PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon EDITORIAL OFFICES: Journalist building. Phone 3300 — Editor, Local 354 ; News Room and Managing Editor. 353. BUSINESS OFFICE: McArthur Gmrt. Phone 3300 Local 214. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS MEMBER OF MAJOR COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS Represented by A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New York City; 123 W. Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Ave., Seattle; 1031 S. Broadway, Los Angeles; Call Building, San Francisco. The Oregon Daily Emerald will not be responsible for returning unsolicited manuscripts. Public letters should not be more than 300 words in length and should be accompanied by the writer’s signature and address which will be withheld if requested. All communications are subject to the discretion of the editors. Anonymous letters will be disregarded. The Oregon Daily Emerald official student publication of the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods, all of December except the first seven days, all of March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. All advertising matter is to be sent to the Emerald Business office, McArthur Court. llobert VV* Lucas, editor Eldon Habcrman, manager Clair Johnson, managing editor EDITORIAL BOARD llcnrietle llorak. William Marsh, Stanley Robe. Peggy Chess man. Marion Allen, Dan E. Clark II, Ami-Reed Burns, Howard Kessler. Mildred Blackburne, secretary to the board. UPPER NEWS STAFF Charles Paddock, news editor Tom McCall, sports editor Gordon Connelly, makeup editor Woodrow Truax, radio editor Miriam Kichner, literary editor Marge retch, womans editor Louise Anderson, society editor LeRoy Mattingly, Wayne Har hert, special assignment re porters REPORTERS: Marvin Lupton. Lloyd Tupling. Lucille Moore, Paul Deutsch manti, Ruth Lake, Kllamae Woodworth, Bill Kline, Bob Bollock, Sign'.: Rasmussen, Virginia Kndicott* Marie Rasmussen, Wilfred Roadman, Roy Knuds., n, Betty Shoemaker, Laura Margaret Smith. Fulton Travis, Jim Cushing, Betty Brown, Bob Emerson. COPYREADERS: Mary Ormandy. Norman Scott, (Jerald Crissman, Beulah Chapman, Gertrude Carter, Dewey Paine, Marguerite Kelley, Loree Windsor, Jean Gulovson, Lucille Davis, Dave Conkey, War ren Waldorf. Frances True. Kenneth Kirtjey, Gladys Battleson, Jlelen Gorrell, Bernadine Bowman, Ned Chapman, Gus Meyers, librarians and Secretaries: Faye Buchanan, Pearl Jean Wilson. BUSINESS STAFF Advertising Managers, this issue Assistants, this issue. Ed Morrow, promotion man ager . . Donald Chapman, circulation manager Velma McIntyre, classified man ager Maude Long, Patricia Neal Kathleen Duffy, Bob Wilhelm Bill Jones, national advertising manager Caroline Hand, executive sec OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Jean Lrfer, June llust. Georgette Wilhelm, Lucille Hoodland, Louise Johnson. Jane Slatky. Lucy Downing, Betty Needham, Betty Wagner, Marilyn Lbi, Dorothy Mahulsick. WEDNESDAY Day Editor, this issue . Leggy Chessman Assistant Day Editor, this issue. < lair Igoe Night Editors, this issue Ed Robbins. Darrel Ellis, Gerald Crisman Assistant Night Editors, this issue Helen Ferguson, Li Ilian M. Warn Armistice Day And Student Display SEVENTEEN years ago this next Monday the United States was a vast playground. The big, the little, the powerful and the meek dashed about in a mad demonstration of joy joy that the World War was over. The dominant motif for such actions in the majority of hearts throughout the nation was the close of the war and final peace. Next Monday a celebration of the signing of the Armistice will include a parade through Eu gene. There will be martial music, flags, uni forms and dignitaries. There is one restriction. No slogans shall be displayed by people taking part in the parade. This order was issued by Con Dillon, general chairman of the Armistice day celebration. It looks as if much of the true spirit of the Armistice day is being lost in an attempt to make a mere military display. The Emerald be lieves that such a public function as a parade is no place for the flouting of controversial governmental or moral beliefs. Those organizations among the students which persist in exploiting their beliefs about “isms” of government in a public function of this kind may be rightfully prohibited. An Ar mistice day parade is not the place for this sort of inborn publicity. Yet if the student groups at the University ask for the privilege of entering the parade, and carrying placards denouncing war and glorifying peace, they should be allowed to do so. Such dis play Is really more in the spirit of the first Armistice than is a hearty demonstration of chauvanistic patriotism often accompanying brass bands and khaki uniforms. Mr. Dillon in arbitrarily determining just who shall take part in this parade is no doubt sincere and sensitive to his responsibility as chairman of , the occasion. But in this instance he is going too far in suppressing what the Emerald believes to j be a just “right” of students to express their ! views on war especially when the occasion for that expression is -> well correlated with the in tentions of the dents who dislike war-- and incidentally fight th:m. Foolhardy Drivers And Student Safety "yrcSTERDAY morning students crossing Kin caid street at the intersection of Thirteenth were threatened with sudden destruction by a large coupe coming down Kincaid miles an hour. They took to the lifeboats and ran for the side walk, while the coupe skidded to a stop. A split second’s hesitation on the part of the driver of that car and a human life might have been wiped out. There is no place on this campus for brainless fools who persist in using an automobile to scare people. Some of the whoopee boys do things that belong in high school. But the child that thinks it’s funny to bully pedestrians with his automo bile doesn't belong in high school. He belongs in a padded cell. A little co-operation from the student body as a whole will soon eliminate these potential murderers from our midst. Next time you see a student come slamming up to an intersection that is crowded with people, jot down the license number of the car and send it to the Emerald. Where reason or law enforcement fails, a little adverse publicity is often very effective. 'T'HE name Sherwood Eddy has come to mean A a clear, impartial and analytic interpretation of world news and events. Since graduation from Yale, in 1891, Eddy has traveled, studied, and observed the history-in-the-making of the var ious peoples and nations of the world. He has come in close contact with the great of the time statesmen and men who direct na tional destinies; in India, Mahatma Gandhi; in Japan, Kakawa; in Russia, Stalin; in Italy, Mussolini; and in Germany, Hitler. And these are but a few! Eddy, a student and citizen of the world, he might be called, has just returned from a study tour of Russia, Poland, Germany, Austria, France, and Great Britain. He has watched the Leagjie of Nations at work, and has spent con siderable time “figuring out” just how that vast international organization ticks. Nov/ he is touring the United States and shar ing his information with the people of our country. In his many books and in his lectures, Eddy shows a “young" outlook, which was per haps partly acquired through his long years of association with students in various parts of the world, in his capacity as a YMCA worker and director. Too seldom, during the course of a year, do the students have the opportunity to have first hand information of headline-making current events, and what’s back of them, brought to them. Today’s privilege of hearing Sherwood Eddy should not be missed by a single student. Sherwood Eddy Air Y’ ❖ ❖ Listenin’ By James Morrison Kmerahl of the Air Miss Patsy Neal will conduct the Coed Quarter Hour over KORN today at 3:45. i. * « Local Itamls Last year Jimmy Dierickx’s band was ridiculed tremendously by the campus musicians and for a per fectly good reason, it was worse than Holman’s last-year band. But the boys stuck together, and now the band is better by far than Pel Milne's in Portland. Jimmy and his boys play at Willamette park Fr i day night. Bucky McGowan's “big band" has been engaged to play at the rally dance Friday evening and the Homecoming dance Saturday at the Igloo. His second bund is playing for the annual law school dance. Ed Cheney, extraordinary tap dancer, is scheduled for a return engagement at the Green Pa'rot Palms with Art Holman’s superior Id-piece orchestra Saturday night. * * * liatlio Denis Johnny Green, maestro of the Jack Benny show, and Victor Young, the Shell Chateau conduc tor, live at the same Hollywood ho tel and on the same floor. Each plays piano, and makes his own or chestrations. Each rides horseback as a pastime, and each directs from the same studio. But they differ: (JiOCX. it... i.. i.i ■ band U; v a\ in;; his hands; Young uses a baton. Lanny Ross has selected Wini fred Cecil, concert soprano, to play tlie role of Virginia Lee in the Maxwell House Show Boat broad cast every Thursday. President Roosevelt will pay tribute to the 125,000 Americans who died in the World war in a special broadcast from Arlington cemetery on Armistice day. Jessi ca Dragonette, soprano, will be the featured soloist for the third con secutive year during the ceremon ies. Starting today at 1:30 the NBC Radio Guild introduces a cycle of Shakespeare's plays dealing witn the lives of the kings of England. The first of the plays, portrayed by a distinguished cast of' Shakes pearean actors, is "King John." Some very good tunes will be sung and played this evening on the Maxwell House Show Boat. Lanny Ross will sing "Night and Day." from "Gay Divorcee,” and a medley of selections from “The Chocolate Soldier," as well as "Midnight in Paris," from "Here's to Romance.” Gustave Haenschen and the band offer "Alabamy Bound" and "Truckin'," from "Cot ton Club Parade." Louise Massey and the Westerners arc presenting "You're an Old Smoothie," from J "Take a Chance.” (Please him te fa ye jour) Letter Music appeals directly to my senses. It creates by subtle al chemy a wondrous mood of con centrated sensitivity. At times. I feel an exhilerating tingling pul sing through me. ley winds from mighty glaciers blow across my forehead, freeze my hands, curry my hair and back with a comb of icicles, search through my soul and chi!! my heart. At time, t bask and snuggle in mellow sun light and smell again the spring of youth. I look deep into the depths of night and contemplate. I stand tiptoe upon a mountain top. I nuzzle my face into the warm earth, our Mother. I live be cause 1 feel. I have visited the Carnegie lis- j tening room but I have been frightened away, for I dislike rude a n d inconsiderate interruptions when I listen to music. I have gone to listen and I have discov ered it to be a noisome place. It is more than annoying to be jarred by racuous, unnecessary talk about some dance band in town. 1 do not appreciate the hoof beats of a roving gossip. I do not like to have the tender tips of my nerves rasped raw by the rustling ot paper, in fact, it makes me angry (I mean mad) and 1 am forced to stay away. 1 can understand why a boiler maker might not have any regards' tor the feelings of a fellow worker but I cannot eomprehend why a student of music would be so un feeling as to run roughshod and senseless over my poor exposed soul. Does constant (or should 1 say applied) contact with music make any person so thick-skinned, so backing in sensitiveness, so dull that he does not perceive what others feel? 1 hope not, but as long as stu dents employ the listening room as a bull-test center, t will avoidt i' as if it were a sizzling Hades | abounding witli diabolical, jabber-! ing imps, jabbing with the thrice pronged spears of chatter, callous ness and confusion, the soft cring ing flesh of my inner car. (Signed) George Niemi. i He v-unt quiet.—Let. Us The Marsh of Time By Bill Mcrsn Number Please This one gets us. It seems that Frank (Scappoose-express) Mich ek, while en route to Los Angeles recently was approached by anoth er member of the Webfoot varsity. “Someone wants to talk to you on the phone, Frank,” said the new comer. Whereupon Michek gets up, starts down the aisle, then comes back to ask, “Where’s the phone on this train?” The grid sters are still laughing. * * * From “Colliers”: An interesting item, which says that one of the world’s strangest punishments for murder is still practiced by several African tribes. The only thing re quired by this particular law of the jungle is that a murderer produce a life for the one he has taken. Accordingly, the murderer must live with the widow or sister of the deceased until a child is born. Thank heaven for civilization. If the modern motorist were forced to produce a birth certificate for every murdered pedestrian, the country would be too crowded to live in. * * * Dunking The Kappa Sigma boys had a barn dance last week-end. To lend a note of realism to the thing, they acquired chickens, pigs, etc. Also a calf. After the dance the Kappa Sigs went on a serenade. As soon as the big brown house was deserted, a couple of Sigma Nus sneaked into the place and absconded with the calf. Unfortunately, however, a punitive expedition of Kappa Sigs located the calf rustlers just before they managed to get the little beast into the Gamma Phi bar racks. With practically no cere mony, the larger group seized the unfortunate Sigma Nus and tossed them bodily into the icy chill of the mill race, clothes and all. The Vigilantes ride again!! rg COMFORT Plus Style with Burch’s Shoes Does tho end of tlio day fiiul \ on ooinpletoly w orn out Tiioii perhaps you liood tin- sillier - fitting Biu-tdi shoos that provide siioli imirvolous foot null fort. Thoso famotis shot's aro shown in the newest shades and stylos. Wo oait\ all si/os and m itltlis. Bunch ShoeGa H*!)a\un imTRf HIV.• lOi?wruwette Wanna Fight? Note to Republican conservatism by Struthers Burt: The world does move forward. But, as a rule, only when someone kicks it. F.D.R. gave American business a whale of a kick, and now that the damn thing is running again, every politician in the country who didn’t think of it first is kicking at the administration. Or do you agree ? There, now. I’ve said it. Stand back hoys, and take to the bond) shelters. The Republican barrage will start most any minute. This one is on Tony Lucas, Gam ma Phi siren. Seems that she and a youth by the name of Bleum were shipping cocoa in the Green Parrot last night. Just at the mo ment when Reum had half his face submerged in cocoa, Tony raised her voice and said, “Dick, did you get your blankets back all right?’’ Before Reum could get his kisser out of the cup the entire joint was in an uproar. Rumor has it that Reum was trying to get aboard a southbound freight at a late hour last night. “That’s the last straw," he said. “I’m going to Patagonia and start a new life." Once aboard the lugger, and the girl's mine! Bang! Bang! Mrs. E. W. Allen Hostess Mrs. Eric W. Allen, alum adviser of the group, entertained members of Theta Sigma Phi, women’s na tional honorary in journalism, at dessert at 7:00 on Tuesday eve ning. Red Woolens Not Scorned By All Coeds By MARGUERITE KELLY This is the kind of weather that makes us wish we weren’t so "darn" modern. Wouldn’t the proverbial red flan nels feel good these days ? But, oh, no! Instead of that we wear flimsy little wisps of froth and fub-dub. Why ? Because that’s what the other girls wear. Of course, it is rather nice to be able to wear some of the lus cious creations in undies. They give one such a sense of luxury. I Especially when they are made of beautiful satins or chiffons in deli cate rainbow tints. The favored shades of the moment are robin’s j egg blue, pale maize, creme de j menthe, and dusty pink. Colors are definitely more popular. Red Woolens New Speaking of colors, if you want to be listed with the ultra ultra smart, the things to wear are the practical new knitted sets. They are wool and in a bright enough red to make you warm by just looking at them. However, if you are a little du bious about stepping directly into red woolens, literally speaking of course, there are some grand knit ted cottons and woolens in more conservative tints that are just the thing for you. It is said that fashions go in cy cles and then repeat themselves. Perhaps we are going back to the days of sensible clothing. But one does have to admit that there's something about cold weather that makes woolens, overcoats, and mit tens mighty friendly. D.G.’s Entertain Deans Dean Hazel P. Schwering and Mrs. Alice Macduff were guests at the Delta Gamma sorority for Wednesday lunch. LET YOUR HOMECOMING Mums display a double ^ loyalty to your alma mater. li Proceeds from all "Mum sales at the College Flower Shop go to the Associ ated Women Students for the promo tion of their activity and scholarship program. Oregon coeds will be on hand to wait on you, or you may write or phone your orders in and delivery will be made at the time and place you specify. Let your “Mums do a double job of loyalty to Oregon. 50c _ 75c _ $|.00 College Flower Shop >•>0 lias! imii Avomif ''On tin- Campus" l’iiotm 301* Don’t forget—there will be a box in the College Side for g students to leave their letters | for Dolores—This is for your J convenience!!! I DEPENDABLE ■l ADVICE <1 FOR I DISMAYED i DAMSELS We may gather from these two letters which DOLORES | answers this weekend that Oregon students are not as SOPHISTICATED in their social life as we have been led to believe . . . Illlllllllill Debutante Dolores I I ill'll!! 'lllllllll!lllllllll!lllllll!llllll!lll!l!illill!l!l!li!!llll!l!llllllil!il!l1i|!ll!!!ll!l|||||||||||lill||i!|||l!lll!!il:lll!!!lii!’l||||iilil||||i:i!l||!||||ll!ll!||||||||||||||||!!l!lllllil!IIIM!!ii!!!lllll!!l Dear Dolores: I have asked a girl here on the campus whom I admire very | much to go to the Homecoming dance with me. Now I have | received a letter from my family and they are bringing with | them the girl I am secretly engaged to. What shall I do, break my date with the girl here and ruin my reputation on the | campus or write to the girl at home, running the risk of losing \ the one I really care for? How shall I handle this ? How do girls react to broken I dates ? S. R. Dear S. R. Yours is a touchy problem. However my advice is to explain | to the girl here on the campus that you are expecting an out of j town guest. If she is a girl you greatly admire I am sure she [ will understand the situation. Perhaps it would be well to get the girl a date, that is if I any other boy would take her. Girls don't like broken dates any more than you do but in this case let love win out. Dolores. Dear Dolores: j Although I have taken my girl out several times, I have j not yet been able to kiss her. Every time I get the opportunity I lose my nerve. What shall I do? N. T. D. Hilillillillll m Dear N. T. D. Your problem seems to be brought about by inexperience and | not being sure of your own tech nique. So I advise the following - corrective measures. First go home V and set a pillow on your davenport. If you can kiss the pillow and still remain outwardly calm, although you may be seething inside you j have sucessfully completed the _ | first step. Second, go down to the *—■/ | Seventh Street Formal and after / i carefully examining the field, se- / | lect one of the more promising- / | looking damsels, and when you l I take her home repeat your tech- V niue just as you did with the pil low. rr you re still outwardly calm, you are ready to attempt to kiss the girl of your dreams. Be nonchalant, just remember how you did with the pillow. Be firm, don’t let any small attempt to repulse you keep you away from your motive. You know your technique, just apply it. (Black eyes are treated at the dispensary from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.) Dolores. Ill|!!l!lili!ill!llll!i:i;il)lillilllilllllltllll!lllilllll"!!llllli!llllil!lllllll!illll illli! Long informal dresses will be the proper.^ costume for grads and students SaturdayjKj night for the Homecoming dance in the Igloo.jjjj Betty Church. With the most exciting weekend of the year coming up POLLY peeked in practically every window in town to find everything you will want and need. . . . The homecoming dance Saturday night is the big occasion for each of you to look your best so follow us to these stores for values .... You will catch the eye of your latest thrill if you wear clever and correct jewelry with your informal to the dance Saturday night. . . . The BROADWAY, INC., has some lovely combinations of ANTIQUE GOLD and pearls used in rings, bracelets, pins, clips—also attractive compacts, formal handkerchiefs and bags for your cos tume . . . POLLY insists that you see the interesting display of ITALIAN ASH TRAYS at the GIFT SHOP—They come in sets of two to six—some are gaily flowered—all color combinations and shapes. . . . They will be just the things to dress your room up for the ALUMS this week end . . . C. J. BREIER & CO. has a new supply of very SCOTCHY taffeta blouses with cute little pleated stand up collars and the pleated effect carried out in the sleeve - This blouse would be perfect \yith your navy blue suit . . . Since everyone is attending the interesting lectures given by Mr. Harada, Japanese Art has become the chief topic of conversation on the campus—Girls have been looking for things to give that ORIENTAL touch for their rooms —Well—POLLY would like to remind you that the ORIENTAL ART SHOP has a new shipment of JAPANESE PRINTS ... Don't forget to look in R. C. HADLEY’S window this week for the most startling dinner and evening dress of the season!!! The frock is of FUTURE RED velvet cut in very simple lines and may be worn with or without its tailored METALLIC cloth jacket—-POLLY suggests that this gown would make quite a sensation at° the HOMECOMING DANCE . . . To go with her new formal POLLY found just the added touch ot bright color to complete her devastatin' costume- it s those adorable ice box flower tiara's at ^ tliat can be had in any color for only S 7o They arc flattering to any coiffeur and the craze of all smart co-eds. Every girl needs stockings and POLLY found j” the right shade at GRAHAM'S for each of her costumes. All the new winter shades in various price ranges. POLL\ S hair always has that luster because VMTAvmv oe* t ^h*mP°os and fingerwaves at LOVE S ;;)LO-N for on‘Y S.oO. Try a new hair style and look different too’ ^