Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 17, 1935, Page Five, Image 5

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    Foremost Among Faculty
Members at University
Long after buildings and |
grounds become hazy in your j
mind, and traditions and even
classmates are difficult to recall,
the memory of the faculty mem-1
bers who have inspired you, will
remain as strong as the day you
attended classes. For many de- j
cades the presidents of the Uni
versity of Oregon have realized
the importance of leading educat
ors as teachers, and while little
ha s been known of university
buildings and plant eqquipment'
outside of the state, the fame of I
its faculty has reached every sec
tion of the United States.
Today the faculty at the Univer
sity numbers scores of professors
who are known not only for their
teaching, but for the contributions
they have made in research and in
furthering knowledge in their var
ious fields. While it W'ould require
a great deal of space to list them
all, a few of them should tie men
tioned whenever higher education
is discussed.
Heading the list is the Univer
sity president, Dr. C. V. Boyer.
Before he became president a year
ago he was dean of the college of
literature and the arts, and before
that head of the English depart
ment. He is the author of authori
tative books and articles in this
field, and under his direction a
strong and able faculty attracted
an unusually large proportion of
After a brilliat scholastic car
eer at Oregon, v/here he graduated
in 1903, and at Columbia university
in New York, where in 1907 he
received his doctor of philosophy
degree, Dr. James H. Gilbert came
back to the University, and in
1908 became assistant professor of
economics. He became head of his
department in 1920, and dean of
the college of literature, science
and the arts in 1925. In 1932 he
was made dean and director of
the college of social science.
If the roll could be called of
successful newspapermen who
have studied under Eric W. Allen,
dean of the school of journalism,
answers would come in not only
from all parts of Oregon but from
every section of the United States,
from Europe, from China, the
Phillippines, Hawaii and other far
uvay places. A pioneer in journal
ism teaching. Dean Allen was
made head of the school in 1916.
Since then he has found time to
teach classes, and write authori
tative books on journalism and
The development of a physical
education program in schools of
:he country has done much to im
prove health and has added to the
-'njoyment of thousands. Schools
if physical education, of which the
>ne at the University is a leader,
rave done much to forward such
i program. The school at the Uni
versity has developed under Dr.
John F. Bovard, whose study of
jther schools, of methods of tendi
ng and of physical education it
-elf has been responsible for the
standing the school now enjoys.
Heading an able faculty and do
ng a considerable amount of re
search himself, Dean Wayne L.
Morse has made an enviable repu
tation for the University school of
law. Practically every graduate in
recent years has successfully
passed the state bar examination
and the Oregon Law Review is
rated as one of the finest law pub
lications in the country.
Other faculty members of note
at the University include O. F.
Stafford, head of the chemistry de
partment and lower division; Pro
fessor H. G. Townsend, whose rep
atation as a scholar in philosophy
is international; E. F. Lawrence,
lean of the school 0f architecture
ind fine arts; Di. N. L. Bossing,
,vho has just completed an authori
tative book on education; Dr. H.
R. Crosland, whose research in
psychology has won national at
.ention; Dr. George Rebec, whose
philosophy teaching has influenced
many students to delve deeper in
to their studies; and Dr. L. O.
Wright, whose, early observations
n Mexico have brought to students
x new note of interest in the study
if Spanish literature.
The high quality of the Oregon
faculty can be fudged from the
'act that of no members with the
rank of assistan, professor or
ibove, 60 ho.c, cn- doctor of phil
osophy degree, cl-x highest that
;an be attained. Most of the others
lave advance 1 c.egi ;es, and many
ire still working r the doctor’s
Footballer Hugh MeCredio . . “oltovobey just lead us to tho
Golden Bear.” Although the picture (pose'i) is niisieading, Mr. IVIc
t redie is a modest giant.
You’ll be surprised, too, when you see it.
Buy ’em or rent ’em. “Pay-as-you-type.”
---parr-. r;.-jr«?r.-a-iTHr-yar:\-.v~ •—CJIII , . < II—' I" IIIIHTI THi-r - .MiY «
From across Oregon’s beautiful campus looms revered Villard Hall, pompous monarch of campus
Oregon Living
Costs Low
Fees Total Only
$26.50 Each Term
Living expenses for students at
the University, rated as much lower
than the average for first-class in
stitutions, will be approximately
the same this year as last, it is an
nounced by Karl W. Onthank, dean
of personnel.
Fees, which total $26.50 per term
or $79.50 for the year, will remain
the same, while board and room at
dormitories will continue at the low
charge of $30 per month when stu
dents live two in a room, and $33
when a room is occupied alone.
Students who do not wish to live
in dormitories or living organiza
tions, however, may obtain good
board and room in a house approved
by the University for as low as $20
per month. Some students who
•‘batch’’ together and do their own
cooking live much cheaper than
Students may attend the Univer
sity at a cost of but $339 for board
room and fees and an allowance for
books, if they live in dormitories,
Dean Onthank points out. Since
the average amount for incidentals
is about $100 per year, $439 is am
ST'S a walk-away for shoos
■* like ours. They show all
(ho new styles . . . higher
cuts, all heights in heels, the
newest in leathers and col
ors . . . and they fit like a
$4.85 to S8.&5
Burch Shoe Ga
M'tiOiAlD THEATRE Kft? Wjflainrtlr
pie for all three terms, and stu
dents who wish to economize on
board and room and spending mon
ey may even cut this figure to as
low as $250 for the year, it is
With but a small amount of
“pocket money" students may en
joy all athletic contests, games
and social events.
“Freshman week" opens at the
University September 23 and class
es begin September 30.
Emerald Editor
(Continued from Page One)
chance. Only after you have had
it and failed do you need advice.
By way of casual suggestion.
One of the finest moves that a
freshman can make is to become
acquainted with his professors.
This does not mean “polishing the
apple.” There are some students
(perhaps better termed as people)
who are constantly bothering the
prof with repeated visits of ab
soiutely no purpose. There is real
ly no justification for the visit.
This person has no intelligent
questions to ask nor little inter
esting conversation to sustain him.
They have constructed for them
selves a vast myth about the gul
libility of the professors with re
gards to personal attention. In
other words he sees the professor,
lets him know that he is intense
ly (?) interested in his subject
and blah, blah, blah! It is a sham.
It is stupid.
The professor enjoys this like he
does sawdust in his pipe, or dance
marathons. The professor’s posi
tion is to inform, instruct, influ
ence, mold. He will help you and
wants to if you are conscientious
- if you do a little thinking your
self. It takes some thought to for
mulate worthy questions when be
wilderment arrives.
The college professor enjoys
working with the right kind of ma
terial industrious sincere fresh
men. He won't we contented with
hot soup and applesauce.
You’ll like the greater Oregana.
The Broadway, Inc.
30 East Broadway
is located at
“Just 30 easy steps from Willamette”
When You Arrive . . .
;il 1 lie* I ’niversily u!' Oregon
you will naturally wish lo
know whore you may choose
Fashionable Clothes
Dress Accessories
of qualify, af prices most
And so this store, knowing
1 hat, makes ils appeal to you
wilh a cordial invitation to
visit it as soon as it is conven
ient after arrival and inspect
the merehaiidise in the va
rious depart merits.
for “Rush” Week and
the social hours of cam
pus I i f c. A splendid
showing of 1lic.-,e as
low as $7.05 and to
if 1!J.50.
Knitted busts—Wool r rocks
for campus wear --fifrlitly slylcil at .s.to Ml.'J't.
Flannel Robes
Smart, clover, new style
for leisure hours at .fl.'Jo
to $7.oO.
and Capes
quiti' necessary, we as
sure -on. ;i11<I 1 lie.se are so
very new —$15.95 to $7.9.'}.
in 19:}') stMcs n1 #1.00 to $1.95.
And ii stoic full of Pajamas—Bags- Gloves- -
Sweaters—Skirts mill those tilings ,>n in-cossary
l'or col lego ward robes.
Greater Oregana’
Staff Optimistic j
Informal Campus Life
To Be Pictured
“A greater uregana for a greater
Oregon!” That is the banner-line
inder which members of both edi
torial and business staffs are start
ing- to work in earnest next week
an the interesting task of creating
the University’s yearbook, the 1936
With new departments and new
features, more pictorial representa
tion of the school year's activities,
and a volume actually double in
size over that of last year, officials
of the Oregana promise to all pur
chasers “a yearbook as peppy as a
rally parade ami as collegiate as a
Junior Pi-om.”
Campus Theme
‘‘There is nothing as out of date
or as uninteresting as a college an
nual that is only a catalogue of
names and academic regulations,”
said George Root, senior in journal
ism and editor of the publication.
“The 1936 Oregana is taking “its
theme and inspiration from the
campus itself and finding in it un
limited artistic and pictorial possi
bilities that are shaping into a book j
in which the modern student and (
his ‘adventure in education’ is of s
first importance.” I
Among tlie innovations planned .
for the annual are a special photo
graphic review of Oregon’s "Melody
in Spring,” last spring term’s color
ful Junior week-end water carnival
which has been called the Univer
sity's finest fete of all times; a pic
ture-story of Homecoming with its
night rally parades, bonfires and
big game; large displays of Ore
gon’s drama productions, activities
on the gridiron, greater sections
devoted to the University Law and
Medical schools, and larger pictures
of student officers, campus leaders,
and various activity groups. Ac
cording to Henriette 1-Iorak, senior
in journalism and associate editor
of the publication, the write-ups for
these sections, as well as for the
entire annual, arc to be brief and
interesting, placing importance on
the pictures which are “pictures in
the modern manner” and include
some of the finest photography ever
to appear in an Oregana.
Newt Stearns Busy
Newton Stearns, junior in jour
nalism and business manager of the
Oregana, is at work at the present I
time on the subscription campaign
Workers for the many social agencies that are becoming more and
nore important, will be trained In the new graduate division of
ocial work training of the University of Oregon, established this fall
n Portland. Dr. E. H. Moore, (left) an expert In this field, will be
irector of the division, under Dr. James H. Gilbert, (right) dean of
ocial sciences for the Oregon State System of Higher Education.
Illustration courtesy Oregon Journal.)
vhich Is scheduled to start imme
liately after registration for fall
erm. Steams feels confident that
vith an increased enrollment, a
'reshman class with one of the
argest memberships on record, and
increasing interest in 1936's “Great
sr Oregana” that sales on the an
nual will more than carry the addi
tional expenditures and increased
size of the book.
Incoming students who are inter
ested in filling minor positions on
[he editorial staff of the Oregana
may apply to the editor, Georgo
Root, during the first two weeks of
fall term. No applications will be
accepted beyond that time.
Ralph Schomp, assistant gradu
ate manager of the University, and.
who is in charge of publications,
states that fall photographs for the
Oregana including sororities,, fra
ternities, honoraries, classroom and
laboratory pictures, and photo
graphs of fall sports will be taken.
Were Read'' with All the Newest
As Worn by College Men
Clothes for Men
Our college ready-to
wear will rate you the
highest Fashion honors
Phone 1996 957 Willamette
College Clothes
(j|ir 1 s—Board's clothes will rate you a one plus on our campus . . . and their
economical prices will cerlainly make a hit willi Mother and Dad.
All tln> tdorv of the Renaissance reflected in these.
New Collegian Frocks
Fought especially for campus, tea dales,
dinner .. . rushing dates or the special for
mal affair.
Wools take honors for campus wear. For
dress-up occasions on and off the campus
adorable silk crepes in lovely autumn
alludes. *
And for glamorous evening everything
that is fashion news is here . . . from the
slinkiest sheath to the robes de style
many with separate .jackets so they’ll do
double duty—and in sizes J1 to 17 and 12
to 40.
„ . , $095 $0075
Priced O to ZZ
Choose the Wrap-around or choose the new Swag*
k'r • in soft, silvertone fleece in checks, shadow
plaids or plain colors and achieve that different
look you want in college clothes. Oxford, brown
or blue, in sizes 12 to 20.
Other Campus Coats $14.95 to $29.50
Other Models in Pattern Hats to $5.95
Priced at
So smart so casual Breton,
Halo, slouch or swagger. All
are swanky with campus
Trim lilting flannel jackets in plain ami checks at . . . Plain flannel or
novelty tweed skirls with a variation of styles at tjitl.95. . . . Sweaters in soft
yarns to complete your ensemble at + 1.9S. . , . pigskin ami cape gloves in blue,
brown or black at .+ 1.OK. . .. Klannel robes for chilly mornings at tjib.Dn. . . . ( lever
Inddbrnggan pajamas in t wo piece styles at -+—.-40. ... “ JJelle-Shormecr ’' Hosiery
in chiffon and service weight at +1.00 per pair.