Back in America After giving- over one day to a demonstration of the best of John Bull’s journalism, the Emerald gets back to the United States today. Look’s familiar, doesn’t it ? Men—Dress Up ! Turn to page four, gents, for the low down on what the college male will wear this winter. Jim Em mett's new column, "Avenues of Fashion,” will appear regularly. VOLUME XXXVI UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1934 NUMBER 40 i Resume of Today’s News By Associated Press -NOVEMBER 27 NAVAL, AIR BUDGETS PASS PARIS — France's 12 billion franc (790,000,000) national de franc ($790,000,000) national de tinued its high speed passage through parliament. The navy budget of 2,906,065,383 francs (about $161,S62,000) and the aviation budget of 1,454,390, 254 france (about ($95,989,000) were approved by the chamber of deputies today, after it heard the government advocate increased av iation development as essential to the war machine. VIENNA HAS MARTIAL LOOK VIENNA—Viena took on a mar tial aspect tonight as authorities prepared to deal with any recur rences of the day's student riots which it was feared would develop into a Nazi putsch. Motor trucks filled with steel helmeted police and auxiliary forces rumbled through the streets, supplementing heavy details of mounted police on patrol ready to surpress any further demonstra tions. TERRY RESCUED FROM MINE PLACERVILLE—Rescued after being entombed by a mine cavein for 16 hours .during which his wife and young daughter shouted en couragement to him, Owen W. Ter ry declared he would return to his job despite his harrowing experi ence. Terry, superintendent of the Marmon mine, near here, apparent ly was uninjured but was stiff and sore from being pinioned by heavy timbers, which prevented a huge boulder from crushing him. PRIEST STABBED TO DEATH NIVISAD, Yugoslavia—A priest and an assassin were killed today, three sextons stabbed, and a second assassin taken to prison after an attack on Bishop Marco Kolodyr, head of Yugoslavia’s old Catholic church, as he was riding in a car riage through the village of Starry Yankovatz. The bishop escaped only because the Rev. Father Toma Shtranger, who was traveling with him, threw himself in the way of the fatal thrust. PREDICTS BRIGHT FUTURE PORTLAND—A bright future for the Pacific Northwest was painted painted today with the federal housing program as back ground. Bruce A. Wilson, regional direct or of the federal housing adminis tration, predicted the Pacific Northwest is on the threshold of the most tremendous lumber boom in history, with $900,000,000 avail able throughout the country for lumber the next five years. Juniors Offer FifteenDolIars i ForFeteldeas Suggestions for Junior Weekend Sought Contest to Be Held Complete Continuity for Event Desired; Mardi Gras Danee Planned Something- new, something- uni que—the Junior class offers a $15 cash prize! One at a time, ladies and gentlemen, stand by for par ticulars. Beginning Monday, December 3, the class is sponsoring a contest in preparation for Juuior week-end. A prize of $15 payable in gold backed cash shall be awarded to that member of the student body who submits the best theme which shall be carried out in the 1935 canoe fete. The theme should in clude suggestions for individual floats, music, lighting, and in gen eral offer a continuity to the en tire canoe fete. Must Be Written Suggestions should be written out, and may be illustrated by sketches, drawings, or by any oth er means which will complete the theme. The only requirements are that each entrant must be a mem ber of the student body and submit his contribution anytime between December 3, and January 15, 1935. Contributions may be deposited in a. box placed for that purpose in the College Side. Plans for the contest were made at the first Junior class meeting this fall held in Johnson hall last night. Judges for the contest were (Please turn to page 2) Neuberger Describes ‘Valiant Six’ in Article An article in the current issue of LaFollette’s Progressive entitled “The Valiant Six’’ discusses the half-dozen United States senators who voted against the World war, and tells how their words in 1917 have become prophesy today. Au thor of the contribution is Richard L. Neuberger, University law stu dent, and a regular writer for lib eral publications throughout the nation. The six senators, who 17 years ago foresaw the greed of muni tions makers and the rise of des pots in Europe, were Robert M. La Follette Sr., George W. Norris, James K. Vardamann, William J. Stone, Asle J. Gronna and Harry Lane. Only Norris is alive today; Lane was from Oregon. Neuberg er’s article has been widely com mented upon by ministers and ad vocates of peace everywhere. Chi Psis—the Devils—Bathe, Perfume"Pure Quill” Gratis ^ BUNCH of the boys were whooping- it up in the Journal ism Shack when out of the night came the Chi Psis, dog dirty and loaded for bear. Their meat was Jimmy Morrison of Pure Quill fame—the “bare” came later. But we are getting ahead of our story. It seems two Chi Psis— well fortified with generous dabs of the special Chi Psi ‘lovalon’ scent behind each ear—came into the Emerald newsroom looking for Morrison. But they couldn’t catch Morrison for his strength was the strength of ten for his heart was pure—Quill. The two retired for reenforce ments, and returned with the whole chapter determined to get Morri son. After a battle royal between the Chi Psi man (18 parts) and Morrison and three loyal members of the Emerald staff during which tables and typewriters were thrown promiscuously about the room; Jim Emmett, who was at the time writ ing a story, yelled, “Fair play. If one of you is man enough to get him. do it.” Again the boys from the house of “Lovalon" retired and decided with a great dead of conceit that eighteen of them would make a man and got Morrison. So flattered were the Chi Psis by the Quill’s praise of their scent that they spread generous helpings of it—slightly tinct with asafetida —upon his hair. Being polite little men, the Chi Psis gave Morrison the chance to pick his own bridge, but Morrison tbld them that he wasn’t proud, he’d use a bank instead. As he was the man with whom the duel was sought he was given his choice | of weapons and the Kappa Sig | backyard was determined as the spot to be marked X. Morrison was told to take his, clothes off, the Chi Psis quickly covered their eyes so that none of them should blush and spoil the sport—the devils! On the wall poised Morrison, and the big bad Chi Psis counted for him, “Upsy, doopsy, jumpsey.” Then in went Morrison. Quickly he was handed a robe i as soon as he came up onto the street. With the willing helpful j ness of a winner, the Chi Psis showed him home. Back to the Emerald Shack came Jimmy with some news “fit to | quill.’’ i II Dure Says, ‘iVo/’ All efforts of Yugoslavian offi cials to secure the extradition 01 fugitives, held by the Italian gov eminent and suspected of compile ity in the recent assassination ol King Alexander of the formei country, have met with a flat re fusal from Benito Mussolini, fas | cist dictator. Baby Face Nelson Erases Another Agent in Fracas — Public Enemy Number One Shoots Way Through Federal Cordon CHICAGO, Nov. 27 — (AP) - The death-rattling- machine gun oi George (Baby Face) Nelson, Dil linger desperado and public enemy No. 1, late today took the life oi another federal agent—an ageni revealed by a co-worker as one oi the actual slayers of John Dillin ger. A squad of agents from the com mand of Melvin H. Purvis, head oi the Chicago division of the bureau of investigation, sought to trap Nelson, another man and theii woman companion near suburban Barrington. Gangster guns blazed a tattoc of death and agent Herman E. Hol lis, 26, fell mortally wounded, Samuel P. Cowley, chief assistant to Purvis, dropped critically in jured with bullets in his abdomen Cowley and Hollis, long on the trail of Dillinger mobsmen, had been with their chief when John Dillinger and his elusive killers battered their bullet-slugged way through a troop of federal agents at the Little Bohemia resort in northern Wisconsin last April 22. Merchandising Class Will Tour Two Stores Dr, N. H. Cornish, professor of business administration, is taking his classes in merchandising through McMorran and Washburn and Montgomery Ward company today for purposes of studying their merchandising and market ing methods. The merchandising manager of McMorran and Washburn will dis cuss buying methods and policies of department stores with the stu dents, and at Montgomery Ward, the manager will describe the dif ferent divisions and functions of his store. About 50 students are making the tour, Cornish announced. Campus Calendar Orchestra practice will not be held today. Order of the “O” meeting today at noon, Phi Delt house. Phi Beta pledges will meet to morrow at 7 o’clock in Gerlinger hall. Spicer-Yates discussion group will meet today at 3 o’clock at the Y.W.C.A. Senators Call ForShowdown In Arms Mess Department Cooperation Demanded Suppression Cited Solons Charge American Munitions Firms Aid Germany WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.— (AP) —The senate munitions committee today called for a showdown with oth^r government departments, which—the committee investigat ors charge—are blocking the arms inquiry by withholding needed in formation. A special meeting of the com* mittee, headed by Senator Nye (R„ N. D.), has been called for next Monday. Then the matter will be threshed out with officials of the departments concerned. Nye and his colleagues are prepared to re mind the department executives that the Roosevelt administration has ordered their cooperation. Investigators Rebuked Committee employes are known to have Reported that they had been refused permission in several instances to examine department documents bearing on munitions deals. A further complaint will be that the use of data already fur nished has been prohibited, so far as the actual hearings themselves are concerned. In this connection, a usually well informed sources said that a state department report on the German » to jam 2) ., Portland D.G. Alumnae To Give Dance Tonight Oregon students visiting Port land for the Thanksgiving holiday are invited to attend the special Thanksgiving dar.ce to be given tonight by the Portland alumnae of Delta Gamma at the Multno mah hotel grille, according to word just received by Pearl Base, president of Delta Gamma on the campus. Louise Ansley, who was grad uated from the University last June ,is in charge of the affair and writes that the elaborate grille room of the hotel has b»en espe cially reserved for the occasion, and the orchestra of Bard Wood yard, well-known Portland musi cian, has been obtained. Special features will be presented by Port land entertainers during the eve ning. Tickets for the affair may be purchased on the campus from any member of Delta Gamma or at the door of the dance tonight. The price is $1.10 a couple. IDAHO’S SENATORS SPLIT WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.—(AP) —Foreshadowing congressional de bate to come, Idaho’s Democratic senator, James P. Pope, today took direct issue with his Republican colleague, Senator William E. Bo rah, over the administration of federal relief. ! ---— ... j Coeds May Have 12:15 Permission Tonight, Says Doan of W omen — IN accordance with the usual rule preceding' holidays, wo men will he allowed 12:15 per mission tonight. Dean of Wo men Hazel P. Schwering made this announcement last night. The Spinsters' club dance, to which women will invite the men, is the major attraction of the evening. Dance Committee Announces Grand Mardi Gras Ball Junior-Senior Affair Will Be Held December 8 At Osburn Hotel The Grand Mardi Gras ball, with all the splendor, and gaiety of the European rendition, was announced yesterday by the Junior-Senior dance directorate. The dance is to be held in the Osburn hotel the night of Decem ber 8, and the tickets are now on sale at the College Side, the Fal con, the Green Parrot, the Co-op, and the Oregon Pharmacy. Price —1 simoleon. The committee announced that there will be an electric radio giv en as a door prize. The selection of the band will be a great surprise to everyone,” said Grant Theummel, chairman, "and included among those surprised will be members of the commit tee.” This unorthodox procedure, he explained, was due to the stren uous efforts being made in secur ing an unusual and desirable band. Members of the junior dance di rectorate are: Grant Thuemmel, chairman, Marg Ann Smith, Elma Giles, Mary McCracken, K. Gilbert Powers, Ralph Schomp, Fred Whittlesey, Jack Campbell, and Eddie Vail. Co-op Suggests Holiday Reading The Co-op has several books that Mrs. Elsie Belknap, librarian in the student book exchange, rec ommended yesterday as fine enter tainment for Thanksgiving and the week-end. A large supply of both fiction ad non-fiction Is for rent. Mrs. Belknap suggests “My Next Bride” by Kay Boyle, who presents an ultra-modern picture of neurot ic American expatriates living in Europe; “Pitcairn’s Island," a fast moving adventure and description by Nordhoff and Hall; a mystery, “For the Defense: Dr. Thorndyke” by Austin Freeman; another mys tery, Agatha Christie’s “Murder in Three Acts"; and "Best Plays of 1934" collected by Burns Mantle. In the non fiction group, is H. G. Wells’ “Autobiography of an Idea” and “New Frontiers" by Henry Wallace. HOMESTEAD PROGRAM LOOMS WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.—(AP) —An u-nrecedentedly large sub sistence homesteads program, call ing for federal spending of between $500,000,000 and $1,500,000,000 over the next five years, was reported under serious consideration today as part of a new public works pro gram. Robin Le Vee \s Singing Yields Outstanding Delicacy of Tone By FLORENCE DANNALS "TvELIACY, poignacy, resonance combined to make the singing of Robin LeVee, student of voice under Mms. Rose McGrew, the most stirring presented yet this fall. Miss LeVee had perfect con trol of her voice at all times yet she managed the same delicacy at the highest and most difficult notes and during the strongest vol ume. Miss LeVee has studied for the' past three or four years under Mme. McGrew, and has sung for local organizations as well as in KORE programs. The natural ethereal quality of her voice has been greatly enhanced with the ad ditional training and practice she ' has received, until at present it re ! minds one of some delicately ad I justed machine, so perfectly con structed as to be fragile. The fragility is limited, however, for it loses some of its quality when lowered to deeper tones. The deep er tones lack clearness and defi niteness. A wider range will prob ably be developed as her experience inc-eases. Nov/ the clear bell-like resonance of her soprano voice more than makes up for any pres ent lack in development. Although all of her numbers Schubert's Wohin and Ungeduld, she was repeatedly applauded for Spross’ Will o’ the Wisp, a tuneful and catchy little number. Miss Le Vee sang as an encore Five Little Whiteheads, by Bischoff. Many lovely floral pieces ex pressed her popularity with the audience. well received, especially ASUO Secures Five Speakers For Next Term Russian Correspondent To Speak First Artists on Program Books by These Speakers Will Be Available for Students Men of note in the fields of ar chitecture, travel and literature have been secured for student as semblies for the winter term by the joint faculty-student commit tee on assemblies in cooperation with the A. S. U. O. The most important speaker will be W. H. Chamberlain, author, who has been the Moscow correspon dent for the Christian Science Monitor since 1922, and who will speak January 17. He is causing much interest for he has dropped his former friendly attitude toward Russia and now takes a critical one. He's the author of “Soviet Russia," and “The Soviet Planned Economic Order,” published in 1931. Architect Here Frank Lloyd Wright, an archi tect who represents the new school in American art, and who is fam ous for his “Autobiography,” will speak later in the term. His work is characterized in America as “The New School of the Middle (Please turn to payc 2) Phi Beta to Entertain With Music, Fantasy Bln Beta pledges will entertain actiVe members at tea with a play and program which are being re hearsed now at meetings. The play is directed by Virginia Wappen stein. It is a fantasy written by the members of the cast. Louise Emery will do the dance numbers, and Gayle Buchanan, Robert Bennett and Miss Wappenstein will present character roles. A musical pro gram is being planned in conjunc tion with it. The tea will take place Thurs day, December 6, at the Alpha Chi Omega house. Sorry! Thursday Still To Be Only Day of Rest Rumors, it is reported, are again circulating around the campus to the effect that there will be no classes held this coming Friday and Saturday. But the fact still remains that Thursday, Thanksgiving day, is the only holiday, and that classes will convene Friday and Saturday as usual. WOULD TAX MACHINES PORTLAND, Nov. 27.—(AP) — Taxation of labor-saving machines to produce revenue for unemploy ment insurance and old age pen sions is advocated by Philip Ickler of Portland. Ickler, who has been associated with labor unions 32 years and is author of a number of pamphlets on economics, plans to leave for Washington next week and pre sent his proposal to federal author ities. Reserve Library Will Be Open From 9 Till 1 On Thanksgiving Day 'J'HE reserve library will close at 5 o’clock Wednesday af ternoon and the reference li brary at 6 o’clock and open on Thursday morning from 9 o’clock until 1, deviating from the regular scheduled hours due to the Thanksgiving holiday. The hours Friday and Satur day will be as usual but a new rule is being enforced for all books to be returned on Sunday afternoon at 2:30. The reference and periodical department has installed a new telephone booth and can now be reached by direct wire. ‘Think Oregon’ I George L. Baker, former mayor of Portlad now manager of the Oregon ..Manufacturer’s ..associa tion, Saturday urged Portland schools to start a practical educa tional program ’‘to get Oregon boys and girls in an Oregon mind.” Foreign Students Will Be Honored By Wesley Group Frederic Dunn Will Speak At Banquet Friday Ni^lit At Methodist Church All foreign students on the cam pus will be guests at the annual International banquet to be held under the auspices of the Wesley Foundation Friday night atf the Methodist church. Frederic S. Dunn, head of the Latin department, will be the speaker for the evening. His sub ject is “Casting the First Stone.” It is expected to be of interest to both the theorist and realist stu dent of international affairs. Everyone who so desires is wel - come to the banquet. In past years, representatives of 17 different na tionalities have attended. Skits and readings will form part of this year’s program in addition to the main address. Foreign students will be admit ted free of charge but all others will be charged a fee of 35c a plate. Reservations which must be in by Thursday night may be made by phoning Miss Dorothy Nyland at 1550-J. ANOTHER MAYOR ACCEPTS REDMOND, Nov. 27.— (AP) — Another sportive acceptance to participate in a poker fest of Cen tral Oregon mayors was made to day, this time by Mayor J. R. Rob erts of Redmond. Like a chamber of commerce zealot, Mayor Roberts declared he would use Deschutes Netted Gem potatoes for chips—poker chips— in the poker fest Mayor J. F. Hosch of Bend proposed to hold in con junction with the Central Oregon contract bridge tournament at Bend December 3, 1, and 5. Oregon Squad, Officials Leave For Gael Game Rally Committee Makes Trip in Private Cars St. Mary’s Favored Tentative Starting Lineup For Annual Contest Is Announced Anxious to prove to Californians that they can play football in spite of the terrific defeat recently handed them by the Trojans, the Webfoot football squad of 29 play ers, trainers, coaches, and manag ers entrained yesterday noon for San Francisco where they will meet St. Mary’s in the sixth annual Thanksgiving day tilt in Kezar stadium. They were cheered on by a huge group of students and townspeople, who gathered at the depot as the train left for the bay city. Seventeen members of the rally committee also left by pri vate cars for the game. Prink Callison, Webfoot grid mentor, substantiated his starting choices after running the squad through a light workout this mor ning on a slippery field. The open ing backfield combination of Ralph Terjeson at quarterback, Maury Van Vliet and John Reischman, halfbacks, and Frank Michek, full back, worked together with the injured Bob Parke running signals alongside them. St. Mary’s has been conceded a slight advantage by dopesters. Lineup Named The starting jine will be the same which has opened recent Webfoot contests. It included Con Fury at center, Ross Carter and Del Bjork, guards, Alex Eagle and Gardner Frye, tackles, and Butch Morse and Stan Riordan, ends. The only possibility of a shift is at right end where Riordan is only a slight favorite over Vince Walker and Budd Jones. Other players making the trip are Ed Farrar and Chan Berry, centers; Roy Gagnon. Andy Kur ney, Clarence Codding, guards; George Haller., Bill Estes, tackles; Ned Simpson, end; Hug McCre lie, quarterback: George Pepelnjf-k, Walter Back, Ray Lopez, Bill Pat rick and Joe Renner, halfback', and Dick Bishop, fullback. Coaches Callison, Shields and Iiitzmiller, Trainer Bill Hayward, Dr. Sants Caniparoli, team physician, and Manager Paul Golden completed the party. Parke May Play Hope that Parke, Oregon co captain and regular right halfback, would be able to see action against (Please turn to page Fates of Empires Stray As Pledges Rave on, on, and on <