Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 07, 1935, Page 4, Image 4

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    Many Women’s Houses*
Halls Choose Officers
As Winter Term Closes
As the winter term draws to a
close most of the girls’ houses and
halls have been actively engaged
for the past few days in selecting
their new house presidents and of
ficers for the ensuing year. Besides
being popular in their houses the
Bew presidents have won outstand
ing recognition on the campus for
their activities.
Titian haired Miss Adele Sheehy
Is the Alpha Phi's choice. She was
president of Kwama last year, is
chairman of the A. S. V. O. speak
ers’ committee, is secretary of the
junior class, and is a member of
Phi Theta Upsilon, upperclass
women’s service honorary. In ad
dition to this she has worked ex
tensively in the A. W. S. She Is a
history major and likes to knit.
Miss Peck Hheads Chi O’s
Miss Grace Peck, a sophomore
from Astoria, has been elected Chi
Omega president. Although she has
hot been on the campus two years
yet she has taken an active part
in the Y. W. C. A. and the A. W. S.
Grace is a major in sociology. Last
year she had the honor of being
chosen Thespian from her house.
The Delta Gamma’s new presi
dent is Miss Margaret Van Cleve,
Who Is a junior from Exeter, Cali
fornia. She is an English major
and has spent a great deal of time
Working with the Y. W. C. A.
j^Ilss Thomas Elected
Miss Alice Ann Thomas, newly
elected president of Kappa Alpha
Theta, claims that horseback rid
ing and archery are her favorite
pastimes. She was secretary of the
frosh commission during her first
year and has served on numerous
committees in the Y. W. C. A.
Kappa Kappa Gamma has se
lected Miss Margaret Jean Cooper
for house president. She is a junior
end an English major. Knitting is
her favorite hobby, although she
reads a great deal and likes golf
end swimming.
Phi Mu’s Name Leaders
Miss Glendolele Vinyard, a
sophomore from Canby, Oregon, is
the new president of the Phi Mu
house. She was a Thespian and a
Kwama, has engaged in Y. W. C. A.
cabinet work, takes part in A. W.
8. and W. A. A. activities, and is
Interested in debating. She spends
her summers as a counsellor at
Namanu, camp fire girls’ camp.
Pi Beta Phi has selected Miss
Barbara Weston as president. She
Is a Junior in social science and de
clares that golf is her main hobby,
Barbara has worked in the Y. W.
C. A. and the W. A. A.
Miss McNiece Chosen
Miss Marjorie McNiece, a junior
In business advertising, has been
elected by the members of Sigma
Kappa as their new president. She
is president of Pi Sigma, Latin
honorary, is a member of the com
merce honorary, Phi Pi Theta, and
participates in the A. W. S. and
Y. W. C. A.
Susan Campbell hall has chosen
Miss Ebba Wicks for its president.
She is a junior rrom Astoria and
a member of Phi Theta Upsilon,
upperclass women’s service honor
Hendricks and Mary Spiller
halls, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha
Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Al
pha Omicron Pi, Alpha Xi Delta,
Delat Delta Delta, Gamma Phi
Beta, and Zeta Tau Alpha will hold
their elections either at the last
of this term or the beginning of
spring term.
Men Review
P rominenl
Coed Styles
Editor’s note:
The acute observation of men is
sometimes welcomed by coeds who
after all must have some motiva
tion for the purchase of their
clothes. This column is written by
a man In the sincere hope that it
will help the fair in their choice
of the fancy.
Everywhere the spirit of spring
Ball Is
\ You will want to wear
; your flowers just one more
; time . . .
! And you can—if your
escort orders them at the
598 E. 13th st. Phone 654
Latest FERA Checks
Ready for Students
At 1 O’Clock Today
FERA payroll checks for the
month of February will be avail
able at window Xo. 2 of the busi
ness office on second floor of
Johnson hall at 1 o’clock today.
Students are asked to call for
checks as soon as possible.
pervades the costume selection by
Oregon women, who are all in a
jitter in anticipation of the white
suit, the brown skin, and the bad
grades. Knitting needles have been
clicking in a pleasant rhapsody of
feminine industry, and while no
one has as yet reported a finished
product—three Thetas report that
they are working on the last arm
a mi
Allen A
63 E. Broadway
of sleeveless, blue sweaters. In fact,
it is rumored, that should spring'
break in aarly upon the busy so
phisticated. coeds in the midst of
the frantic preparation for the
glorious, wispy creature — our
struggling coeds would quietly go
mad and adopt burlap formals in
hopeless abandon.
In a mouse colored calico formal,
Cynthia Liljeqvist, prominent Mary
Dugan star, was seen at Willamette
Park Saturday night. The kown
had been double-basted, hemmed
Mrs. Ila Perkins
1 expert instructor
I from Fleishers Yarns
; Ine., New York, will
• be at The Broadway,
! Tnc., Thursday and
| Friday of this week
; and will conduct
■ classes in the art of
knitting and croehet
; ing. Also a style show
■ displaying finished
| garments on living
; mannequins will take
place in The Broad
! way Friday evening.
; 8:00 to 9:00 p. tn.
You're cordially
invited to
: inc.
. 30 East Broadway
»t" *r* *1* 'fr 'C't' 'T '1' ^ 'i1 'H* 'i1 ^t1 a* 'l1 *^,'t' rt* 't* ri"l' '1' 'i"! " I' rt" *fr *4* '1* r^'rt’rT" ^t* rt" ^*1? *t' "t* "j" 'fr't1
For the Senior Ball—
Wo now have a new crop of large gardenias
in our own greenhouse.
We take pride in making up corsages that will
please every individual taste.
Chase Gardens
64 East Broadway
with green yam and topped by a
loose bodice—a very loose bodice
of alligator skin. She wore a very
unique shoe creation.
* * *
The Spanish trend is dominant
in the selection of clothes. Roberta
Moody, Gamma Phi, is seen oc
casionally dragging around a coat,
or the Parisian interpretation of a
coat, done in black and white polk
adot, slit «kirt, half-full sleeves,
and a hard neckline.
Margaret Keene, Delta Gamma,
wears an attractive, yes positively j
White Spring
Bunch Shoe Ga
IIIIIU!ll5llllllllllllllllllllHIII|!IIIIII!Il!!lllini!lllllil!l!llllllllllill!!!l!ll!l,il!l|!illlllllllllllliUlilll!ll|,,'IIIIU,lllHIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIl!II!llllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHinillini j
E. Heidel Hats
Soft Fabrics
and Silk
All light spring
maize and browns.
Off face brims.
f '
“The Home of Millinery Style”
Across From McDonald Theatre
Choose me for your com
panion. I don’t tolerate the
bitterness, the acrid sting of
undeveloped top leaves. Why
should you? 1 don’t tolerate
the harshness of gritty, tough,
bottom leaves. Neither should
you. I give you exclusively the
fragrant, expensive center leaves
—the mildest, the best-tasting
of all. They permit me to sign
myself “Your Best Friend.1 *
Copjrlffbt 1935. Tht ArutrUau Tubtcto Cuupanj
'Tfc&y “Tafia TSetlfo, |
breath-taking, white satin night
afown, surmounted by a bamboo
/est. The skirt of the ensemble is
made of seersucker and embroid
ered with waffle crepe. The design
pictures the Tales from Boccaccio.
Beautij Aittogs
IT is our belief that charm and
gracious beauty are the desire
of the university woman that
comes to our salon. All of our
services are designed to meet
that desire.
Ours is a new service and with
its growth we hope to build up
a service that will be satisfac
tory. Our operators are skilled
in individual style service.
Skilled and careful and expert.
Watch for opening.
R. C. Hadleij
Virginia Wellington Patsy Neal
Like the mountain going to Mahamat, Plantation Days
are brought to the Oregon campus Saturday night in the
form of the SENIOR BALL. You will sway to the rhythm
of Bart Woodyard and his NBC orchestra, straight from
the Arabian Room of the Multnomah Hotel in Portland.
The advertisers on this page are ready and willing to
cooperate with YOU and aid you in bringing your best
side forward for the largest event of the term—the
While shopping for your new Spring hats let the E.
HEIDAL HAT shop show you their large assortment
of soft fabrics and silks. You can find a hat for every
ensemble. Look for their advertisement on this page.
Are you knitting a suit? If you want it to look exactly
right have the BROADWAY, INC., teach you how. A
recognized instructor is always there to give you correct
What could set off the beauty of a young lady more
than a corsage of dainty fragrant flowers. They add a
final touch of sophistication to a formal occasion. An
anpronriate corsage is always made by CHASE GAR
DENS. Their ad on this page tells you all about it.
The groundhog is commonlv used to tell the coming of
Soring, but we KNOW the APPROVED method. GORDON
HALL planted a Phi Psi pin on JUNE PORTER last
Friday night . . . and DON (Phi Psi) DUNCAN gave his
girl a crested ring . . . Both of these lucky voung ladies
are from the citv of roses . . . what with that and
CRAIG FINLEY going to Portland EVERY week end now,
we co-eds must be shooing. Why hasn’t someone thought
of moving the University to Portland. Think of the time
and money it would save. . . . BILL BARRETT (Alby
to his friends) was millraced the other dav, because he
simply had to have his beauty sleep.—“O. K. Toots” was
dedicated to Eleanor Edlefsen and Edwin Abel Meserve
the other night. I wonder if Edwin will be Abel (able) to
take it . . . CHUCK REED just can’t stay away from
the water. When the swimming team went to Seattle
recently, CHUCK spent the night sleeping in the bath
tub . . .
To be daintv and charming is the wish of every young
ladv. HADLEY’S NEW BEAUTY SALON will make your
wish come true . . . The fine new eouipment and ex
perienced operators are ready to see that you have the
best in a well groomed appearance. Watch for their open
BURCH SHOE CO. has a new line of white sport ox
fords. Comfort plus a well groomed foot is essential to
the ease of both mind and body . . . these new pig skin
shoes are both comfortable and trim.
Youth and beauty is alwav more pronounced when
wearing a frail corsage. THE SENIOR BALL ‘‘PLANTA
TION DAYS" idea is an ideal background for the beautv
and fragrance of flowers. The UNIVERSITY FLORISTS
make corsages to suit her individual taste . . . and what’s
more, they will save quite a while after the ball is over.
New cotton and dainty silk dresses are just what
every co-ed needs to slin on when the sunnv days are
with us. Thev are CHIC and cool. For inforrnel detea
these smart little dresses are perfect. The ANGELINE
^tESS SHOP has a large assortment in the latest styles.