Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 24, 1935, Page 2, Image 2

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'University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon
EDITORIAL OFFICES: Journalism building. Phone 3300
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William E. Phipps Grant Thuemmel
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Day Editor This Issue .Mildred Blackburne
Night editor this issue . Bob Couch
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the
college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination
periods, all of December except the first seven days, all of
March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class matter
at the postofficc, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates, $2.50 a yeai.
Another Challenge to Youth
p’.BAR rides through the nation—fear that
the dictatorships of central Europe will
prevail in the United States, and unless in
telligent efforts are made to allay it the
realization of this fear will he a dictatorship.
I))'. Polyzoides, editor of the New Tribune
of New York city, made this point in his
talk the other night in Villard hall, lie said
that throughout the nation there is*the reel
ing that a dictatorship is inevitable, that
democracy has fallen, and that people must
search for something new.
in this mad whirligig of thought people
are overlooking the strength of an institu
tion which if correctly controlled can defy
the powers of the modern Dark Age dictator
ships and the retrogressive ideas of the vo
latile radicals. That institution is democracy.
When the people of the lower Mississippi
valley regions hear of floods and heavy rains
in the highlands they immediately begin to
strengthen their levees. These levees are
strong enough in normal times but in flood
times they must be fortified.
The United States has a democracy which
was successfully horn in an emergency. For
many years the levees of government have
been strong enough to carry the flood waters
of the years. Now in a time of crisis people
fail to see that what is necessary is a
strengthening of the levees, not a retreat to
the dictatorial highlands with the attendant
disruption of business, loss of homes, and
breaking up of families.
Even as the levees are the best means
known to man to keep the waters in their
course, democracy is the furtherest advance
ment made in civilization in the government
of people. People along the Mississippi do
not abandon the levees, they strengthen
them and the waters pass by harmlessly. It
is only when the strengthening of these
levees starts too late that the muddy waters
swirl over the top spreading death and
Democracy must be strengthened by the
self-imposed regulation of certain liberties
in the interests of the whole, in order to
meet this emergency, said Polyzoides. True.
And if democracy is strengthened by the
support of the citizens it will be an enlight
ened nation that will ride the crest of these
times and lead the way to better limes.
In the colleges are found the leaders
upon whose shoulders will rest the responsi
bility to carry democracy forward. It is in
the colleges of America that the movement
must start and to ipiestion young America's
ability to carry on is but a challenge!
Whal a Pity!
f)KAK, dear isn't it a shame. Recently
Dr. O. K. Maker, economist of the de
partment of agriculture announced that the
birth rate ot the l idled States has been
lading olt sitin' 1 f).'?(), when there were 100.
000 fewer children horn than in l!i‘_’0. And
the national resources board states, with a
slutkiu^ of heads and a pessimistie. sigh. that
in 1070 the population of the I'nited States
will, begin to decrease. The intimation being
that we ought to do something about it.
In 1070! llow terrifying! In view of the
fact that a part of the population is already
starving and unable to find work and a
large number of the still persisting arrivals
find a dismal outlook of few jobs and no
future, such a prediction is surely one of
How terrible ’twould be. indeed, if there
were less children born to face a future with
no place for them! What a tragedy it Atner
ieans did not keep up with the lit) children
families induced by the Jlussolinian bonuses,
or the quintuplets encouraged In the acclaim
heaped on the Dionne's! What a dismal
failure should American women not see fit
to stuff ten children into a two-rooiu flat!
But uo matter. America may yet avoid
this impending disaster. We remember
vaguelv, from the portals of history, a cer
tain Malt bus—-who, it seems, had a theory.
With quite the pessimism of our honored
wresources board, he foresaw a certain future
of starvation and wars, necessary to kill off
some of the population which was soon to
increase beyond the available food supply.
Oh, it was quite unavoidable_this over
hanging misery—yet, somehow, we avoided
Malthas, it seems, failed to foresee cer
tain conflicting circumstances. Could, pos
sibly, the prediction of the national resources
board have made such a miscalculation? But,
no. Surely not. Surely it is all foreseen.
What a dire calamity!
Quick Action
JTJI the noisy criticism of Senator
Iliram Johnson breaking into the head
lines, President Roosevelt is forcing the
movement to bring the United States into
the world court.
Such an attempt is not a new one for our
chief executives. Beginning with Woodrow
Wilson, every president from his time to the
present has recommended to the senate that
the United States enter the world court.
Al Iasi it appears that the gleam of light
| is beginning to penetrate the murky dark
| ness that has filled the senate chamber when
ever the world court problem came up for
After If, years the senators finally show
symptoms of forgetting ways of angling a
new postoffiee for Boomvilie or monument
to First Citizen Smithford Smythe and con
sidering aspects of the United* States’ rela
tions with the rest of the world.
Many Oregon professors and students
have long urged this entrance to the court
as has informed opinion from all over the
country. The senate is poised to act—-after
15 years. Ah, me!
“Many Students Enroll in Propagation
( ourse,” reads a headline in the Oregon
State Daily Barometer. More than one way
of increasing enrollment!
One Man’s Opinion
Whether we like it or not, we must admit
that California knows her stuff when it comes to
treating the tourists right. Out of a little sun
shine, some first-rate bathing-girl pictures and a
lot of hot air she has evolved a business which
reaches unguessed millions each year.
All this did not come by simply advertising
in the big eastern magazines and then letting
nature take its course. Not by a long shot. The
powers behind the throne in California business
have moved with extreme wisdom and sagacity in
holding on to what came their way. California—
especially southern California jumps when the
moneyed tourist cracks the whip. If they haven’t
got what he wants, they’ll get it for him. And
how they do get it!
In connection with this we might mention
two related incidents which demonstrate Cali
fornia's willingness to do everything in her power
to give the tourist a break and Oregon’s short
sightedness along similar lines.
We happened at one time, to be driving a car
which bore a California license. In the course
of our wanderings we made a trip from this city
to T or Hand. In that distance we were twice
stopped by members of the state police patrol
who wished to inspect our non-resident permit to
see that it had not lapsed. Fortunately for us,
the sticker was but. a few days old and we were
gruffly told to go ahead but if we were going to
be in the state over three months we’d have to
get an Oregon license. Or in plain words, if you
don’t want to buy an Oregon license, go on back
where you came from. Whereupon we burned
inwardly and directed appropriate remarks to
the surrounding scenery.
In direct contrast, wc once drove an out-of
state car around the streets of Los Angeles. In
so doing we inadvertantly made a left turn where
none was allowed. Wo were promptly whistled
down by the patrolman on duty at this corner.
Instead of giving us a lovely bawling-out the cop
touched his helmet as he came up and very con
versationally pointed out that we had made an
error in our driving. However, inasmuch as our
car bore a foreign license ho realized that we
were unfamiliar with Los Angeles’ traffic laws
and merely called our attention to the blunder
and sent us on our way without so much as a
icpi imand. Before we left, we mustered our
courage to inquire if out of state cars were im
mune to arrest for traffic violations. The copper
replied that only in extreme cases or where the
ease obviously merited arrest did they detain
Homo difference. Oregon has everything it
takes to make this state a tourist's paradise. !
Advertising and word of mouth knowledge will i
bring tourists to us. However, Oregon will never
keep them if she occupies her time in seeing that
her visitors do not spend a day or two more than
their alloted ninety days,
The Passing Show
Severe criticism has been leveled by student
leaders hero at au apparent misunderstanding {
which permitted a discrepancy in the system of i
student fee collection to be evidenced this term at I
the two major state institutions of higher educa- j
lion. While Oregon State student representatives
wcio excluded from the registration lino m col
lection of fees, the university leaders were pr- !
mined the privilege of having' their table in that
line, according to reports received here. The result
of tins exclusion is evidenced in the fact that
almost double the amount of tickets were sold
at the university the first day ot registration
thun were sold on this campus.
V\ ith tlie idea that fee collection may again be
optional during spring term, Oregon State stu
dent leaders wish that some arrangement could
be made whereby the registration line at this in- i
stitution could also include a table, it is desired
that a definite understanding be arrived at so
that this institution might also have the same
privilege that was granted at the university to j
facilitate the distribution of student cards. -Ore- j
gon State Doily Barometer.
The Day’s
Joining the W'orld Court
Bunking Blasphemy
\ FTER many, many years of
* laying the resolutions to have
the United States enter into and
abide by the decisions of the
World Court on the table, it seems
very probable that the pending
resolution of adherence will be
passed within the next two weeks.
On the Q. T. ’
A private poll on the question
has been taken during the past
few days to see if the resolution
would be passed, and so far 60
senators have voiced their ap
proval, several have been non-com
mittal and a few have decided
that they would be ‘‘ill” when the
measure came up for a vote.
Democratic Leader Joseph T.
Robinson predicted a vote by the
end of the week, but perhaps a
few of the non-committal solons
will need more persuasion than the
confident Democrat thinks, and
thereby postpone the issue for a
few more days.
No Embarrassment
To pass, this resolution needs a
two-thirds vote, and no vote will
be taken until the matter is set
tled before hand so that it will
go through. Otherwise a few con
gressmen would be greatly em
barrassed by having voted on the
wrong side of the fence for the
first time since they were elected
by the commonwealth to act a.s
their representatives in the great
and mighty legislative body of this
country. At least, according to
their campaign speeches that's
what they said they would do.
No Straddling
The only correct thing to do now
in the Senate, though, if Mr. Sen
ator wishes to be among the cho
sen few, is to be on the side that
has the most votes and thereby
never gain the ill will of the pres
ent owners of the pork barrel.
* *
ACCORDING to Secretary of
Treasury Henry Morgenthau,
Jr., the bankers run their own little
businesses without being greatly
influenced by the government or
anyone in Washington.
To quote Mr. Morgenthau, “I be
long to the school that thinks the
banks, being privately owned, owe
a duty to their depositors. I do not
think anybody here in Washington
can tell them what to do, because,
after all, all of their responsibility
is to their depositors. I do not
think that all the pounding of
desks in the world will compel a
bank to make a loan unless the
management wants to do it.”
No, of course, Mr. Morgenthau,
no one can make the banks extend
credit, and the bank's first duty
is to its depositors, but still, with
deposit, insurance and a few other
little legislative acts of the gov
ernment, trie government rather
than the banker, accepts the obli
gation of duty to the bank's de
positors up to a sizeable sum.
With such a situation existing,
we think it very foolish of the
treasury department not to voice
an opinion on how the deposits
secured by the government shall
be invested, and certainly curtail
ing or expanding the loans made
by certain banks.
After all, whether the deposits
are secured or unsecured, the only
difference is that in the event of a
bank failure with insurance, the
loss would be more widespread and
not. to such a great amount per
capita. With either situation ex
isting, the people would be the
losers, and most certainly the ac
tions of the bankers should be re
stricted to serve the best interests
cf the people.
Adams Talks
(Continued jrom Page One)
porting a deeper interest in reli
gion in the last six months, on the
part of both students and faculty
members, than has been seen for
Departments Increase
He reports that on the Univer
sity of Nevada campus- the young
people's departments in the church
es have doubled since fall, and the
faculty states that the entering
students in the freshman class
seemed more seriously minded than
previously entering students for
many year. In Ohio, in the month
,h October, there were 2,000 at
tending Presbyterian conferences.
Last night a reception for
friends of Mr Adams, was held at;
the Westminster house under the
inspires of the Westminster Stu
dent committee. This noon, facul
y members will have luncheon w ith
Mr. Adams. In the morning,
Adams will meet with the reli
gious staff, which I.-' composed of
representatives from Westminster.
Wesley. V.M.C.A and Y.W.C.A.
“On the
\ Our little game of furret.ing out
1 the campus’ choice of the ten best
| dance orchestras is drawing in re
' suits far greater than our expec
tations, with over 100 lists turned
in to date and many more promised
j on the morrow. Bay Noble polled
more votes for first choice than all
the rest of the pack put together,
j with 6 to his credit alone. Tied for
second place in popularity, we find
■ Fred Waring and Glen Gray’s Casa
! Loma battling with much gusto,
i followed by Jack Hylton running
! neck and neck with Ted Fio-Rito
for third. Eddie Duchin pulls into
line at fourth with Jan Garber at
fifth, Jimmy Grier at sixth and
Terr: Coaklcy slight favorite over
Duke Ellington for seventh, in fact
separated by only three votes. Guy
Lombardo surprises us by being
I only eighth, while we are glad to
I see Wayne King at ninth, with
| Freddie Martin holding up the rear
! guard at No. 10. Paul Whiteman,
] Hoi Kemp, Gus Arnheim and
Georgic Stoll, drew so many votes
that they deserve to be mentioned
also. Torn McCall, local campus
bandsman on - the - up-and-come,
magnamaniously puts his own
master melcdians of mush in only
i fourth place on the list he turned
in, even ahead of Harry’ Happy
Hummingbirds, who was way down
the line. The almost unanimous
j selection as the best band on the
! coast fell to Tom Coakley, with
Orville Knapp and Jimmy Grier
fighting it out for the cellar posi
tion. Portland's white hope, Bart
Woodyard, only drew one ducat,
j tying with the Ten Commanders
j (take your bow, fellers), with no
other Oregon outfits mentioned.
If you who haven’t made up
your lists, don't agree with the
above showing, send in your ideas
of how it should look. The more the
merrier, and there is no time limit
set, but try to get them in by this
week, if you can. Thank you, gentle
readers for the avalanche of votes
sent in and will have them all tab
ulated and a final count made the
first of next week. Adios.
of the Air
Note to Kessler in merrie Eng
land: Your stuff's fine, kid; keep
it up. We read it on the Emerald
program, so it's gotta be first
late. Greets from ye ex-co-work
The Emerald broadcast which
your New Zealand cousin or your
uncle in Boston might hear if he
happens to be tuned in Friday
morning between one and two will
feature Stan Bromberg’s violin
music, with Milt Sugarman at the
piano. The special broadcast, a
DX release, which is French or
something for long distance, is be
ing sponsored by some company in
Newark, New Jersey. Modesty de
mands brevity, but we consider
ourselves quite fortunate in being
asked to take part. Incidentally,
t he same two boys are on the menu
for this afternoon's program at
4:45. They really serve sweet stuff
with a finishing touch that isn't
hard to take.
One of our favorite announcers,
David Ross of CBS. will make his
debut as a singer in “The O'Flynn'’
broadcast tomorrow evening from
7:30 to S. The famous conductor
of the Poet’s Gold program first
announced in 1925, without benefit
of audition or rehearsal, and has
been rising, in our estimation—
without commas too. ever since. In
1932 he was awarded the diction
medal by the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences. Hi, Dave.
Campus Brevities
Graduate Manager
in Portland
Hugh E. Rosson, graduate man
ager, went to Portland Wednesday
on a business trip and wilt return
Slakes Trip
to Portland
Alaryc Campbell went to Port
land yesterday to visit with her
parents for the remainder of the
Visiting Friends
in Portland
Imogono Wiley is visitiug at the
taO h' wilt r.tetvi a session of
the Student Christian council.
Friday, Adams will visit on the
O.S.C campus and then he will
go to Portland and Seattle to meet
with Westminster groups there.
The series which will be opened
tonight by Mr. Adams has five
speakers. Resides Ur Tarsons.
Ocan George Rebec, Rev. J. Hudson
Ballard. Ur. Clot Larsell. and ait
uu-named speaker will be heard.
The last lecture is April 1.
Up Again-Down Again
Fire-Buckets and Fire-Water
By Frederic S. Dunn
The bells that used to ring out
from many a belfry in old Eugene
town,—whither have they gone ?
i The weddings they pealed forth,
! the deaths they tolled, the New
J Years they rang in! Crass disil
j lusionment to think of the melting
! pots into which they may have
I been tossed, of pawning for old
church debts, of exchange for a
memorial tablet! And with them
vanished also the Old Court House
bell that clanged so furiously in
alarm of fire. Oh! the “jangling
and the wrangling” of that Old
Court House bell!
It was toward the close of a bit
terly cold afternoon in the winter
of 1882-3, a few kerosine lights
were beginning to straggle through
| an occasional window,, when the
[ old fire bell rang out its terror
through the dusk. A frame shoe
store just south of the alley on
the'west side of Willamette be
tween 8th and Broadway was
ablaze. The old Hook and Ladder
Co. and the hand-rail fire engine
and the one hose team, all manned
by volunteer firemen, rushed to
the rescue, with hundreds of citi
zens to offer relief. Picks and
crowbars loosened some planks in
the street intersection, revealing' a
well shaft and running water 15
feet below the surface, the hose
with suction attachment was
thrust into the cistern, and the two
long rails of the engine went up
and down as valiant citizens plied
their strength to raise the water
and throw it on the burning build
ing. Others formed a line and
passed tarred leather buckets of
water from a hand pump and
horse-trough in front of Dunn's
Long after dark, the fire was
cut, and Clem Hodes, devoutly
grateful for the saving of his sa
loon just across the alley,—Clem
with the florid cheeks and chin
whiskers and true Germanic spher
icity, threw wide his doors with
free drinks for all. And in poured
the citizenry. Just at this junc
ture, a throng of students from a
skating carnival west of town
came upon the scene with clinking
home of friends in Portland and
expects to return to the campus
for next Monday classes.
Visits Home
in Portland
Lila Weiser is visiting her par
ents at their home in Portland
where she intends to remain the
lest of the week.
On Business
P. A. Parsons, professor and
head of sociology department, is
on a business trip in Portland.
Returns to
the Campus
Ida May Cameron returned to
the campus last weekend after
spending ten days with her mother j
in Portland. A serious illness of
her mother made it impossible to
return sooner.
Ill With
Jean Cochran is confined to her
home at Coburg with a case of
Confined to
Constance Lewis is ill at her
home in Eugene with the mumps.
Receives Certificate
With Honors
C. Worth Chaney, major in sci
ence, has been granted his Junior
Certificate with Honors Privileges.
at your service.
Artistic, worthwhile
photographs at a
reasonable price.
f Question ???
Quick, quality service.
New Service Laundry
Phone 825
Have your suits and dresses cleaned ,B
and pressed tor the coming weekend. |
Call Us Today |
skates strung about their necks
and their fingers and toes tingling
with cold. Gleefully they accepted
Clem's wholesale invitation, some
of them with no conscience limit,
I mean neither conscience nor
This was on a Friday evening.
Why should Faculty folk go to a
fire? You couldn’t keep them
from a fire in those days. And
some one peached. The result was
a general assembly the following
Monday, way up in the third heav
en of Deady Hall, and a public
reprimand administered to some
thing like ten of those aftermath
ers, and apology demanded of all
fen before the entire Student Body.
And two of the most hilarious,
who helped most vigourously put
cut the fire of thirst, Mack Sum
merville and Morgan Holt, never
again had a free drink over Clem
Hodes’ bar.
But there is yet another angle
to that fire which shall constitute
’■ supplementary chapter.
(Next in the series, HE DRANK
Individual finger waves, 35c.
Love's Beauty Salon. Phone 991.
573 13th St. E. Phone 3208
“Style Right—Price Right”
LOST: Man’s Elgin wrist
watch. Return to Emerald busi
ness office.
LOST: Phi Sigma Kappa fra
ternity pin, between music hall
and Phi Sig house. If found call
1906. A reward offered.
LOST: Orange Parker foun
tain pen. Name engraved. Phone
Erce L. King, 2669-R.
LOST: Black Shaeffer ever
sharp lost on campus. Reward.
Return to Emerald business of
Aladdin Shop at White Elec
tric Co.
Have your car serviced cor
rectly at Ernie Danner's Asso
ciated Service Station. “Smile
As You Drive in ’35.” Phone
1765. Corner 10th and Olive.
Cash for good used portable
typewriter. Emerald business
office. Office hours 2 to 5 p. m.
PHONE 3300