Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 06, 1934, Dad's Day Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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    An Independent University Daily
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
EDITORIAL OFFICES: Journalism building. Phone .1300
Editor, Local 354; News Room and Managing Editor 355.
BUSINESS OFFICE: McArthur Court, Phone 3300—Local 214.
William E. Phipps Grant Thuemmel
Editor Manager
Malcolm Bauer
Managing Editor
Parks Hitchcock, Barney Clark
Assistant Editors
Boh Moore, Robert Lucas, George Root, Fred Colvig,
Henriette Horak, Winston Allard, J. A. Newton
George Callas, JNews j&a.
Clair Johnson, Sports Ed.
Dan Clark, Telegraph Ed.
Mary Louiee Edinger, Wo
men’s Ed.
Peggy Chessman, Society Ed.
jimmy xviorrison^ numor r^u.
Rgx Cooper, Chief Night Ed.
George Bikman, Dick Watkins,
Radio Ed.
A1 Goldberg, Asst. Managing
Day Editor This Issue
Velma McIntyre
EXECUTIVE REPORTERS: Ann-Rced Hums, Henriette
Horak, Robert Eucas, Eugene Lincoln, Margery Kissling,
Margaret Petsch.
REPORTERS: Betty Shoemaker, Signe Rasmussen, Lois
Strong, Jane Lagassee, Ilallie Dudrey. Betty Tubbs, Phyllis
Adams, Doris Springer, Eugene Lincoln, Dan Maloney, Jean
Crawford, Dorothy Walker, Bob Powell, Norman Smith,
Henrietta Mummey, Ed Robbins.
COPYREADERS: Margaret Ray, Wayne Harbert, Marjory
O’Bannon, Lilyan Krantz, Laurene Brockscbink, Eileen Don
aldson, Iris Franzen, Dairel Ellis, Colleen Cathey, Veneta
Brous, Rhoda Armstrong, Bill Pease, Virginia Scoville, Bill
Haight, Elinor Humphreys, Florence Dannals, Bob Powell.
SPORTS STAFF: Caroline Hand, Bill Mclnturff, Earl Buck
r.um, Gordon Connelly, Fulton Travis, Kenneth Kirtlcy, Paul
Conroy, Don Casciato, Kenneth Webber, Pat Cassidy, Bill
Parsons, Liston Wood.
SOCIETY REPORTERS: Regan McCoy, Eleanor Aldrich,
Betty Jane Barr.
Barr, Ruth Hieberg, Olive Lewis, Kathleen Duffy.
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul Conroy, Liston Wood, Scot George,
Reinhart Knudson, Art Guthrie.
Girr, Genevieve McNiece, Gladys Battleson, Bctta Rosa,
Louise Kruikman, Jean Pauson Ellamae Woodworth, Echo
Tomseth, Jane Bishop, Dorothy Walker, Ethel Eyman.
Eldon Haberman, Asst. Bus.
Fred Fisher, Adv. Mgr.
Jack McGirr, Asst. Adv. Mgr.
Dorris Holmes, Classified Mgr.
Ed Labbe, Nat. Adv. Mgr.
Janis Worley, Sez Sue.
Virginia Wellington, Asst. Sez
Robert Creswell. Circ. .Mgr.
Don Chapman, Asst. Cir. Mgr.
Fred Heidcl, Asst. Nat’l. Adv.
herty, Dick Reum, Dick Bryson, Frank Cooper, Patsy Neai,
Ken Fly, Margaret Detch, Jack Enders, Robert Moser, Flor
ence Smith, Bob Wilhelm, rat McKeon, Carol Auld, Robert
Moser, Ida Mae Cameron.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the
college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination
periods, all of December except the first seven days, all of
March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class matter
at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year.
Futility or Future?
NOT sniffling Gloomy Guess, but men astute in
matters of political science, have apprehended
that Democracy in the United States is adrift in
the polluting stream of machine politics, that real
issues are laughed and clowned away in the three
ring mummery of the big November show. It has
been said that it no longer profits intelligent people
to vote, that their ballots have the force of B-B shot
against the armoured front of demagogic appeal.
These things are hard to deny. And, too, it cannot be
denied that candidates advance themselves with
hazy policies, either not committing themselves on
vital issues, or chiming in witli the popular clamor,
which, it must he conceded, rarely directs for the
popular welfare.
Many candidates for office are keen in demo
goguery. The demagogue isn't only the man with
the desk-clerk smile and the over-eager hand-clasp;
he is the man who finds it an effective hid to the
popular iiking to cultivate an aristocratic mien; he
is the man who, with little reserve, campaigns on the
shout that he is the friend of the working man.
But this is a day marked for history. This is a
day when real issues bulge under misstatements.
This will be the day when America will decide
whether it will go Left with ballots, or Left with
the violence which the strikes of the past year por
tend so menacingly; this is the day when Oregon
and America decide whether they will go the way
that has offered a debatable social security in the
past, with the promise of gradual improvement, or
go along in the debatable security of an ordered
capitalistic economy, or go at least half-a-hog to
ward socialism.
This is not an effort at overstatement. It is our
solemn belief that today's election points the future
of our country. This is a plea that intelligent persons
go to the polls.
Aii Obligation
f | 'HE aftermath of a highly successful Dads’ day
and Homecoming- celebration gives rise to an
important need so far us the A.SiU.O. and the Uni
versity are concerned namely, an important foot
ball game with a major team of the Pacific coast
True, tiie financial advantage resulting by taking
the so-called big games to Portland has been of vital
necessity during the years of depression. The capac
ity crowds which are drawn to sec Oregon teams in
Multnomah stadium have been a salient factor in
maintaing the financial equilibrium of the A.S.U.O.
However, we feel that in all fairness to the Ore
gon Dads and to the great mass of alumni whose al
legience to the University is of utmost importance
for future progress of the institution, they should be
given nothing but the most colorful in gridiron en
tertainment while they are on the campus.
The occasions upon which we depend to develop
the bond between the University and those most
essentia] to its welfare are Dads' day and Home
coming’ It is only at those times that we have an op
portunity to impress upon the Dads and grads the
needs and problems of the university, and to arouse
their interest in the activities in which the campus
We cannot expect to draw these persons to the
campus in the numbers which we desire if we do not
give them the best that the great drawing card—
If it is impossible to have more conference games i
at home, then at least we make the plea that one
big league contest be brought to the campus for
Homecoming, and that it be scheduled more than a
week before or after a Portland game. ti
“National Questions Myth to Senior Senator,"
says an Oregonian headline. Just another reason for
congressional inefficiency, no doubt.
The Passing Show
A Strange Aroma
rT"'HERE'S a strange oaeur about the U.C.L.A. in
cident which has culminated in the suspension
of five students, including the student body presi
According to the United Press, Provost Ernest
C. Moore, in a public statement, charged "the stu
dents paid no attention to the wishes of President
Robert G. Sproul of the University of California,
who did not desire them to hold a campus forum on
next week's state election and held a meeting dis
cussing the forum.”
However, at a recent Berkeley mass meeting in
Wheeler auditorium, Dr. Sproul himself acted as
chairman, serving in a strictly nonpartisan basis,
and giving an accredited representative of each can
didate opportunity to present his case to the stu
dents. The forum was so successful and significant
of the University's official attitude of political neu
trality that our student body president was moved
to issue the following statement: “This affair makes
us proud we have a man like President Sproul who
is anxious for the dissemination of thought by free
thinkers and free speakers.”
Further confusion and doubt is added by the fol
lowing item from Te Daily Bruin of October 25:
“Unanimous approval of a plan advanced by Pro
vost Moore to have two open campus debates on the
gubernatorial campaign was voiced last night at the
Student Executive meeting . . . Dr. Moore’s sanc
tion of such a debate came largely as a result of a.
similar action on the Berkeley campus. ‘This Univer
sity,’ he said, ‘will do as Berkeley is doing. It will
hold two three-cornered discussions on the political
situation.’ ” But the student named chairman of the
“three-cornered discussion” committee is one of
those suspended!
The Californian, if we were certain we knew the
morbid details of the whole incident, would be tem
pted to laugh at Provost Moore’s “public statement”
concerning the “National Student League, a com
munistic organization which has bedeviled the Uni
evrsity for some time,” and also his charge that the
five “were using their offices to destroy the Univer
sity by handing it over to communists.” However,
we find it impossible to believe that any employee of
the University could offer those flimsy complaints
as an excuse to oust five student leaders.
Frankly we question whether or not any five
students in any University could have enough power
and influence to “use their offices to destroy the
University by handing it over to communists.” Good
Lord! Imagine any campus were five students could
pursue such a dire, fiendish policy—and “destroy”
the University! If that condition actually prevails at
U.C.L.A.—well, it must be an awfully queer campus!
—University of California (Berkeley) Daily Califor
L.C.L.A'.—Liberal, Free, State
npHE University of California at Los Angeles is
very happy today with the announcement that
freedom of speech and though no longer exists, at
all times, on the southern campus.
Yesterday, the student body president at U.C.
L.A. was suspended from the university, along with
four other students, for the period of one year. They
were charged by the university’s provost with “us
ing their student offices to destroy the university by
handing it over to an organized group of Commu
nistic students," while it was declared that the Na
tional Students League, on the U.C.L.A. campus, is
a “Communistic organization.’
Whether the charges be true, The Daily does not
know and cannot say. Dr. Ernest Moore, provost,
must have known what he was doing when he made
public his decisions, must have had pretty god rea
sons for the doing.
However, one reads the news stories and learns
that five students have been expelled from a public |
institution for holding certain beliefs. At least four
of the five were what comon parlance has labeled
"student leaders." They were prominent in campus
affairs, possessed certain opinions, and are no longer
with the university.
Perhaps the ousted individuals proved objection
able beyond the point of pure Communism. If so, the
authorities should so state in their official announce
ment ot ihe proceedings. Hut to declare that, be
i cause certain persons were “Communistic," they
have been expelld from an American university, is
| another thing.
\\ helher we agree with so-called Communistic
| ideas or not, and most of us do not, all realize that
persecution does nothing greater than enable the
I martyr to thrive.
Is this American? Stanford Daily.
of the Air
'T'ODAY, if her glasses are tin
broken, Lou Parry will dish
out her weekly supply of the blues.
Buck McGowen will accompany.
And here's our list of entertainers
for the remainder of the week:
Wednesday, The Poets Converse:
Thursday, Marian Bass, w i t h
Chuck French: Friday, the news
program, with Frank Evanson do
ing piano interludes; Saturday, I
Myron Waliard, tenor.
At (3:3i) over CBS Countess Olga'
Albani, famous Spanish soprano,
will bo the guest star with lsham
Jones' orchestra and the new
Chevrolet quartette.
The glamorous story of one of
the most famous women of history,
Lola Montez. the woman who
"kicked over a European throne,"
will be dramatized in two episodes
during the Death Valley Days pro
gram starting tonight at 9:30 over
News notes Alexander Wooll
cott is off on a tour of the mid
west department store circuit auto
graphing copies of his latest book
. . . He'll broadcast froc CBS sta
tions enroutc ... Pat Padgett
and Pic Malone i Molasses 'n' Janu
ary i are celebrating their sixth an
niversary as a comedy team. . .
Tony Worts, star of the NBS House
by the Side of the Road program,
hasn't a golf club and doesn't play |
golf, but he's learning all about the
game, nevertheless. All he does is
sit back in his office and watch an
attorney across the way practicej
the game in his office in his spare
moments . . . Burns and Allen hii
the rails for Philadelphia this
w c e k , where they'll broadcast
while making a personal appear
ance in a local theatre. That's over
Kd Wynn and Kddie Ouch in arc
on NBC at ti 30 tonight; Palm-1
olive program at 7:00, Leo Reis-!
man at S:t>0. and Ben Hemic at!
The Day’s
California Contretemps
Japanese Ascendancy
J~^N the eve of election day no!
local campaign seems to hold
he spotlight of national interest
is the gubernatorial campaign now !
•eaching its final frantic stage in !
California. Whether author Upton
Sinclair will win the governorship
)f the Golden State or not, the
iresent campaign has brought out
i. great many none-too-pleasant
'acts considering the state of Cali
:ornia thought and politics.
Wave or Quake?
Successive waves of liberal and
inti-liberal thought have been
sweeping over the state with the
i-apidity of Gatling gunfire. At
me moment the press and popu
ace appear to have the radical
instincts in the state of “tidal
waves and earthquakes" throttled
in the next the normal love of free
dom of speech and thought breaks
forth again. There is no doubt,
however, that the present cam
paign has made the term “radi
cal" a fighting word in the aver
age Californian’s vocabulary.
Who Is the Gainer?
The old phrase, “the rich get
richer and the poor get poorer,”
may well be paraphrased, “the con
servative get more conservative
and the radicals get more radical.”
It is the unfortunate effect of emo
tional stimuli rather than the sane
intellectual approach that is influ
encing the southern citizenry to
day and only a clairvoyant could
interpret the outcome of the infe
licitous muddle into which men's
emotions have led them.
* * »
The ultimate and final futility of
the League of Nation’s present
squabbling over the Nipponese
problem will be well illustrated
with Tokio’s imminent disregardal
of whatever the League may have
to say over disarmament and the
fortification of several Pacific is
lands, the charges, incidentally,
that have been preferred against
Japan in the present special ses
sion of the league.
A New Test
Minor problems, such as the de
cisions reached in the Paraguayan
Bolivian fiasco and the governing
of the Saar basin have sadly taxed
the league’s powers in the past.
What then will be her difficulties
and headaches when she is forced
to deal with a major world power
who has already renounced her
membership and is in an excellent
position to totally regard any of
the league’s advisory mandates.
Tokyo Speaks
The League of Nations and the
London disarmament council to
one side th erising sun to the east
cannot be disregarded. Tokyo will
not and cannot afford to pass over
her bid for supremacy and all the
ineffectual chatter in Geneva will
not stop Japan from asserting
what she considers her logical
rights in world affairs.
“On the
'll yTANY wonder if there is such a
thing as "the” best orchestra
in the country, that is, any one
outstanding group which ranks
above all others. It is really a hard
thing to decide for everyone has
their own opinion on the subject,
and too, due to the fact that or
chestras fall into different cate
gories, making comparison very
unfair and difficult.
* • •
For instance, there are “heavy”
bands, so to speak, those that fea
ture a brass section in their style
mostly, such as 1SHAM JONES:
then there are those that play
"grill style," featuring the piano,
violins, and muted effects, for the
most part, such as EDDIE DUCH
1N and TED FIO-RTTO; some that
use waltz arrangements predomin
ately, such as WAYNE KING:
those that play “Harlem" style
such as the various colored bands
headed by CAB CALLOWAY,
ARMSTRONG and so on. Anyhow
we hope the idea sinks in a bit.
# * »
In our humble judgment, these
orchestras that are listed deserve
recognition here for the following
distinctions: the best entertaining
band on the air. FRED WARING:
the best full-hour program on the
air. as well as the oldest. RUDY
VALLEE: among the first real
jazz masters and for keeping ins
name continuously before the pub
lic's eye the longest while still re
maining a tep-uotcher. PAUL
WHITMAN; the best armiige
imjt:. m tin:- or an; other countr
Snaps of the Weekend
We Did Not Go to War
With Chile
Y ET not the military department
ment of ’34-’35, or the R. O. T.
C. of Col. Leader’s regiment, or
even the Spanish war vets among
the alumni, impute to themselves
primacy in war annals on the cam
pus. There was an O. N. G. while
the University was still young and
C. Co. of the 2nd regiment that
distinguished itself in the Philip
pines under Geo. O. Yoran and
Chaplain Wm. G. Gilbert, was in
lineal descent from the original
organization that I used to watch
at drill in 1887 on the old public
school grounds where the city hall
now stands.
The roster of charter members
includes a score of graduates and
ex-students, and always afterwards
the University was well represent
ed in its ranks. Sidney Chas. Slad
den was captain when I received
notification of my election to mem
bership, on May 28th, 1888,—a raw
gawky sub-freshman at the time,
later, largely by virtue of vacan
cies above me, being promoted to
rank of corporal and sergeant, and
receiving my discarge papers as
2nd sergeant, after three years of
inglorious service.
Or, it was not wholly a trienni
um of nothingness. We fought a
ter-riffic sham battle on the banks
of Mary's river at Corvallis,—we
entraned for Portland to enter a
prize drill contest in the armory,
—we sponsored an excursion to
the metropolis which was a rank
foozle,—we never failed to march
in the patriotic parades of Decora
tion day and July 4th,—we at
tempted several card parties and
dances,—and we acted as escort
at two military funerals. On one
of these latter occasions, I had
command, and marched my com
pany at such a pace that I had to
halt them in order to wait for the
hearse, three blocks behind.
JACK HYLTON; for being among
the first to really acquire an orig
inal style, GUY LOMBARDO.
* * *
Best novelty arrangements, TED
FIO-RITO; best record seller and
consistently fine orchestrations,
a close runner-up on that last
part); most unusual arrangements,
HAL KEMP; best imitation of
style. JAN GARBER; most
marked improvement, TOM
COAKLEY; most notable waltz
arrangements, WAYNE KING,
(now being given a run for his
money by some of DON BES
TOR'S recent showingst; finest
beat and tempo, GLEN GRAY'S
* * *
For making the best comeback.
GUS ARNHEIM; premiere colored
band. DUKE ELLINGTON, most
unique style. EDDIE DUCHIN;
finest use of violins, ANSON
WEEKS: old-timers that are still
very much on the job and still go
ing strong, 1SHAM JONES and
BEN BERN IE. (Bemie also can
take the cake for having the best
known and most likable personal
ity of any band-leader i. Well, we ll
call it a c&y autiTeUyou try a’fev
for >oursel\ cc.
Our drill hall, when we did not
take to the oust of the streets,
was at one time Rhinehart’s and,
at a later period, Day's, on 7th
avenue, just off of Willamette,
where dances now usually prepon
derate. It was in this latter arm
ory that I narrowly escaped court
martialing because of a sneeze. We
had grounded arms, the captain
had just given the preparatory
command “Take,” and my sneeze
sounded like “Whiskey.”
The G. A. R. and Ladies’ Relief
corps were very active at that
time and kept us on the qui vive.
Squads, or, as we called them,
Fours, were often told off to help
in odd ways. On these occasions,
Charlie Chambers was my “buddy”,
with whom I sang many a duet on
memorial and patriotic programs,
always in our regimentals.
And once, Co. C, 2nd regiment, i
O ,N. G., was warned to be ready'
for action,—a possible war with
Chile. Some American marines
had been killed in Chilean waters
and the United States was de
manding reparation and apology.
Some of the boys were inquiring
where Chile was; there was a re
port circulated that one had of
fered $1,000 for a substitute, and
of still another who manifested
much perturbation to dispose of
business interests. In other words,
we had not yet come under the in
fluence of the jingoist and the
propagandist, and our reactions to
a war scare found us just human
after all. But eventually the war
cloud dispersed,—the Baltimore in
cident was forgotten,—and we
didn't get to fight Chile.
(The next issue will contain
“President Harrison Passes By.”)
All communications arc to be addressed to The Editor, Oregon Daily Emerald,
and should not exceed 200 words in length. Letters must be signed, but should
the writer prefer, only initials will be used. The editor maintains the right to
withhold publication sheuld he sec fit.
To the Editor:
'J'HERE is a problem that has
been burning in my mind since
the student assembly of November
2. Is Joe Renner working for the
University or for himself?
Tuesday night a meeting was
held at the Craftsmen’s club at
which were discussed the Twenty
Mill Tax Limitation bill and the
Healing Arts amendment. About
30 people were present. The as
sembly was held early enough so
that students would have ample
time to write complete and serious
letter to parents and friends re
garding these bills. But the meet
ing was sponsored by an indepen
dent club and Mr. Renner did not
urge the students to attend.
On Friday, when Homecoming is
underway and there is little time
remaining for the students to write
home, Mr. Renner announced a stu- j
dent assembly at which were dis
cussed the same problems by the
same speakers as at the meeting
on Tuesday. Evidently Mr. Ren
ner was attempting to save his
face by announcing the student as
It was stated that the reason
the assembly had not been called
sooner was that it was considered
unwise and impolitic for fear the
University would become officially
involved in fighting the bill. What
an absurdity! Mr. Renner must
have thought he was addressing!
so many fence posts. How could
two or three days differently asso-1
iate or involve the University of
icially ?
Perhaps Mr. Renner would be
'leased to show wherein an anal
gy lay between his hypothetical
narchists and the landed interests
f Portland Who are'favoring the
ax limitation bill. I should be
'leased if he could.
Finally, I should like to know if
dr. Renner realizes where the cam
ius action against these bills ofig
nated? A frank answer would re
■eal that Mr. Renner should have
upported the original action. I
an see no justification for his
Lotions and must believe that his
notives are of a personal nature
ather than altruistic.
—N. K. P.
^OME of the campus musicians
went over to Corvallis to play
or an A. S. O. S. C. dance Satur
lay night and they certainly
Iressed the part—like farmers,
tveralls and all.
Now we think we know where
-lersch Taylor gets his hamburger,
rhe other day “Pal," the police
log knocked the lid off a garbage
:an behind the Chi Psi house and
nade off with a meat package.
Purely circumstantial, but—
Why wasn’t Kay Eismann (Al
3ha Gam keen stuff) able to rec
Jgnize her friends the other night
n Gosser’s?
Too bad we're not all rich like
Joe Darby. Saturday night he
made a telephone call to Palm
Springs which set him back exact
ly $42. Rumor has it that there
was a woman in the case.
A bunch of the boys were whoop
ing it up at Tree Top’s last night.
(Please turn to page 3)
The Town Crier would
have shouted that these
classified ails arc only 10c
per line . . .
BUT we don’t need to
shout ... a whisper is
Have your car serviced with
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sociated Station.
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"Style Right — Price Right’’
TUTORING: German by
experienced teacher educated
in Germany. 50c an hour.
Miss Anna Gropp. 1798 Col
umbia street. Phone 2630-W.
Irby’s individual haircut
ting, 35c. Permanent push
waves $1.75 up. 41 W. Tenth
street. Irby’s Beauty Salon.
Wood fiber flowers for all
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PHONE 3300
Classified Department