Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 25, 1935, Image 1

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    "Tivs.s Iv.-mqxir!
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Day's iXctrs
Hi (lir \ooi>i 1*1 mo
fANt KM :»
Sl'\ V 1 1 l .1 I i ni l II I* 1511 l
the' Roospvplt linuttm, 10 untied
house' 1 ’rmm-l ill o louight shoved
the $1 .S.so.iKlO.i'OU wmIi and relief
hill otlto Uio pnwlo dnnvatcp. where
a now and alubbmn contest up
parently awaited ti Tho vote was
329 to 7S
Plans wore made immediately in
the senate to seek notion on tho
measure next week after disposing
i of the world court issue.
Some members of both parties
there, however, are planning moves
to curtail the broad powers the
measure grants President Roose
ROME — Benito Mussel : n i
cleaned house in his cabinet to-day
to give new Fascist figures their
chance at government.
He ousted six ministers—those
of public works, agriculture and
forests, national education, justice
and cults, finance and communica
tions—and ten under-secretaries.
II Duce. however, remained the
majority in the cabinet. The pre
mier holds seven cabinet posts In
these, there were no changes.
WASHINGTON—Undeterred by
the refusal of Clinton L. Bards.
| white haired former president c:
the New York shipbuilding com
pany to waive immunity, the sen
ate munitions committee tonight
made plans to interrogate him in
a day-long session tomorrow.
Bardo today used the term "in
quisition" ir. connection with the
investigation and firmly refused to
waive his constitutional rights of
reclining to answer questions
which later might be used against
him in event of prosecution.
SAX QUENTIX—Discovery of
a loaded revolver long bidden in a
wall in San Quentin prison started
another rigid investigation tonight
on the heels of the inquiry involv
ing the recent ill-fated break for
freedom by four armed convicts.
At the same time Acting Warden
Julian H. A’.co revealed a special
guard crew was being kept con
tinuously at work searching the
big. crowded prison, and generally
gleaned a handful of crudely fash
ioned knives every week from
places of concealment.
YUMA, Ariz.--Chief El Captain
Kelly, last of the Yuma Indian war
chiefs, believed to be nearly 125
years old, and the only survivor of
the battle between the Yuma In
dians and General John Fremont's:
fourth expedition to the West, re- (
vived today after having been pro
nounced dead late last night.
Campus Calendar
A scavenger party will be held
by the Wesley Foundation at the,
First Methodist church at 7:45 this i
Dean Hazel Schwerin g has given
12:30 permission to all University
women Wednesday night for the
president’s ball which will be held
at McArthur court.
Sigma Delta Chi cast for the
I press banquet skit will meet at the
Osburn hotel at 5:15 today, with
Sigma Delta Chi men holding
banquet tickets will turn them in
this afternoon to Les Stanley or
George Turnbull.
All students who wish to go on
the marketing trip with Professor
Cornish's classes please see him
not later than Monday.
Open house at Westminster to
night. A crowd expected, but there
will be room for you.
Durant9 Noted Philosopher
Writes in Current Magazine
An article entitled “Our Mor-'
als,” written by Will Durant, phil
osopher, author and lecturer, who
is to appear here February 14 at
Gerlinger hall, has been published
in the current issue of the Satur
day Evening Post. It has been
suggested by University officials
that students read the article, so
as to have a better idea of the val-,
lie of hearing Durant's lecture.
No one is reputedly more com
petent to interpret trends of mod
ern civilization, to fo^m an esti
mate of the shape of things to
come, to define current events in
terms of the entire historical per
spective, than Durant.
He is said to be the only living
author who has made the philoso
phy of ancient thinkers a subject
of every-day discussion. He is one
of the few living authors who is
as proficient at entertaining and
interesting people by the spoken
word as by the written word.
Durant's books on philosophy
have been best-sellers in the non
fiction class, and his lectures on
that subject have attracted over
flow crowds in New York as well
as the other cities in which he has
appeared. He is a prolific writer
and has recently turned over to his
publishers the manuscript of “His
tory of Civilization,” in five vol
umes, which has taken several
years to write.
The well-known author’s pur
pose in addressing thinking peo
ple throughout the United States
is not to deal in abstractions, but
to present an insight into contem
porary matters in the light of the
best thought of all ages.
Durant is reported to be an un
usually keen commentator upon
current topics, and possesses the
rare faculty of interpreting con
temporary trends in the light of
the entire historical perspective
His audience here is promised a
diverting, though an extremely
thoughtful commentary upon pres
ent-day problems.
All A.S.U.O. members will be
admitted free to the lecture.
Crew Beaches Ship
Following Collision
Oil* Jersey Shores
1 "tilt'd Fruit Rout Limon
Pick' Ip Lifeboat*;
All Rescued
Heavy Seas Prevail
Talisman Stands by After
Crash With Mohawk
XF'Y YORK. Jan. 24.—.AF —
Br7. her side fbUlowing a
a Brazil - bt ind
freight* Uj S S Mol an k $3 -
•». . as:wife i-.ner under char
ter to the Ward tire was aban
doned near Sea Girl X J tonight
in sere we2User tv her passengers
and crew.
A wireless message from the
damage.: ship said:
"Mohawk or the beach"
The message, timed at 10:04 p
m was intercepted fcy the Radio
Marine corporation.
A few minutes earlier, the Mo
hawk. or. a coastwise voyage to
Vera Cruz. Mexico, had advised
she was launching some teats. She
asked the Talisman, with which
;he collided several miles of Sea
Girt, to pick them up.
Storms at Sea
Zero weather and a heavy sea
prevailed off the Jersey coast,
where the Mohawk met distress. A
hard northwest wind was blowing.
At 9:30 p. hi. both the Mohawk
and the Talisman flashed SOS
-v uauuic^ uuci tut* !\
advised the United Fruit liner Li
“Heading for beach with bad
Both the Union and the Talis
man, the latter apparently not
badly damaged in the crash were
standing by. Two lifeboats, motor
equipped, were launced by the coast
guard from Asbury Park. N. J.
At 10:24 p. m. a wireless mes
sage from the Limon to Radio Ma
rine corporation said:
"Mohawk in on her side and
shipping fast. Only couple of boat
lengths away and will pick up
boats as fast as can."
Mohawk wireless man was leaving
his post in an attempt to reach
the shore because of the rapidity
with which the ship was taking
It was her first voyage for the
Ward line, owners of the ill-fated
Morrow Castle, which burned last
September with a loss of 124 lives.
It was believed shortly after 11
that all passengers had been taken
off the Mohawk.
A resolution to lift FERA work
done by University students above
the level of mere financial relief
to an educational plane was passed
by the Federal Student Aid com
mittee yesterday.
The committee, composed of Har
riet W. Thomson. A. B. Stillman,
and Karl Onthank, considered the
advisability of keeping a student
on an unfinished job or assigning
a new student to that job so that
he, too, might receive the social
usefulness, educational and voca
tional value of the job. The com
mittee issued a request to faculty
members and others using FERA
workers that they cooperate in of
fering jobs which benefit the stu
dents' education.
C. L. Kelly. professor of in
<uniiioo, University of Or<\Kon, who
speaks before tho Oregon press
conference hero t oduy .
Morse Explains
Three Proposed
Legal Reforms
Stale Committee Report 1$
Ra$i$ of KOAC Talk
Three reforms, which the Ore
gon state committee on the im
provement of rules of judicial pro
cedure has recommended to this
session of the legislature, wore dis
cussed by \V. L. Morse, dean of
the law school, last night at &:00
over KOAC.
The first reform proposed was
that state judges be given the same
power as federal judges to com
ment on evidence.
The second was the proposal that
the people of the state should adopt
a constitutional amendment where
by district attorneys are empow
ered to initiate criminal prosecu
tion without presenting' a case to
the grand jury. This proposal dif
fers from a similar one introduced
in an initiative measure a year or
so ago, in that the proposed amend
ment would permit the district at
torney to file information only in
cases of a preliminary hearing
waived, or when the judge, after a
preliminary hearing has been held,
orders the defendant to be held.
The third proposal recommended
that all exemptions from jury ser
vice should be abolished. Dean
Morse, as a supporter of the jury
system, contended that criticism
of the present jury system would
be answered if such measures as
exemption would improve the per
sonnel of the jurv. Because the
present law provides so many ex
emptions. the fact must be faced
that the best qualified citizens can
now evade that important civic re
sponsibility which jury service en
tails, he said.
Geyser in Action
For Open House
A gevser in fiction, motion pic
tures. refreshments, and exhibits
pertaining to cooloev, poogranhv.
and anthropology wi'l alt contrib
ute to the attraction of an open
bouse to be held in the lower floor
of Condon hall as soon as the
painters who are now at work
there have eomnleted their task.
Warren D. Smith, head of the
geography and geology depart
ment, in speaking of the open
house, said that the painting will
probably he finished within two
weeks, and the affair will likely
he planned for a Friday afternoon
and evening.
Displays of skull and other hones
showing the development of cer
tain human species are to be ar
ranged and may be seen at the
open house. Rock specimens will
be shown for those interested in
geology, and a series of maps will
| make up the geography display.
The subject of the motion pic
' ture is as yet undisclosed, as is
the method of constructing a gey
1 ser that is capable of gushing
without doing damage to the new
ly painted walls of the display
I room.
South American tea, as well as
, ordinary tea, will be served to vis
j itors at the display.
Phi l heta l psiKm
1 o 1 t Dam e
l onipht at p. m.
Frii-:' Set 1 on- to f.ieilit^to
Ktin-Doun Foekotbook
?'• Theta Tps.;.---. s c:.<d s';'
.• ar.-.r ,;s .ranee slates for '..'right
s: i> P ra in ttte draw big room «t
•" Owe go :• est.eh.l >.'• :• s a
' - lew v'. •• •• ,w..y re ssioas
w'u.h sis tickets tving se.id for 2.%
cants a pie
The g. est< vf the Affair, which
s :• g • '■ Um be. c;.: ei
"" csneleie c. gar.as:.or, of hcV’oy
P < aps m ths . unp s « . tat
the m»i<< of one of the <wu
1 a*d .. . s 8 . ' . lo ss .vs s;
oerdmg Jo the atom hers of the
dance directorate of the women s
service 'vv.'-vv. which
A dele Sheeh.y IVrotlo Hagge
1 • t McClain \ gve .. Kndioart.
Heal . Ms . . ol, I .a- .1.
so® Uitka V.s.Msss ,v : '■.
Tear. and : -i i'.vvv
" rhe price to caste the sm»
Ivrs of *. ne directorate ”fca* been
set k»w ;n order to facilitate the
run-down condition of most stn
pocket books smce the end of
the month is so near at hand.”
Long informal* for women will be
the fashion in dress for the ovo
, 5'ing.
An invitation has been extended
to the visiting delegates at the
i t ress conference to attend the
dance after their banquet and
program at the Oshurn hotel.
Tickets may be purchased from
I the Co-op, from each women's liv
ing organisation, and from mem
bers of the dance directorate.
Nouhcriicr. Morse,
Kahn l pli4>ld Repeal
STATE HOUSE. Salem. Ore.
Jan. (Special 1 Among the
forces that uphold Senator Zim
merman in his demand for repeal
of the criminal syndicalism law
■ here last night were three Univer
i sity of Oregon students. The group,
i led by Richard l, Neuberger, law
student and liberal writer, includ
ed Stephen IV Kahn, honor law stu
: dent, and Raymond .1. Morse, co
captain of the football eleven.
Kahn spoke in the opening ar
gument for the progressive faction,
along with Kav \Y. Gill of the state
Grange, Ren T. Osborne of the Fed
eration of I.abor. and others Neu-I
borgor. Neil Tanner, noted liberal
lawyer from Salt Lake City, and
Senator Zimmerman handled the
rebuttal, answering the contentions'
of.the opposing legislators.
Or. A. E. Caswell, professor of.
physics, has been selected as one!
of six Presbyterian representatives I
in the newly organized Oregon
Council of Churches. The repre
sentatives were selected by means]
of ballots sent to minister
throughout the state.
)cm c\\ l olls Of
Latest School
Studv Method
rrinrip.il> Plan lYarhiui:
Subitvts From Social
Poiftt of \ io*
Cirmip ('.unit's Fxprvimrnt
l asting Six \ cars
O.vv.rVro nwi; animation of JnjtV
<.',.v.k cvrvia the *tH* of
P-.v£v.« ',s plan of :tw> sis:?
»ss.v-,snon of ^ svhool panet
j's'> Wan R .imH si*(M so
«‘.a> -.Vo o\y»ou.iv.onial
S'ran'. 5o be v.ii.leU aken t'\ fkaf
tvv.a Vl'.o oiuj'ose tho neor-Ran;
. is .lev a X\ ]v of vv.r
t 4 v.'r.aH Sfcs; wii': change tV <\5u
(rational pnxve.ei The rrv.«sl s>-s
t«••••.•. wk'.l !kaw a s.vial svienoe cove
aval non-e.v;a1 sntvjooJs will bo
tauchf from a s.vial }v>4nf of View
t-f s.-o.i I'hc r.ew of surly will
sUi.lt'iits pa vUoi, ration an.’
v. kU.-al thinkm.;
i vpum* nan
The plan IVav, said is to
take a group of si\ iVjswt high
schools. pm it under t ho guidance
of i committee of five men from
the principals' assooiation. and the
pruvipals and superintendents, and
then put into of foot for a period of
six yours, tho carefully planned
curriculum they havo developed
Tho v'omniittoo is to bo composed
of Peso Jewell. Joseph T l.onu
follow superintendent of Oregon
City schools, Fred J Patton, super
intendent of Fl.atskante schools.
Robert Root?. superin! endont of
Ssilvorton schools, and Prof James
T Hamilton, of Rood college’. tho
The six your plan. Roan Jewell
pointed out will enable tho associ
ation to watch tho development of
one class from the freshman year
of high : bool thron.e.h two years
of eollcye. as well as to watch the
career of the following class
through one year's college work
Schools Start Move
The movement started in the
high schools themselves!, Dean
Jewell staled. "It would be fatal
if il could be said that the Univer
sity of Oregon had si strangle hold
on the high schools of the state."
While the work is purely ex
ps'rimental it has sill been carefully
conceived, and will be carefully
controlled. "11 will not be a ease
of including just any fool course
on any fool subject Ihat some Idiot
has thought up."
To 1 se Typical Schools
While the schools to be used 111
the experiment have not been
picked, they will all he small, rep
resent a I lug as nearly as possible
the typical school other than those
in Portland They will Include some
three and four teacher high
schools, and will also have one or
t I '!<• uie fin’ll to /vine )
R :00 a. m.
9:30 a. m.
9:45 a. m.
12 :0() noon
1 :30 p. m.
2 :45 p. m.
6:30 p. m.
9:30 p. in
R ’9(1 a. m.
9:45 a.m.
12:00 Noon
1 :45 p. m.
Press Conference* Program
Friday, January 2^
Croup Breakfasts, Kugcnc Hotel.
Registration, Journalism Building, University Campm.
Ceneral Session. Room 105. Journalism Building.
Frank J. Wheeler. Milton T'Ujte, President.
Appointment of Conference Committees.
Annointmcnt of Oregon State F.ditnriul Association Committerj
“City vs. Country, the Kditor’s Biggest Problem and Biggest
Opportunity"- Hugh C Ball, Hood River .V« -■■os.
“The Cireulation Situation in Oregon" Fn - W Alien.
“Do We Know How to Write New. " W M. Tugman. Kugruc
Aflj«'iirnment for Puncheon.
Associated Press Anchorage (Up'dl'iis).
United Press Anrhnrage (UpstairsV
No Host Puncheon \nchorapr* (Main Dining Room) William
I'still Phipps, editor, ()renon Roily T.ineni'tt Toastmaster.
Ceneral Session Room 105, Journalism Building.
Mr. Wheeler Presiding
“Saving on Insurance How to Protect a Publishing Butiiur? •
With the least Possible K pense" 0. I. Kelly. Processor of
lusuranee, University of Oregon School of Business Adtnitii*
t m t ion
“What’s Ahead? Ih»w 'Inch ('an Sa'Dy Predict “ Ur
Dexter M Kee/er. President. Reed ColUm Portland
“How a romtniin'iv New*'riper Cmi Build Up F»*r*n Durin**
T)enression Years” S«>1 1! Lewis, Lyndt 11 (Washington)
Annual Banmiet Oshnrn Hotel
Dean Kric W. Allen, School of lonc'di tu Toastmaster
Award of CerBfie.ate of MeHt to Was1 'n"b»M Co'mtv
Times, Forest Drove la he II Staulev, Pre dent. Sigma Delta
Award "f Si""’a D- 14,» C’i I Ha! H • A tr**m»»»‘ia! Tron’m
to ()re..on’s Best l‘M4 Weekly or Semi-Weekly Newspapers
Mr. Stanlev.
“Rambliugs”- Clinton P. Haight, Blue Mountain T.m/le, Canyon
Colonial Theatre invite editors and their ladies to he guests at
a oietnre acclaimed by all < rit it •> a , one of IB.H’s best “One
Night of Love."
Saturday, January 26
Committer ami Croon Breakfasts.
Business Mretina Oregon State Jvlitorial Association. Room
105, Journalism Building.
Hugh C, Halt. Hoof I River Newx Pre-orient.
Ceneral Session Mr. Wheeler. Presidin''.
‘‘Determining Co«t and Srltim» Prh r fit Commercial Printing”
A T„ Clawson, Oakland, California.
"SirraniHijitu: < )nr Rate Card” Vcrii.in R Chun hill, McCann
Erickson, Inc.. Portland Oregon.
Vo Host T.tinrheon. Men’s Dormitory, University Campus.
Mr Wheeler, Toastmaster.
”\ Few Remarks hv a Printer’s Devil” Col. Ouy T. Viskniskki
Reports of Conference Committees.
Election of OfTirers.
Printing Pricing Institute, Room 105, Journalism Building.
Si^ina IVlta ( hi
Honors Huhl, Hal!
Tonight at 1 > out
~ Outsi.-unlina Journalists
^ ill Rr luiti.-itc'il
’.'av ,v,£v. <.'•.,•',3 Owy-iw o.v.
A'.rs w :v nisoo r,-f"-,lvr' of Si.$
v.a ’.Via O.kv mor. < national yvv
.'•S.S...V.y'-.nnahs.ni fvaiO'tr.'ii.x v.\
a tv.'.- -initial ion o-onomonx a* owo
ot iho foal..nos of iho yvoss v\ni
iovnioo bar.:..;-; ixVttxjrV. si iho Os
V-vra T1*o> AIT Kobo-, i \\
h ■ V V. ■ V- iuM
Hitch O Hall H<v.i Kivrr Tinw
HnhJ xx-on siaioxxi.io rxvofcr.il -.on
r. iiv« xvkon ho bsvv.fchi tho VY,
•iiw to Oi-ofc-on Vivo SWAv.l
. ar.-.o as a vos.,1: of K«M a tvMioa.1
vloanviy .-anvoaikn
Kails hi£h standard «\f onwnti x
.".irna'.-.Ain familial Vo tlvoso \\ ho
avo aoqviairiod with it ■' Ho,at Uix
od Tv.nos Two yoaih ayo ho xx-on
■ ho isifcina 1VH* Ohi ooniost for
vho bos: w-ook'o noxv-syayoi in :;-,o
stato and las: yoar roooix on a oor
i iioato in iho samo oontos: I asi
- yvvnjc ho was aw avdo-.i :tvo Haul K
Kolh iroyhx syonsvr-od b\ Sigma
IVlta Ohi for iho host odHo:ial
ya go in now ay ape is of ilio oovviviv v
xxooklx division Ho lias also boon
piokod on John Oaaox s all V.novi
oan ioani of oonnivv oditors Mi
Oasox is yno.fossov of .ionvnatiam at
Oklahoma uniwisii y
r.atlu'v Surest s
Krrslum'n Make
Own Decorations
(.ominilti'r Talks t'inaiu’c
Vt ‘Si«lr’ Mori
"Whether tlx' Fmsh Olee is tv'
he decorated lw the freshmen or
lw a decora! (tig concern depends
upon the oooperatton of the fresh
man class Wo can decorate the
dance ourselves and not only cut
town on our expenses, hut also
'eel that the dance will he a coto
"tele freshman project," Halph
v'athey. president of the freshman
- lass, stated last ntjiht
l.ouis I Hills and l.ylo Maker, cvi
chairmen of the Fresh fllee, at a
meeting of the directorate com
mtttee held Wednesday night at
the Pollege Sivh'. disotis'ied with
tlx> committee plans for budgeting
expenses ami for the dance decor
at Ions,
Harold Olsen and Hill Parsons
were appointed hy t'athey t•' man
ape the policing committee I'M
Hanson and Sam Fort were ap
pointed to handle all the .sign and
poster painting used for the dee
(rating' attvl the advertising of the
Mill .tones, chairman of the puli
Idlly committee, assigned differ
i ni freshmen to assist In the man
r.gemont of the dance All I hose
who wish to work on the dance
should gel in touch with Jones at
the Pella Ppsllon fraternity
lii<r Prize Awaits
Ifest Curbed Girl
At Coed Capers
Laid yotir II wiim ii well known
or itipiim i iicd garbed In long flan
lll'lM llllll iTllWIIOll witll H VVl'PIllll of
flowol'M who ill I mi li’il ho iiiih Ii til
li'iillun ill tin’ (’ui’il < 'n | n't ii . W’ lint
f i' ii 11 ii I tii' hIiiiIpiiI will ii itili' i'iih
limii’il hi Morin’ mythical i'Iiiiim li'i
riiul bring 1’iivy In thi’ liearlM of hoi
follow oliiHMinnloM liy wIiiiiIiih I In’
.y.i.rio firm prtxe thin your?
According lo Mary McCracken,
general ill ii l fit i ii ri for the Coed
Caper*, vvlili Ii will lio tii'liI Thill n
tiny, .1 ii linn ry .’11 In (lerllligor, any
illiil nil I V|H h of coHlliniOM will In’
eligible lor on I rniii'i' in I lio oonl out
for llio lioit outfit pernonlfylng
•ii ini’ i tm mol or of fairly woll
known repute,
('iinlo l inlM will not Imvo to
op'd riot l hrlr 111 i’ll, lo ono pernon,
lil't M ip oup of women may nrganl/.e
I..'t'er irul ro|iro:ionl a number
• f illffoionl Individual i Kroni oon
nlnnl rmnorn going ll In ii i t Iho emu
pun, ll would Hoorn Unit oonipcllllon
will run high.
Tick ('In fur the Coed (,'n.pore nro
prlood ul fifteen oontn oaoh mid
nro being mild by repronentii 1 Ivoa In
every wonien’M living organlwit Ioii
The fionlor oopn, under I lie aupor
vImIou of (pill MoCrodlo, will un
doubledly Imvo their hmidn full lo
order lo keep nil poMMlble mnlo in
trudem out.
llorrmin Kehrll, director of the
municipal renearoll bureau of the
Unlverulty, left thla morning for
Hnlem. He will attend a meeting
of the executive committee of the
Longue of Oregon Oil Ion there mid
return later In the day Kehrll la
executive hoc ret ary of the league
1 70 Newspaper Men
Delude l nivorsilv
For Annual Confab
VranK .V \\ luvlov. pro*Ul<*nf of
(ho ('n'gvn pros* conioronocv
^ oiiiitj Musicians
To (»ivo Program
Vt Music liuiMiuy
Stmli'ut HotK (amis "Not
(Jm*tl l’or Vilinission
I'Vmupr nntH'Ktli'i'mnnln <01011 ’
roll sly I :i t ('il Hi«( Hip li'iigrnr j
■'n'ltor Hynipliiiny oivIii'nlKi. pli\
(Ujj ;ll dll' ntUnfc III!Ilii(ns 111 I'M! j
I'Mt :K :l nVIivK Hnndriv iinni'iloi'ii
ll.i-. till' ASt'O :i'i 'umiiMM' 1| li in
no \'.i\ I'lmmvli’.l \\iin H'o A.'M’O
:in.1 ntlnlpnl liniii Hi'iu’ln util nni
, .iilndt Hi.iso ilnfiirins In allnml Hip
; i’Mii'M'1
1'rU'o f.U' :i ftpanon HcIk'I In (Up i
i'i'tii'M'1 (•( $S Ontrrat nilinld«inn L
! tl.’ln'tfi nlll Hi' M,V ;md rpnnrypil !
!1<’;l1'*, MV rU’tu'l i :i11’ mviIImI'Io at
nitlipr iho Cn or ui' M,'Morian and
Hi'hnlii'i ( -i '•I’nfini-ilio.l Mvm
phony." will lip plavptl An.iUioi
ilUtirult lint lipantlfnl nptprttiip.
"Ovprlnro to tfanmnl." Iiy Ilo&tlti'
\-('1l In Hi lie' siVMi
Nin’ii mmiliora an Mump mm
11.'Ill’ll UK' I'on diloi i'il ilHfii'ull r.o
any Mynipliony pinup, Inn lino will
III' pri'Mi'iilt'.l liy "Infant" Iini-di inn <
(’lillilrnn ranslnsln ok" from olsl'l
in I'ljjliii’i'ii
linmiM \(lv4<riisiiig
Sljill \<l«ls I’d IVintiK
In mi attoinpl In Mhuulalp local
•nivorllrtlng- in I hr ^iiiniMlil. Iho ml
«.Mion of t\\\ M tMlniMnl rulvorl Ininp
n anagor lo I In' hu’’I uorr »-ii mrf wa ■>
announoorl yoalonlay hy 10«| l.nhho.
ntlvortlalng managor.
I'M Piiahlv i t lo mu vo In tho now
position I lo )w\’i had oovornl you in
oApfuionoo in Iho m«Ivoi filing fjoM
mine’ll whon ho wm'kpil on a mnu
j I’or of mini Inn n ( h'ogon now-ipa pro n
Tho ihlfiO’1 nf | hr’ M M' i i111 Mill will
j hr’ lo willo (ho ropy Mini pionotil
I Iho rwlvorl IfltllfJ Im vouIm lo I hr Imi
j pmo monhnnl m, aflor hr’ han matlo
I himaolf familiar wilh Iho niorchan
I «li u’ ami worvloow offoiorl hy Iho «lil
lotr’til hnalnomtoa I lo will allompl
lo Inlorprol lho«o in I hr’ advrrtiRo
ni on I a which In’ will willo r<n Ihotn
Stgut.i ivtr n. Ut.
Frier (VrU l u t> . ;ii
J’rc'sw \ ‘ . p, | ;u i;
\\ ht'i'lt'r V vo si tl o ss
i nil IV > * W • v*. t'iiin
U> IV, 31 \t4»l<\ltr \
V N ■*••••'••*•'' ■* " •' -^'.VVjV^Vi'
:tk\\ OS OO .
‘;iv‘*<*n : 'v' 1 "V vvi ••.: v T-.V.'*\1 of
VVUVi^V.-o^ Us ihfi 1 V\ A**- -
n*i' 1 Off*'-** >• •;•; <* t.v*::.• •-!i •■* ••
T)\o of •■• -••*''■
’•V.Ml } h-S'.'iVOf I*'?
Us h* V' : •»: <' -
N' • •' V tV>n V-•: uv \ 1 'fo-;•,■?
V, -i rv X'\ r"ii ■■ ■V:.i ’"I'v •■ :,o
V*, Us-0 n’!V'-v.-'*V *’»< ; .'<■ l\\rt ■*
1<"hi .'iv.' -•* ‘ ihts I'-Vi '"
;.ii£ r,rw •-nAV.-" ■• iho --U^io
b‘rtOb NO-M Mu'- '•'•••- wn W'brt <"*.*’
rv.' v. ;*\\ rtl\b\; *',' f V.p %\ r ;*\'\ von .
1 Y;||>pl vf • - • ,5-'-.w|rt\
MlW f|\P b<v'if frVholPVVb b\ Vt-"'*'
now*. w-.Vfwv* ..'\»^ ■•-',• .•> pi ,• Vbo
tlrtl V U>'- •! f.WW>b\ V
rtW rtv>VpA i\". f bo fb m-i i '--wo ih\~ VP1',
in fho now w'wov \w r- - fifo ^^^■:’^
■\ obvUbVfbvb bbi^ot 1000 wbwb bv
boon PrtVflPPlrtVlv opt pi
OHiPv PVPWf • Af f|\P brtiVPOPf in
pbofp f lbW f *:pPpobor? t\ .'1M MlPWlbPl A
AWi\ PbfPl'f ft.ftUbPbl h\ fb.P V.'nQ'pWP
fpvMo ISthb,'
\nv.wio bvf •-* - * ■'\ p,,,» *>.. w ...,
\a UWHr,! < , \ PW\ &A* ’U'-Mpo
of fbo flpoo 0-v nomi.ui "OioUcfi
fi'V fbrt brtllMUof M\rt\ t'P |MI|''1',”1V'|
o.wn ally btbiwbpi nf .yipwort npib>
Hip bbtVrtT'Mb fpt H|P Aa\ \\\
obufp'i luv^hf-v;{ ’\i fbo t^np-onp
IuOpI vppiyOvpf fob *'1 ° ‘10 a \\\ bi
fbo i.niu\-ili'-'ui bbfMfbo a oonot il
nc. i.»n [\\ flip i-'miHlinm billMim*
nt 0 45 hut* h rti IV rtf !bo \w Inn
;|oo rtPbPVrtf rtP*nfM?l., brt»l<M|of Of
0 00 in iVihpi'M bpfof nii*l plwwv ?if
0 50 Mf f bp HnfiUifrtf fbortfpv
At fHo ''‘'Orvl -ifir.f,>t| rtf n l!
h \\\ I'vp'OOoiO |!'hh1( 1 Wboplnv
of U\o MObm liVip-fp will vmp=0i1o
< \rtifri on*p Oiilnivi H f pp5* p ill bp mp
nofbfoO rtn*f tiiiniib'M loin pint ini'.
luliiMiM will bo twrtifp \ nwnbif »ponf
«'| f bo i Moi'i'ii Mf-ifo i Mlf.v. i if r|n
Pnrirtllnb p«wiiwiff fpp ’ wOl bo tnrt<bv
\!li'»i (»i ^»v'n!i
llprtll 1*’t h» \\ v Hop will Oin< u ii
rbo ( Mt'Ptltrtfft-n .’bfiHMoH iw n»p
r.»n rttiil will iwonont pj-.ntilion
•M rtf (’if fp’i f»t«m ryot v Pnnnfv In
1 'i ci'nii WlUtfim l‘ I’r.-nwnn of 1 bo
lOlPf'im Ifor i i| pi l biP ’ 0 '.rill rtil -
lll I':1 f |\P P Vllltll i >M "1 'll Wo blpuy
1 I« f 11 \Vi Hr Mow 2 '■'
Willlrtuf !'• Pbinp-: pOil w i*f fbp
< >1 opotl t ):\ l \ I'rtiP’rtbl. P’Ul bo ll'rt
Inp'ilmo loi rtf rt "n>* tiocsf" bm<b
Port fn bo p i\ o In I bo \in ln'iiop
Mill II I ,n\vH nf flu' I VIMlOM
\\‘rt,ibln.'-' I on *r» fbiftip, will f»* 11
"Hn\v rt < *• PwnntbM v bfob -jp^tioi
(*rt»i Ibifbf I >n bbot> I'Miin*; 1 ip
ni’ortnbm V «vu i “ ‘no-i f ilb will In
f''llow«d b\ rttii'fboi bv lo liovfoi'
M Kooror, ji|'» • filonf «»f IfooO « <>l
b’pn, wlinnp aubfoi'f |’1 "Wllttbi
Vborti * | b»W Ktio'li i ' ui Oiiii 1 \ f‘I \
I b Pilfpf
I’infppttuu i' I If o||v <>r f bo ttnl
VPlSity Will rtrprtb mm "IImw Im 1*i«i
f /’/(Mu' turn to f'O'to *)
McKay, Ross Subpoena Fifty
for Iturrister's It r air I St a a I
Mflliy M g|f I I lump.hi ovnr hr i
faint ain't hint night IIP Tmopotn
McKay nn«I Moan, law school nfu
drain, WlOl Mlri ff mill <lip!lirir<|
lu’Mflnp |t| rcirfll n| III l M FHimillllll’t
and 1 hoy all hcnvrtl a nigh of m
lirf mi finding I Ini I If w/tci. f«111 if
MHtC*|V. MM order In nppcnt Ml I fin
HarrlstroV Mrnwl, to hr held nl
f hr I >«<l Ifi’V titfn totimi foW nlpM
A hot 11 fifty gjiln recelvml thn
following ordpf. which won ni«n
If rtttcd to mnmhnfM of tfir Inw
f'«r|lOO| fill lilt V Mflit I hr | !l < 11 »• i in
''onipnnylhg fh*m "You nm heir
by fnpiifn| to appear Mini nrinw‘ i
In the Del Key C'nfr .Iniiooniv Vh,
W85# hotWf1 nl thn hours of ti mi
nMil \2 r M. Mini If you foil to
fitnwrr, for wunt thnrcof thn I'lnto
tiff will take Judgment again*?!
votl.'1 Tho plaintiff in this • non
In I he law whoul wort arid thn
defendant, thn lady of hip chop r
will hnvn to iiiowpi to nndnrlphnf
i hln tail tnrrlbln noun ding churgss
j if oho falls to iippriu
Till’ in -3! ( I > 1 ; 111 »J1 rj Mt'P PH OtlflMfit
Mhml <if Hip llniifploip- tiea\vI nml
nlwnvo mini mimli (t,»'ItpmrHt,
in V«1| fpllinj? |.» p|til t 11 M'»I.P nr
frP1 )M I 11 r» Vli I lln'q hopff IF \\\n
I i »fl«' Irfirp |p f )|p IpppI. blf M'Milt.V,
Ph'l II' V»MM I i*1lf3i'|p||rr jp f jpntV'^ !
i’M<1 (Mil p u’p||, VmM npvm kIniW
l*n» llioqn I'nlll'ilid gifl 3 tvjin At 0
ntfrmiinA, H wop ft pm ns* pit to Hftvft
< h|pf '*f P**lifO NIIpp of I'ni'llmi'l
prryp IIip PiimmMho
Timm Ip ftf'othftt m'hhk fthpnto!
ill M*o l(iw sjphnol I Iml fobo! ttli’li
will 1»p vpi V ItPPU wiiPO thft fapulty
• lonro cnhtpflt Ijpgina. 'flip f9ediot%
IiiorI of whom nip luUlotr olort
hoilt'A ft'Om f»» Irthtlo Hfijllq, lo w
|i»*fifp««eot . pfp |'lMP?llM|Jf to
» liip him right Into flp^t j>! v p
Thlrt ftfOITliftOft to bp I h° OlOftt f'|n=5P .
Jy » nh(n=jfp.| dftOf'ft of the *>VPOlOg,
hrmimp I ho bettlftg Ip WiW ftlmnet,
evenly divided hr tween ftolUdfi
ftpeftner. IttW srlmot fjfofhaffor, Ami
Mi Hollis