PUBLISHED BY T THE UN University HE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS [VERSIFY OE OR EC ON of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon OF EDITORIAL OFFICES: Journalism building. Rhone 3300 — Editor. Local 34: News Room and Managing Editor, 355. BUSINESS OFFICE: McArthur Court, Phone 3300- Local 214. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All lights ot publication of special dispatches herein arc also reserved. MEMBER OF Represented by York City; 123 Seattle; 1031 S. Francisco. MAJOR COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New \V. Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Ave., Broadway, Los Angeles; Call Building, San William E. Phipps Grant Thuimniei Editor Business Manager Boh Moore Managing Editor EDITORIAL BOARD Malcolm Bauer. Associate Editor Fred Colvig. Robert Lucas, Assistant Editors Barney Clark, J. A. Newton, Ann-Reed Burns, Dan E. Clark Jr. DEPARTMENT EDITORS Reinhart Knudscti . Assistant Managing Editor Clair Johnson . News Editor Simnson ... .. .- Sports Editor Ki.l Robbins .. George Bikman . Ann Reed Burns ... Leslie Stanley . I elegrapli . Radio .... Women .. Make-up Mary Graham . Dick Watkins . Marian Kennedy .... society Features Kl’SI NESS OFFICE MANAGERS Dorris Holmes Assistant Jiusiness Manager Eldon Haber man Advertising Dick Keiim, Phil Oil strap .... . Assistants Ed Morrow .. Merchandising Carroll Auiii. M a u d e Long Assistants William Jones ... . National Advertising Fred Heidel __ Circulation Ed Priaulx . Production Virginia Wellington .. .. Promotion Patsy Neal, Jean Cecil .. Assistants Ann ITerrenkohl Classified Solicitor.- : i'hil (li'sfr.ip, ( arroU Aulu, LMck lduin, inooi i.onstm, Roil Miller. John Dougherty, Bob Wilhelm. Les Miller, George Corey. GEN (ORAL STAFF Reporters: Uenryctta Mummcy, William Pease. Phyllis Adams, Leroy Mattingly, Laura M. Smith, Betty Shoemaker. Helen Bart rum. Leslie Stanley. Fulton Travis, Wayne Harbcrt, Lucille Moore. Ifallie Dutlrey, Helene Beeler. Copyreaders: Laurene Brockschmk, Judith Wodaege, Signe Ras mussen, Kllamae Woodworth, (Bare lgoe, Margaret Ray, Virginia Scoville, Margaret Vcness, Betty Shoemaker, Eleanor Aldrich. Sports Staff: Bill Mclnturff.. (lordon Connelly, Don Casciato, Jack Cilligan, Ivenneth Webber. Women’s Page Assistants: Margaret Petsch, Mary Graham, Betty Jane Barr, Helen Bartnmi. Betty Slioemaker. Librarians .. Mary Graham, Jane Lee Day Editor .. Mildred Blackhurne Night Assistants . Betty Rosa. Louise Kruckman The Oregon Daily Emerald will not he responsible for returning unsolicited manuscripts. Public letters should not be more than 300 words in length and should be accompanied bv the writer’s signature and address which will he withheld if requested. All communications are subject to the discretion of the editors. Anonymous letters will he disregarded. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon. Eugene, published daily during the college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods, all of December except the first seven days, all of March except the eight days. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice. Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Where There’s a Need— (K.ditor’s Note. This is th<‘ first of a series of editorials advocating construction oil the campus of the University of Oregon. Included ill these discussions, which will appear in these columns during the next few weeks, will he a general plan for what the Kmerald feels should be the next unit in the i adversity's iadlding program—a student union.) 13 KK( )K h even a semblance ot an organized plan for 1 lie construction of a student union at the Pnivcrsilj of Oregon eim lie formulated, there must he a demand evi deuced for such a building. This demand must come from the students: as. of all of the projects appearing on the lengthy lisi of proposed campus improvements, the stu dent union is the one which will directly benefit the student group, itself. A hare appeal to the students In evidence such a demand seem hardly necessary. It is evident that every one would be in favor of a new and convenient student union build ing. .lust as every' one would welcome eseu Inters in .lohnson hall nr free ice cream cones at the College1 Side. Therefore, before such a demand can be given consideration, there must he shown an actual need for the facilities which would lx* provided by the student union building. This need, we feel, has so long been present that a mere recital ol the immediate benefits to be derived from a student union will serve to impress the most lethargic observer. Primarily, a student union building is a student activity center. All of the extra curricular activities of tile I’niversity and its student body, with the single exception of athletics, could be housed in such a building. It would give the participants in these in tivities a sense of independence which can onlv be gained from contact with a central organization a cooperative of the students themselves. It is just such unity of student endeavor which is now needed to hold In getlier a student group torn by the preju dices and misunderstandings of fraternities versus dormitories, and student body card holders versus non-members. A student union, cent rally located and adequately equipped, would give all of these groups a common headquarters from which in em anate that harmony which is indispensable to a progressive student group. I‘>nt there are many other facilities which would he required in a worth while student union building, (it importance among such additional leatures would he the numerous iduhs rooms made available for the more tliHii lmIf hundred honoriiries and (dubs, which arc irow forced to conduct tlicir meet ings in classrooms, soft drink parlors, and fraternity dining rooms. I5ut such benefits would only constitute the skeleton of requirements of ihe ideal I'nion. There must needs be a ballroom to briii'T an end to the monopoly which down town hotels hold in providing propel* danc ing environment. The co-op store mitrlit be located within the I'nion. And. what is a most imminent necessity, there could be in eluded a spacious auditorium -an auditor ium in which folding chairs would not be needed, where basketball hoops would not shut out the view, and where lofty rafters would not drown out the voices of speakers and the notes of musicians. Even these gexlions do not complete the possibilities oJ ’ered by such a project. The benefits and returns from such a build ing will expand as the possibilities become realities. Yes, Oregon needs a student Union. In Capable Hands ' 11 E Emerald today fools somowliat like a father whoso son has finally joined the fii’m. Now Emerald horizons, those of 1have begun lo reveal themselves throne’ll 1 he misty haze of the future, Robert Eneas has boon named to guide the destinies of the Emerald for the ensuing year. Although the present school year has only begun to show siirns of advancing ago. nevertheless the impel us id' promised new blood and now enthusiasm brings with it a promise of now opportunities and now ac complishments. In choosing .Mr. Lucas as editor of the Emerald for next year, the executive council and the publications committee have indi cated their confidence in a man whose rare ability and rare understanding are a need a requisite- for the important position of editor. During the past year the Emerald has l found .Mr. Eneas a most capable and under i standing co-worker, an enthusiastic journal I ist and a capable executive. At the end of this term the present administration will turn over its editorial chair with confidence and assurance. Selected from an imposing field of can didates, it is to be noted that Mr. Eneas has not been on the campus as long as most Emerald editors of the past. He has evi denced his capacity lo absorb the spirt of the journalistic profession, the spirit of the Emerald “shack" and the spirit of the Uni versity. not to mention his growing and un questioned ability as a writer and commen tator. In the re-election of Newton Stearns as manager of the Oregana. the ASUO com mittees have shown wisdom and foresight. Selected on a basis of past performance and proven ability, Air. Stearns promises to far surpass his record as manager of the year book during the past year. ('ertaijily with a lineup composed of Mr. Eneas, George Root, Eldon llnberinan and Mr. Stearns campus publications can look forward to a most successful and progressive yea r. Gosh! I’m Hungry! rp\YEEVE FIFTEEN! Did "l ever just make it in time! It's sure good we hur ried Irom that dance, 1 can t afford am more fines got enough already after some one lore up my bed when I'd already made it. and after I swept all that dirt under the couch when I eouldii I find a dustpan. lias anyone got any food? . . . Course they wouldu t. 1 think it's disgusting we can't order food after 12:lo. Ye gods, there’s no point in orde r iug be I ore then vou can go out to eat. It s alter closing hours when you really want to order especially when they have hash tor supper that none of ns can eat anyway so that we re all perishing of hunger by midnight. 'ton can't go eat after a dance because there isu t time and then you can't eat when you get home, li s illogical. Any wav, ,\ on can t always be asking a man to buy hamburgers or ehoelate sundaes when lie's probably already hocked his watch to take you out. I doll t see why the FlilVelsily can't let Us order alter hours. Me aren't supposed to be in lied till 1 mi) how , and we could just as well spend that time eating as sitting holding our aching stomachs. Much as I hate to (plote our dear sisters over at O.S.C. the girls can order for a half hour alter elos iltg lime. II we could do that, we could oat Irom 12:Ei to 12:1 o and on week dais from HE'll to 11 and still get our beaut \ sleep. Hut oI course we can t. So we .just have to sit and starve unless somebody'a mother gels generous ami scuds down some food. And ni) mother isn't the sending kind. 1 think I II die before breakfast. • lush ! I m hungry ! Glamorous (Continued from One) Painted Doll"; Gamma Phi Be! i Chi Psi, “The Little Dutch Mill"; Delta Delta Delta-Alpha Thu Omega, "Three Little Pigs." Theme Permits Origiualll\ “The theme of this year's fete has been given a great amount of thought ami consideration, and we feel that it oflers excellent oppor t unity for the houses to show originality and artistic ability in designing and constructing their floats," John Clubaugh, Junior Weekend chan man. said. Members of the canoe fete com mittee arc a». follows: Bill Schloth, chairman; Jack Campbell, assis tant >iv4tt ny.n Aft Iti^VV judge \nd twartU-: The dors i>c hi man, programs; Ben (.'handler, finances; Robert Biddle, construc tion; Chry.sail the Niekaehiou. sec retary: Prank Levings transporta tion and traffle. Ivrio Stmlrnls :t nntiniicil fipin l\i ,c One) ante in political science, and the other a senior in economics. President Sldnsio Koizumi ot Keio university, in a letter to Or O. Y Boyer, writes: "The students are members of the Keio Knglish Speaking society an association composed of the students id our university, having tot its aim the study of the Flng iistl language They intend to visit various universities and colleges in tiler > !> i' ((ii'v uvght cr-i ihcr ■tuckut and peak to them of the Into Vukiehi Kuku/awa. whose one hundredth birthday we huve just eoiebrateit and who, as the found ei of our institution in tSaS, did peihups more than anybody else ir. this eountrv to eroute the mod ern Japan on the basis of western civilization." Tliota Sicilia l*lii ft onlumtd from Path' One) Miss tlwUidys Bowen, writer, dramatist, and soi iety editor of the Portland Mottling Oregonian, will he guest of honor and speak to approximately 12 a guests Miss j Bowen will speak as a full-fledged “Theta-Sig," for she will lie init ialed into membership of the pro fessional honorary at • ereniouie • |V-.. tho t' 'V j roll Well? a graduate of the l m A ny thing Goes _ B\ I>ick Watkins CAMPIS Jim Emmett’s TEN < DMMANOKlvS outfit will ladle out the tunes at the Gamma Alpha Chi Fashion Dance, next Friday eve in Gerlinger . . . that new MOUSE & MORRISON orchestia sounded okay Tties eve at that rally jig held at the Phi Delt house . . . we were quite amazed to see them all break out in natty white mess-jackets . . . very swanky we calls it . . . CINEMA — Robert Donat, that shining new lite on the film horizon, who made such a re markable success as the Count of Monte Cristo,” is now hard at work on “Captain Blood,” which should suit him to a T . . . Greta Gar bo's next flicker will be Tolstoy’s immortal “Anna Kerenina” . . . a sea-picture cycle appears in the offing judging from the line-up now being produced or planned in Hollywood studies ... to name a few . . “The Mutiny on the Bounty” . . . “Tv pee,” . . . “China Seas,” . . . “Murder in the Fleet,” . . . “Tell No Tales,” etc. ... if they can make that “Mutiny on the Bounty,” one-tenth as good as the aoventuresome novel, it will be one swell show . . . Jan Kiepura of “Be Mine Tonight” fame, lias fi nally been roped in by Paramount after being chased after for three years, and will start work next month on “I Sing of Cove" . . . MISCELEANV * * * — HORACE IIEIDT & his Californians who have broken all records for a con tinuous engagement in Sail Fran cisco where they were starred at the Golden Gate Theatre for many years, have once more hit the road again, and are now slated to move into the ritzy Drake Hotel on Chi cago’s Gold Coast” . . . Those new broadcasts from the Del Monte Hotel at Monterey Bay, featuring the music of BOB KINNEY & his ex II. of Cal. orchestra sound mighty smooth ... If you want to try one of these Friday or Sat urday nights, tune in at 8:30 over the CBS (KFRC or KOIN) . . . Eddie Can-tor has signed addition al contracts which assures his con tinuance on the same program till the winter of 1937, excepting the summers . . . Ethel Merman, Ted Husing, and AI Goodman’s orches tra will shortly be heard over the air in a new series of programs beginning May 5 . . . Ethel Mer man reached stardom in Gersh win's “Girl Crazy,” and in “Take a Chance” . . . and on the screen appeared in “Kid Millions” and “We’re Not Dressing” . . . PET PEEVES . . . Katherine Hepburn's temper amentality . . . theatre crit ics who talk over their own heads and everyone else’s . . . murder mystery tripe like the “Casino Murder Case” . . . what a night mare that all was . . . why on earth do they try to make a Philo Vance out of Paul Eukas, of all people? . . . you’d think his Hun garian accent alone would put them wise . . . orchestra agencies who demand a small fortune for the services of any kind of a de cent band to play at college danc es . . . 13:15 curfew during spring term . . . OIIWELL! . . . what’s the use! . . . Gee,Gaeden Tune Up for Program Ned Gee submits the rusty crack that you can’t get up with the lark it you've been on one the night btlore. But we of the ever loving heart forgive him when he adds that on today’s program at 4:45 he will sing "Clouds" and “Things Might Have Been So Different." Norman Gaeden will show that a scientist can also play to the tune. With the assistance of Mary Garden, Gaetano Moroola and his symphonic orchestra will play for • oast music lovers at 8:15 tonight. The program will include the fourth movement of the Schehera zade suite. \Iso on MW .ludith Anderson, Ann Sothern and the Dresden Hoys' choir will he feat ured on Kiidy's program at 5. At 1:50 CBS broadcasts the opening of the Mark Twain Cen tennial museum. Cute mistakes: la a recent Civil War radio drama, Don Amecne was supposed to say: "Hurry up and get your clothes, or I'll take you without them!" Hut he added an extra word, and saiit: "Hurry up and get your clothes on or I'll take you without them!" Really. versity, and a Theta Sig pledge, whom an auto accident prevented from being initiated last year will also be initiated at that time. Another feature of the banquet will lie the pledging of new mem bers into Theta Sigma Phi. The names will not be disclosed until the banquet, and speculations as to Hie new members have floated mound the campus for some time. t*'tnd ?h‘ Kmetald !:•out friends ftptton •' *' .•( .1 y. «i. The Crown Jewels Again I See in Fancy -,,. -.—.--— By Frederic S. Dunn The Varsity’s First Social The University had weathered its fall months and was entering upon the year 1877, when the first so cial event in its calendar was scheduled. Those first weeks had left little occasion for festivities, for both Faculty and students had been busied with much pioneering and organizing. The nearest ap proach to a stated “mix” had been the open session of the Laurean Society just before the Christmas holidays, to which the Eutaxians and Professors had been bidden. So this distinctly festal date, ad vertised and pronounced as such, was a novelty, at once achieving considerable proportions. In later years a so-called Introductory So cial, alias “a Walk-Around,” be came a standardized feature of the opening weeks of the academic year. These later occasions were, however, quite wholly restricted to the students and for the purpose of acquainting the students one with another, the primitive “open house" as it were. Since the University was still a strangely new member of the community, neither townspeople nor students as yet adjusted to each other, it was the happy in tent of the promoters of this event that it be a general opportunity for mutual acquaintance. The ac quisition of five Professors and an army of 130 students, though per haps not more than half of these were from out of Lane County, was presenting startling situations and future complications, and both Eu gene City and the University wished to grapple with the prob lem. It is rather amusing to catch the differentiating attitudes of the two local weeklies which report this introductory social of Friday, Jan uary 5th, 1877. The State Journal reflects the rather bland, tactfully complimentary, style of Harrison R. Kincaid, later to be Secretary of State. Ira L. Campbell, on the other hand, was inclined to read into his editorials and news items of The Guard something of the critical and ironic. Listen to the former: “A grand sociable was given at the Univer Today’s Emerald is brought to you by the following advertisers. Arrow Shirts American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Lucky Cigarettes Penny-Wise Drug Store Modern Engraving Co. Campus Shoe Repair New Service Laundry Eric Merrell Oriental Art Shop Beard’s Burch Shoe Co. The Broadway. Inc. McMornn and VV'ashburne Dr. Ella C. Meade l’ulronue ihcm. sity building- last night, to form the better acquaintance of the stu dents and citizens, in which one and all had a merry time and a pleasant evening." (Harry himself may not even have been present.) The sarcasm of The Guard, in contrast, rather indicates that Ira was “among- those present.” “A sociable was held at the University building last evening for the pur pose of enabling the students and our people to become better ac (Please turn to page three) Burrell Prints Article O. K. Burrell, associate profes sor of business administration, had an article accepted in the Annal ist, a weekiy journal of finance, commerce and economics, of April 12, on “Social Security Contingent on Banking Reform: How Both May Be Obtained.” This is the third article Professor Burrell has written for the Annalist this year. This weekly magazine is published by the New York Times with a large circulation in financial cen ters. Send the Emerald to your friends. ...says Tokyo Translating the symbols, the Tokyo telephone operator says, "The connection is made — go ahead, please.” Meaning that now you can talk to Japan from any telephone in the Bell System. Interestingly, Japanese was the first foreign language ever transmitted by tele phone—when in the winter of 1876-77 three Japanese students at Harvard visited Alexander Graham Bell in Boston. These men have lived to sec the day when they can talk with Boston from their homeland! Seeking to put the \\ hole world on such easy speaking terms, Bell System service now enables you to reach more than 93% of the world's 33,000,000 telephones. Why not drop in ot home >' tonight—by telephone5' For a tot of pleasure-et bargain rotes, call by number after 8r30 P. Mr. HELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM if if 4 Firestone Interviews Student for Placement A. J. Stephens. Northwest dis trict manager of the Firestone Tire and Rubber company from Fortiand. will be in Eugene this afternoon to interview several stu dents preparatory to taking one into the Firestone employment. The student selected from Ore gon and the one selected from Ore gon State will be sent to Akron, Ohio, where they will complete an other year of academic work under the supervision of the Firestone company before actual placement in the company. Mr. Stephens selects one student annually from the business admin istration school of each of the two colleges for this position. PENNY-WISE DRUG STORE Locally Owned but Cut-Rate Real Specials! TATOO LIPSTICK $1.00 size Special at . . . 69c RALEIGH TOBACCO 1 lb. can Special at ... . 69c « TIMES SQUARE The distinctive blend tobacco. 1 lb. can Special at . . $1.19 PONDS POWDER The every day 55c box. Special at ... . 39c • REDUCOIDS For reducing. Special at . . $1.39 Not Only the Specials but— LOOK! 30c Eastman Films 11 (i 23c 50c Aqua Velva 39c $1.2.) Ladv Esther Creams 92c 50c Playing Cards gilt edge 29c 50c Pepsoelent Paste 31c PENNY-WISE $1.00 Poker Chips 59c $1.00 lronized Yeast 71c 00c .Uar-o-Oil Shampoo 40c 25c Feenamint Gum 17c PENNY-WISE $1.00 -JergonN Lotion 79c 60c Mum Deodorant 49c 10c Lifebuoy Soap 3 for 17c •>0c Strasska Tooth Paste 34c 220 Sheets Cleansing Tissue 13c PENNY-WISE ">0e dunis Creams 34c 00c Alkaline Seltzer 39c 30c S(|uibl> Milk Magnesia 34c One \ icks Vapo Kill) 9 An PENNY-WISE Don t forget, (let your audition blanks at the Penny-Wise, for tin 1’ eenaiuint auditions held at the McDonald theatre every Satur day mite. # Win the free trip to New York. PENNY-WISE DRUG STORE to J \*T IlKO VOW \Y