Appropriate Color The Emerald goes green for a ; day because the Frosh have taken it over. Read Amos Burg’s Inter- j view on page 1, it’s exclusive the Frosh Emerald. VOLUME XXXVI UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1935 NUMBER 109 Resume of the Day’s News By the Associated Pres* MAY 3 Court Gets l\RA Case WASHINGTON -— The supreme test of NRA’s constitutionality rested tonight with nine some times-questioning justices of the supreme court, while, through oth er channels, the administration fought to prolong the blue eagle's life. The conclusion or arguments be fore the high court—marked by sharp questions from the bench, and once by laughter—coincided with the building by Roosevelt forces of a backfire against the senate move to shorten NRA’s life and clip its wings. Little could be guessed from out ward appearances as to what de cision the nine high justices will hand down weeks hence, but the administration effort to• win from congress a two year extension of the recovery law was plain. Lumber Men Strike PORTLAND—Law enforcement facilities were being mobilized swiftly here tonight as a safeguard against any violence that might develop from a lumber strike which already has resulted in the walkout of more than 5,000 men in the Pa camp workers left their jobs in cific Northwest. Today about 725 more mill and Portland because employers would not listen to their demands of 75 cents an hour, a 30-hour week, un ion recognition and other conces sions. In Oregon approximately 1,825 men have quit the camps and sawmills. The workers, who have enlisted in the recently organized timber and sawmill workers’ un ion, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, have been getting a minimum of 42 y2 cents an hour and have been working 40 hours a week. Work Program Starts WASHINGTON — Signalling a start on the business of dealing out money and jobs, President Roosevelt today called for a list of projects to be submitted next Tues day for consideration under his four billion dollar works program. At that time, he said, he would assemble his works allotment board for its first meeting to consider the wide range of projects that have been presented. No indica tion was given, however, of the kind of work that might start first, nor in which of the relief areas it would be located. The president said the applica tions division, headed by Frank C. Walker, already had received nu merous requests for funds and was acting informally upon them. The division, however, has not yet been given legal status through the is suance of an executive order set ting it up officially. Revolt Leaders Held MANILA, (Saturday)—The ar rest of several leaders directing' the seizure of weapons from six Amer ican sailors to help the rebel cause apparently broke the backbone of the bloody Sakdalista revolt to day. Constabulary troops, however, kept watchful eyes on several hun dred of the defeated extremists re ported assembling in a savage mood at Calamba, just south of here. The casualty list stood at 59 dead and 64 wounded but there were unconfirmed reports that still more lives had been lest outside the main areas of conflict. Two constabulary men were included in the dead. Ten troopers were among the wounded. Jury Hears Kidnap Case TUCSON, Ariz. — Four asserted “surprise witnesses,” among them a man previously reported by in vestigators as missing, appeared suddenly today as the federal grand jury presumably was near ing its investigation of the June Robles kidnaping case. The so-called missing witness was Barbie Hughes, described by officers as a cousin of Oscar H. Robson, who for months has been under arrest on charges of writing the $15,000 ransom notes in the famous mystery. They did, however, say they had learned the identity of the persons who held the little girl in the grave-like - desert hideout for 19 days last spring. One investigator also said the actual kidnaper was •not dead, as previously had been reported. Foreman Passes Exams Paul Foreman, graduate student in sociology, completed his exam inations Tuesday afternoon for his master of science degree. He will be awarded his M.S. degree in June, receiving it with honors. Student Cast To Open Final ‘Run’ Tonight _ ‘Small Miracle,’ Recent Broadway Success To Be Given Nation’s Amateur Premier Held in Guild Hall The curtain will rise tonight at 8 o’clock on the nation’s amateur premier production of a recent Broadway success, “Small Mira cle’’ with a cast of 25 student ac tors, the last play to be presented in Guild hall this term. The plot of the production in volves the entanglements of the lives of many persons, all of whom meet in the lobby of the New York theater while a musical show is progressing within. There are lovers who make the lobby their trysting place, a killer who seeks revenge on a squealer,” a timid young man who is seeing the show while his wife is expect ing the birth of.a child in the hos pital, an uproarious comedy team, a designing usherette who at tempts to fleece the hat-check boy and all the other types of charac ters necessary to make an out standing play. Robinson Directs Horace W. Robinson is directing the play and has also superintend ed the construction of the setting which represents the interior of a theater. Lester Miller play3 the role of Tony Mako, a convicted criminal. William Cottrell is cast as Carl Earrett Jr., gigolo; Portia Booth as Sylvia Temple, young society wo man who becomes involved in an affair with Barrett; George Root as Joe Taft, a detective; Leone Ba ker as Helen, a young filing clerk; Charles Barclay as the hat-check boy, Eddie; Alice Hult as the head usherette; James Wasson as the ticket-taker; Bud Winstead as the expectant father; Alan Wiesner as Anderson, a “squealer”; and Henry Robert as Captain Seaver. Members of the supporting cast include: Margaret Chase, Virgil Garwood, Richard Koken, Leland Terry, Adrian Martin, Margaret Veness, Jerry Smith, William Ire land, Wayne Harbert, Signe Ras mussen, Dorris Holmes, Elma Giles, Marietta Conklin, Mary Elizabeth Webster, and Laura Reichen. All Seats Reserved All the seats are being placed on reserve and are priced at 35 cents each. Reservations are now being made at the box office of the Guild theater and advance reports indi cate that a capacity crowd will at tend tonight’s performance. Members of the stage crew who work behind the scenes to insure the success of the show are as fol lows: Jane Lee, stage manager; Janet Hall, assistant stage mana ger; Iris Jorgensen and Leonard Love, electricians; Vivian Callison, properties, and Portia Booth, as sistant properties. In 'Small Miracle9 Charles Barclay, freshman, who makes his second major appear ance in a Guild hall production tonight, playing the role of Eddie, a hat check boy in a Broadway theater. The curtain rises at 8 o’clock. Awards Offered By Portland Bank For Best Essays Subject Will Be Economic Problem of Northwest In the hope of stimulating a careful and persistent study of the economic problems of the Pa cific Northwest, and with a desire to increase the educational oppor tunities of students, the First Na tional Bank of Portland, Oregon, is announcing a series of prizes to be awarded to contestants whose essays are considered meritorious on the subject of economic prob lems of the Pacific Northwest. This contest is limited to under graduates in institutions of higher learning in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Seven topics have been suggested, but the contestant may write on any chosen subject per taining to this material if the sub ject is accepted by the essay com mittee. The first prize is $750.00 and the second prize is $250.00. The under graduate contest awards for the first prize are $400.00 scholarship or $200.00 cash, and second prize $200.00 scholarship or $100.00 cash. Application cards may be se cured at Dean Gilbert's office. Phi Chi Theta Honors Sophomores at Party Phi Chi Theta, business adminis tration honorary for women, held rangement and quality of work to at the Alpha Omicron Pi chapter house for sophomore women in the business administration field who had high scholastic rating. Official, formal pledging of new members will take place next Tuesday eve ning. Latest Type Miniature Films Are Provided in New Library By Slgne Rasmussen Imagine putting the whole file of the New York Times for the five-year war period in a collar box! Hallucination? No. The Uni versity’s new library is to be pre pared to take advantage of the latest miniature film by which stor age of printed matter reproduc tions is to require an infintinesimal fraction of the space at present needed. Space has been provided in the library plans for installation of a Recordak machine for reading diminutive film reproductions, M. H. Douglass, University librarian, said today. The library will also be equipped with a special camera for reproducing the contents of books on these tiny films although the developing process will prob ably be left to a photographer, he added. Not only money - saving but economy of space as well is of fered a library by this, as yet, com paratively undeveloped field. “The only solution of our book storage problem is to invent some way of publishing books on motion picture films," said a visionary librarian some years ago. It has been done and it has very material ly increased available materials for research, at the same time reduc ing expenditures and simplifying the storage problem. The introduction of the minia ture film, reproductions of books, newspapers to complete files, and rare manuscripts which will thus be made available to the public, is a real epoch in library history—and our new library will be one of the first in this movement. The 35-millimeter film is pro duced on a wide ratio range. To put the filmed manuscripts to practical use, a Recordak machine is used. It projects the pages from the film in natural size onto a table at a convenient angle for the reader. New films can be made from old ones, and the films themselves have a 30 per cent longer preserva tion period than the best rag paper made; a film for a 400-page book can be made for only 65 cents; il lustrations can also be reproduced with great accuracy. That some new program of this (Please turn to page two) Desire for Adventure Beckons Burg to Travels in Distant Corners of Continental Lands By LeRoy Mattingly The fulfillment of a boyhood am bition—this is the theme of the story of the adventures of Amos Burg, Oregon explorer. "The call of adventure was stronger than the call of school,” and it led Mr. Burg to leave high school at the age of 14 to ship on a freighter for Australia with the avowed purpose of “starting an ostrich farm,” he explained in an informal talk yesterday. Although he has enjoyed good fortune in the course of his later experiences, Mr. Burg admitted that his first venture was not a vsuccess, “After paying $35 for a uniform, and working at a salary of $20 a month during the voyage, I arrived in Australia with $5. I decided that $5 was insufficient to start an ostrich farm, so I re turned home.” Responds to Wanderlust Having eaten of the fruit of ad venture and finding it to his liking, Mr. Burg soon responded once more to the wanderlust and six months after his return was serv ing in the French transport serv ice in the Orient and the Mediter ranean regions. He was honorably discharged at the end of the war in Marseilles, France. The belief that he needed a bet ter background led him to aban don temporarily his chosen field of adventure for more prosaic studies. He entered high school and completed the three, remaining years of his course in two years. In 1924 he entered Oregon State College, transferred his work to this campus in 1926. “Newspapermen occupy a ring side seat in life. T wanted to have a ringside seat," Mr. Burg related. While majoring in journalism, which brought him under the tu telage of Dean Eric W. Allen, he became interested in newsreel pho tography, working for the Inter national Newsreel company. International assigned Mr. Burg and his camera to photograph the caribou migration in the Yukon, and once again he turned to a ca reer of travel which has carried him to many of the world’s far places. Most Thrilling Adventure A thousand mile voyage from the Straits of Magellan to Horn Is land, his last adventure, was his most thrilling. “Through the ‘tail’ of the hemisphere' in his 20-foot reconstructed life boat, Mr. Burg and one companion sailed, taking the first motion pictures and col ored films of the Yahgans—the most southerly inhabitants of the earth, and storm-beseiged country. The boat which Mr. Burg used on this expedition was shipped over land 8,000 miles to the end of all continental lands. With the Cape of Good Hope, 1000 miles north of them, and 2,300 miles below Asia, he braved thirteen major storms to take the pictures which he will present here today. Beans, bacon, dried apples, prunes and hard tack made up the bulk of the provisions which the two explorers carried. Their work was done under strenuous condi tions, and they were often forced to await favorable weather. “Wes terly gales blow in this region about 80 per cent of the time, (Please turn to page two) Gleeman Concert Finishes Season Under the direction of John Stark Evans, the Eugene Gleemen and the Junior Gleemen, an organ ization of young men of the city who are interested in singing, made their last formal appearance of the season before the public in the University school of music auditorium last night. Featured as soloists in the num bers sung by the younger group, were two Oregon students, William Sutherland, and Thomas Miles, both baritones. Robert Mack, Eu gene high school, also sang a solo feature. George Bishop, baritone, who for the past few years has appeared with the Gleemen in all parts of the state, made his last appearance as a soloist with the group before his departure for Chicago where he will continue his studies. De Cou, Bond Will Judge Debaters Edgar E. DeCou, professor of mathematics, and Jessie H. Bond, professor of business administra tion, will go to Corvallis tonight for the final debate of the Oregon high school debating contest to be broadcast over KOAC. Professor DeCou will award a cup to the winning team, and Professor Bond will act as judge. Professor DeCou is known as the "father” of the high school debate contests for it was he who organ ized the first contest in 1907 and remained as head of the contest for three years.. Professor DeCou will present the winner of the de bate between Chiloquin, eastern Oregon champions, and Beaverton, western Oregon champions, with a new cup which he is donating. The cup, one of a series given by DeCou, will be known as the Uni versity cup. The cup remains in the possession of the winner for one year and becomes the perman ent property of any team winning it three times. Campus Calendar There will be a house mother’s meeting Tuesday at 1 o’clock in the art building. Miss Brownell Frasier will give a talk. Wesley club will hold guest night Sunday at 6:30 at the First Methodist church. All members are urged to bring their friends. Jewell Receives Annoimc ement Of Inauguration Many Notables Will Attend Educational Convention An invitation to attend the for mal inauguration of Dr. Dexter M. Keezer as president of Reed col lege in Portland, May 15, 16, and 17, has been received by James R Jewell, dean of the school of edu cation. Other national figures in the field of education to participate in the conference are Dr. Ben G. Wood, director of the American Council of Education from Wash ington, D. C.; Dr. William R. Wil son, director of administrative re search at the University of Wash ington; Dr. Stacy May, assistant director of the Rockefeller Foun dation of New York; Dr. William F. Ogburn, head of the department of sociology at the University of Chicago; and Dr. Grace K. Willett, personnel director of Antioch col lege in Ohio. The topic of the first day of the meeting, in which Dean Jewell will participate, will be “How Can and Shall Reed College Proceed to Im prove Its Knowledge of Individual Background, Interests, Aptitudes, and Capabilities of Its Students?” Dr. Wood appeared on the Uni versity of Oregon campus in the spring of 1931, participating in a federal conference on education. Kehrli Will Attend Cities Convention Herman Kehrli, director of the municipal research bureau of the University, v/ill be speaker next Thursday morning at the annual convention of the association of Washington cities, held in Cer. tralia, Washington. He will discuss the numerous phases of the work of the research bureau in Oregon and their purposes. The principal speaker at the con vention will be Walter H. Blucher. director of the American society of planning officials, planning con sultant to the nation resources board, and housing consultant of the PWA. Elinor Henry Sell* Story Miss Elinor Henry, former mem ber of the Emerald staff, and a graduate from the school of jour nalism last year, has recently sold an article to a large, eastern mag azine company, and it is expected to be published shortly. Heads Committee John Clabaugh, general chair man for all Junior weekend events scheduled to begin next Friday and continue Saturday and Sunday. Outstanding events will be the Jun ior Prom, the Water Carnival, the Freshman-Sophomore tug of war, the “Melody of Spring” canoe fete, the all-campus luncheon, and the various affairs planned for moth ers of students who plan to visit the campus. Mystery Covers Identity of Canoe Fete Ringleader Who will be the master of cere monies for the canoe fete? Much mystery is surrounding the revela tion of whom this luck or unlucky man will be. Each house is constructing a float in accompaniment with a popular song carrying out the “Spring Melody” idea. The theme using the popular song has created so much favor over the state of Oregon that many letters of in quiry have been received by the committee as to the detailed plans. The floats will be pushed down the mill race by swimmers, and will be commented on before the queen's platform by the master of ceremonies. Rules for the judging of the floats are as follows: 1. Conception 20%. The origin and adaptation of the idea. 2. Presentation 30%-. This takes m account all the material, and (Please turn to page two) SAE’s and Pi Phis Win AWS Awards Sigma Alpha Epsilon again placed with the winners at the AWS carnival. They and Pi Beta Phi won the loving cup trophies which are presented annually to the best decorated, most original and most popular carnival booths. Susan Campbell hall and Sigma Chi received honorable mention. Last year the cups were won by Alpha Omicron Pi and Sigma Al pha Epsilon. Judges of the booths were Dean Hazel P. Schwering, Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, Kenneth Shumaker, Pro fessor N. B. Zane, and Ralph Schomp. Mr. Schomp presented the awards. George Root Names 1936Oregana Staff; Actual W ork Begu n Tickets for Annual Canoe Fete Placed On Sale by Juniors Ticket sales opened yesterday for the annual canoe feie, one of the most outstanding features of Junior weekend, at the Co-op and at the office of the gradu ate manager in McArthur court. The event being held under the auspices of the junior class, stu dent body tickets will not he honored for free admission. Officials of the fete anticipate a capacity crowd to attend the “Melody in Spring" idea. Many of the seats on the bank of the race were destroyed recently in the widening of the highway at that point, which will result in a fewer number of people being uble to witness the event. College Teaching Group Publishes Education Volume Leighton anti Seashore Contribute Studies Dr. R. W. Leighton, executive secretary of research, announced Thursday that an important vol ume, covering two fields in teach ing in institutions of higher educa tion, has just been published under the auspices of the University of Oregon committee on college teaching. Two subjects entitled “Studies of Laboratory Methods of Teaching," by Dr. Leighton, and "Qualitative Aspects of the Improvement of Science Teaching” by Dr. Robert H. Seashore, professor of psychol ogy here, are covered in the vol ume. The section by Leighton is a summary of study at the Uni versity which sought an evaluation cf efficiency of current methods of teaching used in lower division sci ence laboratories. The study was financed by the Carnegie Founda tion for the advancement of teach ing. Seashore’s section includes such subjects as determination of course objective, objective of general psy chology, classification of scientific attitudes, methods of presentation from the standpoint of science teachers, and the testing achieve ments of a course. Educators, par ticularly those concerned with lab oratory methods of teaching, and j those who teach science are ex pected to obtain great value from these studies. Parsons Visits Coast Philip A. Parsons, professor of sociology, left yesterday for the beach to spend a few days. Before returning to the campus Wednes day, he will speak in St. Helens at a planning meeting of Columbia county on organizing planning commissions in the counties. Boys, Here’s Your Chance To Avoid a Grand Bounce By Ilallie Dudrey And how is your slang today? Did it irritate you greatly when a 5H man took your chief Itch and rub to the egg harbor ce soir merely because he could make your language sound like that of a hayslinger? Do not remain a wart; beware of becoming a skull dragger; . . . improve your slang; freshen your conversation with bits of witticisms. Do you realize that a girl is no longer termed as such ? In the best of circles she is called a wren, twilly, squaw, smelt, skirt, pash, number, jane, hairpin, guinea, haggy moll, frail, bag, sack, cat tle, beetle, and dragout; and in more endearing tone, clinging vine, hot house plant, fever frau and choice bit of calico, with the very object of your affections termed as your chief itch and rub. Then of course there is the chaperone or fire extinguisher; an old woman who is a wrinkle, and then as all ways the wrens who do not date, or the cellar gang. And If you accompany a well assembled piece of girl to a dance, excuse men, a shinslap, shuffle, struggle, toddle, trot, workout, wrestle, hog wrastle, or egg har bor, do you think yourself the B.M.O.C. (big man on the campus) or a 5H man (heck, how he hates himself) because more than likely you will get the G.B. (grand bounce) especially if she catches you Janlng (flirting with other women). The best way to avoid a G.B. is to keep up on your slang. Do a bit of skull dragging (studying), see your squirrel (psy chologist) and instead of drooping through a sleeper (lecture course) become a D.A.R. (damned aver age raiser). Then and only then will you have the ability to assim ilate the knowledge of the Thomas Y. Crowell Publishing company’s book, “A Dictionary of American Slang” written by Maurice H. Weseen. Henrietle Horak to Act As Associate Editor Of Publication Theme Is Indefinite Studies of Classroom and Campus Scenes Planned Actual work and organization for the 1936 Oregana is ready to begin, following the announcement of the complete staff by George Root, editor, yesterday afternoon. Spring term events are now being covered by members of the staff, preparatory to the continuance of work in September. Henriette Horak, who has been very active in the iournalism field since entering the University, is to act as associate editor of the pub lication, Root announced. She was chairman of last year’s Christmas Revels, is a member of Theta Sig ma Phi, women’s journalism hon orary, Kwama and Phi Theta Up silon honoraries, president of the Orides, assistant in the University news bureau, writes society for both the Journal and the Oregon ian, was co-chairman of the Matrix Table banquet held last week, one of 16 Oregon students chosen to be included in the Who’s Who of American College students, and publicity director for the coming Junior weekend. Many on Staff Photography in the publication will be superintended by Stivers Vernon, the student government section by Roberta Moody, the sports section by Ned Simpson, dances by Peggy Chessman, and classes by Wayne Harbert. The art editor is to be Nels Nel son, the administration editor, Mil dred Blackburne, and the drama section will be edited by Alice Hult. Others chosen are as follows: music, Virginia Endicott; art, Al fredo Fajardo; fraternities, Dan Clark Jr.; sororities, Margaret Ann Morgan; women's activities, Mir iam Eichner; forensics, George B i k m a n ; honoraries, Margaret Petsch; snapshots, Lester Miller; medicine, James Brooks; and law, Don Heisler. Velma McIntyre is to be the gen eral secretary and on the copy staff are Clara Nasholm, Dorris Holmes, Mary Graham, and Pat Hohmann. The theme of the annual is to be announced at a later date, Rpot declared. Campus scenes will be more informal in the publication, featuring studies of students on the campus and in their classrooms. Raymond Wheeler To Visit Campus Dr. Raymond H. Wheeler, for mer professor of psychology in the University of Oregon, will be on the campus greeting friends on or about June 15. He is now head of the psychol ogy department of the University of Kansas. Dr. Wheeler has writ ten extensively on the subject of Gestalt psychology and has lec tured in both this country and Europe on phases of the same sub ject. Recently he lectured before the meeting of the British psy chologists. Under the editorship of Francis Aveling of the University of London his book on the “Laws of Human Nature” was published in the Contemporary Library of Psychology. During the summer session Dr. Wheeler will lecture at Stanford university. Noon Deadline for Payment on Fees; Daily Tardy Fines Today noon is the last time to make second Installment pay ments on registration and out of state fees. Starting Monday, May 6, there will be a penalty of 25 cents for each day that fees are not paid. Fees should be paid at window 4 on the second floor of Johnson hall.