Society MARY LOUIEE EDINGER, Editor rpHIS weekend will bring about '"*• the conclusion of social events for the year. The calendar has been crowded with many brilliant affairs, and it is with regret that we know such activities cannot continue. Saturday night several dances are being given by living groups and Sunday picnics will be in or der. This afternoon, staff mem bers of the women's edition of the Emerald will entertain men who worked on the "all-men’s” edition. Theta Chi to Entertain Theta Chi fraternity will enter tain Saturday evening with a for mal dance at the chapter house. The spacious lawns and terrace will be the background for a spring garden, with lattices and flowers to carry out the idea. Patrons and patronesses for the evening will include Major and Mrs. R. H. Back, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Cutler, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Bu chanan Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. A. S. Rodda, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Crissey, and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Pease. Charles Burrow Is chairman of the evening. * » * Miss Parsons to Wed The engagement of Mary Gould Parsons, daughter of Mrs. Abbie Gould Parsons of this city, to Rich ard H. Wilson of Portland and Sa lem, was announced Wednesday evening at a dessert party for which Mrs. Parsons and her moth er, Mrs. Chris Miller of La Grande, entertained for a group of 40 at the Eugene hotel. The wedding is announced to be an event of the late summer. Both Miss Parsons and Mr. Wil son are former students on the campus, Miss Parsons being a member of Gamma Phi Beta, and Mr. Wilson of Phi Gamma Delta. The announcement Wednesday was made during a varied program. The Gamma Phi Beta trio, consist inng of Gail McCredie, Margaret DeYoung and Peggy Cullers, sang the sorority’s sweetheart song, ac companed by Mrs. Frank Riggs, who then played the wedding march while little Ralph Wilson Jr. and Geraldine Davis staged a mock wedding. After the mock wedding ceremony, little Geraldine Davis presented the bride-elect with a corsage. The Phi Gamma Delta sweetheart song was also sung. The table was decorated in pas tel colored flowers and candles. Mr. Wilson is the son of Mrs. Ella S. Wilson of Salem. Bride-Elect Honored Thursday evening members of Sigma Kappa had a shower for Miss Lillian Rankin, compliment ing her on her engagement to John Conway, Newberg, which was an nounced last week. The marriage will be an event of June. * * * Picnic Slated Sunday, members of Kappa Sig ma will entertain with an all day picnic at Riverside park. Jack Skidmore and Fred Whittlesey are in charge. The patrons and patronesses will be Mr. and Mrs. David Graham, Dr. and Mrs. Delbert Stanard, and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Cutler. * * * Formal Scheduled A garden idea will be the motif for the Kappa Sigma spring form al to be held Saturday night at the chapter house. White lattices made realistic with vari-colored spring flowers, and a rock garden will give the desired effect. Linn Lat ourette, Bob Becker, and Ralph Montgomery Ward and Co. “The Friendliest Store in Town” We Wish All Oregon Students and Faculty a Pleasant Vacation Thanking you for your patronage during this past school year Seeks Nomination John R. Quinn, chairman of the board of supervisors of Los An geles county, who has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for governor at the August primary election. Walstrom are in charge of the dance. The patrons and patronesses will be Dean and Mrs. Karl Onthank, Mr. and Mrs. David Graham, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. B. Wilcox. Japanese Garden Is Motif Saturday night the Sigma Alpha Epsilon tennis court will be the Happy Vacation! Good Luck in Exams The CAMPUS GROCERY New Ball Diamond Nearly Completed The new varsity baseball field at the University of Oregon will soon become a reality as carpenters ; finish the stands designed to seat 2500 spectators. The diamond, lo cated just south of huge McAr thur court, will offer ball clubs a more spacious field. The stands are built along the west and south slopes, making a natural amphi theater. i scene of their spring formal. Jap- i anese lanterns will be used to dec- 1 orate and supper will be served in the garden. Johnny Robinson's or chestra from Portland has been engaged for the dance. Patrons and patronesses will be ' Dr. and Mrs. John P. MacKinnon, j Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Noble, and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Spencer. Spring Informal to Be Held Saturday night members of Phi | Kappa Psi will hold their spring informal at the chapter house. Spring flowers and flood lights will be used to decorate, and Sherwood Burr and his music will play. The patrons and patronesses will be Mr. and Mrs. W. F. G. Thacher, Dr. and Mrs. S. Stephenson Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Sante D. Caniparoli, and Mr. Joseph Angell and Miss Mary Jean Warner. Mark Cory is general chairman. “Patronize Emerald Advertisers.” Farewell, Students - - - A. Happy Vacation To You. We ll see you next year when your soles are worn out. CAMPUS SHOE REPAIR Across from Sigma Chi Right on the Campus ifiiirgJniiraiitiirgJfgJfnJrcifiUfturaiRifaJfgi^faJRinuniinufziinsjfgifairsJigJrgJrgJfaJnurtUrajaiifaJrajriUp House Managers ATTENTION ! GET YOUR HOUSE REPAIRED DURING THE VACATION For Quality Building Materials Call Phone 85 BOOTH - KELLY LUMBER CO. 5th Ave. at Willamette St. Call RAILWAY EXPRESS to get your baggage home QUICKLY and ECONOMICALLY You probably have 101 things to do and think about before leav ing the university for home and vacation. One of the items you can strike off the list is your bag gage. Send it Railway Express whatever it may be-trunks, bags, or personal belongings. Wherever you may live, if it is within regular vehicle limits, y?e will call for your trunks and bags and whisk them away on fast passenger trains through to destination. And after the vacation, bring them back this simple, easy and economical way, for Railway Express will pick ’em up and make direct delivery to your fraternity house or other resi dence. Railway Express has served your Alma Mater for many years. It provides speedy, reli able service at moderate rates. The local Railway Express rep resentative will be glad to supply you with necessary labels and will give you a receipt for your shipment that includes liability up to $50, or 50c per pound for any shipment weighing more than 100 pounds. Merely call or telephone Depot Grounds—4th and Willamette Phone 20 The best there is in transportation SERVING THE NATION FOR 95 YEARS RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY, Inc. NATION-WIDE SERVICE SENIORS If you have not ordered eaps and gowns, see us at onee. We’ll try to get them. SPRING l CLEARANCE SENIORS Caps and