Student Union The desirability of a student union building is again called to our attention by .Malcolm Bauer, j The article appears on the editorial page. VOLUME XXXVI NUMBER 116 Resume of the Day’s News By the Associated Press -MAY 15 ■ Kingsford-Smith Donn SYDNEY, Australia i Wednes day )—Sir Charles Kingsford Smith. flying a special jubilee mail from Sydney to Wellington, New Zealand, radioed today, "Afraid I'm in sea, old man, center motor gone now.” This message came after the flier, with Navigator Bill Taylor and Wireless Operator Stannard, had flashed an SOS that he had lost the propellor of one engine 4 and that another engine was splut tering. Encountering high winds over the stormy Tasman sea, they ra dioed that they had apparently emerged from danger and were flying back to Syned with two mo tors working when the final mes sage came. Admiral Kato Protests SHIMONOSEKI, Japan — The United States navy’s maneuvers in the northeast Pacific are "like drawing a sword before a neigh bor’s house,” Admiral Kanji Kato, former chief of the Japanese naval general staff asserted today. Traveling through Kyushu on an inspection tour, the admiral said, "The United State's navy's maneu vers approach within 2,000 kilome ters or ten hours airplane flight of ^ Japanese territory. "If Japan maneuvered that close to American shores it would greatly agitate American opinion. We Japanese, however, are remain ing calm.” Kato is a member of the supreme war council and a leader of the navy faction which dictated de nunciation of the Washington treaty. Senate Backs Farley WASHINGTON — Overriding shouted charges that Postmaster General Farley was guilty of mis conduct, senate Democrats joined almost to a man today in striking down by a 3 to 1 vote a demand by Senator Long (D-La) for an in vestigation of the cabinet officer. Waving his arms and talking so fast and loud that frequently he ran out of breath, Senator Long prefaced the vote by unfolding more affidavits accusing Postmas ter Farley of "manipulating” gov ernment contracts on the New York courthouse and postoffice annex. In turn, the Louisianan was roundly assailfed. Democratic stal warts charged him with being mo tivated solely by “hatred” for the postmaster general and chairman of the Democratic national com mittee. And the vote, dividing al most strictly along party lines, turned down the investigative res olution by 62 to 20. Italy Warns Europe , ROME — Benito Mussolini, de claring Italy "ready for any even tuality,” today warned other na- i tions to keep hands off the quarrel with Eethiopia. No one except Italy, he said in an impromptu speech to the senate, "can be the judge in this most delicate matter.” Denying Great Britain and France had taken diplomatic ac tion to prevent Italo-Ethiopian conflict, the Fascist chieftain said (Please turn to page 3) Saturday, May 18, Is Last Day to Pay Registration Fees \ Saturday, May 18 is the last day for the payment of third installment fees for registration for spring term. Starting Mon day, May 20, there will be a fine of 25 cents a day for late pay ment of fees. University to Entertain 217 Prep Athletes 8tli Annual High School Track, Field Meet Planned Chairman Is Appointed by Don Thomas The University campus will play host to 217 high school athletes in the eighth annual high school track and field meet scheduled for Hay ward field Friday and Saturday. The meet will be officially opened by a parade at 1 o’clock Friday modelled after the Olympic games parade. Qualifying heats, will be run off beginning at 1:30. The finals will start at 1:30 Saturday afternoon. A small charge will be made for the final events. Chairmen Appointed Student chairmen in charge of the various activities of the meet were announced by Don Thomas, student manager, last night as fol lows: Craig Finley, registration chairman; Jack Campbell, parade marshall; and Paulin Caseburger, iccomodations manager. An nouncement of the district man igers who are to be in chare of each of the groups from the eight iistricts will be made tomorrow. The complete list of officials for :he meet was announced yester iay by Tom Stoddard, manager of :he affair, as official entry lists vere received and work in assign ng contstants their numbers and starting lanes was being completed ty Stoddard and Don Thomas. The 1st of officials is as follows. T. Morris Dunne of Portland and rtalph Coleman of Corvallis have neen named referee and starter, •espectively. The games committee vill include Dr. C. V. Boyer, Hugh 5. Rosson and Aaron Frank, rimers will be Art Morris, Jack Imckey, Ernesto Knollin, and Russ Jutler. Judges of the finish are Paul Golden, Lynn McCready, Jrosby Owens, Wililam H. Tug nan, and Wilson H. Jewett. Trackmen Officiate Other officials are Nish Chap nan, Bill Palmer, Skeet Manerud, Uex Eagle, Dutch Clark, Gardner Prye, Chan Berry, and Con Fury, ield judges; Clyde Walker, Warren Demaris, and Berry, retrievers; Walter Hummell, clerk of the :ourse; Frank Lloyd, assistant :lerk; Tom Stoddard, announcer; Sen Miller, assistant announcer; 3ruce Hamby, scorer, and Don Jasciato, assistant; Dr. Hal Chap nan, field physician. Cotter Gould, Leonard Holland, Patrick Fury, and John Engstrom (Please turn to page 4) Combs New Alpha Kappa Psi Prexy Avery Combs was elected presi Jent of Alpha Kappa Psi, men’s Dusiness administration honorary, it a meeting held last night in Commerce hall. Other officers elected are William Corman, vice )resident; Astor Loback, secretary; Karl Thomason, treasurer; and Lloyd Greene, master of rituals. Outgoing officers are Herbert Large, president; George Econo mus, vice-president; Bruce Send ers, secretary; Donald Farr, treas urer; and Edgar Perry, master of rituals. k Little Art Gallery Will Show Request Exhibit By McCosh The paintings of David J. Me Cosh, instructor in drawing and painting, which were on display for a short time in April, are again being shown in the Little Art Gal lery of the school of architecture and allied arts, because of the many requests from faculty, stu dents, and townspeople. The ex hibit will be until May 26. Oil, tempera, water color, or opaque water color are the three mediums used in the paintings. Vivid, live colors and a variety of subject matter characterize the ex hibit. Many of the scenes are of the Willamette valley and a few i>' of the more recent paintings are of landscapes bordering the north ern part of the campus. The artist has taken for his sub ject in almost every case simple, every day scenes and uninteresting places, bringing out their real beauty through colors, and making each picture possess the quality of the subject it represents and the quality of its medium of expres sion. The water colors are the most vibrant and brilliant, while the tempera are more delicate in their subtle color and value re lationship’s, and the oils have more solid color and more com plete organization of form. A few of the paintings in the display are: “Joe’s Place,” "Red Building,” t "Yellow Truck,” “The Foreman,'^ "Silver Dish,” and "Interior.” McCosh received his early train ing at the Chicago Art Institute, (Please turn to page tour) Whole City in Chain Letter *Cold Rush? That Flops The chain letter craze sweeping the country reached proportions of a “gold rush” in Springfield, Mo., where crowds, of which the above is typical, stampeded to join in more than a dozen schemes that flourished in the city, with all classes of society participating. Stenographers and notaries are shown typing S2, $3, and $5 letters for the clamoring throng. In half a day more than $18,000 changed hands. Then the bottom fell out of the market with many “holding the bag.” I Journalists Will Put Out Guard As Annual Projecl Lucas and Johnson to Be Editors of Paper Reporting', copyediting, and edit ing classes in the journalism school continued work today on prepar ing to put out the Eugene Register Guard Thursday, after W. M. Tug man, managing editor of the paper aided them yesterday by telling o; the “inner workings” of the paper Stressing the fact that it was most important to get the papei out on time, with the least numbei of errors, Mr. Tugman told of the various deadlines for certain pages suggested certain stories, and an swered questions members of the group asked. The journalism classes, through the cooperation of the Register Guard, put out the paper one daj (Please turn to page three) Bauer and Horak Are Special Eds Malcolm Bauer and Henriette Horak were elected yesterday as editors for the men’s and women’s editions of the Emerald. The men will publish the Emerald May IS and the women will be in charge of the paper the following Satur day, May 25. Henriette Horak said after her election yesterday that appoint ments would be made soon for the women’s edition. Miss Horak alsc announced the appointment of Vir ginia Endicott as managing editor Malcolm Bauer, upon hearing o1 his election as editor, was com pletely taken by surprise and hac no statement to make. Letter Craze Has Post Office Men Hopping Around WASHINGTON, May 14.—(AP) —This “chain letter" business has post office department officials hopping- around like frogs’ legs in a sizzling skillet. It figuratively burns them up to be in the equivocal position of turn ing cold water on the “dime" letter craze which has boosted their bus iness. But solicitor Karl A. Crowley ruled it beyond the legal pale, so the harried officials, in the lan guage of Roy M. North, deputy assistant, in charge of stamp sales, hope the “fantastic fad, like that of a popular tune will pass, and pass quickly.’ Warily conceding that since the chain letter craze stuck Denver a few weeks ago requests for bigger stamp supplies have been received. North only shook his head when asked to say how much additional revenue was pouring in. But over at the bureau of en graving, it was said the stamp machines were whirling to keep up with the demand. “The latest chain letter I’ve heard about,” North told news men, “is where the receiver is ordered to take a revolver and shoot the man at the top of the list. I wouldn’t mind that craze; it might stop this one.” Leighton in Idaho R. W. Leighton, professor of ed ucation, is still in Boise, Idaho, where he was called recently be cause of the serious illness and death of his mother, Mrs. Abbie C. Leighton. Mrs. Leightons funeral services were held there yesterday. Sale of Sundaes Will Be Featured At WAA Festival Dancing on Tennis Courts Will Last Till 7:30 Sale of fresh strawberry sundaes at 10 cents apiece will comprise the main feature of the annual Strawberry festival which will take Diace Tuesday, May 28, sponsored Dy the WAA. ' Plans for a bigger and more en tertaining all-campus festival than has ever been given before are be jng formulated, Mary McCracken, general chairman, announced to day. On Tuesday night all of the houses will cooperate by having a 5:30 dinner and serving no dessert. Promptly at 6 o’clock sundaes will be for sale on one of the tennis courts. At 6:15 the other tennis courts will be given over to 5 cent (Please turn to page 4) Faculty Writers List Publications Faculty members who have had writings published since January 1, 1933 have been asked to notify the library in a recent announce ment issued by M. H. Douglass, head librarian. Mr. Douglass asks also that faculty members who have not previously filed a complete list of their published writings with the library do so. The work is being done to bring the library records up to date. The records, it is believed, are fairly complete for the time previous to 1933, except for those who have come to the University since that time. Master Dance Will Present SpringRecital Free Program Will Be Held in Gerlinger Tonight at 8:15 Miss Bloomer Supervises Annual Produetion The Master Dance organization will present its annual spring re cital this evening at 8:15 in Ger linger under the supervision of Miss Ruth Bloomer. This spring event is presented yearly by phys ical education members and mem bers of the Master Dance. No admission will be charged but invitations may be obtained by cal ing at the physical education office in the women's building or from members of Master Dance, or at the door. The freshmen and sophomore physcial education majors and members of dance production class will have charge of the staging and lighting. The program for the affair in cludes: Folk Fragment . Folk Melody Rhythm Fragment Unaccompanied Solutation—a theme and variations . Mishler Sound . Percussion Court dance suite Allemande . Purcell Gavotte . Bach Sarabonde . Scarlatti Quick Henry the Flit A dance satire . Arranged Walk Together, Children . . Revival negro song Run, Mary, Run .... Negro Spiritual Water Boy .Negro folk song George Bishop vocie accompaniment Prelude . Scribin Negation . Cyril Scott Affirmation . Schmid Cuban Carnival . Lucuona Street Scene . Prokoffief The members of Master Dance taking part in the performance are as follows: Maxine Goetsch, Lois Howe McDonald, Roberta Moody, Willa Bitz, Miriam Henderson, Fay Knox, Marie Saccamono, Reva Herns, Rose Gore, Ethel Johnson, Jill Madsen, Helen Nickachiou, Jo Overturf, Alice Hult, and Mary Jane Hungerford.. Accompanists for the dances are Katherine Mishler, Theresa Kelly, the Phi Beta string trio, and George Bishop. Examiner of Drivers Comes on May 24* 25 Glen Bown, examiner of appli cants for operators and chauffeurs licenses, will be in Eugene Friday and Saturday, May 24 and 25, at the Knights of Pythias hall. Hours will be between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. each day. Students wishing to secure per mits or licenses to drive automo biles are asked to see Mr. Bown during these hours. Lawyers Challenge Business Ad Majors in Baseball SUMMONS In the Intramural Circuit for the State of Oregon, University of Oregon, campus. Gentlemen of the Law School, Plaintiff, vs. Business Ad Majors, Defendant. To—Bus. Ad. Majors and Profs., Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you at the ball field adjacent to Hayward field next Saturday afternoon, May 18, 1935, at 2:00 p. m.; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, Plaintiffs will then be entitled to judgment by default and the claim of distinct athletic superiority over the lowly ad majors. SCHOOL OF LAW. By Arthur Clark, president. COMPLAINT In the Intramural Circuit for the State of Oregon, University of Oregon, campus. 1 Gentlemen of the Law School, ! plaintiffs, vs. Business Ad Majors, defendants. Comes now the plaintiffs and for cause of complaint allege: I That on or about the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1934, the defen dants herein received an ill de served victory over the plaintiffs in a game of softball played upon the field adjoining and abutting Hayward field off of 15th street, and departed therefrom emitting loud raucous noises and catcalls directed toward disparaging the characters and athletic ability""of the gentlemen of the law school, When in fact said empty victory turned upon a misfortune in the 5th inning when the law school twirler became over-zealous at the consistency with which he was striking out business ad players, and threw his arm away. II And further it is alleged that even after the aforesaid misfortune of the 5th inning, the law school filled the bases in a rally in both the 6th and 7th innings that would have netted an easy victory hac not the business ad majors will fully and fraudulently coerced th< umpire by threats of personal vio lence into handing the game tt them unearned. . Ill And further, the business ad team on the day of the game afore said was composed in major part of subsidized professional ball players, which unfair advantage was well known to the defendants but unknown to the plaintiffs. Wherefore, and as direct conse quence whereof, the plaintiffs were deprived of a deserved victory and have suffered severe loss of pride and reputation, together with ex treme pain and mental anguish. And for a further and separate cause of action it is alleged; that from and continuously ever since the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1934, the defendants have displayed rude and unseeming conduct toward the plaintiffs in the following particu lars: I. The defendants have been guilty of encroaching upon the sanctity of the law school curb, and have neglected thereon to show a proper respect to their superiors; and further that they have been guilty of cluttering up the law school curb with one-quarter inch snipes when it is common knowledge that i the gentlemen of the law school never smoke a cigarette down shorter than one and one-half inch es, which gives the impression that the lawyers are hard up and irre sponsible. II. And further, from the 22nd day of April aforesaid and continuous ly ever since the business ad ma jors have strutted and puffed out their normally concave chests, and hurled pusillanimous taunts at the aforesaid gentlemen of the law school, plaintiffs herein, as they pass in and out of the law school building, which conduct on the part of the defendants has been a source of great annoyance and anxiety on the part of the plaintiffs and has occasioned additional mental suffering. Wherefore the plaintiffs demand judgment that the defendants be adjudged to be sissies, and that their pitiful little school be rated accordingly, and that the plaintiffs be adjudged to be the rarest, their school the merriest; and that they be declared to be the victors, and that they be restored to their posi tion of pre-eminence as regards their lowly rivals. LAW SCHOOL. By; Arthur Clark, President. Fijis FT ill Give Last Program in Contest Staged by Emerald Phi Gamma will appear today at 4:45 in the next to the last radio program of the an nual Emerald of Air radio con test. Theta Chi members presented their program on “Visions and Smoke Kings” yesterday after noon. This year's eontest Is being managed by Woodrow Truax and George Bikman. Science Classes Will Make Survey During Field Trip Dr. Smith Has Charge of Weekend Work A field trip to the beach is sched uled this weekend for members of the physical science survey, geog raphy, and geology classes. The groups will leave Saturday noon and return to Eugene Sunday night. A tentative itineray has been made out for the trip by Dr. War ren D. Smith, head of the geog raphy and geology department, who is directing the weekend work. A general survey of the floor of the Willamette valley will be made. Eocene sediments and intrusions between Corvallis and Newport, erosions, sand dunes, kitcher mid dens, fossils, and the aquarium at Depoe bay are to be visited dur ing the trip. Saturday night the group will stay at Marriweather, at the scout camp. Approximately 75 students are expected to go on the field trip. Anyone who is interested in the weekend field work is asked to see Dr. Smith. Members of Tau Delta Delta Meet Members of Tau Delta Delta had an informal dinner at the Del Rey cafe Tuesday, May 14. Bernice Stromberg, president, spoke on the events of the past year within the organization. Outgoing officers presented their successors. New officers are: Brandon Young, president; Mary Field, vice-president: Phyllis Schatz, secretary-treasurer; An abel Turner, publicity. Patronesses present were Mad ame Rose McGrew, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Rex Underwood, and Mrs. Jane Thacher. Coed Softballers Will Resume Play Womens softball teams swing In to action again today. The "saw dust” field behind Gerlinger hall last week saw a number of fast games between the coed teams. Scheduled to play for this week are: Wednesday at 4 p. m. Hendricks hall, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Gamma Phi Beta. Thursday at 4 p. m. Susan Camp bell hall, Kappa Alpha Theta, Al pha Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi. Thursday at 6:30 p. m. Orides, Pi Beta Phi, Hendricks hall, Al pha Delta Pi. An officials committee is sched uled to umpire and score at each of the games. Gretchen Smith is baseball manager. HearstAward Goes to Rifle Team Today National Champions Get Trophy During Review Ceremony at 4:40 Royal Brougham to Give Cup anti Plaque The Hearst trophy will be pre sented to Oregon’s national cham pionship rifle team this afternoon on the campus ROTC parade grounds as a part of the review ceremony to begin at 4:40 o’clock. Symbol of victory over the na tion’s crack college marksmen, the large silver cup is to be awarded by Royal Brougham, sports writer of the Seattle Post-Intelllgencer. Mr. Brougham will also present the silver plaque to the Oregon rifle men which they won in the western division match of the national shoot. Thomson Captain Individual medals are to be pre sented to Captain Earl Thomson, Norris Perkins, Ken BeLieu, B. J. Cross and W. R. Rice, the members of the championship team. Captain Thomson will receive a gold watch as the national individ ual champion. Thomson, who placed 18 of 20 shorts within the three-sixteenth inch bull’s eye to win the championship with the highest score ever turned in by a college marksman, is a four year veteran of ROTC competition and was a member of last year's team which almost won the 1934 champ ionship. 300 in Review Besides the presentation of the national awards, the entire ROTC unit of about 300 students will be reviewed in uniform and the Uni versity band will march and play. Cadet officers will command the “troops” as they pass in the final review of the year before Colonel E. V. D. Murphy and other officers in charge of the ROTC unit. Daphne Hughes Gets Award at Bryn Mawr Daphne Hughes, ’31, has been granted a fellowship for next year in social economy and social re search at Bryn Mawr university in Pennslyvania. Miss Hughes was president of the YWCA while on the campus. After graduation she attended the University of California at Berk eley on a scholarship. Campus Calendar Panhellenlc will meet today at 4 oclock in 110 Johnson. Askleplad club will hold an in formal meeting at 667 V2 12 th street on Thursday evening at 8:30. There will be a Kwama meeting at the Pi Beta Phi house at 4 o’clock today. All members are to be present. 1936 Oregana staff, short but im portant meeting, today at 4 o’clock in room 104 journalism building. Alpha Delta Sigma will lunch at the College Side at 12 o’clock. All members and pledges are asked to be present. Oregon’s Sociology Majors Given Preference for Jobs The University of Oregon de partment of sociology has recent ly been gaining national attention through the placement of all of its students in the last few years who have received either M.A. or M.S. degrees, it has been revealed by members of the department. Oregon students in sociology have had fellowships, scholarships, and other responsible positions of fered to them, in preference to students from large eastern col leges—one factor which is making eastern educators ‘‘sit up and take notice” of the University of Ore gon, faculty members point out. Most outstanding examples of this demand for Oregon sociology majors has been brought to light by the several offers Paul Fore man, sociology graduate, has just received. These include a teaching assistantship at Vanderbilt univer sity in Nashville, Tennessee, and a research fellowship at Northwest ern university, in Evanston, Illi nois, which concerns the analysis on the effects of congenital syphil is in children. Mr. Foreman wrote his M.S. thesis under Dr. Samuel H. Jame son, on “State Care of Juvenile Male Delinquency in Oregon.” This project took a year and a half to complete, and has been judged to be of such superior quality that he has been awarded his degree with honors. He has accepted the Van derbilt offer, and will leave shortly. Eugene Stromberg has just re (Please turn to page 4)