Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1935, Page 2, Image 2

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LeRoy Mattingly, News Editor
(iorcion ContaeHy, Sports (Editor
Ed Robbins. Telegraph Editor
lorn Lucas. Humor Lmtor
Woodrow Truax. Radio Editor
Jane Lee, Brevities Editor
Night Editor This Issue.Huey Frederick
Day Editor This Issue..Clare Igoe
REPORTERS: Signe Rasmussen. Hal lie Dudrey, Caroline Hand,
Clare Igoe, Jane Lagasse, Ellamue Woodworth, Dan Maloney,
Doris Springer, Frank Cooper.
C'OPYREADERS: Margaret Ray, Laurent* Brockschink, Genevieve
McNiece. Marilyn Ebi. Ella mao Woodworth, William Parsons,
Thurston Skei. Hetty Schenk
SPORTS STAFF: James Cushing. Huey Frederick, Robert Grove,
LeRoy Mattingly, Kenneth Webber, Moon Chan.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the
college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination
periods, all of December except the first seven days, all of
March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class matter
at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year.
Frosli Edition
/"V\T(’E again the frosh print the green
issue of the Oregon Emerald, which in
variably comes forth to greet the'skeptical
eyes of the upperclassmen. Before il is
razzed and thrust into the fire, may the
yearlings say u word about their issue 1
In the past it has been the custom for
freshmen to run amuck and to completely
overhaul the Emerald, putting into practice
all the brilliant ideas of the preceding
months of Emerald work which they hope
will revolutionize the journalism world.
This year they have tried to put out an
Emerald that is no different from any other
issue. Their principal object has been to
publish as smooth and as desirable a paper
as 1 lt<* upperclassmen, who have been driven
from the “shack” for the one issue.
Keep the Navy at Home
“IXfJIAT would the good citizens of these
Pnited Slates of America think if the
Japanese held their naval maneuvers off the
coast of Oregon ? What if their airplanes
soared to almost within sight of the Colum
bia river jetty, only to return to their base
on huge carriers a few hundred miles to
the west? Just what would be the reaction?
Ten to one. everyone in tire nation would
rise in a unanimous protest at letting a rival
nation maneuver so near our shores.
Began!less of what the people of our
country would think, the United States
navy, with its scores of grim battleships and
its hundreds of airplanes liangared on mam
moth airplane carriers, is scheduled to begin
fleet maneuvers on the Pacific, north and
west of the Hawaiian possessions within the
next few weeks. Japanese newspapers wilt
undoubtedly run screaming headlines in
special editions announcing 1o their citizenry
the hostile gesture made by America in di
recting its fleet to Asiatic waters to hold
Why don't the militaristic powers that
be direct our battle cruisers into the Atlantic
to frolic off the shores of England? Why not
semi the navy to splash around in the waters
of the south Atlantic off the coast of Brazil,
or into the south Pacific off the coast of
Probably the people of these countries
would never give it a second thought if our
navy did this near tlmir shores. It is true
that wJien the English fleet nears their pos
session ol Bermuda, it is scarcely big enough
news to rate the front pages of half a dozen
metropolitan dailies in America. But let Ike
Japanese parade their naval strength past
the front door of the Hailed States! Of
course. Ibis has never been attempted. Why
the difference?
Apparently the reason will remain in tho
dark. Why is all the propaganda in this
country directed to persuade the public to
learn to hate the .Japanese instead of the
English or the Kreneh?
Why should government officials direct
the navy to maneuver so perilously close to
Japan.' Why scare the people of that nation
into a wild hysteria which will plunge them
into a feverish preparation for a war with
The college youth of America pause from
iheir studies and wonder.
Figures on Student Union
1m ue raid lias boon conducting a very
1 bought I ul ami praiseworthy campaign
in behalf of a student union for the Uuiver
silv campus. Tim freshmen do not pretend to
liavo made the same careful study of the
feasibility of the construction of such a
building: as have the backers of the move
They have shown that vvtill a grant from
the federal government and a TWA loan
$400,00(1 could lie spent in a building pro
gram for the University. This amount would
be sultivient to erect our student union and !
to remodel the old library into a suitable j
Jaw school. ImicIi student is required In the I
state to pay a $.) lee “to he exclusively used !
tor the purpose of erecting, equipping, and
furnishing or adding to existing buildings,'’
This fund w ill reach a total of sji4o7.SOO.lit) In
Match 1, Ithlf. With this assured income it
is possible to begiu immediate financing of
the union. In addition to these funds there i
is a “restricted “ gift of $;)(>,N'Jb.Sd that max
be used onl.v for the student union, and nn
restrioted “gift fund" of SIS.OOO that could
he used for this purpose, making neurlx
$50,000 available to apply to the building
We know that then' is a crying need for
sueli a union. A recreational center xxitli
iacilttics for meetings, dances, amt for all- 1
campus functions would xlo a great deal to
pul Oregon oil the top as a I uiversitx'.
The dream of a uew library and infirm
ary lias materialized only through an un
ceasing effort on the part of all. A student
mi. . i iuo as possible. They have shown
tile v a; , o let’s start.
Shall Men Discard Trunks?
| T TNI VKRSITY students were astounded by
an extensive article in the magazine
section of a metropolitan newspaper last
Sunday which declared that men bathers
would no longer be allowed to flit along the
beach of a popular Atlantic coast resort,
clad only in trunks.
In the same article, it was revealed that
officials governing the rules of the same
beach had stamped their approval on the
women bathers who appear this summer in
scantier suits than ever before.
Klaborate reasons for banning the sliirt
! less male bather from the beach included
the fact that unsightly hair has always
tended to grow upon man's chest and should
not be forced upon the view of spectators.
Let's hope the this new ruling on bath
ing suits doesn I spread to the Pacific coast
and to the banks of Oregon's millrace. Why
should man hamper his swimming and water
sports by wearing a speed-retarding gar
ment above his waist?
W ifli the adoption, several years ago, of
trunks as the correct thing for mere men
to wear while bathing, many conservative
minded individuals frowned upon the style,
declaring it was indecent. More and more
numerously the trunks appeared, until to
day, very few full-length swimming suits
are seen worn by the I nivarsity man. Cer
tainly. his aquatic activities would be re
tarded by the return of “uppers” to bathing
Humor Column Needed
JTOK the past several years, the editorial
paye of the .Emerald has been graved
with a sparkling humor column, largely
composed of the numerous funny incidents
which happen to doe and .Josephine College.
I hose columns have served to brighten up
the paper, providing an outstanding feature
which the majority of the students followed
daily. College students like their lighter
moments, especially when the merriment is
td the expense of their campus friends.
This year, I wo such columns have come
and gone, leaving the present Emerald with
out a humor column, a feature which every
real newspaper should have.
I he staff of this freshman edition, there
fore, takes this opportunity of urging the
regular staff to lollow 1 he column of mirth
found on this page today with a regular
feature of the same type.
A Wanderer Returns
^^RKGON is proud of Amos Burg I
Cnee again the Cniversit.v’s own
explorer lias returned to the campus to nar
rate the most thrilling of his experiences
to students and hundreds of interested peo
ple of Eugene. A graduate of the school of
journalism. Burg began his colorful trips
to some of the most remote regions on the
face id the earth. Sometimes his very life
was threatened by the powers of nature. By
the use of xuovies and slides which the roam
ing explorer has taken. Burg is able to pre
sent a most complete story in picture of his
daring trips. Adding to the pictures is the
personal touch addial to the program by
first-hand descriptions id 1he scenes by Burg
himself while the movies are being shown,
lie appeared several months ago, prepara
tory to beginning an extensive tour of the
eastern part id' the country during w hich he
showed his pictures and lectured to thous
ands.. Now he has returned again to Eugene,
giving students an opportunity to gain val
uable information on a subject interesting
to everyone.
Oregon is proud of Amos Burg!
Broadway Drama on die Campus
"yiyilEN’ the curtain parts on the Guild
In'll stage tonight, a packed house
should greet the group of student actors who
have been rehearsing into the wee small
hours of the night since the beginning of
spring term.
In bringing the first amateur production
lo 1he I’uiversity campus. Horace Robinson.
• incolor, has given the students an opportun
ity which should not he missed. || is seldom
that a city Hie si/.e of Eugene is privileged
1" have a premier presentation. The plav
recently was given on the New York stage
with great success, closing after a run of
several months.
The production will he the last of the
season to be given in the Guild theater, al
though Shakespeare's ••Romeo and Juliet”
is being rehearsed under the direction of
Mrs. Ottilie Se\bolt, head of the drama de
partment. 'Ibis is to lie performed on the
lawn north ol the old library, and promises
*° ,K‘ ;l Hirilling climax to the parade of
outstanding plays given before local audi
ences tliis term.
^ ^ Local Dust Sturms?
''£''1 IK dirt piled around the musie building
"Itieh has been re-distributed for the
past several mouths w ill soon he transformed
Ulto deep dust if the sunshine eontinues for
many more days. Durinsr the recent mins
the school of music officials have waded
through the mud
'I'he.v will undoubtedly he thankful when
the laudseapino project is finished, provid
I"- ;l beautifill setting for the music Imild
ui”-, and at the same time divine emplovmeut
t" main men who otherwise would he on
the relief rolls.
Tl,‘‘ 'Ih‘.‘ West propaeamlists have scored
a hi a- publicity stunt in ntanairinir to have
iheir art teles ami pictures of the heroine
With the hour class fictile featured on the
*'‘oiii paces of the countr\ 's leading papers.
■ so douht, if is all HI preparation for her
W'St picture.
Movie stars are complaining that thtn
are reeeivitur too many chain letters which
require them, under the threat of had husk,
to hig.u their names and enclose a dime
I aul Mum t. no d ujo .-o' known a. a
"i u~m\e brom a l ham Letter.”
Today's [
Parade |
-Ry Dan Malowy- '
With the announced air expan
sion of the German air forces hy ;
the second man of Germany, Min- ■
ister Goet ing, and with France’s
declaration of allegiance to Russia,,
it seems extremely likely that the
war predicted before 1940 will be
j between France, Italy, and Russia
j and Japan and Germany,
j The declaration from Germany
is in accordance with Reichsfuer
Hitler’s “big army” program, and
clashes somewhat with the German
minister of propaganda, Paul Goe
bels, who paid that Jews would
not be accepted on the same basis
in the recruiting stations as Ary
This announcement from Germ
any comes as no surprise to the
other countries of the world as
Germany has already broken prac
tically all of the pacts of the Ver
sailles treaty.
The other nations, however, can
no longer afford to disregard the
outward manifestations of viola
tions of treaties, witness the dis
regard of Japan to the League of
This violation of the Versailles j
treaty can mean only one thing- j
a larger budget for the French,
Russian and Italian armies.
Italy Wary
Italy, however will keep out of
an squabble which comes up be
cause she cannot afford to lose any
of her man power and keep her
status as a world power.
The United States, England and
all her allies and provinces, all of
the South American countries,
Turkey, and the rest of Asia would
j most certainly keep out of any en
J tangiements because of their
i knowledge of what happened in the
! last war.
No foreign power, however, will
declare war on any other power
; without considering the matter
j very closely.
Japan needs to expand. So does
Russia. So does Italy. And there
is always some trouble in the Bal
kan states.
Trouble Brewing
If Russia cannot regain her
ports, if Italy canont find land for
colonization, if Japan cannot find
more room for expansion, and if
Fiance and Germany cannot for
get their difficulties and disputes,
or at least settle them with some
sort of plan, there is trouble brew
ing which is sure to appear within
j the next four years.
No nation, however, will declare
i war on the pretext upon which
! Germany declared war and which
later became the concern of the
world. This time the statesmen will
think twice before they try to en
gage their nation, and the people
whom they are supposed to repre
sent, in a conflict which is likely
to be disastrous.
The next war will be decided by
the people—not the munitions
makers, in spite of the fact that
i some foreign correspondents for
j newspapers have been influenced
by the money paid them by large
munitions concerns, and have, con
1 sequently, issued much propaganda
to promote wars between countries.
Mystery Covers
(Continued from Page One)
property utilized including lights,
setting, color, and costume.
3. Effort 10'1. This takes in
accord the effort and sacrifice
j which the float represents.
I. Design •I0ri. Judging of this
I will be based on harmony of ar
rangement andq uality of work to
I make the float a thing of beauty.
Titles of the song represented
will be on each float which was
| drawn by the house representative.
The cost of the floats should not
exceed $15 per organization or $30
for the combination of the houses
cn one float. An itemized account
must be signed and the statement
must be presented to the commit
tee at least two days before the
The awards will be the silver lov
ing cup as awarded in the years
past aud in addition a permanent
| award foi the first and second
I pi izes.
Each house may use their own
j discretion as to the measurements
o1' the floats but no float is to be
more than 35 feet long aud tJ feet
| high.
| The committee in charge in
I eludes: Bill Sehloth, chairman:
! Jack Campbell, co-chairman;
■ Ohrysunthe Xiekachiou, Velma Mc
Intyre. Benjamin Chandler Frank)
Ewings. Theodore Bohlman, and
s Bob Biddle.
Several bouses have already,
bought out blocks of tickets for
the house and their mothers, ami
the ticket sale is reported as being
progressing exceedingly well.
: ;. ,, i th; Viv raid to our ft • euE
|Subscription rates $3 50 a jvar. )
The Green
We're driving off—our ball rolls
ever gossipy bits of information
that have been carelessly dropped
by catty tongues. Contrary to the
old maxim, our rolling ball has
gathered such “moss” as it could
hold, and has rolled into the cup.
Platt (Sigma Nu) Davis staged
a big comeback with his fiddle last
night at the McDonald. Is Jane
Brewster playing second fiddle
now ?
The Kappa Sigs entertained Kay
St. Germaine and Brother Billy
O’Bryant at dinner the night An
son was in town. It seems that
Bob Becker has a new crush now.
Lucky Kay!
Are the Phi Delts a bunch of
popular boys! There are 10 pins
left in the house at this time. The
other 42 are planted. The boys had
a rather difficult time last week
when there weren’t enough pins for
Who is the Beta’s "Little Race
Horse ?”
Kay Buck is again at large! Be
careful, girls, but remember that
Chuck Barclay is running around
too. Better catch him!
Hannah Crossley went to ythe
hospital with a cold. We wonder
if it was only for the flowers that
Dave Morris sent.
Many Chi Psis, assisted by some
of our outstanding male big shots
representing the Phi Delts, Betas,
Phi Psis, and Sigma Chis, went
into the wreckage business the oth
er night. (Around two) Four big
light reflectors were smashed with
fiendish delight on the part of the
boys on the Hilyard street bridge.
Hague Caliister was fondly em
bracing a telephone pole while the
wuecking wras going on.
We would like to recommend aa
new campus talent, A1 Wall, Jerry
Murphy, and Berke Mathews. They
were seen pr ancing around in white
linen suits singing “For He's a
Jolly Good Fellow.” It was very
grotesque the way they loomed out
ot the dark.
Ned Simpson is sporting a new
(to him) car. Did Cynthia go with
it, Ned ?
Gamma Phis told us that the
“Glorious Apollo” of the Beta house
was overheard telling Jeanne Quis
enberry, "Good night, little girl,
deep tight,” in the most musical
(mice. Manly, isn't he ?
A new alliance has been formed!
Betty Jane Barr and Art Bondu
lant seem to be “that way’’ now.
Beverley (Kappa) Butler is now
wearing Fred Hammond's Kappa
?igma pin. Are all the Hammond
fans jealous!
Hal (SAE) Hull is supposed to
be engaged to a Portland girl,
out it appears that he runs back
and forth to Corvallis every so of -
ten. There must be a great at
Officer Rhinesmith gave “Bristle
Bean” Enders permission to get his
-ar out of storage. This make it
easier for him to see LeNelle
The Betas got tipsy ideas in their
beads yesterday for they were
practicing tippy-canoe on all of
I he canoes that passed by their
The Sigma Chis report that
Brothers Wimbush and Dunbar
rode the magic mattress up to the
Pri Delt house the other night.
How come with Anson Weeks in
lown, a local bagpipe outfit got
he call for the Junior Prom? Such
rust! Even Jo-Jo, the dog face
buck, says, “What a deal.”
Latest Type Films
(Continued from Faye One)
sort can be at all successfully
launched at a time when every
library is forced to consider every
expenditure with the utmost care
proves the signifance of this new
Quoting from the January issue
.if the "Librarian":
"Harry M. Lydenberg, director
jf the New York Public library,
described the completion of the
filming of the long, continued hear
ings in Washington on the NRA
uid AAA, 150,000 pages and 136,
XH> pages of reporting, respective
y. These hearings are of vital im
portance to the whole fabric of
American industrial and farming
life and collected in this compact
form will be of continuing use to
Undents in every branch of social
science for many years to come,
Reproduced in hectograph copy
hose records would cost about two
-cuts a page, while the films pre
erve them at S 00133 or about one
iifteenth of that cost."
Whole library systems may be
evolulionirvd as a result of the 35
uuluneter film reproductions of
Hinted material!
• Hv- !fJ to vour fririsdj
u’> e rtplion rate,' S?.50 a year.
Why Not a Student Union.'
By Woodrow Troax
The second contestant in the
Emerald radio contest was Sigma
hall. They presented some very
fine imitations of outstanding radio
entertainers, including Jimmy Dur
ante, Bing Crosby, Joe Penner, and
Johnny Lewis. Their program was
the winner of last year’s contest.
No contestants will appear to
day. but the time will be devoted to
a prelude of the play “Small Mir
acle,” which is to be presented at
the Guild theater tonight.
* * *
Homer S. Cummings, attorney
general for the United States, will
be the speaker Saturday, May 4,
on “Our American Schools” pro
gram over an NBC network at
1:30 p. m., P. S. T. Attorney-Gen
eral Cummings will have as his
subject “Foundations of Financial
* * *
The United States navy band,
playing spirited music of many na
tions, will be heard over the Co
lumbia network each Saturday
night, beginning May 4, from 9:00
to 9:30 p. m., E. S. T., in a new
series of concerts entitled “Around
the World With the American
Columbia Broadcasting System
will broadcast part of the King
George V jubilee from London in
the first of a series of trans-At
lantic programs, at 2:55 p. m.,
Sunday, May 5.
The first of four Wagnerian
Festival concerts by the Radio
City Music Hall Symphony or
chestra will be heard over an NBC
nationwide network at 8:30 a. m.,
P. S. T., on Sunday, May 5. This
first concert in the series, which
will be devoted exclusively to the
work of the German master, will
be broadcast on the succeeding
three Sundays in May.
* * *
Six outstanding stars of the Pa
cific coast—George Burns and
Gracie Allen. Bing Crosby. Dick
Powell, Frances Langford and
Raymond Paige—will act as judges
of the "National Amateur Night '
show over the Columbia network
from 3:00 to 6:30 p. m., E. S. T.,
Sunday. May 5.
Jack Benny, ace comedian will
Today’s Emerald
is brought to you by the
following advertisers.
Chesterfield Cigarettes
Elliott's Grocery
University Radio Shop
Newman's Kish Market
Willamette Park
Pcriich's Grocery
LuUfoni's Paint Shop
Hutch's Bicycle Shop
White Palace Lunch
Patronize tiieui.
celebrate his third birthday as a
radio headliner during- the broad
cast of his “Jello Again” program
work Sunday, May 5, at 7:30 p. m.
over an NBC coast-to-coast net
He has built up his entire troupe,
now numbering Mary Livingstone,
Frank Parker, tenor; Don Wilson,
announcer and Don Bestor, orches
tra leader, as first rate comedy
$ * *
Ethel Merman, the originial “I
got rhythm” girl, will star in a
new Columbia network production
with Ted Husing and A1 Good
man’s orchestra each Sunday eve
ning from 8:00 to 8:30 p. m., E.
S. T., beginning May 5.
* Bennie Walker and the Jones
boys will combine their talents for
a new series of programs to be
broadcast over NBC station KPO
every Sunday night at 9:00 p. m.,
P. S. T., starting May 5.
Desire for
(Continued from Page One)
bringing constant squalls and dark,
cloudy days,” Mr. Burg explained,
in listing some of the difficulties.
In order to enter and explore
the bays that run into the moun
tains, “we were often forced to
row, especially when cut of gaso
line,” he said laughingly. Because
it was difficult to carry enough
gasoline in their reconstructed life
boat, his next voyage, on which he
plans to see the Melonesian islands,
the Solomons, New Hebrides and
New Guinea, will probably be made
by different means.
An audience of 5.000. all mem
bers of the National Geographic
society, which sends him on such
expeditions, heard the same talk
and witnessed the same pictures
that Mr. Burg is to present here.
The report was delivered in Con
stitution hall at Washington. With
the exception of one or two men,
he has made more appearances be
fore the society—four in five years
—than any other persons.
In commenting upon the expe
dition the society calls it a major
survey expedition of the year,
comparing it with Rear-Admiral
Richard E. Byrd’s South Pole ex
pedition and William Beebe’s ex
ploration of the ocean depths.
Drawing upon such a wealth of
personal experience, Mr. Burg is
an interesting conversationalist,
speaking in a quiet but eager tone.
Exploration and adventure seem to
have sharpened rather than dulled
the boyish ambition which once led
him to ship for Australia, for he
compares a man’s attempt to see
the world with ‘‘an ant traveling
down the Rocky mountain chain.”
A Dutch Lunch
the best ever
you buy what it takes
There is such a difference in eoM luncheon meats that
you simply can’t afford to pass up quality. Try
Perlich’s next time and he assured ot' the best.
Try These
Snlomi, bologna, meat loaf, boiled ham, goose liver
sausage, bacon and liver sausage, Frank's old
fashioned brick cheese, etc.
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