Tom McCall . Editor Don Caseiato . Assistant Editor Bill Van Dusen . Sport Features Ben Back . Intramural Editor Reporters: Willie Frager, Porter Frizzell, Bruce Currie, Bill Hanen, Chuck Miller, Howard Skinner, Robert Bauer. Co-ed Reporters: Caroline Hand, Loree Windsor. UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1935 FOLLOW THE FEATURES printed daily on the Emerald sports page. Meet the freshmen football players through "Introducing Frosli Pigskin Players." Learn highlights in nation-wide ath letics from Bruce Currie's "Spice." 1935 SEASON SEES MANY tJP Snnrf ••• SKTS si:ti,’s rise to ^ • FORE ON THE C OAST. I OREGON VARSITY AND EM ; ERAI.D SPORTS STAFF PIC K j CHESHIRE AS BEST BACK. •> Quacks By TOM McCALL I-ose or draw with Oregon State, nn FOLLOW ARROW AND YOU FOLLOW THE STYLE ERIC MERRELL CLOTHES FOR MEN “The Arrow Shirt Store” The Players Can Keep Warm But You Will Need a WARM ROBE! Be comfortable at the Big Game Saturday . . by taking advantage of this big robe special. All wool, 54 x 72 robes. Choice of patterns and colors. These robes are seconds but the imperfections are so small as to be unnoticeable. Special for the U. of O.-O. S. C. game at only $2-25 OUR STOCK IS LIMITED—BUY EARLY Eugene Woolen Mill SALESROOM AT MILL East End of Sixth Street Phone 163 o’clock sharp Buck McGowan and his music makers will strike up the band at Gerlinger hall. Campus clothes is the order. Anyone wish ing to style a suit will have an op portunity to do so from the stage, with music! No dates Friday night. Charge, 25c a person. General rallying and pep yells will intersperse the musical ren ditions of the orchestra. Not a dull moment, says the rally committee. Then the big moment, awarding the prizes! The float which is ad judged as having paid the greatest tribute to King Bedlam will be honored through its creators. The houses having built the best me chanical signs for homecoming will recieve their just desserts. Ex-yell kings of the past will unite with the 1934-36 variety in a galaxy of fun and pep. Three surprise features are planned by the rally committee. Rumor of Oil (Continued from Page One) which the cynical and doubting freshmen did not believe. However the sophomores retired to the warmth of the city and as the yearlings detected a few questionable statements in the sophomore tale, they remained. Fear of a return engagement later sent freshmen delegates into town to muster more recruits to the cause. Last night Delta Tau Delta, Al pha Tau Omega, Phi Sigma Kappa, Phi Delta Theta, Chi Psi, Alpha hall and Kappa Sigma freshmen were on duty around the camptis. Tonight Sigma Nu, Delta TJpsilon, Zeta hall, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Mu and Alpha Tau Omega freshmen will be divided between guarding the “O” and campus vigilance. Announcement of the discovery of a red-tailed hawk new to science was made at Cornell University recently by Dr. George M. Sutton, curator of birds at the university. Clifford Odet’s play, “Waiting for Lefty,” a controversial subject in Massachusetts during the last year, will be produced by the Dart mouth college players in Decem ber. »?•#•§»«»« : *%*%*&% ^>1 ^«S£l#V You haven’t stood still since 1925 . . . neither have we r0U have made great progress in the past 10 years. Let’s see some of the things the Bell System has been doing in that time. Since 1925, we’ve cut the average time for complet ing Long Distance connections from IV2 to IV2 minutes. We’ve made the service more immune to weather —94% of our wires are now in cable. We’ve increased the telephone’s scope about 80%—you can now reach nearly 31,000,000 telephones, in every quarter of the globe. The next 10 year period may bring equally important advances. That is one of the ever-present thrills in telephone work! See for yourself how fast you can <, ;go homV' by tele phorte. Bargain rates on.^station- ; to-station calls after 7 P. M BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM ATTENTION: HOUSEMANAGERS l For— | Nails „ | Lumber * and Other Supplies jj I For— ( Homecoming Signs 4 BOOTH - KELLY | LUMBER COMPANY I 507 Willamette Street Phone 85 J Fifth Avenue at Willamette Street f< a; a. a a a m a a1 a mm