Turn Inside Dr. Dunn's articles and "Tramp ing Norway in Winter” are only two of the features found on the Emerald editorial page daily. VOLUME XXXIV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE,SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1934 Cet Together The annual "Hello” dance is the first chance for newcomers to the campus to look us over. Make the welcome big. NUMBER 3 Resume of Today’s News By Associated Press ..OCTOBER 5 FIRE DESTROYS GRAIN Pendleton—Losses to farmers of the Fulton section, seven miles northwest of Pendleton, were esti mated in exces of $250,000 tonight as the result of a fire which raged through the Fulton grain elevator and several nearby warehouses to day. The large grain elevator con t a i n e d approximately 250,000 bushels of wheat, reputedly worth more than $100,000. REVOLUTION STRIKES SPAIN Madrid (Saturday)- A violent revolutionary effort to overthrow the government of Spain seemed to be spreading through the land today as the young republic counted its dead in the fighting so far at between 70 and 75. Reports of fresh clashes and more dead were being received over crippled lines of communica tion since the government official placed the number of dead at 50. It was estimated 1,500 demonstra tors, many of them desperate revo lutionists, have been arrested. HAUPTMANN FOUND SANE New York — Bruno Richard Hauptmann, the German carpenter accused of extorting the $50,000 ransom in the Lindbergh baby kid naping, was pronounced sane late today by four alienists who ex amined him for New York and New Jersey authorities. A fifth psychiatrist, represent ing the defense, did not join the other doctors in signing the an nouncement nor did he express any opinion on the case. WASHINGTON HEAD NAMED Seattle—Dr. Lee Paul Sieg, for mer University of Pittsburg edu cator, was inaugurated as 22nd president of the University of Washington here today in the pres ence of Gov. Clarence D. Martin, university alumnus, and other edu cators and state officials. He said in his inaugural speech that the university must be re garded as so precious an aset that the people will never tolerate any thing either inside or outside its walls that will hamper it in its service to the state. TUCE MADE IN STRIKE Portland—A truce was declared lata today in the strike of Port land’s long distance truckers and the 500 drivers affected returned to work. LABOR ‘CRISIS’ AVERTED Washington—The National Labor Relations board said tonight a “serious crisis” had been averted by the agreement of Atlantic and Gulf coast shiping lines and the International Seamen’s union to attempt settlement of their labor dispute through colective bargain ing. A strike called for Monday which reportedly would have in volved 40,000 seamen and para lyzed shiping on both coasts, has been called off. NRA POLICIES MAY CHANGE Washington — President Roose velt, in his present attitude toward drastic NRA polices, is standing on his open sugestion that past blue eagle price and production control efforts may be seriously ques tioned. As expressed at the White House today, what Roosevelt told the nation last Sunday night is about all that can be said just now. Next Monday he confers with his new recovery board as a group for the first time. INSULL EVIDENCE MASSIVE Chicago—Winning the first im portant engagement with the de fense, prosecutors today wheeled hand trucks loaded with ledgers and document cases into federal court to be used as silent wit nesses in the mail fraud case against Samuel Insull Sr., and 16 associates in Insull's giant public utility system. Detailed questioning from De fense Counsel Floyd E. Thomp son, directed at each man who ap peared to identify books, was cur tailed by rulings from Judge James H. Wilkerson. ACTOR BELIEVED POISONED Hollywood—Cary Grant, tall, good looking leading man of the films, said today he “was ashamed of getting drunk." His stomach was pumped out this morning by receiving hospital physicians who said he told them he had taken poison. Later he said that he had not taken poison, but had been drunk, and was puzzled as to how they (Please turn to page 3) Emerald of Air | Broadcasts to | Begin Monday — Campus Talent Sought By Radio Editor Dramas Scheduled Attempt Made to Procure Writings of Students For Program The Emerald-of-lhe-Air, a sus taining radio feature broadcast daily over KORE, Eugene, will go on the air Monday, October 8. The programs, which are under the di rection of George Bikman, radio editor of the Emerald, will consist of a variety of entertainment. Student talent only is to be used, according to Bikman. Auditions are now being held to select mate rial for next week’s programs, and for the weeks to follow. Students seeking tryouts are urged to phone Bikman at 951-W or call at the Emerald office between 5 and 6 any week day, as soon as possible. Vocalists of both popular and classical style are to be used. Trios, duets, quartets, soloists, in fact, any effective arrangement is ac ceptable, so long as it fills the req uisites of good entertainment. A special feature this year will be the Wednesday evening quar ter hour dramatizations. Mary Bennett, well known actress of the Eugene Very Little theater group is to direct these productions, and only plays of high caliber are to be used. Correspondingly good tal ent will perform in the series, and thus is opened to dramatically in clined students an opportunity to engage in radio work of a practical nature. The weekday broadcasts will be made at 4:45 daily, including Sat urday. The Wednesday night broadcast is scheduled for 7:45. Any changes will be announced in the radio column of the Emerald. Once each week the Emerald it self will occupy the spotlight. Ex cerpts from general news, society, sports, and editorials will be broad cast by competent reporters. An attempt is to be made to in clude in the broadcast series sev eral programs featuring the liter ary work of students. In this cate gory are short stories, short plays, poems done in any style on any subject, essays, and humorous works of a general nature. A tentative list of next week’s entertainers may be found in to day’s radio column. Founders to Hold Banquets Oct. 11 Founder’s day banquets spon sored by the Oregon alumni asso ciation will be held October 11 in about twenty cities throughout the state. The main banquet celebrating University’s 58th opening anniver sary will be held at the Masonic temple in Portland. A part of its program will be broadcast over KEX and no doubt eagerly picked up by those present at the various Founder’s day banquets throughout Oregon. The principal speaker will be Dean Morse of the school of law here. Billy Scott, who holds the No. 1 receipt issued by the University will be honor guest. He lives near Cresswell and is the son of one of the first regents and the grandson of one of the signers of the consti tution of the state of Oregon. The banquets in the different parts of the state will be sponsored by the local alumni association and mothers, fathers, and some friends will also be invited. A Founder’s day banquet will also be held in Seattle, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chi cago, and Washington, D. C., cele brating the 58th year of the open ing of the doors of the U. of O. Emerald Assignments Temporarily Closed Positions on the Emerald, which have been open to all students, are filled at present, Newton Stearns, managing editor, reported Friday. All persons who have not yet been assigned work but who are interested, are asked to leave their names in the managing editor’s office in the journalism building. They will be given assignments as vacancies occur. Foot ball Managorship Position to Bo Filled By Sophomore Student All sophomore men interested in holding the position of sopho more football manager, are re quested by Paul Golden, senior football manager, to be pres ent at a meeting in McArthur court classroom at 4 o’clock Monday, when duties of the of fice will be explained by Gol den. Sophomore football manager, according to Golden, is one of the most important activities on the campus open to men. Tt offers an opportunity to the per son who holds it to qualify for junior manager the following year, and, if his efficiency wai rants his appointment, senior manager two years later. More details concerning the office will be given at the meeting on Monday afternoon. Murray Warner Asiatic Problems Prizes Announced $400 Offered as Awards to Students for Essay on Problems of East The Murray Warner essay con test sponsored by Mrs. Gertrude Bass Warner, announces that $400 in prizes will be offered for essayss dealing with Asiatic problems and culture. These prizes will be awarded for the best papers deal ing with cultural, political, eco nomic or historical problems of Eastern Asia. The contest will be divided into two distinct groups, the Ameri can division, and the foreign divi sion. The American division in cludes the following prizes: first prize, $100; second, $75; third, $50; and fourth, $25. There will be three honorable mention prizes of $25 each. The foreign division will con sist of two prizes: first, $50, and second, $25. Contestants are required to have taken one campus course dealing with thf art, -economic development, geography, history, international relations, literature, politics or religions of the Orient. The essays must be 5000 words in length. The contest will close April 8, 1935. Dr. Harold J. Noble, chairman, Dr. Samuel Jameson, and Dr. Vic tor P. Morris -are members of the contest committee. They should be consulted fo rfurther information. IVew Instructors Added to Faculty Eleven new instructors have been added to the faculty of the University of Oregon for the aca demic year. Dr. A. H. Kunz, assistant profes sor of chemistry and mathematics, ind Dr. Albert Caswell, professor of physics, are returning to this oampus after an absence of two years, during which time they vere teaching at Oregon State col lege. The new instructors in the vari ous departments are: Vernon Wis oarson, assistant instructor of mu sic; Charles M. Hulten, part-time mstructor of journalism; Henry L. Sverett, associate professor of law; Tames Carrell, instructor of Eng lish; Helen Cane, instructor of Ro mance languages; Col. E. V. D. Murphy, professor of military sci jnce; Dr. Alton Lovell Alderman, instructor of zoology; James Sto vall, part-time instructor of geog raphy; Dr. Lester F. Beck, assist ant professor of psychology; and Mrs. Martha Westwood Wyatt, in structor and assistant director of social work training. Elizabeth Barto is acting part time instructor in zoology; and Robert E. Holmquist, part-time instructor of physical science sur vey. Foreign Trade Board Honors Two Students Arthur Dudley and Sherrill Gre gory were recently presented cert ificates awarded by the advisory board on foreign trade each year on merit of a test given the senior students in foreign trade. The board, appointed each year by the president of the University from Portland shippers and foreign trade merchants, makes out the exam which the entire class takes. Last June only two, Dudley and Gregory, passed it out of the fif teen who competed. In the past three years that it has been held only nine have re ceived certificates. They are Auten I Bush, Kenneth Carlson, Ray Olsen, and Jack Smith in ’33, and Delbert Kimberling, Arthur Potwin and Alice Redetzke in '32. I A.S.U.O. Drive Moves Slowly In First Week 757 Purchase Tickets of Increased Value Compare OSC Data Harrison Desires Larger Percentage Student Aid in Campaign Marshall Harrison, chairman of Uie A.S.U.O, membership drive, announced yesterday that out of 2397 students who have enrolled at the University this year, only 1757 have purchased student body cards. “While the percentage shown is greater than that of last year, yet it is far short of a figure which will mean a banner year at Oregon,” aserted Harrison. In urging the remaining 25 per cent of the students to buy cards, Harrison stated that the actual value of the student ticket can not be questioned. “It is not the intention of those on the commit tee to press the purchase of a tic ket upon students,” the chairman said. "But for the good of those students who have not purchased student body oards and remain outside the A.S.U.O. government, we urge their support.” O.S.C. Greater Registration figures show Ore gon State campus a greater reg istration and percentage of tickets sold. This situation is similar to the one that arose last spring, and Harrison predicts that if it is al lowed to continue, the University will lose prestige among the schools on the coast. In the interests of a more ex tensive drive, the chairman states that every student who has not purchased a card will be asked to do so next week. A thermometer is to be posted Tuesday on the comparative standings of Oregon State and the University on the bulletin board in the Co-op. 100 Per Cent Needed All organizations are urged to see that their membersnip is 100 per cent in the student body mem bership drive. Names of such bod ies will appear on the honor list which will be published on Tues day. The committee which is respon sible for the wrok which has been done thus far consists of Marshall Harrison, chairman; Ray Mize and Ed Schlesger in charge of frater nities; Adele Sheehy and Mary golde Hardison, sororities; Bob Thornton and Reva Herns, inde pendent men and women. “It is esential that we should have more members in bur stu dent organization,” claimed Har rison, “and more enthusiasm is needed on the part of present members to give the drive a new impetus.” Emerald Still Needing Solicitors, Office Help Advertising solicitors for the Emerald are in demand, it has been reported by Grant Thuemmel, bus iness manager. No experience is required of those interested in so liciting or make-up or advertise ments. A seven and one-half per cent commission on all ads solicit ed is to be paid. Fred Fisher in the Emerald business office in the Ig loo should be contacted by those desiring this work. Thuemmel also said that effi cient office help is still needed. Professor Smertenko Returns to University Professor Clara Smertenko has returned to the campus to continue her work n the department of Greek and Latin, after a six months absence, which was spent mainly in the east and middlewest. While in Chicago, she was very much interested in noting the pro gress being made at the University of Chicago, where a new system of education is now being inaugurat ed, under the direction of President Hutchins. Philomelete theater party will be held this afternoon at 3 in the Guild theater. 12:15 Permission Given All University Women For Arnhei m's Dance Dean Sehwering has granted 12:15 privileges to all campus women so that they might at tend the dance given by Oils Arnheim’s orchestra at the state armory on Wednesday, j October 10. This will be Gus Arnheim's ! first visit to Eugene on his tour of Pacific coast cities. He has just concluded a successful : engagement in the Cocoanut Grove of the Ambassador Ho I tel in Los Angeles. Japanese Comes Today to Speak | At Local A MCA i Kutnazawa Is Planning to Meet Many Foreign Students at U. O. In a telegram received yesterday from Mr. Kumazawa, Japanese secretary for the committee on friendly relations, by Eugene Stromberg, secretary of the Uni versity Y. M. C. A., the Japanese secretary said he would be on the campus today. His arrival was ex pected last night. Mr. Kumazawa said he would like to meet personally any per sons interested in international stu dent relations and foreign students, and to talk with them. He also said he would like to meet all for eign students on the University campus, especially Japanese. The Y.M.C.A. directorate plans to have Mr. Kumazawa speak to assembled students and townspeo ple at the Y.M.C.A. hut, 12th and Kincaid, at 3 o’clock today. Every one interested in international stu dent relations from any standpoint of review is invited to attend. The committee of which Mr. Ku mazawa is secretary is a division of the national office of the Y.M. C.A. with offices in New York. The Japanese secretary is one of four foreign secretaries. He is just re turning from Japan where he has been studying the student question there and has some first hand in formation as to the Oriental situa tion, according to the local Y.M. C.A. secretary. Tt was while Mr. Kumazawa was on this trip that Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, assistant dean of women, met the Japanese secretary. Mrs. Macduff toured Japan this summer. Anyone desiring more informa tion about Mr. Kumazawa and his proposed stay here is asked to call Eugene Stromberg at the Y. M. C. A. hut, local 241. Douglass to Attend Association Meet M. H. Douglass, University libra rian, left for Portland Thursday af ternoon to attend the executive meeting of the Pacific Northwest ern library association in which he holds the office of treasurer. Mr. Douglas was elected to this position last June at the annual convention held in Walla Walla, Washington. He has been a mem ber of the organization for many years, this being the fourth time he has been on the executive board. The Pacific Northwestern library association is an international or ganization and the section which his board represents includes Brit ish Columbia, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Washington, and Oregon. The librarian will return to Eu gene this afternoon. Speech Defects To Be Corrected A defective speech clinic will be conducted this fall by Professor Carrell. The clinic will be opened to townspeople, public school chil dren, as well as University stu dents. Classes will be conducted from 10:00 to 12:00 a. m., Tuesday, and from 3:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. Thursday. Several University students have availed themselves of this oppor tunity to improve their : peech. The clinic is operating in cooperation with the psychology department. Professor Carreil, a new faculty member in the speech department, came to the University from the famous laboratory for child re search at Mooseheart, Illinois, where he has served for two years ;as research psychologist and speech pathologist. He was a faculty member at Bellingham normal school, North western university, and Tarkio col lege in Missouri previous to his work at Mooseheart. He received his M-A. degree in the department of speech at Northwestern univer sity in 1929. University to Spend $79,542.02 For Relief Work This Year, Many Improvements are Now Noticed Through work of 12 SER A, projects, spending $79,542.02. for relief work, this campus will be benefited by improvements on its grounds and buildings. Of this sum $12,508.94 is donated by the Uni versity, while $07,033.08 is as signed by the state Emergency Re bef committee. At the present time there are 12 projects on the campus financed in this way, which are either com pleted or are being approved by the committee. One of the completed projects is the construction of the A.S.U O bleachers on the new baseball field. A major project now in p’o gress is the shingling of 15 Uni verfity buildings. This will neces sitate the expense of almost $10, HOu. A survey to determine the fi nancial condition of Oregon coun ties and a survey of and assistance in administration of local govern ment in Oregon are under the di ' the benefit of the University which will be under the charge of J. O. Lindstrom, business manager of the University. This consists of rection of Herman Ke'nrli, director of municipal research. With the close cooperation of the University, there is also being made an employment study of clas sified industries in Oregon. Along with this there will be also an anal ysis of the county load. Both of these projects will be under the di rection of E. B. Mittleman of the school of business administrat'on. For the fourth group, applica tions are in and are approved. They are now waiting the assign ment of the workers. In this group there will be a sur vey to determine the effect of the proposed 20-mill Tax Limitation amendment. This will also be un der the supervision of Mr. Kehrli. Next is a clerical project for (Please turn to page 3) Male Chorus Will Present Concert Of Russian Songs Classics lo Include ‘Song Of the Volga Boatmen’ And Many Others “Singing Horsemen of the Steppes,” known more commonly as the Don Cossack Russian male chorus, will appear in Eugene on the night of Friday, October 26, at McArthur Court, according to an announcement made yesterday by the graduate manager’s office. The concert is to besponsored by that body as an exceptional part of its fall activities. The concert is to be sponsored by concerts all over the world, con sists of thirty-six voices, under the leadership of Serge Jaroff. It was organized in 1923, and upon com pletion of their present American tour of 102 concerts they will have given upwards of 2700 concerts throughout the world. All the members of the group are former military officers who served dur ing the World War in the Russian White Army. All members are exiles from Russia, none of whom has seen his native land since he was expelled by the Eolsheviki. Passports have been issued to them by the League of Nations, upon which no men tion of nationality is made. Yet the Don Cossacks have thrilled people the world over with songs from their native land. T heir program opens with a group of liturgical songs, includ ing compositions of Tchaikowsky, Gretchaninoff, and others. The first number will probably be the famous Credo of Gretchaninoff, a custom which is almost traditional with the chorus. Folk songs of Russia always provide one of the most appealing parts of the pro gram. Some of those which will be sung are “The Captive Cos sack,” “Red Sarafan," and the Volga Boat Song, so beloved in this country and others. Their program opens with a Morran and Washburne’s, starting October 15, or at the graduate manager’s office at McArthur court. The University Co-op store will also sponsor the sale of tic kets, and the graduate manager is handling mail orders for re served seats. Record Crowd Seen For Washington Game Possibly the greatest crowd that has ever filled Multnomah stadium in Portland will witness the game to be played between Oregon and Washington on October 13, was the prediction made yesterday by Hugh Rosson, graduate manager. Requests for tickets have been coming in from all over the north west for reserved seats at the game and a telegram was received from the University of Washington for an increase of 1000 seals over their previous order for 5000. Philomelete Sponsors Parly at Guild Theater Fo rthe benefit of all freshmen women, Philomelete, an organiza tion of hobby groups, is sponsoring a party at the Guild theatre, Sat urday at 3 o'clock. Stunts are bing presented by the presidents of the following groups: charm school, Dorothy Hagge; travel, Marian Johnson; prose, poetry, and drama, Eleanor Hig gins; music, Virginia Endicott; outdoor, Lillian England. Musical numbers also will be included in the program. 4Mum’ Sale Will Remain in Force Till Next Monday A. W. S. Sponsoring Drive To Sell Flowers for Washington Game The A.W.S. “mum” sale which has been in progress since Wed nesday, October 3, will remain open until Monday, October 8, giv ing every Oregon student ample opportunity to purchase a flower for the Oregon-Washington game. Fraternity men are being ap proached as well as sorority women this year. The chysanthemums, selling for fifty cents, seventy-five cents, and one dollar, are to be called for at Holden’s florist shop in Portland. Women in charge of the sale are Adele Sheehy, general chairman; Martha McCall, sorority sales) El ma Giles, fraternity sales; Eleanor French, alumnus sales; Peggy Chessman, publicity. Salesmen calling at fraternities are Betty Coon, BeLLy Autzeii, Charlotte Ollit, Mary Elizq^eth Webster, Marian Johnson, Frances Johnston, Mary Foster, Mildred Blackburne, Frances Waffle, Star la Parvin, Genevieve McNiece, Margery Kissling, Velma McIntyre, Catherine Sibley, Beverly Burkitt, Betty Burnett. The “mums” are being sold in sororities by Dorothy Hagge, Elaine Cornish, Thelma Cook, Mar jorie Will, Mildred Blackburne, Margery Kissling, Betty Galla gher, Starla Parvin, Glen Vinyard, Lillian England, Elizabeth Waha, Ruth Forbes, Marian Johnson, Bet ty Jane Burnett, Josephine Skene, Margaret Ball, Eleanor Stewart, Margaret Rollins, Helen Nicka chiou. Everyone planning on attending the Oregon-Washington game is urged to wear a “mum.” Grecian Coins Picture History in Recent Book A study of the history of Greece as reflected in various types of coins once in general use among the different Grecian states, may be found in a book recently ac quired by the library entitled, “Greek Coins,” by Charles Selt man, M.A., lecturer in classics at Cambridge university. It contains, among other things, nearly 75 plates, illustrating over 1000 coins of all descriptions. This book can be found during the next month in the office of Prof. Smertenko, room 30, Friend ly hall. Victory Bell to RingatAnnnal Dance Tonight ‘Hello’ Affair Sponsored By Skull and Dagger Rally to Be Feature Campus Clothes to Be in Vogue at Big Igloo Celebration The toll of the Victory Bell will be heard tonight at the annual "Hello” dance for the first time in many months since it was mys teriously secluded after the foot ball season last fall. The “Hello” dance, an annual event sponsored each year by the Skull and Dagger, men’s sophomore service honorary, is arousing much interest among the upperclassmen as well as the eager freshmen. The Igloo, scene of the dance, will be decorated in lemon yellow and green, with Oregon pennants and blankets attractively d i s - played. The “pep” rally being the im portant feature of the dance, cam pus clothes will be appropriate for the afair. Craig Finley, president of Skull and Dagger, asks all let termen and Skull and Dagger members to wear their sweaters. During intermission Joe Renner, student body president, will give a few words of welcome to the fresh man class, followed by a pep rally for the Oregon-Washington game, with songs and yells led by Eddy Vail. A1 Davis, president of the sopho more class, predicts that this will be the greatest "Hello" dance in. many years due to the enlarged enrollment. Mel Johnson, chair man of the dance committee is highly optimistic in regard to the outcome. He is being assisted by Frank Nash, in charge of tickets; John Thomas, decorations; and Dave Morris, patrons and patron esses. Admission will be 50 cents a couple. Music from 9 o’clock until 12 wil be furnished by Sherwood Burr and will add to the rally idea as he will have a special arrangement of college alma mater songs from all the schools on the Pacific coast. Tickets are on sale at the Col lege Side and at all houses. Education Department Enlarged at Portland New education courses are being offered by Dean Jewel of the school of education, at the Portland ex tension of the University of Ore gon, Friday and Saturday each week. Dean Jewel states that he hoped to coordinate the two schools by offering the same course to both Portland and Eugene students. Be cause of the large number of Port land teachers taking extension work, he feels the education cours es will prove popular as they are here. Courses are being offered in edu cational research, masters thesis, seminar for graduate students. Be sides the certification courses, there are also courses of general interest such as: social education, history of education, philosophy of education, curriculum construc tion, vocational and educational guidance. Also u series of courses in the problem child. Political Science Course to BeStartedinNation’s Capital Oregon students, who are pre paring for Federal Government positions or majoring in political science will be interested to know, that commencing in the spring of 1935, there will be inaugurated, at Washington, D, C,, a laboratory training course in public affairs, offering ‘'internships” in practical government, for those men and women planning to specialize for a career in some department of the Federal service. The National In stitution of Public Affairs, created especially for this purpose, will be the first of its kind in the United States, and will fill a long-felt need for some means whereby appli cants for governmental positions can be given an intense and thorough training by practical methods. Stressing the “intemeship" plan, (in which each student will serve as an appretice to a governmental official, receiving instruction at the same time), the National In stitution of Public Affairs is in augurating a program of training and study in the practical and hu man elements of government and politics for the benefit of selected college students and graduates. The winners of appointments to the Institution’s inaugural training program, planned for February and March, 1935, will be brought to Washington for a practical ex perience designed to supplement classroom study of political science in the preparation for leadership in public affairs and general citi zenship. The National Institution is a non-partisan, non-political, pri vately financed and self-governing organization enjoying the coopera (Please turn to page 3)