Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 01, 1935, Page 4, Image 4

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    Oriental Fiction, Fairy Tales
Fill Shelves in GerUngcr Hall
Few students are aware of the
fact that an extensive collection of
hooks on China and Japan was
presented to the University by Mrs.
Murray Warner in conjunction
with the museum of oriental art.
The library containing these books
is located in the northeast corner
of Gerlinger hall on the third floor.
Jt is open from 2 until 5 in the
afternoon on Monday until Friday
Included in the collection are fic
tion books dealing with the orient,
translations of old Chinese and
Japanese classics, volumes of Jap
anese prints and other forms of
art, books on travel, histories, and
oriental magazines. Not only the
artistic but the educational, eco
nomic, political, and financial
phases of the orient are dealt with.
Even fairy tales for children are to
be found in the collection.
Of special interest to the people
of today are tales of the forbidden
city of China, which had been
closed to the outer world for
centuries until a few years ago.
Princes-; Dor Ling, who spent two
years in the royal palace at Peking,
has written several books upon her
experiences in the court surround
ings, the intrigues and plots that
are never lacking in royal circles,
and the court rules and ceremonies.
The library takes about 27 peri
odicals such as “Asia,” "Far East
ern Review,” "Antiques,” and
"Contemporary .Japan.” Current
literature of the politics, art,
drama, and other fields of oriental
life are, accordingly, available to
all students.
Rare and valuable art books
have been brought to the library
from China and Japan by Mrs. Mur
ray Warner. These are kept in
locked cabinets, but are brought
out at the request of any student
who is interested in them.
Women Debaters
To Speak Sunday
Frances Mays, Betty Brown,
Mary Nelson, and Eileen Donaldson,
members of the women's debating
team, will open the debate pro
gram for this year next Sunday
evening. They will appear at the
weekly Sunday evening forum of
the Presbyterian church, James A.
Carrell, coach of the team, stated
“What Form of Public Regula
tion of the Movies Should Be
Adopted,” The question will be pre
sented by the symposium or non
partisan debate system. This dis
cussion will examine the effect of
moving pictures upon the public
and will consider the effectiveness
of various means of control, forms
of censorship, etc. Questions and
discussion from the floor will fol
low the presentation of the prob
Members of the women’s debat
ing team are: Helen Harriman,
Mary Nelson, Eileen Donaldson,
Wilhelmina Berot, Betty Tubbs,
Betty Brown, Laurene Brocks
chink, Frances Mays, and Marjorie
The next appearance scheduled
for the women's debate squad is at
Junction City before the P.T.A.
They will go there the evening of
February 5.
Iliddea (Observers
(Continued from I'qQC One)
higher gallery got their money's
worth or not. And that swaying
back and forth by the sweet young
things in the pink dresses failed to
impress us as having any dramat
ic qualities worthy of note.
The piano duet, so ably rendered,
provided us with a moment’s lei
sure during which we munched a
sandwich provided for the occa
sion. The sandwich was really very
vital, since without it we should
leave been obliged to undergo the
forthcoming inquisition on an emp
ty stomach. The house was so full
that it was necessary for us to ar
rive at 5 p. m. in order to secure
adequate seats in the high bul
Another skit, likewise admirably
executed or should we say mas
sacred came to a healthy climax
with tHe singing of "Mighty Ore
gon." using a parody on t lie words
which could cause pandemonium
in the breast of the composer.
We observed with interest the
splendid diversity of form and cos
tume on display at the event. Ev
eryone from Mahatma Gandhi to
the Dionne sisters were represent
ed. Those little maids with the
cellophane attachments which
bobbed past our line of vision at
intervals, were most, inconsiderate
in that they refused to pose long
enough to be recorded by our in
struments. Frankly, we'd like to
see more of that.
The music of the orchestra
reached us but faintly. We were
able however, to make out the fact
that the members of this organiza
tion had sold their birthright as
he-male men and came garbed in
the most atrocious makeups..
These, we understand, were sup
posed to disguise them so that
even their colleagues would never
recognize them.
All in all, they treated us very
nicely. After all, you can’t blame
the little ladies for being some
what embroiled when they discov
ered that two heartless wretches
had secreted themselves in the pro
jection booth for the purpose of
recording on film the solemn oc
casion. No one will ever be able
to convince that little cop who
orated through the closed door,
that our motives were anything
,short of downright villainous. In
an exclusive interview immediate
ly following the ejection, she made
temarks about our ancestry, past
history and probable future destin
ation which indicated that our pop
ularity with her was approximate
ly that of poison ivy in its most
virulent form.
Nor will ttie imprudent one who
thrust her fingers into the aper
ture through which were shooting,
ever be convinced that we did not
deliberately jam her little finger.
Really, lady, that was an awfully
sily thing to do.
Summing it up, the net conse
quences seem to have been divers
acute attacks of apoplexy on the
part of the senior cops, a couple of
badly startled ladies serenely re
posing in the balcony, and the con
fiscation of two cameras and the
attachments thereof by the munici
pal police. We are not overly con
cerned about the apoplexy and the
ladies will regain their composure
but doggone! we sure hate to lose
that film. It was the nearest ap
proach to an epic of which we
can conceive.
Carlton Savage, president of the
University of Oregon student body
during his senior year in 1920-21,
is the author of a recently pub
lished book entitled "The Policy of
the United States Toward Mari
time Commerce in War.1’ Savage
had an appointment with the re
stage** >* 8:45P M
e remonies
Tickets for Hofmann
Piano Concert Will Co
(hi Sale February I
Tickets for the concert to be
given February 10 by Josef Hof
mann, world famed pianist, at
McArthur court are to lie placed
on sale Monday, February 4.
They can be secured at the
graduate manager's office in
McArthur court or at McMor
ran and Washhurne’s department
store downtown.
Prices for reserved seats are
SI.10. General admission seats
are to be sold at 55 cents. All
student body members will be
admitted free to the concert.
search and publication division of
U.e state department in Washing
tain in 1927 to compile material for
a diplomatic history of the World
Campus Brevities
Home for Visit Marjorie Brain
crd went to Portland Wednesday
afternoon where she will visit with
her parents until next Sunday.
Returns to Classes Professor F.
L. Shinn returned to his duties in
(he chemistry department the first
of the week after an absence of
several days because of an attack
of Influenza.
* * *
Unable to Attend Classes—Marjor
ie Will has been unable to attend
classes for the last two days due
to an attack of influenza.
Ill With Influenza—Edith Kron
man has been unable to attend
classes since last Tuesday due to
an attack of influenza. Her condi
tion is reported to be improving
and it is expected that she will re
turn to school next week.
* * *
To Visit at Home Jannette
Jones is leaving this afternoon for
her home in Portland where she
will spend the weekend.
* * *
To Visit on Campus Helen
Burns is to be a guest this after
noon at Gamma Phi Beta. Miss
Burns, who is en route to her home
in Portland from Boston, is a for
mer student of the University and
an affiliate of Gamma Phi Beta.
* si: *
Home Over Weekend Betty
Bietscher went home Friday after
noon to spend the weekend with
her parents at Jennings Lodge.
In Portland Over Weekend —
Peggy Carper is going to Portland
this afternoon to spend Saturday
and Sunday with her parents.
Portland Visitor Elizabeth Wa
ha is leaving the campus this af
ternoon to spend the weekend at
her home in Portland.
(iuesl Over Weekend—Mrs. Carl
B. Neal, Bend, was a weekend
guest of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
While here she visited with her
daughter, Patricia, who is a sopho
more on the campus.
\ltended Bullet — Among those
motoring to Portland the early
part of the week to attend the Bal
let. Russo being presented there
were Margaret Jean Cooper, El
eanor Aldrich, Anne Franks, and
Lucie McCormick. Members of the
party returned to Eugene Wed
nesday evening.
Here for Dunce Caroline Scott
and Dorothy l'eets, Portland, are
visiting at the Alpha Phi house.
They arrived Thursday afternoon
and will be here until after the so
rority dance this weekend. Both
girls are former students of the
University and affiliates of Alpha
Send the Emerald to your friends.
Subscription rates $2.50 a year.
Tn the new spring color
ings and patterns—now
on display at
30 East Broadway
Or do yon make a part of
them? If so you will cor
thinly enjoy seeing the
hundreds of new pieces in
Emerald Scoop
Exclusive tin-type of the Coed Capers, taken by Winston Allard
and Stivers Vernon and rushed to the Emerald via push cart in three
weeks. Immediately following the taking of the pictures, Allard and
Vernon were introduced to a small crowd of excited coeds and are not
lying in the .ME Vernon eementery.
Philippines Move
Toward Freedom
MANILA, Jan. 31. < AP i Def
inite move toward establishment of
a Philippine commonwealth gov
ernment and eventual freedom
from the United States was made
tonight by the constitutional con
vention which adopted the last
clause of its proposed charter.
Recess was taken until February
5, when leaders hope the conven
tion will approve the document as
a whole. They hope also to receive
President Roosevelt's approbation
of its provisions. With this ob
tained, a ten-year commonwealth
form of government would be es
tablished to permit of economic ad
justments preceding final indend
8)r. Parsons
(Continued from Pac/e One)
leisure time speculating and won
dering about things that aroused
his curiosity and which he did not
understand. This was thinking, the
beginning of culture.
Magic Is Beginning
Ceremonials and magic practices
of religion were the beginning of
art, music, drama, literature, and
all of our present culture.
Its development was intricately
tied up with religion and it has
never been separated from it. It
was later, Dr. Parsons said, that
we developed an aesthetic sense
for this culture itself.
As civilization advances gods
arise which are concerned with
; morals. Standards of right and
! wrong are set up with the great
| power of God as perfection .As long
j as these ideas or standards exist,
; the society grows and continues to
survive. All great civilizations have
fallen when they have outgrown
their religion, Dr. Parsons said.
Importance Shown
Rationalized religion perhaps
j represents the very best maturity
! of the race while man’s mind de
! t ached from this great, uplifting,
I fundamental idea becomes senile
j without its support. This is Dr.
Parsons’ belief drawn from a study
of history and the calamities fol
lowing an overthrow of religion by
Dr. Parsons’ address last night
was the first of a series of five
lectures on “Religion and Learn
ing" which is being presented here.
The second lecture will be held at
the same place on February 7. It
will be given by Dr. George Rebec,
dean of the philosophy department,
lie will talk on “The Role of Re
ligion in History."
Series Announced
Other speakers who have been
secured for the lectures are Rev.
J. Hudson Ballard, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church of Port
land, Dr. Olof Larsell, head of the
department of anatomy of the Uni
versity medical school, and Dr.
Flam J. Anderson, president of
Linfield college.
±> Hamburger
«$» ►
+ ► Peanut butter
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Choice 10c Sandwiches
Fountain Service
P S. Lost, strayed or
stolen, one very fine Wimpy
cartoon. Gladly would we
give a hamburger Tuesday
for Wimpy's return today.
Kenney Hulse. Prop
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Dr. Ludwig Frankel Is
Hooked for Lectures
Sponsored by the University of
Oregon Medical school, department
of gynecology and obstetrics, and
the Portland Academy of Medicine,
Dr. Ludwig Frankel, noted special
ist, will conduct a series of lec
tures and clinics in Portland, Feb
ruary 4, 5, and 6.
Dr. Frankel, according to Dr.
Raymond E. Watkins, is professor
of gynecology and obstetrics, and
director of the women’s clinic at
the University of Breslau, Ger
many. The clinic and lectures will
be held at the medical school and
in the Medical Dental building audi
PORTLAND, Jan. 31.—(AP) —
Steve Owen, coach of the New
York Giants, said today that lie
favored athletics scholarships.
Mystery Shrouds
YWCA Brownie
Sale February 13
What are “brownies" ?
Well, anyway, the YWCA fresh
men are going to sell them at a
sale to be hebl on the campus
February 13.
Two gushing freshmen women
approached a news reporter yes
terday and asked him if he would
write a story about their “brown
ie” sale.
“What are brownies?” the girls! I
were asked. ;
“We want to keep that a secret," j
they replied, with a giggle.
“Brownies" are going to be
priced so low that even the most
frugal students can buy them.
They must be quite small and
much in demand because they are
priced at 30 cents a dozen for the 1
first five dozen. If five or more j
dozen are purchased, a special rate *
of 25 cents per dozen is to be of- j
fered, the girls said. Stands will
also be maintained on the campus
in front of the library, Co-op, and
YWCA shack, where “brownies”
will be dispensed at two for a
Attempts to determine the iden
tity of “brownies" were futile. The
girls were determined to keep
them shrouded in mystery. So in
the meantime, anyone who is cur-;
ious about the identity of a “brown
ie” will have to try to pry the se
cret from the following girls who
are in charge of the event: Isa
belle Miller, chairman; Barbara
Roome, Gayle Buchanan, Sue Men
zie, and Catherine Cummings.
To Visit in Portland—Virginia
Younie is leaving for her home in
Portland where she will visit over
the weekend, returning to the cam
pus Sunday.
Six months ago
we planned this
& Washburne
Merchandise of Merit Only
PHONE 2700
Hero begins one of the Best Events ill Years!
Shirts and Shorts
Swiss rubbed
Sii irts
Snug' Fitting
Combed Yarn
Made of fine
quality yarn. Cut
on the most ap
proved, comfort
able athletic style.
They are unusual
values in every
J?ig ►Special
Fast Color
New Stripe
These garments
are outstanding
in quality, finish
and tailoring.
They are sturdily
built and com
fortable. Buy
three and save.
Where you'll find all
the trail*; . . .
Also . . .
Where you’ll find the best
meals on the campus.
Perlich’s Food Market
I.urge size, eaeh .
Something New—
145 to lb. package .
A healthier breakfast cereal.
2 packages for.
Domestic and Imported Cheeses
Very good for lunches and teas.
Phone 54 We Deliver
1044 Willamette street
Virginia Wellington
Patsy Neal
It's Juno in January (February to be exact) and the
new SPRING fashions'are every where. HERE are some
hits as to what, you will want and where to wear them. \
WHAT could be more tempting these warm sunny days ;
than to slip on something cool and comfortable for campus wear
SUE saw just what every CO-ED would want at H. GOR
DON AND CO. ... A darling two piece dress . . . tan heavy
peasant linen skirt with a brown cotton lace top ... a wide
belt of heavy tan linen and three BIG linen covered buttons at
the neck A brown v/indow pane check two piece linen dress
was one of the many that caught our eye. The three wooden
buttons on each shoulder and a buckle to match add a smart
touch to the ensemble . . . COME FORTH in something NEW
for the LETTERMAN'S LIMP. A red and white silk afternoon
dress with shirring at the neckline and shoulders and wide belt
laced in front with a white cord would be just THE thing to
make that new date think about a thing or three . . . Or per
haps your type would call for the grey pebble crepe with brown
moire collars and cuffs. The CLEVER buttons and triangular
pockets are a little new and different . . . the jacket which is
short and smart adds that certain something . . . VISIT H.
Has SHE a birthday this month?? If
she has, why not SAY IT WITH FLOW
has a number of suggestions ... A box of
fine roses or a COLONIAL bouquet would
say it better than words. If you wanted to
send something different and lovely why
not give a basket of spring flowers. They
are fresh, dainty, and different . . . DON’T
forget that the UNIVERSITY FLORIST
will make up a corsage that will oe just ngnt tor aione
. . . CALL 654 or drop in at 598 13th AVE. E.
NEWT CHUM checked JANIS WORLEY at the President’s
Ball, and did the checkroom boys AIM TO PLEASE!!! For those
who wish to know WHY BOB MILLER, the basketball ace, is
nicknamed ‘JUDGE,’ it is not because of the law school, but
because he has served a long term on the bench . . . When
the KAPPA SIGS millraced every man in their house Sunday,
they didn't stop with MORRY VAN VLIET wrho had gone a
courting. The brothers went after him en masse, MORRY evaded
them a long time before they finally got their man . . . NED
GEE received the s-weetest picture from CORVALLIS yesterday
gave pass out tickets at the door at the LAW SCHOOL DANCE.
They were crackers not pretzels. . . . And then we wind that
FRED (kappa sig) WHITTLESEY planted his pin on JEAN
FAVIER . . . WHY the baby blue trimming on the new CHI
PSI LODGE and the row of FLOWER POTS and POSIES in
one of the PHI DELT windows ? ? ? ? ? S’ALL.
you gums 10 wii_inAj.vj.ii, i i n,
If you haven’t been out to the
we suggest that you don’t miss
it . . . YOU can dance to the
strains of “THE TEN COM
MANDERS’’ and thrill to the
voices or tt.u i^aircrci , tmucn tiiLiisr, ana tne i mu. . . wnat
could be a more pleasant way to spend the evening than in this
collegiate atmosphere. You will see all your friends and those
that you would like to meet. EVERYBODY will be there . . .
Refreshments are on hand and the HUGE open fireplace lends
a cheery glow to the evening . . . DON’T forget—COLLEGE
PARK—and only 50c a couple.
Let’s go MEXICAN with the ORIENTAL ART SHOP this
term—for who could resist the FASCINATING little hand
blown GLASSWARE in colors varying from deep rich shades to
the most delicate tints—very INEXPENSIVE . . . then too
there are those hand-made JICARA BOWLS carved out of wood
and painted in the striking MEXICAN colors.
If you want to make a hit in the house invite all the girls
up to vour room for TEA some lazy afternoon. The ORIENTAL
ART SHOP is showing the most INTERESTING gay colored
MEXICAN TEA SETS which include a plate large enough for
wafers, sandwiches, cakes, ar what-have-you—a nice fat teapot
—and of course the bright cups—just THE thing to rejuvenate
you these warm days.
Send something home for mother’s bridge party!!! We
saw some lovely hand-blocked MEXICAN place-cards and tallys.
Don’t forget THE ORIENTAL ART SHOP in the annex of the
What to do when old so! urges you to
go out and meet the world with a grin!!!
We nominate RIDING as the most thrill
ing pastime ... Of course that immedi
ately is followed bv the question of BOOTS.
BURCH SHOE CO. have a new shipment
riding boots . . . They are HAND
STITCHED up the back ... of the very
finest ENGLISH leather ... in brown and
Rlnnh rmrl Iunt 4- V. I „ 1, I f * CIA AA V, ~
. . . They are reallv quite the SNAPPIEST thing we've seen
for a Ions- time. BURCH SHOE CO. is the PLACE and NOW
is the TIME.
Lack of time is no excuse for letting your hair go when
you can call KRAMER'S BEAUTY SALON any time for an I
appointment between or after CLASSES . . . Just DASH i
around the corner on KINCAID and have MR. KRAMER give 1
you that EXCLUSIVE haircut-then KATHRYN will wave your
tresses just the way you have ALWAYS wanted it. To complete I
milady's beauty you must have MARTHA manicure your nails. |
LO AND BEHOLD!!! when you step out of the salon YOU are .
prepared for the WEEKEND dates—Save time and steps by
staying on the good old campus-Call KRAMER. 1880 for I