Who’s Who in the Thin-Clads By Tom McCall 1035 will ring down the curtain on the long and successful track career of FRED NOWXAND, the La Grande Flyer. For the past 12 or 13 years the leggy blond has donned his track paraphernalia with the first signs of spring. He's met the best that the Northwest lias to offer in both the high jump and the high hurdles. He’s met the best that the high schools of the nation had to offer in the hur dies. He’s met success with nearly all of them and failure with a few, but there is one defeat that still rankles deep in his heart. It hap pened when the big boy was just a little boy in his fourth grade of elementary school . . . The La Grande schools were having a meet. The day was nearly over and little Freddy looked like a sure winner in the “mixed” broad jump. He couldn’t quite get over the bar v. here it had been placed but nei ther could any of the other con testants who had also been unable to negotiate the bar at an imme diately lower position which Fred dy had cleared. And he turned to leave the field amidst a triumph ant parade of admirers, a tiny girl wended her way from the melting crowds and hurled herself with hopeless abandon at the bar in a devil-may-care last attempt at vic tory. Higher and higher she soared and then plunged like a catapault to the sawdust below. The cross bar wiggled slightly with her pass ing touch, but it remained tenac iously in place. As a freshman in high school I Nowland showed such poor prom ise in the hurdles that his coach paid but little attention to his an tics. Resenting this attitude, vthe lad set up two home made hurdles in the street by his house. Here it was that he practiced every day for a month. When came the first conference meet of that season the coach fin ally granted his plea to run the highs. Stepping over the barriers with the ease of a veteran he whipped the field by five yards. From then on he went undefeated during the rest of his prep school career, with the exception of his Hayward and Track Crew Off for Washington State Meet Vandals Take Ten Inning Game from Ducks ReinhartMen On Short End Of 6-5 Score Gemmell Has Bad Luck In Second, Relieved By Herb Foulk W. Geragihty’s Hit in 10th Scores Idaho Win Out of a boiling pot of errors, bases on balls, thrills, disappoint ments, an extra inning, an ever lasting cross-fire between Coaches Rich Fox and Bill Reinhart and Umpire Stan Summers, boos, cheers, revenge, and strikeouts, the Idaho Vandals won a 6-5 game from the Ducks yesterday, and Pitcher Herb Foulk was still in the loss column only. To little Wally Geraghty, a spud at short, goes the day's laurels if the enraged Webfoots have any to bestow. It was his triple to rightfield in the first of the tenth inning that ponded re lief hurler Glenn Naslund across the plate for the winning run. Oregon Bad Luck With the blow and a wee bit of luck in the Oregon half when sec ond-baseman Summers pulled in Foulk's short fly and doubled Harry McCall off second base for the final out, portsider Naslund gained revenge for his loss Wed nesday. Bill Black, who started on the slab for Idaho, had the contest al most tucked in his pocket in the tirst two state meets. In 1930 he tied the state meet record, and in 1931 established a new state meet time of 15.9. Although this mark was lowered last year, his 15.5, made in an eastern Oregon ; meet, is the best time that any high school hurdler has made in the state. That summer, 1931, Nowland went back to the National Interscholastic meet at Chicago, where he met defeat in the finals after r unning the meet’s fastest highs in the preliminaries. Last Saturday “The Flyer” made his eighth and last appear ance as a competitor at Bell field in Corvallis. It is peculiar to note that he ran against Wilbur Kid der, his arch rival since grade school days. As in many previous meets the race was close, but also, as in many previous meets, Kidder bit the “cinders.” Today Nowland, a co-holder of the Northwest high jump championship, embarks on another conquest when he accom panies other members of the Web foot track squad to Pullman where they meet Washington State in a dual meet. IRISH'S CASH STORES For Lower Food Prices. SUGAR Pure cane. 10U lbs. FLOUR Our famous Peter Pan lUO'r hardwlieat. $5.23 $1.79 BLUE BELL FLOUR Iiardwheat $1.69 COFFEE Irish Special doc coffee value i per pound _23c BEANS Small whites. 4 pounds I 5c QUALITY MEATS SUNBEAM FLOUR I lan I wheat. $1.45 POST TOASTIES Fresh and Crisp. per pkg. 6c QUALITY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Save with the thrifty at Irish’s. is rapi.JIv. TODAY’S INTRAMURAL SCHEDULE Friday, May 3 SOFTBALL * 4:00 p. m. Diamond I. Sigma hall vs. Alpha Tan Omega. Diamond 2. Kappa Sigma vs. Yeomen. last of the ninth. With two away and none on Coach Fox stuck Nas hind in the box. First he hit Gor don, then he let Johnny Lewis reach first on his wild throw to Les Albee, then he threw a wild pitch and Gordon, who had gone to third on the error, scored the ty ing tally. Geinmell Blows Up Hon Gemmell began the Duck hurling, but was removed after al lowing five runs in the second inn ing. Two free passes and four singles spelled his finish. In the third Foulk took over the duties, fanning 12 batters, and allowing six hits and only one run in eight cantos. In the meantime -Oregon had tied the count, so this one run in the tenth caused his third straight loss. Although Reinhart's squad had an off day afield, the Foxmen held the lead in this department with seven miscues. Gordon overshad owed his two mistakes with some handy plays later in the day, con tributing to a fast double play in the seventh inning that nipped a possible rally. The score: IDAHO AB. R. H. O. Kleiner, If. 4 12 2 Geraghty, ss. 6 13 3 Katsilometes, cr. 4 0 1 3 Albee, lb. 5 0 2 9 Wheeler, rf. 4 0 0 1 Schodde, 3b. 4 10 2 Summers, 2b. 4 117 Anderson, c. . .. 5 1 1 3 Black, p. 3 0 0 0 Naslund, p. 0 10 0 A. E. 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 4 1 3 0 1 0 3 2 0 1 Totals .39 6 10 30 14 7 OREGON Van Vliet, cf. Amato, lb. Koch, 2b. Gordon, ss. Lewis, 3b. Hunt, rf. Kelsey, lb. M. Vail, e. Gemmell, p. DeLauney, s. Foulk, p. Hurney, ss. Clausen, If. McFadden, rf. .. McCall, lb. AB. R. H. O. A. E. 5 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 5 12 12 0 4 112 4 2 5 0 112 1 3 110 2 1 3 0 0 7 0 2 1 1 0 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 2 0 10 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 12 0 0 Totals .36 5 9 39 14 6 IDAHO .050 000 000 1 OREGON .010 011 001 0 Black, Naslund and Anderson; Gemmell, Foulk and Vail. Carl Heilborn’s (Continued from Pane One) “Hills of Hollywood,” and “Storm on Hollywood Hills.” “Market Street — 1932 San Francisco” is a well done pen and ink sketch showing the famous street swarming with people, cars, trolleys in the midst of the build ings and at the end of the street, in the background, the Ferry build ing. A lovely scene is depicted in a picture which was drawn from the top of Telegraph hill overlooking San Francisco Bay. One sees a por tion of the city, the boats in the harbor, while above it all the sun's Clump! Clump! Glen Hordin, Louisiana stats hurdler and 440-yard star, is here shown breaking the well-known tape. rays slant down through the clouds. Sheep Form Subject Sheep browsing in among the trees form the subject of “Sheep in the Wood.” The scene is a realistic one that might be glimpsed in the country any day, but it is made beautiful through its exquisite shading and use of the greens and browns of the trees and the earth. Emphasis is placed in the sunlight slanting through the trees and striking patches in the wood. Many other pictures are included in this exhibit, which is indeed well worth seeing, not only because it was done by a former Oregon stu dent and now famous artist, but because the mastery of it speaks for itself. Golf Preliminary Must Be Cleared Olive Lewis, women’s golf man ager, said yesterday that all first rounds in the golf tournament must be played off by Saturday. Scores are to be posted on the bul letin board. Results of the championship flight are: Virginia Saw winning from Mary Morse, 1 up. Olive Lewis winning by default from Stephenie Smith. In the second flight results are: Jean Ramussen winning from Eleanor French, 3 to 2. Madeline Nelson winning from Clare Helfrich, 3 to 1. Margaret Petsch winning from Eleanor Aldrich, 2 to 1. Coed archers are keeping in practice on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 4 until 5:30 p. m. The inter-collegiate telegraphic archery contest has been scheduled for later in May. The definite date will be announced later. Library Displays (Continued from Paqc (Jnc) from the Macpherson collection; and “The Book of Old Ships and Something of Their Evolution and Romance" drawn by Gordon Grant and the text by Henry B. Culver. CiS/SEISiSlSJSJSlSiSISISfiSISISjSJBMSiSjSlElK Read your Emerald ads daily and buy accordingly you won't go wrong because Emerald advertisers realize the value of student patron age and will advertise only those products which they know will bring complete satisfaction to the college rtu/iont Semi-finals Are Reached In Donut Ball Hells, Alpha Hall, Pi Kaps, Phi Hells to Fight for Top Exciting Tilts Mark Day's Softball Play Four hard-hitting, fast fielding donut softball teams will tangle Monday afternoon to decide which two of the quartet will meet Tues day in the finals of the 1935 in tramural competition. The four or ganizations that have won their way into the semi-finals are Pi Kappa Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Delta Tau Delta, and Alpha hall. Today at 4 p. m. two more make-up games are scheduled, and they will be the last of the season outside of the championship elim inations. Sigma hall will meet Al pha Tail Omega to decide a game that was postponed Wednesday in favor of the Oregon-Idaho game, and Kappa Sigma will entertain the Yeomen in a make-up of a game that never was played be cause of a mistake in the Emerald. Thursday's softball results saw all the favorites come through their matches without a hitch. In a hard fought contest the Phi Delts took the measure f the D. U.’s with a 5 to 2 decision. Guy Ben son did a nice job on the mound for the Barnyarders, and “Truck" Hayes, Male Bauer, and “Bing” Crosbie all performed well in the outer gardens. Bill Jones pitched his usual good game for the 13th Streeters, but the heavy hitting of the Phi Delt crew was too much for him. Alpha hall forfeited to Gamma hall. The Delta, behind the spec tacular pitching of Barry Quille, took the measure of the Phi Sigs, 12 to 0. Quille and Lees were an Send the Emerald to your friends. Subscription rates $2.50 a year. Right at Home f (Sene Venzke was right at home in the mile and two-mile relays when he ran as anchor man for Pennsylvania in the Penn Relays. Venzke.. formerly held the mile indoor record until (Slen Cunning ham set a new standard last sea son : unbeatable combination, as they have been all reason. Kappa Sigma took one on the chin at the hands of the Phi Psi’s, 8 to 3. Omega hall fell before the bats of the Abba Dabbas in a hard fought 5 to 4 contest. Sigma Nu eked out a nar row victory over the Chi Psi lodgers, 8 to 7. WESTERN THRIFT STORE 804 Willamette Eugene, Oregon Friday and Saturday Specials Chamberlains Hand Lotion for Beautiful Hands 55c size 39c—$1.00 size 74c 1 wo Drop Hand Lotion 25c size, closeout 9c 25c Listenne Tooth Paste oOc Pepsodent Tooth Paste dOo Ipana Tooth Paste 20c Colsiates Tooth Paste 30c Lyons Tooth Powder 75cListerine.50c $1.00 Pepsodent Antiseptic . . .69c 50c Astringosol .29c Mission Antiseptic, 1 qt.49c 1 0c Lux Soap, 3 for. 10c Life Buoy Soap, 3 for , I 0c Woodbury Soap, cake 1 0c Cashmere Boquet Soap Shop and Save at WESTERN THRIFT 17c 17c .8c . 8c Cougars Favored Because of Strength In Distance Events By Ned Simpson With three full days of sunshine aiding his charges, Col. Bill Hayward, Webfoot track mentor, will bundle his eighteen skittery runners, hefty heavers, and jittery jumpers aboard train tonight for Pullman, Washington, where they will compete against the Washing ton State track team Saturday. Men making the trip are: sprints—Walt Hopson, Bud Shoemake; quarter-mile—Short Freeman, Howard Patterson; half-mile—George Seharpf, Bob Luddington; mile—Sam McGaughty, A1 Johnson; two mile Capt. Bob Wagner, Sam McGaughty; hurdles—Fred Nowland, Milo Lacey; broad jump—Arne Lindgren; high jump—Johnny Stolp; javelin Bob Parke, Warren Demaris; shot and discus—Gardy Frye; and pole vault Marvin Janek, Ken Wood. Colonel Bill has been doing a lot of figuring the last few days and try as hard as he can, the answer always seems to favor the Cougars The 1934 northern division champs boast the bc;t runners in the northwest, and have plenty of strength in ilie iield events as well. Karl Schaldeman, WSC coach, has-* his eye on the crown again this year, and unless the Webfoot mid dle distance men and hurdles pull a big surprise, they have a good chance of starting off on the right foot. In the sprints the Oregon duo of Shoemake, northwest century champ and holder of the N. W. conference record of 9.6 seconds, and Walt Hopson, his dusky run ning mate, should hold up their end of the fight with little trouble. Both Shoemake and Hopson, whose bail leg of last season has healed, are in tip-top shape. In tlie quarter mile test Percy Freeman and Howie Patterson will find plenty of stiff competition in Dick Nichols. In the meet last year Patterson nosed out the lanky Cougar ace by a few feet, but is not given more than even chances to repeat again this year. George Scharpf and Bob Luddington, Web foot half-milers, will have a good chance to show what they have when they tangle with Ken Leend ersten, conference champ. Scharpf has been running the 880 in better than good time this season and is given a good chance of boating out the northerner. Duck hopes in the mile will be resting on the slim shoulders of A1 Johnson, sophomore loper, who has been showing consistent im provement this season. His will be the task of trying to cope with the speedy Roy Carriker, another northwest champ from the Palouse country. In the hurdles, Oregon's Fred Nowland and Milo Lacey are given the edge over the Cougar timber toppers. Both men have shown plenty of speed and form. Bobby Parke,- national javelin champ, and Warren Dcmaris, former northwest javelin crown-wearer, will give Washington Staters a lesson in how to toss the spindly spear. Both men are expected to have little trouble in copping the five and the three in this event. Gardner Frye, great tackle on the 1933-34 football teams and two year letter winner in track, will carry the burden of Oregon weight event representative. "Popeye" will toss both the shot and the discus, and is the only Webfoot entry in (Please turn to page tour) . MITOGA This is the Shirt that studied anatomy , After much anatomical research, ARROW pain stakingly created the MITOGA, a form-fitting, sliaped-to-fit shirt. From collar to cuff, MlTOGA embodies the style, the comfort, and the fit of a custom-made shirt. Broad shoulders, bias yoke, tapered sleeves, and a draped-in waist, are the particular new features of MlTOGA—designed es pecially for the trim athletic build. Give MlTOGA a try-out today and you’ll ever thank ARROW. In white and fancy Now $2 and $2.50 Hundreds of new patterns here in ARROW SHIRTS $2.00 ERIC MERRELL CLOTHES TOR MEN Willamette Street THE ARROW SHIRT STORE IN EUGENE.