Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 23, 1934, Image 3

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Emerald Sports Editor
Eligibility Captures
Spotlight in Donut
Sports Discussions
Tj'LIGIBILITY ... The questic
1 of eligibility for intramun
basketball competition . . . The
much harrased word, and that d<
cidedly snoopish question are th
spotlighters in today’s little discus
* * *
This column is not assuming th
attitude of a snooper, but instea
taking the stand that whateve
action Is best for the greater
number of intramural competitor
is the correct thing to do.
We pointed}' suggest that eithe
the intramural administrativ
board, the managers, or intereste
competitors start a general house
cleaning which will put the intra
mural program back on the basi
it is supposed to be conducted an
end the rumors and argument
floating around the campus.
# * *
The purpose of the donut pro
gram is to provide exercise, sports
manlike competition, and genera
good feeling for the average stu
dent here. The program is ver;
definitely for the average man am
not for any athlete who is goo<
enough for Varsity competition
Of course in the competitive hea
for the championship honors every
one forgets this.
* * #
And so much is everyone forget
ting it that several teams are us
ing ineligible men . . . the major
ity of them ineligibile because the}
are of Varsity ability, are trying
out for Varsity, but are still play
ing intramural ball in direct dis
agreement with the rules. Other;
are forgetting the rule about shift
ing from “A” to “B” teams.
* * *
After last year’s general kick
about stars competing and in par
ticular about the Jones boys play
ing . . . made by the living organ
izations who do not possess fine
crops of athletes (by far the larg
est number of the groups were ir
this class), the intramural board
added rules to prevent a similar
occurence this season.
These rulings, (this may con
tradict a statement we made a few
isues ago but the following is cor
rect), without question prevent any
man who plays Varsity basketball,
whether he goes out before intra
mural season started or after
wards, from playing intramural
♦ * *
The rulings in Section 8-a
and Section 4 are:
“No Individual who has been
a member of a varsity squad
at the time of a regularly
scheduled game, or who joins
a varsity squad after the
starting of the Intramural sea
son in that sport, shall play on
an intramural team in that
sport during the season.”
That takes care of men who
joined the Varsity men after the
intramural games began. Then for
Ihe elimination of players who
joined the Varsity before donut
competition started:
"No regular members of
Frosh or Varsity squads shall
compete on intramural teams
in the same sport that season.
All individuals who are mem
bers of these squads one day
prior to the opening of the in
tramural season shall he con
sidered as regular members.”
* * *
Not attempting to flay any par
ticular organization but just to
help in clearing the thing up, we
will list a few men who according
to impartial statements by various
Emerald sports reporters arc def
initely breaking the rule.
They are: John Mullen, A.T.O..
who went out for Varsity two days
before donut competition started;
Bill Harcombe, S.P.E., who played
last night against the Abba Dabbas
and who has been out for Varsity;
l therefore the Abba Dabbas can
protest yesterday's game if they
tvish.) Ken Philips, Theta Chi.
Bunny Butler, Frank Levings.
Sigma Chi: all of whom turned out
for Varsity and also are playing
intramural. This was a hurried
cheek—1we don't know- how many
rate the list.
* * *
And then about shifting from
"A” to "B" competition. A few
nights ago the Chi Psis were
awarded a forfeit because the
Sigma Chis did this . . . Now in
checking the records we find in the
jsir.e game that the Chi Psis also
a.cd an ineligible mac He in
Intramural Cross-Country Runners Meet This Afternoon
—— . ; ■— --
\Ducks Get Set For Early Season Hoop Sked
I -
\Six Contests
.1 To Be Played
S By Hoopsten
l Varsity Squad Will Meel
Strong Teams
J Union Oil, Sons, Clubbers
Will Appear Here
Next Month
e What appeared to be the best
j pre-season basketball schedule yet
_ listed for the Oregon hoop quintet
was drawn up oy
Coach Bill Rein
hart here today.
The Oregon 1935
squad will play
six non - confer
ence games dur
i n g December
| with outstanding
| independent fives
| in the state.
Monday, Dee. 3
j | Jack Robertson the Union Oil
team of Portland, acknowledged
' the strongest independent quintet
in Oregon, has been scheduled at
McArthur court. Three ex-Oregon
basketball stars appear in the Oil
ers’ line-up.
Jack "Spook” Robertson, all
Northwestern forward from last
year's Webfoot squad, leads the
list of Oregon men who are to
Kermit Stevens and Henry Levoff,
Webfoot team mates of four years
ago, are the other Oregon repre
sentatives on the Union Oil squad.
SONS to Show
December 7 and 8 Reinhart's
five will probably meet Ashland
Normal. If the Teachers are un
| able to play, another opponent will
be found. Both nights the game
will be played on McArthur court.
Multnomah club of Portland will
journey here Tuesday, December
11 with an opposing array of ex
college stars. The heavy pre-sea
son schedule will be climaxed with
a two game return series in Port
land against the Union Oilers.
Last year the Oregon Varsity split
a two-game series with the Oilers.
Reinhart’s men are rapidly be
ing shaped into a polished team
before they meet Union Oil in the
initial “acid test.” However, only
two members of the team, Bill
Berg and Willie Jones, appear to
be certain of starting places on the
Varsity five. - Berg, chosen cap
tain of Oregon's 1935 basketball
team, will play in his regular for
ward position. Lanky William
Jones will make a bid for all-Coast
honors at the center post. Upon
I these two veterans the Webfoot of
! fense relies.
Fight for Positions
Sam Liebowitz, flashy frosh team
graduate and wizard ball passer,
seems to have his feet set pretty
solidly for the other forward post.
But three varsity lettermen are
fighting it out for the two guard
positions at the present time. Glen
Sanford, Rollie Rourke, and Ron
Gemmell—all one stripe men—ap
pear on a par at the present time.
However, when the Webfoot
football teams rolls home from
Huey Long’s state, several pig
skin artists will turn their atten
tions toward the maple court. Budd
Jones, injured Oregon wingman,
seems to have the best chance of
i breaking into the initial quintet
since he is a regular of last year,
i Stan Riordan, transfer from Pas
adena junior college, and Andy
Hurney, transfer from St. Martin
junior college, are two football
men with good J. C. basketball
! Clyde Keller, who had previously
played “A" ball.
* * *
To make matters still worse we
i read Section 16 which says:
“Any team using an ineligi
ble player in Class B basket
ball is automatically barred
from further competition in
that sport and loses all partic
1 ipation points.”
* * *
Now to get matters straight
... We ace not stirring up this
cloudy mixture for spite, or just
I for excitement, but simply in fair
} ness to the basic principles the in
| tramural program is supposed to
j be running under, and in fairness
j to the greatest number of donut
S.P.E., A.T.O.
‘ Grab Casaba
Donut Games
Plii Psis Take Forfeit
From Alpha Hall
SPE's Cinch Section Title
Four in ‘A’ League
With Easy Win
I 4:40—Phi Delta Theta vs.
| Gamma hall.
4:40-—Sigma Alpha Epsilon
vs. Sigma Chi.
5:20—Sigma Phi Epsilon vs.
Kappa Sigma.
The independent Abba Dabbas
were the fourth and final quintet
to be trampled beneath the Sigma
Phi Epsilon march to the annual
intramural basketball playoff, as
they fell yesterday, 30 to 1, in lea
gue four of the “A” division.
Physically short and little, but a
big man in defensive and offensive
basketball, Bobby Anderson, light
haired forward, was the spark that
est off the SPE tally rocket. His
seven field goals with three by
former all-star, Arne Lindgren,
composed the majority of SPE
points, and his checking and ball
hawking was the reason for the
Franz Scores
While finishing their competition
in the fourth league with no de
feats and assuring themselves of a
place in the elimination tourna
ment, the victors held their oppon
ents scoreless until the final quart
er when James Franz, Abba Dabba
pivot man, tossed in a free toss on
the SPE’S only foul, that by Paul
Certain of at least a tie in league
one of the “B” section, the A.T.O.
hoopsters definitely eliminated the
defending champion Betas from
any possible entrance in the final
tournament, by whipping them, 13
to 6, in their second straight de
The third consecutive A.T.O.
victory featured the play of Art
Dickson, A.T.O. forward, and Bob
“Bullneck” Millard the Beta who
guarded him. These hoopers were
teammates on both the junior and
varsity squads in Grant high at
JJickson, however slipped clear!
for four goals and a total of eignt
points made on hard shots, while
Millard went scoreles sin all per
iods. Dave Morris led the defend
ing titlists with four tallies.
Pi Kaps Remain
Only the Pi Kaps, who conquered
the Betas, 17 to 13, obstruct the
A.T.O. path to the elimination
tournament, and the boys have al
ready taken the Phi Psis and Al
pha hall, as well as the Betas. In
these games they totaled 71 marks
to 22 by their maple foes.
At 5:20 the Phi Psis took a “B"
game by forfeit from Alpha hall.
competitors, either individual or
as living organizations.
So what's to be done. The intra
mural handbook says:
"The intramural office cannot be
responsible for checking up the
eligibility of men playing on the
various teams, but will post a
notice on the bulletin board giving
the names of members of varsity
and freshman squads. ANY INEL
QUALIFIED. Team managers
j should check on the eligibility of
| their opponents and report any in
: fractions of the rules to the in
' tramural office."
* * *
This column would like to spc
: these managers show some action,
see the administrati\e board do
! its duty, and see the entire donut
program restored to what it uas
! originally intended to be .. a
sportsmanlike competition (or the
greatest possible number ot ruedi
J ocra athlete-.
Cross-country Program
Following is the complete list of officials and entries, with their
numbers for the intramural cross-country race to be staged on the
University campus and in outlying districts beginning at 4 p. rn.
1. Alpha Tau Omega
J. Halverson, 475
J, A. Hill, 477
B. A. Jossy. 478
2. Beta Theta Pi
P. Freeman, 479
Don Reed, 480
S. Wentworth, 485
M. Lacy, 486
3. Kappa Sigma
A. Carter, 488
H. Lucee, 489
N. Perkins, 490
Bob Powell, 491
B. Thomas, 492
4. Delta Tau Delta
Phil Gambee, 487
5. Gamma hall
R. Kidder, 493
W. Mason, 494
S. McGaughey, 495
N. Roth, 496
6. Phi Delta Theta
N. Benson, 497
T. McCall, 499
Jack Hammond, 498
V. Sprague, 98
H. Myers, 500
7. Phi Kappa Psi
Don Brooke, 110
G. Hall, 114
F. Shillock, 115
8. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
H. Hardisty, 116
K. Humphreys, 117
C. Schults, 118
9. Phi Sigma Kappa
R. Knight, 119
Rodney Miller, 120
R. M. Moody, 121
10. Sigma Phi Epsilon
A. Johnson, 122
L. Robertson, 123
J. Simpson, 124
11. Theta Chi
W. Wolegrove, 125
U. Luddington, 126
Wm. Parsons, 127
12. Yeomen
R. Ashton, 128
D. Farr, 129
M. Gunderson, 130
V. Gunderson, 131
C. Ireland, 132
G. Jameson, 133
Starter; Bill Hayward
Head judge of finish; P.
Asst, judge of finish; G. Reeves
Auxiliary judges of finish;
C. James, A. Lindgren, R.
Hendrickson, J. Elliott, L.
Head timer; R. Wagner
Asst, timers;
M. Ward, A. Miller, J. Gor
Continuous timing; R. Cutley
Recorder; T. Mountain
Course judges;
W. Ray, R. Rickabaugh, G.
Gates, D. Boyer, E. Smith, V.
Klockais, T. Pratt, F. West
Time limit for the course; 20 minutes (subject to change accord
ing to weather); any racer failing to finish race within limit is not
awarded any points.
5, 10, and 15 Years
Ago Today
SEA—Prospects for a great game
between the University of Hawaii
eleven and Coach John J. Mc
Ewan’s Oregon Webfoots are ex
ceedingly bright, with the Hawai
ian squad reported to be in perfect
condition for the battle.
* * #
1924—CELEBRATION— Acting
upon the request of the Student
Council, the faculty Student Ad
visory committee late Sunday
night sanctioned a huge demon
stration to be held tonight at the
Women's building honoring Joe
Maddock and the Oregon football
* * *
did not put out a paper today, so
FLASHES BACK will have to call
a ‘blank’.’’ WE FOOLED ’EM
Send the Emerald to your friends.
3 ou 11 Dance in Your
First Lesson
New Class For
Tuesday—8 p. m. !
8 Lesson* tfo. Co-eds.
S81 Willamette Phone 3081
Orides Volleyball
Team Wins From
Alpha Delta Pi
Orides volleyball star team
scored its second victory this week
when it defeated the Alpha Delta
Pi team 47 to 23. Although the
first half of the game proved to be
a close fight the Alpha Dells were
outnumbered in points near the
close of the game.
Scheduled games for next week
in the Woman’s Athletic’ associa
tion volleyball tournament are:
Monday, Kappa Alpha Theta vs.
Hendricks hall and Phi Mu vs. Pi
Beta Phi.
Tuesday the combined team of
Zeta Tau Alpha-Sigma Kappa will
play Gamma Phi Beta. All volley
ball interhouse games are sched
uled for 4 :30 p. m.
Spring Term
Managers Win
A ppointments
Baseball, Track ami Golf
Posts Filled
Art Muller Is Recipient of
Baseball Service
Athletic managers were appoint
ed by the executive council at a
meeting held Wednesday and were
announced last night by Joe Ren
ner, ASUO president.
Fred Whittlesey was appointed
as chief athletic manager.
Leonard Marshall is to be base
ball manager with John Powers
as an alternate. Three junior man
agers of baseball were also ap
pointed. They are Paulen Kase
berg, Lyle Rowan, and Tom Augh
The position of track manager
is to be filled by Jim Ringrose,
with Doug Ward, Chuck Hetezel,
and Jack Mulhall as junior mana
The golf athletic manager is
Norman Swanson. Chet Bede, Rob
ert Welch, and Willard Waldo will
serve as junior managers.
These appointments were rec
ommended to the athletic commit
tee and were then approved by the
executive council, composed of fac
ulty, student, and alumni represen
tatives. This group serves as the
governing body of the ASUO.
It was also concluded at the
meeting to give Arthur Muller a
■service award in baseball which he
earned last year.
•BSSc y&xmsTioTWu
-- 1
43 Harriers
Will Compete
In Donut Race
Twelve Campus Groups
To Vie for Cup
Start Set for Four Sharp;
Hayward Donates
Two Prizes
When Colonel Bill Hayward,
track coach and athletic trainer
at the University of Oregon, fires
the shot starting this afternoon’s
donut cross-country meet, 43 har
riers, representing twelve campus
organizations will take to their
toes and begin the gruelling 2.7
mile race for intramural honors.
As incentives for victory in this
contest, two prizes, both of which
are being donated by Hayward,
will be offered the athletes. A
trophy will be presented to the
group scoring the highest number
of points, while the individual
crossing the finish line first will
receive a turkey.
Start at Hayward Field
The race will start promptly at
4 o’clock. Runners will line up
in starting lanes at the north end
of the athletic field located imme
diately west of the stadium. The
course will lead the athletes
through the field to Twenty-third
avenue, east across the vacant lot
to Columbia street, and through
Fairmounts heights to the top of
the peak in Hendricks park. After
reaching the summit of the crest,
the runners will proceed down
through Hendricks park, past the
elk and deer pens, climb a small
hill, and then descend down the
slope into Sixteenth street, and
into the east end of Hayward field
where the finish line is located.
Drawings for starting lanes will
be held immediately prior to the
Course judges will be stationed
at various places along the course
to direct the runners and regu
late traffic.
Finish Line Fixed
A unique feature of this inter
Former Web footers |
-—.—bsss. .. . mwsmixu
Hany Levoff, on the left, and
Hermit Stevens, former Duck hoop
stars who will appear against the
Oregon varsity next month In Mc
Arthur court. Both are members
of the strong Union Oil team of
house sport innovation is the fin
ish line. To avoid all probable con
fusion at this point, Russ Cutler,
supervisor of the race, has de
vised a method whereby only on*
runner is able to cross the line at
a time. Two ropes extending along
the last ten yards of the home
stretch will form an alleyway wide
enough for only one man to pass
through. As the runners trot out
of this lane they will be timed by
the judges, thereby eliminating all
possibilities of disputes.
A last-minute withdrawal from
the race by the Delta Tau Delta
has caused a change in the entry
list as published in yesterday’s
Emerald. Injuries will prevent
Comet Gibbons and Paul Rix of
the Delts from competing in the
contest, so that fraternity will be
disqualified from team competition.
They will be represented in the
meet, however, by Phil Gambee
who will attempt to win the tur
Yeomen Add Two Runners
Another change saw the Gunder
son brothers and R. Ashton shift
their allegience from the Inde
pendent entry to Yeomen. M. Lacy
was added to the Beta Theta Pi
list of runners.
Today’s meet is of special signifi
cance to Hayward as he has long
promoted cross-country at Oregon
and lias worked hard to initiate it
as an intramural sport. Oregon has
been represented by cross-country
teams in the past but this affair
is the first of its kind in donut cir
cles and realizes one of the track
tutor’s most anxious desires.
Sond the Emerald to your friends.
| You are sure to win
I her if your suit is
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