Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 15, 1935, Page Four, Image 4

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    Art School Exhibit
Displayed in Portland
An exhibit of sculpture wort
from the University of Oregor
school of art is now on display ir
the lobby of the First Nationa
bank in Portland.
Oliver Barrett, professor ol
sculpture in the art school, ar
ranged the exhibit, which consist?
of work done in ceramics, wood
and stone.
The exhibit was put on display
at the request of C. B. Stephen
son, vice-president of the First Na
tional bank, and several members
of the bank board.
According to Professor Barrett,
the show-case in the lobby is an
excellent place for display. “The
show-case is about six by six feet
in size, is well lighted, and is in a
conspicuous place in the lobby
where many people go in and out
during the day,” he said.
“It is gratifying to see the mem
bers of such a commercial in
stitution as a bank taking an in
terest in art. This interest shows
that there is a trend towards the
public's becoming more art-mind
ed,” Professor Barrett said.
How long the present exhibit
v/ill be on display has not yet been
announced. The show-case is also
used for other displays from dif
fc-nt institutions, but the Univer
sity of Oregon art school has been
asked to presept more exhibits
from time to time throughout the
Emerald Ad
Staff Chosen
Appointments Made
After Competition
Eldon Haberman, business man
ager of the Oregon Emerald, yes
terday released the list of those
students who have been success
ful in securing appointments after
competitive work since publica
tions started this fall.
Optimism was Haberman’s out
look on the activities of the busi
ness department of the campus
daily for the coming year, citing
the increased advertising sales,
more modern services with which
to work, and the high standard of
experience held by members of
the staff.
Managing Staff Larger
This year, instead of having one
advertising manager, Haberman
has named one for each day with
two assistants each: Stanley
Bromberg, assisted by Tom Allen
and Walt Vernsetrom will be on
duty for Tuesday’s issue; Pete
Carrett, with Charles Stevens and
Reinhart Knudsen for Wednesday;
Maude Long and Patricia Neal, as
sisted bv Jane Lagassee and Kath
leen Duffy, Thursday; Ed Priaulx,
assisted bv Bob Wilhelm and How
ard Overbade, Friday; and Dick
Reuhm, assisted by Jacqueline Mc
Cord, Saturday.
Other Members Named
Velma McTntvre is to serve as
classified manager; Donald Ohan
mnn, circulation manager, Bill
Jones, national advertising mana
ger. Ed Morrow, promotional man
ager: and Caroline Hand, executive
Assisting Miss Hand in the of
fice are: Georgette Wilhelm, Lu
cille Hoodland, Louise Johnson,
Jane Slatky, Lucy Downing, Betty
Meedham, Betty Wagner, Marilyn
Ebl ami Dorothy Mahulsick.
Assisting Advertising Manager
Jones ore June Bust and Jean Er
The curvature of Chinese bridg
es is due to a belief that evil spirits
can travel only in a straight line.
This is tlie same reason for the
extensive use of screens in China.
Get Your
• Auto Glass
• Resilvering
m Mirror Glass
• Window Glass
J Graduate Student
Instructors Take
New Positions
! Two Leave Oregon
For High School Jobs
Two graduate student instruc
tors of the University resigned
their posts last week to take up
leaching jobs elsewhere.
•John E. Caswell, son of Dr. A.
E. Caswell, head of the depart
ment of physics at the University,
has given up his duties in the
phys;cs laboratory to take a posi
tion as instructor oi history and
science at the Eugene high school.
Clarence Strong, part time as
sistant in the chemistry labora
tory has left for Mapleton, Oregon,
to take over the chemistry depart
ment of the high school there. His
place in the laboratory here will be
taken by Harold Tivey.
Another former assistant in
structor in the science depart
ments, Howard Stafford, '33, son
of Dr. O. E. Stafford, chemistry
department head, recently accept
ed a position with the United
States geological survey, and at
present is doing topographical
work in eastern Oregon.
[Chancellor Hunter
Speaks in Portland
Chancellor Frederick M. Hunter
spoke yesterday noon to the busi
ness executives of the Portland
chamber of commerce, alumni of
Oregon State College and the Uni
versity of Oregon. His subject
was "State Building by Intention.”
He will speak today to the Port
land Kiwanis club at the Multno
mah hotel on "The Modern Bases
of Economic Progress.” Wednes
day Dr. Hunter will address the
Albany chamber of commerce.
Send the Emerald to your friends.
Subscription rates $2.50 a year.
Mrs. Hoover at Conclave
Ever active in the work of the girl scouts, Mrs. Herbert Hoover
is shown in the center of a group of executives as the national conven
tion of Girl Scouts of America started in San Francisco.
Jiro Harada Interviewed
On American Impressions
"I think America is a very
beautiful country,” Mr. Jiro Ha
rada said, as he leaned back in the
chair behind his desk. “I motored
up your beautiful McKenzie Pass
not long ago, and I also went over
the coast range mountains.”
Mr. Harada smiled and added
with some deliberation, ‘‘I don’t
know whether people here realize
and appreciate scenery as much
as we do in Japan. Maybe you’re
too busy to enjoy it. But one
should try to cultivate an appreci
ation of the beauty of nature.”
When Mr. Harada was asked if
the large enrollment in his classes
surprised him, he said, “Classes
here are much bigger than I ex
pected. Information from the con
sul in Portland was that I may
have anywhere from 30 to 100. I
came sort of prepared for that
many and then find an enrollment
of 190 at my first class. At the
last class there were over 150.
“Originally I was given the high
school auditorium, and I found
that there were not seats for all
the audience. They told me Villard
hall was not so good for speaking.
X found it much easier to speak
at Villard, and the students can
also hear better.
“The projector that I was given
was not quite adequate for the
large class to see, but they are
getting a bigger one for me. I
brought over a large number of
photographs and plates'and I am
anxious to show them.
“The students are very atten
tive, quiet, and tense. I don’t think
I ever had a clas of that size so
interested. Tt is up to me now not
to disappoint them.
“I like very much to present to
them Japan in all the phases that
I can and create a Japanese at- j
mosphere in the class as much as
possible. It must be very hard to
understand a foreigner talk, and j
I appreciate the attention and
eagerness of the students.
“The Chancellor and Mrs. Hunt- |
er were good enough to attend my
first lecture. Many of the faculty
were there too. It was very good I
of them.
“I appreciate the courtesy
shown on every hand. Mrs. Warn
er was good enough to move out :
of her office in the museum and ;
surrender it to me.
“When Dr. Noble saw me at
Tokyo last summer and asked me
what accomodations I wanted, I
said that I could sleep anywhere,
but I wanted a good place to work
at any time during the day and
night. My wish was fulfilled in
every respect. I have a comfort
able room in Omega hall with a
sitting room across the hall. I
have an office in the museum
where I may work, and I have
this room in the art building for
consultation, so I’m nicely estab
lished here and ffcel quite at
A heron on federal reserve in
Louisiana was hale and hearty up
on reaching the age of 14 years.
The government knew its age by
an attached bird band giving the
approximate date of birth.
In Review
By Stuart Portner
Films Today:
Heilig — “King Solomon of
Broadway, through Wednesday.
Mac — “Big Broadcast”
through Wednesday.
Mayflower — “G-Men” and
“Daring Young Man", through
Rex—“People Will Talk” and
“Woman in Red,” through Wed
State — “Roman Scandals”
and “It Happened in New
York,” through Wednesday.
at the McDonald
Following in the mood of its
predecessors in name and theme, !
the current attraction at the Me- j
Donald, “The Big Broadcast of j
1936,” is an hour of pleasant di
version. With an impressive cast
of radio and screen personalities
presenting short specialty acts in
steady procession, the film be
comes the cenematic prototype of
the legitimate theater's musical
Action in the “Big Broadcast”
revolves about the radio enterprise
maintained by Jack Oakie and
Henry Wadsworth, two stalwarts
pursuing the traditional goal of
fame and fortune through this me
dium. But the plot and the stream
of continuity become so abrupt
t hat audience and scenarist are not
too vitally concerned with discov
ering a coherent path to the film’s
conclusion. The theater-goer is
given the opportunity of relaxing
and enjoying the adolescent spirit
in which the effort has been creat
ed. Directed in the ingenious man
ner of Norman Taurog who has
given the film such classics as
"Skippy,” “Sooky” and “Miss
Fane's Baby Is Stolen." the actors
have apparently adopted the mood
of the Coopers, the Coogans, the
Baby Le Roys and the Spanky Mc
Farlands, and have drifted into in
fantilism with Director Taurog.
Among those to be found in the
picture are Bing Crosby, Amos and
Andy, Ethel Merman, Ray Noble
and his orchestra, Charles Ruggles,
Mary Boland, Lyda Roberti and
Samuel S. Hinds.
Send the Emerald to your friends.
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They have Aroset collars,
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Sanforized shrunk.
... but, after all is said and
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when it comes to a cigarette that
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The farmer who grows the tobacco, the ware•
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In making Chesterfields we use mild ripe home
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