Class of :’35 Dance Slated for Saturday in Gerlinger Hall at 9:00 Plantation Set-up to Lend Southern Atmosphere For Annual Senior Ball By MARY GRAHAM (Emerald Society Editor) A perfect southern evening on &n old plantation with the scent of mtguolias in the air and a large yellow moon hanging lazily in a starstudded sky will form the oarficground for the annual Senior Ball to be held Saturday evening. Cutouts and silhouettes softened by indirect lights will add to the effectiveness of the scene. Clad in steel-blue tuxedos set off by polka-dot ties, the members of Bart Woodyard's 10-piece NBC orchestra will send soft strains of melody floating down from the deck of a gaily beribboned show boat. Preceding the ball, w'hich is to be held in Gerlinger hall, patrons and patronesses of the dance will be honored with a dinner given in the dining hall of the men’s dormi tory. Governor to Receive A'y formal reception for the patrons and patronesses will be held at 8:45 o’clock in the main lounge of Gerlinger hall. Those in the receiving line will be Governor Charles H. Martin, Mr. B. F. Irvine, Dr. C. V. Boyer, Chancellor W. J. Kerr, Dean James H. Gilbert, Mrs. C. L. Schwering, Mrs. O. F| Stafford, Edward Me lerve, and Althea Peterson. During the evening between 10 and 11 o’clock, coffee and cake will be served. Those presiding at he coffee urns will be Mrs. Jose ihine Stewart, Mrs. Lucy Perkins, Miss Fannie McCamant, Mrs. Eliz ibeth Ramsby, Mrs. Jennie Bur rows, Mrs. James Blair, Mrs. Elizabeth Talbert, and Mrs. A. L. (Vail. ewest Creations Hint of Gay ’90 s ' 21xoof that Dame Fashion is urming back the clock is brought :o us directly from Beards. The lewest creation in formal gowns s the dainty shirtwaist style which >ives a faint suggestion of the ro nantic days when mother was a ;irl, and yet—will keep your part ner guessing. Look slightly re served and sophisticated against the background of thg Old South. Beards are waiting to help you. Subscription rates $2.50 a year. r~ Place m Poefrij, Sajjs Williamson “The proper wit of poetry finds its basis in human nature whenever a man, swayed by some deep emo tion, tries to recover his balance by making a jest,” George Wil liamson, assistant professor of English, stated in defining the proper place of wit in poetry before a small audience in Friendly hall Wednesday evening. / Numerous quotations from the modern poets and from poetic writings of famous men from other centuries were used by Mr. Wil liamson to illustrate his point that wit does have a place in poetry. “The dream-world of the nine teenth century poets, when pro longed into the twentieth century, was not a world in which a man as sensitive and intelligent as Yeats coud end his days,” Mr. William son said in showing the modern trend away from romance. Mr. Williamson was the second lecturer of the University series The next address will be given April 10 by Prof. H. G. Townsend. New Tux Features Style and Comfort Men need no longer look for-1 ward to a formal evening with the old dread of the uncomfortable tuxedo. The latest fashions found at DeNeffe’s are comfortable and fashioned in the latest mode. What could be more enjoyable than to attend the Senior Ball knowing that you are smartly dressed and yet can feel as free and easy as you would at the most informal af fair. Get one tomorrow and have the time of your life at the great-1 est dance of the season. Send the Enierald to your friends. Subscription rates $2.50 a year. ■!iimmiimiii!Hniiniii!ni!!!iwni Best of Luck In Exams and a Pleasant Vacation University Barber Shop —Charlie —Mac —Clel IIlHIIIHIil limn If you Want good looking corsages at attractive prices, come in or phone 147. KIRKLAND’S FLORAL SHOP > Rex Theatre Building Prompt Delivery Going Places? In Good Company ? Whether out for the evening or clear out, good company is the essential part of your pleasure. After you have whiled away the hours of dancing at the Senior Ball a time will come for a midnite lunch. (That’s where we come into the picture.) CAFE DEL KEY brings special food suggestion for that time after the special occasion. HAVE A GOOD TIME AND REMEMBER -— Smartest Coiffures Have Tailored Style You’ll want your curls high and massed at the back of your head to look smart at the Senior Ball. The R. C. Hadley BEAUTY SALON can keep you exquisitely, and startlingly beautiful all through the year. The opening next week of the R. C. Hadley hair style shop, brings to Eugene perhaps the finest shop of this sort this side of Portland, and modern too — ne wfeatures that you’d never think of—Gadgets that will make Betty-Coed “so lovely and so sweet.” Their trained operators under Miss Helen Sauer, are fashion experts The prediction for milady’s hair | dress decrees that It will be less fussy. The hairlines are to be without the little forehead ringlets In fact a very tailored hair style is the correct thing for the Senior Ball! Send the Emerald to your friends. Subscription rates $2.50‘a year. Erenmcj Wraps Will Be Quilted, Saijs Fashion Shades of night, and guess what ? The latest fashion decree says that the evening wrap is to be quilted. When you see them there will be no doubt that they are quite the most wearable and appropriate wrap for the senior ball. The belle's of the South would be awed by these teasing little shoulder drapes, for that is what they are. Of course, if you ex pect to be cold we have the evening coat that is also of the quilted va riety. Crinkley taffeta that will rot be cumbersome. Here is another tip that may be worthwhile to you who think that the formal you have will do. It will if you find yourself wearing the smart featured new evening jacket that is exclusively shown at McMorran and Washbume. You just ailp it on over the evening £Cwn, and PRESTO—you look at New Tux Headlines Men’fe Spring Styles They are not only talking about it, but it is decidedly the thing be ing worn—the new double-breasted tux. Up-to-the-mir.ute fashions advocate this type of tuxedo, as presented by Wade Bros. Keep up with the style, and consequently watch your “one and only" fall for it. No longer can a man borrow here and there and expect to find himself the best-dressed person present. Break away from the old mode. Society demands it. yourself in the mirror and there you are dressed for that formal affair. Colors that will leave you breath less. Pastel shades and tints to the stunning and flattering back is what you will find in these jack ets. McMorran and Washburne ara ready to dress you in the finest for the Old Plantation Day Senior ball. Emerald Offers New Art Service To Advernisers The Oregon Daily Emerald to day inaugurates a new service to the advertisers! Taking the lead in a field which has always been reserved for met lopolitan newspapers, the Emerald becomes the first newspaper in Oregon outside of Portland and the first college paper on the Pacific coast to offer the services of staff artists for local advertisers. Distinctive and individual illus trations by Dorothy McPherson and Kay Larson, both sophomores in the Oregon art school, appear in. the advertising layout on this page in presenting this exclusive Emerald service for the first time. Virginia Wellington is in charge of promotion. The artwork was done especially lor the enterprising Eugene adver tisers whose names appear in the 1 advertisement. Dance to Hot Rhythm in Soft, Cool, Chiffon Needless to say, there will be hot rhythm at the SENIOR BALE Plantation Days of the old South will find you dancing to the mad strains of the sweet music of Bart Woodyard and his NBC orchestra. Swishing and swirling about you as you glide around the floor,— I your cool chiffon gown, whether starched or soft, will make you feel heavenly. Chiffon set to the tune of sweet music. You’ll find them at the fine shop of R. C. Hadley. The engraving for the new ser vice is done in Eugene for the Emerald by Herbert Wiltshire of the Modern Engraving company. Unique Gowns Are Shown by Gordon’s Bewitching, youthful, and gay are the early spring fashions which the young debutante will wear to that particular formal affair. H. Cotton for Evening Is Spring Feature A bird of paradise has no more claim to beauty than the dainty plaid gingham gown shown at Barnhart's, the only gown for the “GRAND OCCASION.” Breath taking is the only word that de scribes this Jean Carol model. The bodice fits tightly to the figure, while the skirt flares gracefully to the floor from the knees. Grace and glamour is added to the eve ning of evenings, the Senior Ball. The mecca of sheer fashion. Gordon and Company brought forth a hovel cfeation known as the “Floradora.” It will make just the desired impression on the new date as you glide through the eve ning to Bart Woodyard's enchant ing music. You will agree with us when you have seen the assort ment of unique dresses which will seem to be for you and no-one else. Send the Emerald to your friends. Subscription rates $2.50 a year. uUoocLfa/tcL IMeta mmm&A mnShJMj >0um_ y rmud ;