Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 27, 1935, Image 1

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Dr. Boyer to Stay
•/ J
As President of U.O.
Hunter Announces
Dr. C. V. Boyer, who for the past
year and a half has been president
of the University of Oregon, and
has been considered for the presi
dency of the University of Mon
tana, will remain on the Oregon
campus in his present position, Dr.
Frederick M. Hunter, chancellor of
the higher education board, an
nounced here today.
“I am happy to announce that I
shall remain at Oregon,” Dr. Boyer
stated. “Although I was pleased
that I was considered for the posi
tion in Montana, I feel that oppor
tunities to be of service to higher
education in this state are very
great. Under the chancellorship of
Dr. Hunter, the institutions of Ore
gon are prepared to advance rap
idly in the future, and I feel that I
would like to have a hand in this
progress at the University of Ore
Missoula Visited
Dr. Boyer visited Missoula a
short time ago conferring with of
ficials concerning the position of
president on that campus and se
riously considered making the
Dr. Hunter state conditions, how
ever*, under which Dr. Boyer has
decided to remain at Oregon have
not yet been announced.
Making every effort to keep Dr.
Boyer on the Oregon campus in
the office of president, Dr. Hunter
personally contacted every member
of the state board of higher educa
tion and all were unanimous in their
desire for Dr. Boyer to remain.
Services Valued
The high value of Dr. Boyer’s
services is unanimous on the cam
pus and he has Dr. Hunter’s high
est recommendations. Hs has also
been urged by faculty members at
the Oregon State college and other
system institutions to make every
effort to keep the president here,
he stated.
“This high appraisal of the serv
ices of Dr. Boyer is the result of
careful thought on the part of the
faculty and staff members of the
University and the'state system of
higher education who have ob:
served the way in which he has con
ducted the office of president,” Dr.
Hunter said. “He is regarded as
an ‘apostle of the humanities’ and
exemplifies the type of culture so
essential to a university.”
“Dr. Boyer’s attitude and his
high ideals are those that should
be set before the youth of the state
who art to become leaders and
who must meet the problems of
society for the coming gtneration.”
Dr. Hunter was enthusiastic in
y his praise of Dr. Boyer’s past rec
i,j ord, not only as president but as
I head of the English department
■ and dean of the college of arts and
: letters. “Dr. Boyer is first of all
1 a sound scholar, as evidenced in
the remarkable development of his
f department and later his college.
He has demonstrated great dip
lomatic ability since he became
I president, and his leadership and
high ideals have been universally
, recognized," Dr. Hunter declared.
Dr. Boyer came to the University
in 1926 as head of the English de
partment. He was made dean and
, j director of the college of liberal
1 arts in 1932, chosen president of
the University a year and a half
1 ago.
Dr. C. V. Boyer will remain i?s
president of the University of Ore
gon, Chancellor Hunter announced
Dean Hoyt Reports
Business School
Staff Alterations
The staff at the school of busi
ness administration has undergone
a number of changes, it is reported
from the office of H. V. Hoyt, dean
of the school. Professor Rae, who
resigned his post last year has ac
cepted the position as economic ad
viser to the Federal Securities
Commission. Prof. C. D. Hadley,
who took Prt>fessor Rae's place
last year, has gone to Wisconsin
to work for his doctor’s degree.
Prof. D. Gage, on a leave of ab
sence for three years to study, has
returned to the school. Fred Cal
lister, graduated last year, will
spend an additional year here
working for his master’s degree as
a research assistant.
Kenneth Wood, also a graduate
of last year, is back working as a
graduate assistant in accounting.
Miss Margaret Abrams, U. of C.,
will supplant Miss Frances Cor
coran, who has resigned as busi
ness administration librarian to
take a position as librarian for St.
Helen's Hall.
Class Starts Work
Norris E. Class, formerly of
Cleveland, where he headed the
adolescent boy’s department of the
child welfare bureau, has now
taken up his duties in Portland as
a member of the faculty of the
newly organized division of social
work training of the University of
Oregon. Mr. Class, an expert in
this field, will work in Portland
where the new division of the Uni
versity will offer courses in coop
eration with a large number of so
cial work agencies.
University Band Is Off
To Flying Start for Year
The University of Oregon band
is off to a flying start this year.
Throughout the organization, in
every section, many new men have
come in, several of them are star
musicians in their own districts.
I There is a new surge and power
r to the band music this fall term—
1§ the zip and rhythm which does so
ft much toward rousing spirit and
enthusiasm in the stands.
In addition to the mechanical
I improvements in the band, John
| H. Stehn, conductor, has added
p several outstanding marches to
§ the repertoire of the group—
#; marches which are favorites the
« world over and which carry punch
f from start to finish.
The band will leave for Portland
| at 8 a. m. Saturday morning on
the rally train and will serenade
? the various hotels and business
houses in the downtown district in
addition to playing over the major
radio stations of Portland.
Some unusually spectacular
marching stunts will be put cm at
the game Saturday night and
throughout the entire weekend, the
band will do its best to instill into
the people of Portland, the stu
dents of the University and their
friends that carnival spirit of the
fall—the spirit of football.
Next week the band will make
a series of ballyhoo trips into rep
resentative centers of the state,
stirring up enthusiasm and interest
in the University and its football
The first trip will be to Bend,
Tuesday and on Wednesday they
will be in Salem.
All together, the band has one
of the busiest fall schedules cut out
for it in its history and this year,
more than any other, is it fitted to
shoulder the heavy responsibility
placed on it because of a better
quality of musicians, a wider se
lection of excellent numbers and
because at last, the old student
body membership friction seems
to havo been entirely removed from
the organization.
NYA Applications
For Student Relief
Far Exceed Jobs
With more than 1100 applica
tions filed with the University em
ployment office for federal em
ployment aid under the NYA,
which takes the place of FERA,
student relief organization last
year, the committee on NYA as
signments Was confronted with a
difficult task in allotting work,
according to Virgil D. Earl, dealt
of men.
As the University is only grant
ed $4?00 per month for this work,
only 350 of the applications could
be filled, and the job of selecting
the most worthy and needy cases
was no easy one. Dean Earl said.
All jobs for the fall term have been
assigned, the only remaining
chance of other applicants being
assigned work in the near future
being in case of defaults of regu
larly allotted work.
App'ication for work under the
NYA student relief, which enables
students to earn from $10 to $15
per month, in positions ranging
from typists, clerks, to gardeners
on the University campus, are filed
with Miss Janet Smith, employ
ment secretary. Selections are
made on a basis of need and of
grade point averages.
Frosh Class
40 % Larger
Than in 1934
That enrollment at the Univer
sity this year will far outdistance
all previous records is foretold by
all statistical information and
other indications at present avail
able. A 40 percent increase in the
freshman class this year as com
pared with fall term last year is
shown by a comparison of the
numbers who took psych and Eng
lish entrance examinations the two
years. The all-time record of ap
proximately 550 who had taken
the exams at this time last fall is
far exceeded by the total of 771
this year.
As more than 125 freshmen are
expected to enroll later in the
term, the entire class will probably
be close to 1000. Also if the in
crease in upper class enrollment
keeps pace with that of last year
the total attendance will closely
approach 3000. Last year’s atten
dance was 2498.
An increase in the total number
of transfers who took the entrance
tests is also shown by the com
plete figures from the psychology
department. Applications for
FERA work total 1100, an in
crease of more than 400 over the
complete number last fall. Figures
from the office of dean of men
and women also point toward a
much larger enrollment.
Another indication that the
final enrollment will exceed that
of last year lies in the scarcity of
housing accomodations in the vi
cinity of the campus. Board and
room signs are conspicuous for
their absence as compared with
last year’s registration week.
Donut Setup for
Intramural Sports
Told in Booklets
Students interested in intramur
al sports can obtain a copy of the
Intramural Sports handbook pub
lished by the school of physical ed
ucation telling of the donut s$tup.
The book contains the organiza
tion of intramural sports, regula
tions, by-laws, a sports report of
last year's activities, the intramur
al all-year point system and sug
gestions to intramural managers.
The past year has seen an in
crease of two per cent over 1933
34 . During the year 927 men have
participated a total of 2,308 times
in one or more of the 14 sports. T.
Blanchard, B. Parsons, and W. Van
Damm have played in as many as
8 out of the 14 events while Bill
Corman, D. Crosse, A. Miller, D.
Pelton, B. Seufert, and C. Suther
land have participated in a total of
! seven events.
Last year's competition found
the Phi Delta Theta on top with
the Yeomen a-close second, and
ithe Beta Theta Pi the champions
of the previous year, third.
Students may receive the new
book at the men's gym.
1936 Greater
Oregaua Sale
Opens Today
With promises of “the largest
yearbook since 1926" and a contin
uation of the same payment policy
•ind price as last year, the subscrip
tion campaign for the 1936 Ore
gana will get under way today as
students sign up durin gregistra
tion in McArthur court for the
1936 annual which is being planned
under the slogan, “A greater Ore
gana for a greater Oregon!”
This year’s Oregana, according
to George Root, editor of the pub
lication, will once more place Ore
gon’s yearbook definitely in the top
rank of coast yearbooks both in
size and in quality of content. Col
umns of reading matter have been
replaced by larger photographic
lay-outs and the book, completely
revised and re-arranged, will pre
sent a modern pictorial panorama
of the school year 1935-36 on the
Oregon campus.
Features Planned
A few of the features now being
planned for the book include a sec
tion of outstanding student person
alities, complete pictorial coverage
of Homecoming festivities and last
spring’s outstanding Junior week
end, and an unusual and distinctive
cover as well as more informal
group photographs and many in
terior views of classwork and ac
Write-ups for the Oregana, which
are being planned and supervised
by Henriette Horak, associate edi
tor of the book, will be brief and
interesting. Miss Horak asks that
new students wishing to fill minor
positions on the editorial staff
file their applications this week at
the Oregana office, room 118
Friendly hall.
Down Payment $1.50
A down payment of $1.50 paid
at the time subscriptions are taken
will insure each student purchaser
an Oregana. Newton Stearns, busi
ness manager of the yearbook,
urges all students to sign up at
once for their annual as only as
many books are to be printed as
subscriptions in this present cam
paign demand. The total price of
the annual is $4.50 and the remain
ing installments after the down
payment of $1.50 may be paid dur
ing the remainder of the school
Student pictures for the Oregana
will be taken during a two-month
period beginning a week from next
Monday, October 7. A complete
schedule of pictures will appear in
the next week Emerald.
Douglass Names
Library Changes
For This Year
Several changes in the Univer
sity library staff for the coming
year were announced this week by
M. H. Douglass, librarian.
Miss Margaret Abrams, a grad
uate of this year's class of the
University of California's school
oi librarianship, will succeed Miss
Frances Corcoran as head of the
business administration libraries.
Miss Corcoran has accepted a posi
tion as librarian at St. Helens hall
junior college in Portland.
Willis Warren, former member
of the staff who also spent the
past year at the University of Cal
ifornia school will have charge of
all reserve libraries. He succeeds
Guenivere Lamson Grimes, mar
ried in June.
John March, who studied last
year at Columbia university in
New York city, has returned as
assistant reference librarian. Miss
Elizabeth Findley, who substituted
for him, will be retained in the cir
culation department, succeeding
Mrs. Helen A. Everett, who 'has
accepted a position as high school
librarian at Marshfield.
Mrs. Lois Baker, who studied
last year at the University of Cali
fornia librarian school, will be an
assistant in the cataloging depart
ment, replacing Miss Miriam Yo
der, who will study this year at
the University of California.
Emerald Positions
Open to Students;
Meeting Tuesday
Although nil major positions
were filled by appointment last
spring there are stil many fine
Emerald positions open to inter
ested students, Editor Bob Lucas
announced this week.
All aspirants for positions will
meet Tuesday of next week in the
Journalism building. The time of
the meeting will be posted on the
bulletin board in the slhack on
Those who cannot attend the
meeting are asked to see Lucas or
Managing Editor Clair Johnson.
The Emerald will start regular
publication on- Thursday of next
week and continue with issues out
every day except Sunday and
Oregon Rooters Prepare to
Mobilize Against Gonzaga
Plans are now completed for an
organized rooting section for the
Oregon-Gonzaga football game to
be held in Portland tomorrow eve
ning under the Kleig lights, and
with many students returning to
their homes for a brief week-end
interlude between Rush Week ac
tivities, and the opening of regular
classes on Monday, a large sized
crowd from the campus is ex
pected to be on hand to see Ore
gon’s sparkling re-vamped grid
iron machine swing into action for
its first game of the season.
Bill George, newly - appointed
Yell King, who has charge of all
rally arrangements for the game,
states that the rooting section will
consist of the best seats in the
Multnomah Stadium, right on the
center of the field, strung along
the 50-yard line. The entire new
Yell Squad plus those hard-work
ing, die-hards, the Rally Commit
tee, will be on hand en masse, to
keep that old Oregon spirit whip
ped into a frenzy.
A large slice of Portland’s foot
ball-minded population will be on
hand to witness the Rose City's
initial pigskin ruckus of the
season, judging from the advance
sale of tickets up there, and with
a good-sized turn-out from the
campus, on the side-lines, an en
thusiastic reception will greet the
promising Webfoots when they
tangle with the Bulldogs. All Ore
gon students attending the game
are requested to sit in the rooting
section and lend their support,
morally and vocally, to the lad3
down there on the field, who will
be having more than their hands
full, keeping Gonzaga well under
control, for the Bulldogs never
have been much of a set-up, and
this year may be no exception.
Special Train
A special football raily train will
be run to Portland for the Gonzaga
game, officials of the Southern Pa
cific Raiway company announce
The special will leave from Eugene
at 8 a.m., arriving in Portland at
11:30 a.m. and on the return trip
the train will leave Portland at mid
night and arrive in Eugene at 3:30
a.m. Tourist sleepers will be avail
able on the return trip and they
will be parked in Eugene for occu
pancy until 8 a.m. The cost of a
double lower is $1.25 and a double
upper $1.00.
With enrollment figures jumping Oregon is booming daily towards
a still greater University. Prospects for another outstanding athletic
year are increasing. Activity men from band through publications ara
looking forward to a banner year.
One of the strongest forces in a drive towards a still greater
Oregon is the united action of a full-strength student body.
If the student body does not have a full-strength organization it
means a loss to Oregon’s strength. Sports other than football would
have to be cut down or dropped, many worth-while activities, concerts
and lectures would have to be limited or perhaps cut off entirely, and
Oregon students as a whole would suffer.
On the other hand a 100 per cent students body membership
would be the strongest impetus behind a drive that would truly
establish a Greater Oregon. The ASUO offers a more than double
value card for $5 , . . the Emerald urges students to fall in step with
the march towards a Greater Oregon by purchasing their student
body curds at registration today.
Students Hear Appeal
To Support Oregon By
Buying ASUO Card
Lead ASUO Drive
James B!ais, left, as president of the ASUO has appointed Cecil
Barker, right;, to lead the drive for fall term membership in the
student body.
Noted Campus
Leaders Will
Talk at Forum
Earle Wellington, president of
the Oregon Dads and the Univer
sity of Oregon Federation, will be
in Eugene Friday noon as the prin
cipal speaker for the Eugene Cham
ber of Commerce forum luncheon,
it was announced last evening by
Lynn McCready, chairman of the
chamber’s University Affairs com
mittee, who is arranging the lunch
eon program. Interested faculty
members have been especially in
Other speakers listed for brief
talks will include Mrs. Walter M.
Cook of Portland, past president of
the Oregon Mothers; Ed Labbe,
student president of the Greater
Oregon committee; Robert Lucas,
editor of the Emerald and executive
secretary of the Greater Oregon
committee during the summer; Dr.
I. R. Fox, president of the Asso
ciated Friends; William N. Russell,
in charge of the chamber’s "home
football” program; Dean James H.
Gilbert of the University school of
social science; and Robert Allen,
alumni secretary.
“By presenting these speakers to
the business men of Eugene and
the University faculty,” Mr. Mc
Cready said, “it is the hope of our
committee to present a rounded
picture of the University welfare
program that the various organiza
tions are carrying on both as indi
vidual organizations and as a unit
as represented by the University of
Oregon Federation.
“Talks will be brief and to the
point. We believe that every Eu
genean who is interested in seeing
the University grow and prosper
will be interested in the work these
people and their respective organi
zations are trying to do.”
Dean Virjjil D. Earl, above, an
excellent adviser for freshmen to
turn to.
No Hello Dance
The freshman Hello dance,
slated for Saturday night has
been definitely called off, it
was announced late last night.
Conflicts with the Goimiga
football game und the extra
load of rush week made it nec
sary to call off the dance. It
was thought at first the dance
could he held next Saturday
hut the Igloo had already been
spoken for so the dance has
been definitely called off. An
nouncements will Ik* made lat
er of other dances to follow.
Honor Miss Gilbert
With Scholarship
Madeline Gilbert, graduate of the
University in 1935 and former Ore
gana editor, has been awarded a
coveted fellowship in the school of
social science administration of the
University of Chicago, it was an
nounced here recently. Miss Gil
bert plans to leave the latter part
of the month for her new school.
She has been working the past year
in Portland with the children’s de
partment of the Portland Welfare
With standards very high at the
University of Chicago the award is
a high tribute both to Miss Gilbert
and to the standards of Oregon.
A ringing appeal to the fast
growing student body of Greater
Oregon lias been issued by Cecil
Barker, chairman of the campaign,
urging united pledging of support
lo the associated students by sub
scribing for membership.
Coming immediately after his
appointment by Jim Blais, ASUO
president. Barker named a com
mittee of six to assist in insuring
:he success of the drive: Martha
McCall, Marjory Will, Charles
Barclay, Stan King, and Wayne
Football Leads
Football will be the biggest
drawing card for students to sign
with fhe ASUO, but officials be
lieve that if it does not interest
the individual, there are sufficient
other attractions to make it prof
itable to become a member.
This includes a subscription to
the Oregon Daily Emerald, a re
duction in the prices of at least
one major dance, the particulars
of which will be announced later,
admission to several outstanding
concerts, and freshman football.
Voting privileges in class and
student body elections are also de
nied non-members. The election of
freshman class officers will be the
feature of fall term political activ
ities, and the first year students
have been strongly advised to en
ter into the fray.
The experience to be gained
working on the publications, the
Emerald and Oregana, is also held
by many as valuable. This privi
lege is extended only to members
of the associated students.
Fijis Set Paee
Phi Gamma Delta has already
set the pace for other organiza
tions, having guaranteed student
official' that every member of
their fraternity will pay the fee
as soon as possible. It is expected
that a large per cent of the other
houses will go over the top in the
With student body tickets, free
admi33?on will be given to the Ore
gon State game and the Univer
sity of Portland tilt. At the Wash
ington game in Seattle, student
body members will be admitted for
$1.10 against $2.50 for others. At
the California contest in Portland
students with cards will be admit
ted for $1, including tax. Others
must pay $1.65. In order to sit in
the rooting section at any of the
games, a student must have a
membership card. Such is also the
case in belonging to either the
men’s or women's rally committee.
Handbills, urging students to
“Pledge Oregon ASUO," opened
(Please turn to patje five)
A Tale of Fraternity Life
In the Extreme Far West
Editor's note) The following is
an impressionistic recording of
rush week as enjoyed by Dick (sad
goose) Watkins an Hank (prima
donna) Hathaway.
(The Saga of ‘two nuggets on
the loose,’ or ‘How we got hooked,’
or -). ... Believe you me, those
boys in the I Tappa Keg house (on
stilts), are sure one swell bunch
of princes, if you know what we
mean. That hack they came
around to the dorm in to pick us
up, is the sweetest thing on wheels
we’ve seen since we put our bi
cycles in hock. And the chow!
. . . boyoboy, those beans they
dished out, .(we found out later
they were supposed to be Lima),
were the well-known McCoy, and
when we tossed them down the
hatch, they stayed tossed till
later. The silverware was not so
bad, considering that the lads told
us all their crested stuff was put
away for special occasions, . and
that these utensils they were us
ing were just a few to fill in .witlt
ifll the best hotels were repre
sented too, and even some of . the
forks were donated by t..o of the
best frats on the campus, so I
guess that ought to show how this
outfit rates around these parts.
Well, anyhow, we met all the
bros. and outside of a few seedy
ones, they looked O. K. Of course,
we expected to find pome like
that in most of the tongs, but just
why they kept them upstairs in
one of the rear porches, we don’t
know . . . guess they were kind
of shy, maybe.
The down stairs is sure fixed
up nice, and the fireplace didn't
smoke too much, till the furnace
popped out around 9:30, last night.
Upstairs, all the rooms looked like
honeys too, except those last two
we we happened to wander into by
mistake, which had a couple of
props against the rear wall, with
a few pans lying around the floor,
just in case it should ever rain
from that side, so the bros, said
ahyway. Well, another thing we
like about these I. T. K. fellers, is
the nice way they talk about the
other frats, especially that Eta
Beta Pj bunch across the street.
All they said against them the
whole time they were telling us
of them, was that they owed some
dough on a mortgage, and had to
pledge at least 40 new guys, or else
they'd fold up pretty soon, so now
we’re just as glad we didn’t go
around there for that luncheon
date we had with them, after all,
but let the I. T. K’s break it for
(Continued on Page Six)