Kessler Howard Kessler, traveling in Canada and Europe, presents the second of his interesting articles on the editorial page of today's paper. Rally! Rooter’s lids, necessary for a seat on the 50 yard line at the Washington game on sale today for 75 cents. VOLUME XXXIV UNIVERSITY 0? OREGON, EUGENE. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1934 NUMBER 5 Resume of Today’s News By Associated Press -OCTOBER 9 QUEEN TREATED FOR SHOCK Lyon, France—Queen Marie of Yugoslavia, rushing aboard a spe cial train to the death chamber of her husband at Marseilles, was taken ill tonight at Lons Le Saum ier. A local physician treated her for shock. YUGOSLAVIA FACES TASK BELGRADE—The Yugoslavian government is “considering meas ures necessary in the interests of the state and people" growing out of the assassinaton of King Alex ander in Marseille, said a commun que issued tonight. “The government is fully aware of the difficult situation which has arisen from the death of our great king,” the communique stated. PROCLAMATION TO APPEAR Belgrade, Yugoslovia, Oct. 10— (Wednesday (AP)—A proclama tion announcing the accession to the Yugoslavian throne of Crown Prince Peter, will appear in Bel grade’s morning newspapers. The proclamation will state the army and navy have taken oaths of allegiance to the new monarch. BULLETIN! Madrid — Premier Lerroux remains in power, but situa tion remains unsettled; death toll in revolt estimated at 500 to 1,000 persons. REVOLT EMBERS FLARE Madrid — Spain's six-day red revolt was a dangerous mass of embers tonight, flaring into gun fire here and there as the conser vative government of Premier Ale jandro Lerroux remained in power. Tenaciously the socialist and communist rebels held on in north ern Spain, rallying at Oviedo, As turias province, and barricading themselves against attack in the city’s labor district. HAUPTMANN CASE PUSHED NEW YORK—Promising haste, Governor Herbert H. Lehman weighed tonight the request of New Jersey to try Bruno Richard Hauptman for the kidnap-murder of Baby Charles Lindbergh. MYSTERY SHOT PUZZLES Portland—While Dave Korsum was standing in front of his gro cery here this morning a strange man stepped from between houses next to the store and fired at him. The gunman, without speaking, disappeared. Police said Korsum could ascribe no reason for the shooting. INSULL LETTER READ Chicago — Government prosecu tors, with a mountain of 2,500 doc uments to choose from, opened fire in the Insull mail fraud trial late today with one short letter, ex changed, they asserted, between of ficials of Halsey Stuart and Co., La Salle street investment house. Special Assistant Attorney Gen eral Leslie E. Salter, who in fight ing defense objections had termed the letter “th heart of this case,” read it to the jury as part of the government’s description of how Samuel Insull’s corporation securi ties company of Chicago was formed in October, 1929. STALIN SEES NRA FAILURE Moscow—Josef V. Stalin does not think President Roosevelt can build a planned economy success fully in the United States on a cap italistic basis, in spite of the presi dent’s personality and ability. Stalin, the Bolshevist leader, ex pressed this view to H. G. Wells, the British author, who interviewed him July 23. It is recorded in the magazine “Bolshevik which will be circulated Oct. 13. "Without getting rid of capital ists and the principle of private ownerships of the fields of produc tion,” Stalin declared, “Planned economy cannot be created." NRA POLICY CRITICIZED Chicago — Donald R. Richberg, director of the industrial emergen cy committee, today charged that the "political partisan” who advo cated both adequate unemployment relief and balanced budget was “trying to make a fool out of his government.” “It is desirable and necessary tc balance the federal budget at the earliest possible moment,” Rich berg told a Rotary club meeting He said, however, that sweepini demands for drastic slashing of ex penditures and immediate balanc ing of the budget, n the face o relief needs, were the produc either of gross ignorance or politi cal demagogism. Rally Plans for Saturday Game Are Announced Large Rooting Section to Try New Stunts Songs Introduced QJ Renner, Buteli Morse, Bob Parke to Speak; Late Lunches Scheduled Four hundred students were present at a rally practice held in McArthur court last night. Many new ideas for songs and stunts will be introduced this year. An or ganized rooting section is planned to whom seats near the fifty-yard line will be given. In order to get into this rooting section a student must wear a rooting cap, white shirt, and have his name listed with the rally chairman in his living organization. Rooting caps will be on sale Thursday for 75c apiece. Rally chairmen for each living organiza tion will be in charge of the sales. With each cap purchased a ticket will be given to the buyer which will admit him to the reserved rooting section near the 50-yard line. Friday noon a short rally will be held at the Southern Pacific sta tion in Eugene before the 12:20 train leaves for Portland. Speech es will be made by the .co-captains, Bob Parke and Butch Morse, and Joe Renner, president of the A. S. U. O. Luncheons in the various living organizations will be held at 12:30 instead of the usual hour so that all students may be pres ent at the rally. Yells will be led by Eddie Vail, yell leader. Another rally practice will be held Thursday evening at 7:15 in McArthur court. All men students are urged to be present. The prac tice will include the rooting cap and card stunts. A rally train will leave Eugene Friday at 4:15. A special rate of $2.50 will be charged for the round trip. This ticket will allow students to return on any train leaving be fore Monday evening. Bags may be checked and later secured at the Portland station as a special (Please turn to pat/c 4) Students Continue Work on Campus Construction work on the cam pus, started last summer, is still in progress. Much work has been and is being done on the campus to make it more convenient and beau tiful. The old walks were taken out on the east and south sides of Johnson hall and concrete was put in, making them permanent con structions. This is part of a gen eral scheme for campus walks. Besides the construction work, a general cleaning up of the cam pus is being done with the aid of students working on SERA pro jects. It serves the double pur pose of making the campus more beautiful, and enables many stu dents to attend school who would not otherwise be able to. These students work between classes and on Saturdays among the shrubs and | trees on the campus, j Sam Mikkleson, University gar | dener, is in charge of this work I and of all the shrubbery and up ! keep of the University grounds. Alpha Delta Sigma, men’s ad vertising honorary, will meet at t luncheon today noon in College | Side to discuss plans for activities during the year. All members are urged to be present. YMCA cabinet will meet at 8:0( tonight at the Y hut. The industrial group of the Y. W C. A. will meet at the Bungalov | today at 5:00. — Amphibian tryouts will be heli at the women’s pool Thursday a 4:00. Women students who are inter ; ested in trying out for women's de . bate should see Mr. James Carrel | room 10, Friendly hall. Statement of Douglas Polivka In a statement issued late tonight Douglas W. Polivka. deposed Kinerald editor, ehallenged the eoinmittee to give him "an open hearing rather than a 'star eliamber session. His answer to the charges made against him by the publication committee follow in full : I wish to answer in part at the present time the false accusations upon which the publications committee base sits unwarranted dismissal of me as editor of the Oregon Daily Emerald. At a later date I sha'l submit for publication in the Emerald or before a boaid of arbitration a detailed statement in my defense, which I am confident will satisfy every fair-minded student that I, as editor of the Emearld, have acted in good faith and in accordance with the best interests of the paper in making certain staff changes and in adopting certain office policies. Obviously all have not agreed with all my policies, but they are the product of honest conviction, and have been confined within the bounds of those editorial rights which must be preserved if the primary element of intellectual liberty and free expression of honest opinion are to be permitted at the state university. I grant at the outset that I have not looked upon the Emerald as the mouthpiece of any faculty group or administrative office and neither have I yielded its independence to any student group. It has been my aim to publish a paper which I thought after three years in attendance at the Uni versity school of- journalism would reflect the teaching tenets of that school. However, I seemed to have learned my lesson that ideals about freedom of the press and the right and duty of ail editor to present the truth as he sees it are classroom idols only. In answer to the first charge that I have not the cooperation of my staff, I wish to state that the committee called before it three students, only two of whom have been members of the staff this year. I can well understand their animosity, but their spirit and attitude is reflected in the fact that they intimated to my accusers that they planned to start a rival paper if I were not disciplined. The committee may yield to threats, but I will not. I submit that, as editor, it was within my power and duty to organize the staff in accordance with what I thought the best interests of the paper. The second charge is indicative of the committee's haste in sum marily dismissing me. In my first editorial of the year, I outlined my policy. Perhaps the committee feels that a policy which it doesn't like is no policy at all. In addition to editorial commitments already made, I, of course, have had the same policy as that of any newspaper editor, namely to analyze editorially those events which from day to day are of interest to intelligent free-minded men and women. I submit that the third charge is so general that it is meaning less. If the committee will specify and enumerate those things which I have done which show that I lack a complete understanding of Uni versity problems and opinions, I shall defend myself. I shall show that perhaps in the eyes of the committee I understand too well and know too much about the University problems and policies. The fourth charge of the committee simply means, if it means anything, “Polivka, we don’t like you, here is your hat. What we need is a ‘yes man’ to run a dummy sheet, and you will not do.” I challenge the committee to give me an open hearing rather than a star chamber inquisition, and I shall endeavor in the presence of my fellow-students to prove that by its action the committee is guilty of unwarranted haste and had apparently yielded either consciously or unconsciously to forces and principles which are subversive to freedom of the press and to the preservation of free mind. Douglas W. Polivka C.S. Hall Appointed to Psychology Staff i n Absence of Conklin; Tayl o r W ill Be Acting Head of Department Dr. Calvin Hall, of the Univer sity of California, has been ap pointed as assistant professor of psychology in the absence of Dr. Conklin. During Dr. Conklin’s absence Dr. Howard R. Taylor will be act ing head of the department. The advanced courses in genetic, ado lescence, and abnormal psychology will be taken over by Dr. Lester F. Beck, a former student of Dr. Conklin’s,, who has since special ized in this field during his gradu ate years at Brown university. Dr. Hall took a portion of his undergraduate work at the Univer sity of Washington, later transfer ring to California where he re ceived his A.B. degree in 1929. At the time of his graduation he won the Cecil Rhodes scholarship. He entered the graduate school after establishing a brilliant record. He received his doctor’s degree in 1933. Since that time he has been research associate in psychology and has hed extensive experience as teacher in general and applied psychology. During the fall of 1933, Dr. Hall substituted for Pro fessor Stratton of the University of California, then on leave. The new man is a specialist in the field of the psychology of the learning process. Even as an undergraduate stu dent Dr. Hall showed unusual in terest in research and produced a number of important studies bear ing upon psychological investiga tions. As a graduate student he still further remonstrated his ca pacity for original research. He has published as least six articles in psychological journals and has two additional papers now in pro cess. Besides being strong in the field of research Dr. Hall has won an enviable reputation as a teach er. His success in this field is at tributed by his associates to the fact that he has a thorough knowl i edge of his subject, an attractive personality, and is genuinely in terested in students and the art . of teaching. ’ The new appointee bring-, fine recommendations from members of the faculty at the University of 1 Washington, by the entire faculty t at the University of California, under whom he studied for five years, and by Dr. Terman, head of - the psychology department at - Stanford university. , Dr. Hall is expected to report for duty on October 15th. Enrollment in ROTC Shows Big Increase Enrollment of the local K. O. T. C. unit is approximately 25 per cent over last year s, according to Col. E. V. D. Murphy, new head of the department. In speaking of the local unit, Colonel Murphy praised the organ ization very highly, saying they were a very well trained group. The only change in policy which Colonel Murphy will make in the near future is the appointing of field officers at the beginning of the term, rather than later in the year. 155 Exempted From Military Training Drill Conscientious Grounds Excuse Fourteen Percentage Ts Same Three Faculty Meetings Held to Consider Petitioners At least 14 Oregon students have been exempted from R.O.T.C. drill this year on strictly conscientious grounds, according to reports from the military department and the faculty committee on military ex emptions. One hundred fifty five persons in all were granted exemptions for various reasons by the military de partment. A large number of these may also have been because of conscientious objection, Colonel E. V. D. Murphy said yesterday. This is possible, he added, because the attitude of many of the peti tioners was such that they did not reveal such objection to the mili tary department. The percentage of exemptions was practically the same this year as it was last, before any faculty committee had been named. It in creased less than one per cent. Three Meetings Held Three meetings of the faculty committee were held, one on Friday of freshman week when five peti tioners were heard, another the following Monday when two were heard. Twelve students appeared, of whom nine were exempted on grounds of conscience, two because of conflicting work and one was refused because the committee did not feel that he was really a con scientious objector. According to Carleton E. Spen cer, chairman of the committee, it was very difficult to determine whether or not a petitioner actually was a conscientious objector. Colo nel Murphy also declared that many students who are conscien tious objectors do not reveal this when they attempt to evade drill. Earl M. Pallett, registrar, said that no record is kept of the per mittee’s reason for asking exemp tion. Eight Professors Named Formation of the committee took place last fall, after the faculty narrowly avoided making drill op tional. It voted 36 to 31 for the retention of the compulsory phase. At that time eight professors were named to hear all applica tions for exemption on conscien tious objection grounds. Figures from the R.O.T.C. files show that 554 students are now taking drill, of which 342 are freshmen, 152 are sophomore-s, 29 are juniors, and 31 are seniors. Songs for Rally BOW DOWN TO WASHINGTON Bow down to Washington, Bow down to Washington, Mighty are the men who wear the purple and gold, And joyously welcome them when the victor’s fold, And we wil carve her name in the hall of fame To preserve the memory of our devotion. Chorus: Heaven help the foes of Washington, They’re tumbling at the feet of mighty Washington Our boys are there with bells, Here fighting blood excells, Its harder to push them over the line Than to pass the Dardenells, Victory the cry of Washington, With leather lungs together with a Rah, Rah, Rah, And over the land, our loyal band Will sing to the glory of Washington for ever. THE PLEDGE SONG Old Oregon we pledge to thee Our honor and fidelity Both now and in the years to be A never-failing loyalty. Fair Oregon, ihy name shall be Written high in liberty. Now, uncovered, swear thy every son. Our pledge to Oregon. HAIL TO OREGON There is a name most dear to us, On this far western shore, A name now old, though, clear to us, Shall live forevermore, There is a college, too, we love, And so you all shall know, That when we sing for Oregon, We sing for U. of O. Removed! Douglas YV. Polivka, editor of the Emerald, who was removed yesterday by the executive council [>f the associated students. Dispensary Aids 155 Students Daily Nearly 155 students have been treated at the University dispen sary since the beginning- of school, according to Dr. F. N. Miller. Fall term a year ago was a busy time For the dispensary, but this year an sven greater number of students ire patronizing it. Dr. Miller, who has spent the last Four summers conducting the health service department at Cra ter Lake, attributes the large num ber of patienLs daily attending the dispensary to the increased en rollment this year in the Univer sity. The majority of cases treated thus far have not been serious ones. Colds and sore vaccinations are the predominating types of ail ments. Occasional cases of strained muscles, infected fingers, and sprained angles have also been treated. Portland Alumni Honor Founders The University of Oregon alum ni in Portland, together with the parents of Oregon students and friends of the institution w'ill hold a meeting next Thursday evening for the purpose of honoring the founders of the University. The guests of honor for the oc casion will be William J. Scott Jr., the first student to enroll in the University of Oregon. He paid his tuition fee on October 16, 1876 and received the No. 1 receipt, a sou venir relic which he still has among his possessions. Scott is the son of William J. Scott, early Eugene pioneer, who spent much personal effort, time and money in the struggle to ob tain and maintain the University of Oregon at Eugene. He was ap pointed to the first board of re gents in recognition of his services and loyalty to the institution. Scott’s grandfather, Captain Levi Scott, was a signer of the consti tution of the state of Oregon, and for several years was in charge of maintenance at Deady hall, the first building on the campus. Phi Chi Theta Awards Key to Eileen Hickson Phi Chi Theta, women’s com merce honorary, hold its first meet ing Tuesday afternoon in the Com merce building under the direction of the new officers, elected last spring. The annual award of the golden key to the most outstanding senior woman in business administration was presented to Eileen Hickson who last year served as their pres ident. Dorothy Dibble, president, an nounced that plans were under way for a tea for women majors in business administration. Plans for the winter’s program were dis cussed. Besides Miss Dibble, the new of ficers present were Elizabeth An derson, vice-president; Nancy Lou Cullers, secretary; Una Anderson, historian, and Peggy Cullers, treas urer. Correction Announced For Debating Tryouts Tryouts for the annual men’s varsity debate will be held Octo ber 16, at 7:30 in Friendly hall, room 13, instead of Tuesday eve ning as announced in the Emerald yesterday. This correction of the time for the tryouts was made by j W. Dahlberg, assistant professor ) of speech. Executive Council Removes Polivka As Emerald Editor Publications Committee Recommends Move; William Phipps Appointed Acting Head Temporarily Douglas W. Polivka, editor of the Emerald, was removed form office yesterday by action of the executive council of the associated students. The council’s action was in approval of the recommenda tion of the publications committee earlier in the day. The removal took effect at 7 p. m. last night. William E. Phipps was named in the resolution to act as editor until such a time as a successor to Polivka would be named. The council requested the publications committee to call for petitions for the Alpha Delta Sigma To Discuss Plans For W inter Dance Gilbert Wellington INamed President of Honorary For Coining Year Plans for Krazy Kopy Krawl, annual all-campus dance, will be discussed at a meeting of Alpha Delta Sigma, men’s advertising honorary at noon today at the Col lege Side. The dance will be held the first week of winter term. New officers of Alpha Delta Sigma were announced last night. William Russell was elected presi dent; Gilbert Wellington, vice-pres ident; William Phipps, secretary and treasurer. These officers were elected during the last week of spring term. The local chapter of the adver tising honorary, which celebrated its tenth anniversary on this cam pus this year, took an active part in the convention of the Pacific Advertising Clubs' association last June. William Russell, president, states that many new ideas were gained from the convention, which they plan to carry out through the local chapter this year. New pledges of Alpha Delta Sig ma will soon be announced. Retiring officers of the honor ary are Tom Clapp, president; Wil liam Russell, vice-president; Wil liam Meissner, secretary and treas urer. W. F. G. Thacher, professor of English and business adminis tration, is adviser of the group. Lost and Found Office At University Station The lost and found office of the University is at the University de pot. When an article is found it should be turned in to the office at once. Articles may sometimes be found there if the loser goes to inquire soon after losing it. There are a few things that have been turned in at the office at the present time. Among which are three pens, one glove, one book, a hat, and a trench coat. There are many other articles at the office that were found last year. position ot editor oi me Jt,mertiiu as the application of candidates, to be filed by noon Monday, Oc tober 15, at the associated students office. Reasons Given Reasons given by the publica tions committee for the action are as follows: "In the opinion of the publica tions committee Mr. Polivka has shown an inability to maintain that cooperation of his staff necessary to a successful publication. "That Mr. Polivka has to date by way of editorials and confer ences with the publications com mittee failed to show that he has any policy whatever in regard to the Emerald. Removal Recommended "That in the opinion of the com mittee Mr. Polivka in his editorial columns has shown complete lack of understanding of University problems and opinions. "That the final judgment of the committee is that Mr. Polivka's shortcomings are of such serious nature that they cannot reason ably be expected to be remedied, and that the best interests of the University will be served by adop tion of the recommendation of this committee.” When asked for a statement con cerning the action taken against Polivka, Dr. C. V. Boyer, presi dent of the University, issued the following statement: Boyer Statement "No official action was taken by the University administration. The action was taken by the pub lications committee of the asso ciated students, whose recommend ation that Mr. Polivka be removed from the office of editor was adopted by the executive council. This is the same procedure by which editors and managers of student publications are appointed. It is understood that Mr. Polivka was given a fair hearing by the publications committee. No fur ther action is contemplated by uni versity officials. "I read the editorials published on October 5 and 6 and did not approve of them. I asked Mr. Polivka to call on me, and in our interview pointed out that presum ably we were both chiefly inter ested in the welfare of the Uni versity. If such were the case, I said, we ought to talk over in advance subjects which might ser iouly affect the University, so that when he wrote editorials he would be fully aware of conse (Plcase turn to poge 4) Freshman’s Actions Display Colossal Ignorance of Group The freshman class from year to * year changes very little in its knowledge of the affairs of the campus. Here are a few of the true happenings that have taken place on this campus within the last two weeks. One dear little soul was led to believe that by ringing the door bell of Susan Campbell hall and telling the girl on duty he would like to see Susan Campbell, she would be paged and brought before him. He probably thought Susan would go out on a date with him. Oh! these vain men! Some of the pledges of a promi nent fraternity thought they should purchase tickets for open house. It was a long walk from the Col lege Side to the drug store, and then back to the cook at the house,, and after all that trouble, he had just sold the last one. Maybe, boys, the printer was late in getting them out. The librarians have heard this one for so long that it is no longer a funny story to them. “I can’t remember the name or the author, but it's a blue book about this big,” says the green little frosh. And when the librarian patiently in forms him that it would he a trifle impossible to find the book a3 there are only 250,000 hooka in the collection, the light dawns on the dear little face and he beams, “Oh, I don’t think it would be hard to find, can’t you look again?” How would you like to be a pro fessor or a reader and have to deal with this sort of super-intelligence? "Admeril Byrd is in the aunt ar tic.” Or “So we went down to the swimming whole.” Or the super refined composition that ended like this: “You could not soften her if you pounded her to a pulp.” Of course, we can't let all the credit go to the class of ’38, for one of the eminent reporters of the Emerald was in publishing class the day and Prof. Hall was calling roll. As is usually the case, when one is enrolled in a class, his name was called and he answered, “Mr. or Mrs.?” My, my, hadn’t any one told the boy? And some of the sororities on this campus should be duly chas tised for sending one of the boys from California date cards for Rush Week. In fact this boy re ceived date cards from six of the Greek organizations on this cam ! pus. Was he flattered?