Students Get 4 lob* Training In Stiiily Habits Sfiifly ITabjfs. Roiitine Of CajnTJii'' Life Post-School Trainin'!: Life at fb" TTni-”or^ifr' of Oregon duplicates in an energetic way the Hrpnr that. nWCit.S the student fol lowing graduation. First of rill, in the university ho boo a “job.” which is represent ed by his stud ins. Just as a lawyer, doctor or architect must devote the maior portion of his energy to attending to his daily duties and "preparing himself for future advancement, so must a student get his lessons ev ery day, keening in mind the ob jective of bettering himself for the ypnrs to rnme But. pc in after ]if" the “joh” is not alt of one’s existence, To round out n 'em" stale there must be nl"’r and recreation, there must he hobbir= social pfe. and what is perhans mo-t lmnortant of el' there nurt lie a eertain amount of time devoted to the service of one’ ’ fellow man / II of these phases of life nr" available at the university, where with the enerv’' ambition, pnri versatility of vonth, 1 bey are carried on at a rapid pare. A man not attending school ean rot always pick ami choose his "lob.” He may have to take any thing lucrative thal is offered to him, for eeonomie reasons. Here the university student has a tre mendous advent a "r he ran not onlv rhon-w hi "field of stndv, such as iournalism. medleine, arts and letters, social sciences or others offered, hut ran determine just what courses he may take, or in other words, choose his own “tools ” University faculty and staff members consider I he teaching of their courses their first duty, but thev also r»alirp the value and im portance of other activities. These are given a definite place in the program of life, and students are encouraged to work out a well bal anced schedule that will not only give them the most efficient, ap proach to learning, but will pro vide for t.heir enjoyment and health as well. First of at I in interest to the more energetic university students come athletics and sports of var ious kind i. Oregon teams compete with other great colleges and uni versities in football, basketball, J baseball, track, golf, swimming, and tennis. To h" one of the plov ers or even one of Hie yelling,1 frantic mob at a great football game is a thrill to lie remembered for all time. The man or woman who lias the ability to lead others, to think out. social problems and pvsent solu tions, to gain the reined anl eon-' fidcnco of fellow rit icons quite of ten finds himself or herself in “politics ” This also holds tmo in the university, where students: have their own government, with a student body president, councils j that correspond to legislative bod ies, and other officials. Students j manage their own affairs such as J athletics, publications and other' activities, In so doing gain valuable experience that will be of immense j value to them later on in I ife. Btu-, dent elections are hotly contested.; with the voters and candidates di vided into "parties" that stage rallies and campaigns as vigorous and exciting as any that go on out side. Student committees take charge of sir li events as junior week-end, with its colorful canoe fete, its junior prom, campus luncheon and other activities; "Dad’s" and "Mi tbev’s" days, when patents are special guest a on the campus; and many other uffui.u that are h Id during the year. A daily newspaper, the "Finer f ~y I . >.;s tJ v ;j .si .in.1, i : co s'T. ' i r!gh' hell . c ! t’;o 19 5 Un vs: \ty o Cr.-_:.i f. oiL'SlI cty.::::!. !•!« to i.v. rs r.i rv‘. blccl.e:', elospit Iks la... of r 9 3 4 ' "-rS, ”~ f)rnvn with last year’s crowns. On with youthifying berets, brims ind cute little caps. (Courtesy of women clotniers in this kjnerald.) 935 Double-breasted suits gain in favor. Strip"! fabrics tire nnimlur. (Courtesy of men clothiers in this Emerald.) aid" the year book, the "Oregana,’ and other publications are entire ly edited, managed and distrlbut ed bv students. Several hundrec students find in journalism a fas cinating activity. The student who is interested ir religion or social work may joir the Y.MCA. or the Y.W.C A„ oi work with anv one of a number ol church organizations maintained on the campus. f - ini li'e end good fella,w.shii: is provided by Sororities, fraterni ties, honor societies and variola < lulls. Some of these are living or ganizations, that maintain home: where companionship is added t.i the other advantages these organ izations offer. Students should enter the Uni versity of Oregon determined ti get the most from studies, to pro pare theavolves for a richer, fnilei end activities of the insi.ii.ulion. life, and to learn to live with one another by taking put in the lift You'll like Ilia greater Oregana | University Life j Prepares Students For Job Routine j As a freshman, the young man or woman has an advantage not so |common with upperclassmen. This I is the very interesting task of try ,ing to work up on the campus by 'meeting "big shots.” Working on j the "Emerald nt the beginning of I school. I was afforded more of an advantage of meeting the higher ups than the average freshman be cause of my journalistic wander i ings. Naturally it i.s the big gun who makes the news, and when the i editor tells you to go to the student j body president, the graduate man ager, the president of the Associ ated Women Students or the head of the Order of the “O,” all there is to do is to go and see the person. Tn time, the older students will rec ognize you on the campus and you are afforded ttie opportunity of numbering them among your per i sonal friends. ' Junior Week-end, held every William’s Stores, Inc. 1015 Willamette St. The store where the students shop and save. SHOES HOSJERY READY TO WEAR I wish to subscribe to the Oregon Daily Emerald for the current school year, ending June, UKU5. Name .-. Street ... City . (l'lease check one of the following.) 1 ) Kudosed find check imoney order) for $100 one term. ( ) Enclosed find check (money order) for $2.50 One year. (Mail to Circulation Manager, Oregon Dally Emerald, Eu gene, Oregon. sprint?, is thp highlight of a fresh man's year at Oregon. For it is then that the first year men paint the large block letter “O” with yel low paint. This huge letter is lo cated on a slope of a neirbv hil! which overlooks the campus - Skin ner's butte. Tt is up to the freshmen always to keep thi3 letter bright and shiny. Also on Junior Week end, the freshmen and the sopho mores stage their annual tug-of war across the mill race. I was appointed chairman of this event last vesr and the fiery rivalry be tween the two underclasses reached fever pitch before the "go" signal to tie-in tugging was given. It ended in a free-for-all last year, as usual. The freshmen are always more numerous because of the fact that they consider themselves the under dogs and turn out in greater numbers. The outnumbered sophs always attempt to contrive some trick of making fools out of th" first year men. The coldest T got during the en tire year was when I dived into the mill race to help steer a float down the waterway during the Canoe Fete. It was almost 9 o’clock at night and after a period of 15 min utes in the murky waters, a fire place’s glow felt pretty warm. Eugene is located where it has a good snow about once a winter. It is always a wet snow which 3oon melts, but plenty of fun in had on the campus and streets when the white blanket first falls. When Ihe ice freezes on the pavement, stu dents sometimes hail automobiles, hitch sleds behind them and coast all over tov/n. Dangerous, yes, but youth must have its moments of suspense. When you come to Oregon, DON'T sit on the senior bench! DON’T tread on the sacred Oregon Seal placed so conveniently for such purposes in front of Villard hall! Don’t wear white shoes or neckties to the all-campus luncheon on Jun ior Week-end! If you do, you will be penalized by being ducked in the fountain by husky Order of the "O” brutes! To all would-be fro3h, don’t let this lengthy epistle scare you into going to some other institution of higher learning. I have attempted to narrate to you in the most infor mal manner, a few of the memor able experiences I enjoyed as a freshman — experiences which I know you will equally enjoy. The old-fashioned hazing is no more on the Oregon campus. All of it is capably supervised by school offi cials. Nothing injurious in the way of meting out punishments to “green” freshmen is now left. Those days are gone when youngsters are blistered by paddlings so hard they cannot sit down for days. Gone are the days when fraternities resort to cruel methods of downright torture In their "hell weeks.” But still, on the Oregon campus, enough of these traditions remain to make college what every young man and woman thinks it will be before coming. College Rally Story - i has assembled is undeniably correct. You Will Find That: “One really fine suit and top coat is better than two or three ordinary ones." You Will Find That: , We have “Ilart-Sehaffner & Marx” and other suits priced front $20.00 to 00, and top coats from $19.oO to $:id.00. Wade Bros. ST:■> Willamette Phone 422 f'i In1936 CiuQta ,4'"t%f( \s i . fi\$y itls^ For A Greater OREGON George Root, Editor Newton Stearns, Manageh modem throughout mmm Pfflf; A »V>' Maart HHMBl more pictures than ever dJtiESHKfitEBMflflng: 'SSPJMKW?';;'x v:7’ ■ • ' \ I, new features and attractions ~ na A small down payment of one dollar and fifty cents will hold this Oregana for you. i otal Pi ice 33 50 Finer Printing ® Modern Photography © Excellent En graving 9 A Distinctive and Modern Cover Q Beautiful I Paper • and Many, Many More Pictures Makes It Possi ble For You to have the finest est Oresjana in Years • THE