Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 18, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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Those who saw Marlene Dietricl
in “The Scarlet Empress’’ will re
call how she looked in the Russiai
tunics, pajamas and cossack stylf
hats she wore; so stunning anc
breath-taking. Fashion designer:
must have the same recollection ol
how clever Miss Dietrich lookec
for they have decreed Russian cos
tumes are for the well-dressed girl
this season.
Cossack hats and suits are tak
ing the country by storm, which
reminds me speaking of storm, ons
of the elver styles is a new white
galosh with white fur trailing
around the top. It makes one wish
for the snowy Russian steppes so
one would have an excuse to wear
it. Then there are the hats.
Cylindrically shaped and high in
the crown, some of the hats follow
the Cossack hat rigorously in style.
Others are more modified in their
style but fur and fur cloth mate
rials are used for both.
y For street wear Russian suits
are very much in vogue, either one
piece dresses long skirted, or sep
arate skirt and coat. The coats
are belted closely around supple
waist-lines, descending and flaring
as they go to achieve quite wide
widths around the knee. Skirts are
patterned straight and slim, with
graduated tucks and a bias cut to
give them a good fit. Fur and as
trakan seem to be the most popu
lar trims for these suits although
some fussy models have the gold
braid effect across the front.
Tunic blouses worn w’ith these
suits also use a cut which suggests
the general line of the Russian
blouse—high necks, voluminous
sleeves caught into a tight wrist
band and braided cords forming
the belt. Peasant blouses finished
in bright colored smocking are still
very much in vogue, fitting in ex
cellently with these new styles
which will soon grace many a fem
inine wardrobe.
^ The trend toward Russian styl
ing does not confine itself to day
wear alone though. Lounging pa
jamas of luxurious brocaded crepe
Dean Sehwering Interested
In Merits of Women’s Page
i Dean Schwering has much to
i say in behalf of the University
j women as she expresses her op
! inions in the following statements:
"I am happy to know that the
woman's page is to be continued.
It provides an opportunity for the
women of the campus to express
their opinions regarding women's
participation in the affairs of stu
dent government and their influ
ence as world citizens. The recent
movement of active discrimina
tion against women by certain for
eign governments has made us
aware of a growing attitude to
put women out of industry and rec
ognized positions of leadership. On
the other hand, in our country at
the present time, women are play
ing a very prominent part in gov
ernmental affairs. They have in
terested themselves in legislation
and broad social movements per
taining not only to the welfare of
women but men and children as
well. The day of the suffragette
is past and women of ability and
leadership assume their positions
I with dignity and wisdom.
“Through the many activities of
I the Associated Women students, it
is possible for women students of
the University of Oregon to use
this opportunity to learn the needs
of their fellow students and to set
up a program vital enough to carry
over when these same students
function as adult citizens. The As
sociated Women students must be
conscious not only of the problems
of women in industry, the profes
■ sions, the unemployed, and recog
nize the tremendous force of unitec
efforts in bettering the bewilder
j ing problems of society today.
"The Associated Women stu
dents should assume the leader
ship in placing the emphasis on the
intellectual development of the stu
dent. In every way promote a high
regard for scholarship. Their re
cent policy of disqualifying stu
dents with less than a “C” average
from participation in activities .is
“Through their organization
there is a real opportunity for the
development of leadership, not in
a spectacular fashion, but rather
through the quiet strength of the
well equipped woman. There is op
portunity for the development of
responsibility, not to a den or to
the administration but to one's
self as a matter of pride and self
respect. There is opportunity for
the development of tolerance for
other races and for the opinions,
weaknesses, and strength of others.
“Through the cooperation of all,
the Associated Women Students
should be concerned with building a
dignified, wholesome social tone
among the students on the campus.
The whole program of activities
should not mean hurrying after ex
perience without stopping to see
what we are hurrying after. Too
often, participation in activities
makes one’s life a subway rush
with an underground look. The real
purpose is rather to provide fund
amental basis for a well balanced
and crepe satin have trousers of a.
dark color and the tunic blouse of
a contrasting color. To add that
more imperial touch one might
have her monogram embroidered
on the pocket of the blouse.
Curled up on the couch before
the fireplace, a book in one's lap,
a cigarette in one's hand, and
dressed in a pair of these pajamas,
to a casual observer one might
even look like Natasha herself.
Schedule Coming Soon
For Intramural Sports
The schedule for this season's
intramural sports for women has
not as yet been announced, but
the announcement is expected in
the immediate future.
Teams for basketball, hockey,
and other women’s competitive
sports have been practicing for
some time, and there is promise of
a very good and active season.
Theta Sigma Phi Holds
First Meeting of Year
Theta Sigma Phi, women's pro
fessional journalism fraternity,
held its first meeting of the year
Tuesday noon at the College Side.
The meeting was in the form of a
Routine business was transacted
and plans were made for the in
itiation of women pledged last
spring term. The initiation date
Yeomen Will'Hear
Merlin Blais Talk
Merlin Blais, first regular presi
dent of the Oregon Yeomen, will
be the leading speaker at the all
independent banquet to be held at
the Y hut Friday night.
Blais has been in intimate touch
with Yeomen affairs ever since
they were organized three years
Itgo. He is a graduate from the
school of journalism and was
awarded the Turnbull-Hall plaque
during his senior year. The pur
pose, aims and bits of history of
the organization will form the sub
ject of his talk.
The purpose of the banquet is
to acquaint all unaffiliated men
with each other and the organiza
Regular enrolled members of the
Yeomen who have paid their $1 a
year fee will be admitted to the
banquet free of charge. A small
charge of 30 cents will be made all
During the year the Yeomen will
conduct several social events in
conjunction with the Orides, inde
pendent women. Membership in
the organization is necessary to
compete in intramural athletics.
Fred Gieseke, treasurer, is in
charge of the membership drive.
was set for Sunday, October 28,
and will be followed by a break
fast, the time and place to be an
nounced later.
Clip This One
Good, for One Free Hamberger
(At the Human)
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Chilli With a Kick—French Drip Coffee
I’ll-B-C-N-U - - - Thanks
All swap or trade ads
will be published in the
Emerald Classified ad sec
tion absolutely FREE!
Trade something you
don’t want for something
you do'
Phone 131300
Vi omen's Organizations to
Have Open House for
Men on Saturday
Open house, the thrill of the
freshman’s first month on the cam
pus. is the highlight of this week's
social activities. After having
been postponed several times, the
event has been scheduled for Sat
urday evening, October 20, from 7
o’clock to midnight.
Members of 19 women's organi
zations will act as hostesses during
the evening for the men of the
campus. Each of the men's organ
izations will arrive at a scheduled
time, to remain for fifteen min
utes of dancing.
* * #
To Give
Faculty Dinner
The Oregon chapter of Sigma
J Nu will entertain at a dinner this
evening for members of the Uni
versity of Oregon faculty who are
members of the fraternity.
Exchange Dinners
Exchange dinners still prove to
be one of the most popular forms
of entertainment on the campus,
that sort of social activity predom
inating in living organization so
cial centers until the advent of the
various group pledge dances.
Scheduled for exchange dinners
or desserts last evening were Al
pha Tau Omega for Pi Beta Phi;
Delta Gamma for Beta Theta Pi;
Gamma Phi Beta for Chi Psi; Kap
pa Sigma for Alpha Phi; Sigma
Chi for Chi Omega and Alpha Chi
Omega for Sigma Nu.
This evening Sigma Kappa mem
bers will be hosts for Phi Sigma
Kappa; Sigma Alpha Epsilon for
Pi Beta Phi; Alpha Chi Omega for
Sigma Chi; Theta Chi for Delta
Gamma; Phi Delta Theta for Kap
pa Alpha Theta and Delta Tau
Delta for Alpha Delta Pi.
Betrothal Announced
Announcement of the betrothal
of Miss Louise Marvin to Dr. E. A.
Cochran was made Friday evening
in Portland at a dinner party
which preceded the Oregon-Wash
ington football festivities.
News of the engagement was
made known through cards to
which were attached small pairs
of doll glasses, typifying Dr. Coch
ran’s profession.
Miss Marvin was graduated
from the University of Oregon a
year ago. She was a member of
Delta Gamma, social sorority and
Phi Beta Kappa.
Dr. Cochran is a graduate of the
school of optometry, University of
Southern California, and has been
practicing in San Jose.
Announcement Made
At a bridge party and buffet
supper in Portland last week Miss
Alice Wingate announced Novem
ber 3 as the date of her marriage
to Karl Greve. The ceremony will
be performed in Portland at the
bride’s home.
Miss Wingate attended the Uni
versity of Oregon and is a member
of Alpha Chi Omega. Mr. Greve
also attended ^ t h e University,
where he was affiliated with Delta
Tau Delta.
* * *
Is Announced
Announcement was made Thurs
day of the engagement of Miss
Blema Parker, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert M. Parker of Port
land, to Harry A, Damitio, son of
A. A. Damitio of Aberdeen, Wash.,
at a bridge affair given in Port
land by Miss Parker.
The bride-elect is a University
of Oregon graduate, and was af
filiated with Delta Delta Delta.
Mr. Damitio also attended the Uni
versity and was a member of Sig
ma Phi Epsilon.
The wedding will take place in
Portland December 1.
* * *
Hood River
A wedding of interest to Univer
sity students was performed Thurs
day evening in Hood River when
Miss Carol Hurlburt, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll M. Hurlburt
of that city, and Joseph Judson
Nunn of Salem, made their vows
at a picturesque evening ceremony
in St. Mark’s parish.
The bride wore the 55-year-old
wedding gown of her grandmother.
Fashioned of heavy ivory satin
brocade, the long full skirt hung
with tiers of handmade Spanish
lace sewn with seed pearls, which
also formed the trimming of the
sleeves and bodice. A tiny Mary
Stuart cap of pearls, caught at
Hobby Divisions;
Phi Theta Upsilon
Will join Forces
Aim Is to Cut Down Class
Barriers and Promote
Good Feeling
Phi Theta Upsilon, women's up
perclass service honorary, is com
I posed of women who have received
recognition for service on the cam
pus. Sixteen girls are chosen each
year—two from the junior class
and the remainder from the soph
omore class. Girls are chosen on
the basis of democracy, service, po
tentialities, and interest in Philo
melete hobby groups, according to
Valborg Anderson, president of
Phi Theta Upsilon.
Its primary aim is to cut down
class barriers between fraternities
and non-fraternity women, to gain
friendly contacts among girls with
similar interests and to promote a
wide experience among college wo
The main project for furthering
the purpose of Phi Theta Upsilon
is the Philomelete hobby groups.
They are organized under the
leadership of Miss Anderson. The
president also has a position on A.
W. S. council. The president of
Philomelete, Dagmar Haugen, is a
member of Phi Theta Upsilon.
There are five hobby groups in
Philomelete—charm, music, out
door, prose and poetry, and travel
groups. Each group is under the
leadership of a president and spon
sors are chosen from Phi Theta
members to act as advisers to the
group president.
Officers of the honorary besides
Miss Anderson, are: Alma Lou
Herman, vice-president; Ebba
Wicks, secretary; Gladys Burns,
the back with orange blossoms
completed the outfit.
Miss Patsy Carroll of Portland
was the bride’s only attendant. She
wore a regal gown of zinnia pink
with gold flecks and a tiara of
but ton zinnias.
Roy Northcott of Portland was
best man for Mr. Nunn.
Mrs. Nunn attended the Univer
sity of Oregon, where she was a
member of Kappa Alpha Theta.
Mr. Nunn is a graduate of Cornell
There has been some controversy
on the campus as to whether Gus
Arnheim’s dance last Wednesday
night was a success or not. The
majority seems to thing it wasn’t.
We are feeling mighty sorry for
some of the boys who paid out
their good money and then were
We heard that the Theta juniors
were entertained at dinner before
the dance by Margann Smith. And
almost all of them know the dance
was a success.
We have found it often proves
useful to have “old school pals."
At least the Phi Psis think so. A
number of there were seen behind
the stage talking to the Downey
sisters and Maxine Tappan. Two
of them even rated dates Friday
night in Portland. Just school pals!
The heat proved too much for
the Chi Psis, and they decided to
cast etiquette to the winds by re
moving their coats during the lat
ter part of the evening. We wager
they were the only comfortable
men on the floor.
A number of the sororities were
pleasantly surprised at being sere
naded after the dance. And it’s a
sad state of affairs when Oregon
State men serenade the Oregon
co-eds before our ov/n fellow-stu
dents. And incidently, such har
monly as in "Sleepy Head” won’t
be heard again for a long time.
Cigarette holders for women
seem to be the vogue lately. And
we have seen them in the most
peculiar places. One fair co-ed was
seen using one at the Hally last
Friday noon—of all places! The
only damage done was one burned
hole in one man’s sweater. This
same girl wras continuously saying
during the rally, that she wanted
the team. It was suggested that
we wrap it up in pink ribbons and
tissue paper and present it to her.
We take off our hats to Beverly
Berkett, and Alpha Phi pledge. She
has already pledged the music
honorary, Phi Beta.
Various women’s living organi
zations have turned into practice
houses for the golf students. Two
women seem to practice eagerly
and frequently. We wonder if it is
just their interest in the game or
could it be the new golf professor?
The first year pottery classes
have turned out to be very amus
ing during the last few weeks.
Some of the articles intended to be
pottery studies have turned out to
be distantly related to such an art.
The students’ theme song will soon
be “Your’re Nothin’ but a Noth
in.’ ”
Last week-end proved to be too
much for most of us. We lost out
on some of our classes on Friday
because we were absent physically.
You could certainly tell from some
of the students’ expressions Mon
day that they were absent again—
There were a number of sorori
ties who had luncheons at various
places before the game Saturday.
The Gamma Phis had lunch at the
Campbell Court hotel; the Chi
Omegas at the Sign of the Hose;
the Alpha Gamma Deltas at Kel
ly’s; and the Thetas at Meier and
The Pi Phis from both Oregon
and Washington had lunch at
Meier and Frrank's also. They
created no little excitement by
singing their fraternity songs and
joining forces in singing “Bow
Down to Washington’’ and the Ore
gon alma mater song.
12 :45 CONTINUOUS 11:45
Now Till Sat.
Good Taste/
“It’s toasted”
Tour throat protection — aiaimt irritation — a/amtt couch
JL/uckies are round, Luckies are
firm, Luckies are fully packed
with only the clean center leaves —these are the
mildest leaves—they cost more —they taste better.