Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1935, Image 1

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Phi Beta Kappa
Selections for national scholastic
honorary announced on page 1 . . .
another article by foreign corres
pondent Howard Kessler on the
editorial page . . . Duck loss to
Cougar described on sport page.
of the
Day’s News
By the Associated Press
- --— MAV 20-- '
Ethiopia Sends Appeal
GENEVA — Emperor Haile Se
lassie of Ethiopia got in the first
blow as the council of the League
of Nations assembled today to re
view his menacing border quarrel
with Italy.
In a personal telegram to Gen
eva the "king of kings’’ appealed
to the league to halt Italy’s huge
program of military preparations
in northeast Africa and accused
Home of evading international ob
"Italy initiated a campaign of
propaganda in an endeavor to jus
tify her occupation of Ethiopian
territory as a mission of civiliza
tion and her aggression and rapac
ity against our people as the treat
ment due a barbarous nation,” his
telegram asserted.
French Fleet Moves
PARIS — France is transferring
her naval strength from Mediter
ranean waters, it was learned to
day, to protect herself against any
possible danger from Germany’s
naval rearmament.
The sea force which defends the
British channel and the North sea
is being strengthened. Four tor
pedo boats and the destroyer Lynx
are expected to be transferred
from the Mediterranean to the
channel fleet after maneuvers off
Morocco in early June, along with
other reinforcements.
This move coordinates the trans
fer of thousands of soldiers from
the Italian frontier to fortifica
tions along the Franco-German
border, following Adolf Hitler’s an
nouncement of military conscrip
Death Toll Reaches 18
300 and 500 families were being
moved out of the Oklahoma City
lowlands to escape onrushing flood
waters tonight as the southwest's
storm dead amounted to 18 with
damage estimated at $3,000,000.
Throughout much of the state
and in Texas as well, streams were
falling and the floods which ac
companied tornadoes in a climax
to drought-breaking rains surged
eastward and southward.
But as a slow rise in the North
Canadian river heralded and re
ported approach of a 15-foot wall
of water here, relief and rescue
efforts were accelerated.
Eli tier W rites Speech
BERLIN — Adolf Hitler spent
most of the day writing the speech
he will make to the Reichstag to
morrow night to tell the world
what the Nazi regime has to offer
' to alleviate European tension.
Der Fuehrer was buoyed by dem
onstrations in his honor at the
opening at Frankfurt-on-the-Main
yesterday of the Reich’s first road
exclusively for automobiles.
He will again face one of his
most critical moments tomorrow.
The largest Reichstag in history,
although one of the most impotent
which now has 669 members, in
cluding eight newly appointed dep
uties from the Saar, was chosen as
the forum for Hitler’s views.
(Please turn to page three)
Campus Calendar
Final Amphibian and varsity
practice for pageant at 9:00 p. m.
sharp. Everyone must be there
Theta Sigma Phi luncheon meet
ing at the Anchorage at noon to
day. Pledges requested to attend.
No set price lunch; pay according
to appetite!
Kwamas will serve at the AWS
tea at 4 o’clock in Gerlinger hall.
Short silk dresses will be worn.
Phi Beta members and pledges
to meet at 5:20 tonight at Mrs.
John Jay Rogers, 2187 University
House mothers meet at 1:00 at
the Delta Gamma house for a
luncheon and meeting today.
YWCA kitchen shower will be
held tonight at 7:30 at the bunga
low. Everyone is invited to come
and bring something for the!
Welfare group will meet at the
YWCA at 4:00 o’clock Bernice Mc
Donald will lead the group.
Phi Chi Theta will meet at five
o’clock today in 105 commerce.
There will be a very important
Skull and Dagger meeting at 7:15
in 104 journalism this evening.
Only members be present.
Blais Picks
Next Year’s
Renner Aids in Making
Choice of Students
For Positions
Faculty Stays Unchanged
In Selections
The appointment of standing
committees for the coming year
were announced last night by
James Elais, ASUO president.
Blais was assisted by retiring
President Joseph "N. Renner in
making his choices for student pos
itions. The faculty and alumni
members who served on the com
mittee will be retained, as has been
the custom in the past few years.
President C. V. Boyer has but
partially approved Blais’ selection,
as Blais was undecided as to a few
offices when the list was presented
to President Boyer.
The standing committee ap
pointees are:
Finance Committee
Cosgrove LaBarre, chairman,
Robert Prentice, James Blais, Rol
and Rourke, Adele Sheehy, Earl M.
Pallett, J. O. Lindstrom, Lynn Mc
Cready, and Hugh Rosson.
Athletic Committee
James Blais, chairman, H. C.
Howe, Dr. D. C. Stanard, Robert
Thomas, Roland Rourke, and Hugh
Publications Committee
James Blais, chairman, Robert
Lucas, George Root, Roland
Rourke, George VV. Turnbull, Or
lando Hollis, Robert Allen, and
Hugh Rosson (non-votingi.
Music Committee
Adele Sheehy, chairman, John
Stark Evans, Rex Underwood,
Roberta Moody, Robert Thomas,
and Hugh Rosson (non-voting.
Forensics Committee
Cosgrove LaBarre, chairman,
John Casteel, J. H. Gilbert, Roberta
Moody, Robert Prentice, and Hugh
Rosson (non-voting).
Building Fund Committee
Cosgrove LaBarre, chairman, J.
O. Lindstrom, Robert Prentice,
Earl M. Pallett, Robert Thomas,
and Hugh Rosson (non-voting).
(Please turn to page tzvo)
Gigantic Student
Cast Announced
For Outdoor Play
‘Romeo ami Juliet’ Opens
6-Day Run May 29
With a gigantic cast of 50 actors
and actresses “Romeo and Juliet,”
famous Skakesperian tragedy of
young love and family feud, will
open for a six day run a week from
tomorrow, May 29, on the outdoor
stage just northwest of the old
The following people have been
selected for the cast: Bill Dough
erty, Prince of Verona; Milton Pil
lette, Romeo; Elenore Gullion and
Virginia Mikulak, Juliet; Ted Kar
afotias, Mercutio; Boyd Jackson,
Benvolio; Arthur Grey, Tybalt;
Dan Clark, Jr., Paris; George Bat
terson, Capulet; Cynthia Liljeqvist
and Ottilie Seybolt, Lady Capulet.
Dorothy Parks, nurse; Alan
Wiesner, Old Capulet; Edgar Wul
zen. Montague; Alice Hult, Lady
Montague; John Casteel, Friar
Lawrence; Ted Karafotias, Friar
John; Bud Winstead, apothecary;
Gordon Gedney, Peter; George Bik
man, Balthazar; Dick Koken, Ab
raham; Lester Miller, Sampson;
Bill Cottrell, Greogry; Marytine
New, housekeeper; Helen Veblen,
uage to Mercutio; Marian Morse,
page to Mercutio; Marian Morse,
to Benvolio; Marjorie Baker, page
to Tybalt.
The remaining members of the
cast are: Bart Cole, first watch
man ; Donald Ralston, second
watchman; Edgar Wulzen, third
watchman; Jerry Smith and
George Root, attendants to prince;
Adrian Martin and Wayne Harbert,
attendants to Tybalt; Bud Win
stead and Bill Schloth, maskers.
Citizens and guards will be por
trayed by Donald Ralston, Bart
Cole. Albert Eames, and Edgar
Wulzen. The nuns and citizenesses
are: Pag Davidson, Regan McCoy,
Margaret Chase. Leone Baker,
Marjorie Baker, Patricia Neal and
Gayle Buchanan.
Matching Japanese Prices
ameriSa mam.
A vivid argument for making sure that American goods, rather
than Japanese, are bought is on exhibit in the senate building at Wash
ington, l>. C. Senator Jesse H. Metcalf of Rhode Island is looking over
the exhibit, which shows that American and Japanese matches sell
at the same retail price in spite of 38 cents a gross margin in whole
sale price in favor of the Japanese products.
Dr. de Villiers Will Be Guest
Professor on Oregon Campus
Dr. C. G. S. de Villiers, dean of
the faculty of sciences of the Uni
versity of Stellenbosh, South Af
rica, will be visiting' professor on
the campus of the University of
Oregon November 18 to Decem
ber 14, it was announced today by
Dr. C. V. Boyer, president of the
University of Oregon.
Dr. de Villiers will be sent here
by the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, an organiza
tion headed by Nicholas Murray
Butler, president of Columbia uni
versity, New York, and he will be
one of a number of professors from
foreign countries who will be
brought here next fall by this
The purpose of these visits is to
multiply and strengthen the bonds
of intellectual and scholarly under
standing between the different
countries,” writes Dr. Butler to Dr.
Educated in Africa, Zurich
Dr. de Villiers was born near
Cape Town, Africa, and after at
tending- the University of Stellen
bosch, he went to the University
of Zurich, where he obtained his
degree of doctor of philosophy. He
was then appointed a professor at
Stellenbosch, and for the past five
years has been dean of the science
faculty. He is at present complet
ing a six months’ research project
at the Anatomical Institute of
Turin, Italy.
A committee headed by Karl W.
Onthank, dean of personnel, will
have charge of arrangements for
Dr. de Villiers while he is here.
Other members of the committee
will be Dr. Victor P. Morris, pro
fessor of economics; Dr. Waldo
Schumacher, professors of political
science; Dr. R. R. Huestis, profes
sor of biology, and Eric W. Allen,
dean of the school of journalism.
Increased Social
Course Endorsed
A recommendation for the de
velopment of the University of
Oregon school of social science has
been presented to Governor Charles
Martin’s committee appointed to
probe the use of federal relief
Presented to E. A. McCornack of
Eugene and Grace Phelps and
Verne Dusenberry of Portland,
members of the committee, the
recommendation reads: “that more
adequate means be furnished the
University of Oregon for develop
ment of its school of social service
so that it may be made to conform
to the standards of the American
Association of Schools for Social
The committee, appointed to in
vestigate charges of misappropria
tion of relief funds throughout the
state, reported inefficiency but no
actual graft.
YWCA Will Give
Kitchen Shower
A kitchen shower at the YWCA
for all girls on the campus will be
given at the bungalow at 7:30 this
evening. The Dill Pickle club is
sponsoring the affair.
All girls who come are to bring
some implement suitable for the
YWCA kitchen such as towels,
pairing knives, kettles, mending
kits, vases, and the like. Further
information concerning appropri
ate and needed articles may be ob
tained from Betty Hughes at the
Phyllis Baldwin, chairman, an
nounces that there will be singing
and an interesting program.
Misses Malone,
Wolfenden to Play
Vivian Malone, graduate stu
dent, and Ruthalbert Wolfenden,
freshman, appeared in a joint vio
lin recital in the music building
auditorium last night.
Miss Malone has appeared re
cently with the University sym
phony as soloist and is the violin
ist in the Phi Beta trio. Later this
month, she is to appear in a re
cital in Portland.
Miss Wolfenden has also ap
peared in public recitals in Port
land. Mary Field played the piano
accompaniment for her and Betty
Wilson accompanied Miss Malone.
Three Violinists
To Give Concert
Three violinists, Dorothy Louise
Johnson, Berenice Lewis, and Mad
eline Guistina, are to appear in re
cital next Thursday evening in the
music auditorium, it was an
nounced yesterday.
Mary Field and Theresa Kelly
are to be the accompanists. Miss
Johnson is to play Wieniawaki’s
“Concerto,” D minor, Miss Lewis,
Tartini’s “Sonata,” G minor, and
Miss Guistina is to play Vieux
'temps “Concerto,” D minor.
Alpha Delta Sigma Will
Picnic on Wednesday
Alpha Delta Sigma, men’s ad
vertising honorary will hold a
picnic at Swimmer's Delight Wed
nesday evening. Members of the
group and their guests will attend.
At the meeting last Wednesday
Gordon Powell was elected secre
tary-treasurer to replace Eldon
i J
Queen, Court
To Be Chosen
Four Princesses to Help
Reign Over Festival;
Elections Secret
Sundaes, Dancing Feature
Event May 28
A strawberry queen with all her
court will preside over the annual
strawberry festival, w’hich will
take place next Tuesday, May 28,
Mary McCracken, general chair
man, announced today. The queen
and her four princesses are to be
selected by a special committee
and will not be confined to one
12 Men to Choose
All this week a committee of 12
men selected from the campus at
large will compile a list of possible
candidates for the royal positions.
Thursday night a secret ballot will
be taken by the committee, the
queen being selected in a fair and
impartial way. The identity of the
queen and her court will not be
revealed until the night of the fes
tival. The court procession and
crowning will begin promptly at 6
Members of the nominating com
mittee are: Bud Jones, Tom Mc
Call, Cosgrove LaBarre, Tom
Blanchard, Bob Lucas, Ed Kendall,
Ralph Tergeson, Fred Fisher, Wal
ly Hugg, Ron Gemmell, Jack
Campbell, and Ed Labbe.
Time 6 to 7:80
Preparations for one of the
largest and most popular berry
festivals in the history of the Uni
versity are being made by the di
rectorate for this all-campus af
fair. Large, fresh strawberry sun
daes and 5 cent jitney dances will
be featured as usual from 6 until
7:30 o’clock. The dancing, sale of
sundaes, and crowning of the queen
will be staged on and around the
three faculty tennis courts.
Journalism Labs
To Edit Morning
News Thursday
Stearns and Callas Named
For Top Positions
Repeating their work in editing
the Eugene Register-Guard, stu
dents of the reporting, copyediting,
and editing classes of the school of
journalism will have the opportun
ity of publishing the Eugene Morn
ing News for Friday, May 24.
John W. Anderson, managing ed
itor of the Morning News will ex
plain to the journalism students
the workings of a morning paper
this afternoon at 4 in room 105
journalism building.
Newton Stearns will act as man
aging editor for the issue with
George Callas as assistant. Fulton
Travis has been selected as city
editor and Bob Moore as assistant.
Other apointments were Charles
Paddock, sports editor, Ann-Reed
Burns, women's editor, and Laura
Margaret Smith, head proofreader.
Forty-one other journalism stu
dents have been assigned to down
town and campus beats for the stu
dent issue.
Foreign Trade Club
Hears E. A. Valentine
E. A. Valentine, of the Fireman
insurance company of Portland
was the principle speaker at the
Foreign Trade club meeting Wed
nesday evening in Gerlinger hall
following a banquet at the Anchor
Mr. Valentine discussed marine
insurance. He is a member of the
foreign trade board of advisers of
the University.
Monday Is Deadline
For Senior Theses;
Form of Paper Set
Monday, May 27, Is the last
day that seniors may file their
theses, is was announced yester
day at the graduate office. In
formation regarding the required
form for the paper may be se
cured from that office.
] AWS Installation
I Set for 4 Today
In Gerlinger Hall
! -
Miss Smith Will Replace
Catherine Coleman
Margaret. Ann Smith will suc
ceed Catherine Coleman as presi
dent of the associated women stu
dents at the formal installation to
be held today at 4 o'clock in alum
ni hall of the Gerlinger building.
Other newly elected officers
are: Virginia Younie, vice-presi
dent; Starla Parvin, secretary;
Martha McCall, treasurer; Gladys
Battleson, sergeant-at-arms; Betty
Rosa, reporter. Retiring' officers
are: Catherine Coleman, presi
dent; Virginia Howard, vice-presi
dent; Reva Herns, secretary; Ann
Reed Burns, treasurer; Elaine Co
rnish, sergeant-at-arms; Margery
Kissling, reporter.
Virginia Howard is in charge of
the installation and the tea which
is to be given after the ceremonies.
Committee chairmen appointed by
Miss Howard are Virginia Younie,
assistant chairman; Patsy Neal,
Kitchen; Dorothy Adams, serving;
Jean Ackerson, floor arrange
ments; Theda Spicer, music; Betty
Baker, clean-up.
Catherine Coleman will enter
tain the new and retiring officers
at a dinner at the Pi Beta Phi
house after the tea.
Maxine Sautter
To Give Recital
At Music School
No Admission Is Charged,
Starts at 8:15
Maxine Sautter, student con
tralto, will be presented in a com
plete recital this evening at 8:15
o’clock in the school of music audi
torium. There will be no admission
Miss Sautter has appeared before
audiences in Astoria, Eugene, and
Salem, as well as over the radio,
winning great acclaim for her
She is a student of Roy Bryson
and will be accompanied by Jean
nette Turner.
Her program has been an
nounced as follows:
He Was Despised, Messiah, Handel
Verdi Prati . Handel
Dove Sei . Handel
O Love, Thine Aid, Samson and
Delilah . Saint-Saens
Allerseelen . Richard Straus
My Head Is Weary, Nadescha ....
. Goring-Thomas
Some old favorites:
Love’s Old Sweet Song . Malloy
Kathleen Ma.voureen . Crouch
Has Sorrow Thy Young Days
Shaded . Irish Folk Tune
The Last Rose of Summer Flotow
Do Not Go My Love . Hageman
My Lover Is a Fisherman .
. Strickland
Do You Know My Garden .... Wood
Christ Went Up Into the Hills ....
. Hageman
Lomax Discusses
Strike Problems
Prof. A. L. Lomax attended the
monthly meeting of the Portland
Shipping club in Portland Wednes
day evening at the Benson hotel.
Discussion at the meeting con
cerned the government, labor and
employers, and what may result of
the triple relationship in relation
to the particular labor strike on
the Pacific coast last summer and
the present troubles in the marine
Professor Lomax returned to the
campus Thursday morning.
Anthropology Clans
Goes on Trip to Coast
Studying Indian shell mounds,
members of the anthropology class
spent Friday afternoon and Satur
day at the beach with Dr. L. S.
Cressman, professor of anthropol
In excavating the mounds,
points, scrapers, and fire places
were found by the students. The
finds will be added to the state
museum which is located here at
the University.
20 Seniors Chosen
By Phi Beta Kappa
In Spring Election
FT omen Journalists
To Meet at 5 Today
For Emerald Plans
All women journalists, and
others endowed with news writ
ing talent, who are interested in
putting the men's “esquire”
“every man a title” issue of the
Emerald to shame, are asked to
meet in room 105 today at the
hour of 5.
Final plans and appointments
for the all-women speeial edition
of the Emerald, whieh will ap
pear Saturday morning will tie
made, it was announeed by Hen
rlette Horak, editor, and Virginia
Endieott, managing editor of the
Finances Might
Prevent Science
Course Return
Present Conditions Make
Change Difficult
Should the appeal for the return
of upper division science courses
made Wednesday in petition form
by members of the pre-medical
society be granted, financial condi
tions would probably prevent the
return., President C. V. Boyer de
clared in a recent interview.
In order to obtain an upper divi
sion course on the campus of either
the University of Oregon or Ore
gon State college in a field limited
to minor work in that institution,
the dean of the school in which the
course is requested must first be
“When either the University or
the State college wishes to give an
upper division course in a field of
minor work, if there is a demand
for service courses, the request
must first be presented to the dean
of the school on the campus where
the upper division work is pre
sented,” President Boyer said.
The action of pre-medic students
is not new, the president declared,
but has been adopted before in
other cases.
If the school of science on this
campus was financially able to
give upper division work as service
courses, the request would then be
taken to Earl Packard, dean of the
Oregon State school of science, and
George W. Peavy, presdient of
Oregon State college.
Should their approval be gained,
the next step would be to present
the request to the curricula com
mittee of the state board of
higher education for final approval.
June Sanders Is
Pi Delta Head
June Sanders, graduate student
in Romance languages, was elected
president of the local chapter of
Pi Delta Phi, national French hon
orary, at its final meeting of the
year last Thursday evening at the
home of Dr. George L. Rebec.
Other officers chosen for the
coming year are Lillian Warn, vice
president; and Leland Thielemann,
Dr. Ray P. Bowen, head of the
department, spoke to the group on
a trip through the chateau region
of France.
Students Aided
By Scholarships
Scholarships numbering 147 will
be available in the Oregon state
institutions of higher education for
needy high school graduates rank
ing in the upper third of their
class, E. B. Lemon, chairman of
the inter-institutional committee
on higher education, gave notice
Ranging from $18 to $54 in val
ue, the scholarships are offered un
der the enabling act passed by the
last legislature.
Names of the students to whom
the awards are made will be an
nounced July 15.
Law School Heads List
With Four Members
Among Group
Six Are Eugeneans
Robert Vosper Gets $2i»
Prize for Books
Twenty seniors were elected to
Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary
fraternity, at the annual spring
meeting of Oregon Alpha chapter
yesterday. All campus members of
the organization vote in the selec
tion of new members.
Those chosen are Jean Margaret
Aiken, history, Ontario; Nancy
Elizabeth Archbold, English, Port
land; John Carlson, psychology,
Beverly S. Caverhill, German, Mar
garet Davidson, business adminis
tration, Dorothea Finnsson, sociol
ogy, Theodore Lundy, pre-medi
cine, Thomas Mountain, history, all
of Eugene.
Others Chosen
Malcolm Bauer, journalism,
Hildamay Hobart, romance lan
guages, Pendleton; Robert Brown,
pre-medicine, Tacoma; Laura
Olivia Goldsmith, romance lan
guages, Klamath Falls; Helen
Soehren Grubbe, English, Dallas;
Clara Josephine Waffle, English,
Astoria; Antone Yturri, law, Jor
dan Valley; Frederick Callister,
business administration, Albany;
Stanley Darling, law Bend;
Frances Harland, romance lan
guages, Juneau, Alaska; Kenneth
Schramm, law, Milwaukie; Orval
Thompson, law, Shedd.
The school of law, with four stu
dents, aled all other schools and de
partments in numbers pledged to
the fraternity. The romance lan
guages and English departments
ranked next with three each.
Founded in 1776
To qualify for Phi Beta Kappa,
students must have a high scho
lastic standing with a grade point
average not lower than 2.5, and
must show ability along other
lines. The honorary was founded in
1776, and has numbered in its
membership many leading Ameri
can citizens.
Robert G. Vosper, Portland, was
awarded the fraternity’s annual
prize of $25 worth of books, given
to the outstanding lower division
student each spring.
Keeney Opposes
Lower House Tax
Appeals for reduced assesments
on fraternity and sorority houses
at Oregon State college are to be
heard May 22 by the state tax
commission at Salem.
Ben F. Keeney, assessor of Lane
county, will attend the hearing at
the request of Assessor L. C. Tail
man of Benton county, as the de
cision rendered may set a prece
dent which would apply to the
many sorority and fraternity
houses on the University of Ore
gon campus.
The campus living organizations
are in the same class as private
homes,” Assessor Keeney stated in
a Register-Guard article published
last night. On those grounds he
would oppose any reduction in the
assessed valuation of such prop
Donald Farr Chosen
Best Junior BA Man
Donald Farr was selected as the
outstanding junior man in business
administration to have his name
engraved on the Alpha Kappa Psi,
business honorary plaque, in the
main hall of the Commerce build
The award was made by mem
bers of Alpha Kappa Psi on the
basis of scholarship, leadership,
student body activities, and char
This award is made each year to
the most outstanding man of the
junior class of business administra