Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 05, 1935, Image 3

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    Tom McCail . Editor
Don Casciato . Assistant Editor
Bill Van Dusen . Sport Features
Ben Back . Intramural Editor
Reporters: Willie Frager, Porter Frizzell, Bruce Currie,
Bill Hanen, Chuck Miller, Howard Skinner, Robert Bauer.
Co-ed Reporters: Caroline Hand, Loree Windsor.
printed daily on the Emerald sports page. Meet the
freshmen football players through “Introducing Frosh
Pigskin Players.” Learn highlights in nation-wide ath
letics from Bruce Currie’s “Spice.”
Beavers Hold Light Scrimmage on
Crutches and in Wheel-Chairs.
Bear Stories Taboo in Minds of
Oregon Gridiron Coaches and #*#
Scribes. •
Even a none too ardent follower
of Oregon State football publicity
would receive the impression that
the "Four Horsemen” are staging
a rodeo over on the Orange cam
Prominent in all headlines per
taining to the welfare of the
neighboring eleven, are such words
and phrases as, "Orangemen Rest,
Football Players Recuperate, So
and So Is on the Shelf, Orange
Injured Slowly Recorver,” all of
which were extracted from but
two papers which I happened to
pick at random. Following this
black dirge of the headlines were
stories which would bring the
brine thundering from the eyes of
the strongest of men; stories that
make one see giant athletes broil
ing under heat lamps in a welter
of bunting and tape, while outside
a few of the lucky are running
through light signal practice, sup
ported by crutches or fast moving
wheel chairs. Then comes the Sat
urday of the game bringing with
it not the slightest vestige of the
mile long bandage of the previous
* * *
There is no doubt in my mind
that the best of the “bear story”
artists in the Northwest function
at a no more disant point than
the city of Corvallis. It would be
interesting, to say the least, to
watch the scribes there, slugging
at the conrols of the Underwood,
clad in their raiment of tear
stained sack-cloth.
Hardly less prolific in the dis
pensation of near obituary trea
tises, are the publicity men of the
state college of Washington. There
groans a ghastly group of grid
iron gazers!
Sob stuff is apparently as prev
alent in the sporting set-up as
your quarterbacks, forwards, and
Now the point that I have been
trying to reach, via all the pre
ceding blabber, is that the public
ity man for the University of Ore
gon athletic department doesn’t
conjure up images of crutches and
heat lamps for practically every
report. The coaching staff doesn’t
approve of “bear” stories, either.
Consequently, when you read that
an Oregon athlete is injured and
out for the season, he is injured
and out for the season. Still
it’s not often that, you’ll have to
wade through a list of casualties
and long lines admitting that the
home team is starting Saturday
with a few professors, house moth
ers, etc., to supplement the one
player on the squad who is still
“in toto.”
Y’s to Conduct
Relations Meet
100 Pacific Northwest
Delegates to Be Here
Approximately 100 delegates
from universities and colleges of
the Pacific Northwest are expect
ed to attend the International Re
lations conference scheduled for
November 29 and 30 and Decem
ber 1, here.
Frank Evenson and Mary Nelson
are co-chairmen for the affair
and expect to have at least a sim
ilar number of University of Ore
gon representatives present.
The conference, a yearly affair
conducted by the regional council
of the YMCA and the YWCA, will
discuss the league of nations and
the Ethiopian situation. Leaders
of discussion will be Dr. Cornelius
de Villiers, who is to be on the
campus for a month starting No
vember 17, and Allan A. Hunter,
Congregational minister from Hol
lywood, representing the Fellow
ship of Reconciliation, a peace or
Dr. Villiers will lead discussions
on the general topic of the League
•of Nations and the Ethiopian situ
ation and Rev. Hunter will discuss
ftvhat students can do for peace.
Sessions of the conference will
be held in the faculty room of the
S. H. Friendly hall. Women dele
gates to the gathering will stay
at the women's halls of residence;
no arrangement has as yet been
made for men representatives.
Maids Scarce
. -—:-——
(Continued from Page One)
| 3. Those from three to six feet
in height.
The dance promises fair to be a
gala event, Robert Miller, chair
man, and his assistant, Tony
Yturri, said yesterday. Ray Mize
and George Hibbard are conduct
ing a prize dance and for once the
Studious law school students will
be judged other than by their men
tal ability.
The faculty committee (better
known as stooges, lookouts, or
other similar titles) is headed by
Thomas Tongue, with Dick Dev
lers, and Orville Bailey assisting.
I Decorations are in the hands of
“Herb Skalet, chairman, Orville
Thompson. William Shepard, and
•'Champ Stoddard.
But the date committee chair
With Billy Rose directing the
microphone production of his
unique spectacle, “Jumbo," and
Very Special—35c
33 West Eighth Street
I _
man has the longest list of assist
ants. Anyone desiring a conference
on the “date” question and finding
Hayter in accessible should make
it a point to contact one of the
following: Bob Marks, Bill Davis,
Bill Martin, John Thomas, or Nora
Order of O
(Continued front Page One)
constitution, the Order of the O is
plannig to hold the traditional
letter men’s parade around Hay
ward field before the Oregon-Ore
gon State game. A section of re
served seats will be set aside for
letter men and alumni who have
Oregon sweaters and who march
in the parade.
The parade will be the first one
the organization has held in sev
eral years.
Air Y’ Listenin’
(Continued from Payc Tzvo)
Adolph Deutsch swinging the ba
ton, the second radio adaptation of
that huge enterprise will be pre
sented at 6:30 this evening. Don
Novis, tenor, and Gloria Grafton,
musical comedy star, will sing a
duet arrangement of the “Spring
During the Martha Meade pro
gram today at 10 a. m. Daniel W.
Hone will tell why marriages fail.
Virginia Verrill, pretty CBS
songstress, has received invitations
from college men to every princi
pal football game in the East . . .
Lawrence Tibbett, noted baritone,
says: “For my particular voice the
vowel ‘a' as in ‘May’ is the best
for practicing.” . . . Kate Smith is
an artist in more ways than one
. . . while the orchestra is playing
just before she takes a chorus, she
makes sketches of the boys in the
Ransom Sherman, comedian on
the “You Name It” program, was
a brilliant student at college, ex
cept for one course—he flunked
public speaking!
1\BC-CBS Programs Today
9:30 a. m.—You Name It—Rob
ert Olsen, tenor: Ransom Sherman
and Donald Stuart, comedians; Joy
trio: Jack Meakin’s orchestra.
1:30 p. m.- Fascinating Rhythm.
Soloists. Ranny Weeks’ orchestra.
5:30 — Packard presents Lawr
* Hats Made to
« Order
g Hats cleaned, blocked and
the Hatter
Kiurene Is
■ !J(j \V. Stli Ave.
m m: ■ .KKtKn
Betas Meet
Phi Sigs in
Finals Today
Phi Delts Drop
Overtime Tilt
In Semi-Finals
Splash Tourney
The two Hoffman brothers,
members of Phi Sigma Kappa,
spoiled whatever hopes the Phi
Delts entertained in getting into
finals with the Betas last night
when they combined efforts and
beat them by a 3-2 score
The contest was an interesting
one. even though it had only a few
spectators, and, at times, devleoped
into a real slug-fest. Both goalies
made their share of spectacular
saves but the Phi Delt goalie, Har
ry McCall, really had to stop more
direct shots. During the contest,
the Phi Sigs never had to apply
real pressure until the end of the
game when the Phi Delts went be
serk and tied the score at two-all
Anderson, Devers Come Through
Leading this furious attack wt.s
the forward wall of the Phi Delt
team composed of Anderson, J.
Devers, and D. Devers. Just be
fore the final gun. the score was
tied by Joe Devers, who broke
through the entire Phi Sig de
fense with a deceptive flip shot,
which just barely escaped Jones,
the Phi Sig goalie.
Hoffman Scores in Overtime
During the first half Phi Sigma
Kappa took a commanding lead
when tw:> easy goals were scored
by J. Halverson and V. Hoffman.
After rhe two goals were scored
the Phi Sigs settled down and
played a defensive game wnicn
failed to work. After the score
was tied, the Phi SigS discarded
this defense and switched to of
After about two minutes of over
time B. Hoffman found himself in
a good position to score and sent
the winning counter crashing past
McCall and into the net.
Phi Delts Phi Sigs
Anderson .RF. Hoffman
Devers .LF. Halverson
Devers .CF. Hoffman
Brownell .RG.. Woods
Strohecker .LG. Young.
Prime .CG. Duncan
McCall .G. Jones
eiice Tibbett, baritone, with Don
Voohees’ orchestra in a representa
tion of classics as well as Broad
way’s most typical melodies. CBS.
6:00—N.T.G. and His Girls. KPO,
6:30 — Jumbo — Fire Chief
show. NBC.
7:00 — The Swift Studio party.
8:30 — The Camel Caravan.
Orlando J. Hollis, law professor,
returned Monday from a weekend
hunting trip to Klamath Falls. He
reported good shooting and had
eight ducks to show for it.
Send the Emeraid to your friends.
Subscription rates $2.30 a year.
Fallen Leaves
From the Past
No less an authority than Parks
“chess maestro” Hitchock issued a
standing challenge today that has
the campus agog. Hitchcock, cap
tain of a team composed of Lloyd
Speer, Ed Pitt, and Roy McMullen,
has dared Dr. Eric A. Pollard of
the German department and any
three faculty members he may
choose, to engage in a battle of
brains across the chess board.
"We want blood!” declared
Five and Ten Years Ago Today—
No paper.
Cups Planned
Houses Having Most
Alums Present Win
Two new Homecoming alumni
attendance cups have been pur
chased and engraved by alumni of
ficials and are to be awarded this
weekend to the fraternity and so
rority having the largest number
of former students present.
It will be absolutely necessary,
stated Robert Allen, alumni secre
tary, yesterday, that to be counted
in the judging, all alumni must
register in Johnson hall sometime
between 1 o’clock Friday and 5
o’clock Saturday.
Get Together Planned
Allen suggested that alumni
would be given a good opportunity
to register at the cafeteria get to
gether slated for John Straub me
morial hall Saturday noon.
Circular letters have been sent
to all living organizations by alum
ni officials asking students to bend
all efforts to see that every alum
ni registers and attends the cafe
teria instead of eating at the hous
es at that time. Saturday night
will be the “big night” for alumni
at houses, he said.
Faculty Invited
Members of the faculty have
been especially invited to attend
the cafeteria, and whereas it is not
a student-alumni affair, students
will not be denied entrance, al
though a minimum charge is to be
Barn Dance Held
At Gerlinger Hall
“Swing left, your partner,” and
many other such calls were heard
last Friday night in the gymnas
ium of Gerlinger hall, at the real
old fashioned barn dance that was
held there from 7:30 until 9:00.
Townspeople dressed in cos
tumes suitable to the occasion, stu
dents, and faculty members all
joined in the Paul Jones, square
dance, and several good old fash
ioned waltzes that were played by
a typical barn dance orchestra
which consisted of a piano and two
fiddlers. Mr. Fishcel from Junction
City was one of the old time fid
dlers who helped make the evening
Complete $1.50—Fillers 35c
Freshly Ground Beef—Special Quality Oversize Bun
Lei luce—Mayouaise—Relish—Onions ?
Served with potato chips and pickle.
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Star Exchange
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€91.9.9. 9. h a a 9
Rhone 5!L
3e9: ■ ■ a a-taua avBtaiear
Jim Nicholsen.
Definitely Out
Of Final Game
Sprained Ankle
Puts Frosli Star
Out of Last Game
With Orange Rooks
Jimmy Nicholsen, star quarter
back and most dangerous offensive
threat of the frosh football team,
is definitely through with football
for 1935.
A sprained ankle received in
scrimmage two weks ago was
twisted again in the Washington
Babe game Saturday and has
forced the ex-Salem flash out of
action for the only remaining
game on the frosh schedule with
the OSC Rooks Friday night at
Without the services of Nichol
sen, Coach ‘‘Honest John" Warren
is faced with the task of rebuild
ing his entire backfield. There are
several good men available for ser
vice but no combination has yet
be^n found that clicks in a manner
well enough to avenge the first
defeat by the Rooks.
Bob Anet, the fighting fisher
man, will handle the quarterback
post but the two halfbacks and
fullback will be a wide open battle
between Dave Gammon, Tom
Blackman, Bill Bogue, Tony Ver
onda, Jean Laeau, and several
The frosh line, although streng
thened by the return of Henry Nil
sen, star end, is still weak and will
undoubtedly go through many
changes before the Rook game.
Coach Warern has admitted dis
satisfaction with the work of the
linemen and intends to try to im
prove their work this week. Sev
eral of the men were badly bruised
in the Washington game but none
are expected to be on the sidelines
Set for Nov. 26
This year's cross-country race
wil take place Tuesday, November
26, according to an announcement
received last night by the Emerald
from the intramural office.
Russ Cutler, director of this
year's race, wishes to inform all
contestants that the time is grow
ing short in order to get nine
practices in order to compete.
There is still time, however, for all
planning to run to get these prac
A big turkey will be awarded to
the individual winning this year
as will be the Bill Hayward trophy
to the winning house.
Daily Campus
Sports Schedule
Today’s Water Polo Game
4:00 p. m.—Beta Theta Pi vs.
Phi Sigma Kappa (final).
Today's Volleyball Games
4:00 p. m.—Sigma Phi Epsi
lon vs. Sigma Alpha Mu "A”;
Zeta hall vs. Delta Tail Delta
4:40 p. m.—Sigma hall vs.
Sigma Nu “A”: Kappa Sigma
vs. Phi Kappa Psi "A."
5:20 p. m.—Alpha hall vs
Beta Theta Pi “A”; Omega hall
vs. Chi Psi “A.”
Girls’ Volleyball
5:00 p. m.—Kappa Kappa
Kappa Gamma vs. Alpha Delta
Pi; Alpha Omicron Pi vs. Alpha
Phi; Gamma Phi Beta vs. Susan
Phi Sigs Beat
Sigma Nu Team
Dells Also Win in
Volleyball Contests
By means of a driving rally in
the last two games, Phi Sigma
Kappa won its opening “B” league
volleyball game yesterday after
noon from Sigma Nu. Sigma Nu
won the first of the three games
played by a 15-11 margin and ap
peared to be well on the way to
taking the series two straight
when the Phi Sigs began their sen
sational rally. They finally won
the second tilt 15-13 and went ojq
to take the deciding game easily
16-6. Hitchcock and Hesla looked
especially good for the Phi Sigs,
while Olson and Kay Hockette
sparked the Sigma Nu offense.
The Delts had little trouble tak
ing Delta Upsilon 15-9 and 15-10.
The Delts put a veteran team on
the floor and exhibited smooth
team work. Rice and Silven kept
the D.U.’s going. Swanson, Shaw
and Blais played consistent ball
for the winners.
Good team work featured the
Kappa Sigs’ sweeping victory over
Omega hall 15-1 and 15-5. Bob
Thomas helped speed up the games
for the Kappa Sigs.
Zeta hall and S.A.E. were each
presented with a win by forfeiture.
Sigma Alpha Mu and Pi Kappa
Alpha were the teams failing Lo
show up.
The other game scheduled be
tween Gamma hall and La Casa
Filipina was declared no contest
as neither squad appeared. The
tilt cannot be played later, accord
ing to intramural directors.
Arcamnes, wealthy prince of an
cient Gaul, once gave a feast that
lasted a year without interruption.
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Filler paper must
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Special purchases of college bookstore band makes
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Compare our prices and quality merchandise and you
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Shades of the Past
Recalled by Ducks
In 36th Civil War’
Gents From Corvallis
To Face Webfoots
In Annual Classic
Next Saturday
A gridiron civil war that began
in the days when grandpa courted
grandma down by the old mill
stream and bicycles were built for
two will be fought anew, for a 36th
time, when Oregon’s Webfoots and
Oregon State’s Beavers battle on
Hayward field Saturday.
The shining new walls of Villard
hall thrilled the gay young blades
and wasp-waisted maidens on that
long ago day in 1894 when first
Oregon's football warriors clashed
with the Aggies.
The score was 18 to 0 for the
mustachioed young farmers from
Corvallis, but since that historic
tussle Oregon has recorded 22 tri
umphs to 9 for Oregon State. On
seven occasions the teams have
ended their annual struggle in a
Oregon Victor for Three Years
. ..During the past decade, however,
rivalry between the two schools
has been almost even, though for
the most ..recent three ..seasons,
since 1931, the Webfoots have
emerged victorious. Last year it
was 9 to 6, the year before 13 to
3, and in 1932 the Ducks were on
the happy end of a 12 to 6 count.
The 1931 engagement was a
scoreless tie. In the preceding
year, 1930, the Beavers recorded
their final triumph, 15 to 0, on Bell
field'. Not since 1927 has Oregon
State drubbed the Webfoots here.
Saturday’s game, feature of
Homecoming, most joyous event of
the year for thousands of old
grads, will be the first Oregon
Oregon State contest staged on
Hayward field’s storied sod since
1931, year of the double goose egg.
For two autumns the state’s two
major institutions of higher learn
ing have grappled on the gridiron
of Multnomah stadium in Portland,
and in 1932 the yearly fracas took
place in Corvallis.
Teams Appear Even
Forgetting ancient history in the
swirl of today’s enthusiasm, a
glimpse at season’s records and
performances indicates that Sat
urday’s game is almost a perfect
toss-up. Oregon has more power,
more consistency, more experience;
Oregon State more speed, more
brilliance, more occuracy through
the air lanes.
With Lon Stiner and his Bea
vers will come sophomore Joe
Gray, famous “jumping Joe” of
Roosevelt high, one of the out
standing halfbacks in the West.
GrAy's passing proclivity, coupled
with the shifty running of another
sophomore half, Bob Mountain,
has enabled the Staters to score
at least one touchdown against all
of the six teams they have faced
this fall.
Completing the battering Beaver
backfield are Wayne (Happy) Val
ley at fullback and Jack Woerner
at quart?-. To nullify the touted
prowess of this formidible behind
the-line quartet, Prink Callison has
mighty Frank Michek, Bud Goodin,
Bob Braddock, and Johnny Reisch
Injured Beavers Recover
Reports from Benton county are
to the effect that the long list of
Beaver injuries is rapidly dwind
ling and that all the Orangemen
will be fit for action against their
arch rivals. Oregon State won a
hard-fought tilt from Portland
University Saturday, 19 to 2.
Prink Callison is drilling the
Webfoots behind locked stadium
gates this week. For the first time
this season everybody is barred
save players, coaches, trainers and
student managers.
Though the Ducks' practice pro
gram for the week is known to
consist of work on fundamentals
—blocking, tackling, signal drill,
ets.—Callison is taking no chances
on exhibiting anything before the
prying eyes of Oregon State scouts.
The Webfoots will run through
every offensive play on their
books during the week, including
power plays especially designed for
the Beavers.
Rhode Island once had laws pro
viding penalties for refusal to ac
cept public office on election.
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