s only regret is that the concert was so short and that there were not more people out to hear it. GREGORY WRITES FOR 4-E Sherrill L. Gregory is with the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lum bermen, Portland, where he writes news for the 4-L Lumber News and does general research work in matters concerning the lumber in dustry. ADAMSON, McNEIL MARRIED Miss Margaret Adamson and Harold C. McNeil, ex-’34, were married in Portland on August 23. Mr. and Mrs. McNeil will live in Portland Send the Emerald to your friends. Subscription rates $2.50 a year. (TT.ra m 1771 nri ra rsi rsi rcn rm m rrn m m m ra m nr. Cleaning; Worries for Thanksgiving Rest at Ease —o— Call UNIVERSITY WINDOW CLEANING CO. Insured Against Personal and Property Damage Air Y’ Listenin’ (Continued from Parje Two) pral of the songs which she popu larized, while Ben and All the Lads play Tin Pan Alley’s latest crea tions. 1\BC-CBS Programs Today 6:00 — N.T.G. and His Girls. KPO, KGW. 6:30 — Jumho — Fire Chief show. KPO and network. Fred Waring’s orchestra; Stoop nagle and Budd. KSL. 7:00 — Sigmund Romberg’s Stu dio party. KGW, KPO. 8:30 — Camel Caravan. Walter O'Keefe, Deane Janis, and the Casa Loma orchestra. KSL, KOIN. 9:00 — Death Valley Days. KPO. 10:15 — Ben Bernie and All the Lads. Ethel Shutta, guest star. KFI, KPO. Freshman Hear (Continued from Parje One) division, will speak. Women from Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Kappa, Alpha Gamma Delta, Zeta Tau Al pha will meet. Karl W. Onthank, dean of per sonnel, will talk at the Chi Omega house and will be heard by mem ber3 of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Kappa Alpha Theta, and Phi Mu. Gamma Phi Beta will be hostess to Alpha Phi, Alpha Delta Pi, and Alpha Xi Delta. John J. Landsbury, dean of the music school, will speak to these women. Mrs. Van Doan Talks Mrs. Wendell Van Loan will speak to members of Susan Camp bell and Orides who will meet with the Hendricks hall freshmen. Grace Peck, president of Chi Omega, is in charge of the meet ings. She is assisted in the selec tion of speakers by Dean Onthank. Calendar (Continued from Page One) Phi Chi Theta meeting today at 1:00 in 108 Commerce. Important. Classical club will meet in 107 Oregon at 4 o’clock. Theta Sigma Phi luncheon at noon today at the Anchorage. All members asked to attend. The Sherwood Eddy phamplets ordered after Mr. Eddy's speech Send the Emerald to your friends. Subscription rates $2.50 a year. “EUGENE’!?- OWN STORE” M c Morran &W ashburne MERCHANDISE OF MERIT ONLY -PHONE 2700 Greatest Sale of Fine Neckwear! SALE! MEN’S TIES Regular $1.00 2 for $1.50 Regular $1.50 $1.29 2 for $2.50 Regular $2.00 $| .69 ♦ for $3.25 Knits, Kerry Poplins, Wool Challis, Mogador Silks, Barathea Weaves, Grenadines, Home Spuns, Ottoman, Glove Silk Twills, Grecian Stripes, Scotch Plaids, Medium Checks, Spittle Fields, Kashmir Sports, Dots and Patterns. FIRST FLOOR _ here last week have arrived at the YWCA hut and are available there for those who sent for them. Phi Beta meeting at Osburn hotel at 7:00 tonight. Interfraternty council meeting at 4:00 in room 110 Johnson hall. Pigger’ Guide (Continued from Page One) information concerning the ASUO, student committees and adminis trative officers, faculty commit tees, class officers and Oregon songs. Besides these are the traditional students and faculty alphabetical directories. The student guide lists the names and home addresses, year in school i based on scholas tic rating), major subject, Univer sity address and telephone num ber. Much Infirmation Listed Under the faculty directory are listed all employees and officers of the University staff, the depart ments in which they orkw, build ings where they can be located, their Eugene address and their campus and residence phone num bers. A special counter will be placed in the Co-op store today by the graduate manager’s office for the convenience of pigger’s guide cus tomers. Due to the more complete information compiled in this year’s directory, the price has been raised to 25 cents. YOU ARE INVITED to drop in at our studio and find out from us all about PHOTOGRAPHS FOR CHRISTMAS We would surely be delighted to show you the new things in PHOTOG RAPHY . . . modern posings and lightings . . . beautiful folders and frames ... to tell you about prices which are the lowest ever, and to convince you that we are making the best pictures ever. In short ... to tell you all about this altogether happy idea of . . . GIVING YOUR PHOTOGRAPH FOR CHRISTMAS COME SOON KENNELL - ELLIS “Worthwhile Photography at a Reasonable Price’’ Dii:!iinuiuiiii]ii:uniiiii]ii:iiiiHi!i!ii]]uium:]iii!Hii;iii]|iiiiii!iii!i]inimiui]i!:iii)iuiiiniiiimi>ii]ii!!i!U!nii»iiiiiioi]]iiuiiiin!!!iii]:iiiiiiii ;:::iiiiiiiiiiiiii!.iii!i!iiimii!iBiii[iii!i::;uiir:ii!iiii:;iiiiii:i c \Jun-curing Turkish leaf tobacco. The tobacco is strung leaf by leaf and hung on long racks like you see below. 4 C 1935. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. e aromatic Turkish tobaccos used in Chesterfield give - them a more pleasing aroma and taste... Every year we import thousands of pounds from Turkey and Greece THE IMPORT DUTY alone is 35 cents a pound—but Turkish tobacco is necessary to a good cigarette. The right amount of Turkish tobacco, blended with our mild, ripe home-grown to baccos helps to give Chesterfields more aroma, helps to give them a more pleasing taste. Chesterfield—a blend of mild ripe home-grown and aromatic Turkish tobaccos