Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1935, Image 1

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With freezing- weather still pre
vailing the weather man still in
sists on more clear and continued
Sports Fans
Wehfoot sport followers will
have to he content this week with
the Frosh-Husky Babe contest on
: ori Hayward field at 2 today.
ASOSC President Pays Oregon Good Will Visit
Graham Offers
Plans Laid to Continue
Good Feeling, Friendly
Rivalry in Relations
Between Two Schools
Before a meeting in Villard hall
yesterday of University of Oregon
student leaders, a tall, broad-shoul
dered good will ambassador from
Oregon State, ASOSC President
Jack Graham extended greetings
from that school and offered co
operation in making this year’s
homecoming a success.
Graham, speaking slowly and in
comfortable tones, assured those
at the meeting that the extent of
the rivalry between both schools
was far overdrawn. He said that
at a proposed Oregon State convo
cation next Wednesday every ef
fort was going to be made to as
sure an understanding with the
students of the real, desirable at
titude of visiting Oregon Staters
who would, he declared, “conduct
themselves as ladies and gentle
Boyer Extends Welcome
Welcoming Graham, Dr. C. Val
entine Boyer, president of the Uni
versity, assured the group that “it
is impossible to take all of the bar
barism out of youth,” but that it
should be restrained by a common
sense of right and wrong.
Dr. Boyer cited the relationships
as they exist between Yale and
Princeton. "The two schools, while
the bitterest of enemies on the ath
letic field, conducted themselves as
hosts and guests on these occa
sions,” Dr. Boyer said. “There was
little unchecked, rampant enthu
siasm that resulted in vandalism
and savage demonstrations. "It is
of great importance to the two
schools that they do not break
down the pleasant relationship that
has been built up in the state in
the last few years.”
Graham, Blais Speak
Both Jack Graham and Jim
Blais who spoke on behalf of the
Oregon student body, were anxious
that the student bodies' of both
schools look upon some of the
cheap, narrow actions of individ
uals as not being representative of
the thoughts and attitudes of the
whole student bodies.
Jack Campbell, chairman of the
rally committee, told of elaborate
plans for a rally to be held Friday
night. Jim Blais entertained sug
gestions for a possible rally assem
bly prior to the game but nothing
was definitely decided.
Grace’s Trial
Starts Monday
Trial of Paul Grace is set for
Monday, November 4, in the cir
cuit court. Grace was arrested sev
eral weeks ago on a charge of
burglary. He was apprehended in
the men’s dormitory.
The Lane county grand jury re
turned a true bill Wednesday,
October 24, indicting Grace on a
charge of burglary in the E. H
Hall residence.
Homecoming directorate will
meet at 4 at the College Side Inn
Jean Peterson has mail at the
dean of women’s office.
* * *
Wesminster fireside group will
meet Monday evening at 8:30 at
Westminster house. A sing will
follow at 10.
Freshmen Given
Steadiness Test
Effect on Rifle Scores
Result of Experiment
Twenty-two freshman military
students were given the Seashore
steadiness test yesterday by R. M.
Martin, assistant to Professor
Howard Taylor of the psychology
The experiment is being conduct
ed by the psychology department,
through the cooperation of Colonel
Murphy, head of the ROTC. It will
continue during the next two
weeks until Mr. Martin has given
about 100 tests.
The subject gets two trials. Us
ually the scores are nearly the
same, although the second is often
slightly higher, Mr. Martin said.
Not much can be learned about the
results of the experiment until the
results are compared with the rifle
scores of the subjects. This will
not take place until next term.
Freshmen had their first drill
with rifles last Wednesday. Drill
today was cut short, due to the
cold weather. All three military
periods will be given over to drill
next week, in preparation for the
Armistice day parade.
Education Group
Issues Bulletin
The Chi chapter of Phi Delta
Kappa, national education honor
ary, put out their News Letter
today. Shailer A. Peterson, science
teacher at University high school
is the editor.
Contributors are Earl F. Bou
shey, president of Phi Delta Kap
pa; F. Y. Stetson, professor of
education; Joseph Holaday, social
science instructor at University
high; Wendell Van Loan, principal
of Roosevelt junior high school;
and Vernon E. Kerley, treasurer
of Phi Delta Kappa.
Phi Delta Kappa
Takes Members
Men from widely separated
points of the compass were initiat
ed during the summer by the Chi
chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, na
tional education honorary.
They were: Gilbert Howard of
Baker; E. Kilpatrick of Keno; Vir
gil McPherson of Dallas; Cecil Po
sey of La Grande; H. I. Putman of
Hamill, South Dakota; R. S. Wells
of Douglas, Arizona; Scott Wil
liams of Roseburg, and Geary
Worth of Wendling.
Frosh Picked
For Committees
The frosh homecoming decora
tions committee has appointed the
following freshmen: Ted Olson,
one of the co-chairmen, has ap
pointed Woody Robinson, Ivan
Clark, Russ Cole, Phil Rierson and
Zane Kenler. Dorothy Magnusson,
the other co-chairman, has ap
pointed Myra Starbuck, June Hust,
Margaret Thorsness, Irene Wells.
She has also appointed Dorothy
Van Balkenberg to head a sub
committee for decorations.
Historic Treatise
Received at Libe
Ten volumes and an index of a
general dictionary, historical and
critical, have been received at the
University library. The work is
translated from that of the French
author, Bayle, and was published
in London from 1734 to 1741 by
J. P. Bernard, Thomas Birch, and
John Lockman.
The text is the history of the
most illustrious people of all ages
and nations, with special emphasis
on those of Great Britian and
Townsend Visions Triumph
Supremely confident that “we will elect the next congress and
then the chief executive must do our bidding,’’ Dr. Francis E. Town
send, leader of the program to pay $200 monthly to everyone over 60,
is shown, at the left, as he conferred with C. L. Young, Lewiston,
Montana, one of the first delegates to arrive for the organization con
vention in Chicago. Accomodations were arranged for more than G000
Townsend plan disciples, who came from all parts of the country l>y
train, auto, and bus.
McArthur Court
To Be Penthouse
Crowd of 800 Expected
At Dance Saturday
McArthur court will be "way up
in the skies” next Saturday night
when a homecoming dance crowd,
expected to reach 800 couples, s
received in an ultra-modern pent
"Top Hat” will be just another
lid compared to the lofty altitude
in decorative technique which the
homecoming dance will attain,
committee members have stated
Carrying out the general theme
of a homecoming weekend featur
ing the Oregon-Oregon State civil
war, this will be the biggest home
coming celebration in the past
several years. Plans for the dance
are well advanced and homecoming
committee heads have expressed
themselves as pleased with the re
The featured attraction of the
dance will be the innovation which
is taking the form of a unique
surprise number.
Bureau Secures
Jobs for Grads
The placement bureau in educa
tion, has succeeded in placing sev
eral recent graduates in the Eu
gene school system this year, due
to increased enrollment.
Among these are: John Caswell
and Edgar Goodnough, who are
teaching social science at Eugene
high school; Douglas Orme, who is
new superintendent of music for
all of the Eugene schools; Shailer
Peterson, who has taken Dale Les
lie's place, while Leslie went to
Stanford as instructor this year;
and Philip Park, who is teaching
mathematics, and a class in social
science at Woodrow Wilson junior
high school.
Onthank Will Lead
Westminster Group
Dean Karl Onthank will speak to
the morning group at Westminster
house Sunday at 9:45. Prof. Mau
rice Ballenger will lead the forum
discussion at 6:30 Sunday evening.
A tea at 6 will precede the forum.
Orides Slated
To Meet Monday
Shumaker to Speak
On Methods of Study
Orides, independent women’s or
ganization, will meet Monday eve
ning at 7:30 in the AWS room of
Gerlinger hall.
Kenneth Shumaker, supervisor
of the English bureau, will address
the group on the subject of study
The women will be given an op
portunity to fill out activity inter
est sheets and the Orides chorus
will be organized at this meeting.
An instrumental trio, composed
of Madge Conaway, cello, Norma
Loffelmacher, violin, and Mary
Field, piano, will play several num
bers. Charlotte Plummer will play
a clarinet soo.
Due to a new war tax imposed
on Italian motorists, retail price of
ordinary gasoline in that country
is now 87 cents a gallon.
Eddy to Speak
Next Thursday
Explorer io Give
Three Leetures Here
Sherwood Eddy, author, lecturer
and world traveler, will speak
Thursday, November 7, at Gerling
er hall at 10 o'clock. His topic, not
yet announced, will be on some
phase of international relations.
Dr. Eddy and his fellow worker,
Samuel Franklin, who will also be
present, have recentlv returned
from a tour through Russia, Po
land, * Germany, Austria, France,
and England. On this tour, which
was made for the purpose of gath
ering data on world problems, in
ternational relations and various
economic questions, they talked
with the leading statesmen of
Europe as well as with students
and citizens.
In their present tour of the
United States, Dr. Eddy and his
companion have already covered
New York state and portions of
the Pacific coast. During Novem
ber and December they expect to
cover Colorado, Missouri, and
Texas. Through the first five
months of 1936, the remainder of
the United State's will be covered.
Three addresses will be delivered
by the speaker while on the Ore
gon campus. The talk to the stu
dent body at Gerlinger will be
made in the morning and at noon
Dr. Eddy will speak at a faculty
luncheon. Final appearance will be
at a mass meeting down town
sponsored by the Student Christian
council. The place of this meeting,
to which students and townspeople
are invited, has not been decided.
Topic of the spech will be "Mean
ing of the Present World Crisis.”
Winter Reigns
As Early Cold
Siezes Coast
Lingering leaves of summer
showered from the trees on the
campus yesterday as King Winter
continued to clutch the state in hi3
icy grasp. The light snow which
fell early Thursday morning had
practically disappeared yesterday
afternoon as scattered rays of sun
shine once more descended. Snow
still remains in outlying districts.
Little promise of more favorable
weather conditions was held as re
ports predicted “colder and unset
tled" weather today and tonight.
The coldest spell in history for so
early in the year gripped the West.
Press Conference Program
8:00 Dutch-treat breakfast. Anchorage, auspices Theta Sigma Phi.
9:00 What Editors and Managers Should Know <>■ the Mechanics of Pro
duction—Robert C. Hall, superintendent of University Press.
Discussion, led by Rufus Coates, editor Tech Pep, Benson Polytechnic
School, Portland.
9:40 Keeping the High School Paper Out of the Red -Wendel' Wvatt. forme
business manager and former editor of Jeffersonian, Jefferson High
S 'bool, Portland.
Discussion, led by Jack Bennett editor Echoes. N'evvherg High School.
10:05 Writing Ads to Pay the Advertiser—Professor W. F. G. Thacher, Uni
versity of Oregon.
Discussion, led bv Maude Kong. Oregon Daily Emerald.
10:40 How Advertising in High School Papers Books to an Outside Observer
Ralph S. Schomp, assistant Graduate Manager A. S. U. O.
11:10 Features, Fiction, and Humor in the 11'"h School Papers—Helen
Bartrum, former editor Orantonian. Grant High School, Portland.
Discussion, led bv Marce'le Mary, editor Daytonian, Dayton High School.
Report of resolutions committee.
11 :35 Presentation of awards:
For best school notes in local papers. Harris Ellsworth cup. Harris
Ellsworth, Roseburg News-Review.
For best mimeographed paper and technical excellence in mimeo
raphing. Eric W. Allen cup. Dean Allen.
For best paper in school under 500. Eugene Register cup. Malcolm
Bauer, Eugene Register-Guard.
For best paper in schools over 500. Eugene Guard cup. Malcolm
Bauer, Eugene Register-Guard.
Grand trophy for best high school newspaper in state. Arnold
Bennett Hall cup. W. M. Tugman, managing editor Eugene
(Judges: John W. Anderson, Eugene Morning News: William E.
Phipps, Eugene Register-Guard; J. E. Turnbull, Shelton-Turnbull
Fuller Co., Eugene.)
12 m. Adjournment.
2 p.m. Football. Washington Freshmen vs. Oregon Freshmen, Hayward field.
High School
Ends Today
Banquet Is Feature
Of Aetive Sessions
Friday; Delegates
To See Grid Game
This morning about 100 high
school press representatives are as
sembling for the final session of
the annual state conference. Fol
lowing the morning meeting in the
journalism building, the delegates
will attend the Frosh-Babes foot
ball game this afternoon.
Yesterday’s action-packed ses
sion was closed by a chatter box
under the auspices of Sigma Delta
Chi in Gerlinger hall. The adver
tising discussion will be carried
over into this morning's session.
Banquet Last Night
Morning and afternoon sessions
with speeches and discussion were
held yesterday. The high school
delegates attended a no-host ban
quet at the Eugene hotel last night
with Dean Eric W. Allen as toast
master keeping the proceedings
moving briskly.
Sigma Delta Chi initiated seven
members and Theta Sigma Phi
presented a scene of a coed manned
newspaper for the entertainment
of the delegates during the ban
William M. Tugman, managing
editor of the Register-Guard, John
Anderson, managing editor of the
Morning News, Alton Baker, pub
lisher of the Register-Guard, and
Sidney King, Register-Guard city
editor, presided over the initiation.
Initiates Listed
Initiates were Paul Conroy, Wil
lard Marsh, William Robinson, Don
Casciato, Jim Morrison, Erwin
Laurence, and Berkeley Mathews.
“Female Fizzle" or “Scoop ’Em
Up Fanny” was presented by The
ta Sigma Phi, women’s journalistic
fraternity, with Marge Petsch as
the hard-boiled city editor, Roberta
Moody, Ruth Storla, Ann-Reed
Burns, Laura Margaret Smith, Mil
dred Blackburne, and Mary Gra
ham as the hustling heroine.
(Please turn to paye four)
Huestis Studies
Field Mice Traits
Experiments with field mice are
again being conducted this year by
R. R. Huestis, professor of zoology,
at the research shack on the cam
The mice are being bred for the
purpose of obtaining unnatural
hereditary results. Field mice are
being used exclusively because
they are tamer than the ordinary
house mice.
The chief difference between the
two species is that the field mice
have large ears and eyes while the
ordinary mouse has small ears and
eyes in comparison.
Much work accompanies the ex
perimental process; the mice must
be fed, their cages must be cleaned
every two weeks, they must be
kept free from disease which
spreads rapidly among them.
These mice are classified as to
color, former breed, and size.
Old English Book
Added to Libe
A peculiar old English book en
titled, mainly, the “English Gen
tleman,” arrived at the library this
week. The many other contents in
the one volume include the “Eng
lish Gentlewoman," with a “La
dies' Love-Lecture," and a sup
plement entitled “The Turtle's Tri
umph," by Richard Braithwait
The book was published in 1641 in
London, England.
Organization Hears
Proposed Change f]
To Old Constitution
Federal Checks
Available IS ext Week,
Says Lindstrom
NYA checks will probably be |
received here next week, accord- j
ing to an announcement made
by J. O. Ulndstrom, business
manager. Mr. I.indstroni was
in Portland Wednesday to con
fer with the NYA officials
there. He reported that they
were pleased with the way the
University has handled student
relief work.
As soon as the clerical work
is done on the applications, the
checks will be distributed for
work from the first of school to
the period ending October 19.
Art Week Display
Will Start Today
University, Local
Clubs Plan Exhibits
National art week, beginning to
day and lasting until November
11, will be observed in Eugene by
the University school of art and
also by interested clubs and
groups in the city ana vicinity.
The McMorran and Washburne
auditorium will be open Saturday,
Monday, and Tuesday for the pur
pose of displaying art work spon
sored by groups and individuals.
There will also be a window dis
play of student and faculty work.
Sunday afternoon from 3 to 51
o’clock the University art gallery
will be open to the public. The
purpose of the exhibit is to show
the public the work that is being
done and to offer an opportunity
for a general discussion of the
aims of the art department. Cer
amics, wood carving, painting, and
work from all the different depart
ments will be represented.
The exhibits in the art school
and in the McMorran and Wash
burne auditorium are open to the
public and not just for artists and
University students. The purpose
of these displays is to bring to the
public a realization of the fact
that things arp being done in the
world of art.
YWCA Doughnut
Sale Next Week
The annual doughnut sale of the
YWCA will begin Wednesday, No
vember 6 and will continue through
the week, ending with a final drive
at the Oregon-Oregon State game
Saturday. This year plans are be
ing made to contact living organ
izations and faculty members, as
well as to sell from booths.
The following committee ap
pointments have been made: Jean
Stevenson, chairman; Elizabeth
Turner, selling; Dorothy Dill, con
tacting living organization; Gladys
Battleson, selling at the football
game; Isobelle Miller, contacting
faculty members; Marilyn Ebi, fi
nance; Phyllis Adams, publicity.
Chancellor Hunter
Guest at Reception
Chancellor Frederick M. Hunter
will be a guest of the citizens of
Lane county at a community night
Wednesday, November 6.
The informal meeting is to in
troduce Chancellor Hunter to the
people of Eugene and Lane coun
ty. The Gleemen and the Elks’ or
chestra will entertain. After the
reception, the chancellor will speak
briefly on his plans for the higher
education system of the state.
French taxpayers are allowed to
send free, every day, a 20-word
telegram to the president. Still
one can't do much cursing in 21
House’s Resignation
Tabled as Group
Petitions Advisory
Council for Decision
“As a protest against conditions
which exist within that body.”
Sigma Nu fraternity tendered its
official resignation to the interfra
ternity council at a meeting yes
terday afternoon.
November 1, 1935.
The Interfraternity Council,
University of Oregon.
Dear Sirs:
Gamma Zeta of Sigma Nu
hereby serves notice of its offi
cial withdrawal from the Inter
fraternity Council of the Univer
sity of Oregon as a protest
against conditions which exist
within that body.
(Signed) Ed Fenwick,
Sigma Nu Fraternity.
Resignation Tabled
The council did not accept, but
tabled the resignation, and moved
to present the disputed case to the
Student Advisory council after
first handing it to President C.
Valentine Boyer.
In referring the case to the ad*
visory council, the interfraternity
group petitioned for a hearing of
the evidence in the alleged “dirty’’
rushing case for which a fine of
$45 was imposed. The petition also
requested the advisory council to
enforce with the weight of the Uni
versity and decision which it
Situation Not Clarified
Acting in his capacity as adviser
to the council, Virgil D. Earl, dean
of men, told the interfraternity
council that the tendered resigna
(Plcasc turn to payc jour)
Alumni Groups
Plan Luncheon
On Saturday of homecoming, the
alumni association has planned an
informal cafeteria get-together.
This luncheon will be held in the
men’s dormitory from eleven
thirty to one-thirty. Sandwiches,
coffee, and pie, at five cents each
will be served; there will be no
speeches, program, or seating ar
It is hoped that the alumni will
plan to meet their old friends and
the faculty members, who are
especially urged to come, there.
All houses are urged to cooper
ate in this affair and send their
alumni. Although the luncheon is
not planned as an alumni-student
affair because of inadequate ac
comodations, students may accom
pany alumni if they wish.
Moore and Ohmart
To Lead Meeting
Wesley club will meet Sunday
night at the Methodist church
dov/ntown, with Wilbert Moore and
Howard Ohmart as leaders. The
topic of the meeting will be “To
Outlaw War.”
Ii- J
Editorials Today
The Greek Council
Goes Into Action
Freshman Vigilantes
And Horse Sense
Featured in Today’s
Article on “How Mussolini
Trains Italian Young People.”
On editorial page.