Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1935, MEN'S EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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    Originality of Motif,
Wild Flights of Fancy
The spirit of the dance pervades
the lovely Oregon campus this
weekend as ten dances have been
scheduled in the offices of the dean
of women, Mrs. Hazel P. Schwer
in g (109 Johnson—after entering
the door, turn to right fifteen
paces, then to the left fourteen
paces, then to the right twelve
paces, and ask for Mrs. Schwer
Sorority sojourns and fraternity
villas will open their doors wide to
the spring air and what couples
caje to dance. All will be gayety,
laughter, music, and bad punch.
The patrons and patronesses have
been reading Milton and Neitche
for days in preparation for solitary
meditations when isolated in some
drafty corner of the barns.
Dry cleaning establishments
throughout Eugene have reported
j a huge up-shoot in business with
I the advent of the white suit—
| sometimes referred to as the
I “white wing rhapsody.” In fact all
’ student-Eugene breathlessly antic
ipates the whirl of organdy and the
blare of the brass as the nice, the
crisp, and the conventional goes on
Bota-Olii Psi '
With abated breath and stifled
giggles, the sisters of Alpha Phi
and Gamma Phi Beta, have, for the
p^pst fortnight, ogled across the
mill race to see the boyish, intense
civil war between two of Oregon's
sweeter fraternities. And the cause
of the desperate strife has been but
a dance - which lends importance
to the society page of any paper
and particularly this one which
reports the inside dope on a battle
of the mill race.
The Betas and the Chi Psis both
dance tomorrow night and they are
next door neighbors, too. So the
competitions for decorations, at
mosphere, splendor, which which to
woo the wide-opened eyes of the
coed, runs high.
Two weeks ago today, the Chi
Psi faction came out with the an
nouncement of a barn dance. And
trickling out with this announce
ment came the word that they
would cover the outside of the
house with horse-hides a foot deep.
The Betas retaliated with a "fire
sale" dance, in which they were
to burn down the house and dance
A Cccmplete Program of
Cartoon and Comedy!
amongst the charred ruins. The
Chi Psis solicited the aid of Post
master James A. Farley as a pat
ron. The Betas called in Mary
Baker Eddy. The Chi Psis looked
higher to the realm of the mighty
and offered to subsidize the Tom
Mix circus for their backyard fea
ture. This idea appealed to the
Beta freshmen who bolted the
battle and decided to attend the
circus. The result: Chaos!
Only after the interference of
Dean Schwering did the actual
dance programs take form. The
pacified Betas offer as their motif
a replication of Coney Island in
the midst of a tidal wave. The Chi
Psis, not to be outdone in confu
sion, invited Alpha Phis.
In the meantime, the Eugene fire
; department and police force have
been noticeably strengthened. On
with the dance!
Chi Omega
From the Chi Omega sanctuary
last night flowed sweet music, rip
ples of laughter, the subdued whis
per of rustling organdy, and the
lingering smell of cheap perfume.
Dark figures, silhouted against the
tall, dank walls of the Chi Omega
bastille swayed to and fro, to and
fro, to and fro and to and fro. The
New York Yanks and the Detroit
Tigers played for the dance and
until the intermission had offered
no hits, fourteen errors, and six
; runs.
j Featured at the dance was the
! palm tree—millions of them from
the basement to the third floor,
j The delightful occasion was fea
! tured by the dancing of Jo Waffle,
; who quite unmindful of her charm,
I entertained throughout the eve^
j ning.
The smooth-voiced Robert Scott
i Cathey and the vivacious Gertrude
I Watson arrived for the dance at
! 11:15 and left at 11:16. Other
! charming decorations for the dance
j were the floor, four walls, and the
Delta (lamina
The Delta Gammas, the ever
sparkling Delta Gammas, last
night held a surprise dance. Ail
was quiet, deathly quiet. In the
attic of the fine brick mansion an j
organ droned forth the “Rosary”
a s couples dimly peddled about
dressed in lamp-black with visages
embellished in burnt cork and ma
roon lipstick.
Males, arriving for the occasion,
were issued into the basement
where they were purged of their
sins while chants hung about their
quivvering ears.
Further subduing the dance was
the feature of the evening—the
skeleton number presenting Mar
garet Keene and Jack Thorne. The
chandeliers were draped with lost
souls and the clank of chains
stabbed the evening throughout.
Ghosts of the Baltimore Orioles
and the Chicago Black Socks
played for the wails of the meta
morphosed Delta Gammas and
their hypnotized escorts. At twelve1
o’clock, all vanished with a flash
of deep red and the Delta Gamma
house stared lonely into the night, j
Dorm Dance
The all-dorm dance featured the
playing of the House of David and
the Washington Senators.
Cavorting about in the midst of
Eugene's night life, the “Dormers” j
discarded the threat of apoplexy
and Charley horse and threw them
selves into the mad madcap of dis
sipation. The holocaust featured
the airplane idea. Three-point
landings, barrel rolls, loop-the
loop-the-loop-whoop, and other
fancy fandangoes enlivened the
evening of revelment. No serious
crashes were reported although
eight crushes made their debut.
The evening’s entertainment
reached a crackling climax when
Ebba Wicks performed an outside
loop and was saved by .masses of
surrounding shrubbery.
All in all the dance was a huge
success and everyone agreed that
it was the best party they had ever
walked out on.
Alpha Chi
Great banks of freshly cut flow
ers will make a veritable hot house
out of the Alpha Chi Omega soror
ity .when ft presents its annual
spring informal at the chapter
roost tonight. The Boston Braves
and the Cincinnati Reds will play,
starting at 9 sharp. A great many
of the campus satellites will be
present, gliding about on the mir
ror-like floors of the palatial dump
in the fervid intricacies of the
“danse" . . .
Good luck to you Alpha Chi
When it’s over don't sigh
But remmber when it’s done
Soon you’ll have another one.
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Delta Pi will throw open
its doors tonight to those favored
few who are invited to its spring
formal. Once through the locks
the lucky guest will find himself
in a fairyland of fireplaces, soft
lights, loud music, and low proof
punch. From then on he and his
respective hostess will spin and
dip until the midnight hour, at
which time the men folk will be
thrown out and the orchestra re
munerated for its ghastly throb
Delta Tau Delta
A refreshing and original idea
will be Delta Tau Delta’s contribu
tion to the social activities of this
gay weekend. Namely, a breakfast
ball to be held at the chapter
house, beginning at approximately
9:30 this morning. The motif of
the dance will be that of the spring
festivals of other countries, and the
decorations will feature drapings
of moulded waffle and flap jack
batters. A particularly taking or
nament will be the side of bacon
Noted for the lavish display of
devastating' drapery and dapper
duds, the University of Oregon
again issues its proclamation to the
world of fashion as to what is
desirable in clothing.
Rosemary O'Donnell, ravishing
Kappa, dragged herself out of her
sorority recently littered with
jewels. Around each wisp-like
wrist coiled amulets of wrought
gold, set with bricks and weighing
twelve pounds on the hoof. From
her proboscis swayed a hoop of
Jimmy Emmett, Sigma Nil
something', sported a costume of
infinite impossibilities. A vest of
black cardboard, a whale-bona
crusher, worn well over his left
shoulder, and gaiters of pool-tabla
felt completed the nightmare.
Kathleen Hetherington, Alpha;
Fee lily, fell into the mill race yes
terday in a battleship grey toga of
seersucker with a picot edge. Oil
her hard head she wore hail’. On
her toes, nail polish. On her mind
E d Farrar, athletic athlete,
athlete, graced Hayward field at
the Oregon State track meet yes
terday dressed in the usual cos
tume. Nothing unusual at all.
over the front portal, upon which,
embroidered in brightly colored
beads, will be the Latin phrase.
"Deltum Welcum OOsum.” Dur
ing the intermission the cook will
render a stove solo.
Alpha Xi Delta
An awfully jolly time was had
by the guests of Alpha Xi Delta
at its annual spring informal yes
tereve. The chapter house was
decorated with great mounds of
wild flowers, whose fragrant odor
echoed through the airy halls . . .
An innovation was effected which
provided no end of amusement to
the dancers, i.e., the stairsteps had
been removed from the stairway
and wild grasses had been malic
iously laid in their places, a la
Frank Buck ... A good laugh was
had by the assembly whenever an
unwary patroness attempting to
mount the stairs would go thun
dering to the basement below,
where same gullible person would
be impaled on a series of razor
sharp bayonets placed point up
ward . . . After the supply of pa
tronesses began to wane, amuse
ment was still forthcoming in the
form of a trombone solo by Ed.
Farrar who was accompanied by
Mike Mikulak on the harp.
Today Noon Deadline
For Payment of Fees
Today noon is deadline for those
who have not yet paid the third
installment of registration fees for
spring term. Beginning Monday,
May 20, a. fine of 25 cents will be
levied for each tardy day. Payment
may be made on the second floor
of Johnson hall.
Deep Snows io Block: 1
Pass Until Late June
Unusually deep drifts of snow
on the McKenzie pass will proba
bly make it impossible for many;
students to go to their homes in
eastern Oregon when school ia
over in June, it was disclosed yes
terday by highway officials.
Snow is piled to depths ranging
from 7 to 18 n the level and as
deep as 35 feet in the deepest cut,
Indications point to one of the lat
est openings of the pass in history.
Plows began to cut into the drifts
yesterday morning.
2188 Franklin Blvd.
East City Limits
“Drop in here after the dance.”
We supply a large number of students
with flowers because we give them a
good buy.
Telegraph Elowers on Birthdays
Rex Theatre Building Phone 147
A Picnic
—You will want the best in picnic
goods—get them at—
McDonald Theatre Building