Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 17, 1935, Page Four, Image 4

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Faculty Help
Awaits New
Boyer Establishes
Advisory Board
Established this year as a highly
desirable feature of freshman week
at the University is the faculty
committee of freshman advisers.
Its personnel is diversified and its
functions are new and justifiable.
The board, chosen by President
C. V. Boyer, is composed of 27 pro
fessors or instructors on the rolls
of the University faculty. Begin
ning Wednesday of Freshman week,
freshman will be given personal in
terviews lasting 20 minutes. All
freshmen who have mailed in their
credentials at least one week before
registration will have been assigned
personal interviews prior to their
arrival on the campus. The board
is represented by all divisions of
instruction in the University.
Valuable Advice Offered
The purpose of this group is to
advise students fairly and impar
tially as to courses of study. An
effort will be made to place fresh
men in contact with men acting as
representatives of the entire Uni
versity while at the same time uti
lizing men specially equipped as ex
pert advisers. This way it is as
sumed that the freshman will be
advised entirely from his own in
terests and aptitudes—as a possible
student in any of the many schools.
Such procedure should be invalu
able to those who are not definitely
decided on any special course and
to those who have immature and
incomplete viewpoints as to the
value and requirements of different
fields of endeavor.
Confusion Frequent
Many new students are not
“clear" on subjects offered at the
University. Because of limited con
tacts with chosen fields, and ro
mantic illusions as to the require
ments, both inherent and academic,
for these fields, many students are
shunted into studies for which they
are not prepared nor adapted. For
example, previously those students
who have expressed an interest in
a particular major school have been
directed to the head of that school.
This student was then advised on
the assumption that he had chosen
his life vocation whether or not
this choice be based on actual and
complete knowledge of the situa
tion. This year each freshman will
be given the opportunity to become
acquainted with all branches of the
University. And although no at
tempt will be made to dissuade him
from following his education on his
own interests careful analysis and
impartial advice will be offered him.
Members lasted
Members of the new advisory
board are:
O. F. Stafford, professor of Chem
istry, chairman: Howard Ft. Taylor,
professor and head of Psychology
department, consulting member;
Kenneth L. Shumaker, supervisor
of English bureau, consulting mem
ber; H. B. Yocum, professor of
Zoology; A. H. Kunz, assistant pro
fessor of Chemistry; Orlando John
Hollis, professor of Law; Lester F.
Beck, assistant professor of Psy
chology; Dan E. Clark, assistant
director of extension division; John
T. Ganoe, associate professor of
History; Lance W. Hart, assistant
professor of Drawing and Painting;
N. B. Zane, associate professor of
Design; Charles M. Hulton, instruc
tor in Journalism;
W. F. G. Thacher, professor of
English anti Advertising; A. L. Lo
max, professor of Business Admin
istration; J. H. Bond, professor of
Business Administration: A. B.
Stillman, assistant professor of
Business Administration; E. G.
Moll, associate professor of Eng
lish; L. L. Lewis, assistant profes
sor of English; R. W. Leighton, pro
fessor of Education: E. R. Knollin,
professor of Physical Education;
R. H. Back, assistant professor of
Military Science; K. W. On thank,
dean, Personnel Administration; L.
O. Wright, professor of Romance
Languages; P. P. Adams, professor
of Graphics; John Landsbury, dean,
School of Music; Mabel A. Wood,
professor of Home Economics.
New Portland
School Attracts
Special Science Group
Begins Classes Soon
The new division of social work
training of the University of Ore
gon, which will begin classes in
Portland September 30, will start
with a substantial enrollment of
highly qualified graduate students,
it was declared here today by Dr.
James H. Gilbert, dean of the col
lege of social science, under whose
direction the new project has been
Reports from Dr. E. H. Moore,
director of the division who has
opened offices in the Oregon build
ing, a large number of applicants
have been interviewed every day
and many have already indicated
their intention of enrolling. The
division will offer a one-year course
of intensive training designed to fit
young men and women for respon
sible positions in social welfare
agencies. The demand for such
qualified workers in this field is far
greater than the supply, and the
field is expected to become more
and more important, it is pointed
The new division has received the
enthusiastic approval and endorse
ment of Dr. F. M. Hunter, chancel
lor of higher education for the state
system. “The next great develop
ment in civilization must take place
in the field of human relations,”
Dr. Hunter points out. “Great ad
vances have been made in pure and
Andy Hurney, husky University
of Oregon lineman, is the Web
foot’s general utility man. He can
use his 198 pounds of brawn at
either tackle or guard. He is a
one-year letterman playing his
final season.
“The Outstanding' Hotel on the Pacific Highway"
Mothers who plan to be in Eugene
“Freshman Week” will find Eugenes
largest and finest hotel also most con
veniently located to the campus.
Hotel Coffee Shop
Our newly installed coff ee shop is prov
ing very popular with Eugeneans. ^ on
will find our food tasty, and at reason
able prices.
Hough finishes unci mixed c..iors lend in popularity.
Ii-uttiers, eve n liiuinv tails add a touch of smartness to Ty
(Courtesy of men clothiers in this Emerald.)
applied sciences during the past 100
years, but we have lagged far be
hind in the science of how to make
the best of these advances, and;
what is more important, we have J
failed to apply equal zeal to solving \
such vital problems as abolishment
of war, poverty and human ills and
unhappiness resulting from our
lack of knowledge on how to ‘get
"Higher education must take the
lead in the march forward of the
social sciences, and this responsi
bility can best be met by establish
ment of training centers that will
send forth young men and women
equipped to help solve these press
ing problems. I regard the estab
lishment of the division of social
work training in the metropolis of
Oregon as one of the greatest for
ward steps ever taken in Oregon
higher education. Starting as it
has with high standards and highly
qualified teaching staff, I feel sure
it will meet with every success.”
Chancellor Hunter also paid a
warm tribute to Dean Gilbert, the
state board of higher education, and
University officials who have
planned out the details of the new
division. "These men have vision
and foresight, and are keenly aware
of the needs of the present day,”
Dr. Hunter declared.
Information on the new division
may be obtained at Dr. Moore's of
fice in the Oregon building in Port
land, or from the University at Eu
New Library
(Continued from Page One)
choice books of art. On the shelves
will be current literature, maga
zines, and other volumes for recre
ational reading.
Near the recreational room will
be the book delivery room, within
easy access of the well-arranged
stacks of volumes in the rear. One
portion will be devoted entirely to
lower division students with two
large study rooms available. Also
on the first floor will bo situated
the periodical reference reading
room with its stackroom directly
behind it and the offices of the li
brarian and his assistants. Three
small mezzanine floors will give
additional space.
Heading Room Provided
On the second floor the upper
division students will be provided
the same general features as arc
the lower division students. A
reading room, 00 by 30 feet, will
extend across the front, lighted by
huge windows. Nearby will he a
room for special collections while
another space will be filled with
maps and globes. The upper di
vision reserve and stack room will
be directly in the rear and on each
side v/ill be spaces for collections
of rare books dealing with Oregon.
A seminar room v/ill also be locat
ed on the second floor.
On t.he third floor, faculty mem
bers. grdauate and more advanced
students, will be provided with the
individual study rooms. There will
be 16 of these as well as a grad
uate reading room 23 by 42 feet
and a library class room and sem
inar room on this floor. Absolute
quiet will prevail on this upper
Well-stocked newspaper rooms
will fill the basement for students
who wish to keep well-read on cur
rent events. Also in the basement
will be the periodical stacks and a
staff room, as well as work rooms
and rest rooms.
Seating space for more than
1,000 students will be provided In
the complete structure, and since
it is estimated that not more than
Hunter Statement
—■— i
(Continued from Page Our)
Group IV—
People who went to col
lege but did not graduate.. 77.6 j
Group V -College graduates 84.4
College Graduates Favored
The percentage employed in each
of these groups is that indicated
above. You will note that all but
16 per cent of the college group in
the city were employed, while more
than 53 per cent of the “sixth grade
educated” family heads were un
employed. Note also the advan
tage which the college graduate had
over the high school graduate. Of
the college graduates more than 84 i
per cent were employed, while of j
the high school graduates less than
70 per cent were employed. This j
shows definitely an advantage in
favor of the college graduate of ten |
points, dr 14 per cent.
In earning pov/er the advantage
of the college graduates is even
greater. The “sixth grade edu-j
cated” individuals were receiving
$67.60 per month, the high school
graduates $100.12, the college grad
uates $145.93. There is thus an ad- j
vantage of more than 100 per cent i
in favor of the college graduate as (
against the man with the sixth
grade education, and of 45 per cent t
over the high school graduate.
Exceptions Few
Of course, it is obvious that in
general those who have received
college training have higher nat
ural ability, and occasionally some-:
one without a college education
may rank as high as the college |
graduate, both in efficiency and in
earning power. But this fact in
nowise contradicts the positiveness j
of the arguments in favor of a col-1
lege preparation. It is clearly evi-;
dent that a college education pays:
richly from an economic standpoint.,
The college prepared man not only '
succeeds more completely and fully;
in normal and prosperous times, '■
but is much more resistant to the
ravages of economic crises and de
Chamberlain Quoted
Let me also answer from the long
experience and rich observation of
one of the most expert observers
20 per cent of the students occupy
a library at any one time, a stu
dent body of 5,000 can be accom
modated. If the need arises, the
building can be enlarged by add
ing to the rear.
500 Smart New Suits of
in the Proper Styles by
$20, $25, $30 and $35
Clothes for Men
Be a part of your Associated Students
Get the most out of your University
career. By your support of the Associated
Students you are not only helping your
University, but are also affording yourself
many opportunities at a great saving to
yourself. The Associated Students pro
gram gives you. during iall term 1935,
five varsity football games and two fresh
man games, two dances, basketball games,
the Emerald, and concerts.
$15,55 for $5.00
which is the price of your Associated
Student membership. It is to your benefit
to be a loyal supporter of such a line
diversi 1 ied program.
)f social changes in recent times.
[ refer to Mr. William Henry Cham-!
jerlin, for twelve years past one of
he ablest newspaper correspond- {
:nts in Russia. Mr. Chamberlin j
ipproached the Russian problem
.vith deep sympathy and enthusi
asm. After twelve years’ observa- ■
Lion he concludes that the oppor
:unities and benefits of democracy i
a,re surpassingly great as against
Ihe Russian communist dictator
ship. In the Atlantic for Novem
ber, 1934, under the caption “Fare
tvell to Russia," Mr. Chamberlin
"It was during my trip through
the famine regions of Ukrafna i
and the North Caucasus that I
became utterly and definitely
convinced that democracy, with
all its faults, weaknesses and im
perfections, is enormously supe
rior to dictatorship as a method
of government, simply from the
point of view of the common man.
Is there any recorded case in his
tory where famine- not poverty
or hardship or destitution, but
stark famine, with a toll of mil
lions of lives—has occurred in a
democratically governed coun
try ? Is it conceivable that the
famine of 1932-1933 could have
taken place if civil liberties had
prevailed in the Soviet Union?”
What more potent challenge can
come to an American youth than
to picture himself as a prepared
leader in the modern democratic so
ciety of America and the Western
World, as he finds his answer to
the question, “Does a College Edu
cation Pay?” The problems of de
mocracy are baffling and almost
overwhelming; but the young man
and the young woman of today, as
with the young pioneers of the past,
are not daunted by obstacles appar
sntly insurmountable. The best in
them arises to meet the challenge
and make the conquest.
The youth whom I salute will in
large numbers continue to use the
laboratories and libraries of our
great colleges and universities to
equip themselves for the fray.
A yearbook that will be com
pletely different than one yet seen
on the Oregon campus will be the
1936 Oregana, 33 per cent larger,
50 per cent more pictures. Sub
scribe on registration day and have
this truly greated Oregana for
Is Your Car
Your privilege to drive will de
pend upon your ability to pay
a loss immediately, should you
have an accident.
Insure and be safe, at a cost as
low as $ 1 4.80.
Emery & Ransom Agency
88 West Broadway Eugene, Oregon
Phone 321
Styles That Will Be
Seen on the Campus
Comparable to 1.29 shirts!
Starched collar neatness!
Preshrunk white, blue.
© ®
Men's BSucher Oxfords
Durable leather soles a n d
leather heels. Stitched call
grain leather with moccasin
Women’s Sweaters
I-ong, soft brushed mohair.
Unusual at this price. Mew
shirred voke back. 34 to 42.
Girls’ Elk Oxfords
Cleverly perforated brown
sports model with moccasin
toe heel. 3J4-8.
They’re A// Wool
It’s Wards for men’s suits . . . especially if you
want style at a reasonable price! Here at $15.95
are trim, well tailored double or single models.
Smart, serviceable woolens in all!
AV-wccl r-.-r.:':, c~ crepcr, novelty
nivturen. Check::, piaidu or plain colo"'
astonishingly well .'or this price! Si
o_ tweed
. Tcilorc.d