Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1935, Page 2, Image 2

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    re cum
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
EDITORIAL OFFICES: Journalism building. Phone 3300
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William E. Phipps
Bob Moore
Managing Editor
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l elegrapn
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Reporters: Henryetta Mummey, William Pease, Phyllis Adams,
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The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the
college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination
periods, all of December except the first seven days, all of
March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class matter
at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscriotion rates, $2.50 a year.
The Oregon Daily Emerald will not be responsible for
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New Deal in Traditions
PRESIDENT Boyer's recent move in bau
A ning' the enforcement by violence of Ore
gon traditions clears the deck for even more
effective action. The act culminates an ex
tended effort on the part of those interested
in the campus life of the University to bring'
to the attention of the students the necessity
for unified action in raising' the morale of
the student body through the common ob
servance of traditions.
Although the enforcement of traditions
by violence lias been adjudged impractical
by l)r. Boyer this does not diminish the value
of traditions on this campus. 11 is act. estab
lishes a freedom of action for the students of
the University, and this freedom should not
he violated. It should be taken with a reser
vation. letting the common sense and good
taste of the individual govern his attitude
toward the various customs that have been
established over a long period.
All will agree that this theory is the ideal
one, and a workable application would be
most desirable for the further development
of the atmosphere of a university such as
this one.
It is hoped that the abolition of forceful
enforcement of traditions will not be con
sidered as an excuse for the shabby anil
unnecessary practices of those who would
unthinkingly violate1 Oregon traditions.
The I'anerald believes, however, that the
talk of “warping personalities by barbaric,
sadistic physical violence" is not pertinent
to the past method of enforcing traditions
by the Order of the O and that this group
tull'died ils mission of tradition enforcement
with a minimum of indeseret ions both as re
gards the detection amt punishment of tra
dition violators.
A Palm to Mrs. Ernst
r Is 111'. Oregon laeulty scores again!
Hut this time these words strike a
little closer home, with 1he announcement
of the appearance of Alice Henson Krnsfs
'High Country," a volume of four plays of
our own Northwest.
Dramatics critics say that in the field
of regional literature the Northwest is almost
an untouched territory. So Mrs. I'rnst has
drawn from a source from which there still
remains considerable possibilities for devel
The publication of such a work neces
s.arily entails a careful and intensive stud\
of the subject involved, together with the
interpretation of a true artist.
Another leather in Mrs. Ivrnst s cap is
the appearance of her plays on the recom
mended list of the \alional Theater confer
once, for this group recognizes only those
works which it considers definite literary
further lavorablc criticism is contained
in the preface, wriiten h\ Kdith -I. K. Isaacs,
ed it or ol the I'll eat er Arts Mould ly. w ho pre
diets that Mrs. Krnst is "a new playwright
worth watehiug."
'1 his. however, is only one example of
the commendable work being carried on b\
laculty members of the state educational iu
sl buttons, under hardships line to financial
and other si ringcueies.
1‘erhaps flic greatest achievment is ihe
ability of an individual laboring under these
difficulties to successfully carry out the
writing and publication of such a work in
spite of the added burden of a heav\ scho
lastic haul and an inadequate pittance.
To this ambitious group we ma> give
most id the credit lor keeping our economic
depression from tunimg into a cultural one.
Oregon State One Up
(Editor’s note: This is the second of a
series of articles describing student union
buildings on various other campuses, to he
jmblished by the Oregon Daily Emerald in an
effort to impress students of the University
with the facilities which might be provided
by a student union building on the University
F all existin'*: student union buildings.
the nearest and consequently most
familiar to Oregon students is the luxurious
•+700,000 Memorial Union building at Ore
gon Slate college. Constructed in 1028 with
funds subscribed by students, faculty, alum
ni. and friends of the college, this spacious
building has become the center of student
social life, the headquarters of student gov
ernment,' and the hub of all student and
alumni activity.
The main floor of the building, entrance
to which is made through an elaborately
furnished vestibule, contains a ball room,
men’s dining room, kitchens, coffee shop,
and fountain, in addition to a series of small
banquet rooms which extend across the en
lire west end of the building. At one end of
the ball room is a stage, providing space for
music at social and rally dances, and making
it possible to convert the ballroom info a
gigantic assembly hall for student mass meet
ings, lectures, and concerts. The ball room
is also used as a banquet room for assembl
ages too large for the smaller rooms pro
vided for that express purpose.
The mens’ dining room can be used for
small banquets, matinee dances, and lunches,
while the coffee shop and fountain are
equipped to furnish regular luncheons and
short order service. The banquet rooms fill
the need which is raised by 1hc constant
campus demand for accomodations for small
dinner parties and banquets.
On the mezzanine floor is located a bar
bin' shop, the student co-op store, rest rooms,
and a ticket office. Rv such a location the
co-op store is placed in a convenient and
central spot on the campus, is on school
property, and is made an integral part of the
student activity center, as it should be.
In addition to the many facilities pro
vided for social life, the building affords
offices for student publications, honor and
service organizations, the associated stu
dents, the associated women students, the
alumni association, and Memorial Union
headquarters. In contrast, it might here be
pointed out that on the Eugene campus pub
lications offices arc located in two widely
separated buildings, the journalism building
and McArthur court; honor and service or
ganizations meet either in Johnson hall,
Oommcrce hall, the Y hut, McArthur court,
or the journalism building; the associated
students and associated women students
have offices in McArthur court: and the
alumni offices are in Friendly hall. The Ore
gon State Memorial Union affords an op
portunity and the adequate facilities for a
coordination of these related groups.
The Passing Show
|N Uie unlikely event the state board of higher
education wants to put its various institutions
back into a state of competitive turmoil it should
promptly accept the advice of the Oregon Dads
and Mothers clubs. At their meeting here Satur
day the Oregon Mothers adopted a resolution
asking the state board to abolish the office of
chancellor on these grounds: (l) Unnecessary
expense would be saved a system already hard hit
for funds, (2i the University's progress under
the unified plan has not been comparable with
that of similar institutions, (3) the state board
is fully competent to "correlate and control the
work of all” institutions. The Mothers’ resolution
was similar to one adopted by the Dads recently.
We teel pretty sure neither of the resolutions
would ever have been proposed had not Dr. Kerr
been chancellor. Doth resolutions are unquestion
ably creatures of the still lively opposition to the
Kerr chancellorship. Thus the request of the two
organizations becomes a little too much like seek
ing the abolishment of the presidency of the
United States because of objection to the incum
bent of that office. A wiser and more direct
course would have been to ask that selection of
the new chancellor be expedited.
The chancellorship should be the most im
portant and responsible office in the higher edu
cational system. Members of the state board, be
they ever so competent, cannot be expected to
give the time nor apply the expert knowledge
rquired in administering the system. The state
board's position should be similar to that of the
board of directors of a business corporation, hold
ing final authority and deciding matters of gen
eral policy, but placing the general management
in the hands of a competent administrator. Under
the unified system the presidents themselves
need a chancellor to keep them from getting into
budgetary, curricular and other kinds of admin
istrative snarls.
The question of the identity of the chancellor
is another matter Neither the office nor the
system should be blamed for shortcomings seen
in tli - person who holds the office. Obviously,
the state's system of higher learning will never
settle down until the new chancellor is chosen.
We suspect that Dr. Kerr will he glad to step out
of office the minute his successor is chosen.
Eugene Morning News.
President Royer’s effective action to put an
end to this nonsense will meet statewide ap
proval. the more so because this latest outbreak
ha.- been linked with political controversy be
tween the "athletic crowd ' and the group which is
fighting the compulsory fee system. It. might be
a good idea for the state board to take its lea 1
lroiri Royer and look into the "vigilantes” which
are reported to have "strong-armed" free opinion
on the Corvallis campus. Though of course, it's
their boast to i>e "old fashioned’ over there.
Eugene fiegi. ter-Ciuaul.
Anything Goes
■■ - By Dick Watkins-■—
BANDS — Johnny Green’s or
chestra will continue to play
throughout the summer months in
the swank N. Y. Hotel St. Regis’
Iloom-With-a-View . . . Gene Con
klin is the new tenor soloist, now
being featured on FKED WAK
ING’S broadcasts . . . Conklin was
formerly with Buddy Rogers’ band
I and also with Earl Burtnett’s far
i famed Hotel Biltmore outfit, when
1 it was the rage up and down the
j coast . . . “The Charge of the
HEIDT Brigade,” is the unique
title of the lilting march used by
Horace Hf hit’s Brigadiers on their
CBS broadcasts . . . Heidt’s snap
py band will soon be ensconced in
the Drake Hotel on Chicago’s Gold
i Coast . . . Phil Spitalny's all-girl
j orchestra and glee club, featured
on the “Hour of Charm,” programs,
will shortly be headed for Europe,
where they are booked for en
gagements in Moscow and Lenin
grad . . . Clyde Lucas and his Cal
ifornia Dons have followed Ozzie
Nelson into the Hotel New Yorker,
while Ozzie and his lads hit the
trail westward for engagements at
the L. A. Ambassador’s Cocoanut
Grove, Portland’s Jantzen Beach
Park, and points North . . .
PICK-UPS — Ethel Merman,
who has been making a fine suc
cess as star of the “Rhythm at 8”
broadcasts, has been signed, on the
dotted line to appear with 'Eddie
Cantor in his forthcoming new
' picture . . . the CBS’s “Voice of
! Experience,” will be the com
mencement speaker next week, at
the William Jewell College, his al
ma mater, and his campus frater
| nity will initiate him 25 years af
ter the day he was too poor to
bounce out the tong’s initiation
fee ... a very interesting short
wave broadcast conies off next
Sunday, from Venice, Italy, being
the first in its history . . . with
microphones being installed in the
Cathedral, and on the famous Ven
etian campanile . . . the Chicago
Board of Censors has indefinitely
banned the Warner Bros, film “G
Men,” due to gangster activities in
volved in the unfolding of the
story . . . most queer, being as
how “G-Men” is the first of a new
series of pictures which give the
police a real “break” for alrbost
the first time in screen history,
with the heroes of the plot being
Dept, of Justice agents, for a
change, instead of the usual un
derworld rats . . .
ing’s Pennsylvanians recorded that
choice tune, “Love for Sale,” and
nearly every state in the Union
banned it ? . . . when George Ol- !
son’s band was the “toast of the ;
coast” and we’d hover around our i
dials at all hours waiting for his
music to come on ? . . . and how i
the same could be said of Earl j
Hartnett's unforgctable Biitmore
Trio and his Quintet? . . . and ;
when the first shipment of Jack i
Hylton’s recording of “Just a Gig
olo” hit this country and made us
sit up and take notice of English
hands for a change ? . . . wheni
Gus Arnheim was the “top” in
things musique. playing there in
(Please turn to page four)
AlSmith Will Talk
To Nation Ton ight
By George Bikman
Emerald Radio Editor
Alfred E. Smith will talk over
the NBC network this evening at
6:15, speaking in connection with
the third national observance of
I life insurance week. His subject,
I “The Human Side of Life Insur
I ance.” At 6.30 Hay Noble, with A1
Bcwlly will depict the ups and
downs of romance with a story in
Guy Robertson, star of the oper
etta success, “The Great Waltz,”
takes over Everett Marshall’s role
as master of ceremonies and vocal
ist in Broadway Varieties, during
Marshall’s absence to make a pic
ture . . . it’s only logical that
Eleanor Holm Jarrett, the swim
ming champ, should be singing
with hubby Arthur Jarrett’s or
chestra over Columbia. It was just
about three years ago that they
met during a “Meet the Artist”
When Jimmie Fidler bids fare
well to the radio audience to take
a summer vacation he will make a
number of predictions which he be
lieves will be fulfilled before he re
turns to the air in the fall. Fidler’s
last program for several months
goes on over NBC at 6 this evening.
That Alaskan Idea Has Possibilities
Again I See in Fancy
— j---Ttv Frederic S. Dunn —;r^rr—-r " ^
Student fees m 1876
Talks on Flowers
The men ancl women who com
posed the student body of '76, with
out adequate rooming facilities,
thrown more or less upon their
UYVIi IC^Ulll^CS. uun^aig I.UV
blest shelter available, walking
miles to the campus, provided with
neither library nor laboratory, sit
ting on benches or boxes,— yet
cheerfully accepted the financial
demands made upon them. And
:liese were not inconsiderable.
As decreed by the Board when
t met in August preceding the fall
>pening, the tuition “per term of
:wenty weeks’’ was fixed at $20.00.
Students in the Preparatory De
Dartment were charged $15.00. To
Doth these was appended an “in
jidental fee” of $2.50 per term,
which would be equivalent to our
aboratory charge, to cover break
(Please turn to page jour)
SMITH,Olympic Fancy
High-Diving Cham
pion, cnjoyinga Camel.
He has smoked Camels
for nine years—smoked
Camels even before he
took up diving. He says,
"I’d walk a mile for a
Helen Hicks
Former U. S.
Women’s Golf Champion
Rowland Dufton
Squash Tennis Star
Harold ("dutch") Smith
Olympic Fancy-Diving Champion
Read beloiv what
leading sports champions
say about Camels
With the preference of star athletes over
whelmingly for one cigarette, that ciga
rette has to be exceptionally mild! Its
name is well known to you—Camel. Here's
what an Olympic champion diver, Harold
("Dutch”) Smith, says about Camels:
"I’ve found a great deal of pleasure in
Camels. They never interfere with my
wind.” Rip Collins, of the St. Louis Car
dinals, says: "Here’s the best proof I know
that Camels arc mild: 1 can smoke them
steadily, and they never get my wind.”
Rowland Dufton, of the New York
A. C., says: "Squash is a game that re
quires Al condition for tournament play.
I’ve found that Camels are so mild I can
smoke all I want, and they never upset my
nerves or get my wind. That’s what I call
real mildness 1”
Dick Shelton, world-champion steer
dogger, says: "I must be sure the ciga
rettes I smoke are mild. Camels arc very
mild—don’t get my wind.” And those two
brilliant golfers, Denny Shutc and Helen
Hicks, have come to the same conclusion
—"Camels do not get my wind.”
How this mildness is important
to you too!
Camel smokers can smoke more—and en
joy smoking more, knowing that sports
champions have found Camels so mild
tant to you too. So remember this: Camels arc
so mild you can smoke all y ou want. Athletes
say Camels never get their wind or nerves,
*> Camels arc made from liner, MORE
Domestic — than any other popular brand,
(Signed) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Comnsey, Winston-Salem, N. C,