Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 07, 1935, Image 1

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    A Chain Letter ?
Why not start a chain letter to
your mother asking her anti five
of her frientis to attend Oregon's j
Junior weekend.
of the
Day’s News
By the Associated Press j
_ MAY (i --j
Mill Strike Hits Oregon
PORTLAND — The Pacific
northwest lumber strike hit force
fully in northwestern Oregon to
day but left the balance of the
state virtually unaffected as yet.
The sawmill and timber workers'
union, in its maiden strike for rec
ognition in this territory, is de
manding a 30-hour week with a
minimum wage of 75 cents an hour
as compared with a 40-hour week
and a 42 V2 cents an hour wage
provided under the lumber code.
While it was estimated that only
10 per cent of the Oregon and
Washington mills were shut down,
production dropped about 40 per
cent from normal because most af ■
fected plants were large.
Portland, with approximately
2000 men and nine large mills af
fected, was hardest hit. The har
bor was quiet as lumber loading
operations lulled from the pre
strike boom. The Pacific coast dis
trict of the international longshore
men's association voted Sunday
that longshoremen would refrain
from handling any lumber picketed
by union lumbermen.
Manila Faces Revolt
MANILA — (Tuesday) — Sak
dalista forces demanding imme
diate independence from the Unit
ed States were reported mobilizing
early today within 30 miles of Man
ila for further attacks in the up
tising which took 60 lives last week
near this city.
Policemen armed with rifles
walked Manila streets, although
Acting Governor General Joseph
R. I^ayden asserted there was no
danger of further disorders.
The Philippine constabulary or
dered three platoons dispatched to
Manila from Provinces unaffected
by the unexpected insurrection of
extremists, ready to be rushed to
any trouble zone.
Three Nations Agree
VENICE, Italy — The Italo-Aus
tro-Hungarian conference today
ended with an accord in the views
of the three nations, Vulvio Suvich,
Italian under secretary of foreign
affairs, told foreign correspon
In the presence of Foreign Min
ister Egon Berger-Waldennegg of
Austria and Foreign Minister Kil
omon Von Kanya of Hungary, Su
vich said the work done in Venice
•—preliminary to the Danubian con
ference next month—was carried
on “in the best of understanding
among ourselves and in an abso
lute spirit of collaboration.”
Alaskan Emigrants III
SEWARD, Alaska — The gov
ernment’s great band of colonists
came to the promised land today
-—and seemed likely to be stricken
with measles.
The Matanuska valley emigrants,
coming to the land of “milk and
(Please turn to page 4)
Campus Calendar
Welfare group will meet at 4
today at the YWCA hut. Miss
Merrell of the FERA nursery
school will speak.
Westminster ’37-’38 club goes on
covered dish picnic Wednesday at
5. Leave from the house.
Theta Sigma Phi meeting at
noon Tuesday at the Anchorage.
Election of officers.
Phi Theta Upsilon will meet at
the women’s lounge in Gerlinger
hall today at 5 o'clock. This is for
new members.
Amphibians will meet today at 4
o’clock at the women’s gym. It is
imperative that members be pres
ent as roll will be taken.
Panhellenic meeting for house
presidents and rushing chairmen
today at 4:00 in Johnson hall.
House mothers’ meeting today
at 1:00 in the art building. Miss
Brownell Frasier will speak to the
The regular May meeting of the
graduate council will meet Wed
nesday, May 8, in the graduate
office Dr. Rebec, dean of the grad
uate division, will preside.
Tau Delta Delta is to meet to
night at 7:30 o’clock. No one wii:
be excused, as the group is to at
tend the Mu Phi Upsilon conceri
after the meeting.
There will be a meeting of the
Junior Weekend directorate today
at 5 in the College Side. Every
member must be present.
Bing Crosby Offers
Prize for Winning
Float of Canoe Fete
| Popular Singer Promises
I Hollywood Token to
Lucky Coed
Sends Best Wishes
Awards Kept Dark Secret
By Henriette Horak
By Roberta Moody
Stand by for station announce
ments, all ye “Melody in Spring”
float builders! Bing Crosby offers
a prize for the best song float,
which will float down the tranquil
waters of the picturesque millrace
Saturday night.
The prize will go to some coed
who is chairman of the construc
tion of the winning float, and she
may have the choice of several
articles from Hollywood which are
being offered by the maestro of
popular songs.
This novel announcement comes
from Henriette Horak, chairman
of Junior Weekend publicity, who
has just received a letter from
Bing Crosby. The letter reads, in
Melody Theme Lauded
“Congratulations on the happy
selection of the ‘Melody in Spring'
theme for Oregon’s Water Pag
eant. It should be very beautiful.
“I am happy to extend my best
wisnes for the success of the event,
and would like to offer a small
bribe if you can inviegle your
famed athletes to take it easy next
time they tackle my Alma Mater—
“Would you like some sort of a
Hollywood token for the young
lady who does a good job on one
of the floats?”
Bing to Give Prize
The popular singer named sev
eral tokens, but they are being
kept a “dark secret” for some
time, but Miss Horak assures that
they are worth while, and will
probably be accompanied by a per
sonal note from the great Crosby.
The coed chairman of the win
ning float will have the privilege of
choosing the “token” she most de
The “Melody in Spring” canoe
fete idea is winning wide acclaim
all over the state, and tickets
which have been on sale for sev
eral days are selling rapidly.
Out with the hammers, rules,
and planes, song float builders,
says William Schloth, canoe fete
chairman, the “Melody in Spring”
is only five days off!
Landsbury Will
Enlarge Program
Because of the intense popularity
of the adult music study group of
Eugene, directed by Dr. John J.
Landsbury, dean of the school of
music, the program is to be great
ly increased in scope for the next
The group will be organized in
i October, when a lecture will be
given once a month on three dif
ferent topics: “A Study of Rhy
thm,” “Rhythm as the Underlying
Element in Musical Forms,” and
“Rhythm as the Basis of the Form
of the Free.”
Boyer and Smith
Will Attend Meet
At Reed College
Educators to Participate in
President C. V. Boyer and S.
Stephenson Smith, associate pro
fessor of English are to be among
the distinguished educators from
all over the United States asked
to participate in the inaugural con
ference of Dexter Keezer, presi
dent of Reed college on May 15,
16, and 17. President Boyer will
represent the University of Oregon
end Mr. Smith will be a represen
tative of the Reed college alumni
as he received his B.A. from there
ir> the first graduating class, ’15.
Among the noted educators who
will lead and act in the many group
discussions of college problems are
Ben D. Wood, who is the founder
of the many tests given by the co
operative test service of the Amer
ican Educators; Lewis Websters
Jones of Vermont women’s college,
Eennington; William R. Wilson
from the University of Washing
ton; Stacy May of the Rockefeller
Foundation; William P. Osborn
from the University of Chicago,
and Grace K. Willett of Antioch
Miss Brockman
Plays Over NBC
Frances Brockman, University
of Oregon music student, who re
cently competed in the national
music contest in Philadelphia af
ter winning the Northwest divi
sion, played over the National
broadcasting system Sunday after
She appeared in the Chase and
Sanborn amateur hour at 4 o’clock
and was accompanied by Aurora
Potter Underwood. Miss Brock
man is a student of Rex Under
wood. On her way to Philadelphia,
she appeared in a recital in Wash
ington, D. C.
Pledging to Mark
Luncheon Event
Junior Weekend brings the cam
pus luncheon. Mothers’ as honored
guests, will see the campus in one
of its most entertaining and lively
moments. The queen's crowning,
and the pledging of new members
to Mortar Board and Friars, senior
service honoraries for women and
men, are among the events
The luncheon will be held Friday
at 12 p. m. on the lawn between
Friendly hall and the old library.
Tables will be erected for the food,
which is to be served by Kwamas
and Thespians, underclass women’s
service honoraries.
During the course of the lunch
eon music will be furnished by the
University band. Assisting Adele
Sheehy with the arrangements for
the luncheon are Edward Pinney,
assistant chairman; Alice Ann
Thomas, secretary; Helen Wright,
serving; William Ito, service; John
Lundeen, grounds; and Betty Shoe
maker, publicity.
Angel of Luck Hovers Over
Book Browsings of Student
By Bill Pease
‘‘The Angel That Troubled the
Waters” has his counterpart in
Stuart Mockford, architecture stu
dent, who might be termed “The
Angel That Troubled the Co-op."
Mockford while browsing around
the Co-op recently saw a book with
the very strange title of “The An
j gel That Troubled the Waters." Its
! cover announced that Thornton
| Wilder was the one who had writ
j ten this thing.
Imagine Mockford's surprise
when he was looking through the
t the book to find that it was a
| signed copy, with Thornton Wilder
1 written in a broad hand across the
title page. Furthermore he found
the legend “This first edition is
limited to 750 copies of which this
is copy number 742.
Mockford decided that the $2
asked for the copy would hardly
be lost. With the book under his
arm Mockford hot-footed it to the
library to see M. H. Douglass; left
the library without his book and
with $9 in his pocket. The catalog
list of first editions puts a value of
$12.50 upon this particular book.
Thus a good angel descended upon
the campus benefiting three par
ties. The Co-op sold its book,
Mockford made his profit, and the
library obtained a first edition at
a discount.
Junior Prom
Will Feature
Spring Idea
Pastel Flowers, Fences
To Carry Out Theme
Of Real Garden
Clever Programs Offered
For Dance Friday
Spring with all its dainty pastel
shades, masses of flowers, and
quaint old-fashioned garden fences
interlaced with greenery will be
depicted in the decorations for the
most celebrated of all campus
dances—the Junior Prom which
will be held Friday, May 10, at 9
in McArthur court.
Regardless of any freak weath
er, clear blue skies will be one of
the features of the dance, Jerry
Murphy, chairman of decorations,
said today. Around the green sat
in-covered walls will be extended
intermittently black panels, mid
way on which will be placed chro
mium plated flower holders filled
with spring blossonms. From the
center of the ceiling will be sus
pended two huge 9 by 5 foot flow
er baskets filled with ferns, fruit
blossoms, and all species of flow
ers. The final touch will be fenc
ing in the orchestra with a fine
white lattice—perhaps it is only a
Programs Unique
A great treasure is in store for
the program collectors. The "mel
ody in spring” cut in black is to
be used on a light blue-suede back
ground, and due to a new arrange
ment of a check system there will
be only one program given to each
couple instead of the usual dis
tribution idea of the "first come,
first served.”
All students bemoaning flat feet,
bunions, or corns may forget their
pet worries and gallantly launch
forth to the Prom with a truly
light heart, as innumerable daven
ports are being provided for all so
afflicted. However, the students
with stronger constitutions will
not be neglected, Jerry Murphy
Tickets for the dance which sell
for $1 may be obtained from any
representatives in the men’s living
organizations, Tom Holman, chair
man, announced today.
Sellers Are Listed
They are as follows: Alpha Tau
Omega, Robert Avison; Beta The
ta Pi, Budd Jones; Chi Psi, Benja
min Chandler; Delta Tau Delta,
Edward Priaulx; Kappa Sigma,
Andrew Hurney; Phi Delta Theta,
Budd Hayes; Phi Gamma Delta,
William Hutchinson; Phi Kappa
Psi, Jack Mulhall; Phi Sigma Kap
pa, John McConnell; Pi Kappa Al
pha, Edwin Raudsep; Sigma Al
pha Epsilon, Fred Lieuallen; Sig
ma Alpha Mu, Stanley Bromberg;
Sigma Chi, Frank Levings; Sigma
Nu, Dean Connaway; Sigma Phi
Epsilon, William Angell; Delta
Upsilon, Eldon Haberman; Theta
Chi, Henry Roberts; Halls. Wil
liam Hall.
Bryson Will Give
Request Concert
One of the highlights of the ob
servance of this week as National
Music week in this city will be the
request concert to be given Thurs
day night by Roy Bryson, bariton.e
in the school of music auditorium.
The event will be free of charge
and is to begin at 8 o'clock.
Mr. Bryson has arranged his
program to interest particularly
the University students, and is to
feature several selections from
light opera, as well as frontier
songs, familiar old songs, and
songs of the negro.
Marguerite Spath Bryson is to
accompany her husband at the
Graduates Must File
Theses Before May 27
Monday, May, 27, is the last day
graduate students may file their
theses, and Monday, June 10, is
the last day to take oral examina
tions for graduate degrees, an
nounced Mrs. Clara Fitch, secre
tary of the graduate division.
Notices of oral examinations are
being sent in by advisers now, so
there will be examinations held at
the rate of two or three a week for
graduate students.
Fine of 25r Per Day
Being Incurred for
Late Fee Payments
A large number of students
have not paid their second in
stallment fees .for spring term
registration. A 25c fine is incur
ring for e^ch additional day that
the fee isn’t paid. Saturday, May
18, is the deadline for the p ay
inent of third installment fees
without a fine.
Editing Class
Breaks Mark
In Event Quiz
Six Seniors Top National
Record; Ruth McClain
Heads List
With six students in the group
of eighteen scoring a rating higher
than the top mark national stan
dardization tables provided for,
Dean Eric W. Allen’s editing class
members established two marks
for national recognition in a test
given last week on knowledge and
understanding of contempory af
In addition to the record break
ing ranking of the six leaders, the
group as a whole showed an im
provement of 68 per cent over its
rating on a similar examination
taken last fall. The test is one
prepared by faculty members of
the University of Minnesota: It
was highly commended by Dr. Mal
colm J. McLean, head of the gen
eral college there, in" his recent
visit to the campus.
McClain, Simpson Lead
Ruth McClain, with a score of
336, topped the six leaders, with
Edward Simpson in second with
326. Fred Colvig, Jane Bishop, Wil
liam Phipps, and Frances Hardy
were the other four holding marks
well above the highest looked-for
grade. Any score between 205 and
223 was rated 100 per cent by the
standardization tables for seniors.
The lowest percentile rating in
the entire scoresheet was 84 per
cent and only one other was be
low 90 per cent. Helen Stinger led
in percentage of improvement over
the fall term test with a boost of
192 per cent.
mitten narit tngn
Results of the test, which was
divided into two general parts,
showed men were better informed
on public affairs, while women ex
celled in an understanding of
aesthetic interests, including lit
erature, drama, art, and music.
Comparative results from other
schools of the nation have not been
received by Dean Allen, but may
be announced later. In the fall
term test Edward Simpson’s paper,
with a rating of 210, was rated 100
per cent and tipd for all-American
honors as best, paper in the nation
with one other student. Charles
M. Hulten, instructor in journal
ism, took the spring term test and
established a mark of 373.
Law Honorary Gives
Degree to 9 Students
Phi Delta Phi, national legal fra
ternity, initiated nine men Sunday
afternoon in the Lane county
courthouse. Robert Marks, presi
dent of the honorary, announced
the new members as follows:
Third year student: Corwin Cal
avan, Portland.
Second year student: Edward
Schlesser, Portland.
First year students: Thomas
Tongue, Hillsboro; Malcolm Bauer,
Pendleton; Gordon Campbell, Car
mel, California; Orval Thompson.
Shedd; Robert Miller, Knappton,
Washington; William Daugherty,
Medford; and Antone Yturri, Jor
dan Valley.
A banquet at McCrady’s fol
lowed the initiation service. Mem
bers of the Eugene bar and the
University law school faculty were
present as special guests.
April FERA Checks
Will Be Ready for
Students at 1 Today
The FERA checks covering
work done in April, will be ready
for students at 1:00 today at
window number 2 on second
floor of Johnson hall. Students
are asked to call for checks as
soon as possible.
Eligibility ol McCall
As Senior Class Head
To Be Decided Today
Spring Program
Of Mu Phi Epsilon
Is Open to Public
Free Concert Will Be Held
Tonight in Auditorium
A free spring concert is to be
given by Mu Phi Epsilon, women’s
national music honorary, in the
auditorium of the school of music
tonight at 8:15 o’clock. Madelle
Beidler is in charge of the event
and the public has been invited.
The complete program is as fol
lows :
Concert Variations E Minor.
.. Honnet
Miss Margaret Ellen Hill, organist
’ 11
My Sweet Repose .Schubert
Mon Coeur s’oure a ta voix .
. Saint Saens
Samson and Delilah
Miss Barbara Evelyn Hollis,
Novelette . Schumann
Concert Etude F Sharp.
Miss Norma Zinser, pianist
Grave .F. Bach-Kreisler
Czardas . Monti
Miss Esther Wicks, violinist
Sonata in F Sharp Minor .
. Schumann
Andante Cantabile
Scherzo Intermezzo .
Miss Maxine Hill, pianist
Fantasy for Organ and Piano.
.C. Demarest
Miss Hillis Hoven, Kathryn Orme
Phi Tlieta Initiates
20 New Members
Twenty pledges of Phi Theta
Upsilon, junior women’s service
honorary, were formally initiated
Sunday morning, May 5, at Ger
linger. After the ceremony, the
new members were entertained
with a breakfast at the Anchorage.
The pledges initiated were: Ber
nice Stromberg, Virginia Endicott,
Shirley Bennett, Helen Nickachiou,
Ethel Bruce, Clara Nasholm, Cor
inne LaBarre, Phyllis Adams, Hel
en Bartrum, Pearl Johanson, Patsy
Neal, Eleanor Higgins, Dolores
Belloni, Jeanette Thompson, Fran
ces Watzek, Marjory Will, Dorothy
Hagge, Margery Kissling, Martha
McCall, and Lilyan Krantz.
Tonqueds Meet
At Kappa House
Tonqueds will hold a meeting
Tuesday night at 7:30 at the Kap
pa Kappa Gamma house, with
Gayle Buchanan in charge. This
will be a regular social meeting,
but plans for a scholarship fund
which the club is hoping to raise
will also be discussed, according
to Virginia Endicott, president.
The committees are: calling,
Hazel Lewis, chairman, Dorothy
Jane Lind, Margaret Spicer, Mar
ian Smith: entertainment, Barbara
Roome, Cherie Brown; serving,
Virginia Duncan, chairman, Yvonne
Stevens, June Martin, Jeanne
All Eugene girls are invited.
Moore Adds Mattingly
To Upper News Staff
Leroy Mattingly, freshman in
journalism, has been appointed
chief night editor on the upper
news staff of the Emerald accord
ing to announcement made last
night by Bob E. Moore, managing
Mattingly received the five dol
lar award offered by the Emeralc
for the best news story writter
during winter term. He has servec
on the Emerald as night editor
reporter, and news editor of th<
Frosh edition.
Judiciary Head
Dean Wayne L. Morse, above, is
chairman of the judiciary commit
tee, which will make its decision
today on the eligibility of Thomas
McCall, recently elected president
of the senior class for 1935-86.
Aquatic Feature
Exhibition Holds
Place in Carnival
House Entrants Must File
By Thursday
A feature exhibition of swim
ming and diving by the Univer
sity’s varsity swimmers will be one
of the outstanding events in the
water carnival to be held Junior
Weekend on the mill race.
Oregon’s swimming team cap
tured the Northwest crown and as
they appeared in no local meets,
few have had the opportunity of
witnessing their ability. They will
not compete with house represen
tatives in the speed races, it was
declared by Willie Jones, chairman
of the carniavl, yesterday after
All entries from both sororities
and fraternities must be submitted
to Nancy Lou Cullers before
Thursday if the different organiza
tions wish to enter a person to
compete with other houses for the
cups to be awarded. Medals will be
awarded to the man and woman
taking second place in each race.
A novelty race down the stream
in barrels is being planned. The
different houses who have dogs for
mascots will also be given the op
portunity to enter their canine in
a race for dogs only.
Ernst Talks to Kiwanis
Professor Rudolf Ernst, in keep
ing with National Music week,
spoke on modern music at the
weekly luncheon of the Eugene
Kiwanis club Monday at the Os
burn hotel. The special musical
program was arranged by Roy G.
Bryson, assistant professor of
music and George Hopkins, profes
sor of music.
Opponents’ Protests Say
Write-in Election
Not Legal
No Verdict Monday
Constitution Has Conflict
On Interpretation
By Clair Johnson
Echoes of political warfare were
resounding on the campus again
last night, with the question of
whether or not Toni McCall will be
allowed to serve his term of office
as president of next year’s senior
class due to be answered today by
the judiciary committee of tho
ASUO today.
McCall was elected prexy of the
class of ’36 at the recent elections
on a last minute write-in cam
paign, and protests as to the legal
ity of his election have questioned
his eligibility.
Humors Exploded
Exploding rumors that McCall
had been officially ruled out of the
position at a meeting of the judic
iary body yesterday, Doan Wayne
L. Morse, chairman of the group,
said last night that the hearing of
the matter would come before the
members today.
Dean Morse admitted that at the
meeting of the body yesterday oral
sentiment appeared to be that. Mc
Call could not legally serve, but
that subsequent discussion of a
correct interpretation of the con
stitution by the committee mem
bers left the issue in doubt.
Petitions May Be Illegal
The committee will be faced
with construing the meaning of
two rather conflicting sections of
the constitution, and it is possible
that should McCall be ruled out,
all others nominated by petition
might also be termed illegal, Dean
Morse said.
None of the classes have their
own constitution, but a previous
ruling of the judiciury committee
held that rulings on class questions
should be interpreted in light of
the ASUO constitution.
Orides Nominate
Year’s Officers
Nominations for next year’s of
ficers for Orides, campus organi
zation of unaffiliated women, were
made by the group last night.
Elections will he held Monday, May
20 in the AWS room of Gerlinger
The following girls were nomin
ated: president, Bernice Strom
berg, Chrysanthe Nickachiou, The
da Spicer, and Helen Nickachiou.
The girl receiving the next highest
number of votes for the presidency
will become vice-president.
Secretary, Erma Huston, Hallie
Harrington, and Gerda Clow;
treasurer, Ilene Donaldson, Zelpha
Huston; and reporter, Phyllis Bald
win, and Lucille Davis—both jour
nalism majors.
Preceding the election, the nom
inees for president will present
short talks outlining their plans
for the year.
'Small Miracle9 Finds Movie
Twin in 'Four Hours to KilV
By Cynthia Liljeqvist
Those whose tastes are irresist
ibly drawn toward drama have an
odd treat in store when they see
“Small Miracle,” Guild hall play,
and “Four Hours to Kill,” McDon
j aid offering which arc the legiti
mate stage and the silver screen's
version of the same play.
To compare these two probably
j reveals crude taste on the part of
the reviewer, and would be, if we
failed to consider the movie advan
tage of photography, opportunity
for lavish sets and costuming, and
wide selection of actors. The two
are distinct and separate dramatic
But the handling of dialogue and
dramatization are problems innate
in both.
To open the argument, the au
thor, Krasna, violated in the first
half of the play the Aristotelian
original premise of good drama:
action. This was lacking percepti
bly in the stage play, and in lesser
degree in the movie version, be
cause script writers mercifully cut
and livened the speeches, Exam
ple : Mako's monologue.
The second point: Zukor cut
Mrs. Temple’s sequence in such a
way that it lost much of its value
and became an unfinished inter
lude. Portia Booth handled her
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