Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1934, Image 1

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    Last Emerald
Today’s Idmcrald is the last
issue to be published this year.
The staff bows and makes its end
Attention Seniors
All graduating seniors must call
at the Alumni office for instruc
tions. Graduation fee of $6.50
must be paid before June 1.
Phi Mu, Sigma
Hal! Get Radio
' * - -
Award Given to ‘March
Of Time’
Point System Considering Appeal,
Continuity, Presentation,
Originality Used
Sigma hall was last night
chosen winner of the ?50 cash
prize in the Emerald radio con
test. This decision was reached
hy the judges after the last of the
programs were given over KORE
yesterday. The silver loving cup
for the best opposite will go to
Phi Mu, the only women’s organi
zation to reach the finals.
The winning skit was a bur
lesque on the “March of Time”
program, broadcast over NBC,
and was full of comedy. Only a
piano, a clarinet, and a "raz
berry” instrument, the kind that
ejects the well - known “bronx
cheer,” were used as a background
to the 15 minutes of wisecracks
and gags. The Phi Mu entertain
ment consisted of trio numbers
a n d piano interludes cleverly
blended together by the continu
ity, which carried an advice-to
the-lovelorn idea. Questions from
the lovesick were answered with
appropriate trio numbers.
Contributions Made
The contest, which was made
possible by the contributions of
several downtown and campus
merchants, began on April 24. At
that time there were 23 living
organizations entered, of which 16
remained in the contest, the oth
ers being automatically disquali
fied when they failed to appear
on the scheduled date.
In the finals of the contest this
week four groups performed, Sig
ma hall, Yeomen, Phi Mu, and Phi
Gamma Delta. The Yeomen pro
gram, which consisted of Old
English drinking-house songs, was
mentioned as runner-up in the
men’s group. The Phi Gamma
Delta variety program also re
ceived honorable mention from the
Judging Explained
In judging the contest, a point
system was used which gave con
sideration to continuity, original
ity, presentation, and popular ap
peal. Judges were Naomi Harper,
manager of KORE; Raleigh Wild
man, announcer at KORE; Waiter
Swanson, chairman of the con
test; James Doyle; and George
Callas, former radio editor.
Directors of the winning pro
grams will meet Saturday morn
ing at 11 in the Co-op to receive
the prizes.
Among the Eugene businesses
who were financially responsible
for the contest were DeNeffe’s,
McDonald theater, Skeie’s Jewel
ry, McMorran and Washburne,
Densmore-L e o n a r d, University
Pharmacy, Oregana Confection
ery, Paul D. Green’s, Laurelwood
golf course, Eugene Farmer’s
Dairy, Oregon Pharmacy, Fire- [
stone Service Stores Inc., and Per- 1
iich’s food store.
Funeral Pyre for Three
WEicMi&Z&'W ‘ r'
Two men and a woman were burned to death when the airplane
they were riding crashed to the ground near Los Angeles and burst
into flames, Kenneth Gardner, pilot, R. C. Stlzman Jr., and Ruth H.
Colverse were the victims of the air tragedy.
YW Junior-Senior
Breakfast Slated
For Sunday at 9
Graduating Women to Be Honored
At Annual Affair; Jean
Lewis in Charge
Honoring the graduating senior
women, the Y.W.C.A. will sponsor
the annual Junior-Senior breakfast
Sunday, at 9 p. m., in Gerlinger
hail. Members of the Y advisory
hoard who will be present as guests
of the cabinet are Mrs. M. H.
Douglass, Mrs. Alta Schaaf, Mrs.
M. H. Jackson, Mrs. A. H. Norton,
Mrs. H. K. Adams, Mrs. H. R.
White, Mrs. Herschall Scott, Mrs.
G. P. Kinehal, Mrs. Roy Morse, and
Miss Janet Smith.
Jean Lewis is chairman of the
affair. Under her leadership is the
following directorate: food, Theda
Spicer, who has appointed Winifred
Johnson, Helen Dodds, Helga Myr
mo, Rose Gore, Ruth Weber, Pearl
Johansen, Marge Leonard, and Vio
la Jensen to aid her in preparing
the breakfast; living organizations,
Mary McCracken; independent wo
men, Elaine Sorensen and Marian
Smith; tables, Elaine Cornish;
clean-up, Mary Eberhart; ser
vice, Martha McCall; decorations,
Janet Hughes; programs, Gertrude
Lamb; music and entertainment,
Madalena Giustina.
Freshmen, Thespians and Kwa
ma will serve at the breakfast.
They will also act as hostesses.
Toasts and hand-made programs
will be built around the theme of
the breakfast, the mortar board
cap of the graduating college stu
All senior women are invited.
Those who have not yet been con
tacted are urged to call the Y for
information about the breakfast
and also to attend the breakfast.
The admission price is 25 cents per
Don’t Be Choosy, Onthahk
Advises Young Job Hunters
Note: This is the fourth and
concluding; installment in a
series of articles written by
Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel, giving advice to those
students who will soon be out
of school and seeking employ
Having listed what you have to
sell, now catalog possible markets
First seek and list markets where
you are a preferred salesman. If
Uncle Bill offers you a job in his
bank, be very sure that banking
is an occupation you can not abide
before you pass it up. Cousin
Hank’s stock ranch may not look
too attractive just now, but maybe
it offers a job with prospects of a
share in the business, a degree of
independence, and a free out-of
doors life which many an office
worker “chained to a desk” would
eye with envy. Perhaps you have
heard Dad complain about the trib
ulations of his business so ofter
that it has now no glamor left foi
you, but if he offers you an open
ing, unless you are completely' sole
on some other occupation, we rec
ommend taking Dad's offer now
because you will probably do so
List all the jobs for which you 1
have a preferred chance. Then list
positions you would like, indepen-1
dently of present connections or
opportunity; finally make a list of
other jobs you can do and would
take if necessary.
The next step is to make a list
of friends and relatives, particular
ly those in positions where they
might possibly be able to help you.
College friends, a year or two
ahead of you, now alumni in busi
ness or professional life, are often
able to suggest fruitful leads. Fra
ternity connections do not guar
antee employment, but are often
extremely helpful in finding open
ings. A list of friends and acquain
tances one has made among the in
teresting people met in college, on
vacation trips, or otherwise, may
be a gold mine of information on
employment if the acquaintance is
cultivated tactfully. Be sure not
to overlook anyone who might be
able to help you to find a job
Lhrough putting you in contact
with someone else who may know
of one. More jobs are gotten
(Continued on Pa ye Four)
Cars Will Leave
From Shack at 3
For Staff Picnic
Cars will leave at 3 o’clock this
afternoon from the Journalism
building to take all those who
worked on the men’s and women’s
editions of the Emerald to the pic
nic at Riverside park. The event
is given by the women, who were
losers of the contest between the
two editions.
Rain or shine, the picnic will be
held, according to Mary Louiee Ed
inger, chairman. Women will be
required to contribute 50 cents for
expenses, and the men, 20 cents.
Miss Edinger, editor of (he wo
men's edition, announced that any
students who does not plan to at
tend the picnic because of the ex
pense should see her. She can be
reached by phone, 1780, from 11
to 1, and at the Journalism build
ing from 1 to 3.
More cars are needed. Anyone
who can furnish a car should no-,
tify the chairman. Every membe
of the two staffs is urged to attend.
If the weather permits, a baseball
game will he held between the men
and women. Swimming, dancing,
rowing, and a weiner roast will
furnish entertainment.
Gamma Alpha Clii,
Alpha Delta Sigma
To Have Banquet
Advertising Honoraries’ Event to
Be Added Feature of Annual
A oint banquet will be given at
the Eugene hotel Saturday eve
ning by Alpha Delta Sigma and
Gamma Alpha Chi, men’s and wo
men’s professional advertising fra
ternities, as a feature of the an
nual advertising conclave which
will be held in Eugene May 26
and 27.
P. J. MacAuley, advertising di
rector of Meier and Frank’s of
Portland, will speak on "Advertis
ing Ad Lib.” Leith Abbott, grad
uate of 1923 and former editor of
the Emerald, will act as toast
master. Abbott is at present ad
vertising manager for the South
ern Pacific lines in Oregon.
Short talks of welcome and fe
licitation will be given by Thomas
C. Clapp, president of Alpha Delta
Sigma; Margaret Roberts, presi
dent of Gamma Alpha Chi; Dean
Eric W. Allen, representing the
school of journalism; Dean H. V.
Hoyt, school of business adminis
tration; Joseph Renner, president
of the A.S.U.O.; Don Caswell, re
tiring president of Sigma Delta
Chi, men’s professional journalism
fraternity; Clark Irwin, president
of Alpha Kappa Psi, business ad
ministration honorary.
The banquet is in celebration of
the 10th anniversary of the
founding of the local chapter of
Alpha Delta Sigma. A reunion
breakfast will be given Sunday
morning at 9 o'clock for members
of Alpha Delta Sigma, Harris
Ellsworth, publisher of the Rose
burg News Review, will be toast
master. An informal program will
be held.
The following associate mem
bers will be initiated into Alpha
Delta Sigma at the banquet: J. V.
Roberts, treasurer of Botsford,
Constantine, and Gardiner adver
tising agency of Portland; Arthur
Wallace of the advertising staff
(Continued on Page Six)
Schedule for
Seniors Books
Full Weekend
la Friday, June 8
Commencement, 15 ice alaurca te,
Flower, Fern Ceremony
Complete Program
With final arrangements for
commencement days completed,
there is every indication that
members of the class of 1934 will
have a busy’ schedule on that,
weekend of weekends for Univer
sity students. They will be fed,
sermonized, ceremonialized, and
The Failing-Beelcman oratorical
contest, the first on the program
of activities, will be held at the
music auditorium Friday evening,
June 8.
The University luncheon at noon
on Saturday, June 9, will assem
ble members of the graduating
class, alumni, faculty, and visiting
friends of the University. All
members of the graduating class
will come to the luncheon garbed
in their scholastic attire of caps
and gowns. Seniors v/ill be given
free tickets to the luncheon when
they call for their commencement
instructions at the Alumni office
in Friendly hall. Others attending
the luncheon may obtain tickets
at the Alumni office for GO cents
The women of the class will
play an important part in the tra
ditional flower and fern proces
sion Saturday evening at 7:30.
This event, in which graduating
women and alumnae march around
the statue of the Pioneer Mother,
bearing bouquets of spring flowers
and depositing them in a circle
around the base of the statue, is
considered one of the most beauti
ful events of the commencement
The class will march in a body,
clad in cap and gown, at the bac
calaureate and the commencement
exercises, both to be held at Mc
Arthur court.
Frank Bane, director of the
American Public Welfare associa
tion and for many years promi
nently identified with leading so
ciological and welfare movements
In the United States, will deliver
the commencement address on
Monday, June 11.
Rosson to Attend Meet
Of Pacific Conference
Hugh E. Rosson, graduate man
ager at the University, will leave
for Portland next Monday to at
tend the spring meeting of the Pa
cific Coast conference association
The temporary football conference
schedule for 1935 will be drawn up
at this time. Managers, faculty
representatives, and%other officials
from Pacific coast colleges will at
tend this meeting.
Joint Field Trip to Be
Taken Next Saturday
A joint field trip will be held by
F. P. Sipe’s class in plant classi
fication and F. A. Cuthbert's land
scape architecture students Satur
day, from 10 to 5 o’clock in the Lo
rane district.
This will be the last of the se
ries of field trips conducted by the
class in plant classification this
Roison Will Attend Meet
Hugh E. Rosson, graduate man
ager of the University, will leave
Monday to attend the Pacific
Coast conference association at
Portland. The temporary football
schedule for 1935 will be drawn up
at this time. Managers and facul
ty representatives from all coast
conference colleges attend this
meeting. The permanent 1935 foot
ball schedule will be drawn up at
the winter meeting of the confer
ence association next December.
Campus Calendar
Frosh Counsellors’ directorate
will hold a meeting at 4 today in
the College Side. Every member
must be present.
Students interested in living in
the International house, which
will be reopened next year, are
requested to contact A1 Parker at
the Y hut or Alfred Fajardo at
All l nir<’ruity Classes
Dismissed on May 30
For One Day's Holiday
All University classes will be
dismissed for Memorial day,
Wednesday. May 30, it was an
nounced yesterday by Clifford
L. Constance, assistant regis
Students and faculty mem
bers will have one day's holi
day, the former to cram for
examinations which begin for
seme on Friday, June 1, and
the latter to prepare the exam
inations for which the former
will cram.
Annual Emerald
Banquet Planned
For Next Friday j
Affair Scheduled for Bohemian |
Restaurant; Honor Awards
To Be Given
The annual Emerald banquet
will be held Friday evening, Juno
1. at 6:30 o’clock in the Bohemian
restaurant. All' regular members
of the Emerald staff who have
student body cards are invited to
attend. The lists posted in the
journalism building should be
signed before Monday evening by
all planning to attend.
The Emerald staff appointments
will be announced by Douglas Po
livka, editor, and Grant Thuem
mel, business manager, will intro
duce the business staff.
Presentation of the Turnbull- j
Hall plaque will be made by
George Turnbull, co-donor of the
award, to that senior who has
shown outstanding ability in jour
nalism, who ias worked most
earnestly and consistently on the
Oregon Daily Emerald, and who
has proved the greatest inspira
tion to his fellow staff members.
Awards will be given to nine
members of the editorial, news,
and sports staff by Sterling Green,
vetiring editor, and Bill Bower- j
man, sports editor. Grant Thuern- j
mel, business manager, will pre- |
sent awards to four members of I
the business staff. Jen members
of the staff selected for the Or
der of the Emerald, honor society
of the campus daily, will be an
nounced and will receive awards.
To be eligible for this honor, the
staff member must be a sopho
more or in a class above and must
have given meritorious service.
Speakers planned for the eve
ning are Hugh Rosson, represent
ing the A.S.U.O.; Dean Eric W.
Alien, the school of journalism;
Arne G. Rae, the Oregon State
Editorial association; William
Tugman, the Register - Guard;
Thomas H. Tongue, retiring stu
dent body president; Joe Renner,
student body president for next
year. Toastmaster for the ban
quet has not yet been announced.
After the banquet the members
present will be guests at the tra
ditional theater party at the Co
lonial theater.
Portland Attorney
Will Speak to Law
School Members
Ropers McVeagh to Give Address
At Annual ISanquot Honoring
Third Year Students
Rogers McVeagh, Portland at
torney, will deliver the main ad
dress at the senior law banquet to
be held June 8, according to an
announcement made by Dean
Wayne L. Morse yesterday.
The banquet, which is given an
nually by the law school in honor
of third year law students, will
probably be held at the men’s dor
The Bancroft-Whitney prize, giv
en to that third year student who
has maintained the highest scho
lastic standing during the three
years in the law school, will be
awarded at the banquet.
The winners of certificates of
award for honors work on the Ore
gon Law Review, legal periodical
published quarterly by the Univer
sity law school, will be announced.
The board of student editors of
the Law Review for next year will
be appointed at the senior banquet
The Oregon Law Review, which
is the official periodical of the
Oregon bar association, is edited
by Prof. Charles G. Howard. Arti
cles discussing recent cases and de
cisions are contributed to the Re
view by law school students, un
der the supervision of the faculty.
Howard stated, in commenting
on the Review, “The high quality
and quantity of the Oregon Law
Review is made possible by the
fine cooperation between the facul
ty and the students in the lav/
6 Conference
Track Teams
Will Vie Here
June 1, 2 Is Date Set for
Northwestern Meet
Clash Will Bo Qualifying Round
For National Collegiate Event
In Los Angeles
The University of Oregon will
play host to six universities and
colleges comprising the northern
division of the Pacific coast con
ference Friday and Saturday, June
1 and 2, when the track and field
teams of Washington, Washington
State college. Idaho, Montana, Ore
gon State college, and Oregon
come together in the northwest
conference meet.
This year marks the first time
since 1928 that the event has been
held on this campus. Each team
is allowed to send 18 men, so that
100 of the best athletes in the
northwest wrill be seen. Admission
prices are 40 cents for students,
regardless of whether they hold a
strident body card or not, and $1
for others. Preliminaries are at 2
o’clock Friday and finals start at
2 on Saturday.
Committee Appointed
In order to facilitate handling
the great number of details which
will' arise because of the large
number of schools participating, a
student committee has been ap
pointed by Joe Renner, president
of the A. S. U. O.
This committee will handle pro
motion, advertising, and tickets,
and will take charge of entertain
ing the visiting athletes. 'Visitors
will be entertained by the student
body as a whole instead of by
houses acting individually .
Chick Burrows is general chair
man of the committee, assisted by
Jack Campbell, publicity; Ned
Simpson, track and field events;
Doug Ward, reception and enter
tainment of athletes and other vis
itors; and Grant Eade, tickets.
Interest High
Interest in the meet is running
high because of the close meets al
ready this year, and because the
clash will be a qualifying round
for the National Collegiate meet
to he held in Los Angeles June 19
20. In order to qualify for the Los
Angeles meet, an athlete must
equal or better standards set up
by those in charge of the National
Collegiates. Three Oregon men,
Bud Shoemake, Mason McCoy, and
Bob Parke have already qualified.
Oregon and Washington State
are expected to put on a close race
for first, with the Cougars fav
ored slightly. The University of
Washington is given an outside
chance, and may turn the balance
of the meet either way by winning
certain first places.
Three conference records appear
to be in danger, the javelin, shot
put, and 220 yard dash. Parke has
established himself as one of the
three best spear tossers in the na
tion, and holds the northwest rec
ord. George Theodoratus has
thrown the shot over 51 feet, and
now holds the mark in the north
west. Shoemake bettered the con
ference mark against Washington
Sprint Races Close
Oregon’s sprinters, who thus far
have been the class of the confer
ence, will encounter plenty of op
position from Kalbus, Idaho; Pe
den, Montana; Fyoclc, Oregon
State; and Plumb, Washington,
all of whom have done the dis
tance under 10 seconds. The quar
ter mile is close, as Patterson of
Oregon, Nichols of Washington
(Continued on Page Two)
24 Juniors Will Go lo
Vancouver Barracks
Twenty-four juniors taking mili
tary science and tactics will go
to summer encampment at the
Vancouver barracks, from June 18
to July 27, it was announced re
Those who will go are Malcolm
Bauer, Howard Clark, < Ivan El
liott, Paul Golden, Jack Granger,
Raymond Hendrickson, Wallace
Hug, Floyd Lees, Raymond Morse,
Douglas Pelton, Norris Perkins,
Keith Powers, Joe Renner, Roland
Rourke, William Shepherd, Ralph
Terjeson, Earl Thomson, Burke
Tongue, Robert Wagner, Charles
Watkins;, Gilbert Wellington, James
Wells, Keith Wilson, and Robert
Romance Ends
Married five years to George II.
Kent, New York broker and so
cialite, Irene Bentley, brunette ac
tress, has announced she’ll seek a
Mexican divorce.
Thuemmel Gives
Out Names of New
Advertising Staff
Reappointed Business Manager
Makes Statement About
New Members
Grant Thuemmel, reappointed
business manager of the Flmerald,
announced his staff for next year
Eldon Haberman, senior in jour
nalism, will be assistant business
manager; Alene Walker, executive
secretary; Fred Fisher, advertising
manager; Jack Lew, assistant ad
vertising manager; Ed Labbe, na
tional advertising manager; Jack
McGirr, assistant national adver
tising manager; Jerry Thomas,
promotion man; Robert Cresswell,
circulation manager; and Janis
Worley, Sez Sue.
Other positions will be filled in
the fall.
Thuemmel said yesterday, “I feel
that this is a good staff. They
have proved their ability in var
ious positions throughout the year
by hard work and efficient adver
tising soliciting.” Advertising in
the Emerald showed a considerable
increase this year, and made a
Cooked Food Sale Will
Be Given by Tonqueds
Ties, cakes, salads, candy, and
all varieties of spicy food will be
on Sale Saturday at the City Mar
ket from 8 until 5;30, at the Ton
queds’ “cooked” food sale.
The profit from this sale will
be used to enlarge the Tonqueds’
scholarship fund. Ethel Thompson
is general chairman of the affair.
Her committee includes Joan Shel
ley, calling; Adeline Adams, col
lecting; Mary Ellen Eberhart, pos
ters; and Virginia Endicott, sell
All members of the organization
are asked to contribute to the sale,
and have food ready for delivery
Seniors Award
Albert Cup to
Sterling Green
Outstanding Activity for
Four Years Discussed
Surplus of $775 Will Go to Needy
Students; Frances Johnston
Chosen Secretary
Sterling F. Green, editor of the
Emerald, was elected to receive
the Albert cup awarded at the sen
ior class meeting last night to that
senior student “having a record for
faithful study and scholarship not
below the average; who, during
the school year, opportunities con
sidered, has made the greatest
progress toward the ideal in char
acter, service, and wholesome in
Three senior students nominated
by a faculty committee headed by
Dean of Men Virgil Earl, were con
sidered for the cup given annually
by Joseph H. Albert of Salem.
In his four years at the Univer
sity, Green has been active in
campus affairs. He was chosen
Wednesday as one of the four del
egates to attend the America-Ja
pan student conference in Tokyo
this summer; last week he was
elected to Phi Beta Kappa, schol
arship honorary; he was one of
three seniors to receive the Sigma
Delta Chi scholarship award for
graduating journalism students;
he was a member of the Co-op
board this year; he is a member
of Friars, senior service honorary.
Edits Blue Book
In his junior year, Green was
managing editor of the Emerald;
he edited this year's edition of the
Oregon Blue Book for Hal E. Hoss,
late secretary of state; and he was
awarded the Koyl cup as the most
outstanding junior man on the
As an undergraduate, Sterling
Green was president of Sigma Del
ta Chi, national journalism honor
ary and editor of the freshman edi
tion of the Emerald.
Final plans for the senior loan
fund for students were also dis
cussed at last night’s meeting. The
sum of $775 which was left in the
senior class treasury will serve as
an undiminishable fund for needy
students in future years, with the
regulations made that no loan be
for more than $80 or 30 days, ac
cording to Ed Martindale, senior
class president.
Martindale Commends Move
“We believe that our class sur
plus could be used in no finer way
than as a loan fund designed for
the assistance of University stu
dents,” stated Martindale.
The money will be handled
through the office of the dean of
Frances Johnston, senior in Eng
lish, was elected permanent secre
tary of the class of '34, and Vir
ginia Hartje, senior in Romance
languages was selected as alter
nate secsetary. Miss Johnston will
arrange for all reunions of her class
in the future.
Beware of the Green Goose,
You Sinners, For It Noesall
Tuesday evening a sorrowful
stream of humanity will pour
forth from the campus and, weep
ing- and wailing, will stumble
through the swinging doors in a
mad search for “fire-water" in
which to drown their troubles.
“Woe is me! Woe, woe. is me!”
will moan some cringing coed, as
she looks, terrified, over her shoul
der and then turns, with great
drops of salty tears streaming
down her once rosy cheeks, to con
fide in a woe-begone specimen of
what was once a campus hero.
"Woe is me!” she will say. "I
thought I had lived all that down.
I was prepared to lead a new life,
to justify the faith my mother
put in me, and what happens? I
ask you, what happens? That
filthy Green Goose turns my very
heart outside in—I mean inside
out. Exposed, shamed, disgraced!
How did they find out? They say
they have spies under every car
pet. And what can I do? Noth
ing, ’cause it’s true!" And with
great sobs shaking her shoulders,
she salts the firewater with her
tears and, downing it with a de
spairing gesture, stumbles out th#
door looking for the nearest
Ah, my friend, you may well
weep in sympathy with this speci
men of those great flocks of
wretched people, who, after seeing
themselves and their past deeds
exposed before the critical gaze of
the public, will despair of ever re
instating themselves in the public
esteem and will seek the quickest
way into oblivion. Yes, you may
well weep, for you, too, may be
one of them. No transgression,
no hushed-up scandal, no buried
romance, is so well hidden that
the inhuman ferrets of the Green
Goose will not find it out. Never
again will you be able to face your
good fellow men. You won’t be
able to find him. For he, too, has
had some secret sin yor sorrow
which is now bared in its dark
est clothes to the public. Woe
unto yet who have sinned, for it
shall be told in the Green Goose.
It gives not an emerald quack or
hiss for anyone for their pleas.
With faces set as if chiseled out
of marble, these unknown scribes
will sit at their desks and, ignor
(Continiied on Page Two)