Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
Sterling Green, Editor Grant Thuerrunel, Manager
Joseph Saslavsky, Managing Editor
Doug Polivka, Executive Editor; Don Caswell, Associate Editor;
Guy Shadduck, Stanley Robe
George Callas, News Ed.
Bill Bowerman. Sports Ed.
A1 Newton, Dramatics and
Chief Night Ed.
Elinor Henry, Features Ed.
Barney Clark, Humor h,d.
Cynthia Liljeqvist, Women’s Ed
Mary Louiee Edinger, Society
Janies Morrison, Radio Ed.
DAY EDITORS: A1 Newton, Mary Jane Jenkins, Bob Moore, I
Newton Stearns.
EXECUTIVE REPORTERS: Ann-Keed Burns, Howard Kess
REPORTERS: Miriam Eichncr, Marian Johnson, Ruth Weber,
Leslie Stanley, Newton Stearns, Clifford Thomas, Henry
etta Murnmcy, Helen Dodds. Henriette Horak, Dan Clark,
George Jones’, Roberta Moody, Peggy Chessman.
SPORTS STAFF: Clair Johnson. Asst. Sports Ed.; Don Olds.
Margery Kissling, Bill Mclnturff.
COPYREADERS: Elaine Cornish, Dorothy Dill, Marie Pell,
Phyllis Adams, Maluta Read, Virginia Endicott, Mildred
Blackburne, George Jones.
Church, Ruth Heiberg, Betty Shoemaker.
NIGHT EDITORS: George Bikman, Rex Cooper, Tom Ward.
Morse. Jane Bishop, Doris Bailey, Mary Ellen Eberhart,
Dorothy Dykcnian.
RADIO STAFF: Howard Kessler, Eleanor Aldrich,
SECRETARY: Mary Graham.
A member of the Major College Publications, represented by
A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New York City; 123 W.
Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Ave., Seattle; 1206 Maple Ave.,
Los Angeles; Call Building, San Francisco.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college
year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods
all of December and all of March except the first three days
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class
matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year.
Representing Oregon
THE University will be ably represented this
summer when the envoys from here go to the
student conference in Japan. The four places al
lotted to Oregon out of the American delegation
have been filled by Bob Dodge. Orton Goodwin,
Sterling Green, and Jay Wilson.
The keen interest in this project, evinced by
the fact that more than 30 students applied for
places, is a healthy indication of the student mind.
It is a demonstration of both a desirable interest
in international affairs and of a certain quality of
farsightedness on the part of those who were will
ing to tackle such an undertaking.
It means that a large number of students
thought it worth while to give up their chances !
for summer jobs, spend a considerable amount of
money, and make an investment in a cultural ex
Every student who applied for the trip is to be
commended for his enterprise, the more so if he is
not copiously supplied with funds. If college has
endowed him with intellectual curiosity that car
make him mortgage his future and go packing oft
to the Orient on short notice to take advantage of
such an opportunity, his academic maturity has
been well advanced.
The interest in the conference was especially
■ rn.tllj itig in of the fact that numerous other
umversiti •, im! lieges were barely able to raise
their allotted comas. Oregon, with its wide field
from which to oh ose, has been able to bring forth
a, group that cannot but do t.he University honor j
when it car r u ir good will to Japan this summer. !
Swastika in the Saar Basin
GERMANY’S Nazi government has once more
gone afield when its highly developed propa
gandizing machinery, this time in the Saar basin.
Anticipating the allegiance plebiscite to be taken
in that tiny mining region under tire direction of
the League of Nations, Hitler lias sent his public
enlightener, Dr. Goebbels, to extol to its people the
charms of Naziism.
Next January, provides the Versailles treaty,
the 800,000 inhabitants of the Saar will choose by
popular vote between the French and German flags
ITnder one of the more farsighted provisions of the
treaty, the region has for the past 15 years been
under league sovereignty, but this period is to end
with the 1935 plebiscite.
Ownership of its 31 exceedingly productive coal
mines is in the hands of France, in compensation
for mines destroyed during the war in northern
France. If Germany is the popular choice, that
country must purchase these mines—the price is
certain to be dear.
The population of the Saar is entirely German
speaking. Not since the Napoleonic regime has the
district been under French influence, but rather
has always been identified with the German states
and later with the empire. Under normal condi
tions a popular vote in favor of Germany would lie
The Nazis, however, find it necessary to carry
out an energetic campaign of persuasion to make
annexation probable. Hitler's rule of the "Vater
land” is perhaps not so popular with those who
may still voice an opinion outside Germany’s
Undercover Nazi intrigue in Austria aided in
precipitating the crisis of several months ago that
resulted in the Viennese artillery slaughter. France !
still cracks the whip in the Saar basin, for Ger- ,
many must buy its mines before the swastika can
take command. Trouble, no end of it, besets the
naive Nazi m his relations abroad.
Significant Selection
SIGNIFICANT is the current selection by the
^ Book-of-the-Month club of “Merchants of
Death," a recently-published hook by H. C. Kngcl
brecht and F. C. Hanighen, who arid an imposing '
array of facts to those which have been marshalled
in other new volumes against the armaments
makers of all nations.
The book was selected because the judges "real
ized immediately, ns every sensible person will, that
it is a book every citizen of the country, every lit
erate person in the world indeed, ought to read. '
For only if there is a complete understanding of \
this system, among plain people everywhere, will
there be any leal hope of ultimately controlling
end eradicating' this great cancel- which modern
society is allowing to burgeon unrestrained within
itself, to its own possible doom.”
But "Merchants of Death” is not the only recetv
bool$ scorching the activities of the munitions
profiteers, it is one of a veritable flood of publi
cations describing the sinister influence ot the
"merchants of death,"
Seldes' • Iron, Blood, and Profit > Lehmann- i
Russbuldt's "War for Profits,” Waldman’s "Death
apd Profits,” the well-known expose of "Arms and
the Men” in Fortune—these arc all powerful and
overwhelming testimony to the need for curbing
the insidious activities of the menacing arms ring.
Student Journalists on Parade
CTUDENTS in the school of journalism will be
^ kings and queens for a day as they collaborate
in a professional performance to supervise publi
cation of the Eugene Register-Guard today.
As they continue this annual custom, they re
ceive a journalistic baptism under fire and come
to realize the complexities of a newspaperman's
existence more poignantly than a series of lectures
can demonstrate to them.
All editorials, all 1 cal stories, headlines, and
arrangements of pages will be student-created.
Startling innovations are not in order, since it is
interesting and informr tive to draw comparisons
of the student edition with a regular publication
of the Register-Guard.
The neophytes have produced creditable issues
in previous years. We believe that they will main
tain that record today.
Oil Other Campuses
For Honor Students
r t 'HE College of Liberal Arts at the University
of Illinois is to have a tutorial system for honor
students. The purpose is to individualize the edu
cation of superior students.
The tutorial plan will be available only for jun
iors and seniors of high scholastic standing. Those
who qualify will be able to pursue a part of their
work under tutorial advisers; will be given students
under this tutorial system at the end of their senior
We advocate the adoption of this system in* our
own College of Liberal Arts. When the student
is accepted- as a candidate for an honor’s degree,
he should be assigned a tutorial adviser from whom
he would take a portion of his work. Moreover,
the adviser could guide the student in his work, and
watch his intellectual development as a whole.
Of course, we now have faculty advisers. How
ever, they are interested in their research and per
sonal work, and have little real interest in the de
velopment of the student. This is a fact, and wo
may as well stop kidding ourselves.
If the tutorial plan for honor students were
adopted, it would make our College of Liberal Arts
the most progressive and satisfactory of any simi
lar school in the country. We have liberalized the
old requirements. We have discarded the old
major-minor arrangement, and have substituted the
plan whereby each student selects his field of con
centration. Moreover, in each field are candidates
for pass degrees and honor degrees. Each student
who qualifies for an honor’s degree should be ex
empt from some regular classroom work, and be
able to take special instruction from his tutorial
adviser. Then, at the end of the senior year, the
regular comprehensive examination would be given.
Educators have long recognized the desirability
of individualizing the education of superior stu
dents. Obviously, the tutorial plan, whereby each
student would have a tutorial adviser to guide,
direct and assist him, would be an enormous step
forward.^-Daily Northwestern.
Proof of the Pudding
I UST a.s the proof of the pudding is in the eating,
so in a large measure is the proof of the value
of college training in the ease with which gradu
ates are able to find employment following com
mencement. Indiana university can point with pride
to the employment statistics recently released con
cerning- the members of last year’s graduating
The information was gained only by totalling
the names of those whom instructors know to be
employed. Naturally, the names of some employed
graduates would not be recorded on the list com
piled in this manner.
Despite ihe conservative nature of the figures,
however, il was found that 443 of the 534 students
who received their diplomas last spring had secured
positions. This is 82.9 per cent, as compared with
77 per cent for the year previous a fact which
should be encouraging to the members of the Class
of 1931 who are likely to find even greater oppor
tunities for employment.
Even during the worst of the depression it often
was pointed out that the doors to employment were
always open to a good man with thorough training.
Undoubtedly this accounts in part for the success
of so many college graduates in business and in
dustry' today. It is a lasting tribute to the training
Indiana is able to give its students. Indiana Daily
Early Enrollment
AKLY registration for next fall has just been
completed at the University of Nebraska, and,
as a result. 2550 students are duly registered for
the coming fall semester. This will relieve much
ot the usual congestion and unnecessary rush which
always accompanies the opening of the University.
For some time authorities here at this Univer
sity have been toying with the idea of early enroll-i
men! or registration, and the students have become!
so much interested in it that they have injected
the basic principle into their election campaigns.
Both political parties openly advocated the needed
reform, feeling that this was tire best way to arouse
interest and support which would lead to definite1
action of some kind.
Now that the election is over and campus feeling
has again subsided to its normal status, it is an
appropriate time to reconsider and try to adopt
some new plan of registration or enrollment that
will niit students, instructors, and the administra
tion. Pre-enrollment in the spring for the fall
semester wmld be of great value to all concerned;
it would make possible a planning of schedules tint
would more nearly suit the needs of the students.
It would also put an end to the silly two-day battle;
of red tape which always takes place in Kobinsou \
The early enrollment of seniors last semester'
proved successful, and the University of Nebraska
has found that early registration is desirable The
way is open for further action here at Kansas; it
is lime foi* th> next move to be made Daily
Kan r.n.
There’s No Lame Duck Here By STANLEY ROBE
r'nc Hope*
Selling Your Services
Editor’s note: This is the
third of a series of articles by
Mr. Onthank, outlining a pro
cedure which he hopes will be
of assistance to University stu
dents and graduates in ob
taining employment.
Dean of Personnel Administration
/"i ETTING a job, reduced to sim
plest business terms, is “sell
ing oneself.” More precisely it is
selling the services one can offer
to someone willing to pay the mar
ket price for them. The applica
tion of intelligent business meth
ods and of hard insistent effort to
this job of salesmanship is likely
to yield surprising results. Scarce
ly anyone able to graduate from
college can fail to possess talents
having a substantial market val
ue. All that is necessary to find
out just what these talents are
and to display them attractively in
a likely market. This discussion
has to do with discovering and
analyzing what it is that one has
to sell. Finding a market and
making the sale will be discussed
Employers generally hire men
for specific jobs or combinations of
jobs. Assuming desired qualities
of character, the man who gets
the job is the one who appears
most likely to do the precise work
required. College graduates, even
those of professional schools, dif
fer widely in training and in ex
perience. One can not plan his
campaign for employment until he
has clearly in mind exactly what
he has to offer.
A convenient way of inventory
ing one’s “saleable assets” is to
take a large sheet of paper and
write down, preferably in outline
form, everything one can do. List
every ability or skill, even those
you may not have regarded as
marketable. Classify them con
veniently. Pay particular attention
to those occupations at which you
have had actual experience. A
college graduate who has held a
variety of vacation and part-time
jobs, who has participated in stu
dent activities in high school and
college, and who has developed a
few healthy hobbies can list an im
pressive array of occupations for
which he can qualify by some
training and experience.
^UCH a list might easily include
k items like these and many
more: play arul can coach basket
ball and baseball, sing tenor in
glee club, have automobile opera
tor's license, can drive truck and
well acquainted with streets and
numbering system of Portland;
can read, speak and write Span
ish, can read French; have ama
teur's license as radio operator and
can repair radio sets; won prizes
as amateur photographer, took ac-!
lion pictures for school annual,
operate motion picture camera and
projector: earned high grades in
English, was high school corre
spondent on local newspaper, have
written articles for publication,
won prize in public speaking con-1
test; can operate typewriter and
billing machine; sold knit goods
one summer vacation, worked in
print-shop another; solicited ad
vertising for the Emerald, It re
quires no imagination to see that
every one of the above items con
stitutes, a lead toward profitable1
Seek especially for uncommon
abilities. If you have unusual tal-1
cuts for which a market can Be
found. \su arc .pared competition
just to that extent. Avoid crowded
fields. Ingenuity for seeking the
best outlets for unusual ability of
ten brings to light interesting and
profitable employment. A Univer
sity girl has created an excellent
job for herself by studying the
clothing tastes of college girls. She
persuaded the manager of a de
partment store to employ her to
build his student trade, an enter
prise which is proving profitable
both to her and to her employer.
A recent graduate, an accomplished
public speaker who has had un
usual travel experience, recently
created for himself an attractive
position as manager and spokes
man for a party of foreigners tour
ing America. This job was def
initely sought by the man himself
as a means of putting his unusual
combination of talents to interest
ing and profitable use.
This is more or less apart from
whatever vocational training may
have been acquired in one’s college
course. The amount and value of
such training may be large or
small, but it is nearly always bet
ter not to stress greatly one's col
lege work in hunting a job. Em
ployers are mainly interested in
what one has done or can do. They
generally recognize the value of
college study in teaching one to
think and in expanding one’s range
of relevant interests! If .besides
that, one has acquired skills for
particular tasks, define these ex
plicitly and include them on your
ITAVING listed marketable qual
ities, do the same with your
personality traits, both favorable
and unfavorable. Set down physi
cal traits, such as height, weight,
complexion, health, physical
strength, eyesight and the like.
Then record the best estimate you
can make of your character traits,
such as initiative, industry, hon
esty, cooperative ability. Be hon
est with yourself. If you are weak
in some particular, face the fact
frankly and try to correct the
fault. On the other hand, do not
underrate real abilities and so dep
recate your own confidence. Rat
ings on mental tests and of apti
tudes, and school and college
grades are useful if not taken too
deterministically. ! -
Finally, analyze and set down
your social and economic resourc
es. Family connections, fraternity,
lodge and club affiliations all have
their value; so has ability to play
a good game of bridge or of golf.
Money in the bank, life insurance
policies, personal library, wardrobe,
and many another quality or pos
session will impress favorably pros
pective employers. For one's own
use be sure to include shortcom
ings and weaknesses. If you smoke
too much, have poor health, are
careless in dress, insult and lose
friends by cutting remarks and
offensive behavior, then the soon
er you face those faults squarely
and conquer them, the better your
prospects for employment w'ill be.
More jobs are lost, in normal times
at least, through failure to get
along comfortably with one’s busi
ness associates than through in
ability to do the technical work re
Finally, put together in attrac
tive combinations grouped around
particular jobs or types of work
desired, as convincing an array of
talents and personality qualities
as you can muster from your list.
Study each arrangement and see
how you can strengthen it by' add
ing new qualities* or assets and
eliminating present weaknesses.
Study particularly how these as
sets can be presented convincingly
by letter, application, and other
wise to prospective employers.
Influence of Mystery Stories
Seen in Trial of Law School
Too many detective mystery sto
ries might have been the reason
for the “hung jury” Tuesday
night in the case of Karl Huston
vs. Virgil Langtry, the first of the
law school moot court trials in
which the jury could not reach a
The dissenting opinion of the
jury was partly due to certain
jurors' belief that a chain, intro
duced as evidence by the defend
ant, had been soaked in nitric acid
to make it appear weaker . . .
an idea mostly reminiscent of a
detective ‘'thriller."
At any rate, the jury was split
in regards to the verdict, and af
ter it had returned twice to ask
for an explanation of the evidence,
the court was obliged to declare a
The court had a rather difficult
time with the case, anyway. In
the first place, Wavnc L. Morse,
dean of the law school, when called
as a juror, refused to take the oath,
saying that "I’m a Quaker." So
the clerk went through the cere
mony twice, first saying to the
other eleven jurors "I do solemnly
swear," _and then, to Dean Morse, j
•'1 do solemnly affirm."
At another time, it was neces
sary for the judge to have the
jury sent out. "The bailiff may
take the jury out." he announced;
ponderously -and then, suddenly,!
v\ here i_ the bailiff? Bill White-1
ly, acting as bailiff for the case,
hurriedly rounded the door from
where he had been standing; out
side the court room, and clashed
up the aisle . . .
The spectators in the court
room were kept laughing almost
throughout the whole testimony
so that at one time the judge was
obliged to announce that ‘‘This
isn't a circus,” Some of the spec
tators were especially amused
when Ward Wintermeier .with
tears in his eyes, pleaded that Karl
Huston should be awarded SoOO
damages because he had lost five i
pounds while grieving ror his dog
which had been killed . . . and when j
C. C. Barkley, witness for the de
fense, solemnly asked what Villard '
hall was ?
The attorneys for the plaintiff
were J. Hobart Wilson and Want
Wintermeier: for the defendant, |
Don Eva and Bill Goodwin. Carl
Davidson acted as reporter and
sheriff. Josephine Rice as clerk,
and Bill Whitely as bailiff and no
History House I’ainted
A new coat of paint is being
given the history house this week
under funds allotted by the state
for this purpose. Five days are
expected to be used in refinishing
the building in a light green and
v lute ensemble.
Lost Cup Returns
To Possession of
Business School
After four years of absence from
the University, the Life Under
writers’ cup, awarded each year to
the business student who gave the
best sales talk on life insurance,
has finally been discovered.
The cup was originally donated
by the Oregon Life Insurance com
pany. Each year the name of the
winning student was placed upon
it. Eight names already adorned
its surface at the time of its dis
appearance. How it left the school
of business and who had it last,
nobody seemed to know. For a
while it was thought to be stolen.
Finally in despair the life under
writers bought a plaque which was
hung on the wall of the business
school. The former eight names
were re-engraved upon this new
plaque and everything went on as
Tuesday afternoon a boy from
Hoffman’s jewelry story walked
nonchalantly into the business ad
ministration office, placed the cup
on the desk and said that it had
been laying around the shop for
quite a while so he thought he'd
better bring it up. It had been
left there to be engraved and had
not been called for since.
The business school is now in
great confusion trying to find
someone to place the blame upon,
but no one seems to be able to re
member that far back.
Radical Club Will
Sponsor Picnic
Although the Oregon Radical
club will hold its final meeting of
the year next Monday, at least
three activities will be held before
June 1, it was decided at the reg
ular meeting held last night. A
picnic, in charge of Henry Ireland
and A1 Parker, is planned for next
week, with a nominal charge for
all who attend. The committee ex
pects to contact groups which co
sponsored the anti-military ball
and endeavor to get their support.
New members will be pledged
during the last two weeks. Elinor
Henry, Alfredo Fajardo and Eda
Hult will handle pledging. The
club decided that the Palmer peace
pledge, which received 34 signa
tures at the ball, will become per
manent, to be signed by any stu
dents who are in sympathy with
it. Emma Reiss is in charge of its
University Band Will
End Concerts Sunday
The University band will con
clude a busy and highly successful
year Sunday, June 3, when it plays
for the Lions’ convention at 6
o'clock in the evening by the mill
John Stehn, director of the
group, has announced the program
as follows:
Flag of Freedom.Panella
Martha . Flotow
Marche Slav .Tschaikowsky
Louise . Fulton
Semper Fidelis .Sousa
(Continued From Page One)
Alison Huntley, while Ellen Dixon,
violinist, and Roberta Spicer Mof
fitt, cellist, will furnish the obli
Those taking part in the two
piano numbers include Mary Ga
iey, Doris Peterson, Helene Ferris
and Maxine Hill, ah students oi
Mrs. Jane Thacher. Miss Dixon is
a student of Rex Underwood, Mrs.
Moffitt studies under Mrs. Ware,
Miss Heltzel is a student of Mme.
McGrew, and Miss Huntley is a
member of Mrs. Underwood's ac
companying class.
The program, which starts at 8
o’clock, is as follows:
1. Seeboeck ... Minuet
Nevin .Country Dance
Doris Peterson—Mary Galey
2. Beethoven.Minuet in G
Clokey.Old Auntie Chloe
The Kettle Boils t from "Fireside
Loree Laird, Organist
3. (a) Brago .
.The Angel’s Serenade
3- ta) .The Angel’s Serenade
Margaret Heltzel, Mezzo-Soprano
Ellen Dixon, Violin Obligato
Alison Huntley, Accompanist
(b i Bizet.Agnus Dei
Margaret Heltzel. Mezzo-Soprano
Roberta Spicer Moffitt, Cellist
Alison Huntley, Accompanist
1. Beethoven ...Concerto in C-minor
Helene Ferris—Mary Galey
5. Strauss .
. Beautiful Blue Danube Waltz
Maxine Hill- Helene Ferris
Dean Visits Campus
Dean Ava B. Milam, of the
school of home economics at Ore
gon State college, was on the
campus Monday. She was the
guest of Professor Mabel A. Wood
of the Oregon home economics de
Schivering to Speak
Dean of Women Hazel P.
Schwering will deliver the com
mencement address at the Walker
high school Friday. May 25. Dean
Schwering’s subject will be ' The
V orld of Tomorrow.
Under the
’V'OU’VE heard of all the flap
^ doodles and fizgigs that have
been named after Babe Ruth and
Lindy. Well, listen to this: Al
ready I’ve heard of six dance joints,
a women’s shop, and an orchestra
other than Glen Gray's which bear
the name “Casa Loma,” which, ac
cording to a Spanish friend of
mine, advises me is translated “the
house on the hill.” And if Gray’s
lawyers could catch up with “Duke
Reilly's ‘Casa Loma’ orchestra,”
the duke would be up the creek—
Reilly he would,
Amherst and Dartmouth are
boasting that Glen and the boys
are playing dances on their cam
puses this month.
Phil Harris, that pseudo-bass or
human bassoon, announces that
his pet recreation is polo. One
must be very versatile to maintain
one’s social status, mustn’t one?
When he left California for New
York, he got a wonderful sendoff.
Everybody was glad to see him go.
His band was about the lousiest
on the coast about that time, al
though since then he has improved
a little.
George Gershwin, the millionaire
interpretive jass composer-pianist,
most famous for his beautiful
“Rhapsody in Blue,” has his hands
insured for $200,000.
Let us hope Don Novis has his
throat insured for a like sum, be
cause rumor has it that since his
tonsilectomy he has been unable to
sing a note. Novis has been rec
ognized by music lovers as one of
the country’s leading lyric tenors.
* * *
Dance Bands Tonight
6:00—NBC, Paul Whiteman
CBS, Glen Gray
7:20—CBS, Isham Jones
7:45—KSL, Henry Busse »
9:00—KSL, Gus Arnheim
9:45—CBS, Earl Hoffman
10:10—KYA, Jesse Stafford
10:15—KGO, Tom Coakley
10:30—CBS, Gus Arnheim
KFI, Jimmy Grier
11:00—NBC, Ted F'io Rito
KGO, Kay Kyser
11:30—KGW, Jack Bain
KFI, Carol Lofner
* * *E*
Babe Ruth still goes over as big
as ever with the kids. After being
i on the air only two \ seks
Bambino's fan mail has reach
total of 260 letters from kids who
want to join his baseball club
* * *
Today’s the last day fo the Em
erald radio contest, Phi Mu and
the Fijis being the broa ' arfers.
The programs today will tuftrat
4:15 instead of the usual time,
4:30, and will be 15 minutes each
in length.
Sigma hall burlesqued the
"March of Time” again yesterday,
and burlesqued it well. Tomorrow’s
Emerald will announce the winner.
Phi Mu is a cinch to win something,
because if they don't won the first
prize, they’ll be awarded the cup
for being the best group of the
opposite sex from the winner. The
| judges will go into a huddle after
the airing today, and after a heat
! ed discussion which is sure to de
! velop, the majority will emerge
j with a decision. Walt Swanson,
radio contest chairman, wants the
winners to know that there may
be a slight delay in the dishing
out of the prizes, but he would
like to have them “keep their
shirts on,” anyway.
Temple, Mulder to Be
ROTC Honor Graduates
Mark V .Temple and J, Philip
Mulder were announced yesterday
as honor graduates from the de
partment of military science and
I tactics. Temple is a major in phy
sical education and Mulder, in bus
iness administration.
Both of the men selected for the
honor have been prominent in cam
pus affairs. Temple was co-cap
tain of the 1933 championship foot
ball team, and made all-coast
teams at halfback, while Mulder is
a star member of the golf team.
The department is authorized to
make its selections because of its
high rating in the senior R.O.T.C.
units, ni which it was deemed "ex
j cellent.”
Students in Infirmary
Students confined in the infirm
I ary are Bill White, Bill Connell,
Richard Cole, Randolph Pooley,
Bartlet Cole, Jean Boe, and Elsie
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