Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1935, Image 1

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    To the Dogs
Do not become alarmed at the
apparent infestation of campus
canines at Oregon. The airdales
Will once more appear as sopho-!
mores following the YVhiskerino,
Friday night.
'L_____ i
of the
Day’s News
By the Associated Press
----- APRIL, 10 '
F.D. Studies Policies
WASHINGTON—Two vital pol
icies — how to spend $4,000,000,
000 to create jobs and how to keep
the United States out of any for
eign wars—were under study to
day by President Roosevelt.
Back at his desk after a south
ern vacation, the president sum
moned in quick succession advisers
who will help him in the adminis
tration’s effort to put 3,500.000
idle to work and others on how to
maintain strict neutrality in the
event of armed conflict.
Mr. Roosevelt told reporters that
existing agencies would spend
most of the $4,000,000,000, all of it
before July, 1936, if possible, and ;
that he hoped the program would
reach an employment peak by No
vember 15. Definite allocations to
specific projects, however, will not
be made for some time.
Mexico Faces Strike
MEXICO, D. F.—A nationwide
general strike in sympathy with
labor troubles in Puebla and Tam
pico was voted tonight by the Gen
eral Confederation of Workers and
Peasants which claims more than
40,000 members.
No date was set, but leaders of
the organization said the strike
would be called within a few days
and without further notice unless
labc difficulties in various arts
of th- country were settled.
Efforts were being made to end
the strike in Puebla where three
men were killed and 10 wounded
in a clash with federal troops yes
Charging that 12 labor leaders
were shot and killed in Las Bayas,
workers’ organizations made plans
for general protest meetings.
Dust Storm Continues
KANSAS CITY — Grimy wag
ons and motor cars carried scores
of families out of northwestern
Oklahoma tonight in full flight
from a seven state dust storm—
among the most severe of a devas
tating series.
Crop and livestock damages, al
ready piled high in uncounted mil
lions, increased rapidly, principal
ly in Kansas, Oklahoma, and.Colo
rado. Parts of New Mexico, Iowa,
Nebraska and Texas also were hit.
Many schools and stores were
closed in Colorado and Kansas.
The business district at Scott City,
Kas., was shut down for the third
consecutive day.
Silver Prices Rise
Roosevelt tonight increased the
price the treasury will pay for
newly mined silver from 64 1-2
cents to 71 cents, effective on pro
duction dating from April 10.
A presidential proclamation ac
complished the rise in the price of
the metal, an advance foreshad
owed earlier in the day by Secre
tary Morgenthau.
The world price of the metal is
near 64 1-2 cents and the secre
tary told reporters that the treas
ury would meet and increase above
that point so far as newly mined
domestic silver was concerned.
The effect of the higher price
will mean an additional outlay of
more than $100,000,000 to the
United States in fulfilling the pro
visions of the silver purchase act.
Hoover to Lead G.O.P.
NEW YORK — Herbert Hoover,
titular head of the Republican
party, was reported authoritative
ly tonight to be planning to wield
actively—but from a position in
the background—the weight of
that title in shaping the G.O.P. for
the 1936 campaign.
As the former president planned
to leave tomorrow for his Palo
Alto home he left a somewhat di
vided opinion as to his own aspira
tions. however, among the more
than two score political leaders and
acquaintances who conferred with
One group received what one of
its members called a distinct im
pression that Mr. Hoover does not
now intend to seek the position.
Campus Calendar
Alpha Delta Sigma members will
meet at the College Side at 12
Amphibians will have an impor
tant meeting at 7:45 this evening.
All members must be present.
Woman’s “Order of the ‘O’ ” and
associate members will meet at
noon today at the Anchorage for
luncheon and an important meet
Emc-ald upper business staff
will have an important meeting in
the business office today at 4
o'clock. All be there!
Jewett poetry reading contest
entrants are asked to meet this
afternoon at 4 o'clock in room 218
of Friendly hall.
AWS carnival directorate will
meet at 4:30 in the College Side.
'Hacks’ Will Await
Traditions Violators
Startingon Friday
Students’ Anti-War Move
Given Instructors’
United Approval
Parade to End Day
Friday’s Eleven o'Cloek
Classes Dismissed
Actual enforcement of Oregon
traditions will begin tomorrow
noon on the steps of the old li
brary, it was definitely concluded
at a meeting of the traditions com
mittee of senior men held Tues
day evening.
During last term the executive
council passed a resolution recom
mending that traditions on the
campus be again supported, acting
on the suggestion of the junior
class. Shortly after this, Joseph
Renner, ASUO president, appoint
ed a group of senior men on the
traditions committee, headed by
William Berg, vice-president of the
student body.
Many Bark Movement
Skull and Dagger, sophomore
men's service honorary, Order of
the ‘O’, lettermen’s organization,
heads of houses, composed of so
rority presidents, interfraternity
council, composed of fraternity
presidents, and the AWS an
nounced their intention of support.
Members of Skull and Dagger,
Order of the ‘O’ and the following
group of senior men have been
asked by Berg to report all viola
tions immediately: Ed Meserve,
William Russell, Bob Zurcher,
Miles McKay, Arne Lindgren, Mal
colm Bauer, Grant Thuemmel,
Keith Wilson, Ray Mize, and Wil
lidm Phipps.
Traditions Listed
The complete list of names of
those who are seen breaking any
of the following traditions will be
published in tomorrow’s Emerald:
L Smoking on the campus.
2. Walking on the grass.
3. Frosh not wearing frosh
4. Walking on the Oregon
5. Anyone but seniors sitting
on the senior bench.
6. Juniors and underclassmen
wearing mustaches.
Other traditions which will be
observed include Frosh-Soph tug
of war across millrace, no "pig
ging” at athletic games, revival of
“hello” walk, and no freshmen al
lowed to wear tuxedos.
Failure to appear to receive
punishment will result in a double
penalty to be dealt when the of
fender is finally found, Berg de
clared yesterday. He emphasized
that those caught smoking on the
campus and walking on the lawns
will be punished very severely.
The number of hacks to be in
flicted on the offender will result
largely on the seriousness of the
Study of Enterprise
By Kehrli Is Released
Results of a financial study of
the city of Enterprise made on
this campus last fall by the League
of Oregon Cities in connection with
the University bureau of munici
pal research, headed by Herman
Kehrli, have just been released
through the news bulletin of the
public administration clearing
In preparation for charting its
debt refunding course, a financial
survey was made by the league of
the city of Enterprise, a town of
1,379, whose one industry—lumber
ing—has died out, leaving it with
the doubtful financial status of a
trading center. Carl H. Chatters,
I executive director of the Municipal
Finance Officers’ association, says
in telling of the work of the league
| and Mr. Kehrli that it is the most
thorough of its kind ever made.
Positions for Emerald,
Oregana Yet Unknown
Between 15 and 20 applications
were filed yesterday with the pub
i lications committee for the four
■ positions on the Emerald and Ore
gana. As the applications are
sealed and the group has not held
a meeting yet the names of the
candidates and the offices they
; filed for were not available. The
publications committee will meet
as soon as a time convenient to
| all its members can be arranged,
Whisker Exhibit
Draws Attention
To Beard Care
‘Days of ’49' Dance Calls
Sophomore Ability
An exhibit advertising the cur
rent whisker growing contest
among sophomore men was placed
in the show window of the College
Side yesterday afternoon by those
in charge of the Sophomore “Days
of ’49“ Whiskerino which is to be
held Friday night in Gerlinger
hall. The display features various
implements that could be used in
the growing, care, and trimming
of the numerous beards which have
sprouted on the campus the past
few days.
“Plans are progressing very
nicely and we are very optimistic
about the outcome of the dance,”
stated David Lowry, co-chairman,
Muriel Gabriel, co-chairman, is
sued the following statement: “The
women on the campus are most
enthusiastic over the coming an
nual Whiskerino—men please co
All sophomore men who wear
“suits and good clothes” to the
dance will be millraced Saturday,
| it was voted at the class meeting
Wednesday evening. It has been
urged by officials that sophomores
wear appropriate “Days of ’49”
costumes. Campus clothes are in
order, the committee announced.
Tickets are'on sale in the var
ious living organizations at 70
cents a couple. Sophomore class
cards will be honored for free ad
Lowry announced the following
patrons and patronesses for the
affair: Mrs. Alice Macduff, Dr. and
Mrs. Schwering, Dean and Mrs.
Virgil Earl, President and Mrs. C.
V. Boyer, Dr. and Mrs. E. C. A.
Lesch, Mr. N. B. Zane, Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs,
Calvin Crumbaker, Dean and Mrs.
Karl Onthank, and Mr. Ray Noble.
Peace Club Meets;
To Invite Speaker
The International Relations club,
whose activities on the Oregon
campus are backed by funds of the
Carnegie Endowment for Interna
tional Peace, will meet tonight in
the men's lounge in Gerlinger hall
at 7:30.
The Carnegie Endowment
through the campus organization,
is sending a speaker of internation
al importance to the University
this spring, just as it sponsored
the appearance here last year of
Sir Herbert Ames.
The International Relations
club is seeking additional members
to help put across this event, and
students interested in internation
al affairs or current events are in
vited to attend tonight, Orton
Goodwin, president, announces.
Victor P. Morris, professor of eco
nomics, is club adviser.
Ten new books on inernational
subjects, furnished through the
Carnegie Endowment, were added
at the beginning of this term to
the 100-volume library owned by
the club. The books are made
available to all students through
the University library.
Cornish Radio Speech
Set for Friday at 8:15
The second of a series of nine
15 minute talks on retail problems
will be given tomorrow night at
8:15 over KOAC on “Finding and
Holding Desirable Retail Loca
tions” by N. H. Cornish, professor
of business administration.
The programs are given every
Friday night at the same time.
Other topics to be discussed in the
next few weeks are: “Buying
Wanted Merchandise,” and “Put
ting Goods in Their Places.”
Blankets Available
For Groups Housing
Contestants in Band
Fraternities housing visitor*
participating in the band con
test may obtain a limited num
ber of army blankets from the
R O T C headquarters. Each
; house will be held for the imme
diate return of the blankets it
I borrows.
Burns, Smith
Vie for AWS
Prexy Today
Polls Open from 9 lo 5
At Booths in Front
Of Old Libe
Elaine Comisli in Charge
Of Eleetion Board
Political rivalry among Oregon
women will hit its high spot of the
year today when elections for offi
cers of the AWS will be held from
9 until 5 o’clock at booths in front
of the old library.
Ann-Reed Burns and Margaret
Ann Smith top the ticket as nom
inees for the president’s position.
Sketches of their activities are on
the women’s page. Other nominees
are as follows:
Vice-president: Reva Herns, Vir
ginia Younie.
Secretary: Starla Parvin, Lillian
Treasurer: Pearl Johansen, Mar
tha McCall.
Reporter: Jane Lee, Betty Rosa.
Sergeant-at-arms: Gladys Bat
tleson, Jean Ackerson.
Student body tickets must be
shown before women will be al
lowed to cast their ballot. Elaine
Cornish, AWS sergeant-at-arms is
in charge of the election.
Women in charge of the polls
are: 9-10, Margilee Morse,, Gene
vieve McNiece; 10-11, Maluta
Read, Joy Carlisle; 11-12, Gayle
Buchanan, Elizabeth Turner; 12-1,
Elaine Cornish, Dorris Bailey; 1-2,
Jean Fleming, Elizabeth Ann De
Busk; 2-3, Isabelle Miller, Jean
Walker; 3-4, Hazel Lewis, Jane
Brewster; 4-5, Kathleen Duffy,
Bertha Shepherd.
Senior members of the AWS
council will count votes of the elec
Oregon Delegates
Back From Meet
Of Athletic Group
Bergstrom, Watzek Say ’37
Meet to Be Here
Two delegates, Dorothy Berg
strom and Frances Watzek, re
turning to the Oregon campus
Tuesday from the western section
of the Athletic Federation of Col
lege Women’s conferences, held at
Mills college, brought word that
the 1937 conference will be held on
the University of Oregon campus.
Miss Bergstrom, president of the
Woman’s Athletic association,
and Miss Watzek, vice president of
the organization, entered bids for
the conference to be held in Eu
gene. Dominican college, San Ra
phael, California, was the other
The AFCW conference was
held April 4, 5, and 6 at Mills col
lege. Mis3 Bergstrom presented to
the conference delegates a paper
on intramural organization. Prob
lems of importance to athletic as
sociations in general were dis
Tina Flade of the Wigman
School of Dance was a guest at
the convention as was Helene
Mayer, woman’s Olympic fencing
champion. Miss Mayer was a guest
speaker at one of the banquets.
Esther Dayman, dean of Mills col
lege and Mary Yost, dean of Stan
ford university were also on the
The national convention will be
held in 1936 at the University >f
Minnesota. Over 100 delegates
were present at the conference at
Mills college.
Dr. Fuller Speaks
On Art of Chinese
Dr. Richard E. Fuller, of Seattle
spoke yesterday on “The Outline
of the Background of Chinese Art”
at the Murray Warner art mu
seum, under the sponsorship of
the Oriental art class. The lecture
was given with slides.
In Volunteer Park, Seattle, is
found the art museum of the Seat
tle Art institute which was given
to the city by Dr. Fuller and his
aunt. The building was built for
$235,000 and contains a rare col
lection of jade, Chinese and Euro
pean art. The collection contained
ip the museum was presented to
the city with the building.
An article written by Elinor
Henry, graduate of the University
journalism school, about the jade
collection of Dr. Fuller appeared
recently in “The Rambler” a lo
cally published Seattle booklet.
Honor Roll Misses
Marties of Josephine
Waffle, IS. Stcanson
Duo to ii olorical orror two
names wore omitted from the
winter term honor roll published
in the Tuesday Emerald. They
were Josephine Waffle of As
toria, and Norman Swanson of
lone. The latter made a straight
“A" record.
Revival Exceeds
Past Successes
Alpha Phi Returns Bring
Highest Percentage
Exceeding the hopes of the di
lectors, the dime crawl which was
revived last night for the first
time in two years, attracted one
of the largest crowds in the his
tory of the affair. Women's living
organizations combined to raise a
total of $109.65 for the benefit of
the AWS.
Alpha Phi ranked in first posi
tion with 295 per cent. Second
place was won by Gamma Phi
Beta, 272 per cent, and Pi Phi
was in third place with 256 per
Margaret Ann Smith was chair
man of the directorate, assisted by
a representative from each living
Magazine Prints
Article by Comisli
The March issue of the Phi Kap
pa Phi Journal, a quarterly maga
zine published by this national
scholastic honorary organization,
carries a scientific article by Dr.
N. H. Cornish, professor of busi
ness administration at the Uni
“Over-production and Way Out”
is the title of the article. In it, Dr.
Romish defines overproduction,
gives many examples of an over
abundance of goods, traces the his
torical attempts to limit produc
tion, giving the results of each
method, and discusses five ways
out of over-production.
Professor Cornish would lead
the country out of overpro
duction by reducing the waste
and inefficiency in the ’ mar
keting system; by expanding
foreign trade; by government pur
chase of undesirable farm lands
and the conversion of them into
forests, play grounds, and national
parks; by a more equal distribu
tion of national income; and by
artificial restriction of production
in some fields.
McCullum Completes
Base Map of County
Harry T. McCullum, senior in
geography, working under the di
rection of Dr. Warren D. Smith,
has completed the base map of
Lane county which will be used in
the special project, the Lane Coun
ty ^Survey, that the college of so
cial science has undertaken.
The whole project is under
James H. Gilbert, dean of the col
lege of social science, and Ralph
W. Leighton, professor of educa
tion and executive secretary of re
search direction.
Consuls Entertained
With Luncheon Today
Mrs. Murray Warner is enter
taining Toyoichi Nakamura, the
outgoing Japanese consul, who is
being transferred from Portland
to China and Ken Tsurumi, the new
consul at Portland, at a luncheon
at the Osburn hotel this noon.
Chancellor Kerr, President Boyer,
and rpembers of the faculty are in
vited to the luncheon.
The two consuls are visiting in
Eugene for the purpose of seeing
the Japanese exhibit and the li
brary of Japanese books in the
Murray Warner museum.
Warren Smith to Read
Paper on Crater Lake
Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of
the local geography and geology
department, left Wednesday for
Stanford university where he will
read a paper on Crater lake,
“Mount Mazama Explosion or Col
Professor Smith plans to see Er
nest McKitrick who is a graduate
of this University and was a grad
uate assistant last year, and now
graduate assistant at the Univer
| sity of California.
Faculty Votes to Retain
Compulsory ROTC Drill;
Peace Move Approved
Emerald to Publish List
Of All Who Break
Berg Heads Group
Many Enforcers Watch for
Students were given the sanc
tion of the University faculty yes
terday to demonstrate and parade
Friday morning in a protest
“against the method of war.” In
structors approved the peace dem
monstration without a single dis
senting vote and adopted a reso
lution dismissing all classes at 11
a. m.
Simultaneously, leaders of the
demonstration announced a mass
rally in the Y hut tonight at 7:30
to hear final plans for the protest
and to arouse enthusiasm for the
march downtown. Outlines of the
speeches and a diagram of the pa
rade will be presented. The meet
ing is open to all students inter
ested in the demonstration.
Volunteers were working on 50
or more posters yesterday, all of
them to be carried in the parade.
A dozen or more banners are being
prepared for cars and at least two
floats are planned, one being han
dled by Cosmopolitan club. Two
thousand copies of the assembly
call have been printed and will be
distributed before and during the
Between 500 and 1000 students
are expected to participate In the
protest in Eugene. Students from
the University, Eugene high, Uni
versity high, and Springfield high
will cooperate and march in the
parade. Plans are being made for
several high school bands to par
The United Press said last night
that a survey indicated at least
100,000 students will take art in
Friday’s anti-war demonstrations,
strikes and rallies throughout the
nation. About a dozen coast col
leges are staging protests this year,
considerably more than acted a
year ago.
Frosh Group Will
Give Puppet Show
One of this term's major pro
jects to be sponsored by the fresh
man commission of the YWCA
will be a puppet show on April 23
and 24. Isobelle Miller, chairman
of the finance committee, is in
charge of the show. She will be
assisted by Frances Schaupp,'
chairman of the freshman commis
According to present plans the
show will be put on by Walter
Scott of Salem at the University
and Eugene high schools. The pro
ceeds will go to assist in the re
decorating of the YWCA bun
galow. Tickets will be on sale this
coming week at the YWCA. Rep
resentatives will also be appointed
in each house for the sale.
The following girls have been
appointed on the puppet show
committee by the chairman: Eliza
beth DeBusk, Ibbie Pratt, Barbara
Roome, Gayle Buchanan, Cather
ine Cummings, Betty Pownall, and
Molly White.
Plii Chi Theta Elects
Miss Me Niece Officer
Marjorie McNieee was elected
vice-president of Phi Chi Theta,
business administration honorary
for women, at the regular meeting
held this week. She replaces Eliza
beth Anderson who did not return
to school this term.
Other business discussed at the
meeting concerned plans for rush
ing and pledging new members to
the organization.
Annual High School
Band Contest Opens
At Auditorium, Today
Solo eliminations, of the
twelfth annual high school band
contest, will begin today at the
music building and finals will be
held Friday. The solo contests
are open to the public. Band
eliminations will begin Friday
morning and the finals will be
held on Saturday.
Dr. C. V’. Boyer, president of
the University of Oregon, who cast
the deciding vote at yesterday’s
faculty meeting in favor of retain
ing compulsory military training
at the University.
Pi Plii, Theta Join
100 Per Cent Rank
Pi Beta Phi and Kappa Alpha
Theta joined the group of 100
per cent houses in the drive being
waged to increase membership in
the ASUO for spring term.
James Blais and Virgil Esteb
have expressed themselves a s
pleased with the results of the
drive but they have stressed the
need for many more tickets being
sold in order to insure a successful
term of extra-curricular events
for the term.
Ralph Schomp, assistant gradu
ate manager, announced last night
that early yesterday 1040 students]
had joined the ASUO. This is an
increase of over 100 since the be
ginning of the campaign after
spring term registration.
Student body cards will be nec
essary to qualify women students
to cast their votes today in the
AWS election, it was announced
by officials last night; tickets may
be secured in Johnson hall V'day.
Marksmen Enter
Nationwide Shoot
The University of Oregon’s
championship rifle team will be
entered in another national shoot,
it was announced yesterday by
Sergeant Harvey Blythe, coach.
The meet is sponsored by the Unit
ea States army, and 15 men will
shoot for record, with the ten high
est scores being sent in to count
in the competition. The shoot will
be run off in four stages.
Chances for victory are slim,
according to the sergeant, for he
has lost the services of three of
his best shots. Those not return
ing are Warren Demaris, Paul Hill,
and Bernard Cross. Cross was a
member of the Hearst champion
ship five-man team.
Today’s Emerald
is brought to you by the
following advertisers.
Terminal Taxi Co.
Arrow Shirts
Lucky Strike Cigarettes
Am. Tel. & Tel. Co.
McMorran & Washburne
University Florist
Alladin Gift Shop
E. Hiedel
Chase Gardens
H. Gordon
R. C. Hadley
The Broadway, Inc.
Oriental Art Shop
Kramer’s Beauty Salon
Eric Merrell
Fashions Review
Patronize them.
President Boyer’s Ballot
Derides Deadloek
Of Professors
Controversy E n <1 s
Leaders to Continue Work
For Optional Training
A concerted movement for op
tional military training on the
University of Oregon campus fell
just short of its goal yesterday
when Dr. C. V. Boyer, president of
the University, broke a 42-42 fac
ulty tie vote with the deciding bal
lot. His vote defeated a resolu
tion recommending to the state
board of higher education that
drill be made elective.
The faculty voted without dis
cussion or argument. Counters
found the vote knotted and the de
cision automatically fell to Dr.
Boyer. His vote upheld the status
Dr. Boyer justified his vote by
declaring that it was his personal
conviction that compulsory mili
tary training was not only desir
able but very necessary. "I don’t
think the end sought for, doing
away with the barbarism of war,
is helped by eliminating military
training,” he said last night.
Last year a similar move was
defeated by a 36-31 vote. Anti
drill leaders said last night that
they are encouraged and will con
tinue to work for optional ROTC.
They are confident that within an
other year compulsory military
drill on the Oregon campus will
have been broken.
Had the vote been favorable, fi
nal decision on whether or not the
compulsory feature of military
training here would be abolished
wotdd have rested with the state
board of higher education.
The recommendation which the
facidty rejected by such a narrow
margin came as the result of pe
titions signed by more than 500
students, as well as requests for
optional training by numerous re
ligious groups and clubs in the
Si 0311a Delta Chi
Will Honor Hoyt
K. Palmer Hoyt, managing edi
tor of the Oregonian, will be on
the campus next week when he
will inspect the Oregon chapter of
Sigma Delta Chi. Lselie Stanley,
president of the national profes
sional journalism fraternity made
the announcement at the Sigma
Delta Chi meeting held yesterday.
Mr. Hoyt is a graduate of the
school of journalism and a mem
ber of the journalism fraternity.
He will be honored at a dinner
given for him during his visit on
the campus. Stanley Robe, secre
tary of the organization, is in
charge of arrangements.
Names of prospective pledges
for Sigma Delta Chi will be re
ferred to the members next Tues
day by Stanley Robe.
Winston Allard and Ned Simp
son have been appointed as a com
mittee for the disposal of the
Sigma Delta Chi motion picture
reel which had its “first showing”
at the campus dance last Saturday
Charles Whitten Will
Gives University $500
According to the will admitted
to probate March 28 of Charles C.
Whitten, who died March 21 in
Eugene, he bequeathed $500 to the
University of Oregon to create a
loan fund for students.
The fund is to be known as the
Elizabeth Dudley Whitten memor
ial fund and was given in mem
ory of Mr. Whitten's first wife.
Clii Psis Move to New
Location on Hilyard
Members of Chi Psi fraternity
here have moved from their for
mer location on Alder street to
their newly constructed house lo
cated on Hilyard between 10th
and 11th streets. Furniture was
moved during spring vacation and
a house-warming reception was
| held all day Sunday.