Prep Athletes A complete list of contestants in the state high school track meet may be found on page three. _I VOLUMNE XXXVI NUMBER 113 Resume of the Day’s News By the Associated Press ;-MAY 16 ■ — ■" - ---- ft ar Seems Imminent ROME — Four ships, carrying 3.500 men and a quantity of war materials, left Italian ports today for East Africa as Italian newspa pers devoted most of their front pages to threats of war with Ethi opia. It was disclosed this afternoon that Sir Eric Drummond, the Brit ish ambassador, saw Premier Mus solini briefly yesterday before leaving for London. A hurried summons from the foreign office caused Sir Eric’s departure. Attack Sir John Simon LONDON — The possibilities of a shakeup in the British cabinet were discussed avidly today, not only in parliament lobbies, but in government offices. A strong attack aunched against Sir John Simon, foreign secretary, by conservatives headed by Sir Austen Chamberlain and Winston Churchill has given rise to reports Premier Ramsay MacDonald may become foreign secretary, a post he formerly held, with Baldwin re suming the premiership. ISRA’s Life Threatened WASHINGTON - A thinly veiled threat of legislative dead lock threatening NRA’s existence was flung by Senator Borah today at a fresh White House agreement to fight for a two-year extension of the recovery law. On behalf of senate NRA critics, the Idaho Republican warned Dem ocratic leaders bluntly—although in an almost conversational tone— that he and other proponents of the law would not compromise the senate’s plan for a 10-month ex tension of a close-clipped code rule of industry, but would battle for “precisely what we believe to be in the interests of the country.’’ Airplanes Maneuver WITH UNITED STATES FLEET MID-PACIFIC MANEU VERS — Two great fleets are sending airplanes far and wide over areas of the North Pacific today from aircraft carriers, crui sers, and battleships in a game of hide and seek. It is the major phase of six weeks of maneuvers that puts two fleet commanders under a test of strategy more severe than any naval problem heretofore. Vice-Admiral Arthur J. Hep burn, commander of the “black” force, has control of island out posts, with shore forces and sea plane patrols holding widespread points. Like a spider in his web, he is moving his main “black” fleet of dreadnaughts, cruisers, air craft squadrons, destroyers, and submarines somewhere between the Aleutian islands and Midway is land. Admiral Harris Laning, com mander of the powerful “white” fleet, has the problem of wresting this control from destroying expe ditionary forces and seeking out the main “black" battle force and of testing his tactical ability. Rogue River Is Closed PORTLAND — The state fish commission today had taken the perennial Rogue river question in tow by declaring the stream closed to commercial fishing on and after June 12. The action follows the legislative vote to close the stream on the same date, and nullifies efforts of cannery interests to keep the stream open by filing petitions for a referendum. Three times the state legislature has passed a measure to preserve the Rogue for sports fishing and twice a state-wide ballot has re sulted in overriding legislative wishes. Petitions already are in circula tion to keep the stream open but as a result of the fish commission’s action, announced today by M. T. Hoy, master fish warden, they will be rendered useless. Quezon Only Candidate MANILA — A presidential elec tion with possibly only one can didate on the ballot for that high office seemed in prospect for the Philippines today. Although the election still was 3'i months away, the possibility of opposition for Manuel L. Que zon, president of the insular sen ate and only bidder for the chief executive's chair thus far, ap peared highly remote. Quezon is disliked in some quar ters, particularly by the Sakdal istas who staged the bloody May 2 uprising, but no one has exhib ited the courage to stand against him as a rival candidate. Track Men Invade Campus for Annual State Meet Today Contestants Will Report On Hayward Field At 1 o’Clock Preliminaries at 10 Olympic Parade Planned To Start Program LeRoy Mattingly With preliminaries scheduled in all events except the mile, more than 200 high school athletes in vade the campus to compete in the eighth annual state prep and field meet. Opening with the drawing for heats and lanes for the preliminar ies at 10 o’clock this morning in McArthur court, the preppers will be faced with a busy day. Classes will not be excused. An Olympic parade has been planned for the opening, ceremon ies to precede the preliminaries. All the contestants are requested to report in suits at the southwest gate of Hayward field before 1 o’clock. Led by a color guard from the campus ROTC unit, student body officers, officials of the meet, the games committee, advisory com mittee and Order of the O men will march onto the field. To Display Banners Grouped behind their district banners, the athletes will swing past the review stand, salute the colors, and deploy about the infield to stand in file as the band plays the “Star Spangled Banner” and the colors are raised. Hugh Rosson, graduate mana ger, and James Blais, newly-in stalled student body prexy, will welcome the contestants with a brief opening statement. The meet will be officially opened by a cannon shot and “First Call” by the buglers, as the first preliminary is announced. Assistants Named Parade Marshall Jack Campbell and his aides, William Paddock, Ken BeLieu, Stan Smith, Fred Lieuallen, Robert Zureher, Dave Maguire, and Stan Bromberg, are in charge of the details of forma tion and organization of the pa rade, Don Thomas, student mana ger of the meet announced last night. The district managers in charge of the accommodations for the athletes have provided dressing space for the men from the re spective districts. Paulen Kase berg has named John Halloway, Jay Bailey, Jack Riley, Maurice Wagenblast, Stanley King, Har old Olsen, Ed Farwell, David Mod i'Please turn to page two) Doris Holmes Names Coed Business Staff The business staff for the wo men’s edition, of the Emerald to be published Saturday, May 25, was selected at a meeting held yester day by Doris Holmes, who will step into Grant Thuemmel’s shoes as business manager for the femi nine edition. Miss Holmes has not yet selected her advertising manager, but the choice will be made from one of the members of the soliciting staff. Maude Long, Ann Herrenkohl, Virginia Wellington, Patricia Neal, Jean Cecil, and Caroline Hand will solicit and write advertising for the special paper. Campus Calendar Social swim for men and women in the women’s pool from 8:15 to 9:30 tonight. Suits and towels will be furnished. University band members will meet in uniform in front of the ROTC barracks at 12:30 instead of 12:45 as was previously announced. -... . Westminster house will not meet this afternoon on account of the McKenzie conference. Amphibians varsity practice from 6:45 to 8:15 tonight. Please be prompt. Saturday Deadline For Payment of Last Installment on Fees Saturday, May 18, is the last day for the payment of third installment fees for registration for spring term. Starting Mon day, May 20, there will be a fine of 25 cents a day for late payment of fees. Students should pay the fees on second floor of Johnson hall. — Methodist Group, Y Men to Spend Weekend at Coast Discussions of Campus Problems Planned Between 30 and 40 Wesley club and Y cabinet members will leave tonight and tomorrow morning for a weekend retreat on the beach near Newport. The Methodist stu dents plan a program divided be tween entertainment and serious discussions of campus problems. The Y men will plan their pro gram for next year. Nearly half of the Wesley club students will leave this evening, spending two nights in Newport. The remainder, along with the Y council, will depart early Satur day morning. The Y members will hold two planning discussions Sat urday. To Discuss Campus Evils Two meetings to discuss things wrong with the campus will oc cupy the early part of the first day for the Methodist students. In the afternoon they will divide into small groups to lay out def inite plans for combatting evils in and around the school. On Sunday they will roll out in time for an 8 o’clock morning watch. At 9:15 a no-leader dis cussion will take up the problem of discovering “this thing called God.” The weekend will be con cluded with a service at 11 a. m. Any students still wishing to make the trip should call Dorothy Nyland at 1550-J without delay. Persons with cars are especially welcome. Charges will approxi mate $3, although a group of Y members, through “batching,” hope to cut expenses in half. Eugene Hotel Offers Free Dance Tonight A free dance, to which Univer sity students have been invited, is to be held tonight in the Eugene hotel, in observance of the opening of its new coffee shop. Dancing is to begin at 9:30 and is to last until 12:30. Art Hol man’s Ten Commanders will fur nish the music. Held in Weird Torch Death b* Accused of a murder conspiracy rare in crime annals are Frank di Stasio (left), candy-maker, and his son, Anthony, pictured here after their arrest at Rever, Mass. They have been indicted in connection with the alleged slaying and cremation of an elderly unidentified man whose charred body was found in the di Stasio automobile. The body, police charged, was to have been identified as that of the elder di Stasio so that the son could collect $12,500 in life insurance. Pre-Medical Society asks For Courses Group to Present Boyer With Resolution Of Protest In spontaneous protest against the insufficiency of science courses offered students at the University, members of the student pre-medi cal society yesterday passed a res olution to be sent to President C. V. Boyer asking the return of num erous courses which have been taken from the curriculum since the upper division science courses have been shifted to Oregon State college. Max Carter, president of the group, explained last night that the request was not an attempt to take anything away from OSC, but merely a move to get courses of fered that pre-medical students re quire, and must have in order to get into larger medical schools. Ever since the Corvallis school has been the major science post stu dents have sounded a repeated call for a more varied offering here in the science courses. The resolution is as follows: To Dr. C. V. Boyer, President University of Oregon. WHEREAS, the science courses now offered at the University of Oregon fulfill only the minimum requirements for entrance to medi cal schools, and WHEREAS, it is desirable and, for entrance to some schools nec essary, that pre-medical students study science courses other than those now offered in the Univer sity, and WHEREAS, the University has (Please turn to page two) Culver to Present Movies of Camp Seabeck Tonight Films to Arouse Interest in Annual Conferences Ray Culver, regional YMCA sec retary will be at Villard hall to night at 7:30 to show movies of Camp Seabeck on Puget Sound in Washington. Culver will also give a short talk discussing the activities and dis cussion groups that will be held at the annual conference this year. The pictures are being sponsored by the YMCA and YWCA jointly. Scenes of the camp life and activ ities at last summer's Seabeck conference will be shown. The purpose of the films is to arouse general interest among the stu dents in the Seabeck conferences which are held each summer. New System Adopted Contrary to previous practices, this year’s conference will be held for both the YWCA and YMCA groups at the same time. It is ex- j pected that under this arrange ment there will be a larger atten dance than formerly and that a better faculty will be secured. It will also be possible to run this conference for ten days rather than the usual five of past years. Culver, in his talk Friday night, will answer any questions regard ing details of the Seabeck confer ence and will elaborate further upon th^ program, faculty, and ex pense. Plans to Be Submitted Plans for the new library will be submitted to the library com mittee for approval June 1, said Dean Ellis F. Lawrence, of the school of architecture and allied arts, yesterday. Fijis, Sigma Hall Win In Radio Broadcasts; Finals at McDonald l*rep Trackmen to Be Guests of Frat Houses on Campus All fraternities, who are hav ing; as their guests members of the track teams from various high schools In the state, have been asked to have some mem ber of their organization pres ent at McArthur court from 9 until 12 o’clock today to make it easier for the visitors to find their temporary places of abode. Registration will be completed at noon. Men Journalists To Edit Annual Emerald Today Emerald men, headed by Editor Malcolm Bauer, will take over the shack tonight as they put out the annual men’s edition of the paper. Secrecy shrouded the style of paper the men will have on the streets Saturday morning, but the “Every Man With a Title" paper will be a worthy entry to compete with the women’s edition a week later, male journalists said. Dan E. Clark is head of the staff as managing editor. Regular Editor William Phipps, formerly slated to be sports editor, was bumped from his post yesterday, but late last night secured a posi tion as makeup editor. Clair John son will now head the sporting aces. LeRoy Mattingly is news edi tor; Bob Lucas, society; Tom Mc Call, humor; George Root, feature; Bob Moore, radio; Reinhart Knud sen, telegraph; Wayne Harbert, day; and William Haight, night editor. Honorable reporters who will assist in the production in clude Gordon Connelly, George Jones, Les Stanley, Woodrow Truax, Don Casciato, and Huey Fredericks. More will be added to day . . . anyone interested, except women, will be welcome at the shack today or tonight. Old Oregon Contains News of Art Graduates As complete a list as possible of all University art school gradu ates, telling where they are and what they are doing at the present time, is contained in the May issue of Old Oregon, published by the University Alumni Art league. Reproductions of pictures which were displayed at the recent al umni exhibit at the Portland art museum are also featured. Heads of each of the University art de partments have written messages in this issue to art alumni. Business Ad Mai ors Reply to Lawyers9 Baseball Challenge May 16, 1935, Law School, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. Gentlemen: Ho hum! It has come to our at tention that the notoriously imma ture law students are yet again attempting in their infantile man ner to challenge the obviously athletically superior B.A. majors to a game of softball, the mechan ics and intricacies of which are undoubtedly out of reach of any mere law student. In fact for years, yea verily, for eons and eons, we have inflicted on those unhappy inhabitants of the law school a series of most heartrend ing defeats, the very disgrace of which has steadily decreased the enrollment of said class C institu tion to the point where we sadly fear that if we are not more hu mane in our chastisement,—alas there will be no law school. Of course in the event of any such happening we stand ready to make amends by incorporating said collection of tomes into our own the most exacting library and making the remnants of the law school into a department of the Business Administration school in order to create electives for our freshmen. Of course, the campus as a whole is well aware of the fact that in order to maintain the high quality of our distinguished school, the Business Administra tion professors always send the applicants for freshman standing in our school who have been clas sified by the psyc. examination into the lower half of ail those taking said indicator of intelli gence over to the law school where they invariably occupy the higher strata of the grade lists. Such charity on our part has been the main factor in keeping the law school in existence. As in the past we have always allowed our competitors to choose the umpire for the contest, and the lawyers have always responded no bly by enticing some life-long in habitant of the blind school to the campus for the day, no doubt promising said individual an LL.D. degree if he favors them with some questionable decisions, yet, as before, said arbitrator has always [sensed the distinct and unmistak able excellence of the performance given by the B.A. majors and re warded us accordingly. We might suggest that if the lawyers aren’t quite up to coming out from behind their bifocals and backing up their somewhat timid challenge in view of the results of other years, they might do better with a team composed of Ann Hutchinson, Nora Hitchman, Jac qualine Vaughn, Dorothy Kliks, Clarissa Clark, Alberta Davis, Phyliss Hay ter, Katherine Karpen stine, Rachel Devers. Another pro posal would be for male barris ters to do the fielding, and the above robust females to do the batting. The gentlemen of the B. A. (bet ter activities) school have always marveled at the persistency with which the anemic droops of the law school dare to challenge us when we have demonstrated our athletic prowess to them so often in the past. But here again we are always ready to accommodate, even so insignificant a challenge as this. But we feel it our duty to warn the forlorn members of the law school that when they procure dates for their dance, they should secure the signatures of the un fortunate females to iron-clad con tracts, for after the catastrophe that Is to be enacted this coming Saturday, the women in question will be loathe to cavort about with males of such low caliber. In closing, for the elucidation and information of the legal lights, after this, their most recent de feat, we urge them to recruit fu ture teams from the more spright ly members of some home for the aged, the result being that the law school will be much more ably rep resented. After all, the members of the law school must remember that B.A. (again we say better activities) majors are noted for their industry, and any time taken off from such serious pursuits for the purpose of educating the mem bers of the law school into the nice ities of correct softball playing is to be lauded and appreciated as a distinct sacrifice on their part. Yours truly, School of Business Adminis tration, University of Oregon. By Wayne Floyd Tyrell. Maxine Sautter To Be Presented In Music Recital Blind Student Wins Praise Of Previous Audiences Maxine Sautter, contralto, is to appear in a complete recital in the school of music auditorium next Tuesday evening, starting at 8:15 o'clock, it was announced yester day by her instructor, Roy Bryson. Miss Sautter, who is almost to tally blind, has appeared many times before audiences and her re cital promises to be one of the highlights of the current season of student recitals. Recently she appeared in a full recital in Waller hall at Willamette university and as soloist at the dis trict convention of the Lion’s club in Eugene and at the state conven tion for the Rebekah lodge at As toria. She has also sung over ra dio station KORE and received much favorable comment from her listeners. Writing of Miss Sautter's ap pearance in Salem, the Capital Journal said: "Attractive in ap pearance, poised and responsive to moods, the young artist, although blind, saw every note and got the most out of Handel, Saint-Saens, Straus and Cyril Scott.” Her complete program is to be announced early next week. Jeannette Turner is to accom pany Miss Sautter on the piano. Journalists Edit Register-Guard With Managing Editor W. M. Tugman and Professors George Turnbull and Charles Hulten glanc ing in for only a few minutes dur ing the day, journalism students in reporting, copyediting, and editing classes yesterday put out the Eu gene Register-Guard completely on their own. Over 45 students worked at va rious times during the day on the edition which is an annual project of the classes. Staff members appeared to get their biggest thrill from a suc cessful shift of banners and top stories for the mail edition and the city edition, with only a 15 minute leeway period in which to accom plish the change. The regular pa per seldom makes such a change. High School Glee Club Presents Concert at 8 Under the direction of Anne Landsbury Beck, a member of the University school of music fac ulty, the University high school glee club will appear in its spring concert this evening at 8 o’clock in the music auditorium. Students, as well as the general public, have been invited to attend. Incidental solos are to be sung by Elizabeth Onthank, soprano; Winfield Gredvig, baritone; Don Pollack, baritone; Dorothy Dens law, soprano; Don Childers, bari tone; and George Craig, tenor. First Place Contestants On Air at 4:15, 4:45 This Afternoon Programs Contrast Competition With Oregon State Abandoned Phi Gamma Delta and Sigma hall emerged yesterday from the interhouse competition on the Em erald of the Air broadcasts as the organizations presenting the best programs over KORE. As a result the two groups will appear on the stage of the McDonald theater to night after which the winner will be announced and awarded the $25 prize by the McDonald manage ment. The contests have been held dur ing the last two weeks, and due to the number of withdrawals, com petition with Oregon State living organizations and an appearance of the winners in Portland will not be possible, it was stated yesterday by Woodrow Truax, manager of the contest. To Present Programs The two groups will also appear over radio station KORE this af ternoon, the dormitory group scheduled to present their program beginning at 4:15 and the frater nity men at 4:45. The judges, J. A. Carrell, of the University speech department, Naomi Harper, of KORE, and Mrs. J. B. Patterson, pianist, are to make their decision soon after the radio presentation. The result will not be announced until after both have appeared be fore the theater audience, however. Qualities to be taken into consid eration by the judges are the gen eral ability of the participants, the theme, continuity, and other qual ities necessary to make a good radio program. Stage Contest at 8:45 Sigma hall’s program is com posed of a series of impersonations and Phi Gamma Delta's is made up of musical numbers. The curtain is to rise on the stage show tonight at 8:45 o’clock, and participants have been asked to be at the theater not later than 8:30. Phi Theta Upsilon Selects Officers New officers for Phi Theta Up silon, junior women’s service hon orary, were elected at a meeting held yesterday. They are as fol lows: Dorothe Hagge, president; Frances Watzek, vice-president; Shirley Bennet, secretary; Mar jory Will, treasurer; Marjory Kiss ling, editor historian. The officers elect will be installed immediately. No definite date has been set for the next meeting. Dean Schwering Leaves Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering, dean of women, left for Portland today. On Saturday, May 18, she will speak in Canby at a meeting of the Girl’s league organization in the high school. 'High Country’ by Mrs. Ernst Uses Northwest for Locale By Laura Margaret Smith An unusual literary thrill is the good fortune of Oregon readers this week—the release by the Met ropolitan press of Portland of a truly northwestern book by one of the University's own faculty peo ple. The new volume is "High Coun try,” a book of four plays by Alice Henson Ernst of the University English department, and is, in the words of the author, “the first sus tained attempt to interpert the northwest by means of the drama.” Although the edition is limited, copies of the book are now obtain able at the University Co-op store. A special window display, includ ing the author’s picture and proofs of the book, is a feature at McMorran and Washburne’s this week. Included in “High Country’’ is Mrs. Ernst’s first full-length play, “Out Trail,” already being considered for production by the Portland Civic Theater. Although the “American Scene” has been in the process of portray (Please turn to page three)