No Men The women’s page of the Em erald, appearing each Thursday, prints much that even the men should read. Movie Fans By following “In Review,” read ers of the Emerald may be sure thpy’re not reading studio public ity clippings. VOLUME XXXVII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935 NUMBER 8 —T Student Says He Will Fight ROTO Decision Campus Groups Are Expected to Support Connelly in Demand For Drill Exemption The military exemptions com mittee’s refusal to grant exemp tion from drill to Gordon Connelly, journalism student, was followed last night by Connelly’s declara tion that he will fight the case and under no circumstances will take ROTC. Connelly based his appli cation for exemption on the grounds that the military course is academically valueless and a waste of time. Two students appeared before the faculty committee when it met Tuesday, one of them Connelly, and the other Gilbert Titus, con scientious objector, who was ex empted. More than 25 students have been exempted on these grounds, according to Colonel E. V. D. Murphy, head of the military department. Connelly said last night, “I view the decision of the military exemp tions committee as obviously un fair. My reasons as presented to that body constitute what I con sider fully adequate grounds for exemption. I will under no cir cumstances take military training, and I intend to fight this case un til a satisfactory decision is ren dered.” Ordinarily the committee ex empts students on two grounds, conscientious objection and a heavy work schedule. Connelly de parted from the usual procedure by basing his complaint entirely on the allegation that the military course is valueless, a waste of time, and has no legitimate place as a compulsory feature of a liber al university. Compatriots of Connelly said lkst night several organizations are expected to support him in a test case. Just what procedure will be followed is not known, but will rest more or less with military authorities, since Connelly has said , he will under no condition return to drill. Campus •> Calendar Westminster dramatics group meets today at 4 at Westminster house. Wesley club cabinet will meet at the home of Dorothy Nyland, 613 Eleventh avenue east, at 7:30 to night. All members are requested to be present. AWS council will meet today at 5 in the College Side. There will be a short but impor tant Amphibian meeting tonight at 7:45 in the women’s gym. The YWCA consumer’s group will meet today at 5 o’clock in the bungalow. Delta Upsilon members and pledges ,will have their pictures taken for the 1936 Oregana at the Kennell-Ellis studios today. Purpose and contact group mem bers meet at YWCA at 4:30 this afternoon. The Classical club is sponsoring a lecture on “The Interpretation of Greek and Roman Art” by Prof. W. R. B. Willcox tonight at 8 in room 107 Oregon. The public is invited. Christian Science organization will hold its regular meeting to night at 8 in the YWCA bungalow. All those interested in Christian Science are welcome. There will be an intra-fraternity council meeting tonight at 6:00 o'clock at the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity house. All Yeomen who plan to attend the banquet Friday at 7:30 must register by Thursday at 5 p. m. at the YMCA hut. Makeup Examination In Room 10 7 Villard At 4 o’Cloek Monday Makeup psychological exam inations will be held in 107 Vil lard instead of in. the assembly hall in Villard on Monday, Octo ber 14, at 4 o’clock, according to the registrar's office. The change was made necessary by the Japanese art and culture class in the assembly room at that hour. Dr. Hunter Is Alumni Guest Boyer, Rossen, Blais To Speak at Banquet Affording them their first op portunity to meet with Oregon’s new chancellor, Dr. Frederick M. Hunter, alumni of the University of Oregon will gather Friday eve ning in Portland for their second annual Founders’ Day banquet at which time Dr. Hunter will deliver the principal address, according to Robert K. Allen, alumni secretary. The alumni are taking advant age of the opportunity afforded by the California-Oregon game the following day to Invite alumni from all parts of Oregon for this second annual event. A record crowd of more than 500 alumni is expected. The affair is to be held at the Woodcraft Temple, Southwest Fourteenth and Morrison streets, at 6:30 o’clock. Although the ban quet is primarily for alumni, fac ulty members have been especially invited to attend. On the program with Dr. Hunter will be President , C. V. Boyer, Graduate Manager Hugh E. Rosson and Student Body President James Blais. A short »pep program featuring the Univer sity band and the student rally committee has been arranged. A broadcast of this feature is planned. The event is being sponsored by the Portland alumni association of which Paul D. Hunt is president. George Weber is in charge of the banquet. Tickets, which are $1.00 per plate, may be obtained by call ing at the alumni office on the camDus. WAA Has First Meeting of Year Representatives of the Women’s Athletic association met last night in Gerlinger hall for their first meeting of- the year. Representatives of the various women’s living organizations in clude: Alpha Delta Pi, Iris Fran zen; Alpha Gamma Delta, Evelyn King; Alpha Omicron Pi, Norma Rising; Alpha Phi, Betty Jane Ber nitt; Alpha Xi Delta, Jean Elving ton; Chi Omega, Winifred Pem broke; Delta Delta Delta, Helen Payne; Delta Gama, Imogene Wiley; Gamma Phi Beta, Jane Bogue; Hendricks hall, Betty Glaisyer; Kappa Alpha Theta, Marjorie Gearhart; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Margaret Johnson; Pi Beta Phi, Kay Buck; Sigma Kap pa, Genevieve McNiece; Susan Campbell, Barbara Ketchum; Zeta Tau Alpha, Ruth Lake. The duties of the representatives are to keep in touch with sports, to report announcements of the house games and intramural hours, and to organize house teams. Rep resentatives must be sophomores and must be associated or active members of the W. A. A. 17 Are Pledged By Tau Delta Delta Tau Delta Delta, local under classman music honorary, formal ly pledged 17 members this Tues day evening. The new pledges are: Betty Sether, Dorothy Ann Rader, Louise, Burnesan, Charlotte Plum mer, Madge Conaway, Kathleen Houglum, Mollie Bob Small, Doris Wulzen, Martha Hennigan, Ra chael Koken of Eugene; Marion beth Wolfenden, Jacqueline Wong of Portland; Jane Henderson of Oregon City; Dorothy Burgess, Dorothy Gore of Medford; Fran celia Oliver of Baker; and Shirley Golden of Tillamook. _ _ _ _ ___ 1 Guarding Frontier Headquarters I ■ ■ ■ ■ < I ■■■■■ I ■■■■!■ 'I ' 1 " ", . ’ 1 11 1 With war drums beating throughout the Ethiopian hills for general mobilization to ward off attacks by Italian troops, these soldiers of Halle Selassie’s army are gathered near the front along the French j Somaliland border protecting their frontier headquarters. Lincoln High Offers Course In Industry College Credit Earned On Courses’ Competition Oregon’s industrial possibilities, as yet unscratched, will be the basi s of a new course, Oregon Commerce and Industry, to be of fered during the fall term by the Portland Extension Center at Lincoln high school. Regular col lege credit will be earned by all those completing the course. Walter R. May, manager of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, is chairman, and professional and industrial leaders, such as E. B. MacNaughton, president of the First National Bank of Portland, and George P. Berkey, vice presi dent of the Crown Willamette Paper company, will deliver the weekly lectures stressing the manufacturing and commercial in dustries in the Northwest, and their relation to foreign and do mestic markets, personnel, raw materials, and power. Registration will open next week at Portland Extension Center in the Oregon building or at the next class session in Lincoln high. Phi Mu Alphas To Give Smoker For New Students Meeting to Be Held At Music Auditorium Phi Mu Alpha, men’s national music honorary, will present one of its semi-annual smokers tonight at 8 o’clock in the music audito rium. The purpose of the get-to gether is to acquaint the music honorary members with new stu dents in the University who are interested in modern American music, according to Alvin Templer, The program will consist of in strumental and vocal selections of the group. Following the informal concert everyone will go to the music lounge, where refreshments will be served and members will have an opportunity to meet the new students. "I personally extend' an invita tion to every man on the campus who is interested in developing and furthering modern American mu sic to attend Phi Mu Alpha's smoker Thursday night,” Templer said last evening, “and I am cer tain it will be an hour and a half well spent.” James Morrison, supreme coun cilman of the group, aided' by Clarence Woods and Robert Freed Bales, is in charge of the smoker and said last night he expected a large audience. Miss Thompson Talks To Student Nurses Miss Elnora E. Thomson, direc tor of the department of nursing education at the University medi cal school in Portland, spent yes terday on the campus advising up per division students in the depart ment of nursing education. She was highly pleased with the decided increase in this depart ment, which id the largest in its history. Twenty students are tak ing lower division work and 17 are enrolled in the more advanced courses. Last year, Miss Thomson said, only 13 were enrolled in both divisions. Co-op Living Group Drafts Model Set-up The Students’ Cooperative Liv ing association, dedicated to eco nomical living conditions, provi sion for group life among students who could not otherwise partici pate, and experimentation in the technique of cooperative living, this week assumed the responsibil ity of drafting an organizational set-up which is expected to be come the model for future coop erative houses on this and other campuses. Officers elected at the Tuesday meeting were Howard Ohmart, ex ecutive secretary; Charles Pad (Please turn to page three) Oregon Libe Shows Bibles 8 Facsimile Pages Display Early Dates In commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the first Bible printed in English, the'University library will have on display fac similes of different editions and translations of Bibles, ranging from the years 1525 to 1611. Those facsimile pages received by M. H. Douglass, librarian, showing the history of the English Bible, are: I. Tyndale’s New Testament, Testament, 1525. II. Coverdale’s Bible, 1535. III. Mathew's Bible, 1537. IV. The Great Bible, 1539. V. The Geneva Bible, 1560. VI. The Bishop's Bible, 1568. VII. The Rheims-Douai Bible, 1582-1610. VIII. The King James Bible, 1611. The anniversary starts October 4, which date appears on the last page of the Coverdale Bible in 1535 as the date when the task of printing the Bible was completed. The display will be kept until De cember 8, which is the second Sun day in December and which day, for several years, has been Bible Sunday in many churches an? seems an appropriate date for end ing the observance. An article in The Publisher’s Weekly related: “Four hundred years ago, the first great translator of the Bible into modern English was held in a Belgian jail . . . and the first Bible was being (stealthily issued from an unmarked press.’’ The American Bible Society, Bi ble House, New York City, printed the facsimile pages sent out by the National Commemoration com mitttee. The exhibit to be held in our library will play its part in helping to make this anniversary a national movement. Ticket Deadline Is Thursday at 5 Assistant Graduate Manager Ralph Schomp announced yester day afternoon that today would be he last day for the non-ASUO members and the general public to buy tickets to the California game in Portland. They may be secured any time in the office of the graduate man ager in the Igloo, which closes at 5 o’clock. Dads’ Day to Be Orators’ Topics At Noon Meals Circulars to Be Given At Houses and Co-op • Fraternity and sorority men and women will be interrupted today noon in the middle of their lunches by stirring’ talks which Frank Bondurant, committee head, hopes all students will relay home to their dads. The topic of each orator will be an entreaty for all to inveigle some method of getting their dads to come to Oregon for a day on October 19 when annual Dad’s Day festivities will reach a climax at the Idaho-Oregon football game. This will be the first duty of the recently chosen speakers com mittee, headed by A1 Davis, whose duty is to advertise by word of anouthr-outstanding ASUO events of the year. Circulars advertising Dad’s Day events will be distributed to each student who will be asked to take or send it to his or her father in the near future. Students who are not affiliated with living organiza tions may secure these circulars at the Co-op. Serving on the student commit tee under Bondurant are: Virginia Proctor, Jean Stevenson, Mary McCracken, Dan Clark, Jr., and Wayne Harbert. Idaho Professor Visits Campus German Groups Mrs. Sargent Tells. About Nazi Germany Mrs. M. L. Sargent, professor of Romance languages at the Univer sity of Idaho, visited Dr. Schmidt’s German classes Monday and Tues day, discussing broadly the current conditions in Germany and other European countries. She retraced German history, showing the caus es which led up to the present Ger man political history. Professor Sargent, who has re cently been to Germany during her year’s leave of absence, told of the enthusiasm with which German people accepted Hitler, describing him a3 “a man with a singleness of purpose and a love for the peo ple.” An open forum discussion fol lowed her talk. Mrs. Sargent rec ommended “Germany Under the Treaty” by W. A. Dawson, and “The Road to War,” by Millis, as excellent references for anyone further interested in the situation. Wesley Club Will Meet in Corvallis Wesley club. Methodist student organization, will travel to Cor vallis this Sunday to attend a dis cussion led by Harold Ehrensberg er, nationally known leader in religious drama. Cars are leaving the Methodist church at 4:00 p. m. Ehrensberger will be in Eugene Monday for a speaking engage ment and discussion sessions. Students have been urged by Wesley club officers to attend the Corvallis meeting, phoning travel reservations to Dorothy Nyland, 1550- J. Frosh to Meet To Nominate Class Officers Villard Hall to Be Scene of Political Gathering at 7:30; Ronrke Is Adviser Hordes of inexperienced frosh which have been streaming over the campus since the opening of school are to meet tonight to nom inate class officers—the first nec essary step in the direction of or ganization. The time lias been set as 7:30 and the place at Villard hall, which, if any young freshman should get lost, is located north of historic Deady hall. Roland Rourke, ASUO vice-prexy, is to assume the role of chief adviser to help the yearlings get their politi cal machine rumbling towards election. Frantic young men were dashing wildly from one end of the campus to the other last evening, breath ing phrases through the fog of promises, ending with “If I’m elected president.” The whole sit uation is expected to simmer down after tonight’s meeting to be one of the most fiery political frays to be seen among members of the entering class in several years. Nobody seemed to know who was going to run for what. A man who was planning to be a presi dential candidate one minute would change his mind the next, leaving reporters much in the dark as to possible tickets. Three tickets were reported, without definite confirmation, to be forming which will make the campaign all the hotter. Two par ties usually make up the ticket. Last year, after the two organized groups had nominated their candi dates, heralding each with a well divided blast of hysterical scream ing and handclapping on the part of fellow pledges and political al lies, a third candidate was put up on the boards. This confused the political machine for a few days until the third candidate withdrew in favor of one of the organized tickets. Lamps burned the oil until early this morning as proud fraternity upperclassmen penned the most prolific and flowery phrases for the frosh candidates to recite to their classmates tonight. The ob ject of these orations is usually to make every living organization think it will get the most "gravy” without actually promising any thing. Age-old political combinations of strong groups of houses have been cracked wide open by the prece dent-setting frosh in their pre nomination dickering. Individuals most active reported yesterday, however, that respective fraterni ties would probably be lined up definitely on one side or the other by the meeting tonight. After tonight, the candidates will be carried around on a chip to meet the freshman women in the sororities, at whom many promising smiles will be made as a bait for their support. Regula tions on the campus make it illegal for sororities to openly support a given political group. Orides Change Plans for Banquet A slight change in the program is stated in Wednesday’s Emerald for the Oricltes banquet, planned for Friday at 7:30 p. m. at the YWCA nut, was announced today by Miss Theda Spicer, president. John Casteel, instead of giving the main address, will give but a brief talk, lending humor to the affair. Janet Smith, employment secretary, will be toastmistress, while Miss Spicer will also ad dress the group. Those planning to attend will be given until Thursday night tp reg ister for the banquet. The fprjner' deadline was Wednesday, , The charge will bg' only 15 cents, and all ndependents age urged Ip at tend, since thMj will, be the one big “get-together” for independents of the term. The dance with the Yeomen’s club is to be held at 9 p. m. at the Green Parrot Palms. Rourke Announces Freshman Meeting In Villard Tonight All frosh are to congregate tills evening in Villard hall to nominate their candidates for class offices for the coming year. The time has been set as 7 :30, announced ASUO Vice-Presi dent Rourke who is in charge of yearling class elections. Sophs Name Committee Date of Informal Set for Oetober 26 Announcement of committees for the sophomore informal were made today by Elizabeth Turner, acting president of the sophomore class, with approval of the sopho more council. Miss Turner was named acting president of the sophomore class in place of Lyle Baker, who was unable to take office. The date for the dance has been scheduled for Saturday evening, October 26, at the Igloo. Tickets will be $1.00 and 75c. Those on the various commit tees are: co-chairmen, Louis Hills and Bill .Tones; assistant chairmen, Frances Johnson and Marge Gear heart; publicity, Bill Pease and Virginia Wellington; decorations, Clyde Keller and Sam Fort; fi nance, A1 Carter and Ralph Cathey; construction, Harold Ol sen and Gladys Battleson; refresh ments, Gayle Buchanan and Mar jorie Brainnard; patrons, Peggy Church and Molly White; recep tion, Beverly Burkitt and Betty Rosa; entertainment, Genevieve McNiece and Bill Finch; floor, Mel Shevic and Larry Crane; policing, Bill Dalton; music, Chuck Barclay and Vivian Emery; clean-up, Noel Benson; programs, Bob deArmand and Marion Dryer; tickets, Bob Wilhelm. Supreme Court To Decide Taxes On Miner Building Friday at 1:30 p. m. Oregon’s nine supreme court justices will decide whethe ror not Lane county and the city of Eugene can legally tax the W. E. Miner build ing. Circuit Judge Skipworth earlier in the year decreed that the Miner building was tax exempt but Lane county appealed the case to the state supreme court, which is now meeting in Salem where H. E. Slattery, Eugene attorney, will present the case for the county. If declared tax exempt, the $7,500 ordinarily paid out in taxes can be used by the University of Oregon to grant scholarships. Non-Portland Girls Must Get Parents’ OK All girls planning to go to Port land to the game this week-end who do not reside in Portland must bring written permission from their parents to the a'ean of wo men’s office. Sign-out slips must also be turned in. Theater Rally Ticket Sale Starts Today Committee Decides Event Dutch Treat ; George Asks Student Support for Send-off It’s “Dutch treat” for Friday night! The men dig deep after thin dimes week-end after week-end' and the women contribute a bit at Mortar Board but the big rally at the Broadway theater in Port land Friday night is to be “even Stephen.” This was the decision of the Oregon rally committee headed by Jack Campbell which is in charge of Oregon’s official festivities in the Rose city Friday and Saturday. Ticket booths have been estab lished on three main campus cross roads: the old' libe, in front of the law temple, and on the Co-op front porch. Tickets sell for 40 cents and will be on sale until noon to day. Everyone is urged to get their tickets early as a large crowd is expected. Men and women buy their own tickets and all come prepared to blow the theater roof off at the big funfest Friday night, urged Campbell. A rousing pep rally tomorrow noon at the Southern Pacific sta tion is being planned by Bill George, yell leader, who asks that every able bodied' man and woman be on hand at 12:20 to let the team know that all the students are be hind them on the eve of the big game. George asked that living organi zations try to have early lunches on Friday to permit students to join in the huge send-off, pep af fair before the train leaves. Friday night the big rally will start in front of the Broadway theater at 9:30 o’clock. At 10:00 everyone will go inside and either see the screen attraction or dance in the ballroom upstairs to the mu sic of Buck McGowan’s orchestra. After the show, an all-Oregon stage review and pep stunts are planned. Campbell urged everyone to turn out and expect a good time. The stunts include dances by former Broadway review stars and many feature entertainments. “We’re going to really have a swell time,” said Campbell. After the game Saturday the Oregon alumni and the rally com mittee will stage a dance at the Multnomah hotel. The charge will be $1.00 a couple. "If the students whoop it up and show the enthusiasm they did at the Utah game, the dance Satur day night will be a victory dance,” I Campbell predicted. Eleven Students Still Patients at Infirmary The epidemic of colds continues, as the infirmary was nearly filled to capacity October 9. The list of 11 includes Robert Anet, Naomi Cronin, Virginia Schultz, Beth Glaisyer, Frances True, Fayette Thompson, Delbert Bjork, Jim Ballew, Carson Shumake, Bill Martin, and George Birnie. Mighty Oregon Band Will Rival Bear Musicians This coming week-end when the University of Oregon Varsity squad has its trial by fire against the first of its Coast Conference competitors, tjrere will be another contest raging in the streets, the radio stations and the great theatrical arenas of downtown Portland. The University of Oregon band, which has been described various ly as “The mighty 80 piece Ore gon band” and the "fifteen pieces that played in Bend,” actually a well-knit organization of 49 men, will be running up against what is ballyhooed as the sttffest band competition on the coast. Califor nia is sending up an 80 piece or ganization, selected from nearly five times the amount of raw material that the Oregori group has on tap. And they’ve been re hearsing since mid-August. They are coming up as the rep resentatives of their school. No rooting section will be imported. The patent boast behind this dec laration is that they don’t need a rooting section. At any rate, whether or not their band will show up the newly uniformed “best band the Univer sity ever had,” the Oregon men are rehearsing new numbers, working hard and preparing to give the Californians a scrap. All loyal Oregon supporters are asked to get behind their band— they are invited to clap (in tempo if possible) when their musical or ganization plays and to sing with re-doubled vigor the refrain of “Mighty Oregon.” From all reports, there will be much need of strong support for the football squad and the band members have pledged themselves to do their part.