THE EMERALD MAGAZINE EDITOR: MTRTAH ETOUNER_ _ - DIRECTOR: ft. STEPHENSON SMITH UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1935 'Honey in the Horn’ Brings Fame to Oregon, HONEY IN THE HORN, by H. L.i Davis. Harpers and Brothers,, New York, 1935. 380 pages. $2.50. H. L. ‘'Hal" Davis’ lusty rogues might well have been Mark Twain’s legitimate journalistic offspring. When Dorothy Canfield, Sinclair Lewis, and Louis Bromfield told Harpers that “Honey in the Horn” was the 1935 Harpers $7500 prize winner over 800 other manuscripts, they turned the spotlight on a man who brings something fresh, some thing living, to contemporary lit erature written in a style that made another American called Clemens famous. Born in Oregon This young chap, born October 18, 1896, at Yoncalla, Oregon, and raised in this state, has turned over his own back yard and found a gold mine. With poetry as a remunera tive hobby, Davis left his sheep herding, his county assessing, and cattle, to fight in France during the war. Back in Oregon, a jack-of-all trades, he took careful and copious notes on this state, left for Mexico on a Guggenheim exchange schol arship, and started his first novel at the suggestion of Robinson Jef fers and H. L. Mencken. Wrote in Mexico Down in a little mud hut on a farm about a hundred miles from Mexico City Davis brought some YWCA Sponsors Frosli Fireside Set for Tonight Mrs. Dmin of Corvallis Will Be Guest Speaker The first freshman fireside, spon sored by the YWCA discussion group, will be held this evening from 7:30 until 9 p. m. at Gerlinger hall. All freshman women on the campus are invited to attend. Mrs. Robert Dann of Corvallis, will be the guest speaker. Her top ic will be “Campus Loyalties.” A musical program has also been ar ranged for the evening, selections being played by Joella Mayer and Audrey Assen. Sunday and Tuesday freshman groups will act as hostesses for the affair led by Marjorie Thayer and Thelma Nelson. Arrangements are headed by Euphemea Laraway who is leader of the Monday group. Bet ty Rebec, who is in charge of the Wednesday discussion group, is in charge of music and refreshments are being handled by Thursday's freshmen with Edith Luke in charge. History of Case (Continued from Facie Tivo) quirement a one-hour course in Problems of War and Peace, taugh by Victor P. Morris. Through a double misunderstand ing Connolly received the impres sion it has been refused, while Professor Spencer did not realize that a rehearing was being re quested. During the week following Con nelly received support from vari ous groups. The Student Christian council gave backing to his posi tion on the substitute course. Its resolution concluded, “Be is re solved, that the Student Christian council petition the faculty com mittee on military education to grant students the privilege to substitute the course on Porblems of War and Peace, for the course in Military Science and Tactics.” tuum it imi nut, unwvvn, endorse the original petition as presented by Connelly. When it became known that the faculty committee would entertain a petition for rehearing, Connelly again presented his application. It was submitted yesterday, and says, in part, "A course which is educational and offers both sides of nationalism and miliartism is j Problems of War and Peace.< and I have previously signified my j approval of substituting this more! patriotic lecture course for drill to satisfy the faculty which be lieves the student should have a knowledge of war.'' On these grounds Connelly has been granted a new hearing and will appear before the committee next Tuesday at 4 p. m. With these facts at hand the campus may better understand his position and evaluate the outcome of that session. robust characters to life while his wife, a former University of Ore gon student, ran the household on money she made selling featured articles in the United States. Northward went the manuscript. Southward came the announcement of the. prize arriving at the Davis home just as Dean Eric Allen of the school of journalism and Mrs. Al len dropped in on a visit. Their cares over, the Davis family re joiced. A fortune in Mexican money but first a trip to England. Amazing Story No one cared particularly about Clay Calvert, the boy who had grown up in the midst of “fighting and helling and squaw-rolling.” But choosing Clay as his main charac ter, H. L. Davis weaves round his life a most amazing story of pioneer life in Oregon in his “Honey in the Horn.” ""So vital, so beautiful a story does more to immortalize the Oregon section of the country than millions of chamber of commerce efforts. Mr. Davis has painted his land scape with an abundance of color, and his character with humor, and understanding that has marked him as one of the really significant younger novelists of the country. The hop-pickers, the wagon trains, the coast settlers, are depicted with all of their hardships molded into a story which is at once authentic and memorable. Criticism Analyzed Unfavorable criticism from cer tain Oregon editors undoubtedly lies in the same fear which prevents people from having their ancestry traced; namely, that they’re afraid a horse thief will turn up some place. Could such smallness be for gotten, Oregonians would clasp the book to their combined hearts, as undoubtedly they will do in time. In an autographed copy of his book presented to Dean Eric Allen, Mr. Davis says, “To Eric Allen, Some Oregon people you may have met—with cordial remembrances. —H. L. Davis, August 7, 1935. RECENT BOOK REVIEWS I, CLAUDIUS, by Robert Graves., Harrison Smith and Robert Haas, 1934, 494 pages. Those v/ho like historical novels and those who don't, those who en joy a good story and those who read only for style, those who ap preciate tasty bites, and those who maintain that bread is the staff of life; all will be getting more than their money’s worth when they read Robert Graves’ “I, Claudius.” Not one of its 494 pages contains a dull spot. The prose style is vivid, and Graves gives his readers the im pression that he, at least, is en joying every minute of it. Frankness Noted Written as an autobiography of “Claudius the Idiot,” so named by his family and friends, the novel tells with naive frankness of the daily insults to the deaf and stam mering cripple. Even when he was carried on the shoulders of his fel low citizens, wearing a crown, and being declared emperor of Rome he remarks, “They say that I looked like a criminal being hauled away to execution.” One can scarcely imag ine Mussolini or F.D.R. telling of the same analogy of themselves. , This is Roman history made very much alive, and Claudius, as the author presents him, is a person well worth knowing. B. Church. * * * THE PRIMROSE PATH by Ogden Nash, New York, 1935, Simon & Schuster. $2.00. Take-offs on celebrated personag es, whether high or low, impart a spicy touch to this volume of typi cal Nashian wit, “The Primrose Path." Gertrude Stein is given a resounding Bronx cheer, while Hit ler is catalogued adequately and completely in a four-line stanza. “The Secret Town” is the one poem wherein the author casts off his jesting cynicism and indicates his appreciation for those things which others of the literary world eulogize. Now speaking of worldly things, he says: “The camel has a single hump, The dromedary, two; Or else the other way around. Old Kill-Joy Van Martin Bg John Miller His name was Van Martin. His official title, as it appeared on the payroll, was Efficiency Expert. But he was more generally known, by all with whom he came in contact, as “Old Kill-joy.” He was a big man, physically. He looked down on the ordinary six-footer, and the scales placed his weight at a figure something over 200 pounds. Yet he was underweight in comparison with his own opinion of his mental capacities. On this occasion he was on his way to the Sixth and Main branch office to inspect the books, and he was determined to show his author ity by firing at least two of his un lucky subordinates. He entered the office with the grandeur of a king. The resem blance ended suddenly, however, when he slipped on the newly pol ished floors; and it was with great difficulty and lack of grace that he managed to retain his equilibrium. Enraged by tlie commotion and gig gling his entrance had aroused among the stenographers, he be came all the more determined to find fault with every part of the business. At first glance, he noticed a man, sitting at an otherwise vacant desk, smoking a cigar and reading the sport section of the "Daily Blah." Assuming his most official aid, he walked up to the man with “fire" in his eyes. “What are you doing here?" he growled. "Nothin’.” (This without looking up.) “What do you usually do here?" “Nothin’,” he again replied after taking a long drag on his two-for a-nickel cigar. “Do you mean to sit here with your bare face hanging out and tell me that you never work around here?” "Yeah.” “Well, you’re fired right now." With that the man looked up with some surprise and started toward the cashier’s office. "No, you don't have to go to the cashier. I’ll pay you right now, How much do you earn?" "Thirty a week." He dealt out three ten-dollar bills from a shabby bill-fold. “Now scram!” Very much pleased with himself so far, Van Martin decided to find out whom he had fired. He walked up to the cashier's cage and in a very matter-of-fact tone asked, “who was that man that just went out and what does he do here?" “Why, he works in the store across the street and was just wait ing to go out to lunch with me." L COMPLETE j OPTICAL * 1ERVICE DR. ELLA C. MEADE Phone 330 OPTOMETRIST 14 West Eighth Saja®ara/a/aiaEfs®a®as®afa®aiafaraMajaia/ajaiafa/a/af3®5®»iii3oi5!(iafiaisiBrtanv I'm never sure. Are you ? And there he goes, making light of the pride of the camel clan; maybe he has just had a 'lift' from a Camel and finds he prefers Luckies after all. Plays Detective Playing detective like Sherlock Holmes, Nash gives us “Strange Cases,” one of a silver spoon which became heir to an estate only there wasn’t an estate ’cause the money had been spent in silver polish. “But ah! my pets, You must not frets!” (It becomes a habit after reading the book!) It’s just Ogden Nash up to his old tricks, stoutly maintain ing “The Only Good Indian Is a Dead Public Relations Counsellor.” VEIN OF IRON by Ellen Glasgow, New York, Harcourt-Brace, 1935, 462 pages, $2.50. “Vein of Iron” is Ellen Glawgow’s latest novel. It proves that an au thor, in order to be writing worth while books after many years of writing, must have within her the principles of growth. Too often writers fail to keep growing, then works grow tiresome, and they themselves fade as writers. One in teresting reason given for the fail ure of novelists to stay in the field, is that too many of them fail to hold strongly and consistently to one attitude about life. Miss Glasgow in this realistic novel of Virginians through the years of war, depression, and change, shows her interest in the past and her ability to write of it, while in the same book she brings in the wisdom and significance of the modern world. Unusual Style The book is an example of the author’s ability not to write like anyone else. Unlike most novelists she treats important moments cas ually while she emphasizes the triv ial events. By means of the very small details the characters are more accurately portrayed and the story advanced. The “vein of iron” running through the characters and holding them together is courage. Some times it is blind courage, often mis guided, but always a strong force. Miss Glasgow shows how through three generations of characters, the pioneer spirit of courage, the “vein of iron” works out great triumphs for these Virginians. I. Miller. * * * GOD AND MY FATHER, by Clar ence Day, New York, Alfred A, Knopf, 1932, pp. 83, x. $2.00. He is a man of few words, this Clarence Day. Though he at last breaks the silence, it is with fewer words than usual. Some may shun small works as insignificant; but ‘‘God and My Father" will not soon be forgotten for at least three rea sons: It gives a painlessly informa tive picture of late nineteenth cen tury churches and churchgoing in New York; it makes reflections on the times that are of interest to others besides the author; and it presents inimitable characteriza tions in a manner ironic, humane, and more than blessed with wit. All this takes less than one hundred pages. In “God and My Father,” the au thor looks back upon his youth and recounts his father’s relations with his God. The senior Day accepted churches as substantial old struc tures, though he saw small excuse for the pastors in most of them. "Father and God had perfect con fidence in each other—at least at most moments." Day treats his subject sincerely Siberrian Cream (freshly frozen) Makes our milkshakes taste more delirious than any you have had. We feature “Broiled'’ hamburgers. llth Near Alder Tommy Alder and shows a genuinely sympathetic understanding of his characters. He has an easiness of style that is sat isfying. The characterization of Father is not wanting in wit. The author worried over his father’s de termination to remain “a Christian of his own kind,” but decided “it would probably be just another of his fights. He and Satan.” We last see this new son of the church, just returned to the city after the bap tismal service at a quiet country church, take out his watch, shout “Oh, Hell!", and race for his train. M. Riopelle. Janitor at Johnson Scalded Severely Charles B. Dennison, janitor of Johnson hall, was scalded severely Tuesday afternoon when a steam pipe broke. First aid was adminis tered immediately, and Mr. Denni son was removed to his home where he will remain for several days. His condition, although painful, is not serious. Reading Catalog Offered As Guide To Students For the student interested in building his library on an intelli gent plan, or for the student whose aim is to be well-read, the Coop offers “Good Reading,” a pamphlet containing a thousand short re views of new and old worthwhile books. The collection is easy to use being arranged in convenient group ings, and the reviews are terse and to the point. Library Installs Ethiopia Shelf A special section, the Ethiopia shelf, has been established in the University library, as an aid for background in the current Ethio pian strife. Several new books have been ordered, according to Miss Rise, circulation librarian. Among the present books are “Hell-Hole of Creation,” by Nesbitt, and “Be yond the Utmost Purple Rim,” by Powell. Books may be borrowed for a period of two days. Lending Shelves Will Be Popular During ’35, ’36 500 Books Available For Organizations Some 500 books are available for lending to living organizations on the campus, Miss Rise, circulation librarian, told a group of house li brarians meeting in Gerlinger Tues day afternoon. The newest fiction, practical knowledge books, and in fact, any book desired by a group of students will be found on the house collections shelf. Lending shelves will be used more extensively this year than last was was indicated by the number of li brarians present at the meeting. Last year books were loaned to some 30 organizations and it is ex pected that this number will be ex ceeded during 1935 and ’36. University of Oregon is the third college in the country to set aside a major space in its library for pleasure reading, and an organized attempt to teach “reading for fun” will be made by installing a brows ing room in the new library, those attending the meeting were told by M. H. Douglass, head librarian. Bids Open (Continued from Page One) approximately $30,000 from the student building fund but because of an increase in the government gift from the original 30 per cent to 45 per cent, this became un necessary and the $25,000 saved helped make possible the new physical education building now planned. Law Passed 1931 The new infirmary, contem plated for several years, was made possible by a law passed in 1931 by the state legislature authoriz ing an allotment of $50,000 for the building. However this bill provided for the rest of the sum needed to be raised by gifts and when the op portunity came to get the grant from the government, it was nec essary to have the law amended. This was done during the last ses sion and the grant was given. Money Covers Equipment Through a fortunate action by the officers of the state hoard of higher education, Oregon will re ceive sufficient funds from PWA not only to construct the building, but to equip it completely even down to sheets and pilolw cases. The Oregon Mothers club is con tributing $10,000 to the new build ing and when this sum was added by the board to the $50,000 already provided by the state, the govern ment grant—given on a percent age basis—was enough to provide complete equipment. Will Be Three Stories The new home of the University health service, plans of which Chancellor Hunter and University authorities recently approved, will probably be located on the corner of 14th and University streets. It will have three stories, at least double the number of beds in the old infirmary, and will be equipped as well or better than any infirm ary of its type on, the coast. There will be no operating room, however, since it is not the policy of the health service to perform major operations. The present plan of sending all surgical cases to down town hospitals will be con tinued. Connelly Gets (Continued from Page One) pears to be that Connelly’s new grounds for exemption, substituting the War and Peace course for drill, are the same grounds endorsed by the council. An interpretative review of the case appears on the editorial page of the Emerald today. Rally Tonight (Continued from Pane One) Oregon State, and Gonzaga, with two men returned from the injured list, will field one of the strongest teams on the coast. Oregon, the under dog, will match them in sheer power, ex perts predicted. If spirit can help, the rally committee, with student cooperation, has planned a pro gram to instill it in large doses. |lll!lllllll!IIU!illllli;illllllHlllllllll!itll!llll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIllllll!UIIIIIIIIU!lli!i:!lllllll|lll^ SMARTT’S JEWELRY STORE New Location 863 Willamette St. .'lUiiiiiiiiiiuiiumiiiutiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiHHitiiiiitiiiuuummniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiHiiiuiuiiP a After the game, after the dance, after class, drop in anytime The College Side \\ here you 11 meet your friends—and encounter the best food on the campus. Chit-Chat By Henriette Horok Never mind the cracks, Chit Chat marches on! A little of this, and a bit of that, and an occasional clump of dirt by your own an nouncer. About books, authors, publishers—stray bits of gossip that come our way, and should come out yours. Among “the” books out this week — “There’s Always Tomor row,” by Marguerite Harrison. A spicy autobiography of an Ameri can lass who began as a Baltimore debutante, and became a newspaper correspondent and a spy. And no sitting by the fireplace, with a rope of pearls around her neck writer is Marguerite! Seems that she can’t coax the best out of her typewriter without having a “shot or two”— and one leads to another, another and another. You know how it goes! That’s when Marguerite be gins to write. For further particu lars about her, question S. Stephen son Smith. And speaking of S.S. Smith, his “THE COMMAND OF WORDS” is just off the press, with a picture of the handsome professor on the jack et of the book, and everything! One of many interesting tid-bits we found so far, (page 127) is the history of the word "chancellor,” so dear to the hearts of all Oregon ians! Going easy on the history of the word, its meaning is derived from "cancer,” “a crab,” and some thing having to do with “cross bars.” On your mark, children. Hapers is going to tell you a story. The governors of most of the states have proclaimed November 1 as “Mark Twain day,” and 30,000 of you are going to pack into school auditor iums and hear all about how Twain got that way. To celebrate the oc casion Harper’s is issuing “MARK TWAIN’S NOTEBOOK,” a special price at $10. The grownups will honor the celebrated humorist with a banquet at New York’s classy Waldorf-As toria hotel. For reservations, wire Willyiam Lyon Phelps, (collect) who will be toastmaster. Attention, Oregon pioneer devo tees! A little “HONEY IN THE HORN” by H. L. Davis, whose wife had faith in him, supported him while he labored; so H. L. turned around and wrote a Harpers prize All “Top Hat” tunes, which will be featured at the Sophomore In formal Saturday night, are now available at the Music Box, 39 E. 10th. A late and snappy record by Fred Astaire has just arrived also. Be sure to come in anytime and hear it. novel. If you have a flair for writ ing, the book is good for an editor ial, or a letter to the editor at least. To be sure, it starts out with a nice poem. "He met her in the lane and he laid her on a board, And he played her up a tune called Sugar in the Gourd; Sugar in the gourd, honey in the horn Balance to your partners, honey in the horn.” I like Gertrude Stein. New York City is considering restricting the use of red motor vehicles to the fire department. Eugene’s Own Store McMorran & Washburne Merchandise of Merit Only PHONE 2700 SALE! $640 worth of STATIONERY to be sold for $229. A famous book and stationery store ' closed it’s doors! We bought every item! We’ve priced everything at a fraction of it’s original worth! 3c - 5c - 13c - 25c 50c - 75c and up. High priced items too! Real values all! Boxed Paper—Pound Paper Diaries—Scrapbooks Photo Albums Fountain Pens—Pencils Gift Novelties Tablets—Playing Cards Suitable for Christinas Gifts. FIRST FLOOR We Rent FLOOD-L1TES For Your Parties. GLENDON H. DOTSON llth and Oak Phone 1824 Each Week WILL RAPIDLY BUILD A FINE LIBRARY NEW BOOKS Asbury: The Barbary Coast Atherton; California, an Intimate History Strachey: Coming Struggle for Power Hobart: Oil for the Lamps of China Zweig: Marie Antoinette Haggard: The Lame, the Halt and the Blind Undset: Ida Elizabeth Langdon-Davies: Man and His Universe Hamsun: Growth of the Soil Beard: Whither Mankind Siringo: Riata and Spurs Connelly: Green Pastures Rascoe: Titans of Literature Lalou: Contemporary French Literature UNIVERSITY ‘CO-OP'