Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 09, 1935, Image 1

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See It!
Beginning with this issue of the
Emerald, by special arrangement,
will provide its readerss with a
new and more complete coverage
of the news in picture,
Resume of
Today’s News
By Associated Press
—New strategy by which the ad
ministration plans to keep con
gress whipped into line on the
Roosevelt spending program was
revealed today by Democratic
The plan is to withhold until
late in the session a decision on
new tax legislation in order to see
whether congress passes the
52.200.000. 000 cash bonus bill or
appropriates in excess of the
88.520.000. 000 requested in the
president’s budget.
—The American Liberty league to
day disclosed it had aligned many
open anti-new dealers to complete
the organization of its executive
committee and advisory council.
Jouett Shouse, president of the
league, has insisted it is not anti
administraticn , or anti-Roosevelt.
But the comment from the White
House, in answer to this assertion,
was that the organization, formed
for the avowed purpose of pro
tecting the constitution, apparent
ly put property rights ahead of
human rights.
-—Advocates of the thirty hour
week girded for a finish fight in
congress today confident a major
ity want to enact the measure at
this session despite administrative
^ opposition.
“Eventually we are coming to
it,” Senator Black (D.-Ala.) pre
dicted, while a co-author, Repre
sentative Connery (D.-Mass.), said
“It is the only solution to the un
employment problem."
HILO, Hawaii, Jan. 8.— (AP) —
The great volcano Kilauea gave in
dications today of impending erup
The seismograph in the observa
tory at the rim trembled and long
cracks opened along the sides of
the Halemaumau fire pit. All visi
tors to the pit rim were warned
that conditions were dangerous.
PORTLAND, Jan. 8—(AP) —
The federal government will pur
chase 250,000 of sub-marginal land
in Oregon within the next six
months, Rex E. Willard, agricul
tural adjustment administration
official, announced today.
-—An unexpected switch of power
from the hands of Upton Sinclair
to subordinates who once fought
his political battles took shape as
the 51st session of aClifornia’s leg
islature got under way here today.
Professor A. R. Moore, former
member of the University faculty,
is spending a short vacation from
his work at the Hopkins Marine
Station at Pacific Grove, Califor
Professor Moore was connected
with the zoology department here
before the removal of science from
this campus in 1932.
Williams Is New
Addition to Staff
Dr. Astrid M. Williams is taking
the place of Eric A. Pollard, as
^ sistant professor of German, who
is on a leave of absence for the
remainder of the year.
Dr. Williams is an ex-Oregon
student. She received her B.A. de
gree from the University in 1921
and her M.A. degree in June, 1932.
She majored in German under
Professor F. G. G. Schmidt, head
of'the Germanic language depart
ment, substituting as teacher for
him during the spring term of 1931
while he was on leave.
Dr. Williams received her doc
tor's degree from the University of
Marburg upon completion of two
years of study in Germany during
1933 and 1934.
Nine Given
A Marks on
Grade Card
85 Others Get Honor of
Being Named on
Honor Roll
Eugene Leads List
2.50 Ratings Are Necessary
For Mention
Ninety-four students made the
honor roll for fall term, which re
quires a grade point average of
at least 2.50 based on 12 or more
term hours.
The nine students who made
straight A's are Frances B. Brock
man, Margaret M. Cass, Lloyd M.
Faust, Lloyd G. Humphreys, Thom
as G. Mountain of JJugene, and
Donald H. Farr, Coquille, Laura
O. Goldsmith, Klamath Falls, Mary
L. Nelson, Junction City and
James G. Smith, Oswego.
The following students are from
Portland; Tom Blanchard, Andrew
Bogdanovich, Ann - Reed Burns,
George Economus, Maxine Goetsch,
Albert Henke, Jack Huggins, Mar
jorie Kibbe, Julia LaBarre, Louise
Labbe, R. Burke Morden, J. Doyle
Pigg, Marie Saccomanno, Leland
Thielemann, Robert Thomas, Polly
Thompson, Elizabeth Turner, Rob
ert Vosper, Ruthalbert Wolfenden,
and William Zimmerman.
Eugene students making the
honor roll are: Helen Alconr, Fran
cis Beck, Beverley Caverhill, Cor
inne Combs, Elaine Cornish, Mar
garet Davidson, Elizabeth DeBusk,
Dorothea Finnsson, Kenneth Gill
anders, Robert Gould, Elenore Bul
lion ,Fred Hillman, Robert John
ston, James Kewusm, Thomas
Mountain, Katrine Parson, Mar
garet Rugh, Robert Rugh, Evelyn
Schaefers, Marceline Seavey, Sis
ter Miriam Murphy, Margaret
Smith, Bernice Stromberg, Alvin
Templer, Alfred Tyson and Frank
Included on the list are: Helen
Abel, Elizabeth Bendstrup, Maxine
Hill and Josephine Waffle, Astoria,
Jean Aiken, Ontario; Valborg An
derson, Colton; Nellie Bales, Mon
roe; Robert Bales, Wallowa;
Gladys Battleson, Canby; Laurene
Brockschink, Vida; Alice Campbell,
Independence; William Corman,
Hood River; Stanley Darling,
Bend; Harold Davis, Gresham;
Dorothy Dill, Multnomah; John
Dinsmore, Hillsboro; Ellen Dixon,
Corvallis.... Edythe Farr, Coquille;
Harold Frazee, Leaburg; Jule
Graff, Hood River, Helen Grubbe,
Dallas; Frances Harland, Juneau,
Alaska; Hildamay Hobart, Pendle
ton; Robert McAlister, Oakridge;
(Please turn to page 2)
Washington, Reed Win
Rhodes Scholarships
Donald Wheeler of Reed College
and Thomas H. McBride of Wash
ington University have been
awarded four hundred pounds a
year for three years’ study at Ox
ford, according to Professor S. S.
Smith, secretary of the state
Rhodes scholarship committee.
The other Rhodes shcolarship
winners are Will F. Fraunta from
the University of North Dakota
and John T. Hayes of Montana
State College.
Second Division Band Gives
Pleasing Concert on Sunday
The University of Oregon band,
second division, under direction of
John H. Stehn, band conductor,
gave a concert in the Music build
ing Sunday, January 6, at 3:00
p. m.
The concert was well attended,
the crowd being , estimated at
about 400 people, mostly from Eu
gene. The campus representation
was poor.
Featured musicians on the pro
gram were: Richard Mears and
Ellsworth Huffman in a trumpet
duet: and Ronald Drew, Robert
Collins, and Ralph Peyton in a
clarinet trio. “The Mermaids” by
Pinsuti, a composition especially
arranged for trumpet rendition,
was well executed. Eoth musicians
showed marked technical ability
and have a mastery of tone quality
which is excellent. “Merriment j
Polka" by Barnard, is a number;
reminiscent of music halls and
grind organs, but which takes care
ful teamwork and a mastery of
the clarinet to play successfully. '
Both numbers were well received
by the audience.
Other selections on the program
were: ‘‘La Pere de la Victoire
March” by Ganne; "Don Cezar de
Bazan Overture” by Massanet'
“Toujours ou Jamais Waltzes” by
Waldteufel; the always popular se
lections from “Mademoiselle Mo
diste” by the famous composer,
Victor Herbert; the very well
known and often-played “Orpheus
Overture” by Offenbach and as a
smashing finale to the program,
the “Chicago .Tribune March” by
The 40-piece band put on a very
creditable performance consider
ing the fact that the second divi
sion is made of mostly of inexpe
rienced musicians with only a few
seasoned players in the group.
Whatever the band may have
lacked in technique and those fine
shadings of musical expression
which come only with years of ex
perience, was amply made up for
in the enthusiasm with which they
went at their work.
Smiles With Life at Stake
The shadow of a smile crosses flip face of Bruno Hauptmann, re
lieving the mask-like stolidity that he presents in the Hunterdon
county, New Jersey, courtroom, where he is on trial for the abduction
and murder of the Lindbergh baby, as he confers with his attorney,
Edward J. Reilly.
Emerald Editor
Attends Meeting
During Holidays
Washington, D. C., Scene
Of News Convention;
Long Scoretl
Bill Phipps, editor of the Emer
ald, was one of the 37 editors of
college dailies in Canada and the
United States to attend the organ
ization meeting of the Intercollegi
ate Daily News Association held
at Washington, D. C., during the
Christmas holidays. The purpose
of the association is to organize
and to campaign for an uncensored
college press.
Jesse H. Cutrer, former editor of
the Louisiana State University
daily, who was removed because
of his criticism of Huey Long, and
Long himself, were invited to ex
plain their sides of the contro
versy. Cutrer was present and ex
plained his side of the affair.
The association protested Cut
rer’s removal and adopted resolu
tions condemning Long for his
“unwarranted censorship and sup
pression of news in the Louisiana
State University paper and for his
demagogic political meddling,”
and James M. Smith, president of
L S.U. for his “personally selfish
submission to abridgement of stu
dents’ constitutional rights of
the press.”
President Roosevelt and Secre
tary Ickes addressed the group
and urged that college newspapers
be allowed to function without the
interference of state politics.
D. B. Hardeman, editor of the
Daily Texan, was elected national
chairman of the group. Phipps
served as chairman of the resolu
tions committee during the con
Yeomen to Meet
At 4Y’ Hut Tonight
The Oregon Yeomen will hold an
important meeting at the Y hut at
7:30 tonight to discuss many im
portant questions for the coming
term. All members as well as all
independent men are urged to at
Among the questions that will
bo brought up are plans for an
other smoker, a Yeomen dance, re
duced fees and intramural athlet
ics. Another matter that will be
brought up will be the question as
to whether the Yeomen will have
a page in this year’s Oregana.
Faculty Members Will
Have Special Section
At Concert January 19
t’ACULTY members are to
A have a special section for
the concert of Jaschea Heifitz,
world famed violinist, who is to
make his only appearance in
(Oregon Saturday night, January
19, at McArthur court, it was
announced yesterday at the
graduate manager's office.
Thuemmel Alters
Managerial Staff
Of Daily Emerald
Fisher Assistant Business
Manager; Positions
Still Open
The business staff of the Oregon
Daily Emerald was changed exten
sively at the beginning of winter
term, it was announced yesterday
by Grant Thuemmel, business
manager of the student daily.
Fred Fisher is to serve as assist
ant business manager during this
term. Ed Labbe is to be the ad
vertising manager, Eldon Haber
man will serve as national adver
tising manager, and Fred Heidel
will be assistant national advertis
ing manager.
Bill Jones is to be assistant ad
vertising manager and Virginia
Wellington will continue to write
Sez Sue, shopping column. Caro
line Hand is serving as executive
secretary and Dorris Holmes is to
be classified manager.
Thuemmel announced also that
a circulation manager will be ap
pointed in a few days. Several po
sitions for girls who wish to assist
in the office work are also open.
Term Enrollment
Shows Increase
The registrar’s office announced
last night that 2355 students had
registered so far this term. This
is a 17'/, increase over the enroll
ment taken for the same time last
year, which was 2006,
The enrollment for this term is
expected to reach a total of ap
proximately 2400, for the records
show that there are always some
students who register later. Forty
seven students registered after the
second week of the term last win
ter term.
The increase in the enrollment
for the University stays practically
the same each term. This fall there
was a 17% increase in the enroll
ment over that of last year.
Soph Dance
For Jan. 12
D. Thomas Heads Group
Planning Outstanding
Event of Term
All Campus Invited
McArthur Court Is Scene
Of Dance Saturday
The Sophomore Informal, first,
of the annual “big" campus dances,
will be the outstanding- campus
function of the coming weekend.
“The best decorated dance that
the campus has seen in recent
years” is the standard being
worked for by the directorate un
der the leadership of Don Thomas,
general chairman. The dance will
be held at McArthur court next
Saturday, January 12.
So unusual is the plan of decor
ating the huge McArthur court
that the artists creating the scen
ery have drawn elaborate and de
tailed plans showing the layout of
the floor. A large band stand sup
plemented by a complete wall lead
ing around the room will give the
completed set a substantial and
massive appearance that will make
the usual dance constructions seem
A large fountain equipped with
running water will help greatly in
carrying out the garden party mo
tif. A large blue canopy with a
moon in the background, with all
lighting indirect will provide the
finishing touches in creating an
impression of early evening in a
beautiful garden.
The sophomore class Is extend
ing a cordial invitation to the en
tire campus and city of Eugene to
help in making this dance the out
standing event of the winter term.
Admission will be free to all mem
bers of the class of 1937 who are
in good standing. Fifty cents per
person wili be charged for others.
Thus if one member of a couple is
a sophomore, the charge for the
couple will be 50 cents.
Women may use sophomore class
cards sold for fall term, 1934, for
admission to the dance, but men
must all present cards signifying
membership this term.
The directorate in charge of ar
rangements for the informal con
sists of Don Thomas, general
chairman; Betty Coon, secretary;
Margery Kissling, patrons and pa
tronesses; Elizabeth Waha, refresh
ments; Harry Campbell, finance;
Louise Ruegnitz and Dave Lowry,
assistant general chairmen; Frank
Nash, decorations; Ben Grout, or
chestra; Louis Rotenberg, con
struction; Cecil Barker, programs;
Newton Stearns, publicity; Kermit
Paulsen, tickets; Craig Finley,
Oregon Law Review
Will Be Issued Soon
The fall issue of the Oregon Law
Review will be off the press soon,
according to a statement made by
Charles G. Howard, faculty editor
in-chief of the publication. This is
a special number carrying in de
tail the record of the proceedings
of the Oregon Bar Association and
the Pacific Coast Institute of Law,
whose joint meeting was held in
Eugene last term. This edition will
be in book form with 220 pages. It
will include resolutions and reports
of committees, as well as speeches.
Many requests have been re
ceived for the publication from
teachers in various law schools and
from officials of the bar associa
tion, said Dean Morse.
Campus Calendar
Heads of houses will meet at the
Pi Phi house today at 4:00.
Kwama meeting' will be held at
4 this afternoon upstairs at the
College Side.
Temenids will meet today at a
roon luncheon at the Anchorage.
All members must be present.
Advertising solicitors will meet
at 3:30 today in the business office
at McArthur court. All students
interested, please be present.
Tryouts for a short play will be
held today from 2:00 to 4:00 at
Westminster. Anyone interested is
Yeomen will hold an important
meeting at the Y hut tonight at
7:30. All members and indepen
dent men are urged to attend.
Alpha Delta Sigma will meet at
4 today in Prof. Thacher’s office.
Yeomen interested in volleyball
are requested to meet at the men’s
gym today at 4:30.
Sigma Delta Chi members be on
deck for the first meeting to be
held in 104 Journalism at 4:15
Westminster council meets to
day at 5:00.
Museum of art will be open dur
ing winter term the following
hours: Wednesday and Thursday,
2 to 4 p. m.; and Sunday after
noons from 3 to 5 p. m.
ASUO Drive in Full Swing
As More Than Half of Those
Registering Pay Term Fee
-. ★-★ -
Many Advantages Seen
In Returns From
$5 Card
Activities Included
Rosson Calls Attention to
Concerts, Lectures
Hugh Rosson, graduate mana
ger, announced yesterday that it
was only through the faith of the
executive council that they were
able to secure the very best in
concert and lecture attractions for
the students and townspeople, who
desire to hear the very best for
entertainment. The council was
willing to assume heavy obliga
tions in order to bring such favor
ites as Jaschea Heifitz, Joseph
Hoffman, and Roland Hayes to
Eugene for engagements. Their
faith should be supported by stu
dents and townspeople by support
ing the ASUO membership drive
now being staged.
Heifitz Well-Known
The engagement of Heifitz in
Eugene is the only one to be given
in the state of Oregon. He will
come here directly from Salt Lake
City and Seattle, and from here he
will go to San Francisco and Los
Angeles for appearances.
The student body is given a well
rounded program of concerts and
lectures for winter term, as well
as many basketball games. Since
Oregon made such an impressive
showing against Washington State
and the defeat of Washington at
the hands of Idaho, a hot contest
is predicted in the conference.
A subscription is also given
each ASUO member to the daily
Emerald. The business staff is
planning to make a thorough check
beginning next week, to be sure
that only student body members
secure papers.
Durant Coming
Will Durant, noted author, is
also scheduled to lecture on the
campus. Rosson also announced
yesterday that negotiations were
underway to secure a lecture en
gagement with Frank Lloyd
Wright, one of the country’s lead
ing architects, for this term.
Other opportunities open to stu
dent body members is the privilege
to work on the Oregana staffs and
also on the Emerald. Student body
tickets are also necessary to serve
on class and student body commit
tees and to hold class or student
body offices. Band and orchestra
members also must have member
ship cards.
Term 4Niglit Shift’
Will Begin Today
Classes of the "night shift” at the
University of Oregon will open for
the winter term today, when the
first meeting of the class in “Social
Unrest" will be held in room 106,
Commerce hall, at 7:15, it was an
nounced today by Miss Mozelle
Hair, in charge of this work for
the general extension division.
This course, taught by Dr. Sam
uel H. Jameson, proved very popu
lar last term, and the work will be
continued. New students as well as
those in the class last term are
welcome to enroll, it is stated.
Present day problems in sociology
and other phases of American life
will again be taken up.
Full information on this and oth
er night classes offered can be ob
tained from the general extension
division at the University. Stu
dents may register at the opening
meetings of the classes, and may
take as many of them as they
wish. Full University credit is
granted to those who successfully
pass the term examinations.
Class Cards Required
For Workers on Soph
Informal Committee
iLL members of the director
ate and sub-committees for
the sophomore informal, to be
held Saturday in McArthur
court must buy membership
cards in the class of 1937 im
mediately, according to Don
Thomas, general chairman.
Cards may be obtained at the
graduate manager’s office in
the Igloo.
In Memoriam
The Hal E. Hoss loving cup to
be awarded annually by Sigma
Delta Chi at the Oregon Press con
ference to the best judged weekly
published in an Oregon town of
1,000 or less population.
Sigma Delta Chi
Plans for Annual
‘Weekly’ Contest
Hal E. IIoss Trophy to Go
To Winning Paper at
The "Beat Weekly” contest to
be held in conjunction with the
Oregon press conference is al
ready underway. It was learned
from Sigma Delta Chi, men’s na
tional professional journalistic fra
ternity, sponsors of the contest,
that at least 22 weeklies have en
tered the race with others expect
ed to enter before the closing date,
which is Saturday, January 12.
An added attraction which
makes the contest more interest
ing is the Hal E. Hoss memorial
trophy. The new cup ip offered to
the best judged weekly published
in a town of 1,000 or less popula
tion. Its dedication to Hal E. Hoss,
late secretary of the state and an
associate member of Sigma Delta
Chi, is to honor a man whose
ideals of journalism were of the
highest, and it is hoped, this cup
will keep alive the spirit of finer
journalism in Oregon.
This year second awards of cer
tificates will be given to the sec
ond best weeklies, one for paper
published in a town less than 1,000
population, one for the open field.
The Sigma Delta Chi cup will
remain the grand prize offered to
the best weekly in Oregon.
The new cup is on display in
Arne G. Hoe’s office in the jour
nalism building where it will re
main until the press conference
held J—anuary 24, 25, and 26.
1380 Students, Members
Of Organization
To Date
Russell Leads Drive
Non-Members May Join by
Signing Pledge
In. order to secure just as many
student body members as possible
for the present term, an extensive
campaign is planned to get under
way immediately, by Bill Russell,
chairman of the drive, and his com
Yesterday afternoon at a late
hour, Russell reported that a total
of 1308 students had pail the $5
fee entitling them to membership
in the ASUO and the. right to par
ticipate in activities and the free
admission to games and concerts
scheduled for the winter term. A
total of 2234 students are regis
tered in the University, making a
student body membership of 58.5
per cent of all students.
Not Satisfied
Campaign workers are not at all
satisfied with this meagre show
ing and plan to contact every stu
dent, through various living organ
izations. The committee working
under Russell are: Peggy Chess
man, Myron Pinkstaff, Chrys-vnthe
Nickachiou, Ned Simpson, Cather
ine Coleman, and Crr.ig Finley.
Those who did not pay their
student body fee at the time of
registration can do so by signing a
promise to pay tt r ^5 fee as an
installment on their regular regis
tration fee The blanks on which
these pledges may be signed will
be available today in all campus
living organizations. Upon sign
ing the agreement, a student may
exchange it at the graduate man
ager’s office in McArthur court
for a student body card and will
need to make no cash payment,
other than that of the regular
membership fee.
Italy and! France
Deny Nazis Arms
ROM’1' .T«n 8—( A PI —A firm
Italn-Frenrh determination not to
recognize Oermonv’s rearmament
was disclosed tonight ns Pierre La
val sped back toward Paris carry
ing with him the agreements he
and Renitn Mussolini signed during
Laval’s four dnv visit.
An official communique givmg
details of the new accords—which
provide for French concessions to
Italy in Africa and pledge the two
nations to mutual efforts in the
cause of Europe’s peace—con
tained this significant paragraph:
“The Italian and French govern
ments, recalling the declaration of
December 11, 1932. in reference to
the rights of equality are in accord
in recognizing that no country can
modify by a unilateral act her ob
ligations regarding armaments,
and that in case this eventuality
arises they will consult with each
Dora Ellen Cash, who received
her master's degree from the Uni
versity of Oregon in 1932 is back
on the campus this term to take
some special work.
Lecture Series for Winter
Term to Cover Many Fields
Various fields of endeavor will j
be represented by outstanding ]
speakers during the winter term
lecture series planned by the joint
faculty-student committee on as
semblies in cooperation with the
W. H. Chamberlain, author and
Moscow correspondent for the
Christian Science Monitor since
1922 will speak on January 17. Be
cause of his suden change from a
friendly atitude to one of criticism
toward Soviet Russia, Chamber
lain has caused considerable inter
est. He is the author of “Soviet
Planned Economic Order.”
Frank Lloyd Wright and Grant
LaFarge, architects representing
both the new and old schools of
art respectively, will also speak
before assemblies during the term.
Wright has drawn considerable at
tpntion through his recently pub
lished “Autobiography.” LaFarge
comes from a family of architects
that has done work of almost
every description.
Glenn Frank, president of the
University of Wisconsin and for
mer editor of the Century maga
zine, will also speak. He is a liber
alist and wil discus modern trends.
He wrote “America’s Hour of
Decision" which has aroused con
siderable comment.
Will Durante, noted author and
lecturer, will speak on the subiect
of Russia. He published "The
Tragedy of Russia” in 1933.
The books written by these men
are in the University librarv and
will be put on a shelf so that the
students may become acquainted
with the work before the authors
apear on the campus.