uctum PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon_ EDITORIAL OFFICES: Journalism building. Phone 3300 Editor, Local 354; News Room and Managing Editor, 355. BUSINESS OFFICE: McArthur Court, Phone 3300-I-ocaI 214. MEMBER OF MAJOR COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS Represented by A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. -42nd St., New York City; 123 W. Madison St., Chicago: 10(M End Ave., Seattle; 1031 S. Broadway, Los Angeles; Call Building, San 1'iancisco. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of publication of special dispatches herein arc also reserved. William E. Phipps Editor Bob Moore Managing Editor Grant Thuemmel Business Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Malcolm Bauer, Associate Editor Robert Lucas, Aassistaut Editor, Ann-Kced Burns, Dan E. 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Anonymous letters will be disregarded. 'J lie Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods, all of December except the first seven days, all of March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Lawrence Is Gone ' * £y'\\\ RLNVL <>l Arabia is dead. Although imicli of liis life was spent in pounding across burning sands, carrying a title as I lie uncrowned king ol the Arabs,” living with a $:>(),()()() bounty placed on his life i)v the Turks, his 4(i years were nevertheless dom inaled by one attitude, lie over maintained his allection tor literature and scholarly re search. A ml he was a simple man. Lawrence was a young man with the energy and action id youth reflected in his career of adventure. The story of his life moves rapidly, with romance, danger, move ment ever in the foreground. A magnifieient Arabian Knight! 'let in the background lay the richness ot the classics, the restraint of humility, and the griping force of character and magna nimity. A great man is dead and will be remembered. The Winged Beamier ^JNIO of Ihe characteristics of the age is to dti things in a big way and do them fast. A stunt that smacks of one of the am bitions ol pro depression American college \outh is the much played story in the news ol the dashing young Spaniard who is flying by hops across the Atlantic to see his lady love in Mexico City, lias it come to this? I he young lellows lias been encountering no little annoyance and delay due to the many lotos and celebrations accorded him by local ol tieials along the route. Ordinarily tin* first fellow to do something new or thing up a new idea is bitterly criticized. Like many modern novelties we find it's only the same old thing in a modern wav. *">• (lidti t Leander accomplish the same re suit by swimming tho Hellespont two thous and or more years ago? . Lurope this flight has caused quite a stir, will all its romance and human interest, ror America the very though leads to great possibilities in the future. We can turn to any one of several avenues. On the more serious side we may eon siller the wonders brought about by science and what a great nation wo are in this re spect. A great debt is owed to the Wright brot hers. . 0,1 1*“-* other hand, with the idea of mak ing money foremost, think of the craze our descendants may undergo in a few short dec ade: Sail to see your sweetie." There are marvelous opportunities for large scale pro duction and shrewd business manipulation l util we review some of our past ex periences we wonder at the wisdom of this young gallant. lie's onl\ a trail blazer. The Passing Show “CIVIC DEATH” IN NAZIDOM ■^TAZl Germany, the first nation to legalize wholesale sterilization, has decided to try another new experiment with curbing' and punish ment of crime to be known a “civic death." The Peace Built House ! -—— P.v Howard KpkmW I SHALL never forgive the League of Nations. 4 Well, maybe later on; they say time heals all things. It appears to be with wilfully mischievous intent to deceive that they should have their crisis a week after I leave Geneva. Of course, the League has romped or staggered through any number of so-called "crises” in the past but they do not suffer comparison with this, the crisis since Woodrow Wilson (may his soul rest in peace!) opened the first Council meeting in Paris January 16, 1920. This is a truly number one, knock-down-drag-out, plus ultra, deluxe crisis which will probably mark the success or failure of the League as an instrument of world peace. Three great issues head the agenda as the Coun cil goes into a huddle the second week in April. Will the Versailles treaty be torn up? a ques tion brough to a head by German rearmament. What about the Italian-Abysinnian “affair”? And the Gran Chaco war between Boliva and Paraguay which appears to be one of those end less things, like a string of spaghetti ? Well, all this I’ve got to miss. Just now the League is in a state of suspended animation awaiting the big guns of April. As you read this they will be sounding off at Stressa, later at Geneva, and all eyes will be upon the old Swiss hotel that hos housed the League these several years. So keep your eyes glued on the papers, for what the Council does may decide whether Europe will settle itself for peace and prosperity or for a frantic armament race that will recognize no equal and will inevitably end with a "boom”! Casting about for other material, I was not long in discovering that the new Palais des Na tions, under construction since 1929, offered a good story. Here we have an edifice unique in the annals of architecture and construction. Unlike any other building in appearance, the future home of the League has based its effect on mass rather than height. It occupied four acres comparable in dimensions to the Palace of Versailles, on a low hill in Ariena park, overlooking the blue-as blue waters of Lake Geneva with the rugged, rugged mountains of the Alps and Jura ranges for a background. Varying from five to six stories in heighth, it looks more like a hospital than any other type of public building, and analogists may be quick to suggest that a sick League will move in this summer. Quite fitting that this home of international ism should be an international work. When the need for new quarters was first realized in 1927, an international architectural competition was inaugurated, with the ultimate result that the jury awarded nine equal prizes and chose five architects, a Swiss, Italian, Hungarian and two Frenchmen, to act as a committee in conceiving the Palace, so the thing as it stands can be at tributed to five men, complete strangers in 1927, working together and conversing, no doubt, with their hands. But that was not all. After the first stone was laid in 1929, construction was under taken by companies from Switzerland, Italy and France, and workmen were employed from Eng land, Germany and several other countries, so the result will in truth be international. Throughout the period of economic depression work went steadily forward on the $6,000,000 undertaking, in 1933 the roof tree was according to ancient custom, crowned with flowers to com memorate the structural completion; the Swiss government spent. $3,000,000 on fine new roads to the park, and in July of this year the Secretariat will occupy its new offices and the library will be transferred to the new building provided by John D’s $2,000,000 grant. The Assembly hopes to inauguarate its section by the regular session in September. You can, by obtaining a permit from the sec retary of construction, enter the Palace and wan der through the great halls that soon will reecho to the foosteps and voices of representatives from great earthly powers, joined together in solemn conference. Now there is only the rythmic beat of workmen's hammers and a strangely assorted lot of workmen at that. (Continued tomorrow.) According to Judiciary Commissar Hans Frank, who is now drafting the new German Penal code for Reichfuhrer Adolf Hitler at Leip zig, the new category of punishment will reduce the status of the condemned to that of a perma nent outcast. "We are in fact reviving an oil German cus tom, Dr. Frank declared, in pointing out that the ancient Huns had a somewhat similar custom of driving an offender out of the tride to starve or be eaten by wild beasts. From other sections of Nazidom have come suggesions of a like nature. German Justice, the official organ of Dr. Franz Gurtner, minister of justice, recently called for a punishment to be even narsher than the medieval headsman's ax, introduced again in Germany by the Hitler regime. ' Living death," as it is caleld by Judge Gertz in the publication would "entail the impossibility of making wills, exercising of paternal of civil rights, deprivation of nationality, impossibility of engaging in any commercial activity and com plete ostracism, the sentence to be read publicly." The Nazi ax. according to Judge Gertz, has disadvantages "because it may establish a con tinued relationship between the condemned man and the public" martyrdom. There will be many criticisms of the "civic death" clause in the new German Penal code, but it offers to the world a substitute for capital punishment, long the subject of a great deal of 1 discussion in the civilized world. Tn the United States, "civic death" would probably be a failure because of the size of the country and because so many Americans always hasten tit the aid of the underdog. Even John j Dillinger, as Public Enemy No. 1. was able to evade capture for nearly a year after every man. 1 woman, and child in the nation who had access to | a newspaper had been warned against him and shown his picture innumerable times. The United States is large and its people are free from practically all interference of police or ; government authorities. Germany is under Hit ler's thumb and his word is law. "Civic death," if accepted by Nazidom, will be an interesting experiment --The Daily Troian. Anything Goes .By Dick Watkins — BANDS — tna': «sw dance or chestra which debut-ed out at the Park over the weekend received many favorable comments from the lads who trekked out yonder and considering that it has just sprung together only recently, with a bit more practice, it has good possibilities . . . their 4-sax section is quite an innovation in this neck of the woods, and Don Edwards does his usual good job on the ivories, but we would suggest the addition of a trombone, and per haps a more frequent use of trum pet mutes . . . anyhow, the appear ance of a new outfit in the town is very welcome, indeed . . . that WILLIAMS - WALSH combine formerly heard nightly over the NBS from S.F.’s ritzy Mark Hop kins hotel, seems to have gone by the boards for the summer months at least, with Griff Williams hold ing down the job by his lonesome . . . Walsh is expected to gather a band together to play at some re sort on the prebian Russian River, (popular Bay region playground i, during the coming season . . . our Southern Calif, correspondent, Da vid Young, of KGB, tells us that Del White, whose Sacramento band, once-upor.-a-time played the Senator there, is expected to take over the stand at the CAFE of all NATIONS, erected on the grounds of the San Diego Exposition and will be broadcast over the entire CBS network, as will be the music of Jose Manzanerras’ orchestra, who has the afternoon and tea dansante spots . . . CINEMA al though Max Reinhart’s master screen production of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is practically completed, it will not be shown till autumn, in line with Hollywood’s traditional policy of never releasing a real big film job during the dull summer months . . . among other changes Rein hardt has made in the picture, is the total elimination of all color sequences, for he believes it should be all or nothing, and spotting it with color tends to jolt the au dience out of the mood of the story . . . Occidental College, on the out skirts of L.A. has been selected as the location site for the forthcom ing pix, “College Scandal” . . . judging from the title, it sounds like another one of those typical Hollywood - concosted, “yes-we are-eollegiate” monstrosities, that are ever being pawned off on us, to flatter our intelligence ( ?) . . . The Paramount Studio police force, numbering some TZ men, is the 5th largest in the whole state of Calif.; . . . the first of the Golddiggers” series was a silent version, pro duced in 1923, after Warner Bros, had paid David Belasco $500,000 for the screen rights. . . since then 3 more “Gold-diggers” have been filmed, grossing a total intake of A hi en d in i>ii t Pro posed WASHINGTON A resolution proposing a constitutional amend ment prohibiting the supreme court and other courts from declaring unconstitutional any act of con gress was introduced today by Representative Knute Hill (D Wash). Such 'an amendment would re quire approval of both branches of congress and ratification by two thirds of the states within a seven year period. The resolution says simply: “The supreme court and inferior courts of the United States shall have no jurisdiction to declare any act of congress unconstitutional.” Send the Emerald to your friends. Subscription rates $2.50 a year. SUMMER' session JUNE 24 • AUG. 2 Here—where world-wide travelers meet and trade routes cross—you tind a fully accredited university ottering more than eighty graduate and undergraduate courses, Costs ure low, sailings from Pacific Coast ports fast and frequent, fares sur prisingly moderate. yY This sum mer is your opportunity to lift study from routine surroundings and to raise it to adventure levels. Interfiling and detailed bulletin UmiuJ t'lg ettli) util Ix/oruardedape* request. UNIVERSITY ef HAWAII . V r.*!*lu, T..H s DIRECTOR Rf Summer Session well over 8 million iron stones . . . George Kaft, he of the Valen tino profile and trance-like acting, next appears in “Dance Director,” an original story out of some Hol lywood publicity office, so you know what to expect; . . . “Kath erine Hepburn emotes next in “Mary of Scotland.” based on the successful stage play of the same name; Clark Gable, will sport a beard to go along with his ele phant ears in China Seas,” a tale of life in the pirate - infested wa ters of the Orient . . . HERE’S an other nugget plucked from the Congressional Record, as found in the Journal’s “Little Echoes from Big Guns,” Sunday feature column; , . . Rep. Josh Lee, Okla., (during cotton discussion in the House of Rep.): “Why. there are 450,000, 000 Chinese. If we could persuade them to lengthen their shirt tails half an inch, it would absorb our cotton surplus overnight.” . ;. . OWell! . . . anything goes! . . . Blais Picks (Continued from Page One) Student Relations Committee James Blais, chairman, Robert Thomas, Roland Rourke, Roberta Moody, Adele Sheehy (non-voting i, Virgil D. Earl, and Hugh Rosson (non-voting). In addition to the standing com mittees President Blais has also announced the judiciary committee for next year and the student mem bers of the student advisory com mittee. Judiciary Committee Wayne L. Morse, chairman, Vir gil D. Earl, Calvin Crumbaker, Fred Colvig, and L. Ray Mize. Student Members of the Advisory Committee Virginia Younie, Howard Pater son, and William Hall. The executive council for next year consists of James Blais, chair man, J. H. Gilbert, Earl M. Pallett, Karl W. Onthank, H. C. Howe, Dr. D. C. Stanard, Lynn McCready, Roland Rourkek, Adele Sheehy, Roberta Moody, Cosgrove LaBarre, Robert, Prentice, and Robert Thomas. Today’s Emerald is brought to you by the following advertisers. Palm Beach Suits Old Gold Cigarettes University of Hawaii McMorran and Washburne De Neffe’s University Grocery Campus Barber Shop Oregana Confectionery Office Machinery and Supply Co. Oregon Barber Shop Eugene Mirror and Glass Co. Valley Printing Co. Romane Studio Patronize them. What Ho! Again I See in Fancy - By Frederic S. Dunn —— r — Latin Prepositions In Meter ‘‘It's your turn this time.” “Naw, I did it day before yester day.” ‘‘You gotta kick this time.” “Not on your life. Let Herm do it.” You would not believe it, but two of those gangsters are Minis ters now, and the third the son of a Minister, who thus framed up complaint against Professor Straub’s lengthy Greek assign ments. They were Jas. A. Laurie, '94, and Frank B. Matthews and Herman A. Kobe, ’95. Writes Jim from his Presbyte rian Church in Cedar Falls, Iowa: —‘‘It didn’t do much good but it was deemed necessary and so some one went through the motions most every day . . . I remember how I would shake when I got up to recite to Straub and Johnson. usea 10 mane me maa, our l couldn’t help it. The Faculty of those days were not such an awe inspiring bunch, but somehow they did the inspiring all right.” Oid grads, however, have told me of one occasion when this in spiration in John Straub’s room was dissipated by a sudden bomb, —the flank attack came so unex pectedly. It was another Minis ter at that. Royal F. Reasoner. '85, was one of the soberest, most unimpas sioned, expressionless students that ever came to the Uhiversity. To day, he would be mill-raced or ducked under the pool, in order to break that imperturbability. But, ,in the smaller student body of those days, since he interfered with no one else, nobody in turn cared to tease him. But Royal was certain ly somber and very introspective. Blasphemers among his fellow stu dents called him ‘‘The second J. ^ C.” which would certainly have wounded him greatly if he had known it. Tutor Straub was then reliev ing President Johnson of the First Year Latin class, when he was as tounded out of all equilibrium to have the Sphinx reak loose with, “Professor, those prepositions rhyme. I can make poetry out of them. I can sing them.” “Why, —• how’s — that?” stut tered John Straub. And Royal began. In order to appreciate the mechanism, you lat er Latinists must forget the Ro man pronunciation, and pronounce “e” as we do double “e’,, and the '.diphthong “ae” also in the same way. I have italicised the accent ed syllables. “A, ab, abs,—absque, de, Coram, palam. cum ex, e Sine, tonus, pro and prae”. Trochaic, catalectic, or whatever it was, it was a hit. Tutor StVaub mumbled something in his beard but it was lost in the applause. Next in the series: HOW TO HOODWINK A PROF. The Nation’s Largest Advertisers Use Exclusive Media The Emerald Is an Exclusive Medium Why not profit by the experience of others!