Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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■ ; re •
MCDONALD—“Now and For
ever,” with Carole Lombard,
Gary Cooper, and Shirley
COLONIAL—“It Happened One
Night,” Clark Gable and
Claudette Colbert.
“Now and Forever” is interest
ing, and entirely acceptable if you
are not one of those critical indi
viduals who probe beneath tlie”sur
face. If you are, perhaps you will
marvel at the shrewdness of little
Shirley Temple, and the fine dis
tinctions she draws between right
and wrong at her tender age. The
plot is rather weak, a jumble of
love ,money, and honor, and the
finish leaves one with a rather dis
satisfied feeling. We wonder if the
handsome Gary keeps on chasing
trains, or if he buys a bungalow
with roses ’round the door. The
cast gives fine performances, -with
Carole Lombard probably more
human than usual, and the eminent
baby star, Shirley Temple, as clev
er as ever. There is drama, too,
and humor. You'll like it.
“It happened One Night” has
been raved and ranted about since
its initial appearance. What more
can we say?
Class ie Dancing to
Be Held Tonight
The first meeting of the Univer
sity extension class in dancing for
women will be held tonight at 7:30
p. m. in the Women’s building gym
nasium. Suit and towel is includ
ed, as usual in the modest fee,
$2.50 per term. A reduction of 50
per cent is made for the wives of
faculty members and the fee for
those actually on the University
payrolls as faculty or administra
tion is $1.00 per term.
Miss Mary Jane Hungerford, a
new member of the women’s physi
cal education faculty of the Uni
versity will instruct. She has had
dance experience in New York City,
in the much-publicized Bennington
School of the Dance, Bennington,
Vermont, and in Europe. Many of
those formerly enrolled in this class
are expected to come out again
and it is hoped that all others who
are interested will come as well.
An effort will be made to pro
vide work of interest to women of
all ages and degrees of proficiency.
—- ends today
3 Stage Shows
W w
Gil? Arilheiin, world famous or
chestra director, who will be on
the stage cl the McDonald theater
tomorrow. Following he will play
at a dance to be held at the Eu
gene armory.
Six Thousand
(Continued from Pcif./c One)
ing ox Portland and C. C. Beekman
of Jacksonville, are awarded annu
ally to those members of the senior
class who give the best and most
original oration at commencement
Books valued at $50 are award
ed annually to the three freshmen
students submitting the best es
says on unassigned reading clone
during their first year.
The Gerlinger cup, presented by
Mrs. George Gerlinger, is awarded
annually to the best all-around wo
man of the junior class.
Four prizes, totalling $55, are
awarded annually by the Ham
Jackson company of Portland for
the best solution of a problem in
volving use of direct mail.
Henry Hayek prizes totalling
$50 are awarded annually in the j
school of business administrationI
for the best solution of an adver-1
tising repetition problem involving
layout and typography.
The Hilton prizes, the first of
which, $50, is donated by Frank
Hilton of Portland, are awarded
annually to law students present
ing best oral solution of legal prob
Awards aggregating $200, the
gift in memory of the late W. F.
Jewett, are awarded annually for
several speaking contests.
The Koyle cup, presented by C.
W. Koyle, is awarded each year to
the man in the junior class voted
the best all-around man.
Two prizes totalling $25 are
120U Pearl Phone 2<J2D
Eugene, Oregon
Demonstrator’s Diploma,
Northwestern University
Dental School, Chicago
Ink Department Established;
Library Collecting Coppers
The librarians of the University
of Oregon have entered the busi
ness world. The business is a dark
secret and very black, or should it
be said, blue? They are now re
tailing ink—at the large and most
profitable sum of one cent a pen
When cross examined on this
procedure, they finally admitted
that it was among the new econo
my measures adopted this year.
And most encouraging results have
been obtained, they have collected
all of 10 cents in two weeks.
Getting down to cold facts, the
profit on the ink per day was 1 1-8
cents, in a month it would be 33 3-4
awarded each year by McMorran
and Washbume store of Eugene
for the best department store ad
vertisements written by student.
A prize of 550 is awarded an
nually fcv Edison Marshall for the
best short story written by an un
Accounting books valued at $25 i
are awarded by the Oregon State !
Society of Certified Public Ac- |
countants to the most outstanding
student in accounting.
Phi Beta Kappa society awards
a prize of books valued at $25 to
the student completing lower di
vision work With the most worthy
scholarship, personality, and prom
The A. G. Spaulding company]
awards a cup each year to the
member of the “Order of the O”
making the highest grade average.
Prizes totalling $400 are award
ed annually by Mrs. Murray War
ner, director of the Museum of
Art, for essays on the promotion
of friendly relations between the
United States and the Orient,
These prizes and their awarding
each year attract national atten
Several other awards of cups
and placciues are made to individ
uals and to groups during the
school year.
(Continued from Page One)
one should stop before the equally
decadent skeleton of a small In
dian child and receive a distinct
The profound respect and awe
for the human body, even when as
decayed as the brown aged skele
ton among' rock and minerals that
were far more useful and beautiful,
perhaps suggests an answer to the
mystery of why men love and sac
U.O. Akims to Observe
Alma Mater Founding
The University of Oregon alumni
in New York and vicinity are hav
ing a Founder’s day banquet Thurs
day in celebration of the 58 th an
niversary of their alma mater.
Oswald Garrison Villard, who is
editor of The Nation and son of
the early benefactor of the Univer
sity after whom Villard hall is
named, will be the principal speak
er at the dinner. Villard spoke on
the campus last winter. John M.
Macgregor, ’23, and Allen H. Ea
ton, ’02, are in charge of arrange-!
ments for the banquet.
Send the Emerald to your friends.
Subscription rates $2.50 a year.
ecial Tram
Friday, Oct. 12
Lv, Eugene 4:15 p. m.
Ar. Portland 7:45 p. m.
Th; reduced fare good only on the Special Train to Tort
land Friday. For return trip use regular trains Saturday night
and Sunday or Special Train leaving Portland, Sunday, 7:00
p. m. Let the engineer drive you to Portland and back. No
traffic worries, no parking problems.
Phone 220 for detailr. A. J. Gillette, Agent
cents, and in a year, it would be a
staggering- sum of $3.04. In short,
after a decade or so, the library
may be able to finance the ink sit
uation of the entire campus with
the profits from their product, if
the depression doesn't overtake
them, by someone remembering to
fill his pen.
If any student doubts the above
figures, sometime when you are
supposed to be studying in the libe,
take out the old pencil and start
to work. Public opinion will up
hold your efforts, but it is up to
your professors to decide if this
effort is more important than their
Emerald Scribes
Awarded Passes
Enthusiasm for Emerald work is
rising even higher with the award
ing of passes to the Colonial thea
ter in recognition of the excellent
work done on the various depart
ments of the paper. Efforts of the
reports are high this week, with
an average of 3 2-3 stories for each
Awards for the reporters went to
Betty Shoemaker, an old student,
who turned in 7 1-2 stories. Pass
es given for the most news tips
given during the week were award
ed to Ruth Weber, sophomore.
Wayne Harbert, copyreader won
one of the passes given in his de
partment for writing heads, and
copyreading 36 1-2 points. Darrel
Ellis, Harbert’s nearest rival, with
16 points won the other pass.
Oregonian Publishes
Features by Students
The Oregon students had arti
cles published in this Sunday’s edi
tion of the Oregonian. They were
Henriette Horak, junior in journal
ism, and Richard Neuberger, junior
in the law school.
Neuberger’s article tells of the
14 per cent gain in enrollment this
year in western schools of higher
education. Federal funds and im
provement of the general business
conditions lead to this increase, be
lieve the registrars of several of
the larger schools.
A short history of the founding
of the University is told in Hen
riette’s article in honor of the 58th
anniversary of the school to be cel
ebrated Oct. 11.
Chemistry Graduate
Working for Shell Oil
Charles A. Dawson, who grad
uated in chemistry several years
ago, is now doing chemical re
search work for the Shell Oil com
pany at their plant in Martinez,
Mr. Dawson received his Ph.D. in
chemistry at Stanford last year.
According to O. F. Stafford, pro
fesssor of chemistry, Mr. Dawson
was an outstanding student and
was an active member of several
honorary societies while attending
this University.
Resume of
Today’s News
By Associated Press
(Continued from Page One)
were dismissed in superior court
Their trial last January on the
charges, which grew out of their
operation of the Pacific Shore Oil
company, and involved about $28,
000, resulted in a hung jury. A new
trial was scheduled to have started
Flemington, N. J.—Bruno Rich
ard Hauptmann was indicted for
the kidnap-murder of baby Charles
A. Linaberbh by a Hunterdon
county grand jury today.
Swiftly, with Colonel Lindbergh
among the witnesses, the state of
New Jersey laid down the evidence
charging up to the stolid, tight
lipped German alien the most
sensational crime in modern an
The indictment was voted but
a few minutes after the last wit
ness was heard. In all, the grand
jury session lasted only four hours
and forty-two minutes.
Madrid- A military dictatorship
for revolt-torn Spain was forecast
in responsible congressional circles
tonight at nobles of the erstwhile
monarchy joined 12,000 retired
army officers in offering aid to
the right wing government of Pre
mier Alejandro Lerroux.
Vancouver, B. C. The mysteri
ous assailant or assailants who
seek the life of Inspector J. F. L.
Fance, after the bombing attempt
of last Saturday had failed, today
succeeded in hurling acid upon him
through his garage window. He
was taken to a hospital with burns
on his hands and the left leg.
Within a short time, police
picked up a suspect. They declined
to reveal his name, and he was
held for questioning.
Havanna—A left wing general
strike that began in violence will
end at midnight “as originally
planned unless some serious trou
ble develops," the secretary of the
general strike committee an
nounced late today.
Bulletins issued by the commit
tee termed the strike successful
and said it demonstrated the power
of the organizations which called
it. New adhesions were being re
ceived constantly, it was asserted.
Washington The problem of re
shaping the NRA was put directly
up to President Roosevelt today in
a list of problems, including price
and production control, submitted
to him by his recovery board.
In written form, but closely
guarded, the list was known also
to emphasize the question of code
compliance, the heart of NRA's
partnership with industry.
Cincinnati—A charge of “in
competence” was levelled against
the NRA today in a busines ses
sion of the twentieth national con
ference of Catholic charities, by
Ernest F. Du Bruhl, management
engineer of Cincinnati.
A defense of administration re
covery moves was made at a group
meeting devoted entirely to con
sideration of the subject by Percy
Tctlow of Columbus, O., district
president of the United Mine
Workers of America.
Cottage Grove—In this little
town, whose chief industry is lum
bering, a community meeting will
be held tomorrow night to protest
the federal suit to enforce price
fixing under the NRA lumber code.
The J. H. Chambers & Son lum
ber mill has been charged with
violation of the minimum price
provisions of the code, and a tem
porary injunction has been granted
enjoining the mill from selling be
low the code schedule.
Brooklyn—Former Mayor James
J. Walker, Arthur J. Hilly, corpor
ation counsel for the city under
Walker’s administration; Warren
Leslie, president of the Jamaica
Water Supply company; and Char
les J. Nehrbas were accused of
“fraud and collusion” in an affi
davit filed before Supreme Court
Justice Edward Byrne, Brooklyn,
The charges were signed by City
Controller Josept D. McGoldriek
in an action seeking to set aside an
award of $2,569,909 granted to
Leslie for a parcel of land on Ber
gen beach, Brooklyn, made in 1930
by Supreme Court Justice James
A. Dunne. In their answer Nehrbas
and Leslie deny the charges.
San Francisco—The American
Federation of Labor convention re
For Best Service and
Good Material Collie to
.“Campus Shoe Shine’’..
Across from Sigma Chi
Music Honorary
Sponsors Collide
On the first Wednesday 6f evSery
month the new adult mu%ic 'edu
cation lessons, sponsored by the
patronesses of Mu Phi Epsilon, wo
men’s national music honorary are
being given. The first one, at
which Dean John J. Landsbury
opened the series with ft general
discussion on adult music educa
tion, was held October 3, in the Os
borne hotel.
These lectures, Which will in
clude discussion of choral work,
chamber music, piano and other
phases of music, have two major
purposes for their existence, name
ly: to aid in raising funds for the
Mu Phi Epsilon scholarships which
are awarded each year to outstand
ing women students at the Univer
sity school of music, to spread in
terest in music throughout Eugene
and build up an appreciation and
liking for good music.
Due to the interest expressed by
town people, these lectures, first
planned for patronesses and friends
of the honorary, are now open to
all wishing to attend. Tickets are
on sale at the Densmore-Leonari
dress shop and With all the patron
esses and committee groups of the
ferred to its executive council to
day a proposal by Oregon and
Washington delegates that the fed
eration support legislation a t
Washington to finance the exten
sion of the Pacific International
highway through Canada to Alas
London—FoYmer Mayor James
J. Walker of New York today
called “utterly silly’’ charges made
against him in an affidavit filed
Shine ‘cm Up at
Tree Top Syncopated
Shine Shop
758 East lltli Street
Near Colonial Theatre
^1 I 1 'I V l i l!«! !l 1 1 1 l>;ill<!»l!|:}||'!!lll::«|!;!li!!ii:ai!!I|
i Well Pressed
| Is Well Dressed
| Your personal appearance will
® help you win
» 1 5 Per Cent Discount Cash and Carry
B -
B We especially cater to Students
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" S51-E. 13th Ave. Phone 3141
in a Brooklyn suit that' he part
icipated In a plan to make large
profits on land condemned by the
city he governed.
Lomax Teaches Extension
X. L. Lottiax, professor of tho
school of business, who for the past
three years has been in chargfe Of
the extension work in Portland, is
now teaching geography of Africa
extension courses every Monday at
Lincoln high in Portland. White
there last Monday he attended a
Cuban trade commerce luncheon.
This finest portable ever Made
has the Smith shift, natural
••piano-key” action, full Viribfl
Ky. All modern conveniences.
Portable in weight, standard in
performance. Choice of black,
KtCen or maroon finish.
A Portable
has become
virtually a campus
necessity. j
Resides Smith
Coronas we have
Royals and
All bh easy terms.
Rent dr Purchase
“CO - OP"
• • • in a
common - sense
package —10c
l’m glad I live in a country
where a dime is money
-and where I can
good pipe tobacco”
THE tobacco which we
believe is best suited
for pipes is used in making
Granger Rough Cut.
It is made by the Wellman
Process, and we believe that
it will compare favorably
with higher priced tobaccos.
We wish, in tome way, we
could get every man who smokes
a pipe to just Try Grainger,
- • e
© Wi. Iiggit: & Mvxii Tawtco Co,
the pipe tobacco that’s MILD
the pipe tobacco that’s COOL *
mmmjolks seem io lilta it
lJ6G£rr a mybrs Tobacco ca