Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 19, 1935, Page Two, Image 2

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University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
EDITORIAL OFFICES: Journalism building. Phone 3300 -
Editor. Local 354: News Room and Managing Editor, 355.
BUSINESS OFFICE: McArthur Court. Phone 3300—Local
Represented by A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd .St., New
York City; 123 W. Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Avc.,
Beattie; 1031 S. Broadway, Los Angeles; Call Building, San
Robert Lucas
Charles Paddock
News Editor
Clair Johnson
Managing Editor
Marge Petsch
Women’s Editor
Eldon Habcrman
Business Manager
Tom McCall
Sports Editor
The Oregon Daily Emerald will not be responsible for
returning unsolicited manuscripts. Public letters should not be
more than 300 words in length and should be accompanied by
the writer’s signature and address which will be withheld if
requested. All communications are subject to the discretion of
the editors. Anonymous letters will be disregarded.
The Oregon Daily Emerald official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily fluring the
college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination
periods, all of * December except the first seven days, all of
March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class matter
at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year.
Dawn Over
The Greeks
YESTERDAY in Johnson hall, a group of
house presidents forming an organization
called the Interfraternity council, in a special
meeting, wiped out all traces of a heretofore
ineffectual and disorganized body, and settled
down to the business of being progressive.
In this meeting, which was called for the
specific purpose of dealing with exceptions taken
to its actions in enforcement of rush week rules,
were made suggestions for improving the con
stitution, for establishing an acceptable law en
forcement body, and for general attention to
building the morale and purpose of the group.
The committee for considering the sugges
tions and for modernization of the constitution
was placed in charge of Tex Thomason, a level
headed, and exceedingly capable individual. The
tempo of the meeting was quickened. Gone was
the atmosphere of the post mortem.
In short the Interfraternity council has begun
to think!
The statement by one of the members to
the effect that “the council was doing absolutely
no good for his house" brought out in vivid con
trast the purposes of the council and the results
that it has been accomplishing.
To envision a council, organized as a govern
ing body for- 17 fraternities, that is unable to
find material for discussion, nor room ,for im
provement, is absurd. In the 17 fraternities are
approximately 500 separate individuals, each
representing a unit to be incorporated into a
pattern that will form the cleanest, most con
structive manner in which to live. The problem
of rushing that falls within the logical jurisdic
tion of the council is one of relative insignifance.
Rush week lasts one week. But the problem of
correlating the personalities of 500 men, the
majority of whom are undeveloped and inexper
ienced underclassmen, is present all year.
Are study habits perfected? Has the problem
of practical schooling in proper attitudes toward
other people, the acceptance of responsibility,
the observances of good taste, and training in
social adjustment and tolerance been solved?
Are the punitive methods used by member fra
ternities fruitless?
The individual problems of controlling 40
men, eating, sleeping, and studying under one
roof, behind the Greek badge that tends to isolate
them from other similar organizations, is a fas
cinating one. It is a challenge that is too big
for a single house, but one that might well be
met by the Interfraternity council the assem
bled group of all the houses.
The Interfraternity council has a big job and
can meet it if it will recognize the need and con
ceive of itself as a body dealing with human
beings primarily rather than rules and regula
tions to safe guard petty practices of brother
Good Will
At Its Best
npHE: chapel in which the funeral of Walter
Back was held was fairly massed with floral
offerings expressing the sympathy of his many
friends. Condolences to his relatives came from
everywhere. But, among the floral pieces was
one significant in its expression, and touching to
the heart of every Oregon student who noticed
a beautiful offering of flowers from the letter
men’s club of Oregon State college.
There are times and occasions when words
are futile as means of conveying expression,
whereas an act, a mannerism, or a symbol may
be extremely effective.
The students and alumni of the University of
Oregon should respect the feeling shown by
Oregon State and accept the act as one symbol
ically dedicated to the whole spirit of good will
that lies beneath the outward appearance of
rivalry between the two schools. Rivalry and
contest are such little things. Shakespeare has
"One touch of Nature makes the whole
world kin—
That all, with one consent, praise new
born Gods.”
Hello Dads,
Glad You’re Here
T'VADS’ Day "at” Oregon ” the~one"’time”’during
the entire year when the head of the family,
bald, white-headed, and stooped with the cares
and anxiety of keeping young offspring in in
stitutions of higher learning by providing them
with bulging purses of sheckels and bits of ad
vice, can struggle from beneath the heavy yoke
of work, take a deep breath untinged with worry,
and actually see co....pus life! It’s up to you to
show the fathers a good time! Give them a taste
of a carefree weekend jammed with activity and
amusement; a chance to live before they return
of their humdrum existence -eat, sleep, and
work. Every Oregon student owes this much to
his fathe/. He’s sacrificed innumerable things
for you—don’t be selfish. Give up a few trivial
appointments and dates without grumbling.
Show him you’ve got the real stuff!
Europe Firsthand
By Howard Kessler
T7' VERY afternoon at five o’clock we had coffee
and cakes at one of the cafe terraces on
the street. It became a habit, and we looked
forward to that hour of quiet chatting and
watching the crowds pass in the cool of Malaga’s
winter evening.
A Spanish street scene is beyond compare
more interesting than an American one, because
you immediately recognize the individuality of
the persons composing it. In clothes, in the pace
of their walk, in features, these people are not
afraid to be distinctive. In America the throngs
returning from work to their suburban homes
remind you of the mechanized civilization of
which they are a part each one an infinitismal
cog in the vast wheel of mass production, dress
ing alike, looking alike, hurrying all for the 6:08
3ubway with the same grim, intent expression
on their faces.
In Spain you cannot hurry, even if, after two
or three weeks spent in this languid land you still
possess enough brash Americanism to want to
hurry. You find yourself surrounded by a slow
moving mass of humanity and you step on some
one’s toes the moment you speed up to a stroll.
In New York you may have been caught up in
the evening traffic like a chip cast into a whirl
pool. Here, you are a chip floating in a placid
We talk of unimportant things, looking at the
shuffle. The terraces are always bustling at this
time of day. They Hay that more Spanish poli
ticians have been made in the sidewalk cafes
than in the Cortes—stove-side statesmen,
Spanish style.
As you seat yourself at a table a bootblack
comes running up, and if you repulse him there
are dozens more to follow. It costs only a few
cents and with a shine on his shoes the Spaniard
loves to stretch out luxuriously in his wicker
chair and watch the world pass by. In London
you can search the city without finding half a
dozen bootblacks. In Spain, they swarm.
And peddlars, a continuous file of them ap
proach your table offering everything from silver
rings to erotic fiction, the latter a growing evil
in Spain as literacy increases. A youngster comes
up with a stack of paper-covered volumes, the
most obscene stuff imaginable. “I have soma
very good books,” he says, “and also some very
dirty ones.” Surely its against the law to sell
them but—
Beggars too, and of all shapes. This is another
evil moralists point to when they visit the coun
tiy. but Spaniards don t seem to mind, for no
matter how low a person sinks he need seldom
tear starvation in Spain. Here they have an out
look quite different from the harsh “survival of
the fittest" philosophy in America. Spaniards
like to buy a little piece of heaven with coins
tossed to beggars.
By the roadside just outside Malaga sits a
bearded veteran of many years campaigning in
his trade. He sits all day before his little cave,
and as each car passes he takes off his hat and
waves it. catching the small change thrown from
the windows. Through the years he has grown
to be a landmark there. I sat in a cafe across the
way one afternoon and watched him work. He
didn t do at all bad, for besides all the vitamin D
from the soft Mediterranean sun, he took in
something from 00 percent of the automobiles
passing. On trains as you pass through the Cas
tilian plains, beggars bombard you. But the best
yet was a young chap who made his rounds on
a bicycle, in Vigo.
So in a busy street we cannot be free fron
parasites. Here is an appealing lad in a whet
chair showing a withered leg which elicits sue]
compassion from my companion that he give
the lad half his cake. Within two minutes
dozen urchins are jostling each other for positioi
before our table, pitifully eyeing the remainde
ot the cake. Besides there are always shufflin'
old ladies mumbling incoherently for alms, an,
men carrying babies wrapped in sacks, who fre
quently are no relation to them, being loane,
out by their parents like grind organs, so muel
j >e day. The Oran Via in Madrid is dotted will
black-haited men holding auburn-haired infants
(To be continued.)
(Continued from l\uie One)
will be some further seeding and
planting there also.
“We hope to finish the planting!
in the garden theater area behind
the music building. The design for |
this area is to enclose the theater'
almost entirely with shrubbery j
plantings. Aisles running parallel
to the shrubbery will be separated
from the shrubbery wall by flower
borders. The wings of the stage
will be planted principally with
columnar ubobitae," Mr. Cuth
bert said.
Area Kcplantrd
The plantings around Friendly
hall will he remodelled and the
parking area behind the same
building is to be reconstructed and
replanted, allowing space for more
cars and designed to eliminate the
present confusion.
"Designs are under way for an
improved walk system west and
south of Johnson hall, including
re-location of the present roadwav
and elimination of the parking
area behind the building."
There will be considerable tree
and shrub planting done about
other parts of the campus, includ
ing street tree planting
Again I See In Fancy •>
'You remember’, Billy Scott be
gan. It was a warm summer eve
i: ng last August. We were seat
ed on the porch together, our feet
uang.ing over the edge. The blue
h lir about Creswell were darken
ing into indigo in contrast against
a half moon of gold. Crickets were
shrilling in the stubble fields.
Lights were beginning to flash out
from the neighboring farm houses.
Through swirls of tobacco smoke,
I could see Billy’s face agleam as
he joyously launched himself back,
with me in tow, into those days of
'76 and -7.
“You remember how strict Pres
ident Johnson used to be in the
Latin classes,—always very stern,
- hardly ever a smile. He would
call out your name and you would
have to stand up, and recite,—
whatever he asked you. If you
didn’t know it, it was too bad for
you. He would be1 sure to say,
‘Come back at two.’ That’s what
we called ‘extra sessions,’ you re
‘‘There were twenty-six in our
Latin Grammar Class. I didn’t
know very much and it didn't take
Johnson long to find it out. I had
to come back to a good many extra
“We used to think he took de
light in making the girls cry. And
then that would make him mad. I
remember Augusta Patterson used
to be very emotional,—she could
n’t keep back the tears. But she
wasn't the only one.”
“There was one time when I did
see Johnson smile. I’ll have to tell
you about it. One day in the Latin
class I heard him pronoupce my
name. ‘Scott,’ he said, just like
that. There were no other Scotts
in the class, so I stood up. X ex
pected the next minute to hear
him say, ‘Come back at two.’ But,
instead he said, ‘Scott, how do
you pronounce h-o-g?’”
"I suppose he expected me to say
‘haag’, but I said ‘hawg,’ to rhyme
with ‘dawg,’ in good old Missour
ian or Oregonian, for that matter.
It sort of tickled him I guess, and
he grinned.”
Billy did not enlighten me upon
what philological or syntactical
basis either ‘haag’ or ‘hawg’ could
be brought into relationship with
Latin. And I was loathe to break
the skein of his yarn, so did' not
interrupt with queries.
‘But, anyway,’ added Billy.
‘Johnson grinned and forgot to tell
me to come back at two.’
(Next in the series, ‘‘WANNA
i__ _
Villard Hall, U. of O.
18 October 1935.
Editor, the Emerald,
It was strictly news to me that
I had consented to serve on a
kangaroo court to pass on the
claims of Gordon Connelly to ex
emption from military training. I
have not consented to serve on
such a committee, nor shall I so
consent. I am entirely content with
the faculty committee which is
constituted to pass on exemptions;
and I consider the University of
Oregon faculty regulations on this
subject unusually liberal as com
pared with other institutions’
rules; also our department of mil
itary science is more than usually
reasonable, just, and fair in its at
titude on such matters. I am frank
to say that I would rather see
the citizen military training man
aged by officers who are scholars
and gentlemen, rather than by
some bayonet-drilling sergeant at
an army post. And I so informed
the persons who approached me to
serve on a provisional committee
to organize a chapter of the Lea
gue Against War and Fascism.
I consented to serve on this com
mittee, because I strongly believe
that imperialist war threatens
western civilization, and that Fas
| eism threatens grave internal
stresses which will still further
weaken our already shaken social
economic fabric. Any organization
which is headed by men like Henry
Ward of Union Theological, and
Robert Morse Lovet of the Univer
sity of Chicago, commands my re
gard. But I will have no truck!
with attempts to set up amateur
kangaroo courts to pass on matters
for which a satisfactory const!
tuted authority exists.
Yours faithfully,
S. Stephenson Smith.
Honor Roll
(Continued front Page One)
age, Deal and Houser Barber
Shop. DeNeffe Inc.. Drive-in Mar
Karl's Malt Shop. Economy Food
Murkett. Economy Fruit Market,
Economy Meat Market. Ed's Meat
Market. Elliott Implement and
Seed Co.. Elliott's Grocery, Eu
gene Abstract Co., Eugene Auto
Top Co., Eugene Bakery. Eugene
Barber Shop, Eugene Cash Store,
Eugene Cleaners, Eugene Hard
ware Co., Eugene Home Appliance
Co., Eugene Hotel Barber Shop,
Eugene Packing Co., Eugene Print
ing Co., Eugene Shoe Repair Shop
Fall's Watch Repair, First Na
tional Bank, R. J. Fitchue Shoe
Repair, BTuit Haven Market, Gates
Service Station, G. E. Gaylord
Sales, Lafe Gibson Barber Shop,
The Gift Shop, Gilbert Shoe Co.,
Godlove the Plumber, H. Gordon
and Co., Graham's Shoe Store,
Granzer's Grocery Store, Gray's
Cash and Carry, Paul D. Green
R. C. Hadley Co., Hadley and
Norton Barber Shop, Haggart Bar
ber Shop, Hall’s Service Grocery,
Hampton’s Store, Hansen Paper
Co., Harry’s Shine Parlor. Has
tings Grocery, Hawkins and Rob
ers Inc., E. Heidel Hat Co., Her
man’s Men’s Store, Hendershott’s,
Hillside Grocery, J. A. Hoard Shoe
Repair, L. E. Hodges Realty Co.,
Hoffman Jewelry Store, Hope
Electric Co., The Hub, Hutch’s
Bike Shop, Hyde Realty Co.
Ideal Barber Shop. Irish’s Cash
Jim the Shoe Doctor, Johnson
Furniture Store, Jurgen’s Grocery.
Karl’s Shoe Shop, Karmel Korn
Shop, Keith's Shoe Repair, Ken
nell-Ellis Studio. Sher Khan, Kirk
land’s Floral Shop. Kopper Kettle
Kandy Korn Shop, Korner Store,
Korstad's Service, Kuykendall's
Drug Co.
L. & R. Beauty Shop, Lane
County Feed and Seed Co.. Lane
County Farmers' Union Ware
house, Laraway’s Jewelry Store.
Ole Lee Barber Shop, Lerner
Shops, Lightning Service, Lindley
Barber Shop. W. D. Link & Co.,
Loggers' Barber Shop. Lord-Kim
ball Meat Market. Ludford’s Paint
Store. Lyle's Tailor Shop.
Magazine Exchange, Manerud
and Huntington Fuel Co.. Market
Barber Shop. Mars Shoe Repair.
Mathison Barber & Supply Co..
Maybelle Beauty Shop. W. A. Me
Clew Shoe Shop. McCullv Realty
Co.. McLean and Sanders Insur
a n e e Agency. McMorran and
Washburne, Eric Merrell Store for
Men. The Metropolitan Chain
Store. Miller Tractor and Eouip
ment Co.. Miller's Shoe Shop. Mills
Beauty Salon, Montgomery Ward
.<• Co.. Dr. Sherman W. Moody.
Moore’s Ladies’ Shop, Morris Mu
sic Store. M. C. Morrison. Harold
Mortensen Shoe Shop, The Music
National Cash Register Co.. Xa
:ron Printing Co . J. J Newberry
x- Co.. Newmans Fish Market
Nordling Parts Co., Northwest
Cities Gas Co., Nu-Way Cleaners.
Office Machinery and Supply
Co.. Ogilvies Knit Shop, O. K. Bar
ber Shop, J. O. Olsen Appliance
Store, Oregon Settlement Associa
tion, Oregon Shine Parlor, Orien
tal Art Shop.
Pacific Feed anfi supply Co.,
Pandora Beauty Shop, Parker's
Barber Shop, Parsons Realty Co.,
J. C. Penney & Co., Pennywise
Drug Co., Perlich's Food Market,
Perry’s Battery Service, H. K.
Phillips Grocery, Pratt and Owens
Insurance Agency, Frank Pratt
Home Portraits, Pressman’s Wool
en Store, Preston and Hales, Pro
ducer Public Market (including
following stall operators:
J. Ackerson, Dena Archambeau,
F. L. Bissell, Mrs. C. L. Bowlsby,
Mrs. C. R. Brechtbill, Mrs. H. R.
Brown, Mrs. C. E. Buss, Mrs. G.
L. Cary, Mrs. C. J. Cook, Mrs. Lee
Davis, H. G. Denham, Mrs. A. C.
Dilley, Mrs. Katherine Dyer, Mrs.
M. P. Elder, Mrs. W. R. Elliott,
Mrs. M. A. Ellis, Mrs. Pearl Forn
crook, Mrs. C. E. Frye, Mrs. F. X.
Gallagher, R. E. Gansle, Chas.
Good, Mrs. J. N. Hulett, Fred P.
Jacobsen, Mrs. A. H. Johnson, E.
W. Johnson, H. C. Kerns, Mrs. C.
P. Lewis, Mrs. R. L. Medill, Roy
Miller, C. W. Mitchell, John Moore,
Mrs. R. F. Moore, Myers Sisters,
Miss Ingobarg Nelson, W. I. Pat
rick,, Alma Polley, Mrs. G. V.
Quaif, Raup’s Flower Shop, Mrs.
C. G. Rear, Mrs. Wm. Robertson,
G. H. Rogers, J. H. Samuel, W. P.
Sargeant, D. E. Shepherd, F. B.
Simmons, Mrs. George P. Smith,
Mrs. H. A. Swartz, Mrs. R. E.
Swezey, Mrs. John Virnig, Mrs.
Bert Weaver, Mrs. A. F. Weber,
M. E. Weller, Lois Wilder, Mrs. W.
T. Wilder, A. S. Whitbeck. Mrs.
R. S. Wynd, Mrs. Nettie Polley.)
Progressive Shoe Repair Shop.
Puritan Drug Co., Lloyd Purkey
Shoe Repair.
J. W. Quackenbush & Son.
Rader’s Beauty Salon. Red Cross
Drug Co., Reed’s Millinery Shop,
Regina Sales Service, Roberts’
Drink and Lunch, Rooen Barber
Shop, Rosebud Bakery, Rowland's
Grocery, Rubenstein’s Furniture
Store, Sam Rugh Reaity Co.
Safeway Store Inc., Scobert
Style Shop, Security Savings and
Loan, Seilon Tailor Shop, Sherman
Tailor Shop, Shorty’s Barber Shop,
W. T. Shoults Shoe Repair, Sigloh
Reed Auto Co., Sigman-Fell Insur
ance Agency, Sigwart Electric Co.,
Singer Sewing Machine Co.,
Skeie’s Jewelry Store, Willis Small
Feed Co., Standard Seed and Feed
Co., Star Furniture Co., Steven
son’s Drugs No. 1, Stevenson’s
Drugs No. 2, Stevenson’s Drugs
No. 3, Supercurline Shop.
Tattersall’s Market, Taylor's
Confectionery, Tobey Auto Service,
The Tot Shop, Toman's Jewelry
Store, Troeh’s Sporting Goods,
Tromp & McKinley Agency, Dr.
Sam H. Tyler.
U. S. National Bank, University
Valley Printing Co., Van’s Tie
Shop, Varsity Barber Shop.
Wade Brothers Store, Waldorf
Paint Co., Washing Machine Serv
ice Co., Western Auto Supply Co.,
Western Thrift Store, H. W. White
Electric Co., Willamette Street
Market, WilliamJji Self Service
Store, F. W. Woolworth & Co.
Y.M.C.A. Rummage Sale.
Proprietors of Eugene’s leading
restaurants added their support to
the “Home Games’’ campaign Fri
day afternoon, announcing that
they would suspend services from
1:45 to 4:15 p. m. Saturday after
noon to allow patrons and help to
attend the Oregon-Idaho game.
This is the first time in many
years that the large restaurants
have closed during regular busi
ness hours.
Signing the closing agreement
were: Cafe Del Rey, Eugene Bak
ery Co., Roberts Drink and Lunch
Shop, College Side Inn, Clause’s
Cupboard, New Deal Bowling Al
ley Lunch, McCrady’s Cafe, Sey
mour’s Cafe, Earl's Malt Shop,
Tip-Top Lunch, White Palace, The
Imperial Lunch, Unique Cafe,
Rainbow Restaurant, Watkins Cof
fee Shop, Ideal Bake Shop, Hoff
man Coffee Shop.
All garages and motor sales
companies also will close for the
two and one-half hour period. No
new jobs will be received after
1:45 and all sales rooms will be
closed. Those signing the agree
ment were: Shultz Motor Co.,
Simmons Co., Sigloh-Sawyer, Mo
tor Sales and Service, Lane Auto
550 East 13 Street
Oregon’s Best’
Welcome Dads
Eat and Enjoy Gold Medal Ice Cream
While in Eugene.
Medo-Land Creamery Co.
Campus ❖
❖ Exchanges
By Bill Marsh
Jack Benny, radio’s top notch
laugh getter, has turned into a
fortune teller. With Mary Living
stone acting as clairvoyant he
predicts that there will be many
football games played on Thanks
giving day and that a new year
will commence on January 1,
1936, or thereabouts. He does it
with mirrors.
* * *
A faculty member at the Uni
versity of Alabama is said to be
advocating the erection of a mon
ument to Dr. Carl A. Weiss, the
laddie who succeeded in scragging
Huey Long. We’ll not deny that
many people regarded Huey as a
disgrace to the United States.
Still there can be no reason for
j tolerating a college professor who
! is so irrational as to advocate a
monument to murder.
Glorifying the law of the jungle
would be what it would amount
to. And the law of revenge has no
place in civilization. We all know
people we’d like to murder. Take
that shyster lawyer back in New
York who chiseled Mrs. Will
Rogers out of a sizeable chunk of
the beloved Will’s estate. Murder
would be too good for a man like
that. He should be stripped and
dragged by his heels over a mile
or so of broken glass. But he
won’t be. He'll get a couple of
years in the cooler—maybe. We
are a civilized people.
One-fifth of the 582 acre cam
pus at the University of Washing
ton is under water. How handy.
Think how much easier it is to toss
a drunk in the lake to sober up
than to fill a bath-tub and then
break up half the fixtures getting
the victim into the water.
Co., Brown Motor Co., Silva Chev
rolet Co., Monroe Motor Co., Sher
er Motor Co., and the Day-Nite
® for lowest *
y meter rates 'm
| in town. y
| Ride in comfort in fj
m heated sedans. |
tjumminq B?nd
Membership entitles you to a
free pair of Humming Bird Full
Fashioned stockings as soon as
you have purchased 12 pairs,
as you need them.
Humming Birds were chosen
after careful consideration and
tests convinced us of their su
periority and their ability to
make the Club valuable to you*
Your membership card is wait
ing for you at our Hosiery De
partment It is worth a special
trip to the store and will help
you save while you wear the fi
nest, sheerest Ring-free hosiery.