Betrothals, Weddings, And House Dances Mark Weekend Social Whirl Cabaret Da nee By Alpha Omicron Pf Bouquets of the sorority colors red and white, will form the cen terpiece of the tables to be place; around the dance floor at the Eu gene hotel amid palms and flood lights at the Alpha Omicron P dance being held this Saturda; evening. Music for the eveninj will be furnished by Sherwooc Burr's orchestra. Those invited as patrons and pa tronesses are Mrs. Bertha Larson Mr. and Mrs. Lowell B. Ellis, Mr and Mrs. John Stark Evans, anc Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins. Mr and Mrs. Frank Reinhart will b< guests present. Kappa Kappa Gamma Winter Formal Amid swaying palms, flood lights and the soft strains of SherwooO Burr’s orchestra members of Kap pa Kappa Gamma will entertain Saturday evening with their an nual winter formal at the Eugene hotel. Flowers and candles will decorate the tables which will be arranged around the dance floor in cabaret style. Mrs. Elizabeth Talbert, Mr. and Mrs. Karl W. Onthank, Mrs. Al ice Macduff and Mrs. A. L. Wall have been invited as patrons and patronesses for the dance. Phi Sigma Kappa to Entertain With Dance Green, black and silver decora tive motifs softened by indirect lighting effects will form the back ground for the Phi Sigma Kappa winter formal to be held Saturday evening at the Masonic temple. A large pyramid of gaily colored bal loons built up to resemble a foun tain will grace the center of the floor and will be illuminted by flood lights. Jimmy Whippo's or chestra will furnish the music and during intermission a buffet supper will be served. Patrons and patronesses invitee are Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Huestis, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Cutler, Mr. Louis Artau, Miss Maud McCaw ly and Mr. William Crawford. Mrs. Anne Lansbury Beck has been in vited as a guest. S.A.E. Grill Dune Saturday Shaded lights falling on small tables set in corners made cozy by green palms and reproductions of the fraternity crest and pledge pin gleaming from a background of velvet curtains will furnish the motif for the grill dance to be giv en by members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity at the chapter house Saturday evening. A special feature of the evening will be the appearance of that fam ous trio, Don Eva, Billy Sievers, and George Bishop, which will be present for the occasion. Miss Jane Lee, campus dancer, will present an interpretative waltz number during the intermis sion. Patrons for the affair will be Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Schwering, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Alderman, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Bartle, and Mrs. Al ice B. Macduff. Mr. George N. Short, national officer of the fra ternity, will be an honor guest. The orchestra of Don Flood from Portland will furnish the music for the evening. University Couple Wed Miss Nancy Jeffery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jeffery, became the bride of Thomas K. Kloster man, son of Mrs. J. H. Klosterman. at a small ceremony February 23 at the church of the Madeleine with Father George F. Thompson officiating before a small gather ing of friends. The bride wore a light blue wool tailleur with small navy blue straw hat and dark blue accessories. Her shoulder corsage was of orchids. Miss Jane Holbrook, her only at tendant. was attired in a gray en semble with matching accessories Mirrors Resilvered I and corsage of gardenias. The young couple are both for , mer University students. Mrs ■ Klosterman is a member of Kappa l Kappa Gamma, and Mr. Kloster ■ man is affiliated with Beta Theta • Pi. i They will be at home after March ’ 1 at Cascade Locks. 1 Engagement Told At Portland Tea Of importance to college stu ' dents and Eugene residents was the engagement announcement of ! Miss Barbara Jane Young of Port land to Mr. Wilson H. Jewett, Jr., : of Eugene, told last week at the tea for which Mrs. Arthur L Fields was hostess at her home on Exeter Drive in Portland. The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reginald Young, is a graduate of Stanford univer sity and a member of Kappa Al pha Theta. Mr. Jewett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson H. Jewett, grad uated from the University of Ore gon and is affiliated with Beta The ta Pi. No date has been set for the wedding. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. Dean Hayes, Mrs. Boyce Fen ton, Mrs. Chester A. Moores, and Mrs. Annetta Kendall. Assisting about the rooms were the Misses Jane Lueddemann, Lucille Latou rette, Eleanor Fields, Jean Rob ertson, Marcia Fuestman, Mary Bo hoskey, Mary Lyons, Tekla Hen rdngsen, Mary Alice Meyer, and Evelyn Meyer. Surprise Announcement Of Evening Party Another engagement announce ment of interest was that of Mis3 Edna K. Waara to Mr. Hal E. Short, revealed to a group ot friends at a recent cocktail party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arn old Blitz, Jr., in Portland. The news was told in a novel way by the distribution of “proofs” ol advertisements after which the group went to the Hotel Multno mah for dancing and a buffet sup per. The date of the wedding has not been announced, but it win probably take place in March. Miss Waara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Karhuvaara of Astoria, is a graduate of Oregon Elate College and is affiliated with Alpha Chi Omega. Mr. Short is the son of Mr and Mrs. C. E. Short of Astoria. He attended the Uni versity of Oregon where he was a member of Delta Tau Delta. Portland Girl Wed at Arkansas At a ceremony solemnized at Hot Springs, Arkansas, on February Jij, Miss Margaret Sura Steckle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Steckle, became the bride of Mr Norman Reynolds Hawley, son ol Mr. Nathaniel N. Hawley. Aftei a honeymoon trip to New Orleanf where the March Gras is in pro gress, Mr. and Mrs. Hawley wii be at home at 131 Murray street Hot Springs, Ark. Mrs. Hawley, a graduate of the University of Oregon, is a mem ber of Sigma Kappa. Mr. Hawlev if a graduate of Oregon State Col lege where he was affiliated with Alpha Sigma Phi. He is now ir the forestry service in Arkansas. Betrothal Announcement Of great interest to college stu dents is the news of the engage ment of Miss Dorothy Sue Mutzig daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rupe! B. Mutzig, to Mr. Joseph O. Freck Jr., of Garden Home, which was made known last week in Portland The wedding will be an event o1 March 7 at the bride’s home anc will be witnessd by relatives anc close friends. Dr. J. Hudson Bal lard, of the First Presbyteriar church, will perform the ceremony. Miss Mutzig and Mr. Freck, well known graduates of the University have been prominent in alumnae activities. The former is a mem ber of Alpha Chi Omega, and the latter is affiliated with Sigma Phi Epsilon. Hosts at Formal Dance ' Members of Delta Upsilon fra ternity were hosts last Friday eve ning at a formal dance held at the Eugene hotel. The ball room was decorated with palms and flood lights, and the tables were ar ranged around the floor grill style. Sherwood Burr’s orchestra played during the evening. Those invited as patrons and pa tronesses were Mr. and Mrs. Arne G. Rae, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Marlatt, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schenk. Alpha Chi Omega Holds Winter Formal Amid the glamor of a southern night club idea, members of Alpha Chi Omega entertained last Satur day evening with the annual win ter formal at the chapter house. Red, black and silver silhouettes adorned the walls, while gaily col ored balloons filled the air. The tables were arranged around the room in grill style. Sherwood Burr's orchestra furnished the music for the affair. Patrons and patronesses were Mrs. James Blair, Dr. and Mrs. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Manerud and Mr. and Mrs. James Crissey. Dean and Mrs. Karl W. Ontjiank were invited as guests. Oregon Graduate Weds The marriage of Miss Helen Nel son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Da vid H. Nelson of Pendleton, to Mr. Laurie S. Mobley of Dallas, Texas, Send the Emerald to your friends. Subscription rates $2.50 a year. Now Is the Time TO DO Spring Repairing and Remodeling We carry a complete line of builder’s supplies. Just phone 85. THE BOOTH-KELLY LUMBER CO. 5th Avenue at Willamette Street Keep Well Dressed with our dry cleaning and laundry service. “Finished Service” at moderate prices. SAYK BY (ini KOruil DRY XKRVH'K 7c per lb. Must contain some flat work.) All flat work ironed. Shirts finished 10c each extra Handkerchiefs lc each extra. Socks darned 2c each extra. Minimum bundle 50c. "Service Unsurpassed”— Domestic Laundry M3 W. 7th Phone 252 .was solemnized last week in Dallas ! at the Church of Incarnation. Fol lowing' the quiet ceremony, a wed ding breakfast was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wil liams. Mrs. Mobley is a member of Gamma Phi Eeta and a graduate ol the University of Oregon. She also attended Smith college and has been engaged as a Camp Fire | Girls’ executive in Texas for the past eight years. Mr. Mobley was graduated from Louisiana State university and is a member of Kap 1 pa Sigma. i Engagement Announced In Detroit News of the engagement of Miss Vida Walker, Michigan girl and teacher in the Detroit schools, and Paul Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wagner of Ashland, has reached the campus. The wedding date has not been set but will take place in the early summer when the couple are planning a honey moon trip to Oregon. Mr. Wagner was employed after his graduation from the Univer sity in 1930 with the Armstrong1 Cork company at its factory in Lancaster, Pa. He later joined the | sales department and has had his headquarters with the Armstrong1 branch at Detroit for the past sev eral years. Tea Guests Learn Of Engagement At a tea last Sunday afternoon at the home of Miss Barbara Crow ell in Portland, the engagement was announced of Miss Isabelle Crowell to Mr. Clifford E. Clausen. The wedding is planned for the early spring. The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crowell, is a grad uate of the University and a mem ber of Alpha Omicron Pi. Mr. Clausen, a. Portland architect, is the son of Mr. C. L. Clausen. He attended the University of Wash ington where he was affiliated with Delta Tail Delta. Presiding at the tea table with its valentine motif were Miss Mary Newlands and Miss Jane Winks. The Misses Fredrika Pittock, Ed ith Sinnett, and Catherine May hew assisted. Resume (Continued from Page One) Missionaries Executed CHANGTEH, Hunan Province, China — Two British missionaries, R A. Bosshart and A. Hayman, captured by the Communists in Kweichow province last October, have been executed by their cap tors, according to Chinese reports I leaching missionaries here. A Chinese asserted he saw the hacked bodies of the two mission aries lying in the street in the vil lage of Fengchiarigkan, ten miles west of Tayung in northwestern Hunan province. He reported the alleged double murder occurred Christmas day and said the incident had not been leported sooner because of the re moteness of the village and the difficulty of penetrating red army lines. — Union Holds Strike Vote DETROIT— The National Coun cil of United Automobile Workers called today for a secret strike vote among’ members of 176 Amer ican Federation of Labor locals in the motor car industry. The action climaxed growing dissension be tween the A. F. of L and the Na tional Automobile labor board. Francis J. Dillon, A. F. of L». organizer, who announced the ac tion, said the order did not neces sarily mean a strike wmuld be called, as only the federation's national officers had that author ity. These Merchants Give You a Better Deal SPRING HATS are being featured now at H. GORDON AND CO. LAUNDRIES AND CLEANERS • New Service • Dometic • Best Cleaners • University Cleaners “Patronize Them” B A L C S O E J N A Y T S MCDONALD 1 i I 20c any time Miscellaneous • McMorran & Wash burne • Oriental Art Shop • Co-op • Campus Shoe Repair • Kennell-Ellis • Valley Printing 9 Office Machinery & Supply “Patronize Them” WOMEN’S SHOPS • Beard’s • R. C. Hadley, Inc. • Broadway, Inc. • II. Gordon & Co. “Patronize Them” Courteous 7 and Prompt Serivce at Firestone Service ]lth and Pearl Creameries • Medo-Land • E'ug'ene Farmers’ “Patronize Them” COMPLETE LINE of women's garments. McMorran and Washburne De Neffe’s The stylo center for TIES and SHIRTS RESTAURANTS • Seymour’s • College Side Inn • Palace Lunch “Patronize Them’’ Have Your Eyes Examined Ella C. Meade FLORISTS • College Florists • University Florists • Chase Gardens “Patronize Them’’ MEN’S SHOPS • Eric Merrell • De Neffe’s “Patronize Them” .Tom the crowd after the show at, SEYMOUR’S Theatres • McDonald • Rex “Patronize Them’’ Refresh yourself after class. COLLEGE SIDE INN lhey won’t help you catch rivets they won’t cause any ills or cure any ailments when anything satisfies it’s got to be right... no "ifs” or "buts” about it. - Chesterfields satisfy because, first of all, they’re made of the right kinds of mild ripe tobaccos. These tobaccos are thoroughly aged and then blended and cross-blended. It takes time and it takes money, but whatever it costs in time or money we do it in order to give you a cigarette that’s milder, a cigarette that tastes better. © 1935, Licctri & Myers Tobacco Co.