Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1935, Page Two, Image 2

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• University of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon
rniToRI -\T OFFICE'S: Journalism buiMing. Phone 33(K>
D IStor Local .154: News Room and Managing Editor 3aS.
BUSINESS OFFICE: McArthur Court. Phone 3300- Local
• 214* '_____- .
Ret re-ente.l bv A J Norris Hill Co.. 135 E. 42n.l St.. New
York City' IB \V. Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End A\e.,
Seattle; 1031 S. Broadway, Los Angeles: Call Building, San
Francisco. __--——
Robert Lucas
Charles Paddock
News Editor
Clair Johnson
Managing Editor
Marge Petsch
Women’s Editor
Eldon Haberman
Business Manager
Tom McCall
Sports Editor
The Oregon Daily Emerald will[..not be responsible lor
returning unsolicited manuscripts. Public letters should not be
more than .300 words in length and should be accompanied by
{he writer's signature and address which will be withheld if
requested. All communications are subject to the discretion of
the editors. Anonymous letters will be disregarded._
The Oregon Daily Emerald official student publication of
the University of Oregon. Eugene, published daily during the
college year, exrent Sundays. Mondays, holidays, examination
periods, 'all of December except the first seven day-*, al. of
March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class matter
at the i.ostoiiicc. Eugene. Ort-g.m. Subscription rates. $2.30 a yc.ir.
For a Women’s Rally
WITH the passing yesterday of the Associated
Women Students’ recommendation that
tnere be created a University of Oregon women’s
rally committee, a goal has been reached and a
great step has been taken toward the return of
school spirit as started with an active campaign
last spring.
The student relations committee ana me ex
ecutive council having agreed that the suggested
measure would be of great value in creating en
thusiasm among women students, in aiding with
organized cheering and rally dances and in work
ing as a co-group with the men's rally committee,
an idea that has been one of the goals of the
A.W.S. for several years has become a reality.
For years Oregon has been the only Pacific
coast campus in whose extra-curricular and ath
letic activities there was no official female pep
inspiring group. Alumni, active students and
A.W.S. leaders have attempted to stimulate in
terest from time to time but the movement gained
little impetus until the A.W.S. prematriculation
conference this September. Once the planning con
ference had passed upon it, the motion was for
warded to the two committees.. And today there
is an active co-ed rally committee whose duties
it will be to inspire the women students to active
participation in organized rooting at games and
to aid in maintaining the traditions of the campus.
A-W.S. Plans Ahead
OREGON women, and their “first lady" Mar
garet Ann Smith are to be congratulated
on their plans for women's activities on the cam
pus this year. Their eight objectives adopted dur
ing the recent A.W.S. planning conference show
clear thinking, based on mature experience in
the ways of the campus, and indicate qr^construc
tive re-organization in the A.W.S. activities,
which for a number of years have been a hodge
podge of hit or miss affairs based on outworn
Two of the most important objectives are the
abolishment by the sororities of activity points
for initiation requirement and the appointment
of a general social chairman to create social unity
on the campus.
In the past, freshman women have been forced
Lo enter various activity fields in order to “bring
in the sheaves” into their respective sororities,
irid as a result, student ventures have been clut
tered with activity thirsty freshmen, who were
not only led to the trough, but also made to drink.
And since force breeds discontent, many of the
student ventures became lukewarm failures.
Under the new plan only women eager to partici
pate in the A.W.S. will be appointed to serve,
which fact will bring to light worthwhile talent,
and make for honest and sincere leadership.
The general social chairman, or Oregon’s Miss
Emily Rost, will be in a position to answer all
questions of campus etiquette, such as what shall
be worn to a certain dance, what is the meaning
of formal and informal, under what circumstances
may a gentleman be asked to dine, anti the host
of other questions which often confront even the
most "well-bred" young man or woman.
The Oregon A.W.S. is a leader in this new
venture among the colleges and universities of
Ibis country, and we believe is setting a precedent
which may be "borrowed" by other institutions.
It might be well for students at the University
if Oregon and elsewhere in this country to watch
with interest the actions of European countries
now that teams are being selected for the Italian
Ethiopian conflict. The situation in Europe pre
sents problems that eventually will involve the
United States. And this time there is super emo
tional appeal being applied in three of the great
nations of the fracas appeals under the direction
of single men to a people who think as that man.
Fortunate it is that in this country we may at
least view with independence the right and wrong
of our contemporary's actions. We should at least
exercise the prerogative.
Two women detectives arrested a pickpocket
in a large, downtown department store yesterday
afternoon. Although the theif weighed 190 pounds,
the lady cops ran him in without displaying any
firearms or resorting to any force whatever.
A married man perhaps? New York Times.
Europe Firsthand
By Howard Kessler
I , ' ____
l'JUitor s note: Howard Kessler, writer of the
following article, has returned to tire University
jf Oregon after a seven months tour of Europe.
He is now an active student at the University and
is a regular member of the Emerald staff. While
Kessler is not a seasoned foreign correspondent
nor commentator on world affairs his information
has been gathered directly from his travels, llit
series (jf articles, of which this is the first, should
prove interesting as a student's point of view on
the problems that today stare darkly into the
face of Europe.
T READ the glaring news. And thought of my
little friend in the railway station at Ventimig
lia where passengers entering Italy at the north
from France v/ait for the trains that will carry
them into the land of the Fascist.
He stood behind a counter underneath the
sign “Money Changer” printed in five languages,
and obligingly gave me lira for the few loose
francs I carried. I was surprised to hear him
speak fluent English, and since my train would
a good opportunity to initiate my first-hand in
a god opportunity to initiate my first-hand in
quires concerning the blackshirt regime.
“We are a people with insufficient space in
which to live. Think of it. Forty millions and such
a tiny country.” H"1 shrugged. “You speak of
England. But England has colonies.”
"Yes, I have just finished my two years of
compulsory military !ife. I do not like it, for I
care nothing for war or uniforms and it was a
great waste of time. But it is required.” Which
appeared to be sufficient reason, for he broke
off to take some money across the plain wooden
counter. When he returned there was a reluctance
to answer any questions on Italian policy, but
he was eager to tell me of his own life. He leaned
forward confidentially, and with a boyish smile
told of his love.
“I have an, oh so beautiful fiance, in Nice. I
spend all my week-ends with her. There is no
amusement in a small border town such as this,
and it is too far to any city in my own country,
so many of us here go to the French resorts.”
It was interesting but not what I wanted. “And j
Mussolini?” I asked tentatively.
He grinned wryly and glanced hurriedly at
the desk. “I do not understand. Mussolini?”
“Is he as popular as ever with the people?”
He looked over my shoulder and seemed em
bart-assed. "But he is Mussolini! He is our leader!” |
And our short acquaintance permitted him to di
vulge no more. A train had steamed in and cus
tomers began to stack up around me. I strolled
off, to wander up and down the great marble hall
ways until my friend should be idle again. When
I returned he was gone. I saw him no more.
So I thought of the intelligent and sincere clerk
who had a girl friend across the border, and won
dered whether he was shot down in the first
attack on Adowa, or was taken by the tropical
fever and shipped prostrate back to his northern
hills. Does he write forlorn letters to une petite '
amie from his crude camp cot under an African
sun, or is he in the advance guard of an army
determined to destroy in order that they might
Other Editors’ Opinions
' | 'HERE has always existed a prejudice of a
sort against scholars among people of the
unlearned class. Part of this prejudice is envy;
part may be attributed to the attitude of the stu
dents themselves.
There was a time when a young man or woman
who was working his or her way through school
could find ready sympathizers among the public.
Student salesmen increased their earnings by
stating to the housewives that the profit derived
from the sale of the magazines or floor mops was
to be used in defraying expenses at college. Or
ganizations, as church clubs and civic groups,
would give entertainments to aid worthy students.
In many instances, however, those same stu
dents who had appealed for and received aid
would return to the community and assume a
superior attitude and look with scorn upon those
who had made this pursuit of education possible.
The student who completes his college educa
tion and feels that he now can move in a superior
group unaffected by the attitude of the common
people, in the majority of cases, is doomed to be
disappointed. Daily Kansan.
Passing Show
OLLEGE men and women aren't getting a fair
break! For years we older people have been
accusing them of wasting their time and their
parents’ money, rah-rahing and petting. Now that
large groups of them are beginning to think ser
iously about such momentous subjects as war and
peace, they are either slapped on the wrist by
some college administrations or accused by pub
licists of indulging in "emotional sprees." . .
The college authorities who are cracking down
on the anti-war strikers ought to come clean and
adniist that they are conducting not educational
institutions but adjuncts to the army! . .
As people grow older they grow more coward
i ly. Too many are afraid to strike out into new
paths. Let the oldsters keep their hands off the
1 young people who are trying to make this a better
| and a safer world to live in! They prove that we
ren t stuck fast in yesterday. Dorothy Dunbar
Bromley, in The New York World-Telegram.
College students are perhaps thinking too
much for the welfare of those who have run the
government. At least, college students are think
ing. It has been a common habit to label every
thing new in governmental and economic thought
as radical. The fact is that many college students
are more conservative than their elders, However,
they know why they are conservative. They are
taking an interest in political things. This is what
frightens the elders; they fail to consider what it
really means.
The entrance of more and more college stu
dents into politics, the emphasis on training for
j political positions means a new era of political
thought in the United States, it means that some
i day politics will he a dignified profession. It
means that men will hold offices for which they
have had some measure of training. It means that
the voting public will be conscious of what is going
n in government, and why. It means that the
vote-buying illiterate gangster will be ousted
from public office. It does not mean that red flags
ire being hoisted above the administration build
ings of our colleges and that college students are
being taught to be good disciples of socialism.
The Colby Echo.
Yale Laughs At "Red Scare”
Editor’s Note: The following
article is taken from “What the
Colleges Are Doing,” published
by Ginn and Co. The article or
iginally appeared in the Yale..
Daily News. Copyright, 1935, by
Ginn and Co.
Never has the air been so heavy
with the worries of alumni. The past
weeks have seen an enormous in
crease in the number of inquiries,
protests, and even threats that come
flooding in on the University—on
administration, faculty, students,
and our humble selves . . . For the
rumor that Yale has gone commun
ist, after having been long quies
cent, has flared up again and Is
spreading like wildfire.
Frankly, we search in vain for the
cause of this violent outburst. We
have oeen conscious of no wholesale
swing to the left among the faculty
or undergraduates, nor of any sud
den change in the tenor of their
thinking . . . Yet alumni groups all
over the country’, inspired by a per
fect furor in New York, have come
to the conclusion that communism
is rife on the Yale campus, that the
doctrines of Marx are expounded in
every classroom.
We have decided that the time has
come when the matter should be
settled, once for all. The whole sit
uation must be laid bare, the heavy
atmosphere of suspicion clarified.
Therefore, the News intends to con
duct an intensive investigation of
radicalism at Yale, its extent and
j character. The activities and be
| liefs of faculty and students alike
will v'e subject to impartial scru
tiny. Our findings will be published
at the earliest opportunity.
* * *
Startling Revelations
These were some of the startling
! revelations which came to light
; yesterday when the News quizzed
i 3,300 undergraduates, graduate stu
dents, pud faculty members, in its
efforts to ascertain the true extent
of Red activity at Yale.
Covering the entire University in
this three-day survey, five pertinent
questions were posed. Of the 3,400
persons approached, all but a hun
dred were willing to answer, with
results as follows:
1. Are you an- enrolled member
of the Communist Party? (Yes, 73
per cent).
If to, were you influenced in your
view's by what you learned at Yale ?
(Yes, 100 per cent).
2. What means do you favor to
achieve the aims of communism?
(Revolution, 94 per cent: legislation,
6 per cent).
3. Do you believe the capitalist
system in America is doomed ? (Yes,
97 per cent).
4. Do you believe that some form
of collectivism is needed in the
United States? (Yes, 97 per cent.)
5. Were you born in Russia?
(Yes, 62 per cent.)
One surprising aspect of the in
vestigation was the readiness with
which most of the prospects re
sponded. Where the News repre
sentatives expected evasion and
I skepticism, frankness of the most
! disarming sort greeted the ques
I tions . . .
In general, the men interview-ed
w’ere friendly and willing to talk.
Only half a dozen suspected the in
terviewers of prying, or of being
; stool pigeons. Of these, three had
good reason to fear. They had been
exiled from U.S.S.R. two years ago
for being too radical . . .
Little time was wasted on ques
tion 5. The 62 per cent were only
too ready to admit their Russian
birth. They had come to America
and Yale for various reasons. The
| superiority of the Sterling library
I over the library at Moscow in re
By Barney Clark
It is odd that the greatest idea
of the age should have sprung
from the brain of the idiot child of
the Emerald (WE were surprised
as anybody i, but here it is. The
Clark Iron Collar! A thin band of
steel designed to encircle the
throat, price $5.00.
Do you want to enter campus
politics? Do you want to have a
carefree social life? Do you want
to survive in activities? If you do,
the Clark Iron Collar is an abso
lute necessity. Designed by a bot
tle-scarred veteran of nine semes
ters. the Clark Iron Collar is posi
tively guaranteed to prevent your
throat from being cut!
Hear what Cosgrove Labarre,
man - about - the - campus, has
to say about the collar:
"If (his great invention had
been available in my youth I
would not be the broken wreck
1 am today. Eipiippcd with my
newly purchased Iron Collar, I
am looking forward *o this year
with positive pleasure.”
It's cheap, already ! l'or $5.1)0
you should bt> buying two, isn’t
Casting our eye on the tense
ness ot the Anglo-Italian situa
tion, we foresee a great revival
of that onee-popular ballad,
“Here Come the British with a
Bang! Bang!”
* * *
We have had submitted to us an
impressive epic pome, entitled
'The Theta Philosophy." As a mat
ter of fact, this bit of doggerel has
been crammed down our throat
three t'mes in the past two days,
so we are hereby printing it, solely
to stave off the remaining hordes
of Thetas who think we haven't
heard it.
"Let’s Ik* gay
While we may
And treat our love with laugh
I’ll be true
As long as you
But nt a moment after!"
Jayne Fryborg. a pledge lassoed
on 'he plains of Idaho, brought
forth this brain-child. She is also
known as "The Bride of Franken
stein,” but she pleases us.
* * *
Now, just to show up our feath
ered friends, the Thetas, we will
t contribute a ditty of our own. God
bless us. Eyes front!
"Only Ood can make a tree—
Only tied, and the C.C.C.!"
* * *
Are we married'.’
spect to communist literature was
the ch(ef attraction.
The 102 who refused to be
quizzed in most cases had good
cause. Six were in the Divinity
school, and 96 couldn't speak Eng
Tests have shown that the two
blade airplane propeller radiates
more noise as expressed in watts
of power than does almost any
other continuously operating man
made device, except special signal
ling devices.
Only one federal law protects
our flag from desecration.
Some fertilizer is made of oyster
shells, ground to a fine powder.
Anything ❖
•> •> 0O6S
By Dick Watkins
ege Night" attraction out at the
Park this eve. with music by Don
Golden's campus band, while Art
Holman’s revamped ork. will again
be featured at the Green Parrot’s
regular Friday nite dance affair
, . . the Parrot’s inaugural “Jitney
Jig,” held last Wed. from 7:30
10:30, at a nickel a throw, attracted :
quite a likely crowd, and will bear:
close watching, as for a fine mid
week ‘Pigger’s Paradise," it looks
choice . . .
* *
RECORDINGS — Disc - of - the
Week honors, as far as we are con
cerned, are won by a walkaway by
Orville Knapp and his unique elec
tric-guitar featuring orchestra, on
Decea's "Speaking Confidentially,"
and “Take It Easy." That guitar
style, almost exclusive with Knapp
is so darn original, yet used so spar
ingly, that we just can't hear enough
of it . . . Runners-up on this deal
should include Kay Kyser’s (of Bal
Tabarin fame:, “One in a Million,”
and “Girl on the Little Elue Plate,”
—both of these just plum full of vim,
vigor, and vitality from the word
go. (Brunswick).
Ambrose & his Ork. (playing at
London's Dorchester House i, doing
“I'm on a Seesaw,” plus "You, and
the Night and music,” the latter
rather old but still good; iDecca)
genial ( ? ) Jan Garber on “Accent
on Youth'”—a smooth job on a darb
of a tune . . . and lest we forget, the
real ‘Old Guard’ of the whole bunch,
and still in a class all its own . . .
Fred Waring’s Pennsylvanians on
t re-waxed edition of those two
lassies of all times, “Love for Sale,"
md “Dancing in the Dark." (Vic
or) . . .
RADIO — “Believe it or Not”
Ripley, joins Ozzie Nelson on the
iew Baker's Broadcasts, beginning
iext Sun., at 4:30 p. m. over the
S’BC . . . Tonite’s best bet: The new
Slgin Campus Revue program, fea
uring the Mills Bros., and Art Kas
sel & his famed Kassels in the Air
jrchestra, at 7:30 p. m. (NBC) . . .
For the best coast dance music on
:he air, switch on Paul Pendarvis
irom the Paiace Hotel, or Griff Wil
liams, from the Marx Hopkins. . .
* * *
CORRECTION — Fred Astaire’s
•Top Hat,” stated yesterday to start
Sunday at the Heilig will not begin
till later in the month, around the
25th, at the same theatre however.
Wrong dope that trip. “Diamond
Jim,” which starts instead, is okay
from every angle, and chuck full of
amusing and historical scenes of
one of the most outstanding char
acters of the Gay Nineties . . .
BANDS — Guy Lombardo still
heads the list of the best bands in
the U. S., according to figures re
leased this week by Variety Mag.,
after a survey of leading Advertis
ing Agencies. In order, the next
nine selected consist of Paul White
man; Fred Waring; Wayne King;
Rudy Vallee; Ray Noble; Hal Kemp;
Casa Loma; & Eddie Duchin . . .
Their respective commercial pulling
power on radio broadcasts had much
to do with this line-up as it now
reads . . . Hast La Vista . . .
The eggs of sturgeons are not
taken for caviar when the female
is ready to spawn but at an earlier
period, when the roe is hard. A
large female may yield as much as
15 gallons, or 2,400.000 eggs. Be
cause the sturgeon is such a valu
able prize, it is becoming very rare.
Cum l**&
U tin-1
Logtog Trig Slide
, Rule 4CQC-3SL with
,,UV^ K&E ,^o'ed
Jr or many aecctass me out
standing merits ol K & E
Slide Rules have been rec
ognised and appreciated
by engineers throughout
the world.
America’s foremost manufacturer
of Drawing Materials, Surveying
Instruments and Measuring Tapes
The Parker Vacumatic
Invented by a University
Professor to replace pens
that suddenly run dry in
• Classes and Exams
Holds 12,000 u-ords of ink—102%
more than old style . • > When
held to the light you can see the
Ink Level—see when to refill!
THE marvelous new Parker Vacu
matic is no more like the pens of
] yesterday than your 1935 car is like
j a ’25 model.
It's the identical pen you’ve often
said that someone ought to invent.
Scores of inventors tried fo—fully
250 sacless pens were patented be
fore this miracle writer was born.
But none found a way to surmount
the mechanical faults of squirt-gun
piston pumps, valves, etc.
Then a scientist at the University
of Wisconsin conceived the Vacu
matic. And Geo. S. Parker, world’s
leading pen maker, agreed to develop
it because it contained no rubber sac
or lever fdler like sac-tvpe pens—no
piston pump as in ordinary sacless
That's why Parker can—and
DOES—guarantee the Vacumatic
Because there is nothing else like
it, the United States and foreign
countries have granted Parker
This original style creation intro
duces luminous laminated Pearl and
Jet—yet tvlien held to the light the
'’Jet" rings become transparent, re
vealing the level of ink!
Step into any good store selling
pens, and see it. The Parker Pen
Company, Janesville, Wis.
FREE! Send a Post Card for
NewInkThatCleanses Jjfc
Any Pen As It Writes
Parker Qxiink—a remarkable new SfcAjSgp
ink — contains a harmless ingre
dient that dissolves sediment left in pens by
ordinary inks. Ends dogging. Get it from any
? orePDrr address for small bottle to
try, FRLL. Address, Dept.?Ii,
For the most complete line of
Parker pens and pencils
!)'J' Willamette