Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1935, Image 4

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?Good Reodimg’ Pamphlets
List 50 Most Popular Books;
Oregon Students Disagree
Sinclair Lewis and Eugene
O’Neil] have yet to win their win
some way into the hearts of Ore
gon's undergrads. Although “Ar
rowsmith” and “Arm Vickers" by
Lewis come in third and ninth re
spectively and O’Neill’s “Mourn
ing Becomes Electra" rates num
J4 in a list of 50 books recom
mended by 1,638 students in 53
Bij Barnegj ( lurk
I think we’ll start this week off
with a pat on the back for I-Iup
mobile. Ever since its Century
models, produced in the late 20’s,
Hupp has been the one firm whose
body design has shown no desire
to slavishly follow the current
mode. They have had a unique
and brilliant flair of their own.
This year Hupp has redesigned last
year’s offerings to some extent,
but the main body contours are
the same, as are the motors.
Pierce Arrow, whoso sales have
n’t boon too good, has put an over
drive on its 8’s siml 12’s, bolstered
up the frame and body, s:nd let it
go sit that.
Reo has prettied up the body a
little, and is no longer plugging
the “self-shifter," though you can
Btill get it.
More news on Cord, this year’s
bomb-shell. The V-8 motor is
325 h.p., the transmission, ahead
of the motor, is four-speed, oper
ated by a pneumatic shifter on the
steering column.
And to close with, you can get a
Duesenberg for as low as $13,500
f.o.b. Indianapolis. Two models,
265 h.p. and 320 h.p. Cheap, what ?
On Wheels
colleges, Oregon eds and co-cds
have other ideas.
This list of ,r>0 books which rates
Pearl Buck’s "Good Earth" first,
has been p ublished in a pamphlet,
"Good Reading" on sale at the
Co-op for 20 cents. This pamphlet
is aptly described as “a guide for
college students and adult readers,
briefly describing about a thousand
books which are well worth know
ing, enjoyable to read, and large
ly available in inexpensive edi
According to calls for books at
the Co-op rental library, Willa
Gather, Edith Wharton, Richard
Halliburton, Victor Hugo, Charles
Dickens, and Warwick Deeping
are frowned upon by students at
the University. Some of these au
thors’ works can be obtained at
the University library, however.
Somerset Maugham’s “Of Hu
man Bondage” is the four year
winner at the Co-op, and rates
fifth on the 50 book list, while
“Anthony Adverse” by Hervey Al
len kept rolling during the last
two years. Other Oregon student
favorites on the lists were: "Mag
nificent Obsession,” “Anna Kare
nina, “Cellini's Autobiography,”
“As the Earth Turns,” “Marie An
toinette, Microbe Hunters,” Kris
tin Lavransdatter (a six month
favorite), and “The Decameron.”
Bossing to Return
After Long Illness
Dr. Nelson L. Bossing, of the
school of education, who has been
absent as a result of a major oper
ation, will return Monday, Novem
ber 18.
Dr. R. U. Moore, principal of
University high school, has been
taking over Dr. Bossing’s duties
during his absence.
Send the Emerald to your friends.
Subscription rates $2.50 a year.
GIM’.K.V LIGHT by Lloyd Douglas.
Houghton Mifflin. New York.
1935. Pp. 356. $2.50.
Perhaps “Green Light,” Lloyd
Douglas’ latest novel, is so named
because the author felt the need of
a mental traffic system to keep
his many characters in marching
file the only difficulty being that
the red light was apparently out
of order.
Characters Die
To be sure Mr. Douglas clears
the situation a little by having two
of his dramatis personae die in
the first two chapters, and he re
fers to the word dead so often that
you feel there is really not much
use in reading any further. Every
one has quietly passed into that
other world, and the story is over
before it has begun. This surmise
becomes a certainty when Dr.
Newell Paige, the hero, walks out
of the door and in morbid tones
says to his dog, “No—you can’t
go, Sylvia. Not where I'm going.”
Dr. Paige too, of course, is going
off to die, but Mr. Douglas has al
tered his plan of attack, and all
our friend the doctor does is
change his name to Parker and go
off to be alone. This happy state
is not permanent, however, and
soon Paige is so surrounded by
such people that make you almost
wish the author would revert to
his mood of the first and second
One Personality
The only character worth any
intelligent thought is Dean Har
court, and even he is distorted by
the time the 362th page is reached.
His philosophy is a very interest
ing and stimulating one, but it is
evident that the essential reason
for his existence is to get all Mr.
Douglas’ creations acquainted
with one another.
Sylvia, the dog, is really quite
nice, but about the 19th chapter, a
monkey bites her and she is un
auspiciously buried under some
sand and gravel, and even a lover
of dog stories is thwarted.
ROW, by Marguerite Harrison,
Farrar & Rinehart, New York.
664 pp. $3.50.
Marguerite Harrison was born
with a silver spoon in her mouth.
She might have been a contented
Boston socialite, and lived the hey
hey life of the Boston “400.” But
she didn’t. Instead, she became a
newspaper reporter, and has “cov
ered" practically the whole world.
Her "There’s Always Tomorrow,”
the story of her life as lived thus
far, reads more like a novel of the
; wildest imagination.
Russian Experience
In Russia she was hounded by
the dreaded Cheka, and spent
months in hovel prisons; once she
was almost shot as a spy. Still,
in spite of her chain-gaing like ex
periences in Russia, she acquired
no hate for the country, and ac
cepted her “deal” as a necessary
part of a changing system of gov
ernment and society.
In Persia she was a member of
the expedition which made the
famous motion picture “Grass,”
and also hob-nobbed with the great
of the country—including the
sheiks of the desert.
Many Revolutions
One of her major talents was
her ability to stumble upon' revo
lutions—she managed to get in on
the flood of them after the world
war. She has interviewed and
talked with most of the great of
her time, including the elusive Sta
lin and Trotsky.
Although the book is long, there
is not a dull moment spent in read
ing it. A revolution, an intrigue,
or a human tragedy is practically
on every page. It is a' story of an
unique life, and of the stormy his
tory of the world during that life.
IIASTA LA VISTA by Christopher
Morley. Doubleday Doran & Co.
262 pages. $2.00.
Mr. Morley was on a vacation
when he wrote this latest of his
books, and had it not been for his
! avid interest in seeing- things, and
| the need for occasional “scrib
bling" he might have slept most of
the way. At least such is the im
pression. All through this leisure
j ly narrative of a trip to Peru, one i
I can see the loose-limbed, pawkish-!
faced author ambling around the
cleck, asking questions of the crew,
swimming in the canvas lined tank,
di-inking Planter’s punch, and doz
ing in the sun.
Serious Story
Perhaps because he is writing;
about something he loves, the story
is slightly more serious than some
earlier, and it falls, thank heaven,
far short of the two puns per page
average of which Mr. Morley has
been accused; but it gains in
warmth and charm from the lively
interest with which he looks at ev
Engaging Characters
His land our) shipmates are an
engaging lot, from the elderly lady
who thought the ship was sinking
when she stepped out of her bunk
into six inches of water (she had
forgotten to turn off her bath), to
the stowaway who kept alive by
stealing from the Frenchmen's
German Schnauzer, and incidental
ly, almost starved the dog. They
are the spice which keeps the chat
ty, informal discussion from lag
“Every ship is as full of stories
as a volume of O Henry,” and the
author, who can see romance in a
ferry boat or a mud puddle, tells
us a few of them, along with
sparkling descriptions of nature
and humorous sketches of man. It
is nothing deep and makes excel
lent spare time reading.
J. Stangier.
Ben Hur Lampman, Metropoli
tan Press, Portland, Oregon,
1935. 275 pages. $2.50.
Never since “Alice in Wonder
land" has such a fantastic, ex
treme adventure been written as
“Here Comes Somebody.”
Mary Elizabeth, called Lisbeth,
Homecoming News Review
Friars Pledge
Six at Dance
Black-robed Seniors
tTap Outstanding; Men
A long, awe-inspiring lino of
black-robed Friars marched among
the dancers at the intermission of
the Homecoming dance last Satur
day night and when they had filed
from the floor the following men
had been tapped to membership in
the organization.:
Robert K. Allen
William llall
Willard Jones
Tom McCall
Roland KourUc
Hob Thomas
Twice yearly the senior men’s
service honorary pledges the sev
eral outstanding men of the senior
class, at the Homecoming dance
and at the campus luncheon Junior
All Outstanding
Allen has graduated from the
University and is now secretary of
the Oregon alumni association and
has his offices in Friendly hall He
is a member of Delta Upsilon fra
William Hall was last year
awarded the Koyl trophy for being
judged the most outstanding man
in his class and has been peren
nially a leader in the affairs of the
Willard Jones, a prominent bas
ketball star is vice-president of
the interfralernity council and last
spring was chairman of the water
carnival Junior Weekend. He is
affiliated with Beta Theta 1’i.
McCall has been prominent in
political campaigns and is now
sports editor of the Fmerald and
president of the interfraternity
council. He is a member of Phi
Delta Theta.
Roland Rourke is also a member
for $1.00 j
>ee Co-op Window
Alpha llall Loses
Second for Failure
To Give Cost. List
Alplm hall's huge Home
coming sign on (he north
side of the men’s dormitory
has been disqualified from
competition because the ex
pense account was not item
i/.ed and submitted to the
members of the signs com
mittee, it was declared yes
terday by Heed Swenson, co
Member* of Alpha hull,
when contacted last night
said that the reason they did
not turn in their itemized ac
count was because the pre
vious night their sign had
been torn up by pranksters.
This necessitated rebuilding
and refucing of the sign and
tl3‘ men did not have suffi
cient time to itemize their ex
penses lie fore the Friday noon
\fter the judging hud been
completed Friday evening. Al
pha hall was announced as
hu\ ing placed second. I’hi
(laninia Delta took first place,’
Sigma Alpha F.psllon, third,
and Sigma Nu was accorded
honorable mention.
As a result the $5 merchan
dise award by McMorran and
Wushburue lias been award
ed the S \F,'s anil Sigma Nu
members and pledges are to
lie given free passes to the
lieilig theater for winning
third place, Swenson said.
of the varsity basketball team and
this year he is vice-president of
the associated students. He is a
member of Phi Gamma Delta,
Hob Thomas has since coming to
Oregon been outstanding in pol
itics and is senior executive man.
He is affiliated with Kappa Sigma
Read a Good Book
Only $1.00
Ben Chandler
Heads Alums
Geary, Dunniway, Allen
Fill Ollier Offices
Bon Chandler, Marshfield bank
er, was elected to head the Uni
versity Alumni association at the
annual meeting of the group Sat
urday morning in Johnson hall at
one of the events of Homecoming.
Elected to other offices are: Ar
thur Geary, Portland, vice-presi
dent; Willis Dunniway, Salem, di
rector; and Robert Allen, secre
Geary succeeds James H. Raley
Jr., Pendleton, and Dunniway takes
the place of Ethel Tooze Fisher,
Roseburg. Allen was reelected.
The meeting was poorly attend
ed, other activities evidently oc
cupying the time of the crowds of
returning students, officials said.
In a single year, the central
earthquake reporting bureau at
Oxford University reported 7000
tremblers, of varying severity, oc
curing in all quarters of the globe.
Good Books for Your
House Library
Only $1.00
374 Alumni Sign
With Officials During
Homecoming Events
Three hundred and seventy
four alumni from all parts of
Oregon and neighboring states
registered Tn Johnson hall last
Friday and Saturday of Home
Alumni Secretary Robert Al
len said Tuesday that he would
wager that five times the num
ber registered were actually on
the campus but were just too
busy to sign with officials in
Johnson hall. Thus, he said un
doubtedly several houses were
deprived the winning of the
Opinion on the campus held,
Allen said, that tin* Homecom
ing weekend just passed was
more like the old fashioned cele
bration before the Oregon State
game was taken from Corvallis
and Eugene.
Twenty-one Bucknell University
women are listed in the newly
published American Women offic
ial “Who’s Who" among the
women of the nation.
for $1.00
|See Co-op Windowl
ctfr}&J£C~ I
4*1'none oou
ur i u.Mt i iii> i
i i w est uigtitn
Kappa Sigma
Thetas Win
Tri Delt, Gamma Plii,
DU, ATO, Sig Nu Place
Kappa Alpha Theta and Kap
pa Sigma each won a new loving
cup this past Homecoming week
end for having the most registered
guests by the deadline Saturday
The awards were made at the
Penthouse dance Saturday night
in McArthur court by the alumni
Delta Delta Delta and Gamma
Phi Beta tied for second place in
the women's competition.
Placing second in the fraternity
competition was Delta Upsilon,
followed by Alpha Tau Omega and
Sigma Nu, which tied for third.
Read a Good Book
Only $1.00
Advance Showing
The now cards have all
boon received now and we
niggest that you come in
early and make your
select ion. We have cards
suitable for your personal
or fraternity use.
Phone 470 76 W. Broadway
Playing his first important role
since the sensational convict in
“Small Miracle” last season. Lester
Miller will be seen as Laker, the
revolutionist in “The Queen’s Hus
band,” when Robert Sherwood’s
play opens its run at the Univer
sity theatre Friday, November 15.
is the little country girl who ex
citedly calls “Here Comes Some
body!” whenever a stranger ap
proaches their secluded home, sit
uated Back of Beyond. By White
Magic is Lisbeth carried away to
an old cobblestone highway, where
she forms a splendid traveling
partnership with James Christo
pher, or Jumbles. Instinctively
obeying the principle of life motion,
they set out in reach of What May
Follow. They have dinner at the
country home of Mr. Gaffney, the
Wild Man From Borneo, tour the
kingdom of cakefrosting and
barely escape the high pressure
Chamber of Commerce, Jumbles
heroically kills a coast-to-coast
dragon, and such other adventures
that you know Ben Hur Lampman
would lay down into an otherwise
good idea for a dream-adventure.
Clever Phrases
By the clever use of dainty
words and phrases and the smooth
running continuity of the plot the
author presents a story worth fol
lowing through. Mr. Lampman is
quite sensitive with his descrip
tion, but the length of an editor
ial about the spring flowers of
Sweet Home is about the maxi
mum stretch for his over-elabor
ate style. The book, extremely del
icate, would be nice for a good li
brary if one wishes harmless
schoolgirl action and plot.
Dr. Joseph Remenyl, lecturer in
comparative literature at Cleve
land College, is completing his
latest book. “Series of American
Literary Portraits of Nineteenth
Century American Writers.” The
book is written in Hungarian and
will be published in Budapest.
Good Books for Your §
E. Watkins.
House Library
Only $1.00
The new
Elgin Sport Watch
15 jewels, unbreakable crystal,
luminous imlex or 3-ligure in
dex dial, nou-magnetic stain
less steel ease, strap, $25.00. Also comes
in 10K natural gold tilled case, with
leather thong, $32.50.
It’s moisture-proof!
• Even if it is dropped in snow, it
w ill never miss a tick. For a special
seal of oil repels every drop of mois
ture . .. keeps its star-timed move
ment functioning with split-second
accuracy. Come in today! Arrange to
give him the gift he'd select for him
self.. . a sturdy Elgin Sport Watch.
927 Willamette
Bij Henriette Horak
To De;m Eric \V. Allen:
Dear Sir: Your bold and taunt
ing challenge of last week, affixed
to and thereon, namely, the much
littered bulletin board of tne
“shack" caught our half-closed-by
sleep eye, and was properly noted.
But, ah. dear sir, it is so difficult
to be clever on a challenge, and
furthermore that unique, chaste,
and sparkling wdt and humor of
the “Ed." as expressed in his de
licious comment is not so easy to
But sir, our seconds reminded us
that all through these centuries
our venerable ancestors, never, not
once, sir, ignored a challenge!
Comes now the defendant, and
with hair partly gray fom stewing
over an impending libel suit be
cause of a recent literary indiscre
tion, is struck by a thought, a
strange experience, indeed!
We were asked, sir, to review a
work, with which v/e know you are
familiar — “Barbary Coast,” by
Herbert Asbery, that novel num
ber in red lights. Our one word
review WHORRORS!
Attention Journalists!
From Pulitzer award Dictator
Nicholas Murray Butler, also pres
ident of Columbia university comes
this choice bit. No individual will
be eligible more than once to re
ceive the Pulitzer awards in let
ters and journalism henceforth.
This ruling does not apply to the
public service prize for newspapers,
nor will it prevent different mem
bers of the staff of the same news
paper from receiving awards. In
the field of letters both Edwin Ar
lington Robinson and Eugene
O'Neill have been three-time win
ners. Booth Tarkington, Robert
Frost and Burton J. Hendrick
have received two awards apiece.
* * *
Author in the House?
A contest for the best book, fic
tion or non-fiction, relating to the
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
has been announced jointly by the
Bobbs-Merrill Company and Hap
IRead a Good Book I
Only $1.00 1
py Days, official weekly publica
tion of the CCC. The competition
is open to anyone, whether or not
a member of the CCC. The prize
winning manuscript will run se
rially in Happy Days and the au
thor will receive $500 as a mini
mum guarantee against royalties.
What about it Pot and Quill.
Worth Reading
“A Sign for Cain” by Grace
Lumpkin, author of “To Make My
Bread.” We do not recommend it
to the D.A.R., the American Le
gion, nor to the Colonial Dames,
but for those who go in for an oc
casional 18 holes of thought the
“radical” work is no hazard. The
book deals with the black and
white dilemma of the South—and
in quite a different way than Pe
terkin, Glasgow, and Stark Young
monkeyed with it. But, yes, the
work is “red,” and the strain runs
through the entire book until it
ends with the death of a commu
nist organizer.
“Mrs. Astor’s Horse,” a curious
saga of American taste. Stanley
Walker, who laid “The Night Club
Era” wide open, and opened the
doors of the news world in “City
Editor,” now comes forth with a
delightful slaying of the ways in
which America’s “400” citizens
make a fantastic, grotesque, and
flamboyant search for publicity—
a berth on the front page!
Use Your Discretion
One time America’s sweetheart,
Mary Pickford, who played around
with the divine in her recent “Why
Not Try God,” contributes another
literary outpouring—“My Rendez
vous With Life,” which is just
about $1.00’s worth of calisthenics
on the road to spiritual harmony
with something. But then, our
Mary had a name already estab
lished when she began her career
as a—er, writer.
Hollywood Slaughter
Word comes from the Gelatin
capital that the following books
have been, or are in the process of
being movied: Beau Brummel,” by
Clyde Fitch; “The Man in the Iron
Mask” by Alexander Dumas;
"Things to Come,” by H. G. Wells;
"It Can’t Happen Here,” by Sin
clair Lewis; “The Heavenly Sin
ner,” by T. Everett Harre, and
“Ring Around the Moon,” by Vere
Hobart. Don’t expect the same
Good Books for Your
House Library
Only $1.00
M c Morr an&W ashburne
-PHONE 2700
All Men
Are Interested in This Timely Valueful
sale! Overcoats
Now & 4
to $29.50
Be prepared for the coming cold
weather! Due to the scarcity of wool
there is no possibility of 'this sale
repeating itself in the near future.
We urge you to make your selection
now although this morning there were
8~> coats from which to make your
With the Oregon
Oregon State game
over, there is
nothing left to look
forward to, unless
it is another
savory sandwich
at the
The College Side