Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 29, 1934, Image 3

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Emerald Sports Editor
Iguesso Picks Gaels;
Scribes Break Forth
In Verses, Curses
JgEWILDEKED, but nevertheless
firm, Iguesso, sports staff prog
nosticator, winged his way in and
out of the office yesterday as he
kept insisting the Webfoot gridders
are going to take & trimming to
day from the St. Mary's Gaels.
A low-scoring defensive battle,
he says, but the Ducks will come
out on the short end of the score
despite rally committees, alumni,
beings underdogs, or any other
dopy reason why they shouldn't.
* * *
Bill Ingrain
itummiu^n i« win
the Cali f ornia
bear grid camp
indicate C o ac h
Bill Ingram has
drilled his last
team there and
will be moving to
other parts soon.
This along with
other rumblings
of the same na
ture from other
sections inspires one 10 ureaa lurin
into verse, curse, or something
So much did it inspire Clarence
Dirks or a member of his staff on
the Seattle P. I. that two weeks
ago the sports page there broke
into print with poetry concerning
the ill-fated headmen of the va
rious grid camps.
About Ingram the page said thus:
And angry roars
From Berkeley hill
Demand the scalp
Of Sailor Bill.
* * *
The gleeful verse continued
about Dick Hanley at Northwest
ern as follows:
Northwestern fans
Are growing sick
Of losing games
With Tricky Dick.
And for Gil Dobie, whom the
Wolves are dogging at Cornell:
Oh, hear the wolves
Of old Crnell—
“We want a coach!”
The students yell.
Another man on the spot is
dear old friend who made
a bust at Oregon and seems to
Keep on aoing me
same at Wiscon
sin. The P.I. goes
Those loud and
Wisconsin cheers
Have turned to
For old Doc
Might we add another.to the list
in the person of Bruin Coach Bill
Yeomen Beat
In Donut Tilt
Independents Cinch Spot
In Playoffs
Abba Dabbas, Phi Sigs
Win; Three *B’ Teams
Tied for Loop Lead
4:00—Alpha Tau Omega vs.
Pi Kappa Alpha.
4:40—Gamma hall vs. Chi
5:20—Kappa Sigma vs. Delta
Assuring themselves of repre •
sentation in the elimination tourn
ament for the “B” division donut
basketball, the independent Yeo
men added the Theta Chi hoopsters
to their list of vanquished foes
yesterday by a 25 to 5 count.
Bard “Lefty” Purcell, sparkling
Frosh prospect, led the individual
scoring parade, by hoisting seven
points into the hemp, and the Yeo
men forward displayed brilliant
floor play. With three consecutive
goals in the third period Charley
Grimes, another Independent lum
inary, ranked second.
Earl Bucknum, lanky center, and
A1 Mathews, guard, also aided in
the defeat of the Yeomen’s third
opponent. Bill Parsons and John
Roberts tallied the two Theta Chi
Sammies Are Upset
The Abba Dabba machine ex
ploded in the faces of the Sammies,
scoring a 14 to 7 upset, which
knocked the Jewish boys from
perch into a three way tie with
the Dabbas and the Phi Sigs for
the final leadership if league V in
the “B” section.
Chic Hardisty, Jimmy Kindred,
and Marion Weitz, the torchy
topped referee, led the locals in the
victory, while Marcus Horenstem,
Ed Harris, and Aaron Miller played
their usual hard battle for the
Three Fives Tied
A 15 to 6 win over the lowly
Fijis paved the road for the Pm
Sigs to tie up the Abba Dabbas
and the Sigma Alpha Mus.
By maintaining a comfortable
lead throughout the fray, the win
ners went to town on two goals by
Bob M. “The Old” Morrison, and
one each by Moore, Massey, Moody
and Jordan.
Guard Pinkstaff of the Phi Gam
ma Delt hall marked up three of
his squad's six points.
In order to straighten up their
deadlocked position the three tied
squads will meet in a play-off, the
date of which will be set by the
administrative board. One of the
league Y teams will draw a bye
and meet the winner of the clash
between the other two.
Spaulding, and our dizzy verse like
Old-fashioned Bill
At U. C. L. A.
Is not so hot
The fans all say.
Now you write one . . .
PENDLETON, Ore., Nov. 28—
(AP)—Mrs. Nora L. Perry, 59.
Portland, was killed this afternoon
when she fell from an automobile
driven by her son-in-law, Eldon J.
Evans, of Portland.
Send the Emerald to your friends.
Subscription rates $2.50 a year.
Why Wait ?
Get Your Dirty Clothes
Cleaned Now
Clean Clothes Mark a College Man
839 High street
Phone 825
Oregon Basketers to Open Season Here Next Tuesday
Men of Moraga
Wagner Jorgensen, left, and
John Yezerski, right, center and
tackle, respectively, on the St.
Mary’s college foothal! team which
will entangle with the Oregon Web
foots in their annual Turkey day
classic at San Francisco this af
ternoon. Jorgensen is a brother to
Carl Jorgensen, former all-Ameri
can tackle for the Gaels. Yezerski
is a Portland, Oregon, lad who
played prep school football at
Washington hi prior to his enroll
ment at St. Mary’s.
New California
Grid Tutor to Use
Ingram Policies
Navy Bill’s Successor Plans
No Change in
BERKELEY, Calif., Nov. 28—
(AP)—Leonard B. “Stub” Allison,
appointed last night as head foot
ball coach of the University of
California, plans to carry on the
policies and principles of his prede
cessor, William “Navy Bill” Ing
Recovering today from the sur
prise of his sudden appointment
Allison announced that he planned
no immediate change in the type of
football Ingram has coached the
Bears to play, and that if any al
terations were made he would
“ease into them” gradually.
“We hope to be fundamentally
sound and I think that you will
find that we are,” said the new
coach. "We will not play Rockne
football, Warner football, or Jones
football, but we hope to combine
the strongest features of each sys
"One thing I am going to do—I
am not going to put a fine bunch
of kids on the spot by building
them up before the season opens
as world champions and then have
them subjected to all sorts of
criticism when they happen to lose
a game.
“We have finei material for next
year. Our freshman squad is par
ticularly outstanding. But I will
make no predictions as to what
kind of success they may have. I
prefer to let the boys work out
their own destiny.”
—Foreseeing a period of “chaos”
in liquor law enforcement, treas
ury officials today studied plans
for reinstating the 900 agents
dropped from the rolls on Friday.
Oregon-St. Mary’s
(Continued, from Page One)
ish, has recovered from an injury
sustained in that game and will
start at his regular quarterback
post. Johnny Reischman will re
place Park at right half. Oregon's
two senesational yardage eaters,
Maury Van Vliet and Frank Mi
chek, will start at their respective
left half and fullback positions.
Van Vliet, captained “Zipper” by
California sports announcers, will
punt, pass, run, and call signals.
The “Scappoose Unlimited” plans
to give the 'Frisco crowd an exhi
bition of Callison’s famed crunch
er play.
Oregon Line Strong
In the line will be co-captain and
all-coast mentionee Butch Morse at
end, veteran “Battling Alex Eagle”
and Gardner Frye at. tackle, soph
omores Ross Carter and Del Bjork
at guard, and Con Fury at the cen
ter post. Wingman opposite Morse
will probably be Stan Riordan, al
though Budd Jones, Vince Walker,
or Ned Simpson all rate almost on
a par with the 190-pound Irishman.
The St. Mary's eleven boasts sev
eral players renown in Pacific
coast football lore. Turk Yezerski,
tackle; Wag Jorgensen, center; and
Ed Erdelatz, end; have all received
all-coast mention. Erdelatz, Gael
stellar end, has been confined to
his bed since the W.S.C. game but
hopes to enter the game again
against Oregon. Jim Austin has
been substituting for Eddie.
Madigan's tongue-twisting play
ers continue into the backfield with
Mai Fiese at quarter, Lou Kellogg
at full, Herb Schreber at left half,
and A1 Nichelini at right.
Mr. R. U. Moore, principal of the
University high school, states that
the Thanksgiving vacation for the
high school will last over Friday.
“Student teachers, therefore,”
said Mr. Moore, “need not come
Gaels Prepare to Upset
Webfoot Gridders Today
C* A O ^ i C „ t 1 Lnn sw-v.-v'. Gn* A* n, I i
CT. MARY'S, Cal., Nov. 26.—Not
^ satisfied with being made the
favorites, the St. Mary's Gaels in
tend to overwhelm the Oregonians
at Kezar stadium Thanksgiving
day. Besides wanting to demon
strate greater scoring power the
Moragans are anxious to repay the
notherners for the 13 to 7 defeat
they pasted on the Red and Blue
eleven a year ago.
Nine digits is the maximum num
ber of counters registered by any
opponent this fall. That speaks
highly of the Gael defense, but it
appears that too much stress has
been placed in this department of
play instead of a greater consider
ation being given to offensive tac
gan to show that he has a scoring
machine. Just making enough
markers to win ,is a taboo policy at
Saint Mary’s now. Local fans are
held in nervous suspension until
the final gun in most encounters
because of the narrow margin one
way or the other.
Against Oregon the Moragans
are planning to open up with ev
erything they have which can bring
about gains. A marked improve
ment has been evident in blocking,
gpeed, power thrusts, and passing
by Madigan’s pupils. In the last
week more scores have been
chalked up in campus scrimmages
than in any previous practice ses
sions dating back over a number
of years.
Jeff Hi Harriers
Win Annual Meet
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 28
(AP)—The Jefferson high hill and
dalers won the Mill Military Acad
emy-Washington high annual in
vitation cross-country meet here
today with Milwaukie high a close
second and Washington high third.
Jim Schriver, Jeff’s ace harrier,
outran 76 competitors to capture
the feature event—the interschol
astic championship—over the mud
dy Rocky Butte two-mile course.
Eldon O’Banion of Milwaukie, de
fending champion, finished fourth.
The junior event for runners 18
years of age and under was easily
won by Milwaukie which captured
the first five positions.
In the open race for high scMo!
and other competitors, Johnson of
Milwaukie showed the way.
President of Reed
College to Speak
Dexter M. Keezer, president of
Reed college, will be the guest
speaker at the annual fall quarter
banquet of the American Associa
tion of University Professors, Sat
urday evening at 6:15 at the Anch
President Dexter will speak in
formally on ‘‘Academic Freedom,"
‘‘Certain Aspects of the “Brain
Trust,” and the “New Deal," of
which he has gained first hand in ■
formation while he was working in
Washington under President Roos
evelt and he will also give certain
ideas about “Need of Cooperation
Between Institutions of Higher
Dean Morse, president of the
local chapter, will preside at .the
meeting. All members are urged to
attend and are asked to make res
ervation for the dinner by calling
local 218 or 228 before Saturday
Pass-Snagge r
mmsmm • ;:<
Pictured above Is Felix Pennino,
wingman for the Moraga Maurau
ers’ gridiron warriors, who was
probably photographed at this par
ticular moment while on the re
ceiving end of pass thrown by
“Harry the Horse” Mattos, star
pigskin hurler for the Gaels. Pen
nino is expected to be on the catch
ing end of more than one of Mat
ins’ usually accurate tosses when
the Moragans play Oregon today.....
Webfoot Varsity
Mermen to Stage
Inter-Squad Meet
Swimmers Will Compete
In Nine-Event
Aspirants for the Oregon varsity
swimming squad wilt get their first
taste of actual competition Friday
■December 7.
Coach Mike Hoyman has divid
ed his large squad into two teams,
the “Reds” and “Blues,” and will
have them vie for honors in a nine
event swimfest.
Scheduled on the inter-squad
meet are relay, breast stroke, 40
yard dash, 410-yard dash, 80-yard
dash, diving, 180-yard freestyle,
and 180-yard medley.
Wally Hug, one of the main cogs
in last year’s swim squad, has been
appointed captain of the “Blues”
and will have such able swimmers
as Hoffman, Mayer, Halverson,
Oglesby, Reed, Lafferty, Gibson,
Van Lydegraf, Scroggins, Sherman,
and Meyers, on his aggregation.
Leading the "Red” team will be
Jim Hurd, transfer from the Uni
versity of Hawaii, who caused
quite a furor during the intramural
swimming program by equalling
Pacific coast records in the shorter
sprints. Hurd has been declared in
eligible for competition this sea
son, but is working out daily with
other members of the squad.
Swimming on Hurd’s “Red” team
will be Angell, Privat, Lees, Mock
ford, Dean, Maguire, Beugler, Hay
ashi, Sherman, Chilton, Smith, Ker
Editor’s note: The following is another
in the series of articles by Hill Mclnturff
which are presenting the various members
ot the 1934 Webfoot grid team.
A member of the Oregon foot
ball squad who has met with real
“tough luck ' is Pat Fury, brother
of center Con. Pat. rated as a first
string tackle at the first of the
season, received a knee injury in
the Gonzaga game w’hich has with
held him from every game since
this season. Big, the Sand Point,
Idaho, star should stage a come
back next year. That Gonzaga
game takes one year of his con
ference quota of three years, but
ho is only a sophomore this year
and has two more seasons of var
sity competition.
Another tackle prospect on the
Webfoot eleven is George Hallen,
whose six-feet-four o f angular
length has gained him the des
criptive monicker “Stork.” Hallen
is a transfer from Long Beach
junior college. Both in high school
and in junior college “Stork”
played wing position, but Callison
switched the lanky Swede to the
tackle post on the Duck outfit.
Thus far Hallen has not seen much
active service, but he too is only a
sophomore this year.
Benson high of Portland was the
training ground of Harvey “O.K. ’
Oakes, third in a string of sopho
more substitute tackles. Last year
Oakes was “farmed out” to
Southern Oregon Normal, where
he was successful in making the
team. This year the 202 pound
tack transfered to Oregon, with
two more years of competition fol
lowing this season. “O.K." plans
to turn his football experience to
good advantage and become a
coach upon graduation from the
Lost and r ound
Items to Be Sold
An auction sale of unclaimed ar
ticles which have accumulated at
the University lost and found de
partment during the past year will
be held on the old library steps on
December 5.
A host of valuable, and less val
uable items, a collection of almost
100, comprised of hats, trench and
rain coats, gloves, rings, compacts,
books, notebooks, pens and pencils
will be sold.
The auction, which is being
sponsored by the AWS, is under
the direction of Patricia McKeon.
Members of the rally committee
will act as auctioneers.
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 28—
(AP) Federal funds probably will
be sought for a Bonneville dam ex
position to be held here when that
Columbia river structure is com
^^LfSEUM i,
Welt Seams
Ducks to Meet
Union Quint
In Initial Tilt
Ex-college Stars Listed
On k76' Roster
Two Former Ducks Now
With Strong Oiler
Hoop Team
Bill Reinhart’s 1935 basketball
ers will take their pre-season “acid
test” of the season when they meet
Oregon’s outstanding independent
casaba club. Union Oil of Portland.
The Oregon opener will be played
Tuesday, December 4 at McArthur
court. The date was incorrectly re
ported i“ ' earlier issue of the
The Webfoots this year aro
blessed with some of the best bas
ketball material in many seasons.
Three veterans of last year—Willie
Jones at center, Bill Berg and
Budd Jones at guard—are again
wearing the Lemon-Yellow colors,
A galaxy of experienced men are
battling for the starting forward
positions Tuesday night. Sam Lie
bowitz, Brooklyn importee, and
Frosh star last year, seemed in a
favorable position to snatch one of
the forward berths at the first of
the practice season. But now two
other members of the 1934 Duck
lings bid fair to oust Liebowitz
from a starting position.
Ex-Collegians in Lineup
Ron Gemmel, one year letter
man, will hold down Budd Jones’
guard post while Jone$ journeys to
St. Mary’s with the Callison grid
stefs. Budd plans to' cut his grid
season short and join the basket
ball squad, but it is probable that
he will find it very difficult to
break into the first string quintet.
Other experienced men available to
Reinhart are Rollie Rourke, Glen
Sanford, arid Bob Miller.
Oregon fans turning out to view
the 1935 qidntet in its first exhibi
tion are likely to find that the
“Oilers” have an advantage over
the Webfoots. Last year Oregon
split a two-game series with the
independents. The “Oilers” will in
vade Eugene with an experienced
squad including three lettermen
from Oregon, three from Washing
ton, two from Oregon State, and
one from the University of Idaho.
•lack Kohertson With “Oilers”
Wearing Union Oil’s famous
number "76” jersey will be Jack
“Spook” Robertson, star of last
year’s Oregon quintet. Spook will
meet a lot of old friends and show
them that his uncanny basket eye
has not diminished in the least.
Another former Oregon player is
Kermit Stevens. Hank Levoff,
Webfoot who played with the Port
land "Oilers” last year, has been
transferred to the Seattle office.
Oregon State’s three contributions
to the strong independent hoop
sters are King Bailey, and south
paws Jerry Thomas and Buck
Gagnon. Howard Grenier, lanky
first string center, is a former
Idaho star. The burden of the
Union Oil attack will be borne by
Ralph “Cat” Cairney, ex-Washing
tonian and veteran guard of the
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