Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 23, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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    An Independent University Daily
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
EDITORIAL OFFICES: Journalism building. Phone 3300
Editor, Local 354 ; News Room and Managing Editor 355.
BUSINESS OFFICE: McArthur Court, Phone 3300—Local 214.
The Associated Press is entitled to the use for publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in
♦his paper and also the local news published herein. All rights
of publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved.
A member of the Major College Publications, represented by
A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New York City; 123
W. Madison St.. Chicago; 1004 End Ave., Seattle; 1031 S.
Broadway, Los Angeles; Call Building, San Francisco.
William E. Phipps Grant Thuemmel
Editor Manager
Malcolm Bauer
Managing Editor
Parks Hitchcock, Barney Clark
Assistant Editors
Bob Moore, Robert Lucas, George Root, Fred Colvig,
Hcnriette llorak, J. A. Newton
n is. . v.... i. ,i . i .. m_tjt..—_ttj
Clair Johnson, Sports Ed.
Dan Clark, Telegraph Ed.
Ann-Keed Burns, Womens Ed.
Teggy Chessman, Society Ed.
Hex Cooper, Chief Night Ed.
George liikman, Dick Watkins,
Radio Ed.
A1 Goldberg, Asst. Managing
Day Editor This Issue ..Cliff Thomas
EXECUTIVE REPORTERS: Hemiette Horak, Dan Clark,
Cynthia Eiiiqvist, Ruth Weber.
REPORTERS: Signe Rasmussen, Lois Strong, Jane Lagassee,
Hallie Dudrey, Betty Tubbs, Phyllis Adams, Doris Springer,
Dan Maloney, Dorothy Walker, Bob Powell, Norman Smith,
Henrietta Mummey, Ed Robbins, Florence Dannals, Ruth
Weber, Helen Bartum, Margery Kissling, Wayne Ilarbert,
Darrel Ellis, Eleanor Aldrich.
COPYKEADERS: Margaret Ray, Wayne Ilarbert, Marjory
O’Bannon, Lilyan Krantz, Laurene Brockschink, Eileen Don
aldson, Iris Franzen, Darrel Ellis, Colleen Cathey, Veneta
Brous, Rhoda Armstrong, Bill Pease, Virginia Scoville, Bill
Haight, Elinor Humphreys, Florence Dannals, Bob Powell,
Dorothy Walker.
SPORTS STAFF: Caroline Hand, Bill MclnturfT, Earl Buck
j.um, Gordon Connelly, Fulton Travis, Kenneth Kirtley, Paul
Conroy, Don Casciato, Kenneth Webber, Pat Cassidy, Bill
Parsons, Liston Wood.
SOCIETY REPORTERS: Regan McCoy, Eleanor Aldrich,
Betty Jane Barr.
Barr, Olive Lewis, Mary Graham, Margaret Petsch.
ASSISI’AN1 NIGHT ED LTOKS: Dorothy Adams, Betty Me*
Girr, Genevieve McNiece, Gladys Battlesori, Betta Rosa,
Louise Kruikman, Jean Pauson Ellamae Woodworth, Echo
Tomseth, Jane Bishop, Dorothy Walker, Ethel Eyman.
Fred Fisher, Adv. Mgr.
jack McGirr, Asst. Adv. Mgr.
Dorris Holmes, Classified Mgr.
Kd Labile, Nat. Adv. Mgr.
Fred Heidel, Asst. Nat’l. Adv.
juma nunc/, OUC.
Virginia Wellington, Asst. Sea
Catherine. Cummings. Sez Sue’s
Ruben Creswel!, Circ. Mgr.
Don Chapman, Asst. Cir. Mgr.
herty, Dick Keum, Dick Bryson, Frank Cooper, Patsy Neai,
Ken Ely, Margaret Petsch, Jack lenders, Robert Moser, Flor
ence Smith, Bob Wilhelm, Pat McKeon, Carol Auld, Robert
Moser, Ida Mae Cameron.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Dorothy Walker, Wanda Russell,
Pat McKeon, Patsy Neal, Dorothy Kane, Carolyn Hand,
Dorothy Kane, Marjory O'Bannon.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the
college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination
periods, all of December except the first seven days, all ol
March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class matter
at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates, £2.5U a yeai.
Journalistic Iconoclasm
npHE shock of seeing one of the nation’s outstand
ing bearers of conservative newspaper makeup
—the Morning Oregonian—-suddenly discard its
pleasingly prosaic form in favor of a more sensa
tional style has caused Oregon students and readers
throughout the state to engage in lively controversy
over the change.
Readers, accustomed to their daily diet of world
and local news over the breakfast table as a matter
of course, now face the tusk of rebuilding and re
vising entrenched reading habits. The Oregonian’s
adoption of bolder condensed headlines, shorter news
stories and other major and minor changes too
numerous to mention leaves a long-time reading
public aghast.
It is, of course, only a matter of time until read
ers become accustomed to the new Oregonian. At
the moment, however, the typographical transforma
tion of a newspaper which has for years been ident
ified by analogy to such publeialions as the New
York Times is both striking and significant.
Tiie newly adopted makeup of the Oregonian is
an outgrowth of the same movement which has
prompted the radical departure of the Hearst-con
trolled morning press from the generally accepted
American practice of writing and making up head
lines. In all of his morning newspapers Hearst has
thrown over every vestige of traditional American
technique, flashing from his pages the "label” head
lines typical of the English press.
Not. that the Oregonian contemplates for a min
ute adopting the Anglo-Hearstian attitude, but the
Oregonian’s policy is indicative of the new search
for Improved typographical expression which is
spreading over the country, and of the rejuvenation
of morning newspapers in meeting tlie competition
of the more flamboyant evening press.
Pardon Our Laughter
JF we chuckle at this reported rapprochement of
government and big business- this return to the
old conjugal bliss • it is in no malicious spirit. We
just don't think it's in the cards.
We smiled but with no Jack Dalton's invidious
twirl of mustachios at the news reports of the
Fairbanks reconciliation. We knew that wasn’t in
the cards either. And when we found Big Business
playing a wistful Mary to F. D.'s Doug, well, we
just couldn't help it the corners of our lips curled
Somehow, we can't see them patching it up.
They're an incompatible couple. They ought never
to have married in the first place. Oh, it was a love
match all right, and it kind of thrilled people to
see them together at first we mean that once hap
py pair, Government and Big Business, you know.
Government would appear in the newsreels, smiling
broadly, and say that it had found the best little
woman In the world. Big Business would flirt on the
screen and voice ingenuously pride in the brawny,
sheltering arm of her man. But you could see that
the fates would never smile kindly on such a union
It was their careers yes, it must have been their
careers. They both had big followings they had to
play to. He was popular in a rough sort of way
among whole rank and file. America's Sweetheart,
Oregon Will Have
1935 Arl Session
The educational executive com
mittee of the American Institute
ji Architects in its recent meeting
In Philadelphia, awarded $t>.7f>0 to
Oregon for the Carnegie Art Cen
ter .summer session to be held hero
again this summer, Ellis F. Law
rence, dean of the University’s
school of architecture and allied
arts, announced yesterday after
his return from the Philadelphia
meeting of the committee.
Dean Lawrence spent a day in
New York, where he saw Allen
Katon, a former University art
staff member, who, together with
President Campbell and the dean,
was instrumental in organizing the
art school. Katon is now writing
a book on the mountain crafts of
Kentucky and the. South.
Big Business, had a more select public that fell for
her sweet line. Aside from her apparent naivete she
had a lot of promise in her eyes.
It was an inevitable clash of tempers that first
separated them. And true to the sweetness she had
to maintain before her public, she didn’t cry long
and loud about it, that is, at first she didn’t.
The fact is no one knew they were separated
until it was gossiped about that he was playing
around a bit. Of course you couldn’t help but hear
a few petty squabbles, but finally it began to look
pretty scandalous. When it began to get noised
around of his affair with Stock Regulation and then
his romance with Utility Ownership, all this so soon
after she had won him back from what might hava
been a compromising liason with that little tart,
Labor, she began to worry about how this would be
taken by her own f wing. She saw that they had
a romantic faith in thr sanctity of their union, and
she felt herself obliged to patch things up, for the
sake of romance. This was how it came about that
she rouged herself up a bit and tried to look her
best—perhaps she could rekindle the old flames.
We shouldn't smile, but, poor Big Business, she
doesn't realize what years and trouble have done to
her. And, somehow, our sympathies are with Gov
ernment. He may be playing around, but gosh he’s
having a good time.
The Accolade
^"VNCE again Phi Beta Kappa selects six students
and bestows on them its highest honor—mem
bership in the Senior Six.
Thus Lloyd Humphreys, Helen Abel, Valborg
Anderson, Mary Janet Cox, Elinor Stevenson, and
Lloyd Faust receive the official accolade for three
years of brilliant scholastic endeavour. It is an honor
that is not to be held lightly; for, after all, the pri
mary purpose of a university is scholastic, not social,
and this i3 the mark of supreme achievement in the
curricular field.
It is pleasant to be able to bring to public notice
these quiet and unobtrusive workers. Senior Six, the
Emerald is proud to salute you!
The 1930 census shows that Louisiana with 13.5
per cent has more illiteracy than any other state in
the union with the single exception of South Caro
lina. This may attribute in a substantial way to
Huey Long’s phenomenal success.
I --1
The Passing Show
Higher Education’s Future
r his letter to the governor concerning the status
and progress of the administration of higher edu
cation in Oregon, President, Marks, of the board of
higher education, declared that in the view of the
board “the fundamental allocations of function are
sound.” He was referring to the situation as between
university and college.
This newspaper, while indorsing in most other
respects the soundly thought-out views of the board
president, cannot agree that a fundamental alloca
tion is sound which deprives the university of pure
science. Pure sccience, it seems to us, belongs es
sentially at tlie university. As a former president of
the University of Oregon has said, "A university
without science is a university deprived of its soul.”
With due respect to the survey board, whose re
port sent science to the college and commerce to the
university, it is difficult to see how such recom
mendations could be justified. Commerce is as es
sentially a natural unit in the college curriculum as
the teaching of science is a natural university func
tion. The allocations in contrary fashion were ill
All this is said in full agreement with Mr. Marks'
view that the state of Oregon cannot support separ
ate institutions, eacli complete in itself. It is said
also with recognition of the fact that the present is
not the time for further major changes in major
allocations as between the two schools. We have just
well begun, under the wise policy of Mr. Marks, a
settling down process in higher education which
ought to go on. But the door ought not to be perm
anently closed against rectification of so gross an
error as that which was made in sending science to
ihc college and couilllelce to the university.—Morn
ing Oregonian.
College iii the Haw
' I ’'HE individual who knows of college life only as
depicted in motion pictures, magazine articles,
and yes, student publications, must have a weird
Tlie usual descriptions run something like this:
Hollywood—The characters are either athletes,
young men in love, or young women willing to be
in love. Time is spent chiefly in putting on neckties,
telephoning, drinking, and dating. If the hero or
any of his friends arc studying, tlie explanation is
always given that there is the deciding examination
the next morning. Living quarters resemble a club
room, and the campus looks like a country club
Magazine articles They begin with the question
of should your son or daughter go to college and
conclude by answering it depends upon the type of
person your sou or daughter is. of which the parent
is the least qualified judge. The senior knows less
that when ho was a freshman (Mr. Tunis). College
professors are oil tier communists or atheists or both,
fraternities and sororities are patrons to snobbery,
and intercollegiate football is a big business.
Student publications Our college is the sorriest
institution in the country. Everything about it needs
reforming. The administration is narrow-minded, the
food is terrible, and free thinking is taboo. Sports
and society arc the important news.
It the bewildered seeker of the actual conditions
took tlie time to live in the average college com
munity he would discover that students burning with
the desire of acquiring knowledge are rare but tha*
70 per cent are serious about their studies, that
Crook-letter societies or their equivalent offer real
friendship, and that college professors are doing a
better job than men in most professions.—Duke
The Day’s
Goulash a la Butler
\Civil Servant or Moron?
JgENEATH what would seem
j “scarist” propaganda in ordin
ary times, as reliable a source as
! Representative Samuel Dickstein,
; member of the house investigating
'committee on un-American activi
ties, finds a basis of fact. The
I charges examined are those prof
j fered by Major-General Smedley
1 Butler, famed military figure
whose expletives are nearly as re
nowned as those of another U. S.
general, Hugh Johnson.
Capitalist Coup?
"Old Gimlet-Eye.” as Butler
was known in service days, recent
ly testified that he had been ap
proached by leading capitalists and
had been asked to lead a march on
Washington with the seizure of
the reins and the establishment of
a fascist dictatorship as the end
in sight. The revolutionists were
to be ex-service men financed by
capitalistic money, the general al
Dickstein Asserts
Said Representative Rickstein:
"... we believe that the infor
mation attributed to Butler is sub
stantially based on fact.”
McGuire Denies
Cried Gerald P. McGuire,
charged along with broker Robert
Sterling Clark as agents for the
fomentors: “It all sounds like a
fabrication to me ... I certainly
know that a man like General But
ler hates fascism and Mussolini
and Hitler like hell I” Said broker
Robert Sterling Clark: nothing at
all—he was in Europe and frantic
efforts to reach him have not as
yet born definite fruit.
©tepliens scofis
( Likewise implicated and like
wise vehement in his denial was
Henry Stephens former national
commander of the American Le
gion when reached at his home in
Warsaw, North Carolina. “Who'd
you say made up such a cock and
bull story?” Stephens shouted over
the telephone. “Butler? Why 11
never saw that man but once in my
Danger to the Right
\Vhether or not ex-Commander
Stephens had seen ex-Commander |
Butler but once in his life such fact !
could hardly vitiate the general
nature of the accusation. Further-1
more, the unproved nature of the
! assertions should not blind the j
American public to the danger that
lies to the Right. This danger is
just as real as any actual or
ephemeral hazards to the Left, and
furthermore, it may prove even
more injurious to the common
wealth because of the unlimited
power in the hands of the moneyed
reactionaries. Thinking citizens'
should be wary of any further en-!
croachments upon their rights by a j
class of people who have estab-j
lished the amassing of wealth as
their single aim in life, a class of
individuals who have solely by
good fortune and pecuniary
shrewdness gained the political |
throne and fortified a financial;
feudalism dangerous and pernicious
beyond any of the lawless baron
ies of the moyen age.
* * *
j^INE hundred treasury depart
ment employees were sacked
last week for failure to get bettor
than 70 on an examination given
by the civil service commission.
The examination, termed a test in
"horse sense” by its framers, was
given to civil servants employed
for the most part in the enforce
ment of liquor laws.
High School Mentality
Authors claimed that any alert
adult with an high school educa
tion or its equivalent would have
no trouble passing' the test. Sam
ple question: Complex means most
nearly (1) entire, (2) intricate, (S'
invisible, (4) indefinite, (5) length.
Answer, of course, (2).
Common Sense Quiz
Along with the vocabulary tests
there were other simple arithmeti
cal problems and divers memory
tests. Despite the fact that the
test would appear comparatively
simple to the casual surveyal, 75
per cent of those taking it failed
to get a passing grade.
Better Training Vrged
The American conscience may
well feel a slight twinge at this
startling proof of the generat in
telligence level of the average pub
lic servant. It is evident that both1
more care and a greater interest \
must be given in the future to the
preparation of men for entrance
into civil service. Government
work of all types should be made
a career, not the last resort of an
unsuccessful business or profes
sional man
Send the Emerald to your friends.
Subscription rates $2.50 a \eur. ;
Actors and Acrobats ^y ED hanson
The First Varsity Song
IN the chronicle of our ‘firsts’,
for there is a ‘first’ in all things,
the earliest Varsity song has its
own chapter. The harp had hung
unstrung on Oregon’s walls for
full a score of years, before a skald
of sufficient descried it and awoke
it. And we thrilled to its melody
as all the court of the Thorn Hose.
Dr. Frank Strong, our third
President, had been largely con
cerned in music as an avocation
while at Yale. He had partially
made his way through college and
in the graduate school by the aid
of fees earned in music, often by
his own personal contributions.
Two of the stories I have long
est. remembered were recounted to
me of his experiences in the Yale
orchestra, both reminiscent, of a
veteran German trombonist. The
old fellow one day followed a fly
up and down and around on the
score, insisting, despite abuse from
the director, ‘Dose are mine
notes'. And again, some practical
jokesters sprinkled some tobacco
in the trombone, when Hans, by
and by. beginning to sense queer
pangs somewhere inside, stepped
frankly to the front of the plat
form, just before a solo was
scheduled on the Commencement
program, and agonizedly d e -
claimed, ‘Mine friends, you must
uxcuse me. I haf de cnolera mar
bles'. Some Eli on the Faculty
should be able to vouch for these
We were advertised as the Fac
ulty Male Quartet,—E. D. Kessler,
1st tenor; F\ S. Dunn, 2nd tenor;
1. M. Glen, 1st bass; President
Strong, 2nd bass. It has given me
i strange sense of loneliness, since
writing these names, to realize
hat I alone survive. And how we
;ould and did sing! Once, when
Dr. Strong had completed the most
.rying task of revising the catalog,
laving spent days and nights with
lis committee, he rented a cab for
several hours in the afternoon,
uid we four drove about town,
limlessly, indifferently, just sing
ng. -singing everything we knew
ind practicing new pieces.- in
;heer jubilee and pure joy of sing
ng. This was no joy ride, you
nust believe me. There was no
lottle, and we sang ‘sweet and
ow‘. •
And then, one evening in the
ipper rooms of Collier hall, where
President and Mrs. Strong were
mtertaining in reception, we four,
is a surprise, sang for the first
;ime the first Varsity song. “Oh
Dregon. ' It was in manuscript
:orm and I at the least never knew
from the lips of either composer
ir the poet the authorship of song
ir poem, though I bantered both
o acknowledge and their evasions
■vere as good as confessions.
But the next issue of the Oregon
Monthly contained the poem mi
ter the name of Irving M. Glen,
vhile there was issued shortly af
erward a manual of College Songs,
he first to be published since tlie
ild worn-out Harvard compilation,
.vhich heralded to the world that
‘There's a pretty little village
In the valley in the West "
For many years thereafter, the
Glee Clubs sang it. though never
:o my liking for thee milled it in
gulps, as it were, racing to a com
ma, then, after a pause, scrambl
ing for more yardage.
And then, it died. We never
hear it now. After all, it was just
aphemeral. Its words were trivial.
It lacked that indefinable, death
less something, to rank it with the
great odes of the greater univer
(The next issue will contain
of the Air
FTER hearing Stan Brom
berg's violin program yester
day, we at last received the light.
Mother was right. It would have
been much wiser to have stayed
home and practiced scales and
one, one-two than to play football
and marbles and run-sheep-run.
Maybe Stan played those games
too, but it's a cinch he also prac
ticed a heck of a lot. Not only did
we like him; he even got phone
calls. Oh yes! MILT SUGARMAN
accompanied. How’s that, Milt?
Today the Emerald of the Air
goes on at 4:30 for a half hour
program of variety stuff. Ned Gee
will be featured, with Chuck
French at the piano. The news
crew will be on hand to dish out
the latest.
And speaking in terms of food,
there’ll be musical menus on the
air this morning at 10:00 when
Joan Andrews, NBC Menu Flash
editor, interviews Horace Heidt,
San Francisco stage favorite. Mae
stro Heidt handles a mixing spoon
as frequently in a kitchen as he
does a musical baton on a stage.
He must be good.
CBS presents the Philadelphia
orchestra with Leapold Stokowski
conducting at noon today in a two
hour concert. At 3:30 Connie Ben
net and Herbert Marshall, filn
stars, will make a guest appear
ance in the Hollywood Hotel revue
with Dick Powell, Jane Williams,
El Brendel and Ted Fio-Rito’s or
NBC highlights: Armour pro
gram, with Phil Baker at 6:30;
First Nighter at 7:00—“Night
Bus,’ with Don Ameche and June
Meredith; Intimate Revue, with
Frances Langford, Oscar Lebant, |
James Stanley and the Bacheleers,
not to mention Dwight Fiske and
A1 Goodman's orchestra at 8:30;
Caswell Concert at 9:00 with Bar
bara Blanchard, Eva Gruninger, |
Ben Klassen, and Everett Foster. ]
Does that suffice ?
Pucini’s La Boheme will be the
new topic discussed by Mme. Rose
McGrew in her lecture today in the
Osburn hotel at 10 o'clock. Her
first lecture on this topic will be
confined to biographical materia),!
supplying a background for later
detailed discussions. She will relate
the history of the writing of the
book by Muigi from which the
opera is derived. Records will be
played and Eileen Edblom, a vocal
pupil of Mme. McGrew, will sing
the Musetta Waltz.
Send the Emerald to your friends.
1 Lace Trimmed Rayon I
| Dainty trims and fancy g
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1 panties a gift to delight a |
j feminine heart. Several new g
2 styles to choose from.
50c i
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I ing wear, too. Will not fade, jj
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30 East Broadway
■ . . :!:id
n student
ifferent. fuga
with us.
1ES b
» EDAM ff
Bacon, etc. They’l! make your palate SB
turn over—Reasonable too. Sg|
McDonald fheatcr Building ■
' r
DOMINATED to the hall of fame:
Gladys Battleson .petite A. O.
Pi punstress. Two nights ago at
the dinner table she told the girls
a little story. "Once upon a time,"
she began, “there were two deers
—a papa deer and a mamma deer
—and they had a little fawn. Some
fun, eh kids?" Oh deer.
* * *
Here is a photograph of the fam
ous Senator Bluenose Label, do
nated by Floyd Gibbons Travis,
photo expert.
The senator’s latest scheme is
to give up sticking around the bot
tle and take up dog catching. He
is sold on the idea that a dog catch
er nets a pretty good income.
* * *
What girl and boy were so in
terested in each other on the steps
of Susan Campbell hall the other
evening that they didn’t hear the
night watchman as he walked up?
And was she embarrassed as she
climbed down off his knee!
* * *
Chet “Letterman” Bede , Sigma
Chi, doesn't like his reporting
beat, blit he reports having met a
“keen babe” at the market down
Boots! Boots!
Boots! Boots!
Stamp and Look and !
Stop Again—
For hero comes the
10e cents per line.
Anyone wanting a ride to
Porland (round-trip) Satur
day noon call 1249-W.
Have your car serviced with
Flying A gas and Cycol Mot
or: Oil at Ernie Danner's As
sociated Station.
Service With a Smile
Corner 10th and Olive
Phone 1765
573 13th St. E. Phone 3208
“Style Right — Price Right"
All types of sewing. Eve
ning dress remodeling spec
iality. Reasonable prices.
Mrs. B. Wise, 2479 Alder st.
Phone 115-W.
City Barber and Beauty
Shop. Permanent wave com
plete $1.75. Finger wave 25c
and up. Expert hair cut 25c ;
and 35c. 855 Oak Street.
Phone 349.
PHONE 3300 I
I Classified Department 1
g—HagggJIM1" CA