Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1934, Mothers' Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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    Oregon Mothers Name Officers At Mass Meeting On Campns
Boyer Makes
Theme 'Future
Of University’
Better Spirit of Faculty
And Students Noted
Immediate Selection of Chancellor
Necessary, Says Thompson,
President of Dads
(Continued from Page One)
university as indicated by the term
“Alma Mater" was pointed out by
Dr. Boyer.
The need for immediate action
in the selection of a chancellor was
the topic dwelt on by W. Lair
Thompson, Portland, president of
the Oregon Dad's club. The new
chancellor should be selected at
once so that he will be acquainted
with the higher education setup in
Oregon and will be ready to take
charge at the opening of the insti
tutions in the fall, said Thompson.
Thompson Speaks
Thompson spoke of the value of
timeliness in action by any power
wielding body. Using the compari
son of a golf swing, he pointed out
that timing can make an educa
tional setup smooth also. The
timing has been bad in the past
and consequently many friendships,
he said, were bent.
The president of the Oregon
Dads said he had not heard of any
steps having been taken to replace
the chancellor, in time to give the
new appointee an opportunity to
acquaint himself with the Oregon
campuses. The timing must not
go wrong, Thompson declared.
There are rare cases in which de
layed action is fruitful, but this,
he said, is not one of them.
O.S.C. Ranks High
As a technical school Oregon
State college ranks among the
highest in the nation, Thompson
pointed out in turning to another
phase of his speech. Neither of the
schools should be allowed to have
too many irons in the fire but
should specialize in their own
fields, Oregon State in technical
matters only and Oregon in liter
ature and the arts Ry this meth
od both would have greater oppor
tunities to reach the top in their
respective fields. Both schools
would have to give up something
but it would tend toward a better
ment of both institutions, said
Presentation of trophies was
made by Mrs. Arthur M. Dibble,
president of the organization, re
elected to serve another year in
that post. A beautiful candelabra
offered by the mothers of Port
land was presented to Phi Mu so
rority for having the'most mothers
present. They scored 100 percent.
Chi Psi lodge was awarded the
Mrs. Charles Hall trophy offered
to the men’s organizations for the
third successive time, thus gaining
permanent possession of it.
Welcome Given
Fred E. Callister brought greet
ings from the board of education.
“The period of retrenchment is
passed,” said Callister. The board
is well fitted for the work ahead,
he pointed out, but it must have
not only the cooperation of all
board members but also of the in
stitutions of higher learning and
harmony between the institutions.
Welcome from the University
was given by Burt Brown Barker,
vice-president of the University.
Joseph Renner, newly installed
president of the A. S. U. O., wel
comed the mothers on behalf of the
students, telling them how much
their help was valued and coopera
tion as well as their love. Earle
Wellington, president of the Asso- j
ciated Friends of the University, i
brought word from that group. In
vocation was offered by Rev. Cecil j
F. Ristow, of the First Methodist!
church of Eugene. A vocal selec
tion was given by Charles Fahey.1
At the close of the program the
introduction of the new officers for
the Oregon mothers was made.
Music for the banquet was furn
ished by the Phi Beta Trio: Vivian
Malone, violin; Roberta Sshrdacsm
Moffitt, cello; and Theresa Kelly,
(Continued from Page One)
student body president for the
past* year, was the installing of
At noon the annual campus
luncheon, spread on the lawn un
der the campus firs, was held, with
mothers as special guests. The
crowning of Miss Josephine Waf
fle, Astoria, as Queen Josephine I
was the outstanding event of the
luncheon. Her court of honor in
cluded Margaret Ann Howland,
Mary tine New, of Portland; Mir
iam Henderson. Oregon City, and
Cynthia Liljeqvist, Marshfield.
The picturesque ceremony of
pledging to Mortar Board, senior
women’s society, and Friars, sen
ior men’s honorary, was held dur
ing the luncheon. The Mortar
Board members in cap and gown
To all Oregon Mothers:
On behalf of the associated
students I want to express to
you the great pleasure we ex
perienced in having you here
for the seventh annual Moth
er's Day celebration. We sin
cerely hope you enjoyed your
stay as much as we enjoyed the
privilege of entertaining you
over the week-end. Although
next Mother's Day is a year
away, we want to extend to
you an invitation to be with us
again. To those mothers who
could not be here this year, we
want to express our regrets
and we want you to know that
we missed you very much. We
hope that all of you can be
with us next May, and we will
again do our best to show you
our University, our work and
our aims.
Associated Students, U. of O.
and the Friars in gowns marched
among the students, “tapping"
those chosen for next year. Those
elected by Mortar Board were
Nancy Archbold, Eleanor Whar
ton, Portland; Rosalind Gray, Eu
gene; Valborg Anderson. Colton;
Elizabeth Bendstrup, Joseph ine
Waffle, Astoria, and Alma Lou
Herman, Oregon City.
Junior men elected by Friars,
senior service group, were Ralph
Schomp, Santa Maria, California;
George Bernie, Malcolm Bauer.
Joe Renner, Bill Davis, all of Port
land, and Bill Berg, Eugene.
Friday evening they were
guests at the annual Junior Prom,
and witnessed the court of honor
held for Queen Josephine I, Miss
Josephine Waffle of Astoria. At
this time the Gerlinger cup,
awarded annually to the most out
standing junior woman student,
was given to Miss Marygolde Har
dison, of Portland, and the Koyle
cup, awarded to the most out
standing junior man, was won by
Malcolm Bauer of Pendleton.
Saturday morning the sopho
mores marched the freshmen up
to Skinner's butte where the “O”
was given a fresh coat of paint,
and then proceeded to pull the
first year men into the millrace in
thd annual tug-of-war. A water
carnival and other events also en
livened the morning for students
and guests.
Mrs. A. M. Dibble, Portland,
whose work as president of the
University of Oregon Mothers won
high praise from members and
others with whom she has been
associated during the past year,
was re-elected to this position by
unanimous vote of the seventh an
nual Mothers’ mass meeting held
Saturday morning.
At the mass meeting, which this
year attracted a record attend
ance, the mothers were greeted by
Dr. C. V. Boyer, president of the
University, and C. A. Brand, Rose
burg, member of the state board
of higher education. Dr. Boyer
sounded a note of optimism for
the future of the University, and
warmly praised the mothers’ or
ganization for its cooperation dur
ing the past year. Mr. Brand also
pointed out the value of the work
of the Mothers' organization, and
praised Dr. Boyer’s work to date
as president. He also spoke en
thusiastically of the future of the
The work of the personnel divi
sion of the University, which in
cludes the offices of dean of men
and dean of women, was described
by Karl W. Onthank. dean. Mrs.
Hazel Schwering, dean of women,
and Virgil D. Earl, dean of men,
also described their contacts with
students and other details of their
The work of the Mothers’ or
ganization for the past year was
reviewed, and the program for the
coming year outlined. The moth
ers plan to issue a pamphlet soon,,
describing the work at the Uni-,
versity and opportunities for stu-;
Saturday evening the Mother’s
Day banquet was held In John
Straub Memorial hall.
Sunday morning social services
honoring mothers were held in all
Eugene churches, and mothers
were guests at dinners at the va
rious living organizations. As a
finale to the successful weekend, i
mothers and sons and daughters,
attended the concert of the men’s
division of the Polyphonic choir
Roy G. Bryson, director, had se
lected a special group of songs
that delighted a large audience.
The committees which had
charge of the Mother's day cele
bration and the banquet were as
Faculty—Earl M. Pallett, gen- \
eral chairman; George H. Godfrey,
publicity and advertising; Virgil
D. Earl, registration; Genevieve
Turnipseed, banquet.
Student—Nancy Archbold, chair-1
man; William Meissner, assistant
chairman; Althea Peterson, ban-:
quet; Catherine Coleman, registra- ■
tion; Douglas Polivka. publicity:
Josephine Waffle, progiam; Dor
othy Dibble, secretary.
Banquet -- Althea Peterson,
chairman; Pauline George, Mar
gery Thayer, Margaret Mortenscn,
Mae Schr.ellbacher, Lois Howe.
Patronize Luitrala adverti^erb.”
Oregon Campus Plays Host to Many Mothers
These pictured above are only a small portion of the group that assembled on this campus during’ the Junior Weekend period. C. A.
Brand (left), member of the board of education, and C. V. Boyer (right), president of the University, are standing in the front row.
Freshman, Sophs
Both Gel Duckings
In Big Tug-o-war
Everything from an ordinary
soaking to slinging mud was al
lowed at the free-for-all fracas
which developed out of the frosh
sophomore tug-o-war Saturday
Seriously outnumbered by a
horde of freshmen who arrived at
the millrace, the sophomores took
no chances and tied their end of
the rope to the nearest telephone
pole. Not to be out-maneuvered
the frosh performed the same oper
ation with their end of the rope.
Then the struggle began. The
sophomore telephone pole beean to
creak and sway. The freshmen
were determined to win even if
they had to disrupt the power sys
tem. Matters were brought to sud
den halt, however, when the rope
snapped over the middle of the
stream, laying all the frosh out
straight on the ground.
From then on a storm of flying
mud, water, and slippery bodies de
veloped on the banks of and in the
millrace. Every underclassman on
the premises regardless of class
who showed any signs of being dry
was tossed in the water. The banks
quickly became a mass of slippery
Not being satisfied with the dev
astation already created, about 20
men from both sides made a tour
of nearby fraternity houses duck
ing every helpless underclassman
they could find. Joe Renner, A. S.
U. O. president, was one of the
Article, Baby Come to
Grad Simultaneously
Mrs. Ivan McColIom (Freda
Holtzmeier l, former graduate stu
dent in psychology at the Univer
sity, became an author and a
mother on the same day, May 7.
She published an article jointly
with Dr. Francis Robinson, for
merly a graduate student in psy
chology here, now head of the de
partment of psychology at Stout
institute. The article was on the
relative importance of speed and
comprehension in reading difficul
ties of the college student.
The child's name is Joan. She
was born in the Good Samaritan
hospital at Portland.
Needham Passes Test
For Master’s Degree
Howard Needham, student of
merchandizing and advertising,
passed his preliminary examina
tion for his master’s degree Thurs
day afternoon.
Needham has about one quar
ter's work yet to complete before
faking h i s final examination.
Judges who passed him were J. H.
Bond and N. H. Cornish, profes
sors of business administration;
Calvin Crumbaker, professor of
economics; H. V. Hoyt, dean of
the school of business administra
tion, and W. F. G. Thacher, pro
fessor of advertising.
Band to Give Concert
At Springfield Tonight
The University band will take
another one of its spring concert
visits to Lane county towns to
night, this time to Springfield.
The program will be presented in
the Methodist church under the
auspices o fthe Lions’ club, with
members of the club providing
transportation to and from Spring
Results of Weekend Election
Elected May 12, #934
Honorary President: Mrs. Walter M. Cook, 2116 N. E. 18th St.
President: Mrs. A. M. Dibble ,2863 N. W. Fairfax Terrace, Portland.
Vice-President: Mrs. George Brice, 3346 E. Burnside St., Portland.
Treasurer: Mrs. L. A. Henderson, 424 John Adams St., Oregon City.
Secretary: Mis. W. B. Shively, 5570 S. W. Menefee Drive, Portland.
Executive Secretary: Earl M. Pallett, University of Oregon.
Executive Committee
Retire 1935: Mrs. H ,B. Fenton, 2207 S. E. 24th St., Portland.
Mrs. Chas. T. Chamberlain, 1231 N. E. 15th Ave.,
Mrs. George Hug. 1805 Fir Street, Salem.
Mrs. D. D. Hobart, 114 S. Perkins St., Pendleton.
Mrs. H. McCall, Redmond.
Retire 1936: Mrs. A. W. Norblad, 71o Grand Avenue, Astoria.
Mrs. T. J. Aughinbaugh, 2405 N. E. 31st Ave., Portland.
Mrs. Jack Spence, 536 Fifty St., McMinnville.
Mrs. George F. Brice, 3346 E. Burnside St., Portland.
Mrs. E .E .Gore, Medford.
Retire 1937: Mrs. E. C. Peets, 2737 N. E. Tillamook, Portland.
Mrs. Roy T. Bishop, 2612 N. E. 15th, Portland.
Mrs. Percy F. Freeman ,1427 S. E. Taylor St., Portland.
Mrs. Ben Chandler, 603 Twelfth Court, Marshfield.
Mrs. E. V. Betts, 2415 Victoria Heights, Eugene.
Local Pioneers Recall Days
Of Stables and Board Walks
Board sidewalks and great trees
lining either side of the street
were some of the scenes of Eugene
25 years ago recalled by Mrs.
Anna Butterfield, a resident of
Eugene for many years, while
spending a few hours at the mill
race home of Aunt Samanthy Dil
lard, one of the most loved pioneer
Oregon mothers, chatting over the
prized memories of yesterday.
Livery stables predominated in
those horse and wagon days, hav
ing since been replaced by modern
buildings. No paved roads; rather
pools of mud or dust in early Ore
gon days, travelers using good old
dust coats. Their thoughts then
turned to Aunt May Walker, one
of the greatest pioneer mothers,
who often slept with her clothing
laying ready to dress at a mo
ment's notice, listening for the
ofotsteps of an approaching man
coming through the night leading
an extra horse for Aunt May.
With herbs and roots, she would
mount the horse and with her mid
night caller would be off through
the trails, to aid the sick or dis
This valiant mother is remem
bered today by men and women
of Lane county as one who gave
a long life of service and love to
them and their families.
“Grandma Johana Hanson, one
of Mrs. Btterfield’s neighbors,
came as a 16-year-old bride to Eu
gene in 1853; a good neighbor and
friend. Mrs. John Stewart, an
other pioneer mother, after an
afternoon spent in sewing and tell
ing of her life in Oregon, filled a
basket with fruit, walked to the
corner with her visitor, and bid
her goodby, saying, “lovely after- j
noon, and no one’s heart will ache
for anything we have said. Be |
over soon, goodbye.”
Other neighboring pioneers in
cluded Oliver Eeeler, I he first i
white man to settle in the state i
of Kansas, before making Oregon
his home. Aunt Samanthy and
Mrs. Butterfield then remembered
the little hand bell J. D. Meyer
used to call the housewives to the
dcor to buy his fresh vegetables, j
As they picked out their vegc- j
tables Mr. Meyers would tell them
all the news he had gathered dur
ing his daily trip about Eugene,
but no gossip!
At this time there were few
telephones except those used in
business, and fewer cars. Inhabi
tants of the town were indeed
proud of the car loops when they
were first installed.
There are still many pioneer
mothers and fathers left, though
the ranks are thinning. When
Uncle Henry Harlow on his nine
tieth birthday, with Aunt Matt,
was brought to Eugene they
talked of the old pioneer families,
and their experiences, topics that
never grew old.
“Beautiful O r e g o n," declared
Mrs. Butterfield, “no wonder the
pioneer fathers and mothers loved
their homeland. May their de
scendants have the faith, the love
and pride of their pioneer people
for our Oregon.”
Under the
Things seem to be moving in the 1
maritime department. "Mr. Bop,”
famed speedboat belonging to
Commodore L. Q. Stoopnagle and
Budd, is high and dry in a shipyard
with a new tailshaft and propel
ler being installed, due to the Com
modore's habit of exploring the!
Hudson river mudbanks. The colo-1
nel is now working on an inven
tion to soften water so propeller'
blades won’t get bent.
Sometimes these two boys are
pretty good, but other times they're j
lousy. Tune in on KSL tonight at
0 for the Camel Caravan, and you I
can hear them yourselves and judge
accordingly; incidentally, Glen
Gray and the Casa Lorna orchestra
are the stars on the program. .You
can always tell when Glen cornea
on the air. You will hear a beau
tiful trombone solo of "Smoke
Rings" with an entrancing back
ground of muted trumpets and low
clarinets. Here is a suggestion;
Leave your dining room doors J
open so you can truly enjoy both
your meal and the music.
* * *
Paul 'A Internal! is preparing a
Varied Recital
To Feature Music
Program Tonight
Pianist and Tenor Accompanied by
Paul Petri Will Appear in
Music Auditorium
Two musicians will again fea
ture a recital, when Kathryn
Orme, pianist, and Charles Joseph
Fahey, tenor, accompanied by
Paul Petri, appear tonight in the
music auditorium at 8 o’clock.
Miss Orme will present a varied
program, with no great concen
tration on any author. Chopin is
favored to the extent of two num
bers, while Beethoven, Friedman
Gartner, Rubinstein and Leschet
izky arc also represented.
Fahey will present an even more
diversified series of numbers, with
numbers from Italian, French, and
English masters. Miss Orme is a
student of Mr. Hopkins, while
Fahey sludies under Paul Petri.
The complete program will be:
Beethoven . Sonata, op. 81a
Kathryn Orme
Giordani . Caro mio ben
Fontcnailles . Obstination
Cadman . Dream Tryst
Charles Fahey
Chopin . Nocturne in B-major
Chopin . Ballade in F-major
Kathryn Orme
Tosti . La Serenata
Strickland . Ma Li’l Batteau
La Forge . O Ask of the Stars
Charles Fahey
Friedman-Gartner .
. Viennese Dance No. 1
Rubinstein. .Barcarolle in G-major
Leschctizky . Arabesque
Kathryn Orme
new program to be known an “Paul
Whiteman’s Workshop.” It is to
feature different composers each
week, wtth programs from the mu
sio of Deems Taylor . Vincent You
man's, and Johnny Green already
lined up.
Morton Downey gets my vote as
the world’s worst radio “singer.”
If any of you kids think of anyone
worse, let me know but tick-a
lock on Guy Lombardo’s brother,
Father Time awarded Pee-VVec
Hunt of the Casa Loma band a big
four - layered cocoanut birthday
cake recently. Number of candles,
* * *
Dance Bands Tonight
6:00 KSL, Wayne Kings.
6:30- NBC, Gus Arnheim.
6:45 KNX, Ted Fio Rito.
8:30 KYA, Tom Coakley.
9.15 NBC, Clyde Lucas.
9:45 KFKC, Earl Hoffman. !
10:00 KJR, Harle mband.
10:30 KFI, Jimmie Grier.
11:00 NBC. Ted Fio Rito.
* * *
Phi Mu had a clever idea for in
troducing the tunes which were
played on their program yester
day. One of the girls answered j
letters on the air, one of them in-J
quiring of her the meaning of j
“love.” She answered something1
like this: “You can’t have love j
without that certain thing." Then:
the Phi Mu trio broke into “With-1
out That Certain Thing." Isn’t i
that a ducky way?
* * *
Alpha Gamma Delta kiddies did-1
n’t have time to rehearse over the,
weekend, so they won’t be on the
air today, but Jack Miller, the j
Emerald-of-the-Air sports report-1
er, will be on hand at 4:30 to dish !
out the dirt on sports.
‘Patronize Emerald Advertisers. ’ 1
Betty Rix-Les Dunton
Get Canoe Race Cups;
Vinson, Lees IVin Also
Leslie Dunton of Sigma hall
and Elizabeth Rix of Alpha X:
Delta were the winning pair in
the canoe race of six heats held
in the Junior Weekend water
carnival. They win permanent
possession of silver loving cups
for their respective living or
Fred Lees of Zeta hall and
Marion Vinson of Alpha Omi
cron Pi were the cup winners
in the swimming races. Later
on in the day the Amphibians
gave a diving and swimming
exhibition; Ladd Sherman gave
high dive demonstrations; and
Wally Hug entertained the au
dience with comic dives.
Oregon Mothers
Pass Work Done,
Plan Coming Year
Executive Committee Holds Two
Sessions; Boyer Outlines
Scholarship Plans
Members of the executive com
mittee of the Oregon Mothers
spent a busy weekend, especially
those on the old and new groups.
Meetings for both were held at 8
o’clock in the morning in the re
gents’ room in John Straub Me
morial building. At the Saturday
morning session the old committee
reviewed and passed on the work
done during the past year, while
the new board, at its meeting Sun
day morning, planned out the work
for the coming year.
The new board Sunday heard
from President C. V. Boyer. An
outline of a plan for scholar
ships for worthy and needy
students, and the mothers were
called on to promote the plan
wherever possible. The plan, in
brief, provides that scholarships
shall be established by service clubs
and other civic organizations in
the various Oregon cities, and
these scholarships given to stu
dents who can qualify. Amounts
for the scholarships and the num
ber, will vary with the size of the
communities and the number and
strength of the civic organizations,
Dr. Boyer pointed out.
urner pnases or me worK.jor
the coming year were discussed at
the Sunday meeting. Each year
the organization is gaining in lo
calities all over the state, and the
various ways in which the Mothers’
groups can work together for the
benefit of the University and their
sons and daughters were discussed.
Saturday the board heard the
report of the president, Mrs. A. M.
Dibble, the treasurer’s report and
minutes of various committee
meetings held during the year.
Definite progress in the organiza
tion was shown by these reports,
and the committee was so enthus
iastic over the work that had been
done under Mrs. Dibble that they
again nominated her for president.
Other nominations, all of which
were later passed unanimously by
the mothers at the mass meeting,
included Mrs. George F. Brice,
Portland, vice-president, and Mrs.
L. A. Henderson, Oregon City,
A report on the University of
Oregon Federation and its work
was made by Mrs. Walter M.
Cooke, Portland, representative of
the Oregon Mothers on this group.
The executive committee of the
federation is composed of repre
sentatives of the Oregon Dads,
Oregon Mothers, alumni, Associat
ed Living Groups, and Associated
Friends of the University. A sum
to aid the federation in its work
was voted by the mothers. Plans
for a pamphlet on the University,
to be issued soon, were also told,
and a sum was voted for this.
These actions were later rectified
at the mass meeting.
Clark Appointed
As Head of Group
Prof. Dan E. Clark, of the his
tory department and extension di
vision, is planning to attend a re
gional committee meeting in San
Francisco' on June 12, where he
will make a committee report.
Professor Clark received word
yesterday of his appointments as
chairman of a sub-committee • on
the survey of research materials
on the Pacific coast, of the social
science research council.
This committee is the sub com
mittee of the Pacific coast regional
committee on research materials
which will meet in San Francisco, j
The purpose of the committee is I
to make a survey of the materials
for research in the field of social
sciences on the Pacific coast.
In the last two years the com
mittee has made some study of the
newspaper files available in the
libraries on the coast. It has also
discussed the problems of encour
aging better preservation of local
archives in the counties and mu
“Fatronue Emerald advertisers.”
President of
Mother Group
Elected Again
Brand Addresses Mass
Meeting of Group
Other Officers, Members of Board
Elected at Annual Business
Session of Organization
Over 100 Oregon Mothers took
time Saturday morning at 10
o'clock to attend the annual mass
meeting, held in Guild theater.
There they named officers for the
ensuing year and heard a number
of talks and reports. Charles A.
Brand, Roseburg, member of the
state board of higher education,
made the chief speech, bringing
greetings from the board.
Mrs. Arthur M. Dibble, Portland,
was unani:-'.rv■ re-elected presi
dent of the Mothers. Mrs. George
F. Brice, ex-president of the Port
land group of Oregon Mothers, was
elected vice-president of the state
organization, to succeed Mrs. W.
G. Hare of Hillsboro. To the office
of treasurer, Mrs. L. A. Henderson,
Oregon City, was re-elected.
Directors Elected
Six directors also were elected
at the meeting. Mrs. H. B. Fenton
of Portland was named for the
short term, to retire from the ex
ecutive committee in 1935. Those
elected for the full term, to retire
in 1937, included Mrs. E. C. Peets,
Portland, Mrs. Roy T. Bishop, Port
land, Mrs. Percy F .Freeman, Port
land, Mrs. Ben Chandler, Marsh
field, and Mrs. E. V. Betts, Eugene.
Standing members of the execu
tive committee include Mrs. Walter
M. Cock, Portland, honorary presi
dent, and Earl M. Pallett, executive
secretary. Acting secretary, ap
pointed by the president of the
Oregon Mothers recently to keep
the minutes of meetings, is Mrs.
W. B. Shively, Portland.
The session was opened with a
short welcoming talk by President
C. V. Boyer. President Boyer par
ticularly stressed the importance
to the welfare of higher education
of the active interest of students’
Brand Gives View
Brand also expressed this V*;*w,
suggesting that the women nomin
ate and elect to office men who will
support higher education. He gave
a concise summary of the work of
the state board during the last
year. He praised President Boyer
as, “a real president, a scholar, a
friendly man, and a straight-shoot
er.” The most recent phase of re
organization in Oregon’s system of
higher education, he declared, has
resulted in a new friendship be
tween the campus at Eugene and
that at Corvallis.
Extra-curricular activities are an
integral part of modern education,
Brand said in explaining why they
were included in a student’s fees.
Routine reports followed Brand’s
talks, the reading of minutes for
the 1933 mass meeting and four
intervening executive meetings
and the annual treasurer's state
ment. With the payment of a
check for $50 to the University of
Oregon Federation and another of
$13 to the Portland Mothers,
$128.55 will be left in the organi
zation’s treasury. Slightly over
$10,000 is in the Oregon Mothers'
infirmary fund.
Report Given
Mrs. Dibble read a report of her
work as president during the last
year. Mrs. Walter M. Cook, repre
sentative of the Mothers on the
University of Oregon Federation
directorate, also read her report.
Klamath Falls activities were de
scribed in an impromptu report by
Mrs. Pearl Drew, president of the
Southern Oregon group.
The work of the University of
Oregon personnel division was told
by Dean Karl W. Onthank and by
Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering, dean of
women, and Virgil Earl, dean of
Volunteers were called for to or
ganize Oregon Mothers in various
places about the state. Among
those who responded with promises
to contact mothers in their home
cities were Mrs. J. M. Lamb, Al
bany, Mrs, W. E. Wright, McMinn
ville, and Mrs. W. L. Martin, Cor
Alison Comisli Chosen
Valedfetorian at l*rovo
Miss Alison Cornish, of Eugene,
sister to Elaine Cornish, freshman
in business administration at the
University, has been chosen vale
dictorian of the 1934 graduating
class ot Brigham Young university
at Provo, Utah, according to word
received Thursday from that insti
Miss Cornish is a member of Val
Norm social unit, White Key honor
sorority, Tau Kappa Alpha, nation
al honorary debating fraternity,
Block Y club and the International
Relations club.
During her senior vear she has
served as president of the Associat
ed Women fetudento.