Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 16, 1934, Image 1

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    Open House
It's time to have your old shoe3
resoled for the annual marathon.
Dean Morse
The law school dean made an
important talk at the Pounders’
Day banquet. Friady. Text on page
The Day’s
Academician Poincare
Lazarus Revived
M. Barthous Friends
Within a few weeks, thirty
eight green-uniformed, besworded
worthies will gather to elect two
more“immortals” to the ranks of
the Academie de Francaise. The
French Academy, number one roll
call of Gallic celebrities, must
maintain the number of 40 mem
bers established by Cardinal Rich
elieu in 1G45. Members whose cop
ious shoes must be filled are: M.
Louis Barthou, elected 1918, and
M. Raymond Poincare, elected
Versailles Again?
Dead in his study, lay Raymond
Poincare, 74, yesterday, war-time
president and thrice premier of
France, the victim of old age and
general debility. One of the old
Guard of French career diplomats,
by French uanegyricits Poincare
will be lauded to the skies for his
guidance during the late war and
his action as “savior of the franc,”
by impartial critics the stink
of Versailles must ever be at
tached to his name. It was Poin
care and Clemenceau who laid the
cornerstones of the house of greed
by their share in the construction
of the Versailles treaty. With the
“Big Four,” Wilson, Lloyd George,
Clemenceau, and Orlando, Ray
mond Poincare organized the sa
tiric peace treaty, a treaty that
was to bring no more peace than
the more recent Naval Limitation
pact brought naval limitation.
a career uipiomai
Naturally shrewd and cunning,
diplomat Poincare was unfortun
ately too short-sighted in the long
run to dissociate himself and his
brilliant talent from the forces of
national prejudice' recial hate,
political capital. And upon this
standard must the eventual eval
uation of Raymond Poincare as a
human being and “citizen of the
world” be based.
Misplaced humanitarianism re
cently featured the editorial col
umns of a neighboring metropoli
tan daily. Discerning critics might
have some quarrel, little approval
for the Portland Morning Oregon
ian’s S.P.C.A. views upon the pains
of Lazarus's I to V in the labora
tories of Dr. Robert E. Cornish,
famed "resuscitation” medico. The
conservative Oregonian decried the
physical sufferings that the dogs
underwent during the process of
electrocution and resuscitation,
and editorially implied that the
University of California and the
federal government would be wise
to put a stop to the funds that
supported such brutality.
A Singular Request
As non sequitur reply to the jibe,
comes resuscitarian Cornish’s ans
wer to humanitarian Oregonian.
Dr. Cornish has asked the govern
ors of Arizona, Colorado and Ne
vada for permission to attempt to
revive executed crimminals in the
interests of science and the ad
vancement of human learning.
Says unconscionable Dr. Cornish:
"Certain prisoners . . . suffer the
death penalty, and I feel that some
of these men might welcome an
opportunity to do a final good deed
for humanity and civilization in
this way, also to some extent miti
gating a terrible dishonor to their
once good names.” Silent as yet is
humanitarian Morning Oregonian.
When avowed communist George
Dimitroff was acquitted of his
share in the bombing of the Ger
man Reichstag last year, students
of the contemporary scene detected
a sop thrown out to communist
U.S.S.R. Alert Premiers Daladier
and Doumergue, and Foreign Mini
ster Barthou were not slow to re
taliate. As long as Germany re
mained under a Nezi form of gov
ernment France anticipated little
danger of a Russo-Teutonic agree
ment. But it was up to France to
snare the Russ’s affections before
a German change of government.
As a result last year dapper little
Edouard Herriot made several
hasty ‘‘good-will” trips to Moscow.
But before Russia would sign any
thing in the way of the offensive
defensive pact Paris wanted, she
must be voted into the League, and
Litvinov demanded a seat on the
(Please turn to page 3)
First Meeting
Of Seniors Will
Be Held at 7:30
Class of ’35 Will Gather
At Commerce Hall
Will Discuss Plans
Election of Treasurer and
Proposed Graduate
System Billed
The new proposed graduation
system and the election of class
treasurer head the list of import
ant business of the senior class
meeting to be held tonight at 7:30
in 105 Commerce. This will be the
first meeting of the class of 1935
for this year, and plans for the
entire year in general will be pre
Ed Meserve, class president
states, "We want to lift this class
out of the ordinary run of senior
classes, and make it a truly live
group, one that will be outstand
ing in the history of the Univer
sity outgoing groups. Therefore we
urge the cooperation of every
The chief project to be developed
in tonight’s meeting' is the pro
posed graduation system. It is de
sired to change the form of the
ritual in several respects. Primar
ily the chages will be concerned
with putting undergraduates in
greater prominence in the cere
mony. Heretofore seniors have had
a relatively inconspicuous place,
while the graduate students have
ocupied the fore, states Meserve,
and it is generally felt that this
situation should be adjusted. He
added that Dean Schwering is iri
sympathy with the movement and
that she will lend her support to
the senior class in attempting
this change.
Oother business to come before
the meeting will be the beginning
of plans for the Junior-Senior
dance to be held the latter part of
the term. Announcement of the
date will come at a later date. A
committee for the selection of the
senior gift will be appointed at
tonight’s session.
Conference Report to
Come Off Press Soon
Work is progressing on the
printing of the report of the edu
cational conference, in the press
room this week, according to Pro
fessor Robert C. Hall, supei.'nten
dent of the University press.
The report of the conference
which was held on the campus this
summer, is to be in pamphlet form,
about the size of the general cata
log of the University. The regular
staff of the press is working on
this report.
Balcony Constructed
Recently for Library
During the early fall, a new bal
cony was constructed in the north
west corner of the reading room
of the main library for the pur
pose of accommodating the bound
Previous to this time the period
icals were kept on the top floor
of the library in the stock room.
The new shelves makes it possible
to accommodate 4000-5000 bound
The work was done by Univer
sity carpenter and was completed
a short time before fall quarter
Clerical Positions Are
Now Open in Emerald
Classified Ad Section
Live wire girls are demand
in the Emerald's classified ad
department. In fact, six of
them are wanted at once. The
work includes phoning, clipping
and mailing, filing, and keeping
Those girls interested in ad
vertising may apply for one of
the open positions by calling
Dorris Holmes at 2840 or at
I the Emerald business office,
Bryson Will Give
Vocal Recital Next
Thursday at 8:15
Varied Program Features
Brahms, Faust, Modern
The second musical program of
the year will be that of Roy Bry
son, baritone and member of the
University music faculty, Thurs
day, October 18 at 8:15, to be held
in the school of music auditorium.
Mr. Bryson has given at least one
recital yearly for the past twelve
years, and this year he plans to
offer three.
Perhaps the outstanding group
on his program is the second which
consists of four numbers of a ser
ious nature by Brahms, written
just previous to his death. His first
group includes two early Italian
^elections and two modern, An
aria from the opera “Faust”
makes up the third, while the
fourth includes three modern
French nummbers and the famous
Russian folk song, “Volga Boat
man.” In the fifth are three rous
ing numbers by the modern Eng
lish composer, Michael Head.
Graduate School
Has 127 Students
Representing an increase of
about two and one half per cent
over last year, the graduate school
now has 127 memmbers, and there
is a possibility that a few more will
enroll later, according to Mrs.
Clara Fitch, secretary of the grad
uate division.
There are 17 candidates for the
doctor of philosophy degree, 49 for
the master of arts, and 26 known
as “non-degree” or “fifth year”
students. Mrs. Fitch notices a de
cided trend among business men
and women toward the improve
ment of their education through
the study of certain courses merely
for their cultural and intrinsic
worth, not applied toward a de
Oscar Pinedo, graduate of the
Peruvian school of engineering and
chancellor of the Peruvian con
sulate at Portland, is taking work
toward a M. Arch, degree. Kum
mar Sri Raj. Bombay, India, who
was graduated from the Univer
sity of Minnesota, is a candidate
for the degree of M.A.
Adult Education
Topic of Session
This morning is the beginning
of a three-day training session to
be held at Friendly hall for teach
ers interested in the new statewide
campaign for adult education made
possible through funds provided by
the FERA.
Instructions numbering over half
a hundred will be present from
Lane, Benton, Crook, Deschutes,
Jefferson, Linn and Lincoln coun
ties. Teachers will be chosen from
this group to conduct the adult ed
ucation classes provided by the
emergency education program
which will be held during the win
ter. Classes for adult illiterates
and classes in general adult edu
cation and vocational training will
be held on the campus.
Teachers from this county will
be selected by Supt. H. R. Gould
of the city schools and Supt. L. C.
Moffitt of the county school sys
tem who will be in charge of the
Library Receives
Volumes of Braille
A gift from the library of con
gress is the form of three volumes
of braille was received by M. H.
Douglass, librarian. “The Common
Lot,” a novel by Herrick is the
name of the book and is to be used
by Miss Burgess is her American
novel class.
As is the case of most braille
books, they are transcribed into
more than one volume, the bulk
of the book requiring it.
The novel will be placed on the
shelves of the library in the braille
section which is located on the top
floor of the main library. There
are approximately 600 volumes in
this section at the present time.
All of the books are texts that are
used in classes of the University.
Under the supervision of the
state, there are seven blind stu
dents attending school.
Founders' Day Committee
Committee of Portland alumni responsible for the Founder’s Day banquet held last week in Portland.
They are, left to right, top row, Ralph H. Cake, president, Oregon Alumni Association; Laurence Mann,
chairman on attendance; Robert K. Allen, alumni secretary: Bert S. Gooding, president Portland Alumni
Association; Earle Wellington, president, U. of O. Federation Leith Abbott, program; Edward Smith, pub
licity; Lamar Tooze, general chairman; Dorothy Mutzig, secretary; Joe Frock, finances; and Paul Hunt,
arrangements. Banquets were also held in 17 other parts of the state and country.
Many Friends and Alumni Do
Honor to Oregon At Portland
Nearly 500 alumni of the Uni
versity, together with friends, and
fathers and mothers of students
packed the ballroom of the Mason
ic temple in Portland last Thurs
day evening on the occasion of the
58th anniversary of the founding
of the University of Oregon. Si
multaneously in 17 other centers
of the state and country alumni
gathered, all to honor the institu
tion’s founders and to discover
whether the early ideals of the
founders were being properly pre
served and furthered.
Principal speaker at the Port
land gathering was Dean Wayne
L. Morse of the Oregon law school,
who took as the basis for his talk
the threatening encroachments of
censorship on classroom freedom.
On this subject, he said in part:
“We must continue to keep our
University a democratic strong
hold wherein, unhampered by fear
and insecurity, scholars can bring
their best talents to the solution
of the perplexing problems of the
day; where students, in an envi
ronment of unemotional fact find
ing and theory testing, may devel
op critical analytical attitudes,
strong qualities of leadership and
a consecration to principles free
from dogma, prejudice, and parti
san bias.”
Dean Morse further said that if
the University is to retain its name
of a “university” in fact as well
as in name, the teaching- of sci
ence must be returned to the cur
riculum of the institution. He cit
ed the fact that the University has
lost prestige among educators and
other educational institutions by
the fact that it no longer offers
major work in science. Science
could be established again on the
campus with little, if any, addi
tional expense, he said, and with
out taking it away from any other
institution in Oregon.
Dean Morse’3 complete speech
appears elsewhere in this paper.
President C. V. Boyer, who was
also on the program declared that
it was peculiarly suitable that the
alumni should come together to
celebrate Founders’ day at a time
when democracy which founded
public education is threatened, and
when higher education, upon
which democracy depends, is also
threatened by the breakdown of
an economic system contemporan
eous with the establishment of de
mocracy. Dr. Boyer stated that
the faults of character and the
failure of leaders in the past to
assume responsibility can and must
be overcome by the universities.
Democracy, he said, depends upon
the soundness of the higher edu
cation which it offers its youth,
and jn order to obtain that sound
ness, standards must be high. “If
we issue diplomas, let them be the
(Please turn to page 3)
Campus Calendar
There will be a meeting of
Kwama at 7:00 tonight in men's
lounge, Gerlinger.
Luncheon Meeting! Theta Sigma
Phi; upstairs, College Side, high
noon. All pledges and old mem
bers must be there. Lunch 35
Meeting of YWCA upperclass
commission today at 4 p. m. at
the bungalow.
All lettermen, of both minor and
major sports, meet at the Sigma
Chi house today for lunch. An
important Order of the O meeting
will follow the meal.
Not many articles were turned
in to the lost and found office in
the University depot over the
weekend. Several of the articles
which had been turned in were re
covered. The things turned in
were a book, a purse, a belt, and
an overcoat.
The seeond meeting: of Alpha
Kappa Psi, business administra
tion fraternity, is to be at the fac
ulty club Tuesday, October 16 at
noon where a joint luncheon and
business meeting will be held.
Make-up entrance phychology
examinations will be given in 107
Villard at 4 o’clock today. Miss
Mabel Gross will be in charge.
Please notice the change in room.
W. A. A. council meeting at 7
p. m. in Gerlinger social room to
Outdoor hobby group of Philo
melete will have a picnic at Skin
ner’s Butte today. All those inter
ested meet at the Y. W. C. A. at
4:30 with 15 cents for lunch.
Phi Beta will hold a meeting to
night in Gerlinger at 7 p. m.
Senior study group will meet at
5 today at Westminster house.
Schedule of All Social
Events Will Be Issued
Wednesday by Dean
The dean of women’s office
announces that Wednesday, Oc
tober 17, the social calendar for
the fall quarter will be printed.
All organizations wishing to
have their dances listed, are
urged to get in touch with Dean
Schwering’s office before that
Oregon Yeomen
To Hold Banquet
In Y Hut Friday
Varied Entertainment Is
Announced; Tickets
Now on Sale
As an opening kick-off for one
of its most important seasons, the
Oregon Yeomen, unaffiliated men’s
organization will hold an all-inde
pendent banquet at the Y hut at
6 o'clock Friday night.
A large and varied program has
been promised by Don Farr, exec
utive chairman of the program
committee. The main purpose of
the affair will be to take new Yeo
men members into the group and
to acquaint them with the history,
policies, and aims of the organiza
tion. One or two of the past presi
dents of the group v/ill be on hand
to give short talks and aid in any
way possible.
Several humorous readings have
been promised for entertainment
by the speech department of the
The Y hut itself is undergoing a
complete process of decoration for
the coming event.
All regularly enrolled Yeomen
who have paid their $1.00 dues for
the year will be admitted free of
charge upon presentation of their
membership card. This fee has
been made necessary by the recent
ruling of the intramural board re
garding eligibility rules.
Fred Gieseke, Yeomen treasurer,
has charge of the ticket sales. He
Mother of Girls’ Group
Called Home by Illness
Mrs. Elizabeth Ramsby, chaper
one at the Alpha Gamma Delta
sorority was called the latter part
of last week, to her home in Klam
ath Falls, by the serious illness
of her mother. She is expected to
return to Eugene the early part of
next week.
Mrs. Lillie V. Eldridge is taking
the place of Mrs. Ramsby during
her absence.
may be located at the Y hut.
Emerald Editorship
Applications Filed
ByFive Journalists
All Student Cars
Must Register by
Friday Afternoon
Non-Registered Cars W ill
Be Placed for Month
In Storage
Deadline for student automobile
registrations this term will be 4 :00
o'clock Friday afternoon, when the
automobile registration office in
Friendly hall which is open every
day from 2:00 until 4:00 except
Saturdays and Sundays, closes for
the week.
xesituutiy 'llv uais uuu uccu ic
gistered and 471 students, accord
ing to Professor Carlton E. Spen
cer. There are still some cars on
the campus, however, that have
not been registered, he said.
Under students automobile regu
lations all motor vehicles in the
possession or control of students
must be registered; also, no stu
dent is allowed to drive another’s
car without himself being regis
tered at the automobile office.
Any non-registered car driven
by students next week will be put.
in dead storage and the student
will be deprived of his right to
drive the car for a minimum per
iod of one month. At the end of
that time the student will, upon
petition, if it is favorably passed
upon by the Committee on Stu
dent Automobiles, be allowed the
use of his automobile again.
The committee consists of Pro
fessor Carlton E. Spencer, chair
man, Professor W. A. Dahlberg;
Professor R. W. Leighton; and O.
L. Rinesmith, secretary and en
forcement officer.
Two students were deprived yes
terday of the use of their cars
for one month for speeding on the
Play by Mrs. Allen Is
Given More Publicity
The play, “What the Gulls
i Knew," written by Mrs. Eric Al
len, was selected by the Pasadena
Community Playhouse to use for
their opening night on Oct. 20.
Last winter the play was present
ed in The Very Little Theatre in
The motion picture producers
sent scouts to the plays produced
in the Fasadena Playhouse in or
der to get material for their pro
Bond Speaks at Social
Science Club Meeting
Dr. Jesse II. Bond of the school
of commerce, was the principal
speaker at the October meeting
of the Social Science club which
met last night for dinner and meet
ing in the Faculty club.
“Price Level Stability Throught
Adjustment of Total Consumer De
mand” is the title of the paper
which Bond, who is secretary of
the group, read.
Publications Committee
Reads Petitions
Discuss Questions
Definite Decision Expected
To Be Reached Late
This Afternoon
Application from five students
were received yesterday afternoon
by the publications committee in
a meeting held in the offices of
Hugh Rosson, graduate manager,
to discuss the immediate question
of editorship of the Emerald. No
definite decision was reached, and
except for reading the petitions
submitted, there was no discussion
in the matter.
Those who applied for the editor
ship were Winston Allard, Malcolm
Bauer, Albert Goldberg, J. A. New
ton, and William E. Phipps. Four
of these applicants are well known
as contributors tq the Emerald,
while one is from a California jun
ior college.
Allard has served as a reporter
and a feature writer on the Em
erald, and served on the editorial
board of the paper under Douglas
Bauer was sports editor of this
paper last year, as well as news
editor. He has had a background
cf training as a reporter and fea
ture writer during his undergradu
ate work at Oregon.
Coming Irom an important posi
tion on the paper published by the
Long Beach junior college, Albert
Goldberg has also petitioned for
the editorship.
Newton, who was music critic
last year and gained considerable
recognition for his interesting
comments, is one of the five. He
has also served the Emerald first
as reporter, and the positions of
night editor, day editor, and tele
graph editor.
Phipps was sports editor last
year, and has been serving as ed
itor of the Emerald in the vacancy
left by Polivka.
Each applicant for the editor
ship will be interviewed personally
by the publications committee,
members of which are Joe Renner,
president of the A.S.U.O.; Bill
Berg, vice president; Barney Clark,
Oregana editor; George Turnbull,
professor of journalism; Orlando
Hollis, professor of law; Robert
Allen, alumni secretary; and Hugh
Rosson, graduate manager and
non-voting member.
No hint was made at the meet
ing yesterday as to whom the
coming editor will be, but it is
expected that a definite decision
will be reached late this afternoon.
Paris—The body of Raymond
Poincare, who served the Franca
he loved with passionate patriot
ism as wartime president, will be
buried Saturday.
Student Good-will University
Of Paris Nearly Completed
The most outstanding univer
sity enterprise ever created in the
history of education has just been
completed at the University of
Paris, France. Known as the Cite
Universitaire, it is the world’s
most significant gesture towards
international good-will and friend
ship among students. Situated on
the site of pre-war fortifications,
the highest point of land on the
left bank of the Seine and just at
the edge of the famous Latin quar
ter, a residential campus has been
created where 2,500 people of a
score of nationalities live and work
and play together. Facing one of
the famous parks of Paris and
endowed with extensive grounds
and athletic fields of its own, the
Cite (as it is commonly abbre
viated), is the modern and de luxe
continuation of the tradition of
seven centuries during which the
University of Paris has been the
world’s chief meeting place for
the intellectuals of all nations.
The United States house is out
standing among this group, for it
is one of the largest and finest of
the 19 national centers in the Cite.
It was erected in 1930 to house
American men and women pursu
ing serious study in Paris and pro
vides all the facilities of a residen
tial club at prices unmatched any
where on the continent. Among
the features of the United States
house may be included, a restau
rant, cafeteria style, a library,
single rooms, duplex studios for
artists and sound-proof practice
rooms for musicians.
Contact is constantly maintained
with the students of all the differ
ent national groups in the Cite,
with ample opportunity to prac
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